Monday, September 24, 2012
Blackmailing Karen
BLACKMAILING KAREN "She is a beautiful and sexy woman. She must get hit on a lot, don't you think?" I hadn't really thought about it much, but I expected that he was probably right. My wife was beautiful and sexy, but the question on my mind just then was why had my boss made that statement to me? I wasn't going to ask though, you don't do anything to rile upper management, at least not while "downsizing" was in the air. The statement did, however, make me a little more aware of the things that were taking place around me. Until John spoke this was just another cocktail party for several of our biggest customers and a few people that we wanted as customers. I began to notice some of the things that I hadn't paid any attention to before. Things like how the president and vice-president of Sigma watched Karen's every move. Like the way the CEO of Titan looked at Karen while my boss was talking to him and I wondered what was going on that I wasn't aware of. Up until a year ago Karen was a stay at home mom. When our youngest started first grade Karen all of a sudden had time on her hands and nothing to do. The big debate between us was what to do with that time. She wanted to find a job, but I'm an old fashioned kind of guy and I didn't really want my wife working. It would have been different if we needed the money, but at that time I was doing okay. In the end she ended up donating her time to charity work. As a result she was seldom home during the day as she was always attending committee meetings and fund raisers. Once or twice a week she had an evening function to attend and I counted myself lucky that I didn't have to go with her. I hated those kinds of events, besides, some one had to stay home with the kids, right? There was also a plus side to things; all of her expenses were deductible as a charitable contribution. It kept her occupied and she seemed to be happy doing the work. Work for me was a constant hassle - not the job itself, but the uncertainty of it. When you were in the sales end, as I was, employment usually depended on the company's bottom line. A good year meant that you didn't have to sweat it much, but just the slightest downturn and people got let go. And sometimes downsizing had nothing to do with your production as a salesman. Office politics played a big part in things and if you pissed off the wrong person at the wrong time you could still be gone no matter how well you performed. Normally I wouldn't put up with shit like that, but I was making almost twice what I could have made anywhere else and what was the line from the movie Jerry McGuire? "Show me the money!" The VP of sales and I only got along so-so, but for some reason I seemed to be on the good side of John who was the owner and president of the company so I wasn't sweating it to much - but there was still some room for worry. One day John called me into the office and told me that he needed me to fly to Kansas City, "Charley at Sigma has some contractual issues that need to be addressed and I'm already committed to the meetings in Seattle." When I got back to my office I called Karen on her cell phone and asked her if she could clear her calendar and go with me. She told me it wouldn't be possible so I told her I loved her, hurried home and packed a bag and headed for the airport. When I got into Kansas City I called Charley and made arrangements to meet him in his office at nine the next morning. It took about three hours to take care of what needed to be taken care of and as I was getting up to leave Charley asked me if I would do him a favor. "John sent me this video tape of our fishing trip so I could make a copy of it. If you could take it back to him it would save me from having to mail it." I told him that I would do it, put the tape in my briefcase and headed for home. My flight got in too late for me to go into the office and so I headed on home. Karen was out when I got there and since I hadn't any idea of what time I would be home the kids were staying with her folks. I fixed myself some leftovers and then plopped down in front of the TV and tried to find something to watch. You would think that with 82 channels to chose from that you should be able to find something, but I couldn't find anything worth watching. Then I remembered the videotape in my briefcase and curiosity got the best of me. I got it out of my briefcase, popped it in the VCR, hit the play button and then my jaw hit the floor. The picture on the screen was of John and Charley high-fiving as the two of them fucked a woman. John was nailing her from behind, Charley was in her mouth and the woman was Karen! I watched in utter disbelief as the two men used her and I listened as John said, "That's right baby, that's right, you love cock in both ends, don't you?" and Karen moaned around the dick in her mouth. The cum dribbled out of Karen's mouth and Charley pulled his limp dick out of her and walked toward the camera. The picture jiggled as whoever was operating it passed it to Charley then it steadied as Dan, VP of Sales, walked into the picture and went over and pushed his cock inn my wife's mouth. Then John pulled out of her, swapped places with Charley and after that things got a little repetitive. Karen had never gone to Kansas City so I tried to think back to when Charley