Wednesday, June 27, 2012
The Perverted Present
The Perverted Present by Susanna's Husband There was a time last summer when my wife Susanna and I were plagued by threatening phone calls from a former associate of mine. In order to get the evidence on tape, we purchased a cheap telephone recording system. Fortunately we were never forced to use it, since the issue was resolved and our phone number changed. As a result, the equipment was tossed in a corner and eventually forgotten about. Until last week, that is. While rumaging through my workshop I found the equipment and began playing with it. Just for the fun of it I hooked it into our telephone line and used an old reel to reel stereo for a tape recorder. About that time something more important came up and I abandoned the project, once again forgetting about it. A few days later I found it again and having lost interest in whatever I was thinking about I disassmbled everything and begain rewinding the tape. With the tape speed set to slow, this old deck was capable of recording between 5 and 6 hours on each tape. Just for the fun of it I stopped the tape and hit play. The first thing I heard almost caused my heart to stop. It was the unmistakable sound of my lovely wife moaning with pleasure. Her breathing was heavy and the sexy sounds of her apparently masterbating were incredible. "Oooooooooooooooooohh yesssssssssssssss, baby," she moaned, "Give it to me loverrrrrrrrr, mmmmmmmmmmmmm yessssssssssss." "That's it baby," a vaguely familiar male voice urged. It too was was throaty and breathless, "Just think about this nice big dick sliding in and out of your pussy... I'm fucking you baby, fucking that soft wet pussy of yours!" Wholly shit! I thought to myself. Susanna was apparently having phone sex with someone! This was certainly something I wouldn't have expected. With my dick stiffening up nicely in my pants I wondered how much I'd missed and why the damned thing didn't catch this conversation from the beginning. But since stroking my cock felt too good to concentrate on much else, I continued to listen. Naturally I couldn't help wondering with whom she was conversing. It took ten minutes and two climaxes to figure it out. After they had both reached rather vocal climaxes, there was a short pause as each caught their breaths. Finally it was the man who broke the silence. "Damn Suze," he panted, "That was incredible!" Instantly I knew who he was. He was the only man I knew that referred to her as Suze. It was our family friend from Atlanta, Maurice. "Ummmmm," she purred, "It would be even better if you were here, Mo." For those of you who havn't read these stories before, Mo is the married black friend of ours who first seduced Susanna roughly two years ago in the back seat of his Buick while I and his wife Teresa drove home in the front. It was the first of two such encounters with him, the second coming early the following morning while the rest of us were supposed to be asleep. Of all the adventures that Susanna and I have shared, and granted, there hasn't been many (four times in the past three years), Mo was the only one that really bothered me. To this point it was the only extramaritial encounter that seemed to go beyond sexual content. Susanna once told me that intercourse with Mo was practically a religious experiance, explaining that their bond was somehow more than just sexual. It was as if their souls had touched. Needless to say, that revelation made me a little uneasy, this despite her insistance that she still loved me. In later discussions she admitted that she would someday like to be with him again, however she was afraid to do so because in her words, she was "afraid she would like it too much." "So when will you be back in town?" she asked him. "It won't be for at least three or four months," he replied, "Can you get away?" "No," she sounded almost disappointed, "Besides, I don't want to do that again." Do What? I wondered. "Yes you do," he appeared to correct her, "You want this dick just as much as it wants you." "I know, but..." "But nothing. You ever had a better dick inside you?" "That's not the point," she insisted, "I'm not gonna lie to get it. I can wait, I've waited before." "Shit baby," he laughed, "You ain't gonna wait! You're just gonna call one of your other lovers!" "What other lovers?" "You can call that one ugly brother with the big dick, what's his name? Johnson? How many times you fucked him anyway?" "I don't know, a couple of times maybe." Again I was shocked. I only knew about once. And that was on New Years Eve back in the year 2000! "A couple of times my ass," Mo scoffed, "He used to bang you at work didn't he? Hell, you're probably the only good looking white woman he's ever fucked." "No," she corrected, "I've introduced him to a couple of my friends." "But he always comes back to you doesn't he Suze? That's because you are hot! H-O-T hot! Face it, your body was made for fuckin' and you just can't get enough of it! That's why you like fuckin' black dudes, because they know how to turn you on! They know how to fuck!" "Please Mo," she stated quietly, "Don't use that word so much, you know what it does to me." "What word? Fuck? You getting turned on again or what?" "I just --" "Damn, I love it when you get horny. You want to fuck right now, don't you baby?" "Y - yes, I really wouldn't mind it right now." "Well, call your hubby, he'll come home and fuck you a couple of times. Better yet call that Johnson dude, he'll fuck you all afternoon. Hell if I could, I'd drive up and fuck you myself." "Ohhh Mo," she half-whispered, "I wish you could." "Could what, baby?" "Drive up here." "And..." "You know..." "No, I don't," he played coy, "What would you