Monday, June 25, 2012
Lady's Black Luv'n
Lady's Black Luv'n (m/f, i/r, n/c) by Black Demon _______________________________________ Standard Disclaimer! This is a fictional story intended for Adults only! ______________________________________________ ************ *********** Note: The story below is a story in itself. However, it is also a direct continuation of the earlier story entitled: Terrified Teacher IV *********** *********** This story along with all other Black Demon Stories are now enhanced with pics at Black Demon's free story site: *********** *********** At the age of 30, Elaine Roberts comforted her two young daughters as they settled into their new home. Moving across the country and settling into a new location naturally gave everyone in the family some degree of apprehension but it was a big promotion for Dave Roberts. Dave had mentioned to Elaine the possible promotion and indicated he was a bit hesitant as it would disrupt the entire family due to the need to move across country. But Elaine eagerly encouraged her husband to accept the position if offered, telling him it was a chance of a lifetime for him. For Elaine, the move was quite a welcome, though she had to leave the many made at the school she had last taught at. Though she enjoyed teaching the youngsters at the school and got along well with all her fellow teachers, one horrid event had shattered her innocence and had led her down the path of depravity. She had been raped and ravaged by the school's janitor, a black man, right upon her desk in the very classroom where she taught the children each day. Thus, she harbored a secretive ulterior motive in wanting her husband to get the promotion. That horrid event had nearly destroyed Elaine totally as she felt so soiled and unworthy of continuing to be a wife to her loving husband and mother of their beautiful young daughters. So ashamed of her violation, she had not reported the crime nor disclosed her dreaded secret to anyone, not even to Dave, afraid that he would shun her and no longer even want to even touch her soiled body. What had happened to her that awful day had changed her life completely, her thought processes and how she looked upon life. Having only been intimate with Dave, surrendering her virginity to him on their wedding night, Elaine was quite distraught at the thought of the filthy janitor forcing himself into her womanhood. Her vile rapist had been so much more well-endowed in comparison to her husband and the man had hurt her when he forced his monstrous black cock up into her. 'Oh, God ??????.I still don't believe he actually managed to force that big a ?????a penis ??? me!' Elaine recounted as memories of the pain associated with the rape came back to her. 'Gosh ????? hurt so badly ????so much more than when Dave took my virginity!' she shuddered. 'Why? But ?????.why? Why did I have to respond like that? Why did my body betray me ??????.giving me the most wicked orgasm ever?' she asked her herself guiltily. 'I'm so glad I convinced Dave to accept the promotion, getting me away from there!' Elaine told herself. Breathing a sigh of relief in her new home, Elaine realized that she was now free from all the demons that haunted her daily. Free now ????.from her anguished mind and most of all ????.free from the clutches of the man who had violently raped her. After that eventful day, Elaine had lost all sense of values and morals that she had treasured all her life, finding herself searching to once again experience such a mind-shattering orgasm. Closing her eyes, Elaine shuddered as she thought back to the day when she had gone to the office and requested some help at the end of the school day, knowing that the janitor also assisted in custodial jobs at the school when heavy items needed to be moved. That afternoon, alone in her classroom once again with the man who had raped her, it was obvious to the grinning man as to why he had been summoned to assist her. Pretending to bend over to fill a box near her desk, hearing the custodian enter her classroom and closing the door behind him, Elaine then got to experience that much sought after mind-shattering orgasm once again. This time, with her hands bracing herself against the edge of her desk with legs widespread, Elaine was taken like a bitch in heat. Fifteen minutes later, body well-sated, Elaine panted to regain her composure alone in the privacy of her classroom. Lacy white panties, caught at her heels, were widely stretched toward the breaking point. Oozing out of her well-fucked and sated cunt, Elaine could feel the man's thick spunk slowly flowing down the insides of her thighs. Though not on the pill and this being a dangerous time of the month for her, it didn't matter as Elaine had soared to the much sought after orgasm. Getting several tissues from her desk drawer, she then wiped the drooling spunk from her thighs. Elaine could recollect that day so vividly, going home with her panties sopping wet with the custodian's thick cum and then greeting her husband with a kiss when she had entered their home. Changing into her normal shorts and blouse before cooking dinner, she