was in town last. I remembered his last three visits and they were all Tuesday's and Wednesday's - which just happened to be the nights that Karen was gone to her charity functions. Of course the tape might have made during the day, but I doubted it since John and Dan wouldn't have both been gone from work at the same time. The tape had been in the middle when I had put it in the VCR and I rewound it to the beginning and hit play. The first scene was Karen on her knees sucking John's cock and then he stood her up, pushed her back on a desk and fucked her. The next scene was her bending over a desk and watching something on TV as John fucked her from behind. Next were Charley and John together and as I started watching that segment of the tape I heard the garage door opener start to hum - Karen was home from another night of "charity" work. I pulled the tape out of the VCR and put it back in my briefcase just as Karen came into the room. She came to me and gave me a hug and a kiss and I know I tasted cum when she slipped her tongue in my mouth. "I'm so glad you are home" she said, "I've been hot and horny all day. Come on, I'll race you to bed." I was not really in the mood to make love just then, not after seeing what I had just seen, but I was curious to see if I could tell if she had been fucked. She was pretty wet, but no less tight than she usually was so I really couldn't tell for sure but I was betting that the wetness wasn't just from her spending all day thing about getting laid when I got home. I didn't sleep all that well that night and the next day at work wasn't all that great either. When I got home that night Karen was gone to another "charity" function and after I put the kids to bed I got out the tape and watched the rest of it. It was a six-hour tape and I got to watch five hours and thirteen minutes of my wife fucking John, Dan and thirty-six of the company's best customers. I watched as they used Karen's mouth, pussy and asshole and several times I saw all three in use at once. There were three or four times when Karen was busy taking care of whole groups of men and the one that caught my attention were Karen and the five Vice-presidents of Titan. I went into my den where I had a double VCR setup and I made two copies of the tape before tossing the original back into my brief case. Then I leaned back in my desk chair and tried to figure out what the hell had happened to my wife. The next day at work was a bad one for me. I couldn't concentrate on my job and a couple of times I almost lost it and was going to storm into Dan's office and beat the shit out of him and then go looking for John. But at the last second I backed off. I could easily end up in jail for assault and using my wife's behavior with the two as a reason wouldn't have cut much ice with the legal system. By the time I got home I had mapped out a course of action. It was another one of Karen's 'charity' nights and she wasn't home when I got there. I called and arranged for a sitter, packed a bag and tossed it in the car and then I took the tape that Charley had given me for John - I was keeping the copies for the divorce - and I left it on the kitchen table with a note, "You might enjoy this. At least you sure seemed to like doing it. Personally, I thought it sucked!" Then I left the house and checked into a motel I didn't sleep worth a damn that night and the next day at work wasn't much better. I told my secretary that I was not taking calls from Karen and I didn't want to see any messages from her either. John came in around ten and at eleven he called me into his office. He pointed at a chair and I sat down. "You looked at the tape Charley gave you, didn't you?" I told him that I had. He just looked at me for a minute and then he said, "Then I guess we have a problem." "No shit! Just how long have you been doing this to me?" "That's not the problem. The problem is that you have upset Karen and I can't be having that. She has been on the phone to me five times since I got here frantic because you moved out and won't take her calls." I got my back up at his tone of voice and I stood up and leaned over his desk and looked down at him, "Just who the fuck do you think you are that you can fuck my wife and then take that tone of voice with me?" "I'm the man who can ruin your life. Now if you don't want that to happen you will sit back down and listen to what I have to say. Otherwise get your ass out of my office and resign yourself to standing in unemployment lines because that is all you will be able to do when I get done with you." Something in the way he said it convinced me that I should at least hear what he had to say before I ripped his head off. The.job was history, but I was curious about what he meant when he said, "When I get through with you." I sat back down and said, "Okay, I'm listening, but you better understand right now that after seeing that fucking tape I could care less about how frantic Karen is about anything. Any communication between us from now on will be handled by lawyers." "That's the problem I'm talking about. Karen doesn't want that. She loves you and doesn't want to lose you. I want you to put things back together with her. I need to keep her happy." "Fat chance. If she didn't want to lose me she should have kept her legs together." "You need to understand me here. I