Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Two Wrongs Can Make A Right !!!!!
TWO WRONGS CAN MAKE A RIGHT!!!!! By TLMat My name is Dan Jacobs and this is how my life turned upside down, all because I like to read erotic stories. It started back when I read my first Penthouse, the forum letters; I was in my early teens and thought back then that those stories were all true. We all learned later most of them weren't. I still remember the first story I read, it had to do with a husband watching his wife while they were having a threesome with a friend of theirs, after reading that story I was hooked. Anyway I enjoyed reading them and still do, I just do most of my reading online these days, I never dreamed of the trouble that they could cause. Let me give you brief description of us, I'm forty-five years old, about six feet tall, dark red hair, blue eyes and about two hundred twenty-five pounds when all this started. I'm a supervisor/machinist at a machine shop, I've been there since I graduated high school. My wife Julie is forty three years old, five feet five inches tall, light red hair, blue eyes and is about one hundred and twenty pounds. She works as an office manager for a retail outlet, she's been there for about ten years. Neither one of us looks our age because we've always stayed active and kept in pretty good shape. Now to my story. I was sitting at the kitchen table having a beer after work on a Friday afternoon in the beginning of April when my wife came in and said that she had something really important to talk to me about. She started pacing back and forth wringing her hands. "Honey," She said," I was on the computer a couple of months ago and stumbled onto the websites that you go too. You know the ones with the all the different sex stories. Is that where you got the fantasy of watching me have sex with another guy?" To spice up our sex life a little I'd often pretend that I was someone else and tell her I was going to fuck her while her husband watched. Then he could have his turn when I was done, just a little fantasy role playing, I never meant for her to take it seriously. She went along with me whenever I did it and it seemed to turn her on during our lovemaking, I never thought she would ever consider having sex with someone else, boy was I wrong. I choked on my beer and when I did I think a little came out my nose. "Yea, that's where I got the idea from, I thought it would help put some zing back in our lovemaking, but I never said it was a fantasy of mine to watch you with someone else, why?' I asked. "Well I've been reading them for awhile now, and to tell you the truth they turned me on, and they've gotten me to start fantasizing." She said. I said," That's the idea; erotic stories can be a big turn on. Imagining doing the things the people in the stories are doing. Then maybe doing a little pretending in the privacy of our own bedroom" She was still acting really nervous and I had no idea why. "Did the stories get you thinking about sex honey?" I asked with a grin on my face. I thought I was going to get lucky and maybe she wanted to do a little pretending of her own and that was why she acting nervous wondering if I'd go along with it, boy did that idea get shattered in a hurry with her next statement. "Yes they did," She replied, her next statement came out in a rush. " So much so that I've decided to make your fantasy a reality. I've taken a lover, he's a black man and his cock is a bit bigger than yours and a little bit thicker as well. Not much bigger, just a little. We had sex the other day, I thought that he and I should do it without you there the first time to see if I liked it; and boy did I. There I said it" "What the fuck did you just say? You're joking right? You had sex with a stranger?" I yelled at my wife of twenty-two years after I managed to pick my jaw up off the table. She stopped pacing and looked at me with a serious expression on her face and said," No Dan, I'm not joking. And no he's not a stranger, I wouldn't do that, what kind of a person do you think I am? I wouldn't take that kind of chance, I don't want any diseases." As far as what kind of person I thought she was, I didn't think she was ready to hear what I thought at that moment. "You're having an affair? You're telling me you're fucking someone else, someone you know? Who the fuck is he and how long has it been going on?" I yelled. "I knew you'd react like this, I knew it." She yelled back. "I'm not going to tell you his name until you promise not to do anything stupid. As for how long, we just started having sex this week and we've only done once so far." "And that's all it is honey, it's just sex, just fucking for fun, no emotional attachment. The feeling I get from it is so deliciously naughty. Those stories are right on the money, when I'm doing it with him I feel so wicked and slutty. And just like in the stories when he started cumming in me I had a huge orgasm!" She said a little more calmly trying to reason with me, hoping to defuse my anger. I set my beer down on the table and put my head in my hands. She came over to me sat on my lap and put her arms around me and hugged me. "I told you about it now because I didn't want you finding out from one of the neighbors that they'd seen a strange black man leaving our house; you needed to hear it from