Thursday, June 28, 2012
What Happens When You Cheat
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CHEAT By YASHPAL He couldn't believe the bitch had done this. He kept asking him self why, why the hell would she do this to him. Mark was racing home to meet his best friend Paul. He had to get advice on what he needed to do. He checks his glove compartment it was still there. As he pulled up to the house he saw Paul's car on the street and Veronicas car in the usual spot. He grabbed his briefcase from the back seat as he got out and lock his car. From the walk up he could see Paul and Veronica in the living room conversing. "Hey Paul glade you could make it on short notice" "For you mark I would stop fucking to come see you man" "Really now" Mark said "Give me about ten minuets to shower lets meet in the study" He brushed passed Veronica on his way upstairs. "What is wrong with him" Veronica asked Paul "I don't know I thought as his wife you might" "I haven't the faintest" Ten minutes later in the study... "You might want to sit down for this Paul" Paul was a bit nervous now the only time that Mark used that line was when he fired folks. "Is everything ok Mark" " ... Oh you mean between us yes hell yes but there are other things that involve both of that may not be" He walked over to the DVD player put the disc he had in his house coat pocket in and pressed play. "She is dead" was the only words Paul uttered after the disc stopped. "The bitch will die Paul she will. They will" There was a sharp intake of air from the doorway the men looked over. Standing there was Veronica and Paul's wife Makayl white as ghost. Paul pulled the Berretta from the holster nailed under the desk and aimed it at the girls. Shit Mark had for got to take that gun out of this room so Paul wouldn't use it. The Berretta was not loaded because both Paul and Mark could pull load aim and fire in less then thirty seconds so there was no need. Paul pulled the trigger click Mark sighed with relief. The silencer was not attached to the gun and in their neighborhood the cops would have been there in less then two minuets. The girls took off at high speed. "Why did we go after them again?" Mark asked. "Because I have a evil plan for them before they are killed" Paul Sneered. "Am I hearing you right a plan what plan"... Mark woke up the next morning thinking about the plan. It would take about two weeks to set up if everything went as planned. He and Paul had made an agreement with their wives that the wives would stay at Paul's estate because it is smaller. Mark lived on a farm style house they raised horses, donkeys and white Tigers. Paul was the construction side of P&M Inc. and Mark did all the designing drafting and other stuff. The wheels where in motion and had been for a week. Paul had got called away on an unexpected trip to a new site in Bangladesh. Mark met Paul as planned. "So should I call the girls or will you" "I think that you should Mark I might blow the whole thing" Mark hit the speed dial button for Makayl it rang twice. "Hello" "It is Mark meet me and Paul's with my wife at the farm on our private island tomorrow at six in the morning" He hung up and turned to Paul "are you sure about this man" "Dead certain" He said as he walked up the dock to Marks boat. The Boat trip to the island went well. As they pulled to the dock they saw the girls lying out in the early morning sun. It got to 75 by six in the morning here. "How long do we let they bake for" "give them till nine we should be completely done with the summer house and barn by that time." "Swell well let's get to it then" The set up had taken longer then they had planned. Mark was double checking everything the colt .45 was loaded his Berretta loaded the cam systems were operative. He touched the clear ear piece "Can you hear me Paul" "Yes" "How is everything on your end" "It is a go" "It had better be" Marks heart nearly stopped he had forgotten the Don would be watching this. Shit he thought it was already a sick plan and now to know he was watching the exchange. Mark picked up the pre-paid cell phone he had a bodyguard pick up. He dialed Veronicas number "Hello" "Get your asses to the summer house" "but I haven't had breakfast yet" "I don't fucking care you have five minuets" "or what Mark" "You stupid bitch you know I have the right to kill you you know the family law" "ok ok Mark on are way" Five Minuets later The girls came walking up the steps to the summerhouse. Mark grabbed both of them by the nape of the neck as they walked passed him. He pushed the through the door and into the living room. "What the hell Mark my husband will kill you for this" "Shut up bitch I am right here don't speak for me" "Shit Mark why the harshness babe" "Shut your mouth bitch you lost the chance to call me that" While they spoke Paul began to tie the girls ankles with heavy duty fishing line. Veronica was the first to notice what was going on and she swung and hit Paul in the head. " I would stay you hands if I was you bitch" Paul grunted out. Mark had already let go of their necks. He had tied Makayls hands behind her back. As Veronica balled her fist to swing again he flipped a loop of line over her head. Veronica screamed as he pulled the loop tight around her neck. "Now if I was you bitch I would listen to whatever Paul or myself tell you understood" She didn't say anything but relaxed her body. Mark took twine and secured the loop he had tied then tied he hands