don't care what you want. You are a good salesman and you have brought in a lot of business, but there are good salesmen all over the place. You do have value as far as the company is concerned, but you can be replaced. Karen one the other hand also has value as far as the company is concerned, but she can't be replaced. Karen is one of the, if not THE, most valuable assets that the company has." The look on my face on hearing that seemed to amuse John, "That's right, I said company asset and that's just what I meant. I think you have been married to her for so long that you have gotten complacent and you don't realize what a gem she is. But other people realize it. Charley wants her to leave you; he wants to set her up in an apartment and give her an allowance of five grand a month just to be available when he comes to town. Baxter wants her to leave you and marry him and those are just the two I know about. Karen has brought in more business than all of the company's other salesmen combined, but what's more important, she sees to it that we keep it and to keep Karen making sure we keep the business I need her happy." I sat there listening to the asshole and shaking my head in disbelief over what he was telling me and the implication that I was responsible for Karen not being happy. "Let me be blunt about this" John said, "I tricked her into doing what she is doing. She did it at first because she loves you and she thought she was saving your job. After the first time I blackmailed her into the rest of it. There isn't anyway she can get out of it until all her family are dead and buried and I hope to be retired by then. In short I own her." "You own her?" "That's what I said. I'll give you the short version; if you want anymore detail you'll have to get it from Karen. It happened at a company cocktail party. I was talking to Charley and he was staring at Karen. I made the comment that you were a very lucky man and Charley jokingly said that he would give me all his business if I could swing it so he could have one hour of sex with her. I jokingly said that I would work on it. Half an hour later I was talking with Baxter from Titian and I asked him what I had to do to get his business and he pointed at Karen and said, "Get me that" and unlike Charley, he wasn't kidding. Right then I made up my mind that if that was all it was going to take to get Titan's business I would find a way. "The Gods were smiling on me that night because not long after my talk with Baxter Karen came up to me and told me it was a lovely party. I told her that I could have enjoyed it more if it wasn't for the fact that I was going to have to let some people go. She asked me if you were in trouble and I told her that you were right on the bubble and that it could go either way. She asked me what was going to be the deciding factor and I told her bluntly that she was. She asked me what I meant and I told her one-hour in bed with her and you would never have to worry about your job again. She slapped me and stormed off. An hour later she came back and apologized for slapping me. I took her to my den and I did her on my desk. She didn't know it, but I videotaped it. Then I used the tape to blackmail her into doing Charley and I taped that too and then used that tape to get her to do Baxter. If she doesn't do what I tell her, and when, every body she knows will get to see copies of those tapes. So, be as pissed as you want, but what's done is done. I've got every dime I own sunk into this place and I won't apologize for doing whatever I have to do to make the company grow and keep it healthy. As long as you didn't know what was happening everything was fine. Now that you know it's a problem." I stood up and John asked me where I was going and I told him I'd heard enough and he told me that I might just want to sit down and heard the rest of what he had to say, "It's your future that we are talking about here." "My future? You have fucked up my marriage, my life, and you tell me it's my future we are here to talk about?" "Here's the deal. You go home and do everything that you have to do to settle Karen down. I don't care if you have to lie to her to get it done. Pretend to forgive her if you have to, but get her in a good mood for now. Over time find some other way to break up - fuck her best friend and get her pissed enough to leave you, I don't care. Just get her in a good mood. She is supposed to see Mattson from Dexter tomorrow and I need her to give him her best. His business is worth 6.3 million to the company. Do this for me and you will be the new Vice-president of Sales with everything that goes along with the title and the job. Don't do it and I'll ruin you. Doesn't matter if you quit or get fired, by the time I spread the word about you won't be able to get a job on a garbage truck. And I won't be the only one spreading the word - a phone call to Karen's many admirers and they will spread the word too. Just image all the contacts Charley has. Add to those the ones Baxter has and you won't be able to go anywhere. Then there is the personal situation. Try to divorce Karen and I'll pay for the best lawyer available. You might have a copy of the tape, but I'll produce three or four women who will say they had affairs with you. The result will be a standoff and in standoffs judges rule. You got any judges