had not changed her cum soaked panties, feeling so wicked to be sitting next to her husband at the dinner table with another man's vicious cum still drooling out of her. Throughout the remainder of the school year, Elaine had succumbed countless of times to the devious custodian who seemed to have a powerful hold over her body. One particular night stood out in her mind, the evening of the end of the school year's open house for parents. On such occasions, due to the shortage of parking, her husband dropped her off early at the school and then picked her up after it was over as the teachers stayed a bit late to clean up. When the open house had come to a close and the parents had left, Elaine had told her fellow teachers and principal that she'd stay a bit longer to clean up her classroom that night. She assured them that she was fine as her husband would be coming to pick her up in forty-five minutes and that she would lock her classroom door for safety. Later that evening, Dave drove up to the empty school with his daughters in the back seat and saw the lights on in his wife's classroom. Smiling, he told his daughter's "Okay ?..let's go and call Mommy!" Driving up through the schoolyard, Dave then parked right outside of the classroom, next to the cement walkway. Getting out of the car, along with the girls, Dave knocked on the door as the girls yelled out "Mommy ??.mommy!" Then Dave heard his wife's voice call out "Coming ????.be right there!" A moment later, hearing the clicking sounds of his wife's high heels upon the classroom floor, the lights of her classroom went off and turned it into darkness. Then the door opened and he was greeted by a kiss from his lovely wife. As no one was around except the girls, Dave pressed his lips up against Elaine's soft creamy lips, pushing the tip of his tongue between her lips. He felt his lovely wife tense up a bit, being out in a public area, then she relaxed against him as her lips opened to admit his exploring tongue as she teased him with hers. What Dave didn't know was that when his lovely wife had called out in response to their arrival, she had just pulled her lips off the custodian's cock that she had been avidly sucking upon. That during the minute they stood waiting outside of her classroom door, the custodian had wrapped his fingers in her long silky hair as he began spurting his thick jizz into her gulping mouth. Dave would certainly have puked his guts had he known that Elaine's lips were so creamy on this night due to the lowly custondian's spend and that he was getting a good taste of another man's vile cum. Now far away across the country, Elaine was determined to start fresh and resume being the faithful wife and devoted mother she had been just a year earlier. So far away, she would no longer be tempted by the man, who had gained such a powerful hold upon her both body and soul. Still, Elaine could not stop thinking of such mind-shattering orgasms she had soared to as she clenched her thighs together to quell that nagging itch between her legs. Getting a teaching position at a school a few miles from her home had been quite easy, especially with the recommendations from her former principal and the credentials she had. Although Elaine could have gotten a district exception for her daughters and have them educated at the school she taught at, both she and Dave felt it best that they attend the school in their own district that was located only two blocks from home. They could walk with the other children in the neighborhood to school and then attend the after-school care till either she or their father picked them up. Six months after the move, Elaine was very happy at the adjustment the girls had made, doing well in school and making new friends in the neighborhood. Elaine was also very happy in devoting herself to her loving husband, knowing deep down that she was trying to make up for her past indiscretions. True, that first time she had been raped and ravaged beyond her control but not the times that followed. Elaine enjoyed the lovemaking with her husband but still something was definitely missing. The elusive mind-shattering orgasm that had only been achieved when with the muscular custodian could not be reached in bed with her husband. The previous night, after Dave had fallen asleep, she had crept downstairs and locked herself in the guest bathroom. Prior to entering the bathroom, she had opened the refrigerator and retrieved the large cucumber, the one that had reminded her of the custodian's endowment. Holding her legs up in the air and spreading them wide, Elaine then fucked herself to a much-needed orgasm. But once the pleasure was over, Elaine felt quite guilty and chastised herself for the illicit thoughts and weakness in succumbing to the need to resort to such a nasty thing. Going back into the kitchen, she wrapped up the large cucumber that was now soiled and slimy with her love juices. Then she buried it deep in the kitchen trash, getting rid of the shameful evidence that had just brought her pleasure. Though they had lived in a similar suburban neighborhood as they had just moved from, the