me first and not one of them." "You're fucking him here, in our house, in our bed? I stammered. "Well of course silly, where did you think I'd be doing it, in some seedy motel? I thought I'd be more comfortable and less nervous here in our bed." She replied. This was getting to be too much for me, up until a few moments ago I thought I had a pretty good marriage. I could feel my temper beginning to rise. That's my bed too I was thinking. What gave her the right to fuck someone else in our bed? She could tell I was angry and getting angrier. " I don't know what your problem is; I got the idea from the stories YOU seem to like to read. And I'm telling you now because I LOVE YOU and want you to be involved; after all it is your fantasy." She said testily. "Let me get this straight. You think it's my fantasy to be in the same room as you and your lover; and watch while the two of you fuck?" I asked her. She gave me a condescending smile like she was explaining something to an idiot. "No that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I want you to be an active participant; it wouldn't be fair to you if all you got to do is watch. When he and I are done you get to have me. That's how you describe it while you and I are having sex, my lover does me first then you get to have me when he's done. I'm hoping someday after you get to know him that the two of you will do me at the same time, but only when your ready." She said. "Wait a second," I said. I was remembering two nights ago it, Wednesday night, how she seemed like a different person in the bedroom since that night. I had to know, so I asked her," Did you fuck him on Wednesday?" She said," Yes I did; that was our first time together, why do you ask." All of a sudden I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. She saw the color drain from my face. "What's wrong sweetheart, you don't look to good." I was remembering I spent a good forty-five minutes eating her pussy that night and now I find out that she'd been fucking her so called lover that afternoon and she'd just said that she'd let him cum in her pussy. I stood up suddenly and she fell off my lap onto the floor on her ass. I looked down at her sitting on the floor and screamed at her," You fucking disgusting bitch. You let me eat your pussy the other night after letting some strange guy dump his load in you, I got his sloppy seconds?" "No, no, no. I douched really good before you got home so you wouldn't be getting any sloppy seconds. I love you, you're my husband, I wouldn't do that to you, I swear." She said nervously as she stood up and brushed off the seat of her pants. "Well you can call your lover right now and tell him you won't be seeing him anymore, your one and done with him or we're all done as husband and wife. I won't be getting anyone's sloppy seconds." I said still yelling at her. "No I won't, I liked it and I intend to keep doing it. You can either join in and participate or not, it's up to you, after all it is your fantasy." She said nastily yelling back at me. " Fine if thats the way you want it then I'm out'a here. I'll go and pack and be out of the house in no time at all; then you can do whatever the fuck you want." I said angrily. "Can't we talk about this? I don't want you to leave. I love you. I don't want this to come between us. Look what it's done for our sex life already, you said the last two nights have been some of the best sex we've had in awhile." She said. "That was before I found out you fucked someone else then let me lick his cum out of your pussy afterwards. You were probably thinking of him the whole time we were making love too." I shot back. "You didn't lick any of his cum out of me, I told you I douched out really good so that there would be nothing of him left in me and no I was not thinking of him while we were making love, I was thinking only of you." She said with a hurt tone to her voice. "You think it matters that you fucking douched before I went down on you? You were with another man and let him cum in your pussy then you let me go down on you." I yelled at her because she obviously wasn't getting my point and I had to keep repeating myself. "I'm getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it." I said. By this time I had gone up to our bedroom and started throwing things into a suitcase. She was standing there in our bedroom doorway teary eyed looking at me. She said," Your not really going to leave me over this, you love your family to much to do that, you won't throw it all away over this. I know we can work this out if we just sit down and talk about it like two adults" She thought sitting down and talking about it would make everything better and keep me here and letting her do what she wanted, well she was about to finding out how wrong she was. I wasn't too worried about our kids, they are both young adults our daughter is twenty and our son is eighteen they could handle our break-up. I love my kids and I'd do anything for them but at that moment I hated her and what she'd done to us and our marriage. I finished packing and started toward the door, she wasn't moving aside to let me by. She was standing there looking at me, disbelief written on her face. " You're the one that threw it all away by cheating on me, now get the fuck out of my way or I'll move you." I said the anger evident