Saturday, September 29, 2012
Her Secret Fuck And Her Husband's Fantasy Part Three
As Tom continued to kneel at the foot of the bed and watch, his daughter?s pussy was turning bright pink as Laurie grew steadily closer to her goal. Tom could not resist any longer and unzipped his pants. Her dad was getting an eyeful as she steadily tugged the thick dildo in and out, pushing in and dragging out her tightly fitting lips along with it. Finally, Laurie pulled the dildo completely out, and Tom saw her lips tug at the thicker knob-shaped tip as it passed by. He was provided with a mind-boggling view of the inside of her pussy for a brief moment before it closed up as the dildo came out. Then Laurie placed the vibrating tip firmly onto her clitoris and groaned loudly as she reached a shattering orgasm. Her pussy turned bright red as the blood pumped in and engorged her lips. Tom was furiously beating his meat as he watched the muscles around Laurie?s anus and vagina contracting rhythmically and about a second apart. The orgasm seemed long, lasting almost 30 seconds, which was about fifteen seconds longer than Tom?s. When her orgasm was finished, Laurie slowly worked the dildo back into herself by using a fucking motion. She seemed to have a little difficulty getting it back in, apparently because she had tightened up. After getting it inserted about three-quarters depth, she laid there quietly while trying to catch her breath. It reminded Tom of how he and her mother liked to lie together with him still inside her until his shaft went down. Those lovemaking sessions had become few and far in-between in recent years. Now, after seeing his daughter getting fantasy-fucked, Tom was thinking of doing something to revive the sexual activities that had been lost between him and her mother. At any moment, his daughter might open her eyes and see him. Still, Tom dad could not bring himself to leave. He was taking a big chance by not sneaking out now that she seemed to be finished. Kneeling here and seeing his little daughter lying there with a big dildo hanging out of her dripping pussy was a sight to see. Although Tom would never dream of having sex with his own daughter, his penis was still erect, even after he had shot come all over the carpet. Even now, while staring at his daughter?s most intimate parts, Tom had his wife in mind. Is this what his wife might have looked like right after sex if she actually had screwed that man? That was what Tom was visualizing. This was not necessarily his daughter; this was a beautiful pink cunt with something large inserted into it. This was a cunt that might have belonged to his wife. Tom flopped quietly onto his butt and used his shoe to rub the come into the shag carpet. He studied the wet spot; it was blending in, and probably would not be noticed before it dried. At least, Tom hoped so. By the time he had finished with the wet spot, his dick had gone down far enough for him to tuck it into his trousers. Having done that, Tom stood partway up and backed away from the foot of the bed. He almost made it. When his daughter slowly opened her eyes, Laurie was embarrassed to see her daddy standing there. She couldn?t believe it, caught by both her mother and her father! Her face took on a look of determination at the inevitable question. Tom had to act like he had just entered. To Tom?s query as to what she was doing, his daughter said, "Dad, I?m thirty-one years old, unmarried, and this thing is about as close as I?ll ever get to a husband. *Please*, go away and leave me alone." Tom nodded silently and slowly turned to leave. "Daddy?" "Yes, baby?" said Tom, turning around. She hesitated for three seconds, then asked, "How long were you standing there?" Tom thought about it for a second, and decided to tell her the truth. For some reason, Tom wanted his daughter to know that he had seen?everything. "I was here right after you started." Laurie?s eyes grew wide. She seemed embarrassed but her face did not change color. "I see. Well, I guess you got a pretty good show then." "Yes baby, I did. Some lucky young man is going to get to marry you sooner or later. Just wait and see." When Laurie nodded, Tom smiled, turned, and started to leave the room. "Daddy?" Tom turned. He was in no hurry to leave the room. "Yes. Baby?" "Would you, could you do something for me?" Tom?s imagination was going wild. He had several things that he would be glad to do, but she was probably going to ask him to get her car serviced, or something like that. She was still ?wearing? the dildo. "Would you push it in and out for me while I play with myself? I?ve always wondered what it would feel like if it were being worked, I mean pushed in and out like a real man would be doing if he was on me." Tom pretended