city was so much bigger, making the move seem like they had just left a small town. Elaine and Dave had taken in some of the sights that the city had to offer when time permitted between getting the girls settled and both of them getting set up in their new job positions. As the principal had asked her to coordinate the upcoming spring pageant, Elaine readily accepted the challenge. Wanting to rent some nice costumes from the school's supplier, Elaine was told that the supplier had quite an assortment to choose from. Some of the costumes could be found online but in calling the supplier, Elaine learned that so much more rental items existed at the warehouse that weren't put online. As the supplier was only open on weekdays, she would have to do it after school one day. At dinner that night, Elaine asked if Dave could pick up the girls from the after-school care on his way home from work as she planned to go down to the costume facility right after school. Thinking that she'd probably be late getting back, she also asked her husband to pick up pizza for dinner and to start without her should she be late. Elaine explained to Dave of the pageant that she was in charge of and that a fellow teacher was going along to show her the location of the warehouse. Immediately after school let out the next day, Elaine and a fellow teacher were to go out to the see the costumes. But her fellow teacher, who had been to the location before, came down ill just after lunch. Picking up the city map, determined to find her way and not wanting to cancel the appointment, Elaine made her way out of the school's parking lot to head off towards the city. Not realizing just how much traffic there was at that time of the day, unable to get into the right lane to make the turnoff, Elaine was forced to continue on till the next off-ramp before making her way back. But after getting off at the next ramp, to her dismay Elaine found there was no onramp going back at this location. She swallowed in nervousness as the seediness of the neighborhood was taken in. Glancing about, Elaine found herself deep in a neighborhood filled with blacks, not seeing one white person among the dozens of people walking about. Driving about for a bit, Elaine finally came to the conclusion that she was totally lost. Looking a her watch, Elaine gave a sigh of disappointment, knowing that she'd have to come back a different day as the warehouse was scheduled to close in fifteen minutes. But more troubling to her was the fact that she had no clue at all as to where she was and hesitated to stop in this rundown neighborhood to ask for directions. Then, nearing a rundown service station, Elaine observed an elderly black male attendant hanging up a gasoline hose as a car pulled out from the pumps. As the man was working at the service station, Elaine slowed and pulled up into station next to where the man was standing. "Sir! Excuse me ?????but could you give me some directions ????.I'm a bit lost!" she asked nervously. As the man bent toward her open window, Elaine shivered as the man's smiling black face neared. Looking up at the man, she then noticed his eyes drift downwards. Elaine then realized that he was eyeing up the sight of her thighs and legs that were exposed to his view. Amos Wright, at the age of 62, was the owner of this rather small rundown service station that sat at the edge of this god-forsaken part of the city. Seeing this beautiful white woman in her nice shiny BMW, Amos knew right off that this pretty lady did not belong in this part of the city and was obviously lost. 'Damn, she sure is purty!' he muttered to himself. "How can I help ya, little lady!" he responded as he eyed up her sexy white legs. The obvious lust in the way the old man ogled up her legs had Elaine totally unnerved as she panted to catch her breath. "I ????.I ?????please ??.??..could ??.could ???..could you direct me back to the city?" she stammered. With the map folded up in her hand to the general location, Elaine fumbled with it and opened up the map, using it to cover up her exposed legs. Streetwise from his wild younger days, Amos had grown up as part of a gang, then had moved on to drug dealing as well as being a pimp. Now in his sixties, it had been many a year since he had a young pretty woman and none he ever had could compare to this beauty in the car. He could sense her nervousness, especially when she had caught him eyeing up sexy legs. The way she was panting told him that it was not just being nervous but that she was in 'heat' for some black luving. When the map had been opened up and spread out, covering the sexy legs from his view, Amos chuckled to himself in knowing that it had been purposely done. Moving his hand toward the map that the beauty was holding, Amos purposely brushed up against her soft manicured hand, causing her to drop the map to her lap. Continuing to move his hand forward at the pretense of pointing out where they were, his finger was now upon the map pressing it down upon her thigh beneath it. Frozen to the driver's seat, unable to move an inch, Elaine clenched her thigh muscles in an attempt to stem the