Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sophomore Year
Sophomore Year By Green This story took place my sophomore year. My name is Patrick and my girlfriend that year was a freshman named Kim. She was a petite small town girl off to a big college in the Midwest. She was shy and started the year as innocent as they come. She was beautiful in a way that it took a second glance to appreciate her. She had big green eyes and beautifully pale skin over her size-2, 5' 2" frame. She had this perfect little bubble butt and wonderfully round shaped smallish breasts capped off with lite pink nipples. She wore her lite brown hair like in a tomboy cut. I was her fourth boyfriend and her second lover. She was a natural in bed simply because she enjoyed it, came easily and though the athletic type had a soft, searching touch. She blended her desire for romantic love making with just wanting to have sex a couple times a week. Needless to say, I was a happy boyfriend. We were both (18) when we met and I turned (19) in November of that year just a couple of months before this story starts. Like I said, she started the year rather innocent. I think her roommate, Kysa, a sophomore, had a wild streak that slowly rubbed off on Kim. For instance, Kim gave wet hand-jobs to me when we first started sleeping with each other at the beginning of the school year. A month after we started being lovers she started letting me cum (without me asking) in her month and she would swallow in appreciation and keep going until I was rock hard again to keep the fun going. I presumed she got ideas like this from Kysa. What made me think that way? After all, she was inexperienced and it could have just been her going through a learning curve and trying and liking new things. Well, one night I came over to visit Kim (I lived in the same dorm but in another wing) and Kysa was there and high as the proverbial kite. One thing quickly led to another and the next thing I knew Kysa was giving me a bj. Kysa swallowed and said something like "a woman should always swallow her man if she wants to truly please him". I about passed out from the wonderful sensation of the orgasm being done into her mouth. A week later, Kim swallowed for the first time and said something to the same affect. I prayed that my indiscretion was a secret between Kysa and myself. Well, let me cut to the story. I had returned from the holiday break right after New Year's day, a couple of days before I had told Kim that I would. Kim and I had both went to our respective homes for the break and I originally planned to be back on the 5th, the day classes resumed. Kim planned on returning the 3rd. Kim was out when I got in late evening of the 3rd so I decided to take a nap in her bed while I waited. She slept up in the loft and Kysa slept in the bed that was nothing more than a fold out couch on the floor. Anyone that ever stayed in a dorm knows how small they are and to have any room whatever this type of set up is mandatory. Anyway, I think I had been asleep for no more than an hour when Kim came into the room. She was with Kysa. I was kind of surprised but as I was waking up I heard why she was back as well. Kysa had decided to stay through the break to save money and had just met up with Kim in the lobby and was helping her bring her luggage up to the room. They did not know that I was there and for some reason I froze. The hesitation left me trapped given what happened next. I heard Kysa tell Kim that she had started the shower for her and instructed Kim to go ahead a wash the car ride off of her and that she would be right in. What the heck did that mean! I wondered what my options were at that point. I had let myself in with the key Kim provided me. I was under the covers and would not likely be seen up here given the logistics of the bed (up in the air, just a couple feet from the ceiling) and the fact that it was now dark out and they had only turned the desk light on in the room. I thought it best to make some noise but thought to first see if I could see what was going on. As quietly as I could I turned to see the floor. They were both in the bathroom! I thought that probably the best thing to do would be to retrieve my clothes (I was just in my boxers) that I had folded on top of my shoes in Kim's little closet by the door. I could get dressed and get out of there and maybe call later from my room to let Kim know that I was back already. I quickly but quietly got of the bed and approached the closet. It had a noisy handle but I figured that I would be okay since Kysa had turned on the stereo system. My curiosity did me in though. I stopped to listen for a minute by the closet door. I noted that the couch had been turned out into a bed and heard them talking quietly in the shower. Yes, they were sharing a shower. Damn, I wanted to see what that would look like! Kysa was beautiful, in the same class as Kim but in a very different way. Kysa had the look of an Italian woman. Dark, exotic flesh