in the tone of my voice and the look on my face. "You're really going to leave me over this?" She asked as she moved out of my way. "Yes, I'm really going to leave you over this. Are you really that stupid to think I'd stay here with a wife who's cheated on me and wants to continue cheating on me, and expects me to go along with it because she thinks it's my fantasy? Well fuck you, I'm not going to share you with another man and be happy getting your sloppy pussy afterwards. That has never been a fantasy of mine." I said. "Your not second fiddle to anyone and never would be and you wouldn't be getting a sloppy pussy either I'd make sure of it I promise. Why can't you understand that? You're my husband, you'll always come first I swear. It's just sex; it's got nothing to do with love. I don't love him, I LOVE YOU; I make love only to you." She said. I had walked down the stairs and toward the garage where my truck was parked. "Well if it's just sex you won't mind giving it up for the sake of our marriage." I said, trying one last time to get through to her. She said," Yes I would mind giving it up. The feelings I get are indescribable. I have never had such powerful orgasms before, they leave me feeling weak." "Well then we have nothing left to say to each other. You love me, but not enough to stay faithful to me." I said. She tried a different approach when she saw I wasn't changing my mind. "But I'm doing this for you." She said, "I got the idea from the stories you enjoy reading and what you describe to me during our lovemaking. I thought you'd want to join in, that it would turn you on to watch me with another man." "Those are just stories and we were just pretending in the bedroom, I never said that I wanted to watch you fucking someone else and then fuck you myself when he was through, and you never asked me if I was serious about it. You never talked to me about it and asked me how I would feel watching you having sex with someone else. You just went out and got yourself a lover and started fucking him figuring once you were already doing it and then you told me about it I'd happily go along with you. I never got the chance to say I wasn't interested in sharing my wife with another man, you made the decision for me and it was the wrong one!!!" I said. "I don't understand,' she said as she started to cry, "It's not supposed to be like this your supposed to want to be involved. This is what I thought you wanted because of those stories I read and the way you talked, I thought it was your fantasy." "No this isn't about what you thought I wanted or about any fantasies I may have had which you've never asked me about anyway, it's about what you want," I said, my voice still raised. "You just fucking assumed that I would go along with YOUR fantasy because of the pretending I've been doing in the bedroom and the stories you've read. I like reading stories about having two women at the same time, but I didn't go out and find another woman to bring into our bedroom and fuck our bed, did I? Apparently you skipped over those stories and focused on the ones that turned you on. How would you feel watching me fucking another woman in our bed, would that turn you on?" I asked her. She looked at me shook her head no and said," No, I don 't think that would turn me on at all." "There you have it then, you want to fuck someone else while I watch thinking that I'd be turned on, but wouldn't want to watch while I fucked another woman. And I'm not the one giving you the ultimatum here, you said your going to keep doing it whether I like it or not. Well I don't like it, and I choose not to be involved with it. So you and your new lover can FUCK anytime you want. But be warned, if our kids find out what you're doing they'll hate you not me for breaking up our family. It's good that I don't know his name because right now I'd be tempted to find out where he lives and go beat the fuck out of him." I said as I threw my stuff in my truck and climbed in and started it up. " She said with conviction in her voice," You'll be back, I know you will, as soon as you calm down and start thinking straight you'll see that I'm right, that what I'm doing won't hurt our marriage, only improve it and our sex life." I said," In case you haven't fucking noticed, we don't have a marriage anymore. I'll be by tomorrow and pick up some more of my stuff." I put my truck in gear and backed out of the garage and left her standing there. I called my best friend Jake and asked him if I could spend a few days at his place. He said sure and asked why. I told him that Julie and I were having some problems and I needed to get out of the house before I did something I would regret. Jake and I have been friends since we were both in high school. I was good with my hands and he was smart with the books he went to law school and I got a job in a machineshop as milling machine operator. We saw each other on weekends and did our share of partying, thats where the idea was born about us getting a place of our own. While he was still in school he got a job with a local Attorney, thats when we got together and bought a house figuring that we could each make some money if and when we sold it. I married Julie the year he graduated and he went full time with the Lawyer he was working for. I sold him my half of the house so I could