in your pocket? I do. There is one other thing that hasn't been mentioned - you love her. You can say bullshit right now, but that's just your ego talking. You love her, you know it and I know it - it's written all over your face. Take the day off, go home and fix things up and make everybody happy." I just sat there and looked at him absolutely amazed at his arrogance and then I started laughing. It took me a minute to get myself back under control and then I said, "You have got to be the dumbest son of a bitch that I have ever come across. You sit on that side of your desk and think that you can dictate to me, but you overlooked one thing here. I'll show my copy of the tape to Karen's parents and grandparents and then your leverage over her is gone. What do I care if it embarrasses her? Especially after what she has done to me? And that's not the end of it asshole. I may not have any judges in my pocket, but do you remember the day I introduced you to my brother the reporter? The one you tried to talk into doing a story on your company? Well here is a story he can do, I can see the headlines now - CEO Blackmails Women To Be Sex Slaves. Of course the story will have to name names if it is to be taken seriously. What if a copy of the tape shows up at Charlie's house addressed to his wife? Baxter may not be married, but I'll bet some of his vice presidents are, you know, the ones that you taped gangbanging Karen? And what about the wives of all the others you captured on tape? How do you think they will react? What happens John, when the word gets out and all of your customers decide that they need to distance themselves from you? No John, you don't have any leverage over me at all. I've got your balls in my hand and I can squeeze them any fucking time I want." I stared at John's ashen face as what I'd just said sunk in and then I stood up to go and John said, "What are you going to do?" "Right now I don't have a clue. I think I'm going to go and drink my lunch. After that I may go home and have it out with Karen or I may go and see my brother and I walked out of his office. When I walked out of John's office I truly had no clue as to what I was going to do. John's telling me that he had been blackmailing Karen didn't change anything. I had seen the tape and Karen hadn't been acting - she loved it. A woman might be able to fake an orgasm here and there, but no one is good enough to fake continuous orgasms. And her "Fuck me, fuck me's" had too much real emotion in them, to say nothing of the gamut of her facial expressions. No, Karen might have allowed herself to be blackmailed the first time and maybe even the second, but after that she was one hundred percent into it. Then there was the blackmail itself. Karen didn't have to stand still for it. She didn't have to do anything to save my job for me. Granted, I might have ended up at a place paying less money, but so what? It wasn't as if I would never work again and if money got tight, well, she had wanted to go to work anyway. The bottom line was that at no time did she ever have to say yes to John's demands - unless she wanted to. So, what was that telling me about Karen and what did that say about our marriage? I told my secretary that I would be gone for at least the rest of the day and that I might not be in the next day and to transfer all my calls to John. That way every time he took a call meant for me he could think about me and my threat. It was clear to me that I didn't work there any more, but my actual departure was going to be a little more formal and even though John didn't know it yet there was going to be a nice severance package and some glowing letters of recommendation. I did just what I said I was going to do; I sat in the bar across the street from work, drank my lunch and thought about my marriage and what in it had caused Karen to do what she did. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Karen did what she did because she was dissatisfied at home, but the question was why? I did every thing that she asked for. Hell, I even peed on her once when she had asked me to and I had let her pee on me. Neither of us cared for it, but it showed the lengths I was willing to go to meet her needs, whatever they might be. As I sat there I watched the scantily clad cocktail waitresses dart between the tables and thought, and not for the first time, how much I'd have liked to bed any one of them, but I had never tried. I had never tried because I was perfectly satisfied with what I had at home. Why hadn't Karen been? My cell phone had vibrating ever since I'd come into the lounge, but I hadn't bothered to look at it. It went off again and I looked and saw from the caller ID that it was Karen. I cleared the screen and checked and saw that I had two calls from John and six from Karen. I cleared off the numbers and turned the phone off and ordered another drink. By four-thirty I had come to the conclusion that all my sitting and drinking weren't getting me anywhere. I still did not know why Karen had done it and I never would know until I went home and had it out with her. I had started the day not caring to know and I was ending it needing to know. As I pulled into the drive at the house I asked myself if coming back was really a good idea. My packing a bag and leaving and then not taking Karen's calls was a clean