and very full figured. She had a grown woman's set of hips and very large breasts. Greedily, I thought for a minute of a way to see them naked next to each other. Too late! The shower water was turned off and I was still standing there in my boxers. I returned to the loft and with the couple of extra moments I had made sure that the part of the loft visible looked unused by making sure the covers that I was under were smooth and I laid on the far side. All I could think of to do was to be quiet and if caught pretend that I was asleep. I heard them come out of the bathroom giggling like girls will do when they are giddy and happy. Then I wondered if they knew I was there. Heck, didn't they notice that I had left the dorm room unlocked? Uhm, maybe they each figured the other had opened it? Well, no time to figure what they knew or didn't know. Hell, maybe they were so happy to see each other that they simply were not paying attention to anything other than each other. I decided to stick to the "I am asleep" story if busted. Besides, it is not every day that a guy finds out his girlfriend is physically attracted to her very pretty roommate and I had a very uncomfortable woody! They had gotten on the bed together and Kysa was directing the action. I heard her tell Kim that she had gotten some really good stuff. I heard glasses being filled and could smell the wonderful aroma of burning THC (pot). Wow, Kim and Kysa were just a few feet directly below me. Naked together in a bed, smoking weed and drinking wine together like college lovers do. I Kim and I do after exams (provided one of our roommates is staying over some place else). As if I needed further confirmation that they were lovers I heard them kissing playfully. "Did you miss my breasts?" I heard Kysa ask Kim. I did not hear a verbal answer but heard movement in the bed. Was Kim kissing them, showing Kysa her appreciation for them?! I wanted to look down so badly but was afraid to move since the loft was pretty squeaky. "Well, did you think about it?" Kysa asked Kim. "Yes and yes", Kim responded. Great! I cannot look to see what is going on and now they are speaking in code. I heard movement on the bed again. It was Kysa getting up to use the phone. "Ty? So when can you be here", Kysa said into the phone. "Yes, Kim is here", she continued. "Well, we will just have to see now won't we". Of course, I could only hear one side of the conversation. "Yes, she loves the guy but do not worry. She's just curious about what I told her about you." "You know, now just get over here." "Oh, I will have her ready, the question is will you be ready?" Oh boy, whatever was going on it was about to include guy and it was not I. I heard Kysa hang up the phone. "Kim, are stoned already are you getting cold feet?" Kysa asked Kim. It must have been the first one since Kim started giggling. Kim must have given other signals that I could not hear (and of course, could not see). "Oh, it is going to be fun. Having a little fun at this time in your life is what you are supposed to do. Like I told you, if I ever decide to not be my lover any more I will still be your friend. I love you as a friend, you are my best friend and we have only been roommates for one semester. I will always be your friend. Thankfully, I will be your lover tonight and tomorrow. Until you tell me otherwise or other things change." I do not recall word for word what she said to Kim but it was similar to the above. reassurance type stuff. It was quiet for a few minutes. Then I heard Kysa tell Kim that Ty would be here in a few minutes. Kysa (or Kim) got up and turned the stereo up a little and lite another joint after refilling their glasses. Kysa said something about the whole bottle being theirs since Ty will bring over his Hennessey, probably already half gone by the time he got there at that. Whatever happened during their quiet, cuddling time seemed to do the trick since they were laughing and sharing quick stories of how their Christmas break had been. There was a knock on the door and Kysa shouted towards the door that it wasn't locked and for the person to come in. "Lock it behind you sweetie", Kysa said to Ty once he was inside. "Hi Kim, great to meet you", Ty said in his baritone voice before Kysa could introduce them. I had not heard the voice before. "Hello Tyrone", I heard Kim say softly. "Oh come on now, call me Ty." He sounded very commanding. Ah, they had not met yet. I heard him set something on the desk, a bottle and say something about using the john. Kysa laughed and said, "I told you that he would probably have it half drank by the time he got here." I heard the bathroom door partially close and could hear the sound of a guy taking a piss that had held it in too long. "Kysa, he is black!" Kim said mocking being upset yet giggling at the same time. I heard the covers get tossed to the side as Kysa instructed Kim to put the lace underwear on that Kysa had got her. They must have talked about their presents to each other