to be ?shocked and surprised? as he answered after hesitating for a few seconds. "Why sure baby. I guess that would be alright. I have to admit that I was slightly aroused as I watched you before." Laurie smiled teasingly. "*Slightly* aroused?" Tom grinned back. The ice was broken now. "Well, more than slightly I have to admit." He moved over to the bed and sat beside her. Grasping the dildo with one hand, he moved it slowly in and out, just using two-inch strokes. "Yes, Daddy, like that, but push it in and out a little longer. *Further* in and out I mean." He couldn?t ram the entire thing into her because Tom still needed to have enough dildo hanging out to hold onto. Settling on about a six-inch stroke, Tom pushed, and Tom pulled. He was surprised at how much friction there was. He actually had to use some arm power to keep the thing going in and out. Her lips tugged and held on tightly every inch of the way. "I think that this thing might be a little large for you, Laurie. I can barely move it in and out." "I know Daddy. My arm gets tired. That?s why I asked you to do it." "Is it feeling good?" She had her eyes closed. A smile came over her lips, and her hips began to move slightly to match his strokes. He had his answer. Still, he wanted to hear it from her lips. "Well, it looks like it feels good, but does it? I mean, after all this thing feels like such a tight fit." "Yes daddy. It feels good. Better though, much better with you doing it." There was something Tom needed to know. "Laurie, when you were getting close to coming, I mean, after you had stroked it in and out for a while, you pulled it out and put it on your clitoris before you came. Why didn?t you just leave it in and come that way?" "I?ve never been able to come just with it inside me. It feels really good, but I can?t quite make it. I think part of it is because my arm is getting tired by then. It?s a long reach down to where I can hold it and still push it back and forth." Tom was thinking what she might be thinking. "So now you get your chance to come with it inside of you?" She smiled, "That?s the idea." Then she surprised him. "How about you? Are you getting horny?" That sounded like a very leading question. His imagination went wild again. Was she going to make some offer to substitute him for this rubber thingie? If she did, what should he say, or do? He decided to be honest so that she would not feel obligated to satisfy him. "Well, to be quite honest baby, I played with myself while I was watching you. I couldn?t help it. I had never seen anything like that before. It was the most erotic thing I have ever experienced." "Did you get to come?" Now it was more embarrassing. He hesitated. She knew the answer by his reluctance to answer. She giggled and said, "What did you do with it. Did you rub it into the rug?" He sighed. "You have me there. You must be a mind reader baby." She was, because the next thing she said was, "Maybe I shouldn?t be saying this, but I know that you?re hard again. Why don?t you open your pants and I will take care of you at the same time." Tom hesitated for only five seconds before responding softly. "I?m afraid your daddy doesn?t have one to match your ?boyfriend? here in size. Is that alright?" She must have thought he was talking about fucking. "Silly guy. I know that dildo is bigger than most guys. Besides, we?re not going to be?doing it. I?m just going to use my hand until, until you?re finished." Tom was quick to assure her that he had known what she meant. "I know that baby. I would never dream of, of, well, I guess I couldn?t use the words ?making love?, it would have to be the words ?having intercourse? with you." Her response was, "I know that. Take your dick out." This was unbelievable. It was one thing to have his daughter actually ask him to operate the dildo for her, but to hear her say the words, "Take your dick out," or more to the point, to hearing her say ?your dick? when talking to him was very strange. She repeated her request, her voice softer. "Go ahead daddy, take it out. It?ll be our secret." Tom released his grip on the dildo long enough to stand and undo his slacks. He was stiff as a board, and he wanted to look his best when she first had a look at it. His shorts came down quickly, and Tom noticed that she was watching him closely. When his hard dick came into view, she smiled and said, "That looks nice Daddy. You don?t have anything to be ashamed of." When he sat down again, she wrapped the fingers of her right hand around him. After studying his penis with her eyes, and getting a good feel, she said, "Now, do me." Tom did her alright. He moved that dildo the best he knew how, which was only by pretending that it was attached to his body as he made the moves. Laurie apparently