Friday, September 28, 2012
The Adventures of Nikki Nipples Nicastro Pt 4
THE ADVENTURES OF NIKKI NIPPLES NICASTRO Pt 4 By Stormbringer Nikki Nipples Vs. The Homeless Nikki was pleasantly surprised when she found a decent parking space, but then it was Thanksgiving day and traffic had been as slow as it gets around Los Angeles. She was coming off of a five day streak without cheating on her husband and was quite pleased with herself. She had blown off Orson yesterday as payment for his working for her, but she didn???t count that as cheating anymore. Cheating was when you had a huge cock penetrate your pussy just like Max Swell had last Saturday. Damn! I need to quit thinking about it, she thought as her nipples hardened. Even wearing the special bra didn???t protect her entirely especially when thinking about Max???s or Ares??? big black cocks. Her eyes fell on a big black cock. The dildo was lifelike and advertised as a foot long. The lettering claimed the dildo was modeled after some black porn star???s penis. It was displayed in a row of dildos. They started with small white ones and she noticed the model Jill had bought her as the row turned into big black ones as if someone was suggesting black???s were bigger. She was starting to believe that black men were more likely to have a big cock, but then she???d seen some pretty darn big ones on white men over the last three weeks. The store was closed of course, though a sign stated that it would be open later that afternoon even on a holiday. Not that Nikki would ever go in a store like this. The store was sick. All manor of sexual items were on display from dildos to leather fetish gear to pornographic dvd???s and magazines. They also apparently had some kind of booth with movies. There were people around and all the men checked her out. She was dressed rather conservatively in a jean skirt and a pink pull over shirt, but her enormous bosom did stretch out the shirt. She felt a little embarrassed that she appeared to be window shopping at a sex store. She should have parked closer to the soup kitchen she volunteered at every Thanksgiving, but there was another store she wanted to check out. It was next to the sex store and even worse, it was next to a topless bar. The topless bar was called Pole Dancers and Nikki felt her cheeks flush red with embarrassment and then turn white as the color drained from them. The store she was looking for was called Pole Dancer???s Boutique. Her husband had been buying her sexy clothes at a store that catered to strippers! The bar showed the silhouette of a nude woman dancing on a pole and Nikki finally understood what a pole dancer was. The only place where she could find clothes to fit her breasts was a stripper store! She had been hoping to find a bikini that fit her boobs, but she could never shop here. The store would be closed all day, but the club was opening at 3:00. ???What time are you on???? Nikki turned to look at the man. ???Excuse me???? Three men about college age wearing tee shirts and ball caps were staring at her boobs. ???What time are you onstage? We???ll come in just to see you.??? ???I??? I???m not a stripper,??? she said, flustered before hurrying off. ???Shame,??? he called, ???I???d pay fifty bucks for a lap dance.??? ???Maybe she just makes movies,??? said another man. ???Maybe she???s just a bitch,??? said the third man. ???Bitch,??? he yelled after her. ****************** The black man finished defecating. He used some nearby newspaper to clean his ass. He stood up in the alley and buttoned his dirty brown slacks. They had several holes in them and stopped inches short of his bare ankles. He wore mismatched sneakers with no socks. The black man wore a dark blue tee shirt and a black jacket over that. Paper clipped to the tee shirt???s collar was a folded napkin that looked like a priest???s collar. Father Juma stepped past a sleeping bum and left the alley. He nearly bumped into a woman. The woman looked up at him a little frightened by his sudden appearance. The black man towered over her at close to seven feet tall. ???Excuse me,??? she said, stepping around him. Father Juma looked at the woman???s body, his eyes fixed hungrily on her bosom. ???For a whore is a deep ditch, and a strange woman, a narrow pit,??? he said. The woman stared at him clearly frightened and rushed on. Father Juma watched her leave. His eyes followed as she entered the homeless shelter a block away. ************** Nikki felt a surge of relief when she entered the soup kitchen. The black man had been one of the scariest she???d ever seen. He was tall and gaunt with sallow cheeks and sunken eyes. His eyes didn???t look right to her. They were dark and piercing with just the hint of madness. He had dark black African skin and his voice had what sounded like an African accent. Nikki shivered. ???Mrs. Nicastro, how are y?????? Nikki smiled up at Father Patrick. Even the good father had stopped to stare at her breasts. ???It???s a long story Father.??? ???Are you with child, perhaps???? ???No Father. Like I said, it???s a long story.??? ???Are