in the shower and I heard them getting off the bed and quickly complementing each other on how they looked in their exchanged presents of lace bra and panties. They were hurrying to get dressed (well, in underwear anyway) before Ty completed draining himself and returned to the room. I heard them jump back on to the bed as Ty came out of the bathroom. "I wondered if you two were naked under those covers or not" Ty said. I sensed that he was smiling. Kysa responded playfully, "we were". Again, I could smell a joint being lite up. They talked casually for a while. Drinking and getting high. Getting comfortable with each other. I had begun to slowly move even further towards the top of the bed. I would move slightly ever time one or all of them would laugh. Within ten minutes of this process I had gotten in a position so that I was still not visible from the floor (especially with them all sitting on the bed) yet I was able to see their reflection clearly in the full-length mirror that was on the door. I realized that I was being a voyeur but was too fascinated not to get in a position to see what was going on. I was missing too much just listening. Looking back I wonder why I didn't have a reaction of jealousy to what was going on. I guess that is just not part of my profile. What happened next took place with me thinking about it. Apparently, just watching was not going to be enough. I pretended to wake up. It shocked them a lot. Especially Ty who had a look of concern and Kim who let out a little scream. Yet it happened so quickly and somehow so casually the shock only lasted a moment. I mumbled something about getting back early and wanting to surprise her. must have fallen asleep waiting.. I climbed down from the loft in my boxers and a hard on. I sat on the bed and took my turn with the half-burned joint as if I was taking my fifth turn. Kysa reacted in such a way that the initially surrealistic moment became - somehow - comfortable. She simply introduced me to Ty and I shook his hand and grabbed a glass from the study desk and asked him, as if I knew him already, for some Hennessey. When I first wrote this story this paragraph was a page in a half. In reading it over I realized that it really could not be described. It just kind of happened. I guess everyone just had the right type of personalities to go with the flow. Hell, like I said. It just seemed to happen. One moment I am "hiding" and the next I am sitting up against the top of the couch with my arm around Kim sharing a joint with a stranger and her roommate. Yes, I sat there with a tent in my boxers. Kysa and Kim were in the lacy underwear and Ty was on the foot of the bed looking all relaxed in a pair of baggy jeans. My lack of a reaction to the scene made the transition possible. Kysa was the key though. She knew everyone (ha! Sexually) and her low-key introductions made everyone feel like we had just met up at the library for a class project. I am not really sure what would happen next if my body posture had been different. Who knows, maybe we would have just partied and then went our separate ways. But sitting there with an obvious hard on allowed Kysa to put an electrical charge in the air. I kissed Kim and told her that I had missed her a ton. So much so that I had to get back early! That was the key moment, I think. As I kissed Kim "hello" and told her that I had missed her Kysa said "obviously!" and started to laugh. The four of us chatted a few, finished the joint. Drank a little more and started another joint when the air was so damn charged that all it took was a spark. It came from the person I thought would be the least likely to do so. Of course, a lot of the conversation was innuendo and eventually became directly sexual. "So, Patrick, you ever been with a black woman?" Kysa asked me. I had I said truthfully and with a little of "seen that, been there" though Kim was my 7th lover total. Since we were starting to play some type of "have you" questioning game I asked Kysa the same thing. She looked directly at Kim and said that Kim was her first white lover. She went on to say that she had had only a few people she classified as lovers but had had over 30 different sexual partners that ranged from one time incidents to month long shack up affairs. She did not include these as lovers apparently using that term for someone that she had sex with that she cared about emotionally. She spelled it out further, "I have only had two sexual encounters with white guys." At that point she looked quickly at me and seeing that Kim was taking a hit on the joint and not looking gave me a wink. Of her 30 lovers she let us know that 10 were male. "Ty, you ever been with a black woman?" I asked through a laugh. As he was laughing he said the only two things he hasn't done are animals and men. "So, if that woody of your Patrick is for me this party is over." Everybody started laughing too loudly. heck, we were buzzed. Silly jokes are the best. Kim apparently anticipated the next