Friday, September 21, 2012
WestPac Widows
WESTPAC WIDOWS By AfrodisiacMWF No one from our small east coast town had any idea one of our classmates would be coming home on military leave to attend our belated fifth year high school class reunion. Having come all the way across the Pacific Ocean from the Indian Ocean and immediately flying home across the United States this classmate easily won the gag gift for traveling the longest distance to attend our reunion. A whirlwind courtship followed his unexpected return for our class reunion and the weekend before the end of his month vacation we were married. Completing five years of sea duty my new husband?s shore assignment for the next two years was only one and a half hours driving time away from home. Even though now married, except for three weekends a month my life changed very little. I still lived at home with my parents, worked at the same job since high school, attended night classes and hung out with friends on the one weekend each month my husband had to remain at the base. Rotating back to sea duty he opted to return aboard ship on the west coast. This would be my first time away from family and life-long friends. Finally we were able to enjoy a real honeymoon while driving across the United States to the military base. We found a reasonably priced apartment complex catering to transient military families. The wives arrived and departed too quickly to form any significant friendships. I was shocked and dismayed wife swapping seemed so prevalent after noticing several wives and their husbands leaving weekend parties with someone else?s spouse. Knowing very little about military life the base family service was a big help. The center?s orientation program emphasized monetary savings at the base department store (exchange), grocery store (commissary) and gas station in comparison to shopping on the local economy. Marrying a rapidly promoted enlisted combat veteran put us near the top of the base quarters waiting list. Even though married almost three years, I still felt like a deliriously happy newly wed moving into base housing. Six months after the arriving on the west coast I found myself facing the unwelcome prospect of our idyllic life being interrupted. My husband?s ship leaving for at least nine month and possibly longer deployment to the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans tempered my wedded bliss. Leaving me alone far away from home and life-long friends I had always hung out with I couldn?t help wondering whether or not marriage with a career military man was a mistake. It didn?t take long after my husband was gone to realize I had too much free time on my hands. Attending a Family Services Center seminar designed to assist displaced wives in transferring acquired work skills motivated me to apply for civil service job openings on the base. Since boredom was eating me alive from the inside out I completed and submitted the cumbersome federal civil service application. Within a month I was interviewed for a clerk position at the base administration office and a week later was offered an entry-level position. Male and female military and civil service personnel staffed the offices. The division director was nearing retirement and my immediate mentor was also a military wife. Boring days were a thing of the past. However, I absolutely hated sleeping in an empty bed every night instead of once every four nights. Each lonely night I fitfully tossed and turned in that empty bed too well aware of the irony that I was an attractive blonde living without intimate companionship on a military base among so many physically fit men. Not having been sexually promiscuous before marriage my naivet? enabled me to remain aloof with sailors coming to our office for assistance. My mentor, Debbie, couldn?t believe I seemed unaware of them checking me out. Likewise outside of work I habitually ignored lecherous sailor?s lewd and crude comments. A few weeks before my husband?s return Debbie invited me to the base Acey-Duecy Club. We were celebrating her husband?s last night as a First Class Petty Officer. His promotion to Chief was bitter sweet due to being transferred aboard one the ships in the carrier battle group scheduled to relieve my husband?s group. My married co-worker?s husband?s ship left two weeks later. Four days later Debbie surprisingly suggested we go to Happy Hour at the Acey-Duecy Club. Naively I failed to consider how much attention two unescorted, attractive women would attract in a club full of senior petty officers. While I habitually ignored lecherous sailor?s hitting one me, I admired the much more experienced Debbie fending off many sailor?s overtures. Much to my chagrin Debbie outwardly seemed unruffled by flirtatious black sailors hitting on us at our table. Upon realizing my discomfort, she leaned over and asked me, ?Why make yourself miserable ignoring them?? Interrupting my feeble, ?but we?re married? response, she countered with, ?Openly bantering with black sailors keeps white wolves unwanted attention at bay.? Seeing my confusion Debbie astonishingly clarified, ?Especially since white wives with black men is such a forbidden taboo, what?s wrong with letting white men wondering about whether black men are bigger and better is myth or truth work for us?? Imagine my shock upon Debbie suggesting, ?I?m willing to bet you?ll not be able to help getting really turned on by incomparably well-hung black sailors sooner than you think!? My initial impulse was to get away from Debbie and leave the club. Although astounded by her audacity, it just wasn?t in my upbringing to be so rude. For the rest of that first night together at the Acey-Duecy Club I quietly observed her provocative interactions with several black men stopping by our table. Not yet establishing a close relationship with any new neighbors left me unable to confide the unnerving concerns over the blatantly sexual interest shown toward Debbie and me by black sailors at the Acey-Duecy Club. Having been raised in a predominantly white rural setting I was equally unable to discuss their unwanted attention with friends back home during calls. Throughout the next week I equivocated back and forth over whether or not to go to another Happy Hour with Debbie. Yet when the Friday afternoon invitation came, I didn?t think twice about accepting. Having become familiar