Saturday, June 23, 2012
Emily & Ellen's Bet Ch. 04
This is a re-write of Emily & Ellen's Bet, originally posted in April of 2011. The effort is part of re-writing the entire continuous story arc of Ellen's Bet > Roberta's Bet > Dani's Bet > Emily's Bet > Ellen & David's Bet > Emily & Ellen's Bet. I re-wrote these stories for two reasons. First, I wanted to clean up some sloppiness in the writing. Second, I wanted to take the six stories, only two of which were planned to any degree at the beginning of Ellen's Bet with the others conceived and added later, and create better internal consistencies, and plot and character consistency, between them. At this point I think a reader could look at these stories as one tale comprising a six-part novel. Emily and Ellen: Emily & Ellen's Bet - Chapter Four Ellen The rest of that day, Wednesday, and Thursday passed quickly with no shortage of tasks to keep us both busy. In the midst of it all we seemed to find each other's eyes from time to time and exchanged smiles. Friday morning came, the 30th of April. We'd both unloaded our purses into our desk drawers and were preparing for a light load of minor tasks that needed to be completed before we took off for the weekend. Emily and I work in a large open-fronted area, an alcove off a hallway just a short distance before a person walking down the hall would reach a huge open room: the land of the cubicles. I had a one-on-one status meeting with the vice president who oversees Emily and me just before lunch. Then we each had a class to give in the early afternoon. None of that would happen, however, before The Visitation. There is a young guy from Legal, about Emily's age, but not the Troll I'd cancelled lunch with the previous Monday to eat at Italian Village with Emily. He seems to have a crush on me. Well, OK, I suppose it's more likely a crush on my tits. He's always trying to maneuver me into taking care of whatever business he needs to transact over lunch. I went along with it once and it cured me from ever doing something that stupid again. He became a convert to the cause of the White Sox as soon as he found out I was a fan, and many mornings he stops by for a moment. He has to make a sizeable detour from the most direct route to his office to do it. He'll either share some work tidbit that could be sent by email with far greater ease, but he usually rah-rahs about the Sox. The attention is hardly anything to report to Human Resources. I fact, I find it harmless, silly, and a little flattering. Emily has a similar problem: a guy from Auditing who has a crush on her, but he's never declared his love so she can let him down easily and be done with it. After learning she's a Cubs fan he can be relied on to make a diversion most mornings, maybe to ask what sort of season she thinks Alfonso Soriano is going to have. I was organizing a few papers when Emily sidled over to my desk and sat in my visitor chair. "So," Emily said casually, "who do you think is going to get here first this morning: legal beagle or number cruncher?" "Geez, Emily," I said, "I haven't got a clue. You never know who'll be first or even for sure if they'll show up at all." I saw a smile flitting across her lips. "So who do you think?" she asked again. I gave her a little grin in return. "Oh, I'd say your buddy's gonna come runnin' for it today. Think he'll ask you out?" "I hope he does so I can tell him I'm still exhausted from the fucking Ian gave me last weekend," she said. "But, you know, I think it's gonna be your guy today." Now I knew exactly where she was taking this. "Wanna bet?" I asked. "Must have read my mind," Emily said. "So, what?" I asked. "OK," Emily went on, giving me the impression this exchange was not entirely spontaneous. "If your guy shows up first I win." "And?" I asked. "You take off your panties and give them to me," she said. She'd anticipated the next question I'd likely ask. "Uh-uh. No trip to the Ladies. You take them off at your desk and hand them to me. We'll go out for a drink after work and I'll give them back to you. No Ladies there either. You put them back on right where we're sitting. If my guy shows up first then I lose and I have to do the same." The butterflies were fluttering now in my stomach, and I was afraid they might fly right out if I opened my mouth for too long. I gave Emily a level look and opened my pie hole just long enough to say, "You're on." I couldn't have stopped myself if I'd tried. We shook on the bet and busied ourselves again, the clock just reaching the point when most employees are in the building and on their way to their work stations. "Hey, I never asked you. Did you see it?" a loud and enthusiastic voice asked, and I knew I'd lost. I looked up at Emily, who had a self-satisfied smile plastered