behind he back with the rest of the line. There was a gasp of fear form the girls when Paul pulled his knife from its sheath. Mark grabbed the hand-sized sander from the couch and forced the girls to kneel facing into it. While Paul cut the clothes from on girl Mark used the sander to smooth the ends of the line. When the clothing was all gone and ends smoothed Paul left to prepare the rest of the other room. Mark was left to prepare the ladies for what would happen in the other room. First he grabs the Vaginal cream that makes a girl wet no matter what their mood. Kneeling behind the girls he squirts each pussy with a load of cream then rubs it in. "ummmm Mark why are you wearing gloves" Veronica asks. Mark says nothing but claps his hands and the TV they faced turned on. "shit" Makayl mutters "what do you mean shit Makayl' "I recognize this camera work my father top bodyguard did it" "Shut the fuck up you nigger loving sluts" Mark look up from what he was doing to see Paul standing there with his 12 Gauge pointed at the girls. "Just about done" "No I have to give them the enema" Mark grabbed the girls by the line that linked their hands to their neck and hauled them to the restroom. He chucked Makayl in the tub and turned on the hot water full blast. He then forced Veronica to kneel facing the toilet and jammed the nozzle in her ass and released the scalding water. He smiled evilly at Paul as she screamed, "You are fucking brilliant" as he felt the other five water bags "you know it" Paul said. Mark pick up Veronica and slammed her on the toilet when the first bag emptied. He repeated this twice more before he chucked her whimpering into the tub and grabbed Makayl. Once both girls had been emptied and dried of Mark dragged them back to the living room. Once in the living room he made them kneel on the couch and check to see that their pussies were good and wet from the cream. He then grabbed the baby oil, lotion and anal lube squirting more then normally needed on each ass. He knew that Veronica was a anal virgin but until then never knew about Makayl. Both of the girls brown eyes were super tight they relaxed as he rubbed the oil, lotion and lube mixture in. The mix of the three numbed the girls asses and asshole. Mark was done he stood up and changed his gloves throwing the used ones in the fireplace. He grabbed the leashes and attached the to the harnesses Paul and put on the girls. "Crawl bitches or be dragged" Mark growled as he walked toward the kitchen and the sliding door. The girls wound up being dragged with out the use of the hands they could not crawl. Mark dragged them to the butcher side of the barn and tied them like dogs to the post outside. Paul disappeared into the stable side of the barn. "Let me know when you are ready" Paul said over the headset. Mark entered the butcher shop checked the cameras and turned them on. He panned the room taking in what Paul had set up. Seven different cameras all of them aerial view due to the need of the entire floor space, in the center of the room was a hydro-table. The table looked like a smaller modified version of a auto shop car lift. It was surrounded by different homemade fucking machines the first was a 12-inch in length-ribbed dildo that started at an in round and ended at four inches round. The second was also a 12-inch ribbed dildo that started at four inches round and went up to a eight inches round. Likewise the third was 12-inch but this one went from eight inches round to ten inches round. The rest was a sterile white and steel look Paul had removed all the blades and other butchering equipment. Mark walked outside and untied Veronica and dragged her inside. They had planned at first to have both in the room at the same time but Mark said they should start with one in the room and end with the both in the room. Once inside he placed on the table on her back making sure ass hung off the table. He then tied her legs to the posts on either side of the table leaving her spread her to the max. The way the table was made her arms hung through slots in the table while her ass hung in a hole made for anal play purposes. The table left her pussy open for all to see. "Lets do this" he said in his headset. Paul walked in the double doors that separated the stables from the butcher shop leading an white tiger. He lead the animal to the table and placed his nose at Veronicas pussy. "What the fuck is this shit" Veronica shouted. Mark backhanded her into silence then turned back and adjusted the mittens on the tiger's front paws. The tiger was lapping at her pussy like a mad beast when Paul urged him up on the table. It seemed the instant the tiger was on the table her drove his prick home. Veronica screamed in agony, as her pussy was ripped open. Mark turned around and swallowed hard trying not to regurgitate he turned back and knelt under the table by her ass. He grabbed the first machine and placed the tip of the dildo between her cheeks and against her brown bud. While pushing firmly he turned the machines setting to slow and as soon as three inches ripped into her he slammed the gear to full speed. Veronica howled as the dildo ripped her back door wide open. Mark had made the fucking machines and the high gear was a six mile an hour run he pushed and held the turbo button it went up ten miles and hour in and out. The tiger meowed loudly as he released his cat sperm in Veronica's pussy. When his body shook the last time Paul yanked