the prior week with what to expect, I found myself being congenial whenever she introduced me to a few of the black sailors stopping by to chat. By the third Friday I cautiously bantered with a few black sailors whom I remembered being introduced to the prior week. The presence of a live band helped encourage me to accept invitations to dance fast numbers with some of the black men. However, with my mind on my husband?s return the next week I declined every request for a slow dance and left the club before the closing set of three slow numbers. Months of long, fitful nights alone in bed were over as I saw my husband coming down the gangway onto the pier. With my husband home we resumed our normal passionate sex three out of every four nights and three weekends each month. Ten months later my husband?s battle group received deployment orders. All too soon my husband?s ship was ready to leave. With a saddened heart I once again stood on the pier. I couldn?t hold back the tears of despondency as I watched his ship until it was a haze gray speck on the horizon. Even though Debbie tried hard to console me, I couldn?t help being bitter knowing within a month her husband would be home. Neither of us had any qualms about going to Friday evening?s Happy Hour reprieve at the Acey-Duecy Club. Not only did I enjoyably fast dance, but also the occasional inadvertent pubic contact, at least on my part, while slow dancing with obviously very well hung black sailors seemed to indicate black men are bigger and I couldn't resist wondering whether or not bigger is better. Slow dancing more often the next Friday evening assured me Debbie was truthful about black men being better hung than any white man with whom I had been sexually familiar including my husband. Just like my husband?s prior deployment I fitfully tossed and turned in the lonely bed each night. Only that weekend and every night thereafter I couldn?t seem to resist increasingly fantasizing about sailors with big black cocks. During a lunch break at work a month after my husband?s departure I admitted to my mentor and co-worker she had won her bet. Unsure of what I meant, I reminded Debbie last year she had told me, ?I?ll not be able to help getting really turned on by black sailors being so well-hung sooner than I think.? The very next day at lunch Debbie presented me with a beautifully gift-wrapped present instructing me not to open her special gift until I got home that night. For the remaining months of my husband?s deployment my sexual arousal steadily increased anticipating Friday?s Happy Hour at the Acey-Duecy Club. Provocatively I tightly pressed my pubic mound to every black slow dance partner?s unmistakably big cock bulge. Afterward I went home alone to salaciously enjoy Debbie?s beautifully gift-wrapped nine-inch black dildo not only ecstatically alleviating my sexual frustration, but also steadily eradicating any remaining inculcated racial prejudice. Never having actually forsaken our marital vows for those long months I was elated to see my husband coming down the gangway onto the pier. Operational demands on the Pacific fleet necessitating unusually long in port working hours, including Saturdays more often than not, were not the only devastating news for our reunion. Because I loved my husband, and that's what counts, our marital sex should have been as good as before this last deployment. In spite of my upbringings once ingrained racial aversion flirtatious black sailors at base administration kept me feeling attractive and desirable with flattering attention I should have been getting from my husband. Subtly I encouraged the lecherous interest of intriguing black sailors hitting on me at work. Months of secretly alleviating sexual frustration with Debbie?s gift conditioned me to accept prior passion with my husband could no longer be matched unless fantasizing our marital sex was a black fucking. Once again I stood on the pier and watched his ship until it was a haze gray speck on the horizon. Only this time I didn?t have tears of despondency knowing I would provocatively slow dance with black sailors at the Acey-Duecy Club on Fridays. As soon as well hung first and second class black petty officers have my married white pussy hot and wet enough to fully enjoy my favorite black fucking substitute I intended to leave the Acey-Duecy Club in order to remain faithful to my marriage vows. Discovering an unfamiliar carton in the carport storage shed I naively believed we somehow overlooked opening a box during our move. The contents astounded me. Presuming my husband hid this box while the ship was in port, undoubtedly in his hasty departure he forgot to take his until now secret stash of pornography. Initial repugnance and slamming the offending carton into the storage shed gave way to curiosity over the course of the next week. Retrieving the carton after my commissary shopping Saturday morning I took the small box into our bedroom and emptied the contents. Eight well-worn paperback novels fell out into a pile on the bed. Rifling through the pile I couldn?t help finding the lurid covers offensive to my na?ve sensibilities. Titles that shockingly jumped out at me seemed to be about marital infidelity. Nevertheless, I couldn?t seem to stop myself from organizing the sex novels alphabetically by title. Lying back on our bed with Afternoon Delight I noticed several dog-eared pages. Totally forgotten was my normal fare of evening and weekend mind-numbing television as I immersed myself in skimming through Afternoon Delight, Closing Hubby?s Deal, Pool Party Swap, and Sex in Suburbia dog-eared pages over the next week. Refusal to imagine myself in place of the portrayed wives being steadily supplanted by arousal was first evident in spiked nipples I couldn?t seem to salaciously resist caressing. As my vaginal cleft became profusely wet I didn?t hesitate to insert my trusty black dildo for needed relief. Every evening after work I found myself too intrigued to resist resuming where I left off the prior evening. The only time my free hand ceased pushing and pulling the big black dildo into my hot pussy was to turn another page. The entire next weekend I couldn?t help increasingly becoming empathetic with those wives at the apartment complex we lived in when first arriving on the west coast as I read the extramrital scenarios in half of the eight novels