make a down payment on one for Julie and I. When I got there he let me in he saw the suitcase in my hand and said," Your old room is still available, you know where it is." I headed down the hall and entered my old room putting my bag on the dresser. I unpacked some of my stuff then took a shower and crashed on the bed. As I lay there I kept picturing my wife fucking another man and I couldn't seem to get the picture out of my mind. I tossed and turned all night. When I woke up the next morning I could smell the coffee brewing. I got dressed and headed down the hall to the kitchen. Jake was at the table sipping his coffee and eating a muffin. I poured myself a cup and grabbed a muffin as well and sat down at the table with him. He asked," So, you want to fill me in on what's going on between you and Julie? That suitcase you brought tells me your not planning on going home real soon." " I don't really want to talk about it, but I guess I should." I said. So for ten minute's I told him of our conversation of the night before. " "You're shitting me right?" he asked. "I wish I were, I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do Jake, I won't live in the same house with a cheater. I sure as hell don't want to be involved in her fucking fantasy, and she already said she wasn't going to stop." I said. "Well Dan as your friend and your lawyer my advice is for you to go home. If you don't you look like the bad guy if you decide to divorce her." he said. "But she's committing adultery, doesn't that mean anything, doesn't that make her look bad?" I asked. " It would if you had proof, but as of right now you only have her telling you that she's done it, and that isn't proof." he said. "So what kind of proof are we talking about here," I wanted to know. "Pictures would be good, some audio would also be a big help, anything where she implicates herself." he said. " Fine I'm heading over there in a little while to get some more of my stuff, I'll bring my mini recorder and see if I can get her talking about how she's going to be fucking some else." I said. "If you can get something like that we can prove grounds for divorce, custody of the kids won't be an issue because they are both adults under state law, there won't be any child support as the kids are eighteen and twenty, no alimony because she has a full time job. You may have to pick up some of the kids college tuition though. But everything else will be split fifty-fifty" he said. "I can live with that" I told him. I'd turned my cell phone off after leaving the house because I didn't want to be disturbed by the slut. When I turned it back on to call the house there were ten voice mails from Julie wondering where I was and when I was coming home, I listened to the first one then deleted the rest. When I called the house Julie answered the phone. She said," Where the hell are you and where have you been? I've been worried sick all night, and how come you didn't return any of my calls?" I said," I doubt that you were worried at all. It wouldn't surprise me to find out you were with your fuck buddy last night while I was gone. And I didn't return any of your calls because I didn't want to hear your fucking voice. I'm coming over there to pick up some more of my stuff; I'll be there in a little while." "Dan you're being totally unreasonable. Why don't you try it once before you decide you don't want to do it? I promise that if you don't like it, I won't ever do again, we'll go back to the way things were. I'll even agree to let you bring another woman into our bedroom for fun and games." she said pleadingly. Whether she realized it or not she basically said she'd give me my real fantasy of two women if she got hers of two men. "What the fuck don't you get, I don't want to watch someone else fucking my wife even once, I already told you that. And the fact that you've already gone out and fucked someone else and said you liked it so much, I couldn't trust you to keep your fucking promise, you'd be out doing it behind my back and I'd always be left wondering; and I won't live like that. And I never said I wanted another woman in our bedroom, I was happy with the one I had. So things could never go back to the way they were, you've already seen to that." I said. "Like I said, I'll be by in awhile." "OK, we'll talk more when you get here, then we can discuss this like two adults." she said. "Don't fucking count on it." I said as I hung up. I went back to my room, shaved and brushed my teeth, then went out to my truck. I reached into the glove compartment and got out my little tape recorder and made sure the batteries weren't dead. I set it to voice activation and put it in my pocket. It was a little over an hour before I got to the house. I had to take care of some errands before I went to collect more of my things and break the bad news to my kids if either of them were home. I canceled our joint credit cards and I made a stop at the bank and withdrew all of our savings, it wasn't much but it was something. I left two hundred dollars in the checking account and took the rest. I went to the bank down the street and opened new accounts for both. When I pulled down the street I saw a strange car parked in our driveway. I pulled out my cell and dialed the house; Julie picked up and asked where I was. I asked," Who's car is that in