Saturday, June 30, 2012
Family Friend
Family Friend -- Paul's Story Let me see where to start. I guess I will start with describing my beautiful wife. Cindy is in her late 40's, about 5'8", a bit heavy (but Dr. Adkins and us are working on it!), and with the most fantastic breasts around. Gravity has had little effect, her nipples stand out just right and are delicious to the touch. Anyway, we have a family friend of many years that we have gotten very close with. David lives up north about 2 hours away but he will sometimes come down and spend the weekend to visit. There has never been anything sexual and he stays in the guest room when he is down. Here is the story of what happened a couple of weekends ago. David had to work Saturday morning but had told us that he was planning on coming down later that evening. I thought we could watch a movie but I also turned on the spa so it would be nice and warm. David showed up around 5 and we met him at the door. I welcomed him in and shook his hand. Cindy gave me a glance and then reached around David and gave him a quick kiss. David looked a bit surprised but certainly didn't resist and hugged her back. We then went in the living room to catch up. I got us a round of drinks and settled in to talk and watch whatever was playing on the big screen. David was in the side chair and Cindy and I were on the couch. Cindy was a bit more flirty than usual. It wasn't so much that she was wearing anything sexy, just a t-shirt and shorts, but it was more in her laughing at the jokes and having more eye contact than normal. She isn't much of a drinker so I was making her rum and cokes pretty weak like she likes them. I guess that and the good company just made her relax and settle in close beside me. I had my arm around her and was gently rubbing her left breast without any objection. I don't remember who brought up the point that the spa was hot and ready to be used. Maybe we all thought of it together but it certainly beckoned us to go out there. We had been skinny dipping many times so we as we stepped out of our clothes on the back porch, it wasn't a big deal. As we settled into the warm water, we relished the quiet peaceful time with not much more than the starlight and a full moon to light the night. David sat across from us with Cindy snuggled into me on my right. In fact, for the first time tonight, our voices fell silent as we just enjoyed the water, the bubbles and the evening. Not sure how long it was but I started to rub Cindy's shoulders. She immediately picked up on that as one of her favorite things. To put herself in a better position, she moved in front of me and sat on my lap. Her legs stretched out and she asked David if it was ok to rest them on his lap. David was pretty mellow at that time too and just smiled and said it was just fine. I moved my fingers around her neck and across her shoulders, massaging out the kinks from the hectic week. I noticed that David had also decided to help and was rubbing her feet and ankles. I swear Cindy was purring and just seemed in heaven. David and I continued to massage Cindy, I on her upper body and David concentrating on her legs. David was very much the gentleman and was only rubbing up to her mid-thighs. Even with only the moon to light the spa, he could see her trimmed pubes but didn't venture too close so as not to break the mood. I, on the other hand, found my fingers circling around Cindy's breasts and nipples, playing with them as they firmed up nicely in my palms. Cindy was not totally innocent either as I saw her feet playing with David's crotch and had obviously found what they were looking for. Ok, all good things must come to an end and I was getting pretty tired. I pulled Cindy up and gave her a deep kiss and told her how much I loved her. I asked her if she was ready to go to bed and to wish David good night. She moved over to him, sat on his lap, put her arms around his neck and said she wanted to thank him for such a relaxing night. I sat there watching as my best friend and my wife, both naked, enjoyed a deep kiss that seemed to last and last. Finally they broke and my wife looked over at me and said, "Honey, you have got to take me to bed, now!" I wasn't going to argue so we got out, dried off and headed off to our bedrooms. Once in bed, Cindy said she needed to be fucked, right now. I have not seen her this active before but I was pretty excited too. Now was not the time for foreplay as when I touched her vagina, it almost gushed out at me. I was hard as a rock and so entered her quickly and deeply. As we rocked back and forth, she kissed me hard and started coming very quickly. I soon followed and unloaded several bursts far up inside. Our intensity squelched, we held each other tightly as we regained our breath. As we lied in bed in our afterglow, I asked her if she enjoyed the evening. She laughed and told me it should be obvious. Most of the night, I had sensed a turning point in our lives and decided that the time was right to see if I was correct. I told her that I had seen her playing with David's cock in the water and