from cover to cover. Monday evening I finally picked up Social Worker?s Dilemma and was intrigued to find it contained interracial extramarital sex between a white wife and black male clients. Unlike prior novels skimming dog-eared pages of Social Worker?s Dilemma, Straying Wives, Wanton For The Boss and Wives Secrets was far more pleasurable imagining myself in place of the white wives featured in each novel. Leaving Friday Happy Hour after only two drinks I found myself completely caught up in the interracial eroticism for the entire weekend. Over the weekend the ebony phallic substitute ecstatically enhanced salacious images of each black cock fucking me as the white wife as I read each plot of the four interracial extramarital novels from cover to cover. Monday through Thursday evening after work I induced multiple orgasms with the big thick black dildo while rereading each of the four interracial extramarital novels. Each novel enabled me to equate my trusty black dildo to the phallic descriptions. Each night?s vivid interracial dreams left me increasingly disposed toward satisfying my desire for erotic excitement. By Friday morning I no longer equivocated over remaining at the Acey-Duecy Club after Happy Hour. During our office farewell luncheon for Debbie, since she was accompanying her husband to Bremerton Shipyard, I could not resist letting my most trusted confidant know she was instrumental in successfully converting me into a willing white slut for black cock with a conspiratorial wink while discreetly and quietly telling her, ?In more ways than one you have been a wonderful mentor. So tonight I?m going to demonstrate my appreciation for your professional and personal tutelage with my first black fucking!? Obviously those last four favorite novels compromised once tenacious refusal to commit adultery for desperately needed sexual gratification. A full week of interracial extramarital erotic scenarios not only enabled me to envision myself as a white wife receptive to extramarital flings with black sailors, but also preferring no strings attached sex with big black cocks. Overindulgence in libations provided the necessary excuse for a sober black dancing partner to drive me home. Jamal kissed me and I relished his thick, soft lips against my lip-glossed ones. My first kiss with a black sailor felt fantastic as his tongue danced with mine, deepening the kiss; making it more urgent. ?I love the way you kiss,? I moaned into his mouth, ?and your lips taste so good.? He answered by kissing me deeper still. I felt the same sexually induced urgency and let my fingers roam up and down his broad back. I could feel his well-defined muscles through his shirt. Hot kisses accompanying mutual fondling in the car motivated me to verbalize how difficult it had been to overcome former marital fidelity and racial hang-ups. Looking directly into my escort?s eyes I decreed, ?Jamal, there?s something I need to say before we do anything. I?ve never cheated on my husband and I don?t know how to feel about you being here or about what we?re going to do, or not do.? ?I understand. The way I look at it, you are a gift given to me tonight. I want you to feel comfortable about whatever we do. So anytime you want to stop, just say the word and we will.? Jamal?s perfect answer erased any clinging doubts. I smiled, feeling my erotic dreams not only had been granted, but also presented as a gift to open and enjoy. My eyes drank in his smooth dark skin, his long hands and fingers, his perfect body. Then I sensuously ran my fingers up and down feeling the muscles in his arms and his smooth ebony skin. We were making out in my car parked out of sight in the enclosed carport. While running my hands up and down his chest and abs my hands couldn?t resist straying lower. Although recent erotic dreams couldn?t really make up for what I lacked in experience, I was no longer quite as shy after reading the last four erotic novels. Fondling the huge bulge in his pants I couldn?t resist fulfilling one of my fantasies as I coquettishly asked, "Would you like me to suck this big thing?" He chuckled good-naturedly as he responded, ?I don't know if you really ought to do that. If you put a lip-lock on my black mamba, then it?ll undoubtedly spit at you." With unabashed lust I exclaimed, "Oh yeah! I think I can handle that." To say how wrong I was has to be the understatement of all time! As soon as I got his pants open his big black cock emerged and immediately enthralled me. My hot white married pussy got so wet just looking at the amazing midnight hued cock in the dimly lit carport. It was thick with protruding veins and was getting harder and longer as I held it. With open-mouthed amazement I watched it grow in my hand while feeling his big thick black mamba getting as hard as a steel pipe. "Are you mesmerized?" He asked me as a joke. He unknowingly hit the nail on the head. I had to be honest with Jamal. "I've never seen such a big cock. Have any other women doubted they could handle it inside of them?" "Most gals are intimidated at first. They don't know how much they can handle until they try. Honestly, I thought a woman as beautiful as you would have her pick of well hung guys and naturally presumed you preferred black guys." "I haven't until this past week. But you make me so glad I am now." And with that I bent over and took my first swollen ebony cock knob into my mouth. Hot, hard and huge, sucking on his luscious black cock was amazing. He leaned back and moaned while I licked up and down his midnight hued magnificence, all the time looking up into his eyes looking down at me. After a few minutes of freely bathing his black boner with my saliva I slid the top of my dress off to let my unfettered boobs swing free. Squeezing his big thick black cock between my boobs I began to tit fuck my first extramarital lover. Pushing my boobs down to the base of his meaty monster and driving my mouth over his cock knob, I was able to fit over half into my mouth and throat. Jamal evidently was in heaven, moaning, holding my hair and spreading his legs while he arched his back. He was obviously turned on just letting me continue to get him off. I wanted to feel him come in my mouth. Suddenly I felt his cock stiffen. "Oh my God, Girl." accompanied a blast of his cum into my mouth. Spurt after spurt hit my tongue sliding on back into my throat. As I