the rope around its neck and leads him back to the stables. Veronica could not speak but her eyes pleaded with Mark. He looked away from her and stopped the machine pulled the dildo out of her ass and moved the second machine into place. Marks eyes nearly fell out the socket when Paul lead the donkey in he was al ready hard and ready his cock was at least seventeen inches long and thick. The donkey didn't hesitate he mounted and slammed his cock into Veronica. She let our a soundless scream and Mark slammed the second dildo in her ass and on high gear. Mark could not watch this disgusting thing happening in front of him he turned around and pressed the turbo button on the remote for the machine. This time Veronica let out a blood-curdling scream that made him and Paul jump. Mark turned to make sure she was alive. She was tears streaming from her eyes and blood dripping off the dildo ripping her back door apart. The donkey He-ha'd as he came in Veronicas pussy. As soon as he was done Paul yank the rope and lead him out. Mark removed the second machine and moved the third one into place. Paul walked in with a 18 hand black racing stallion his cock hard it was at least twenty inches long and four inches around he rammed into Veronica. At the same time Mark slammed the third machine straight to turbo. The Scream she released sent him over the edge he walked out the back door of the shop and around the corner. He doubled over as he ripped the headset off letting his breakfast out on the ground in front of him. "You know you can stop this at any time" Mark looked up to see the only Pertino still faithful to the Don Don Pachino. "I must stay loyal Katrina" "call me Kate and I understand" Mark stood up "why are you here for" "The Don wants my team to clean up the place while you plant the garden" He turned and headed back inside the shop just as Paul was leading the stallion out. He went over and untied Veronicas legs check to see if she was still alive shut off the machine and tossed to the side of the room by the back door. He went outside dragged in Makayl and put her in the place Veronica and been. Mark was attaching machine one to the ceiling above Makayls mouth when shot form Paul's shotgun rang out. Mark finished the last screw and ran out to the stables. "Don't worry mark I shot the donkey and tiger" "why what the hell you backing out" "no I gave the horse a stamina shot we will use him" "Good idea we only have ten minuets before we need to be on the boat" "hey Mark go straight to the second machine on her ok" "ok man" Mark was pressing the dildo to Makayls asshole when Paul lead the stallion to the table he instantly slammed into Makayl and at that same moment Mark slammed the dildo into her virgin ass and pressed the turbo button on the remote, Even with her mouth stuffed with the first dildo machine Makayl managed to scream. The sound was so animalistic it spoke the stallion and he reared back and up which had the opposite affect on his penis, which ripped, passed her cervix's and her womb up into her chest area. Mark stopped the machine and Paul yank the Stallion off the table. As the stallions cock left her blood started to trickle from her pussy. "Get them on the Boat and start plugging her up Paul" Mark grabbed the rope from Paul and lead his prized stallion to the stables. He lead the poor horse to his stall got him inside pulled his .45 out placed it to the horses temple closed his eyes and pulled the trigger all six times. Turned to see Katrina tears streaming from her face he tossed her the .45 "Load that and keep it" he said choking back tears. By the time they got to the drop site Paul and filled both girls with concrete and super glued tape over the mouth pussies and assholes. Their lungs still functioned so he had left the noses open so they could breath. Mark stopped the boat and went to the mini tar pit and hit the heat button. Paul brought the girls over ten minuets later. Mark grabbed them with a machine by their hair and dipped them in the tar. The tar cooled hard to the touch in two minuets he and Paul then draped them with heavy steal and led chains. They then stood them on the edge of the portside of the boat. Mark went first he grabbed the sledgehammer and swung and Veronicas head full force. Her head snapped off and flew out into the ocean as her body toppled over the side of the boat. Paul was next with out hesitation he swung lobbing Makayls head. After they were told they had six hours to be in the Dons office and they had shut down they cameras and the headsets. Mark walked in the galley to find Paul doubled over retching and sobbing. "What the hell is wrong Paul" "What the hell is wrong" Paul sobbed out angrily "What we did is what has me like this' "Dude it was your plan" "I had to say it was" "what do you mean" "it was the Dons idea I would have just shot them that day you showed me the film" "Paul how long did you know this was going on" "just before you got in the shower the Don told me and told me what to do about it" Mark just stood there not breathing for awhile. "I just got off the phone with Katrina she said Makayl was his daughter is this true' "Yes that makes it worse" "how long did you know you were married to his daughter" "Not long I wanna kill that bastard why couldn't I just have killed her or divorced her" "I can help you kill him' Mark moved aside to allow Katrina in the room. 7737 1.18/512345
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