our driveway?" She hesitated then said," A friend, why? Where are you? I don't see your truck." "A friend of who." I asked. Dodging her other questions. "Dan, it's the man I told you about, the one I had sex with, he's here and I want you to meet him. I want you to get to know each other," she said, "then you'll see he's not a bad guy and maybe you'll agree to try doing it once." I said," No fucking way I want to meet the guy who's fucking my wife. If I see the motherfucker I know I'll do something I'll regret. I'll come by some other time to get the rest of the things I need. You two can go fuck yourselves, BYE." I hung up the phone and drove on past the house and back to Jake's. About five seconds after hanging up it started ringing, I checked the caller ID it was the whore, I let it go to voice mail, there was nothing left to say. The bitch tried to set me up to meet her fucking lover, like I'd meet him and we'd be best bud's and I'd say to him, go ahead and fuck my wife I'm OK with it. The following Saturday I called the house and didn't get an answer. I was hoping Julie had gone out for awhile. I headed over to the house and as I pulled up the street I saw only Julie's car in the driveway. Well, maybe I can get the stupid bitch to confess on tape today. I pulled in the driveway next to her car and shut off my truck. I pulled out my mini-recorder and checked it again put it in the pocket of my windbreaker and zipped the pocket shut. I thought that because the material was thin that it would pick up our voices and turn on. I entered my house through the front door. I closed the door and headed down the hall to the kitchen thinking I may run into someone there. I never heard the guy sneaking up behind me. All of a sudden I was grabbed from behind in a bear hug, pinning my arms to my side. I was struggling pretty hard trying to break lose but wasn't having any luck, the bastard was strong as hell. I managed to hook one of my legs behind his and push back. He lost his balance and fell taking me with him. He never lost his grip on me when we hit the floor, him on his back with me on top of him. I was rolling from side to side and I thought I had almost broken his grip when his partner came into the room and joined the struggle. It was over pretty quick after that, the second guy got a nylon tie wrap around my ankles and pulled it tight so I couldn't move my feet. Once he did that they both got me onto my stomach and got my hands behind my back and tie wrapped my wrists together. It finally dawned on me to start yelling hoping a neighbor might hear and call the cops. One of them pulled out a roll of duct tape and slapped a piece over my mouth. We were all on the floor breathing hard from the struggle, I was glad I wasn't the only one huffing and puffing, they had to work hard to get me down and keep me down. After they rolled me onto my back the first guy poked me in the chest and said," Listen motherfucker, we ain't here to hurt you so you just be cool understand?" The two of them could have been football players they were so big. They were about 6' 4" maybe 260 lbs each. I thought I did pretty good to last as long as I did. They picked me up, one guy under my arms and the other guy holding my ankles. They started taking me up stairs to the second floor. I waited until we were halfway up the stairs then I pushed as hard as I could hoping to knock the guy holding my ankles down the stairs. He lost his balance and started to go down, but he didn't let go of my legs. I thought that the three of us were going down together but the guy holding my shoulders sat down on the stairs and held on while the other guy regained his balance. After he regained his balance he leaned over me and smiled. He said," Nice try man, nice try, I respect a man that don't quit, or don't know when to quit." They finally got me up the stairs and headed for our bedroom. As we reached the bedroom I got my second wind and started struggling again. I was squirming and thrashing around making it hard for them to hold on to me. All of a sudden I heard Julie yelling at me to stop struggling before I hurt myself. My first thought was that they had her too. I heard someone tell the guys carrying me to put me in the chair they had set up and make sure I couldn't move. They sat me down and used the wraps to tie my legs and arms to the chair. It was one of the solid oak ones from our dining room. The worst thoughts were going through my head at that point. I thought that they were burglars and that they were going to rape my wife or hurt her in some way if I didn't co-operate. Where were the kids, I hoped they weren't here when the burglars showed up? After the football players were done securing me to the chair the guy behind them said," Thanks guy's, we should be all set now, you can get going." When they turned to go I saw Julie sitting on our bed next to a black guy. She was wearing her sexy silk robe; he was in nothing but his boxers. I could tell Julie was naked under her robe, her nipples were clearly visible and hard as little erasers and because the robe is rather short I could see her clean shaven pussy. She got off the bed and came over to me and squatted down in front of me. She said," Honey, I'd like you meet Jackson, my lover." The name rang a bell with me and all of a sudden I knew who he was. Julie