drove my face onto him as hard as I could I felt his cock knob push into my throat deeper than I thought possible. His buff body shook as he held my hair keeping my mouth on his blasting cock. His climax was amazing. ?I loved sucking your cock, Jamal.? The truth was that he could have left right then and I would have been satisfied. Giving my first black cock oral pleasure turned me on as he had such a gorgeous long and smooth cock with a big, plum-shaped dark knob. I had never had a black cock in my mouth before and it was incredible. He tasted and felt better than the interracial eroticism had made me anticipate. Sucking my first black cock made me feel ecstatic and my interracial extramarital fling had only begun. Once he regained himself, I invited Jamal to spend the rest of the night with me. I couldn't wait to get him inside me. I had to know if a big thick black cock sliding in and out, stretching my pussy lips felt even better than the fabulous dildo. Already aware the dildo was bigger than my husband?s cock, I knew Jamal?s big thick black cock would be a far greater challenge. In my bathroom was a full body mirror. I stared at myself in it wondering if I was really ready to become an adulteress. For over two years I had remained faithful and still loved my husband. In spite of the inherent long absences attendant with being career military I wanted to remain married to him. Until discovering my husband?s secret stash of porn novels a couple of weeks ago I was convinced I had everything I wanted in a long-term marital relationship. I admitted all of that to myself standing right there in my bathroom with my panties soaking wet. But I had a deep desire to be with Jamal, even if it was just for his big thick black cock. "Am I to become a secret black cock slut?" I asked and further added, ?How can a woman have such strong feelings of love for one man and still want to be sexually gratified by another?? I tried to stop thinking as I looked at myself in the mirror again. My blonde hair was a mess and my dress was hanging from my waist. Undoubtedly I wanted to be fucked. I needed to feel my first black cock inside of me. I hoped my first black fucking would be wonderful. Without any further qualms, I slipped out of my dress. When I saw myself almost naked in the mirror, except for panties and red heels I decided I would look so hot with nothing covering my freely offered body. Pausing only a moment I decided my underwear had to go too. There I was naked except for a pair of sexy red heels. I turned and opened the door, stepped out ready and willing to not just commit adultery for the first time, but also in the process fulfill the past week?s steadily increasing need for no strings attached extramarital black fucking. I found Jamal sitting on the living room sofa with one leg up on the coffee table. Equally naked he was slowly stroking his mammoth midnight hued meat. That big thick cock looked like an ebony spear that I wanted run through my hot white pussy. I wanted my first black extramarital partner to give it up to me and turn me into a wanton white wife for black cock. I stood in front of him with my legs wide apart. Uncharacteristically I began to finger myself in front of him, watching as he kept stroking his colossal cock. My pussy lips and fingers were so wet. I was hot enough to fuck and my first orgasm was on its way. Jamal looked up at me and said, "Turn around so I can see all of my sexy white booty call." I turned my body, but I kept looking over my shoulder at him looking up at me as he pumped his magnificent meat. I was getting off seeing him stroke that big black cock I had so recently loved sucking. I stopped myself from climaxing and for a second I saw my far away husband's face. However, my husband was half way around the world and at this moment I knew I wanted Jamal?s big black cock more than anything. That mammoth midnight hued magnificence created salacious feelings inside of me I'd never known before. I had become the embodiment of ebony and ivory illicit lust. "Oh Baby, Your legs, booty and boobs make me want to come." I was close already, but watching a black man stroking himself on my sofa say that pushed me right to the edge. Then he drove his hand hard down to the base of his big thick cock and voluminous jets of cum shot out of him and I went over the edge. Looking back at him with one set of fingers in my hair and my legs spread lewdly apart, I came on my other set of fingers. "Fuck me, Jamal. Fuck me with that incredible cock of yours. I want you to fuck me hard. I want you to fill me with that big black mamba. Bend me over and give it to me. Fuck me... Fuck me now." He looked up at me as I woefully looked at his wilting ebony erection. I turned and walked over to him tracing his lip line with cum coated fingers. One of his hands rose up my leg meeting my pouting pussy lips. I looked down at his beautiful black cock, astounded that it was already coming back to life. I mentally ordered myself, "Time to fulfill your dreams. Take all of your first big black cock!" Kneeling over him and straddling his legs I slowly lowered myself down onto that first big black cock being held upright for my married white pussy. My profusely wet pussy lips parted and I carried out my self-imposed orders until Jamal?s purple cock knob reached my cervix. Everything about my sexuality changed when the first ever impalement orgasm tore through me like a tidal wave. Jamal?s unbelievable sexual prowess assured me black cock is bigger and better. Clinging to martial monogamy during my husband?s last absence instead of fulfilling interracial inclinations had been so foolish. After an amazing weekend with this well-hung black extramarital partner assured me that I would never again be able to resist discreet offers for black fucking. Wanton weekends as a secret black cock slut with Jamal only lasted two months before his ship left. Having experiential proof, ?blondes who go black have more fun,? I had no qualms with Jamal introducing me to his friend Reggie. Ecstatic to be clandestinely set up with another black sailor just returning from the Far East I surreptitiously confirmed Reggie to be very well hung while slow dancing with him at the Acey-Duecy Club after Happy Hour. Although Reggie had duty the first weekend after Jamal?s ship left, I had no qualms with remaining at the Acey-Duecy Club