flow of juices that now began to leak into the crotch of her panties. Elaine shuddered as she watched the man's coal black hand before her, his finger pointing at the map as it pressed down onto her thigh. Not hearing what the old man was now saying to her, Elaine watched as the man's finger moved along the map, then off the edge of it. "Ahhhhh ???????ahhhhhhh!" Elaine gasped as the rough callused hand disappeared under the map but she could feel it now upon her bare thigh. "Please ???.please ??????oh, pleaseeeeeeeeee!" she shivered as the hidden hand caressed her inner thigh as it slowly moved up towards her now sopping wet panties. "Oh, God ??????oh, God ??????..oh, Goddddddddddddddddddd!" she shuddered as the finger that had earlier been tracing a route on the map was now tracing a route up the length of her pulsating snatch over the crotch of her wet panties. Amos then boldly advised "Ya look all flush and bothered, ma'am! Why don't ya come in and fresh'n up a spell! Come in and join 'ol Amos for a cold drink! I ain't had a purty little thing like ya stopping by in years! I'd sure be honored having a purty beauty like you come in and chat some!" Then, adding pressure to his tracing finger, he pushed a bit of her wet panties into her juicing pussy. A moment later, with the elderly attendant opening her car door and assisting her out by the elbow, Elaine stood on shaky heels as her legs felt like jelly. Then, realizing her keys were in the car and being left unattended, Elaine stammered "My ???? keys!" With the strong hand at her elbow escorting along, the elderly attendant's gruff voice gave her some reassurance "Don't ya worry about yer car, sweetie! Nobody messes with any cars parked here, cause they know old Amos will cut their nuts off if they do!" Entering the rather dilapidated interior of the old service station, Elaine's heart was pounding madly in her chest as she watched the old attendant lock the door and turn the sign around to indicate that the station was now 'closed'. Then the man turned, a big smile on his face as he advised "Ya don't want to waste time chit-chatting over a cold drink, do ya, sweetie? Ya want some black luving, don't ya? Don't ya worry ???.old Amos still got what ya need up between those purty legs of yers! Here ???.give it a feel!" As the bold attendant drew her hand over to him, Elaine sucked in her breath as her manicured fingers came into contact with large bulge protruding from the man's greasy overalls. Indeed, this old fellow had certainly not exaggerated at all as Elaine squeezed upon the hardened bulge and began to trace the length of his manhood. 'Oh, God ??.it's so bigggggggg ????so longggggg! So much bigger than Dave's!' Elaine thought as she clenched her thighs together. Amos felt his cock grow even harder under the soft touch of this beautiful woman. Then he grasped her petite hand and pulled her along through the doorway leading to the service bay of the station. Pulling the lever to the lift that was situated below the frame of an old rusty pickup truck, Amos raised it up about four feet in the air. Amos then escorted the beauty who now appeared as if in a trance as he pulled her to the open truck bed that was filthy and covered with dirt. But he sensed that this sophisticated beauty was not here looking for luxury but instead would much prefer being fucked senseless and dirtied. Taken to the back of the open truck, the gate no longer there due to its age and rust, Elaine felt the attendant's hands lifting her at her waist and sitting her upon the dirty truck bed. Then callused hands were up under the hem of her dress and pulling at the waistband of her lacy white panties. As she pressed her hands down onto the dirty truck bed to lift herself up a bit, the skirt of her dress was pushed back, then her panties drawn down her over her hips. Looking down, Elaine saw her rolled up panties pulled to her knees, then allowed to fall down her hanging legs and off her heels to fall upon the grimy garage floor. With the front of her dress flipped up to her waist, baring her sex to the elderly service station attendant, Elaine saw the look of lust on the man's face as he licked his salacious lips in anticipation. Panting in anticipation, she wondered what her loving husband would say if could see his so-called prim and proper wife sitting with her bared ass upon the filthy truck bed of a dilapidated pile of junk with an old service station attendant peering down at her bared pussy. As the strong callused hands now caressed her trim legs, then moved to her knees to push her legs widespread, Elaine stared down as the elderly attendant's head delved down to begin his tasty feast. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ??????..