you still a heathen???? Nikki grinned as the good natured priest broke the awkward moment. ???I???m still Greek Orthodox, Father.??? ???I???ll pray for your salvation my child.??? The Priest shook her hand. ???It???s good to see you, Father,??? she said. ???And you Nikki. I wish you???d volunteer more then once a year.??? ???I???d love too if it wasn???t such a long drive for me. ???Anyway, the potatoes are waiting for you, child.??? Nikki rolled her eyes. ???Potatoes, the root of all evil.??? Nikki spent the next three hours peeling potatoes. After that, another two and a half hours mashing them. Nikki had been volunteering every Thanksgiving at this soup kitchen for about three years now. It was hard work, but it made her feel good to do something for the homeless. Alex wasn???t very charitable, labor wise at least, he had no problem writing out checks for charity. Alex went and spent Thanksgiving every year with his parents. Nikki would see them at Christmas. By 3:00, the soup kitchen threw open it???s doors to the waiting line of the homeless. Nikki stood behind the line and served mashed potatoes and gravy. She had her hair up in a net and wore gloves while she dished out potatoes. The homeless filed by one by one. Most were typical bums, dirty, bearded, alcoholic, and a little crazy, but there were also a few families with children that broke Nikki???s heart. ???I???ll take two melons.??? Nikki turned to look at the bum who was ogling her breasts. ???Just potatoes, Mister.??? She spooned some out. ???Would you like gravy???? ???Got milk???? Several other homeless bums laughed. One said, ???Moo.??? Nikki ladled some gravy on his potatoes and he moved on, but there were a few more comments after that. The door burst open and the tall, gaunt black man entered the soup kitchen. ???For in eating every one taketh before his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken,??? he shouted angrily at the crowd. Several of the homeless shouted, ???Father Juma,??? as a greeting. ???Jesus wept,??? whispered Father Patrick nearby. ???I haven???t seen Father Juma in five years.??? Nikki shivered a little. ???Who is he???? ???He???s my old boss. He ran this kitchen and shelter some eight years ago. He came here from the Sudan before that. His tribe is some of the tallest people in the world. He???s 6???11???, but used to joke he was the runt of the family. A good man before he went crazy.??? ???What happened???? ???We don???t know. He just started acting strange. At first, he???d randomly shout out verses from the bible. The flock loved it, but soon you couldn???t even hold conversations with him. All he can do is shout out bible verses. The archdiocese thought god was speaking through him. Everything he shouted was filled with god???s truth.??? Nikki thought, I hope not, he called me a whore in the alley. ???Maybe a type of Tourette???s syndrome???? ???Maybe,??? replied Father Patrick. ???After awhile, the church decided he was just plain crazy. We tried to get him help, but he fled to the street.??? Father Juma strolled through the crowd. ???I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.??? Several homeless reached out to touch him as he passed. They clearly still believed him possessed of god???s spirit. Juma walked to the end of the line and took a tray and plate. Nikki became aware of how much time had seemed to stand still since Juma arrived. When he got in line, things went back to normal, the line started moving again and conversations started back up. Nikki scooped out some mashed potatoes and then some more mashed potatoes, and then some more. She was aware of Juma coming closer to her as the line moved along. His tray was full of turkey, beans, corn, and cranberries by the time he stood before her. ???Mashed potatoes and gravy???? ???And there came one of the seven angels which had seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me?????? ???I???m sorry, I don???t understand.??? ???Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgement of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.??? Juma held out his tray. Nikki filled an empty spot with mashed potatoes and then scooped gravy on them just before Juma threw his tray of food at her. Nikki screamed. ???With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication.??? Juma pointed at her. Everyone was stunned as Juma grabbed the plate off the tray of the man in front of him and tossed it too on Nikki. She ducked, but food flew in her face. ???And the inhabitants of the earth have been drunk with the wine of her fornication,??? continued Juma as he grabbed the plate of the man behind him and tossed that at Nikki???s back as she fled. Father Patrick grabbed the giant black man who did not struggle as the Priest led him out onto the street. Nikki was crying and trying to wipe food off herself with a wet cloth when Father Patrick returned. ???Are you alright, child???? he asked. Nikki nodded and sobbed some more. ???He just scared me that???s all.??? Her hair net had become dislodged and purple cranberries covered her hair. Her clothes