that she probably had left him pretty high and dry. We had disappeared pretty fast from the spa and I thought she might like to see if he had everything he needed for the night. Cindy looked over at me and chuckled that we did leave pretty quickly. She had set the guest room up before he got here but it did seem a bit rude to disappear with not so much as a goodnight. I told her to go ahead and make sure things were ok with David. She got up, put on her light robe and went down the hall to the guest room. The rum had caught up to me and I rolled over to catch a couple winks before she got back. I woke the next morning to a beautiful sunshiny day. Cindy looked wonderful lying beside me and I felt great. As I gave her a good morning kiss, she woke up and smiled at me. I apologized for falling asleep on her but she stopped me. She then told me that she had not been back long herself. It seems that when she had gone to David's room to tell him good night, David was already in bed. She asked if it was ok to come in but when she did, she noticed right away that the covers had a pretty obvious tent right about his hips. It was obvious that he had been excited also about the earlier events and had been masturbating. She went over to his side with the intention of just giving him a good night kiss. As she bent down, her robe fell open and he reached for her breast to caress it. His hand felt so good so she didn't make him stop and kissed him a bit harder. Finally, she broke away and said that she couldn't do this. She didn't want sex to come between our friendship. David was obviously disappointed but suggested that if she could help him get a release, she could lie with him a few minutes and he could sleep much better. He kissed her again and Cindy crawled in beside him. As they hugged, Cindy felt his hard cock press against her. While it was in no danger of entering her, she could feel his heat and pulsing energy. In only a couple of minutes, she sensed his urgency and he held her tight as he unloaded a powerful load of semen between their bellies. She drifted off to sleep and woke up just as the first cracks of light came across the horizon. Cindy slipped out of David's bed, put on her robe and came back to our bed. As I reached over to kiss her again, I saw that her stomach was covered with his sticky remains. I again told her how much I loved her and that I thought she had done the sweetest thing for our friend. Family Friend -- Cindy's Story David sent me an email that he was painting his apartment this weekend and asked if we could come up and help. It's not a big place, only one bedroom, but it gets us out of town and my husband Paul and I certainly like to help our friend out when we can. Anyway, I checked with Paul but he was on-call from work and cannot leave town in case something were to come up. He told me that if I wanted to go, that would be fine as we didn't have anything else planned for the weekend. With that, I emailed David back that I would be up first thing Saturday. Friday night Paul decided to treat me to a dinner out. I dressed up pretty sexy (for me at least) in a flowing skirt and light top. I wore a new set of Victoria Secrets I just got that seemed to hold everything just right but reminded him just enough of what the secrets were. We had a good time. When we got home, Paul made us some drinks and we lied on the couch and watched a movie. Well, we actually didn't watch much of the movie as it seems both of us had other ideas. I'm a sucker for when he puts his arms around me to just melt. I seem to have a direct electrical connection or something between my tits and my control -- as in he plays with me and I loose the control. His touches became larger and his kisses removed whatever hindrances were left. As he moved down between my legs, I felt his tongue flick gently on my pussy. I locked my legs around his ears and pulled him deeper to me. It felt so good as I had the first of several orgasms that night. God, that man can eat me good! Once I calmed down from his most excellent licking, I pulled him up to me so I could put his cock where his mouth was. His hard shaft entered me as I locked my lips hard on his. I could taste my own juices on his tongue and it only made me hotter. I loved the pressure of his body on mine as he stroked in and out. Soon, I felt him tense up and I knew he was close. I tightened up and put as much pressure on his cock as I could and then felt him explode. I was right there with him as we came together. We held each other in our arms as the pulses calmed down and he became soft within me. I asked Paul what got him so going tonight. He said he enjoyed our night out and since I was going to be gone for the rest of the weekend, he wanted to end the evening the best way possible. He reached over and tickled my nipple so I had to stop him or we would never get to sleep. I asked him if he was concerned about me going to our friend's house this weekend. He said that we have known David for a long time and he didn't feel any problems. He said that he loved me very much and knew that I did him