across her face. Then my attention shifted to my admirer who was standing in the middle of the wide opening at the front of our alcove. He took a batting stance and swung an imaginary bat while producing a loud thunk sound with his tongue. "Alex Rios? His walk-off last Saturday? I was in the park." "I was a dozen rows behind third base," I said, and immediately realized perhaps I shouldn't have been so specific. He looked a little crest-fallen: maybe an ego thing because his seats weren't as good. "Quite a moment," I ended lamely. "Yeah, it was great," he said before giving me a little wave and moving on. Emily was able to wait just a few moments before her laughter spilled from her mouth. She rose and walked over to my desk, stopped before me and held out her hand, flexing it open and closed, her fingers spread wide. Shit! I had to do this! The worst part was that I could feel myself getting turned on, the tension and resolution of the bet translating into sexual excitement even though I'd lost. My desk faces toward the hallway, and there's an opening in the front where the leg space is under the desk. I looked up and noted that now there was a lessening stream of employees moving through the hall. One or a couple or a trio together would move past the opening of our alcove every few seconds. I could feel the heat of embarrassment rise through my face and up into my scalp. I looked up again and found the opening devoid of people and began to raise my hips from my chair only to have a couple of women I know vaguely drift by. They looked in at me and waved as I plopped my ass back in my chair. After a couple other small groups went by I just decided to go for it. I raised my hips again and ducked my hands under my skirt at the sides, pushing the hem up lewdly high on my legs. I caught the sides of the waist band of my panties and began to quickly pull them down. "Hey!" a voice boomed. "How 'bout those Cubbies yesterday! Twelve to two at Milwaukee and Theriot was four for five." I froze with my panties in a bunch, if you'll pardon the expression, around my lower thighs just above my knees. "Hi, how are you!" Emily exclaimed, showing more enthusiasm for a visit by the audit guy than she ever has. "Yeah, I didn't get a chance to watch the game, but I heard about it on Sports Center. If they can beat Washington tomorrow they even up at ten and ten." Audit made the same motions and sound that Legal had just moments before. He looked about to move on, much to my relief, when Emily said, "Hey, have you ever met my boss, Ellen?" "No. No I haven't had the pleasure," Audit said, moving into our alcove and advancing on my desk. Emily suppressed a giggle when I skewered her with a look. I quickly scooted my legs under my desk, my rolled up, light blue panties clearly visible just above my knees and my skirt hem still sky high. I lifted my feet up on my toes to keep those visible panties right below the central desk drawer so that Audit wouldn't be able to spy them through the front opening on my desk. "It's Gary, isn't it?" Emily asked. "Yeah, it sure is," Gary said, delighted with the attention. By now he was at the other side of my desk, towering over me, and I think expecting me to stand to greet him. Obviously I couldn't do that, so I extended my hand from a seated position and said, "Ellen Ryan. Pleased to meet you." "Thanks, Ellen. Gary Matthews, just like the ballplayer," Gary said. "Two hundred and some career home runs, and came up just about twenty RBIs short of a thousand," Emily said. We both looked at her. "What?" she said. "He played for the Cubs from eighty-four to eighty-seven." Gary turned the corners of his mouth down to indicate how impressed he was. "Not bad," he said. "Hey, look, I gotta go. Good to see you, Emily. And nice to meet you, Ellen." Then he was gone. Emily had migrated around to sit on a corner of my desk on the side nearest me. When Gary was gone around the corner and back out into the hallway I gave her a slap on her thigh. The hall now seemed devoid of people so I quickly finished pulling my panties down my legs, over my pumps, and off. Emily held out her hand and I deposited them there, thinking about her story of last Friday evening and how she'd done the same with her thong into Marcy's hand. Emily casually held the undergarment up by the sides of the waistband and gave it a little shake to let it fully unravel. "Would you put that away!" I said in a panic. Emily gave me a skeptical look. "Haines Her Ways?" she asked, amusement in her voice. "Really?" "Just wait until you and Ian are married twelve years with three kids," I said. "Now would you put those away? Please?" Emily strolled to her desk and deposited my under drawers in her top drawer. By the time I went to the Ladies an hour