liked what he was doing, because she began moaning much more than she had before when he had been watching secretly. All the while though, she continued to stroke his cock gently, never missing a beat. Tom noticed that Laurie had quit masturbating herself with her left hand. Was she going to be able to come by getting "fucked" only? Tom hoped so. But Tom was getting close. "Hold off a minute honey. Let me finish you, and then you do me." O.K., Daddy. It won?t take long." It didn?t. Closing her eyes, she began moaning softly. Tom added to her fantasy when he softly said, "I?m pretending that I?m fucking you as I do that. I?m imagining that dick inside you is the real me, and I?m the biggest and hardest I?ve ever been, and giving you pleasure." She surprised him once again when she went along. "I?m pretending it?s you too daddy. And it?s real because you?re the one doing the stroking." Two minutes later she raised her hips completely off the bed and let out a long groan of pleasure. Tom did the best he could of continuing his strokes by following her body with his arm. The orgasm seemed to last forever. Finally she relaxed and lowered her hips onto the mattress. Tom gave her several seconds to catch her breath. When she seemed to calm somewhat, he asked, "You got to come with it inside. How was it?" She kept her eyes closed, smiled, and said, "Dreamy." Then she giggled and added; "The best ever, and I did it without playing with myself." She looked into Tom?s eyes. "Thank you. Now it?s your turn." "Do you want me to keep moving the dildo?" "No. You can pull it out for me though. Do it slow." Tom eased the dildo out. He noted that even now, her pussy clung tightly to it, almost refusing to let go. He felt that he needed to make a case for regular-sized guys, like himself. "This thing is much larger than most men. Do you think you would be happy with a average sized man in the future? For a husband, for instance?" She let out a little gasp as the dildo finally exited her pussy. Tom held his head near and took note of the insides of her vagina as it was exposed to him for the second time. She saw him looking and knew why. "I don?t know. That might be a problem. Big would be nice, but I guess having a nice man, one that would treat me right would be more important." She sat up and said, "Now *you* lie down." Tom quickly laid beside her. She gripped his penis, which was stiff as a board, and slowly began stroking. "I don?t have much experience holding the real thing. How do you want me to do it, fast or slow?" "What you are doing right now is just right. Do it like that, a nice moderate speed." He closed his eyes and relaxed. He had climaxed just minutes before, but there would be no problem doing it again. He even tried to hold back for a little while, but she was doing it to perfection. Still, he wanted to make excuses, just in case. "I just drained it, so I don?t know how much there will be." "I understand daddy." Laurie thought about sucking him. He would probably love it if she did that, but she wanted to see him come. If he were in her mouth, she would get to taste, but not see. Still, she wanted to please him after all the nice things he had done for her. She leaned down and slowly sucked him into her mouth, going down over the head in the way you might suck a string of spaghetti into your mouth. Tom was afraid to comment. Laurie was doing something unexpected, something very nice, and it felt like nothing he had experienced in years. Still, he had to speak; "That feels really wonderful baby. I don?t expect you to go all the way though. I mean, you don?t have to swallow." "I know daddy. I want to see you shoot, but I thought you might like this. I know that I do." "Thank you. It feels wonderful." He closed his eyes and let her do her thing. Her tongue was into play now, twirling around and around his head. Tom decided to let her judge as to when she wanted to go back to using her hand. Despite his desire to remain quiet so that she would not think he was too excited about being involved with his own daughter, he began groaning. The groans were soft, but she could hear them. She timed it just right. When he was within ten seconds of coming, she went back to jacking him off. Groaning, he duplicated what she had done. His hips rose off the bed as he came. He felt the heat of his come landing on his belly and dribbling down her hand. He didn?t know how much juice he was shooting for her to see, but he hoped there was a lot of it. After all, he had just drained a lot off. She was glad now that she had just jacked him. She probably would have gagged with all that juice in her mouth. "Daddy? I?m surprised. You shot stuff all over the place, even after you had already done it!" She sounded pleased. Tom