question was going to come her way, "I have been with one boy, which was in high school and one man". After she said this she reached down and took a hold on my dick. She held my hard on gently and began to stroke me slowly up and down immediately bringing precum to the surface and spread it over my head with her stroking. She was not done yet. "As of a month ago I have been with one woman" obviously meaning Kysa. Kim and Kysa started kissing as Kim continued to stroke by now very lubricated dick. I saw them getting closer to each other and then Kysa put her right hand over Kim's right breast. I immediately came a load that I could see shoot straight up and land on my left thigh. It was a solid orgasm. Kim broke from her kiss with Kysa and leaned over to put my finally deflating dick into her mouth and sucked out the cum that was dribbling out. As soon as I was about half way to being temporarily soft she moved up to my mouth, kissed me gently and then went back to her kissing with Kysa. What a sight! Kim was putting her hand on Kysa's giant breast now. Kysa was clearly the dominant of the two. She was taller and bigger and was the more aggressive kisser. I was getting hard again watching them. I moved to the end of the bed to see what would happen next. As I watched them kiss and fondle each other for well over 10 minutes I finished a full glass of Hennessey. I wasn't sure if I should continue to join in or let them go. I decided to take a five or less minutes rinse in the shower and see what they were doing when I came back and take my queue from there. Upon returning they were still kissing! So this is what they mean by men are in too big a hurry. I decided to get back involved but kind of as a hands-on spectator. I got behind Kim and undid her pretty white lacy bra. I slide it off of her front and set it on the headboard of the bed. I started kissing her shoulders and caressing her back. Ty decided to join in at this point. He snuggled up behind Kysa and did the same thing. Kysa had given me a bj in the past but I had never seen her naked. Seeing her full, round, dark breasts was very sexy. I had not put my boxers back on after the quick rinse so that I could feel Kim's lower back against my balls and hard dick that I was pressing up against her as I admired Kysa's breasts. Ty was kissing and caressing Kysa as I was Kim. He backed away for a minute and while standing to the side of the bed and behind Kysa he took off his pants. He was not wearing any underwear. Ty had a cock that hung straight down long and thick. He looked like he had a chubby without being hard at this time yet looked to be the size I recall a porn actor named John Holmes being when he was hard! He was hugely endowed. Not that I am gay or anything but I did look at him for a brief minute until he snuggled back up against Kysa. "Oh my god Ty" Kysa said as she felt his giant cock get pressed up against her lower back. She said it like she expected it but was still a little surprised. I later found out that they were friends through a friend that had slept with him. Kysa had been told he was big but did not know he was that big first hand. "Kim, I can feel his cock pressed up against me. It's not just big it is BIG!" Kysa said as her and Kim continued to kiss and touch each others' breasts. Ty moved Kysa down onto the bed while staying in back of her and wrapped his right arm around her and took it into his big palm. I followed suit and brought Kim from leaning against the headboard while she kissed Kysa to down on the bed face to face with Kysa. I kept going with my motion and removed Kim's panties before snuggling up behind her. I put my dick between her ass checks and slowly rubbed my dick between them using precum to make the sensation very pleasurable. I enjoyed this grouping for a while and then slightly sat up to allow me to suckle on Kim's left breast. Damn they liked simply kissing each other. I could see that Kysa had her right hand on Ty's cock and was stroking him absently. His cock was fully erect now and was yet another inch or so longer than I had originally seen when it was in a chubby state and was even thicker. I have seen a porno flick recently with a guy named Jack Napier in it. Ty was that size with his endowment! "Kim, look at what is in my hand" Kysa said. Kim was breathing pretty hard with the attention she was getting but her breathing stopped abruptly. She literally had to catch her breath as she got her first look at a giant black cock. After about 5 seconds she took a gasp of a breath but stayed staring either sizing it up, admiring his manhood, trying to determine if it was really what she thinks it was or all three. I changed my position at this moment of her being frozen. I now had my dick against Kim's shoulder blades and my face in between her ass checks. I lifted her left leg up and put my tongue on the bottom of her pussy lips. She moaned. She loved oral sex, of course, but for some reason really enjoyed it when I tasted her from