had mentioned last year that her company had hired a new VP for their marketing department, Jackson something; I couldn't remember his last name. I noticed that his build was similar to mine, muscular but going a little soft due to lack of exercise. I looked at him sitting on my bed in just his underwear and at that moment I wanted to do him and her serious bodily harm. He smiled and waved at me and said," Nice to meet you Dan, Julie's told me a lot about you, like your fantasy to watch another man please her. Well I'm more than happy to help you out." My wife put her hands on my face to get my attention. She said," I know what you're thinking; I can see the look on your face. You hate him and probably me as well for doing this to you. But you'll feel differently after I've made your fantasy a reality." I was shaking my head at her trying to tell her no, but she wasn't paying me any attention. She kept on talking saying," You left me with no choice honey but to do it this way, you know. You totally refused to listen to what I was telling you, that you'll always be my one true love and my number one, that this is just sex." I was still shaking my head at her, trying to get her to realize I didn't want this, and not to do it. She said," All I asked was that you try it one time for me, but you refused to give it a chance to work. So instead of you sitting there all comfortable and watching, I had to resort to forcing you to watch. And then when Jackson and I are done I'm going to prove to you that my having sex with someone else won't hurt our relationship only make it stronger, by making wild passionate love to you, my husband.' She kept talking while I was shaking my head at her," So now you're going to sit and watch Jackson and I have sex taped to a chair. Then when we're done it'll be our turn, yours and mine just the way you describe it to me while we're having sex. By the way don't worry about the kids coming home accidently; they are both at friend's houses for today and tonight. One more thing before we get started, I thought it would be nice for you to have a memento of the occasion so I'm recording it for you." I looked around and saw the camera set up on the tri-pod in the corner of the room where it was capturing everything. I don't know what the fuck she was thinking recording it, or what he was thinking letting her do it. Maybe she had him convinced everything would be ok and this was how I wanted it, I don't know. With that said she stood up and went over to the bed untied her robe and let it fall to the floor. Like I knew, she was naked underneath it. She climbed onto the bed next to her lover. They started kissing passionately, their hands caressing each other. After a few minutes of some heavy kissing and petting Julie broke away from him. She got between his legs and slowly lowered his boxers down. When she got them down far enough a thick black hard-on popped out. She looked at me and winked and said," Look at the size of it honey." After she got his boxers off she dove straight for his cock and started sucking him. She positioned herself on the bed so she could look at me while she was doing it. She started off sucking him slowly, one hand on his shaft pulling, while she was bobbing up and down on him. She'd worked on him for about ten minutes when he reached over and grabbed her hips and maneuvered her pussy over his face. He started giving her good licking, I couldn't see what he was doing but I saw the effect it had on Julie. She was grinding her cunt on his face and moaning the whole time she was sucking his cock. She had several orgasms while riding his face. After about ten minutes in the sixty-nine position he grunted and said," I'm going to cum baby, yea here it comes, here it comes, swallow it baby, yeaaaaaahhh." As he started cumming in her mouth she started swallowing his load and having a powerful orgasm of her own. I thought she was going to tear his head off, as she was cumming she was grinding her pussy into his face and she had her thighs clamped tightly around his head. When she was done cleaning his cock off she looked at me with his cum running down her chin onto her chest and licked her lips and said," Now that he's shot that first load he'll last longer while he's fucking me." As they lay there resting Julie kept fondling and caressing his cock and balls until he was hard again. Once he was ready she got on her back and spread her legs wide so he could enter her. She looked over at me and asked if the view was OK. I was staring at a point on the wall over her head and had been since they started, I'd tuned them out. Watching them would have only made me angrier and in my situation it wouldn't have done me any good. She reached between them and grabbed hold of his cock and lined it up with her pussy while still looking in my direction. I could see her frowning at me wondering why she wasn't getting any kind of reaction. Once her lover started sliding his cock in her she forgot all about me. He stroked her slow for a couple of minutes, then he put her legs over his shoulders and started really fucking her hard. He fucked her in that position for quite awhile. She was moaning and grunting every time he buried his cock in her. She started screaming," OH SHIT, OH SHIT, 23805 1.47/512345
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