after Happy Hour. Far more careful about how much I drank the evening was spent enjoying all my slow dancing black sailors? big cock bulges arousing me. As I had done throughout my husband?s second West Pac deployment and the beginning of this one I went home alone to pleasure myself with my trusty ebony dildo. The next Friday we discreetly left the Acey-Duecy Club separately and met at my base quarters. He had all weekend if it went the way I hoped it would. Knowing I was going to insure we enjoyed every minute together there was no need to rush. Nevertheless, in a fog of black cock lust I forgot to close the carport door as my hands immediately went to the buttons of his shirt. I needed to take his shirt off and feel his ebony skin. I broke from the kiss, ?Reggie, let me take this shirt off.? ?Okay,? he said with a smile as he started to pull it over his head, ?but let?s close that door first.? I slammed the door shut, but he didn?t kiss me again. Instead he started to work on the buttons of my blouse, kissing and licking the skin as he revealed it. My hands were rubbing the strong muscles on his back. He opened my blouse all the way, pulling it out of my skirt so he could unbutton all of it, and whisked it off my body. His hands started on my shoulders moving down to my ribs and my tippling tummy. Yet he didn?t touch my breasts. He was teasing and driving me crazy with lust. As soon as I felt his hands on my breasts my aroused body came alive begging for his touch. He touched my proffered boobs lightly over the shelf bra. My nipples became turgid under his sensual touch. He bent down to kiss the skin around my bra and then his lips were circling my spiked nipples. Drawing them hard into his mouth was accompanied by my lustful moan. I wanted his lips on my bare breasts without any further teasing delay. As if reading my mind he reached behind and unhooked my bra, tossing it to the floor. His tongue licked at my spiked nipples. ?Girl, you are so sweet,? he whispered right before he closed his lips around the turgid nub and suckled me sweetly for a few moments. But then he sucked hard on my spiked nipple flicking his tongue around the very tip. ?Oh god, Reggie?that feels so good.? My eyes were closed and my hands were on his shoulders, holding on. ?Girl I want you to see my lips sucking your beautiful white tits. Open your eyes baby.? I did, and the erotic contrast of his dark hands and face on my milky white skin was enough to make my knees weak. ?Reggie, let?s move to the bed. Please, please baby.? He ran his hands all over my body while I reciprocally explored his sexy ebony torso. I wanted to taste him so I leaned in and licked his neck. I moved my fingers over his chest muscles and caressed his equally turgid nipples with the pad of my index finger. He softly moaned. ?Oh you like that, do you baby?? I said as I leaned over to take a dark nub into my mouth like he had done to me. ?Yeah Girl, I like that a lot!? I could see his erection through his pants and reached down and stroked it through the denim. He was long and hard and ready. I undid his belt and his zipper and pulled his pants and his boxers down, all the way off. I got off the bed, neatly folded his clothes and placed them on the bedside chair. When I turned to face him again he was lying on his back, his arms under his head, his cock hard on his belly, one eye staring at me. Involuntarily I licked my lips in salacious anticipation. I walked to the edge of the bed and then crawled to where his cock laid waiting. I took the hard black shaft in my manicured fingers enthralled by the contrast with the black of his cock. I stroked it lovingly. ?Baby, you have a gorgeous cock. I can?t wait to feel it in my mouth and in my hot white married pussy?can I kiss it now baby? Can I suck your big beautiful black cock?? Talking dirty to a black extramarital partner turned me on like crazy. Undoubtedly he wanted what I wanted. ?Go ahead girl. It?s all for you.? Before the words were out of his mouth my open-mouthed kisses surrounded the purple cock knob and down the length of his ebony shaft to his cum-filled balls. I licked him on the way back up, using lots of saliva to make him wet for my hands and mouth. I put the head in my mouth and sucked, using my tongue to lick around my second and even bigger luscious black cock. ?Oh yeah,? I moaned. Black sailors tasted so different from my white husband. He was even longer than Jamal. He watched me through heavy lidded eyes. No doubt I was driving him crazy. My pursed lips must have looked so good around his hard black cock. My blonde hair splayed over his taut black belly while one hand stroked the base of his cock and balls while the other lightly stroked his nipples. I continued to suck him deeper and had more than half of his magnificent midnight hued meat inside. I started sucking him hard on the upstroke dripping spit onto his cock. He grabbed my head trying to control my cock sucking and I let him lead me. Although I?ve never let my husband cum in my mouth I quickly developed a craving for illicit black lovers? luscious cum. Lustfully I wanted to taste this second black cock exploding into my mouth. He was talking dirty making me hotter and hotter until I thought I would explode while I sucked him. I wanted him in my mouth all the time until my husband returned. All I could do was moan around this big black cock I felt him grow even bigger in my mouth. ?You want me to cum in your mouth girl? Are you sure? I?m going to a nut baby?oh god yeah, I?m going to cum now!? I felt the first load flooded my mouth and his cum tasted so good. Multiple spurts in quick succession forced me to quickly swallow but some of his luscious cum still leaked out of my lips onto my chin. So caught up was I in the thought of how good this second bigger black cock felt in my mouth that I didn?t hear him speaking to me. ?Finish taking your clothes off girl, I want to look at you.? I knelt on the bed and pulled down the zipper of my skirt, revealing the sexy black panties to him. He could see that I was already thoroughly wet, my blonde pussy thatch glistening with moisture. I sat on the bed, finished taking off the skirt and threw it on the floor. ?Stand up by the foot of the bed girl.? Regretfully I obeyed and went to stand near the foot of the bed. I felt very exposed. I was letting him take total. ?Touch your boobs girl. Make