were ruined. ???Would you like to use the shelter???s shower???? ???That would be great.??? ???Follow me.??? Father Patrick led Nikki over to where the kitchen connected to the shelter. He took a key from his pocket. ???Don???t worry about being disturbed. Only the shelter???s manager gets a key and we emptied the shelter of occupants to clean it while everyone is eating. The crew should all be finished cleaning the bunks. Here it is.??? ???Thanks Father,??? said Nikki waiting for the priest to leave. Clean or not, the shelter stunk of sweat and booze. The shower was communal like a gym???s shower. The tiles were dirty and gritty. Nikki noticed there was another smaller shower with a door for women, but when she tried the knob, it was locked and by then Father Patrick was gone. Nikki sighed and began stripping. The black man had gotten food on every piece of clothing she wore and the cranberries had permanently stained everything, ruining them. She unzipped her skirt and pushed it down around her ankles. Good thing no one can see me, she thought. She was wearing thong underwear, another gift from her husband who seemed delighted that she was willing to dress more sexily for him. Nikki pulled the pink top off and grimaced as she felt corn, beans, cranberries, and a big slice of turkey fall down her body. Now clad in only her underwear, Nikki looked around nervously. It felt strange stripping in such a large shower just off a large empty room. She unhooked her special bra and sighed as her nipples sprang free. The nipples quickly popped out fully erect and her panties grew damp as the cool air caressed her nipples. Nikki pulled her panties down and stepped over to the shower. *************** Juma removed the key from his pocket. He couldn???t think clearly anymore, but sometimes his body responded automatically. He stared at it, not knowing why he had kept it or exactly what it was for, but he had kept it for five years. ???And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit.??? He inserted the key in the lock and turned the handle until it clicked. Juma snuck inside the shelter and strolled towards the shower. The woman was nude, her breasts were thrust out towards him and his hands came up as if to grab and squeeze them. Her crotch was shaved and glistened with droplets of moisture. Her eyes were closed and her head was under the stream of water as she washed food from her hair. Juma began undressing. ???These shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked,??? he whispered. Nude, he softly walked towards the Jezebel, his giant black serpent rising from it???s slumber. **************** God, the shower feels great, thought Nikki as water splattered her face and soaked her hair. She jumped startled when she felt the large hands on her breasts. They immediately tweaked and squeezed her large nipples. Nikki???s pussy spasmed as her arousal grew. She took her head from under the water and wiped her eyes, fearing that the good natured Father Patrick had returned to take advantage of her or worse, some bum had been hiding out in the shelter. ???No,??? she gasped as the tall, black, mad Priest was revealed to her. The man???s cock poked her in the belly. She looked down and gasped again as it???s size was revealed to her. She heard Juma say, ???For they cast down everyman his rod and they became serpents.??? Her hands had involuntarily reached out to grab the massive black cock to push it away from her, but she never released it. The thing was gigantic. It seemed to match the black man???s huge height. She guessed his cock must have been nearly fourteen inches long. It made Ares and Max look small by comparison. It was thick too, as big around as her wrist. Her pussy quivered at the sight. Juma quit teasing her nipples, he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed down. Nikki fell to her knees on the dirty tiles. Now she could see the huge balls. Ares??? testicles had been as big as oranges, but Juma???s testicles were each as big as Ares??? entire scrotum. His balls were swollen and reddish despite the man???s dark black skin. He was circumcised, but the remains of a foreskin under the head suggested it had been poorly done and cut when he was an adult. The head of his cock was huge too, half again as big as his shaft. The shaft was covered with large veins, where other big cocks she had seen only had one or two veins running the shaft???s length. The veins made the huge cock appear to pulse with power. Juma turned her mouth towards his cock head and pulled her forwards. ???The serpent beguiled me and I did eat,??? he growled. Nikki took the huge head in her mouth. It tasted of sweat and urine. His crotch stank too. She removed her mouth and pulled his cock over to the shower stream. Nearby, was a bar of soap which she used to lather and clean his huge cock and balls. The black man was silent as she washed him. When he was clean, she took him back in her mouth. Juma???s body was now under the shower and the water cleaned him while she licked her tongue around the knobby cock head. Nikki sucked the fat