sat up and looked down at himself. She was still holding him, and there was come all over his belly button area, in his pubic hair, and all over her hand as well. "That?s because you were doing it for me Laurie. Not bad for an ?old? man, huh? That?s my second climax and look how much I had left!" Today was full of surprises when Laurie leaned down and tasted the come dribbling down the side of his cock. She ran her tongue up the side of his shaft, taking in enough to get a good taste of him. "Yummy." She smiled and releasing his dwindling privates, strode to the bathroom. She came back with a warm washcloth and gently washed his genital area. Tom watched her and enjoyed her attentions. "There, all done!" He smiled up at her and joked, "You?ll make someone a good wife by doing that." She returned to the bathroom and Tom could hear her washing the cloth out in the sink. She spoke loud enough for Tom to hear. "You can go now Daddy. This will be our little secret. If the right time and place should come up in the future, we might do it again, but don?t plan or hope for it, O.K?" There might be another time? That was great. "Thank you Laurie. Anything you want or happen to need just let me know. This will be our little secret, just like you said. Oh, by the way, what do you want to do with this dildo on the bed?" "Bring it in here and drop it off." Yes! He could be close and talk to her for a little longer, thanks to this dildo. She sounded cheerful. That was good. Maybe Laurie would come out of the little shell she seemed to be in lately. He carried the dildo into the bathroom. She was giving herself a sponge bath with one leg up on the closed toilet lid and not seeming the least embarrassed at washing her pussy in front of her dad. Unfortunately for Tom, she had her back turned towards him. Even now, he would have enjoyed another look at her. Why the hell not, he thought? He "dropped" the dildo on the floor. It even bounced slightly, and fortunately, towards and under her. He was able to squat down to retrieve it, and in the process sneak a peek. With her standing that way, opened wide and with one leg up high, he could see up inside her. It was a view he had enjoyed just moments ago, but from this angle she looked different. He straightened quickly, hoping that she had not known what he had done. If she did, she did not show it when she turned her head to look at him. Tom indicated towards the back of the sink with the dildo and she said that would be fine. Tom turned to leave, and then turned back to her. "Could I also make one request?" "Sure Daddy, anything." She lowered her leg and turned towards him. Tom laughed good-heartedly. "Better be careful saying ?anything,? you never know what might come up." She laughed, and Tom went on. He stared at her chest. "I would like to, well, just feel your breasts for a minute. They look so nice and remind me of how your mother?s used to look when she was your age. Don?t get me wrong, hers are still pretty nice, but yours are more upright and wonderful to look at." He looked into her eyes and added, "and yours are new to me..." He let the sentence dangle. "Sure Daddy. Take your time." She pushed her chest out proudly in his direction, making her D cups available to his every wish. Tom took the opportunity to fondle her gently, cupping her breasts with both hands. He even lifted them, feeling their weight. He tweaked her nipples, and they immediately grew erect to his touch. Boldly, he leaned down and sucked gently on each one. Surprised that he was going further than expected, Laurie moaned softly. She closed her eyes and placed her hand on his head. She seemed to want him to linger, and he did. Maybe it was going beyond what he had requested, but Tom went ahead anyway. He lowered one hand and reaching down, felt her pussy. He ran his fingers through her hair, and then, when she did not seem to mind, slipped a finger into her. Surprisingly, she gasped. He felt that he needed to do this. After all, he had "fucked" her, in a way, with a dildo. It only seemed fair that he should get to feel her insides. They avoided each other?s eyes as he fingered and felt. "I?m a little numb from all that action with the dildo daddy, but it still feels good." "I?m probably enjoying this more than you are," he replied. "I don?t get to, well, you know, your mother and I have been married for a long time, and we kind of take each other for granted." "I understand, daddy. Take your time." Tom did. He even moved up with two wet fingers and rubbed her clitoris. He could feel her tremble, and she sighed softly. He sucked her with his mouth, and fucked her with his fingers. She held his head and groaned some more. "Ooooh daddy. That feels so wonderful." "Do you want me to keep doing