your nipples hard for me.? I turned to fully face him tweaking my nipples, feeling them spike. Reggie ordered, ?Wet your fingers girl and stroke your nipples again.? My second black extramarital lover was lying back on the bed that until two months ago had only witnessed sexual intimacy with my husband. This is so different I thought. Sex with my husband had waned due to his intense work schedule but still had become so predictable and I couldn?t even orgasm without fantasizing myself doing exactly what I was actually now doing for the second time. Recent experiences with Jamal assured me that fucking this second black man is going to just as pleasurable, if not better. Without any qualms I wet my fingers, seductively stroking them lightly over my bottom lip. Teasing him and myself I slowly inserted two fingers into my mouth. I brought my fingers from my mouth and made tight little circles around my spiked left nipple. My spittle cooled making the nipple very tight and hard. I put my fingers back into my mouth to wet them again and then repeated the action on my right nipple. I felt so wanton, so alive. I loved the feeling of touching myself for him. I wanted to finger my hot wet white pussy, but instinct told me to wait. ?Girl put your foot on the bed and let me see your pussy,? he whispered to me. I put my foot up on the bed, showing this black lover my hot wet white married pussy. ?Touch yourself girl. Touch your pussy. Let me see how wet you are. Let me see how much you want a black fucking,? he said while bringing my wet panties close to his face. I moaned as I reached down with my left hand displaying my wedding rings and lightly touched my pussy. My right hand remained on my breasts, squeezing my nipples, making them ache. Meanwhile my middle finger slid from my clit along my inflamed, wet, throbbing pussy lips. Resisting the impulse to push into my pussy, I closed my eyes, and hung my head back in lustful abandon ?Fuck yourself girl. I want to see your fingers disappear in your hot white pussy.? I inserted one finger, then a second. Once again I was touching myself in front of a black lover, fucking myself in front of him. And I loved it. I saw that he was stroking himself too. But now my black silk panties were wrapped around his girth. His big thick black cock was hard again. Reggie was hard for me and I was on fire. ?Reggie, I?m going to cum and I can?t stop it.? ?Get your fingers outta my hot white married pussy!? he demanded. Reluctantly I removed my fingers from my pussy. I wanted to cum. But I was going to play this his way. I provocatively rubbed my fingers lightly on his lips, a trace of my taste and scent still on them and then I bent down and kissed him again. ?I loved touching myself for you. I am on fire for your big black cock!? Reggie lecherously pulled me down to him, rolled me on my back and kissed me. He wanted me to know that he was on fire for me too. I could feel his enormous cock against my belly and I squirmed beneath him wanting him inside me. I reached down with my hand, wanting, needing his big black cock in me. He took my hand by the wrist and brought it up above my head, pinning it to the pillow. I was going to explode if he didn?t fuck me. ?What do you want girl?? ?I want your beautiful black cock inside me. Please, fuck me Reggie,? I whimpered. Instead he brought down his free hand and entered my tight wet pussy quickly with one finger, then two. He started to slowly stroke me telling me how wet I was, how hot I was, how good it was going to feel when he finally did fuck me, how incredible my pussy would feel around his hard black meat. It didn?t take but a few minutes of this and I felt myself start to cum harder than I had in the past two weeks. He let go of the hand above my head as he felt my orgasm start and I instinctively clutched him as my hips bucked against his fingers. I cried out his name at the peak of it, and he whispered in my ear how incredibly sexy I looked while I came. He kissed me while I was coming down, slowing his fingers down until I quieted below him and laid back content, a wanton smile on my face. He brought the fingers that had been in my pussy up to my face and spread my juices on my lips before he bent down to lick and kiss my mouth. My tongue came out to join his as I grabbed hold of his hand and brought his fingers into my warm mouth. We kissed and then I sucked on his fingers while I reached down and gave the head of his huge balck cock a squeeze. He grabbed my hips and pulled my hot wet pussy over his big black cock. With his purple cock knob prying open my willing pussy lips he took over the fucking. Bringing his hips up and stroking me until he had most of his midnight hued magnificence inside my white married pussy as I swooned in black cock lust. Meanwhile I held on to the headboard as he fucked me slowly from underneath and my pussy clamped an even bigger, thicker black cock tight on every upstroke. ?Two months ago I never thought I?d ever fuck like this. Don?t stop fucking me with that big black cock. Fuck me like this forever!? He stopped and grabbed my hips hard and ground my wanton white married pussy against him. I moaned loudly as he answered, ?Girl I am going to fuck you for hours and when I?m finished, I?m going to fuck you all weekend!? Intense multiple orgasm surpassed the erotic pleasure experienced with my first black extramarital lover. Vivid mental images from the erotic novels flitted across my mind. I couldn?t wait to try some of them not yet experienced with Jamal. Finally, long afterwards, when he held my head in his hands and looked up into my eyes on an upstroke that touched me further inside than any man had ever been, he said to my, ?Girl I?m going to cum. Do I cum inside you baby?? ?Oh yeah you hung black stud. I want your load inside me. Reggie, please fill your hot white married pussy with cum.? He fucked me harder, if that was possible, and I felt him stiffen inside my clasping vaginal sheath and start to cum. He bit down on my nipple and I welcomed the pain. He relaxed beneath me. He nuzzled and kissed my neck. With his big black cock still inside my hot white married pussy, his huge load slowly leaked out of my very well fucked pussy. I had taken a bigger, thicker black cock and loved it. Riding the crest of a mind-blowing orgasm I knew at that moment I was completely and totally addicted to black fucking