head in her mouth and bobbed her head over it. She felt a little shame that she hadn???t even tried to resist this time, but his cock was just too big for her to pass up. This black serpent really did beguile me, she thought. The Priest???s black cock was so big, she felt like she was learning to do this all over again. Nikki swallowed more and felt the gag reflex returning, but now she knew how to suppress it and pace herself. She sucked the cock in deeper and felt the head squeeze into her throat. Nikki didn???t close her eyes as she couldn???t take her eyes off the thick shaft running under her nose to the man???s crotch a foot away. She hefted his balls and almost released them at their heat. She kneaded them amazed at how warm they were as if they suffered from a fever. Nikki glanced up his body and into his face. Juma stared back at her expressionless as he watched her. Nikki continued to stare in his eyes as she bobbed her head along the shaft. She used her hands to play with her nipples and she moaned around the fat cock in her mouth as her pussy quivered with desire. Despite her growing skill at fellatio, the cock was too much for her and she only managed to swallow about half. One hand left her nipple and came up to stroke the remaining seven inches of his shaft while she bobbed her head as rapidly as she could. She broke eye contact and stared at his pubic hair while she desperately tried to get the giant man to orgasm. Nikki had learned that as a man approached orgasm, his cock would swell to it???s maximum size. As Juma???s cock began to swell, Nikki found herself gagging on the massive head. She was forced to pull her head back until just the tip of his cock was in her mouth. At that point, she needed to use both hands to stroke his shaft. She glanced up at the black man and found his face still expressionless. His cock was swollen now and Nikki almost thought it would burst like a balloon if he didn???t cum soon. The thick long veins were pulsing now as her hands slid over them. Nikki brought one hand down to need his balls. They were burning up and she had to pull back her hand from the heat. ???And the serpent cast out of his mouth, water as a flood after the woman,??? said Juma, straining to get the words out just as his cock exploded. The force of his ejaculate stung the back of Nikki???s throat, but her mouth filled before she had time to react. Nikki gagged and spit the cock out of her mouth, coughing out semen. A huge burst of sperm hit her face. The volume was immense, greater then the initial wads from Ares and Max combined. Another burst just as large coated her chest and breasts. Nikki had recovered by this time. She grabbed the cock and wrapped her lips back around the head. She gulped the next wad, but it was still too much and sperm poured down her chin. The following wad she was able to manage and found it was the hottest, richest sperm she had swallowed yet. Though the wads were smaller, the cock was still pumping them out faster then she could swallow. Nikki released the head from her mouth and watched as it shot wad after wad from the long urethra. Finally, his erection began to subside. With each pulse of blood through his veins, his cock would jerk up a little, but his cock still began to shrink.. thirteen inches??? twelve inches??? ten??? It suddenly jerked back up and shot one final wad of sperm that struck Nikki in the breasts. Juma???s cock then fell until it was dangling down eight or nine inches long and amazingly sperm still dribbled down from the head. Nikki shook her head in amazement and moved under the shower to wipe sperm from her face and body as Juma stepped away from her. He was clutching his head and his eyes were scrunched up as if he were in pain. ???Are you alright???? she asked. He didn???t respond and Nikki went back to cleaning herself off. Her belly was so full of the rich tasting sperm, she had no desire for anymore. Sperm tends to turn stringy and sticky with water and it took her awhile to get it all off. When she finished, she stepped out of the shower and found Juma staring at her, his cock once again erect. Juma stepped towards Nikki and scooped her up in his powerful arms. He didn???t say anything as he carried her towards the shelter and gently set her down upon a cot. The cot???s mattress was stained and brown, but clean sheets were piled at the foot of the cot. Juma stepped over the cot and straddled it. He kneeled between her legs and pushed his cock down towards her pussy. Nikki spread her legs open with eagerness, awe, and a little fear at the giant cock poised to enter her. She felt like she was about to fuck a giant. Juma ran his cock up and down the length of her slit to coat it with her juices, though Nikki couldn???t tell what was wetter, her pussy or the vast amount of precum pouring from his cock head. When he felt it was wet enough, he pushed down until her labia parted around the head from the pressure. ???And the lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people,??? he said as he pushed. ???Ah oh,??? Nikki gasped as the head entered