behind as well as she did when she would get oral sex from me when she was in the doggy position. I liked her gently and all over taking in her juices. I liked to approach her pussy slowly taking many minutes before I put my tongue on her clit. I felt Kysa direct Kim to lay back. I took the cue and slide back to allow Kim to move on to her back. I slide my face between her legs and resumed giving her my tongue. Kysa took the moment to get into a sitting a position to taste Ty. "Holy crap are you big Ty" Kysa said as she cupped his balls with one of her palms, gripped the base of his massive cock with the other and put her mouth over his cock-head. She put the entire giant purplish head into her mouth and sucked liked it was the best lolly- pop she had ever tasted. I glanced up to Kim's face and she was staring at the scene. She looked enthralled with it. I am not sure if she even realized she was touching and pinching her own breasts as her breathing picked up from the site she had, my tonguing and her self-touching. Boom, it happened without notice. I usually feel it coming on. But not this time. Her first orgasm hit hard. She clamped her inner thighs around my face and it just about was all I could do to stay in the saddle. I knew her well enough to know that as she begins to cum she likes it if I keep the applicable pressure up for about half a minute and then ease away from her clit (it becomes overly sensitive?!). I brought her through her powerful orgasm and then got top of her. I straddled her slightly sweat slicked breasts and slide my dick in between them. Not being endowed like Kysa she used her hands to push her tits together to make a nice soft surface for my penis to slide through. Her lite amount of sweat and my gushing precum (her orgasms got me oh so horny!) made for a slick and warm surface. Kysa brought Ty up to the same position with her that I was with Kim. Ha, I found the sight sexy and yet humorous. Ty's enormous cock sliding between Kysa's full d-cups was a zoom image of my normal sized dick going through Kim's wonderfully round petite tits. I looked down into Kim's eyes, let my dick slide down her belly as I leaned down to kiss her lovingly on her mouth. I then got back into my original position, looked over at Kysa's face, playfully slapped Ty on the shoulder and signaled for us to switch places. Oh my word did Kysa's breasts feel great around my slow thrusting dick! Being darker toned her skin felt thicker and firmer than Kim's incredibly soft alabaster skin. Also, the size of her breasts felt great because they completely engulfed my dick. It was soft and warm and sexy. Ty's cock was not engulfed by Kim's breasts on the other hand. His enormous cock made her whole body look small let alone her breasts. She pushed them up to provide friction for the under part of his cock. That was the best she could do. The enormity of his cock was even more evident now. His dark color contrasted sharply with her. Ty was pretty dark and his cock was even darker in color. When he would slide forward the end of his cock would reach her chin while the base was still at the lower part of her breasts. Kim took advantage of this and opened her mouth and licked the bottom of his head with each slow thrust upward in between her dwarfed breasts. Either being able to tit-fuck Kysa or seeing Ty with Kim would have brought me to orgasm in very short time. I realized this and started to think of sports stuff for a minute while I closed my eyes and slide back from having my dick in between Kysa's breasts. I wanted to be inside Kysa and was too close to cumming. After I felt I had backed off enough to be in control of my orgasm I got between Kysa's legs. At first I put my mouth on her pussy to taste her. Damn did she taste great. As good as Kim. But where Kim taste like a barely ripe peach, Kysa tasted like a very ripe peach. She had a wonderfully strong taste. By this time Kim had realized she needed to help her breasts provide some attention to Ty's outsized cock and was using both hands to stroke him while she continued to use her tongue on his cock head. I am 6" in circumference and Kim's middle finger touches her thumb when she strokes me. Kim's finger end was well over two and maybe three inches from her thumb as she held Ty's club like cock. I took my eyes off of Kim attempting to please Ty, watching his smallish ball sac (in comparison to the rest of him anyway) gently brush her soft chest as he enjoyed the attention she was giving him, and looked up at Kysa to see what she was doing. He eyes were closed and her right hand was holding the bed covers while her left hand was absently tweaking her left nipple. Lucky me, it looked like I was going to taste my second orgasm of the night shortly. That I did. Kysa started telling to "don't stop, don't stop" right after I had slide a couple of fingers under my chin and into her pussy while licking her clit. I kept this up for a couple of more minutes and she pushed through an orgasm that