and final action and I couldn't see where coming back wouldn't just muddy things up. But I guess that I just had to know why my wife had done what she'd done. I walked in the front door and saw Karen sitting at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. When the door closed behind me she stood up and took a hesitant step toward me and then she rushed toward me, threw her arms around me and started crying. Between sobs she said, "Thank God, you came back. I was so afraid that you'd left me for good and that I wouldn't see you again." I pushed her away from me, "I did leave and I'm only back long enough to find out why you did this to us." She tried to cling to me but I wouldn't let her. "Get yourself together. Get a drink or whatever you have to do to settle down. I'm here to listen to what you have to say for yourself and if all you are going to do is blubber I'm leaving." I walked away from her and went into the kitchen and got myself a beer out of the fridge and I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping it when she came in and sat down opposite me. She sat there quiet for a minute or so and then she said, "I'm sorry. I thought I was helping us. I didn't understand that John was such an asshole and would do what he did." I started to get up and she asked me were I was going. "I came here to find out what happened to our marriage not to be fed a line of bullshit. If you aren't going to be straight about it I'm leaving." "Please. Please don't go." I sat back down, "Okay, lets hear it. Let's hear the real story." She looked down at the table and said, "It's true what I said about thinking that I was helping. I did think I was helping you keep your job, but that wasn't the entire reason I did it that way." For years, at least the four that I had worked for John, we had been going to parties and Karen had been hearing the women talk about John and his exceptionally large cock. From the conversations that Karen had overheard it was quite apparent that a lot of them had come by the knowledge first hand and had found it to be a gratifying experience. Karen had been a virgin when we met and had never seen a cock other than mine so it was natural that she would be a little curious. It just happened that on a day we were going to a cocktail party at John's house that Karen was extremely horny. We made love twice that morning before I went to work and she wanted to go again as soon as I got home that night but I put her off because we had the party to go to. On the way to the party she had tried to get me to pull over for a quickie, but I told her that she was just going to have to wait until we got home. At the party she had several drinks which had the effect of enhancing her horniness. Halfway into the party she had been talking to John and she had mentioned that it was a lovely party and he said that it was okay, but that he wished he could be a little more upbeat about it. When she had asked him what was wrong he told her about having to lay off some people that week and it kind of put the damper on things for him. Karen had asked if I was going to be okay and John had said that I was right on the bubble and it could go either way. When Karen had asked what it would take for me to keep my job she was thinking along the lines of things like pay cuts, giving back some benefits and things like that. John had surprised her by saying that he had always been attracted to her sexually and that for an hour of her time I would never have to worry about my job again. Karen had slapped his face and had stormed away from him and had come looking for me to tell me what had happened, but she couldn't find me because I was apparently outside getting some fresh air. She got another drink and was sipping it when she overheard two women talking about John and his cock. All of a sudden her horniness, her curiosity, the alcohol and her fear that she had just cost me my job combined and then she thought that no one would ever know and she had gone looking for John. She found him and took him off to the side and apologized for slapping him and told him that it really his own fault for his blunt approach. Then she told him that she would do whatever it took for me to keep my job. John had taken her by the hand and had led her to his den. "He took me in his arms and kissed me for a minute or so and then he told me to take his cock out and kiss it. I knelt in front of him, unzipped him and as soon as I had his cock in my hand he ejaculated pre-maturely and he told me to get him hard again. I was there on my knees in front of him with cum dripping off my hands and I almost got up and ran from the room, but at the last second I decided that I was already there and that I already had his cock in my hand so I might just as well go through with it. I started stroking him and he told me to put it in my mouth and I did, between my mouth and my hand I had him hard in about two minutes and he pulled me to my feet and pushed me back on his desk, pulled off my panties and then he fucked me. It wasn't at all what I had expected it to be. I was horny and when you added in the excitement of doing something as wicked as having illicit sex I expected that I would have been really turned on and that I would really have enjoyed it, but I didn't. Oh I got off, but it wasn't even half as good as it was