her. ???So thick,??? she mumbled. Nikki???s pussy had adjusted to accept big cocks, but with Juma, she felt she had to learn all over again. Still, she was surprised at how easily his cock was working it???s way deeper in her pussy, but then given the amount of lubrication both his cock and her pussy was producing, she shouldn???t have been that surprised. ???Oh my god,??? groaned Nikki, thrusting her hips up at his cock. Every nerve in her pussy was starting to come alive and it felt good. Juma???s cock banged against her cervix causing Nikki to wince at the sudden pain. His precum squirted her cervix, softening it, and with all couple more thrusts the cock head pushed inside. The giant black man grunted when his cock bottomed out. He looked confused and glanced down to see several inches of his shaft were still sticking out. He grunted and stabbed forward, but she had taken all she could. Juma gave up and began fucking her. Nikki squealed at the powerful thrusts. The cot bucked and she held it tightly fearing it would collapse. Nikki could feel the pressure growing in her breasts and womb as an orgasm approached. It grew stronger as did Nikki???s anticipation. It had been five days since she???d had a truly satisfying orgasm and her body had started growing addicted to them. ???Make me cum for you,??? she growled through gritted teeth. ???Your big black cock is making me cum.??? And cum she did. Her pussy tightened and clutched his huge shaft while she came on it. The pressure in her breasts relaxed as the milk exploded from them. ???He asked water, and she gave him milk,??? said Juma, watching the milk stream shoot up nearly a foot from her engorged nipples. Nikki???s eyes were scrunched up so she couldn???t see the jet of milk shooting from her breasts, but she could feel it and the stream lasted seconds longer then any of her previous orgasms. Juma kept fucking her and Nikki opened her eyes. This giant ugly black man had just given her the best orgasm of her life and she was looking at him in a different light. ???Fuck me,??? she screamed not caring if anyone heard her in the kitchen next door. ???Fuck me with that big black cock. Make me cum again.??? Already she could feel another huge orgasm growing. Juma still looked crazed and his face was expressionless as if he were just going through the motions. ???I wanna fuck this cock everyday.??? Nikki felt crazed with lust and love for the superior cock giving her the fucking of her life. She no longer cared what Alex might think. ???Fuck me, fuck me, master.??? Nikki didn???t think that anything could have topped that last orgasm, but suddenly Juma reached around her legs and squeezed her nipples. Amazingly, the first orgasm had come without her sensitive nipples being played with. The added stimulation from her nipples made her second orgasm even stronger. Her pussy clenched his cock as she came again and an even more powerful stream of milk shot from her breasts until Juma???s hands dripped with white liquid. Juma raised a hand up and licked the milk. ???A land flowing with milk and honey,??? he whispered. He began fucking her harder. The third orgasm began building almost immediately. Juma fucked her hard with her legs bent over his arms. The cot continued to buck with his thrusts. His huge black hands squeezed and kneaded her breasts, jerking and twirling her nipples. ???Ah ah ah ah,??? moaned Nikki. ???Ah ah ah ah fuck me ah ah ah.??? This orgasm was going to be big too, though she didn???t believe anything could top the last one. She was wrong. ???I love fucking you.??? She writhed with pleasure impaled on the massive shaft. ???I love fucking your black cock. I love your black cock. I love you.??? Nikki felt the orgasm about to explode. ???I love you, master.??? Juma grunted and thrust his cock as deep as it would go. His sperm bombarded her womb setting off Nikki???s third and final orgasm. Her orgasm seemed to last forever as did the flow of milk. His cock jerked constantly, pumping more of his seed into her womb. The orgasm seemed to go on forever and at some point it began to hurt. Nikki struggled as his cock continued pumping. Her womb was hurting. It was filling up like a water balloon and like a balloon, she feared it might burst. Juma finally began withdrawing his cock and the pressure eased as his sperm was able to flow out of her cervix. Finally, he pulled out completely and the sperm gushed out between her legs. Juma grabbed his head between his hands again and seemed in pain. Nikki had her own problems. She rolled over on her stomach and sat up on her knees to hasten the flow of semen from her womb. It seemed to go on forever. The volume of semen had not declined any from when he had cum earlier in her mouth. Nikki sat like this for over five minutes and the flow never receded. Juma placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her forwards on all fours. His cock head found it???s way to her pussy again. ???Fuck me again, master,??? she moaned, wanting him, but not sure she could handle another fuck like the last one. Juma didn???t push more then