seemed pretty intense. I think my good fortune was in part due to all the foreplay Kysa and Kim had put each other through. As Kysa completed her orgasm I removed my fingers and gently licked and kissed the lips of her pussy as her breathing slowed from very heavy and rapid to just heavy. As I was ending my tasting of Kysa, Ty slide down to start tasting Kim. He had a different approach than I. He was much more forceful. He inserted one finger and after a couple of strokes put another inside of Kim and pushed both fingers in deep. His big fingers caught Kim off guard and she gasped a little as both fingers seemed to fill her up. He then started licking the top of her pussy. He essentially licked from the where his fingers went into Kim and then upward over her clit. He had more of a lapping approach. It did not seem like he was planning on making her cum. His intent seemed more like he wanted to get her wet and ready. I was between Kysa's legs with my torso now. I wanted to feel myself inside of her and instead of fucking her I wanted to simulate making love to her. I leaned over to kiss her and feel our torso's pressed against each other. As I kissed her full on the mouth I felt her hand reach between us and guide my dick into her pussy. Oh god was she like velvet inside her pussy! We kissed as I moved my dick inside of her and out again. We had sex like lovers though I only lasted a few minutes. Her beauty and how her pussy felt overwhelmed me and I came hard inside of her. Spent, I dropped onto her for a moment and then when I felt my balls completely emptied into her I got of the bed completely sexually satisfied. I wanted another glass of Hennessey!! As I got up Kysa kissed my on the cheek and whispered that she hopes we do that again soon. That kind of took me by surprised given who was in the same bed with her. But I guess a sexual wonder like Kysa likes variety. white guys, black guys, woman as long as they like what they are doing, or something like that. I simply decided to take a break and sat down with my glass of liquor and took in the next half hour. Ty apparently Kim was as ready as she was going to get and sat up on his knees. "It is going to hurt so good my little Kim", Kysa said. She caught by surprise with her next move. She moved over the top of Kim. She put her hands over Kim's wrist and let her giant breasts fully cover Kim's breasts and went into a deep kiss with Kim. She broke for a moment. "Ty will take turns, I have never had one this big. there was a white guy and another black guy about three-quarters his size and they hurt" she said with nervous laugh. "Hurt so good" she added. Kysa then resumed her kiss with Kim but on her neck and ears now. I saw a very sexy move at this point. She wrapped her legs around Kim so that I do not think Kim could get away from the situation if she wanted to. Each leg was wrapped to the outside of Kim's thighs and then each leg was moved to the inside of Kim's legs so that Kysa's outer calf was against each of Kim's shins. Kysa completed this wrestling looking hold by having her feet cupping over Kim's ankles. Though Kysa may not have intended to do so she had put Kim in a very sexy submissive hold. I did not know who Ty was going to put himself into first and I do not think they did either. I think they found this sexy, along with the sexy position they were in, as there breathing was getting very rapid and deep and sounded of heightened sexual tension mixed with nervousness. "Get that ass up for me Kysa" Ty directed. Kysa arched her lower back to get her wonderfully round ass up. Ty was between both their legs now and on his knees. With his right hand he slipped his precum over his head. It was ample to the point that I could hear a slicking noise and he spread it around his cock head. With his left hand he took a firm hold of Kysa's left ass cheek. He had the base of his huge cock in his hand as he moved the tip of it against Kysa's pussy. "Oh my, oh my" Kysa said as she through her head back, breaking the kiss, in anticipation of what was about to happen. Ty pushed forward. "Oh my god" Kysa said in a hoarse voice. "God you're big!" Kysa said as Ty pushed 3 or for inches into her. He pulled out and then pushed back in a few times moving an inch further in each time until she was asking him to stop. "Please Ty, don't move for a moment. Let me get used to it." Ty froze with about 8 inches of his cock firmly embedded in Kysa but only for a couple of seconds and then he started his stroking session again. "No, not yet" Kysa said. Fucking seemed to bring out the animal in Ty. He did not stop and in fact started fucking her harder and pushing all of his horse cock into her with each thrust. "Too big, too big, that's enough" Kysa said. Her body did not match her words though. She kept her ass up for him and her pussy totally accessible to his assault. Her comment was met with a hard slap from Ty on her right cheek. The loud sound even slightly startled me. It was a good crack and