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Elaine threw her head and gasped loudly. Body shuddering uncontrollably, Elaine grasped the back of the man's kinky head as she swooned and fell back prone onto the dirty truck bed. "Ohhhhhhhhh ??????..ohhhh, Goddddddddddddd!" she moaned as the hungry man slurped at the thick juices oozing out of her horny twat. Fingers clutching at the kinky peppered hair, Elaine crossed her trim legs over the man's head and locked her white heels together as she arched up to feed the slurping mouth more of her sweet juices. "Oh, God ???????oh, God ??????yes ?????..yes ?????..oh, eat me ?????eat meeeeeeeeeee!" she cried out desperately for relief. "Yes ?????yes ?????God, yessssssssss ????.I ?????I'm cummingggggggggg ??????.eat meeeeeeeeeeee!" Elaine screamed as her body shuddered uncontrollably in a mind-shattering orgasm. Licking at the juices smeared over his face, Amos savored the sweet honey that this young pretty thing had just fed him. 'Damn, that's some prime eating stuff! Juiciest piece of white meat I ever tasted!' Amos mused as he reached up to undo the buttons down the front of her pink dress. As the sexy beauty was still settling back down to earth after skyrocketing to that mind-shattering orgasm, Amos got all the buttons undone an undid the belt around her waist. Amos then pulled at the once immaculate dress from under the bared beauty, getting her to lift her butt up a bit to remove the dress from under her. Reaching up, he peeled the straps of her lacy white bra from her shoulders, lifting one arm and then the other to withdraw each of them from the garment. Next, Amos licked his lips as he reached up to pull the bra cups down to reveal the twin pink capped beauties. With the bra down at her waist, Amos turned it about to get at the clasp and unclipped it, pulling from her and tossing the garment behind him onto the greasy floor. Looking at the sexy young beauty lying dazed and sprawled out on the dirty flat bed of the twenty year old pickup, Amos reached down to gently lift up her left hand. He grinned with great satisfaction in seeing the sparkling diamond ring and wedding band that adorned her petite hand, wishing that her white boy husband could be here at this instant and viewed his 'faithful' young wife. Moving up along the outside of the truck, Amos then reached over to grasp the beauty at her upper arms and encourage her to assist "Scoot up a bit, sugar!" Amos smiled as the classy woman, this prim and proper young wife, did as he asked and scooted herself up along the dirty bed of the pickup. Quickly, Amos began divesting himself of his overalls, tossing his boots and socks aside and then crawled up on the bed of the old pickup to stretch up alongside the beauty's soft succulent body. Bending his head, Amos sucked in a tender pink nipple, teasing with his tongue to feel it immediately harden in his mouth. Harder he sucked upon it, rolling in about in his mouth, nipping it gently with his sharp teeth. Then he paid homage to its twin beauty, hearing the beauty beneath him moan with pleasure. Cock rock hard and ready, Amos couldn't wait any longer to sink his aching cock into this beautiful young wife. Knowing that she was the prized possession of some white boy made this conquest even that much sweeter. Lifting his head up to look down upon the sexy young wife, Amos watched as she panted in heat as he pressed the bulblike cockhead up against her horny twat. Seeing her steeling herself for the penetration, Amos guided his thick cockhead up and down the sensitive slit, making the young wife plead "Please ??????..oh, please ?????..pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee ????????.put it in! Put it in me! Fuck me ?????fuck me ??????.fuck meeeeeeeee!" Horny as hell, Amos managed to hold himself back a bit longer, wanting to taunt this sexy little beauty. As she grabbed his hips, trying frantically to encourage him to bone her, Amos twitched his pulsating cockhead against her wet slit and tauntingly asked "Ya a lonely housewife bored with looking at the four walls, sweetie? Came out here slumm'n ?????.looking to get yerself laid?" Then to his surprise, the panting beauty responded "No ???? ?????I ?????.I'm a ????..a teacher! I ????.I teach third grade students! I ????..I got lost out here! Pleaseeeeee ??????please ?????put it in me!" "Purty little schoolteacher wants Amos to put his big 'ol black cock up yer tight little pussy, huh! Purty teacher got any children of her own?" he asked. "Ta ???..two ?????.I have two young daughters!" came the stammering reply. Chuckling, Amos pushed the tip of his bloated cockhead between her splitting lips, snickering "I ain't got no rubbers with me, sweetie! But ya don't care, do ya? Ya don't care if old Amos knocks ya up, do ya? Gonna fuck a little black bastard up that tiny belly of yers, sweetie! Gonna give yer daughters a little playmate to help take care of!" "God ?????oh, God ?????please ??..??..please fuck me ????.fuck me with your big black cock!" Elaine begged frantically. Grabbing at his hips, arching herself up to get his cock to fully penetrate her, Elaine pleaded "Fuck me ????.fuck me please! You don't need a condom! I don't care ????..I don't care ????..just ????..just put it in me ???pleeaseeeeee!" Then, feeling the bulblike cockhead push and spread out her cuntlips as the head was enveloped in her cunt, Elaine sobbed loudly "Knock me up! Knock me up! I don't care ??????.just fuck me!" "Aieeeeeeeeeeeeee ????????..