and nothing in my life would ever be the same again. ?That was so incredible Reggie I don?t even have words.? I breathlessly said while I stroked his back and firm ass cheeks. After our first fantastic fuck I lifted off Reggie and lay on the bed with my thighs open provocatively caressing my satisfied pussy inviting him with my eyes and my hands back into my body. ?I want you to really fuck me again Reggie. I want you to unleash the beast. I?m going to tame that beast,? I whispered. ?Are you sure you can handle it girl?? ?Why don?t you try me? I don?t think I?ve ever wanted anything this badly before.? And he did! Reggie mounted me and fucked me hard and fast. Almost losing consciousness I didn?t care. Black fucking felt incredible. He stroked his black cock in and out of me like a piston. Sweat dripped from his body onto mine as I held on to his shoulders for a wild, ecstatic ride. I lost myself while he was fucking me. He was like a magnificent beast, lost in his pleasure, which was now mine. For the first time in my life I understood the true meaning of multi-orgasmic. It seemed that as soon as one climax ended, another followed to take its place. In the throes of unparalleled passion I became even hotter when I heard Reggie taunting me with his dirty talk. ?Woman this weekend is just starting. There won?t be a position, or a fantasy, or a wish that you have that we won?t do.? ?Oh my. Is that right? Tell me Reggie.? ?Well I would bet that rosebud on your ass is cherry and I want you to know that it?s mine.? He smiled as he said it, but I still didn?t believe I?d willingly give it up to his far too humongous black cock. ?And I haven?t had a chance to eat you for hours yet?.? His voice trailed off at the end of the sentence and I felt it in my pussy as if he was already tongue fucking me rather than just exciting me with his dirty talk. ?And then of course, there are the other things. Things I won?t tell you about but will keep you guessing over. How?s that for starters?? I responded with a lustful laugh and, in spite of reservations about losing my anal cherry, said, ?Sounds incredible lover, when do we start?? ?Right now baby?? he said as he moved down my body and started to slowly kiss and suck my hard clit. Dipping his tongue inside my pussy and tasting his sweet cum and my wanton wetness, running his thumb down the crack of my tight ass, threatening to insert it with pressure, while his wicked tongue continued to lightly tease he added, ?unless you?re too tired.? ?No way! I have never experienced anything like your big thick black cock. I?m hooked on black fucking.? And with that I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the incredibly wonderful pleasure of his talented tongue. Secretly intending to continue interracial sex with this irresistibly well hung second black extramarital partner until my husband?s expected return certainly seems to prove, ?once a white woman goes black, she cannot resist going back!? In spite of my own behavior I couldn?t believe Reggie?s claim quite a few white wives on the base have secret black lovers. Reggie showed me pictures of interracial couples having sex at Rosa Rita Beach, Baja, Mexico. I didn?t believe these were military wives from this base until seeing my co-worker Debbie in several pictures and recognized a woman I?d briefly met at the base Family Services Center in some others. Reggie noticed I looked at one of the photos of the black man she was with for a long time. Obviously I was staring at the biggest cock I?d ever seen. Chuckling at me staring with my mouth open in disbelief Reggie quipped, ?She's the only woman who can handle him. I guess you can see why." For several days and nights I couldn?t help thinking about the pictures and kept wondering how any woman could handle someone as extraordinarily well hung as that black man. Finally I just had to find out whether or not the picture was doctored. I went to the Family Services Center where the woman worked and struck up a conversation with her. Not only did she know who I was, but also discreetly let me know that she knew that I have already been sexually involved with black men. We went for coffee, and after a while she told me about Derrick, the man in the pictures. She looked at me with an impish smile and said, "My husband's back, but I'm sure Derrick would like to meet you. Do you want me to discreetly introduce the two of you?" Two days later I pretended to casually sit with Derrick during lunch at the base cafeteria. For the past two days and nights I was obsessed with wanting to see how big his black cock really was for myself. After leaving the base cafeteria I just blurted out, "I heard you are pretty big." He smiled and said, "It difficult to find a woman that can handle all of me." That opened up things between us and as soon as the door to my housing unit closed we were passionately kissing and fondling each other. Not too long after entering the house he picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. He started undressing me with absolutely no resistance. Then he took off his clothes. His amazing black cock was not only long, but also very big around. This man?s midnight hued meat was so large it really scared me; but at the same time fascinated me. We lay on my bed, fondling each other while talking for more than an hour. Finally, I was so turned on, wet, and curious I got up enough nerve to let him try entering me with his he black cock. That first afternoon together I could only take part of him. Over the next month and a half with persistence and definite pain, he was finally able to get all of his enormous ebony cock inside my hot wet white cunt. That first time he finally got his entire ebony enormity inside of my pussy, he just stayed deep in my married white pussy without moving. Derrick gently whispered, "You did it. How does it feel?" In spite of the excruciating pain at my cervix, I half-teasingly answered, "Does this mean from now on I?ll never be satisfied by any smaller cock?" Equally half-joking Derrick retorted, "Maybe you didn't know it, but the real reason white guys don't like us is, ?Once their wives have had black, they don't want to go back." Seeing the pain registering in my eyes and on my face, he whispered in my ear encouraging me to relax. Derrick added, ?This is called ?resizing,? Just relax and let it happen.? Derrick just stayed