left his finger prints. This mild manner guy was turning into a bull in heat! "You two got yours and so did Pat, I am going to get mine now" Ty said with a voice that had a slight growl to his already baritone voice. Ty fucked Kysa hard for somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes. The last half of the time he spent fucking her she had her head hanging down and resting upon Kim's neck and the pillow. I could her Kysa make an "umph" sound each time Ty pushed into her. He was too big even for this experienced little nymph. Ty's breathing seemed to be getting more rapid at this point. He gave one more hard push into Kysa and then froze. I think he was thinking about sports scores himself now, ha! He slowly pulled his cock out of Kysa. Geez! It looked so menacing. The fucking had made him even harder. I could see giant sized veins wrapped over his cock now. He looked menacing with the swollen veins zig-zagging around his cock. There was no way Kim could handle it. Kim has a very small pussy. Kysa was tight but she seemed to be bigger to me than Kim. Bigger isn't the word. I do not know how to describe it. Maybe better able to accommodate a cock is a better way of saying it. Kysa had a pussy that I could fuck hard. Even though I am probably not that much bigger than average I always took a full minute or two to get going with Kim. Ty fucking Kim was going to be interesting. "Get her pussy apart" Ty told Kysa. Kysa slide forward and with the her legs wrapped around Kim pulled Kim's legs apart and upward. Kysa's breasts were heaving down into Kim's face. Ty was wet from Kysa and I could see that Kim was glistening from all of the sexually activity that had taken place. She was as ready as she was going to get. Ty liked two fingers and put them forcefully into Kim. I heard her moan. Ty grabbed his cock with the other hand and as he pulled his two fingers out of Kim he put his cock head on her lips. I bet his cock must measure out over 10 inches long and maybe than much in circumference. His cock next to her pussy looked more like a big animal was going to try to mount Kim more than two humans about to fuck. His cock head went in through the wetness as Kim yelped. Ty froze momentarily. Then pushed a couple more inches into Kim. She yelped again but this time it was higher pitched. "Please, no, not me please it is too big, take it out" Kim pleaded. She was stating that he was too big for her a few inches before Kysa had. He was only a few inches in so it was obviously the amazing width of his cock that was stretching her painfully. He pulled back a couple of inches and then pushed forward to the same depth. "NOOOO, please, it hurts, Kysa please let me go" Kim said through clinched teeth. "Relax, it will be okay" is all Kysa said and she got a firmer grip on Kim. Ty was not going any further with his thrusts but was meet each time with a yelp. He was tearing her apart. His breathing picked up another notch and his head rocked back a little. With the next thrust he went in half way. I do not think he intended to stop at this point. It liked it simply got stuck. This thrust brought a muffled scream of pain from Kim. Muffled through Kysa's breasts. "Kysa, it hurts too much. please" Kim begged. Being stuck at the half way point seemed to get Ty focused and he pushed hard three or four times into Kim after just pulling back a couple inches. He was pushing three quarters into her with each thrust at this point. Kim was trying to get away but Kysa held her firmly. They were both sweating from their wrestling. Ty let out a gasp now with his next thrust. He got all but an inch in and seemed to be stopped as if hitting rock bottom of Kim's over stretched pussy. Kim gave out a high pitched scream deep into Kysa's ample chest and Ty gave out a gutteral noise of satisfaction. He was cumming deep into Kim's overwhelmed pussy. He held his cock in her after his orgasm and then let it slide out. Kim's now puffy pussy gave a popping noise as Ty's bull sized cock slide completely out of her. Ty got up and lite up a joint. "God damn was that good pussy, both of them" he said with a look on his face like he was going to smoke the joint and then sleep for a day. I didn't say anything. I had a hard on again and was wondering if there was anything I could do with it. Kysa and Kim were kissing gently now. Kysa was comforting Kim. Kim was crying softly. She stopped after a couple of tears and the broke into a laugh together as Kysa let go off her grip of Kim. Kysa slide to the side of Kim and they held each other as they sighed. I ended the session - for that night - by standing up on the end of the bed and while enjoying the sight of them side by side, breast to breast and cheek to cheek came. I let the first of the squirt hit Kysa on the belly and almost kiddingly aimed towards Kim as the rest of my last orgasm of the night found the breasts of Kim. Oh what and incredible evening. 3958 1.13/512345
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