later my sexual arousal had dissipated. Although, I have to say it was disconcerting to hike up my skirt to pee and not to have lower my panties. While my bladder emptied my fingers moved toward my clit, but I held back. When my stream ended and I'd finished with the paper I pressed the wadded tissue tightly into my clit. Waves of pleasure radiated from there throughout my body, but I quickly put a stop to those activities before I got carried away. When I was done, out of the stall, and had washed my hands, I turned and looked over my shoulder into the mirror, carefully checking the seat of my skirt for any evidence of my previous arousal. I was relieved to see none. The meeting with the VP went well. I could feel unaccustomed coolness on my vulva the whole time, and caught myself losing my train of thought as I found unexpected arousal seeping into my mind. I was able to master the feeling, and the VP ended up complimenting me on how vivid and sharp my presentation had been. I ate in that day. Emily was meeting Ian for lunch, and as she was about to leave our alcove she doubled back and opened the top drawer of her desk. She deliberately took my panties from the drawer, smiled at me, twirled them in the air around the end of an index finger, and deposited them in her purse. "Almost forgot," Emily said with a wicked smile on her face. "Ian's just gonna love this story!" I felt my face flush a deep red as I watched Emily walk from the room, my underpants in her purse and soon to be the object of Ian's scrutiny: Exhibit A in Emily's tale of her interesting morning. Oh, well. I remembered with relief that, after much good-natured kidding from David, I'd years ago gotten into the habit of trashing my panties as soon as they showed the slightest hint of a skid mark. Whew! By the time I stood up before the audience at my teaching session I was pretty well used to the feeling of being sans panties at work. My situation didn't cause any more awkward moments. Emily and I left work a few minutes early and walked down the block to our downtown bar. As I strolled along the sidewalk I felt sultry because of the nakedness under my skirt. 'Well,' I thought, 'I don't have to worry about panty lines.' The only ripple of discomfort I felt was at the prospect of having to get back into my panties at the bar. I knew the interior of the place well: along one wall a bar lined with bar stools, an open area with tables in the center, off to one side and in front of the large front window some small and high-surfaced tables surrounded by two or three bar stools. Booths lined the other two walls. We walked in and Emily chose one of the high tables before the wide front window, sliding her bottom onto one of the stools surrounding it. I stood at the table and felt panic. The hour was early yet and I don't suppose there were more than a couple dozen people in the place, but still I knew I would be putting on an unmissable show stepping into my panties there. I thought I'd try my luck. I put my hand on Emily's forearm and gave a squeeze. I looked at her pleadingly and just said, "Please?" She let a smarmy smile show and led the way to one of the booths. I slid in one side and hoped she might slide in beside me to provide more cover, but she chose the opposite bench. Well, at least it was better than having to stand in a storefront window and pull on my panties. Emily reached into her purse and pulled out my panties and tossed them on the table between us. I quickly grabbed them into my lap. I supposed there was no time like the present, so I took a quick look at the tables in the open space and across the room at the bar. No one seemed to be paying attention so I leaned over the table and got my hands far down to my feet. It was a bit of a stretch to get my feet and shoes into the leg holes, but in a moment I was pulling the garment up my shins and over my knees. Since I had no audience, I brought my skirt hem all the way to my waist so I could seat my panties correctly. I continued to bring my panties up until I took my bottom off the bench seat to get the back over my ass. "So, what can I get...." said the waitress who'd suddenly materialized as if from thin air at the end of the table. I looked up at her and smiled sheepishly as she looked down with wide eyes at my still full and black rustic medieval woman bush, the waistband of my panties stretched across my front just below those pubes. My face flushed what must have been a deep red, and I quickly finished my task and pulled down my skirt, smoothing it across my lap. The waitress continued with her standard greeting. "Now. What can I get you girls?" We gave her our drink orders and she turned away to get our beverages. She was back in a few minutes with a Guinness for Emily and a Manhatten