want me to do?" "Fuck me," she whispered seductively. "Oh yeah?" "Yessssssss," she purred, "I wish you were fucking me right now. Fucking me with that big black dick of yours." "Tell me..." "Ummmm," Susanna moaned, "I love to fuck. Fuck me, lover, please fuck me!" "I wish I could," Mo replied, "But you're gonna have to call someone else today." "But...." "No buts. If you wanna get fucked, you gotta call somebody. I'll give you one hour, Suze, when I call back you'd better be fuckin' like the whore you are." "But..." she started to protest as the phone clicked dead. For several seconds I sat in silence wondering what in the hell I had stumbled onto. Could all this really be true? Could my lovely wife actually be doing these things behind my back? Until now I believed that she and I had shared everything, including the occassional flings. Take Johnson, for example, as far as I knew it had only happened once between them. According to what I'd just heard, it had obviously happened on several occassions. Even at work! It was also painfully apparent that she and Mo had been together more than I realized. Had I helped awaken a sexual demon within Susanna? Anxiously I let the tape run for several minutes. I never did hear my wife call any of "her other lovers." Either my tap was hooked up wrong or she was using her cell phone to call out. It could also have been that she wasn't calling anybody at all. After what seemed like forever, I heard another exchange. "Hello?" Susanna answered. "He there yet?" Mo answered. "No." Click. Apparently the voice activation wasn't working right, otherwise the recording would have stopped until another call came in. Instead there was a long period of silence. Occaissionally I would fast forward, careful not to miss a possible call. After what I would guess to be about a 45 minute gap, I again heard a voice. "Hello," Susanna answered, her voice somewhat deeper than usual. "Anything yet?" Mo asked. "Uhhhhhhh huhhhhhhhhhhh," she moaned sensually. "Who is it? Johnson?" "Y-Yessssss." "Put the phone down and give him your pussy," Mo instructed, "Let him fuck you, Suze. Let him fuck your hot little body while I listen." "Oh yessssssssss," she panted, "He's fucking me right now, baby! Ummmmmmmmm, feels soooooooo gooooooooooood! Ohhhhhhh fuck!" Sure enough, Susanna was screwing someone. Aparently in our bed. My cock stiffened again as I heard her moaning with pleasure. The bed springs were squeaking with an unmistakable rhthym as they began to pick up the pace. Occassionally I would hear Mo grunt or pant "Yeah Suze, give it to him! Fuck him good!" or something of that nature. This continued for about 15 minutes or so until I heard the guy tell my wife that he was about to come. Susanna panted that she was almost there. "Suze! Hey Suze!" Mo said loudly as if trying to get her attention. I could hear the phone fumbling on the night stand. "Wh -- What??" "Let him come inside you, Baby! You're already pregnant, he can't knock you up!" From that exchange I never heard a responce from Susanna. All I could hear was the sound of a copulating couple having what sounded like an amazing climax together. Needless to say, I shot my own load clear across the work bench. Within seconds the telephone went dead. Dazed and confused, not to mention sexually spent, I rested for a moment as I attempted to gather my thoughts. Although I was hurt by what I'd just heard, It was powerfully erotic. The thought of listening to my wife having promiscious sex in our very own bed was both exciting and frightening. And was she really pregant? More importantly, who pray tell, was the father? At this point I wasn't sure how to proceed. Fortunately Susanna's playful voice on the tape brought me back to my senses. "You think we fooled him?" she asked. "Well," Mo laughed, "I'd have to hear the final product, but it sounded good from this end." "I just hope he finds it. He'll probably just rewind the tape and toss it in the corner." "Nah," Mo disagreed, "He's a voyuer, he'll check it out." "Well, thanks for helping," she concluded, "I'll let you know how it goes." Now thoroughly confused, I heard a noise behind me. I quickly stuffed my pecker back into my pants and turned to find my lovely wife Susanna standing by the door with a huge smile on her face. In her left hand was a cassette tape. She popped it into a cassette player on the shelf and immediately the room was filled with the sounds of a couple having sex. "Mo was right," she laughed, "You are a hopeless voyeur. Merry Christmas Sweetheart!" Needless to say I was in shock. Playfully she approached and removed my half hard erection from its hurriedly hidden state and began stroking it. "Did you enjoy our performance?" she asked. "It sounded real," I replied. "It wasn't," she kissed me, "I would never do that to you in real life. It was just a perverted Christmas present." "So you're not pregnant?" "No, but I can get that way if you want me to." On that note I carefully unzipped her slightly tight-fitting slacks. I then slipped them and her lacy black panties over her hips and down her legs. I kissed her soft lower belly and moved down to her snatch. "If you really want to," I stated, "You can be with Mo next time he comes up." "They'll be in town after the first of the year. He's bringing his wife, so you and her can get together too." With that Susanna guided my member into her soft, tender vagina. With the erotic sounds of some other couple still playing on the cassette player, my wife and I made love right there in the workshop. It was a strange but effective Christmas present indeed. One that we would no doubt utilize again someday. 6406 1.40/512345
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