the head of his cock in. He moved it around coating it with his sperm. His hand tightly gripped her ass, his thumb pushing hard against her anus. ???And there were also sodomites in the land,??? said Juma bringing his cock head up against her sphincter. The ass fuck hurt, but Nikki refused to struggle. ???My ass belongs to you, my black master,??? she thought. She laid her head down with her ass up thrust to make it easier on him. If she was to spend the rest of her life as the black priest???s slut, she would need to grow used to his cock in all her holes. Nikki felt some tissue tearing and knew there would be some blood. She reached under her chest and started playing with her nipples. The pain became bearable and she moaned as she had a small orgasm. One by one the homeless filed in through the door Juma had left unlocked. They stopped to stare at the sight before them. Eventually they formed a semi circle and watched Father Juma take the ass of the buxom slut. Many took their penises out of their pants and began stroking them. Nikki never completely grew to enjoy the ass fuck from Juma???s massive prick, but she didn???t hate it either. After keeping up a long steady pace, Juma???s cock began pumping her ass full of sperm. His ejaculate quickly filled her ass having nowhere to go until he withdrew his still squirting cock. His sperm rose to her sphincter and began pouring out. His semen seemed to have a soothing effect on her ass, it was a hot balm coating the torn tissue. ???What have I done???? ???Excuse me???? In shock, Nikki sat back up and turned around on the cot. Juma was blinking and clutching his head again. His eyes had lost their mad gleam. ???I fornicated with you.??? ???Yes, lover and it was amazing.??? Nikki reached over and grabbed the ten inch dangling cock which was incredibly still dripping sperm. Juma stared at her hand on his cock, stroking it and soon the long phallus began to grow. ???I remember everything. My mind wouldn???t work.??? Nikki kissed his cock head. She could see his testicles and she reached out to heft them. They were no longer burning up and were now as black as his skin. The reddish tint was gone. ???I don???t think this incredible cock of yours is supposed to go unused. You were meant to fuck Juma, not go celibate.??? ???My god, you are beautiful,??? said the black priest seeing Nikki for the first time. She was magnificent despite to sweat, sperm, and milk coating her body. ???Is that an offer???? ???Anything you want. I just need this cock again.??? Nikki stroked the shaft and slurped around the head with her tongue. ???We???ll get you cleaned up and find you a place to stay where we can fuck everyday.??? ???Your mouth feel so good. Yes, I think your plan sounds?????? Juma frowned as he stared down at her hand sliding along his shaft. Light reflected off her wedding ring. ???You are married???? Nikki paused. ???Yes, but I don???t care about him any more. He can???t please me like?????? Juma had pulled his cock from her mouth in horror. ???What???s wrong???? Juma stepped back. ???Adulterer!??? ???No Juma!??? Father Juma scrunched his eyes closed and continued to step backwards. When he opened them, he pointed at Nikki. ???To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.??? Father Juma stepped backwards squeezing through the crowd. ???No! Don???t leave me.??? Nikki cried. Crowd? She suddenly realized there was a large group of people watching her. A hand grabbed her head and turned it, a small penis pushed inside her open mouth. It tasted dirty and stank as did the crotch of the man. Nikki sucked it between her lips as he thrust it in and out fo her mouth. She sucked his prick, but stared angrily at the man. His tee-shirt was dirty and full of holes. He was old, maybe sixty, and had missing teeth. Nikki was pushed back on the cot and felt another man climb between her legs. This man appeared half black, but his cock was nothing impressive. Another man pressed a decent sized, but floppy penis against her nipple and squeezed out a small wad of sperm onto it. Another wad of semen splattered on her forehead from a man jerking off above her head. Nikki was aware of a large crowd of homeless men forming around her. This was going to turn into a gang bang unless she did something soon. Luckily, both the man fucking her and the man in her mouth came together. When they pulled out, Nikki was able to scramble to her feet and make a dash for her clothes. ???What about me???? asked a man. Nikki briefly paused to stare at an impressive, but dirty ten inch white cock. She shook her head, running for the door. They didn???t follow her, but some tried to grab her as she ran past. Nikki was still nude as she stepped onto the street just as a police car sped past her, siren blazing. Nikki sank back into the door and hastily dressed in her stained clothing. There were a few people on the street, but most were paying attention to the police car. Clothed, Nikki stepped out on the sidewalk and made to avoid anyone, conscio 12064 1.30/512345
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