for me. As the waitress put my drink on a napkin before me she apparently just couldn't resist. She lowered her voice and said, "Haines Her Ways? Really?" After Emily's laughter had finally died away we talked about that day's little betting experience and agreed we'd enjoyed it. We decided more were in order. Even though I'd lost, and had even been busted by the waitress, the thrill of the experience was powerfully in me. After we parted, Emily walking toward the El, my sex was humming as I walked the blocks to our building. When I arrived home the girls were there playing in their room. I got down on the floor and we played with Legos for an hour or so until David arrived home. He exchanged greetings, hugs, and kisses with the girls. Then I came to my feet and gave him a hug and kissed him, pressing my tongue deep into his mouth. "Can you girls play here for a little while?" I asked. "Daddy and I have to talk about something." "More oo-mox?" Christina asked with a knowing smile. "Something like that," I said, and I took David's hand and led him from the room. As soon as I'd heard David come in the door my level of sexual arousal had spiked, and I was now desperate to feel his cock in me. I needed release from the sexual tension I'd been feeling on and off all day. I led David through the living room, down the hall, and into our bedroom. I closed the door and then led him into the bathroom and closed that door. Then I reached up under my skirt and pulled my panties off. The action, similar to the embarrassing act I'd be obliged to perform in the office, heightened my excitement yet again. I hiked my skirt to my waist, turned from David, and bent myself over the vanity. I heard David undoing his pants behind me. "Hurry," was all I could say, and we both heard the urgency in my voice. David's pants and boxers were now down and I could feel warmth as his body pressed into mine. I wiggled my bottom back against him, and I felt the rough texture of his pubic hair against my ass. My God, this was going to be good. I could feel David's penis, somewhat slack, but then it began to firm up rapidly. As he likes to do he fitted his now hard cock into the deep cleft between my buttocks and rubbed it there for a few moments, but my stimulation was too great. I was surprised to hear begging in my voice as I said, "Please, David, put it in me." David was happy to oblige and I felt his cock come down to find my vagina. I was soaked and David's cock slipped immediately deep into me. I groaned at that fullness I love so much. I just couldn't wait. My hand went between my legs and I started to move my clit around and around. Immediately a tidal wave of an orgasm engulfed me, and I felt as if I'd drown as its churning waters battered me and its riptide would not let me surface. Long moments later, I came to know myself again. My breathing was ragged and my bangs were plastered to my forehead by sweat. "Oh, God, David," I managed to mumble. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God, that was good." David was still behind, stroking in and out. "How do you want to finish?" I asked. He slowed his motion. His hands had been on my hips the whole time. Now he pulled out of me and used his hands to straighten and turn me. I looked at his face and he indicated with a motion of his head that I should sit up on the vanity. I scooted my bottom up and onto the surface, and then brought my feet up on the surface too, my knees now up by my face. David quickly moved in toward me and guided his cock to my entrance. He was in me once more and I couldn't resist moving my fingers to my clit again and bringing myself off. Once I'd settled down I brought David's face to mine and kissed him long and hard, my tongue deep in his mouth. As I did this I wrapped my legs tightly around his middle. We slobbered and sucked each other's faces. My need to orgasm was satisfied, and I was happy now to just embrace and kiss David and let him use my body. The situation was unexpected and so exciting for David. He was greatly aroused. He lasted for some minutes, prolonging his pleasure, and my heart was glad to see him so engrossed in his carnal delight. Soon enough he was groaning and his cock began to twitch powerfully with his orgasm. I held his buttocks, pulling him as deep as I could into me. We were soon done and apart, both of us breathing deeply, and deeply satisfied. After a bit more post coitus kissing and embracing I disengaged myself and plopped down on the john to allow David's cum to begin draining from me. David took a step over to me and leaned down, took my face in a hand and kissed me. When he was done he asked, "What was that all about?" "I'll tell you later," I said. 2512 1.65/512345
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