there not moving, looking at me, praising me with terms of endearment encouraging me to relax even more. Finally due to his tenderness and patience I was able to relax and gradually the pain kind of went away. Already tuned into me he started the most gentle out and in movements and said, "I'm going to do this until I come." I kept looking into his sensual brown eyes, wondering how long he would gently fuck me until his approaching climax made him forget his promise and how much being pummeled by such a huge cock would hurt. His humongous black cock was solidly against the top of my vaginal sheath and when he climaxed I distinctly felt the pulses of cum at the opening of my vulva. Apparently I've got a large cervical cavity and of course never felt anything like that with any other man. It took a couple more weeks of gentle sexual intercourse before I was ready for really hot, passionate sex. When we finally got to that point, it was most definitely a feeling of accomplishment. One night at Rosa Rita Beach I overheard a white guy ask Derrick, "Can she take all of it?" I thought Derrick might slug the guy. Instead Derrick said, and it wasn't in a whisper, "Every bit, and almost every night!? I was ecstatic to hear Derrick was proud we were a couple. The white guy didn't believe it, and so later in the night he asked to dance with me. Derrick had no objections. When a man is that well hung he obviously isn?t worried about some white guy stealing his woman. On the dance floor the white guy began with some awkward small talk. Before the music finished he said, "I've seen photos of that guy you are with, and, I don't care what he says, no woman can handle someone like that." After all the pain I went though, that really pissed me off. With an edge in my voice I declared, "He gets it all in, every bit of it. What do you want, pictures?" He looked at me, and sort of smiled in obvious disbelief, which pissed me off even more. Derrick had been bugging me to take some sexually explicit pictures of us together. He repeatedly said my husband would never see them. I finally gave in and he set up his camera with a self-timer. We kept changing poses while the shutter clicked away especially concentrating on full penetration. He always wanted me to look like I was really enjoying our hot black on white fucking which was absolutely no problem. When I saw the pictures, I couldn't believe that large of a black cock could fit into my little white cunt. It was not until I saw our photos that I realized how very black and very white and how erotic our difference looked together. The images were scary to look at, as well as a turn-on. After reviewing twice all the photos of our wild time together I whispered in his ear, "Take me to the bedroom." I carefully hid the couple I asked for with my black dildo in the back of my closet. Walking around the base I noticed some black and white guys gawking at me in disbelief. With their eyes focused on my pelvis it's not hard figuring out what they are thinking. At first I was ashamed. After finally approaching the Director of the base Family Services Center and beating around the bush with her for a while she pulled out the photos of her and Derrick at Rosa Rita Beach. Of course I didn't tell her I had seen them before. Unaware she said, "I've seen your photos, so it's only fair that you see mine." She paused for a moment before warning me, ?I better tell you this, just in case. A guy that was really pissed at my husband sent a photo of Derrick and me to him. I looked at it and tossed it aside and said, ?It was obviously fake; no man is that big. Fortunately he agreed adding, ?I sort of figured. Evidently doctored photography enables guys to create this kind of porno. And besides, it doesn't even look like your body." Having more in common than most people on this base might suspect the Family Services Center Director further confided, ?Some of the women have tried sex with Derrick, but were unable to handle him. When I set you up with him, I didn't think I would have to share the honors." We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Suddenly the point of her conversation dawned on me. I couldn?t resist asking the obvious question, "You mean photos of Derrick and me are going around?" After the recent gawking from both black and white sailors, I knew she was wrong when Lynn quietly confided, "Only among the few white wives on the base who have secret black sexual partners.? Carefully making sure we weren?t overheard Lynn exclaimed, ?You certainly have earned your membership into our inner circle!" Even though Lynn and Derrick secretly resumed their extramarital affair as soon as her husband deployed, I met him a couple times for coffee. But since I wasn't going to be lonely any more we just talked. After willingly fucking three progressively bigger black cocks over the past few months I really needed to let my vaginal sheath resize back before my husband?s return. Now I knew not only is there sex with someone you love, but also a woman?s vaginal elasticity made resizing to black cocks incomparably pleasurable. My husband?s five-year tour of sea duty meant deploying once more to the Western Pacific. No longer deluding myself into adhering to martial monogamy reinforced my belief in, ?blondes who go black have more fun!? Throughout my thirties and forties good genes and regular workouts kept my body sexy enough to attract secret black lovers after each frustrating hiatus during my husband?s two-year shore tours. During my husband's sea tour deployments I either seduced new equally discreet or exchanged mutually familiar well-hung black extramarital lovers with a select few military wives. Twenty years of arduous sea duty evidently took a heavy toll as my husband suddenly passed away two years after retiring. A year later I couldn?t resist an ecstatic smile upon conclusively proving, ?once a white woman goes black, she?ll always go back? is not a trite clich?. Being intrigued by persistence enabled me to discover a handsome colleague secretly passed for white so successfully for so long I almost rejected his overtures along with every other Caucasian's. Finding a wonderfully well-hung black soul mate undoubtedly must be attributed to all those wonderful years within our secret inner circle of West Pac Widows. 6432 1.63/512345
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