too. It had excited him when I told him what happened the other night when David had come to our house. Paul told me that as far as he was concerned, if I wanted to extend our friendship to the next level, it was up to me and was ok with him. I reached over, kissed him goodnight and fell asleep with my wonderful husband's arms tight around me. I got up early on Saturday and packed a few things for the trip up north. It is only about 2 hours away but I figured that we would need most of the weekend to get the painting done. Before I left, I snuggled into my sleeping husband to let him know I was going. Paul woke up long enough to wish me a safe trip and to enjoy myself. I said that painting was so much fun. He smiled and said, "yep, that was what I was talking about". I grinned. The trip was indeed uneventful. I arrived about 9am after stopping by the donut shop for some coffee and pastries. I knocked on David's door and heard the radio playing in the background. David came to the door and had obviously started without me. He had on a pair of jean shorts, tennis shoes, and a white ballcap but had already had several splatters of paint on his chest. I came in, give him a welcome kiss and sat down as we enjoyed the coffee and donuts. When we finished, I asked him if he had an old shirt I could borrow that I could paint in. He gave me one and I went into the bathroom to change. The shirt was a bit big and hung down on me like a dress. I decided to be a bit mischievous and took off everything except the shirt and a pair of panties. When I came out, he remarked on my lack of clothing and I reminded him of how many times we had skinny dipped and to just concentrate on the painting. And concentrate we did. We got several rooms done and before we knew it, it was dark and we were hungry. We decided that we had accomplished quite a bit and we could easily finish up the next morning. I started cleaning up the brushes and he took the first shower. I finished up the equipment just as he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him. I told him to order a pizza and it that it was my turn to get the paint off my body. The hot water felt great and I soon felt refreshed. I picked out a short light pink camisole and a pair of matching panties. They weren't fully see-thru but you could certainly tell there was a woman underneath. I brushed my hair one more time and came out into the living room to see if the pizza was here. Yep, it was here alright. In fact, it had just been delivered and the nice young man giving change to David zeroed right in on my entrance. I smiled at him and walked over to take the pizzas and get them ready. He stammered a bit and wished us a very good night. I kept a straight face until the minute he left and then totally lost it. David said I was so bad and if I had seen the look on that young man's face when he saw what I was, or wasn't, wearing. We laughed and sat down to eat our pizza. Afterwards, I put the remaining slices away in the fridge and we turned on the TV and found an old John Wayne movie. I sat next to David and he put his arms around me. It felt nice. It was nice and relaxing sitting there watching the movie so when his hands started to rub my arms and then my neck and chest, I really didn't notice. I guess that gave him the confidence tho as soon he was squeezing my breasts thru the camisole. I put my hands on his to let him know that it was ok and I in turn started to run my hands on his chest. I looked up at David and said, "Friends?". He said, "always." I sat up a moment and removed my top. I then reached over, put my arms around him and I told him that I didn't want to mess anything up but that I really would like to have sex with him. The candor took him a bit back but I certainly didn't hear any objection. We then went back to his bedroom where we had the most fantastic sex I have had in a long time. From the moment he pulled down my panties, to the last thrust of his orgasm, I was on-fire. His cock felt so good in my hand, my mouth and my pussy. His lips touched every part of my body. My pussy was full of his hot sperm and my lips lush with his kisses. When we were finished, we fell asleep exhausted in each other's arms. I woke the next morning with David sucking gently at my breast. There goes that conduit again and soon we were fucking like first dates. At last, our desires satisfied, we got up get some breakfast and finished the painting. Before leaving, I called Paul to let him know I was coming home. He asked how the trip had gone and I told him fantastic. He asked if I had slept with David and I told him it had been wonderful. I promised to tell him everything when I got back home and that I loved him more than ever for letting me have my time. As I was kissing David goodbye, he thanked me for all the help and for such a good time. I told him the pleasure was all mine and that I looked forward to doing it again someday. He squeezed my butt as I turned to my car and head back down to the most terrific husband in the world. 407 0.00/512345
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