when I got off with you. And his so called huge cock? It wasn't even as big as yours." "When it was over I was ashamed of myself, but at least I could tell myself that I had done it for you, for us. As I was putting my panties back on he told me to leave them off, that he had something that he wanted me to see. He turned on the TV and I saw that he had taped us. He bent me over his desk and told me to watch it as he fucked me for the second time. He told me to watch it and imagine what you would do if you saw the tape. Then he asked me how my parents would react if they saw it and if my grandparents would like to watch it. Then he asked if I had any idea of what it would be like if a copy were sent to the teachers at the kid's school. Then he told me that if I would do him a favor he would give me the tape. I asked him what kind of favor and he told me that he would tell me as soon as he was finished and then he began to fuck me as hard as he could until he came. And before you ask, yes I enjoyed it. There was something extremely erotic and exciting about watching myself being fucked while I was being fucked and I had one of my largest orgasms ever. When he finished he told me to wait and he would be right back. He left the room and came back a couple of minutes later with Charley. He told me to show Charley a good time and he would give me the videotape. I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but I needed to get that tape so I went ahead and showed Charley a good time. While Charley was fucking me John shoved his cock in my mouth and when Charley came he and John switched places and when John came Charley took me for a second time. When he was done John gave me the tape and I went back to the party hoping like hell that you hadn't noticed how long I had been gone. Before we left the party I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself out as good as I could in case you wanted me when we got home that night. Monday morning John showed up at the house and told me what I had to do to earn back the second tape? the one of him and Charley doing me - and, well, you've seen the tape so you know the rest." "How could you have been so incredibly stupid as to fuck Charley and John after you already knew that John was set up to tape things?" "I wasn't thinking clearly. I was in a panic to keep anyone from seeing that first tape. I just didn't think!" "I watched the tape Karen. I didn't see any reluctance on your part to do the things that John had you do." "That's because the tape you saw was edited. You didn't see me at the start, lying there stiff as a board and trying not to like it and you didn't see me at the end sitting there and crying. All you saw was what happened in the middle. You know me, how I responsive I am in bed. Once they managed to get me going I ended up responding no matter how I fought against it. After the fourth or fifth time I gave up fighting it. I had to do it so I figured that I might as well enjoy it." "That's the problem Karen, you didn't have to do it. You could have come to me and told me what was going on after that first time." "Yeah, right! You would have done just what you did after you saw the tape. You would have been out the door in a heartbeat. And what about John's threat to send copies to everybody in the world, what would you have done about that? No, John has his hooks so deep in me that I can never get loose until my parents and grandparents are dead and the kids are out of school. Unless you can think of something?" She paused, "Or do you even care anymore?" I'm doing quite well in my new position as VP of Sales. I'm being paid fifty percent more than my predecessor and I do enjoy a few more perks than he did, but then his wife wasn't the company whore. I didn't divorce Karen. We don't live together anymore, but I see her quite often at company social functions where John has her spread herself for his and the company's benefit. I've fucked her myself a time or three at those functions and she always smiles at me and tells me that there is plenty more waiting at home if I ever decide to come back. I haven't told her that I can end her servitude any time I feel like it. There are two reasons for that. One is because she wasn't totally truthful with me when she told me the story. She neglected to tell me that even though John blackmailed her into doing it he still paid her a commission on every piece of business that she brought in and she had a rather tidy sum sitting in the bank. Her commission on Baxter alone was fifty grand. The other reason is because I still haven't been able to get over her being the company whore behind my back for over six months. I swear I could have handled it if she had told me about it when it happened, but to fuck thirty six different men (and that's just those I counted on the tape) behind my back was just a little more than I could handle. There might be some hope for us. I'm finding that I like gang fucking the little slut with several other guys. I have to take a two-week business trip next month and I think I'll see if my parents will take the kids. If Karen will agree to go with me and to take care of a few of my customers while we are gone we just might come back a couple. I guess it's just a case of wait and see. 21595 2.15/512345
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