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Elaine squealed with delight as the elderly service station attendant pushed in slowly, feeding her his fat cock. "Oh, Goddddddd .?????so goodddddddddd ??????.so gooddddddd! Yes ????yessssssssss ?????.deeper ??????..deeperrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Ahhhhhhhhhh ??????.yessssssss ????.fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she screamed as the foot long dong plowed deep down into her fertile womb. "Damn ???????God damn????.yer so fuck'n tight, baby! Yer skinning my cock alive ???????ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Amos groaned from the pleasure/pain of the tight penetration even though the slick juices aided greatly in getting his cock in her. If he hadn't known that she had two little girls already, he'd have thought that she never had a cock up her tight snatch ever. Feeling her trim legs wrap around his waist as the beauty locked her heels over the small of his back, Amos reared back and thrust his big black bone into the arching beauty. Back and butt rubbing against the dirt and tiny pebbles on the dirty truck bed, Elaine found it so much more pleasurable than if this old man and taken her into a comfortable bedroom. This is what she really wanted, what she had craved for, to be taken and fucked brutally in dirt and grime. Elaine couldn't believe the prowess of this elderly man, who's cock was now deeply buried within her, giving her the fucking that she needed so badly. Meeting the old man thrust for thrust as he speared her with his lengthy cock, Elaine spurred him on with her heels, clawing frantically at his broad back with her sharp nails. "Oh ?????good ?????? goodddddddddddd!" she shuddered as Amos gave her the best fucking ever. Squeezing her cunt muscles around the big black bone, Elaine could hear the squishing sounds coming from their union, like that of a well-oiled machine as she was now being slammed and jackhammered down onto the truck's bed. Squeezing her legs across the old man's back, Elaine pulling her heels towards her, trying to pull him even deeper into her. "Ohhhhhh ????.yes ?????yes ????.deeper ????deeperrrrrrrrr!" Elaine moaned as her experienced lover pumped the length of his thick cock in and out of her gushing hole. "Yes ?????.yes ?????..oh, yessssssssss ??????..fuck me ???????.fuck meeeeee!" she moaned as Amos rode her. "Yes ???oh, yes ?????..yesssssss ????fuck me ?????..fuck me ????..I ?????..I'm cummingggggggggggg!" she screamed as her body shook uncontrollably in a mind shattering orgasm. Grasping her soft assheeks in his hands, Amos buried his bone deep into the sexy white beauty, then shuddered as his cockhead bloated and began belching out his thick but still fertile seed. This was the best fuck that he'd had in over twenty years, not being able to recall anything so fantastic as nailing a beautiful white bitch like this ?????so sexy, beautiful, and married! The added thought of maybe getting the pretty bitch knocked up with his baby sent Amos over the edge as he groaned "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, baby ??????..ahhhhh ???????God ???????.I hope I knock ya up, bitch! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Moments later, cock wilting in the warm wet nest, Amos lifted himself off the passed out beauty. Needing time to recuperate, Amos stepped off the back of the pick up, leaving the lovely beauty asleep on the truck bed with thick cum oozing out of her well fucked cunt. Thinking quickly, knowing that such a sexy young wife would hesitate coming out to this part of the city again, Amos stepped into his clothing and went out to her car. Opening the driver's door, Amos found a full set of keys still in the ignition. Seeing a housekey on the ring, Amos rushed across the street to the hardware store. There he made a copy of the housekey before returning back to the station. Going back into the BMW, he opened up the glove compartment and got out the registration. Writing the information down on a piece of paper, Amos now had the residence address of Dave and Elaine Roberts. Most importantly, in Amos' pocket was the key to the privacy of their home. Back in the station, relocking the front door, Amos began shedding his clothing once again. Returning to the service bay, he saw the white heels sticking out from the open back of the pickup, indicating that the lovely beauty was still sprawled out just as he had left her. Peering at the dozing beauty, Amos felt his cock rise to the occasion once again. Never had he seen such a beautiful woman wanting to be taken in such a way, wanting to be fucked in a dirty and grimy place. Hard as a rock, Amos wanted to be certain that this lovely woman got what she needed, that of being fucked in a manner never before experienced in her life. Back up on the bed of the truck, kneeling between the trim sexy legs, Amos looked down to see the layer of dirt that covered the back of the truck. With his hand, Amos brushed the dirt up into a small little pile and chuckled at his devious thoughts. Scooping up some grime and dirt into the palm of his hand, Amos chuckled as he wrapped his dirty hand around his stiff cock. Looking down, pouring dirt onto the still clean portions of his cock, Amos made sure it was covered thoroughly with a layer of dirt. Then, shuffling up between the trim white legs, Amos got back into position. This time, it would be something new for Amos also, taking great pleasure as he was about to fuck the unsuspecting beauty with his dirty and grimy cock. "Ohhhhhhhh ????????ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Elaine stirred as the thick cock was reintroduced into her sloppy cunt. Once, in the early part of their marriage, her husband had put on a novelty condom with tiny rubber knobs and hair like fibers on it. Feeling the cock that now penetrating her reminded her of that novelty condom that had driven her wild. Little did she suspect that the agitation she felt on the walls of her pussy was due to the foreign substances of dirt and sand-like pebbles. Amos slammed himself forward, plunging his dirty cock into the sexy beauty, causing the pickup to shake dangerously atop of the hoist. Over and over, he nailed the lovely beauty was she withered upon the filthy bed of the pickup. "Ya been dying for some good black meat, haven't ya, sweetie? Hubby can't satisfy ya, huh, sugar? But ya got a 'real' man in your horny twat now, baby!" Amos chuckled upon hearing her sharp intake of breath each time his dirt covered cock rubbed up and down the sensitive walls of tight pussy. The wild fuck session, coupled with the unusual stimulation in her pussy, sent Elaine climbing the walls as the dilapidated pickup rocked back and forth upon the hoist. "Oh, Godddd ?????.oh, yessssssss ?????..fuck me ????fuck me like the bitch I really am!" Elaine moaned loudly, her fingers digging into his muscular arms as she tightened her legs around his waist. "Harder ????harder ???..oh, fuck me ???.fuck me hard!" she groaned, drawing him closer and deeper. "Yessss ??..oh, Godddddd ????..ahhhhhhhh ???..I ???..I ????.I'm cummmmminggg!" she screamed in another wild orgasm as the thick cock burst deep in womb once again. Hours later, as she brought her car to a stop in the garage, Elaine swallowed as she wondered just how she could slip into the house without Dave or the children noticing her dirty dress. Elaine shivered as memories flooded her mind as she recalled being eaten out and fucked twice on the dirty bed of the run-down pickup truck. Before she had departed the service station, the attendant had pushed her onto a kneeling position in the service bay and got her to clean off his dirty cock with her mouth. Seeing cum drooling down the old man's cock that was streaked with dirt, Elaine had then looked down upon her thighs to see the messy mixture oozing out of her well-fucked slit onto her inner thighs. Realizing that the devious old man had just fucked her with his cock covered in crud, Elaine had shuddered in revulsion and humiliation. Then she took the filthy cock into her mouth, licking and sucking off the dirt and grime that covered it. Her slipping in and attempting to make her way to the master bedroom without drawing attention to herself was all for naught when her youngest daughter yelled out "Mommy ????..Mommy ?????.you're all dirty!" "Yes ???..Mommy slipped and fell down after school today! Mommy has to change and put on some clean clothes now!" she lied as she hurried off to her bedroom. In the privacy of the master bath, Elaine prepared a powerful douche to cleanse out the old man's sperm, hoping that she would not be faced with the dire consequences of such a forbidden mating. But it would take more fluid than just the douche to wash out all the dirt and sandy particles that also clogged her fertile womb. In bed that night, Elaine cringed with pain when her husband playfully snuggled up close, reaching over to cup her left breast through her cotton pajama top. Her slight gasp, along with her shuddering body, fooled her husband who mistook it for a gasp and shiver of pleasure. Elaine gritted her teeth as Dave rolled her bruised and raw nipple as it rose up to his touch. Earlier in the bath, Elaine had examined her tender breasts, observing the bruises and hickeys left by her slobbering old man as well as the tiny cuts left upon her nipples by his sharp teeth. Feigning body aches from her 'fall', Elaine managed to put off her horny husband till another night. She had not lied as her pussy ached something awful when she had relieved herself before going to bed, realizing that the rubbing of the sandy pebbles along the walls of her cunt had obvious scratched the inner walls that now burned when she had urinated. Elaine wondered just how long it'd take before everything healed up before she would be able to make love to her husband without it being so painful. Though memories of that day flooded her mind that night, Elaine made a resolution to herself that she would never go into that part of town again ????ever! Little did she realize that the old service station attendant was in his own bed at that very instant thinking of her and making plans on paying a visit to her home. End of Story. 12986 1.69/512345
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