it?" "You can quit whenever you want to. It feels good, but I won?t be able to come again. At least not for awhile. The one you gave me on the bed took it all out of me." Finally, with some reluctance, Tom ceased his attentions and looked her in the eyes. "Thank you." Tom was afraid that even though she had told him to take his time fingering her, that she might be offended that he had gone a step beyond, a big step. But she smiled warmly. "And thank *you*." Then she nodded. Feeling good, Tom left the room. A couple of days later, Tom?s wife came home from a shopping trip, placed the groceries on the kitchen counter, and heard that buzzing noise start up. It was coming from, of all places, the family room. Expecting to catch her daughter in the act again, Louise entered that area and observed her husband sitting on the couch, staring at the TV. The vibrator was next to him on the couch, buzzing like crazy. * Puzzled, Louise asked, "Tom, what the hell are you doing?" * Tom pretended to see Louise for the first time. He grinned, held up the dildo with his hand and replied, "I?m watching the ball game with my son-in-law, and after the game is over, I want to watch you fuck him." EPILOQUE: Unknown to Tom, Louise had already snuck into Laurie?s room the day before and experimented with the combination dildo/vibrator. Louise had never used either a vibrator or a dildo before, and this one was big. It felt so good to work it in. With each stroke going a little deeper than the last, Louise searched back in her memory and thought of how good it had felt when the stranger had worked his thick 9-inch black penis into her tight pussy. Yes, it had been a tight pussy then, but childbirth times two had stretched her. Tom had never felt quite big enough after that, but Louise had always managed to have at least mild orgasms with him. For a long while after her "rape," Louise had sometimes thought about silver hair and his big dick while making love to Tom. Then, as the years passed, silver hair had faded in her memory. Until today, and trying this dildo, she had almost forgotten about her adventure. Feeling this dildo stretching her, and going so far within had caused all the memories to come flooding back. She began coming, oh God this is good. Louise reached one of her strongest orgasms in years, and she wasn?t even using the vibrating tip on her clitoris. The orgasm occurred while she had it inside. Using a flashback on fucking a black man as a fantasy had really done the trick. Louise lay there and gasped for breath. She felt too weak to try again, this time by using the vibrating tip. Maybe tomorrow. But now it was tomorrow, and Tom was here, and he wanted to see her use the vibrator. Maybe she could get Tom to hold it for her and work it in, while she just lay there and fantasized on that stranger, the black man with the silver hair from so many years ago. She would close her eyes and imagine that he was fucking her again, going in with his giant black dick and stretching her wide in the process. It had scared her at the time, learning that he had shot all that come into her. There had been so much come. It had soaked the car seat, completely covering that spot, the spot that was so revered by her and Tom. Her panties had been totally sopping in the crotch, and come was still running out of her after she had sat on the commode at home for an eternity. Yes, all that come had scared the bejeezus out of her then, but now, it seemed so erotic to remember how that stranger had been fucking her *bareback,* as he had called it, and pumped so much juice into her two separate times. The stranger had been right, he had said that she would always remember how he had filled her with two hot loads. Louise had wished many times that she had mounted the stranger and ridden his shaft to one last orgasm. She had been so upset at the time, but the anger and fear had passed when her period had arrived, and then the regret had set in. Regret that it had happened in the first place; along with the regret that she had not fucked him one last time from a different position. * Louise had one other "adventure" in her marriage. * Louise had been given chances to cheat through the years, but for one reason or another had never taken advantage. The closest she had come was making out with one man at a party. It was at a friend?s house, and there were a lot of partygoers, many of whom neither she nor Tom knew. The man had come into one of the bathrooms just as she had finished peeing, wiped and started to stand in order to pull up her panties. She had forgotten to lock the door. The panties were still down around her knees as he entered, and her arm was holding up her skirt. Only the nightlight was on, but it was bright. He might have gotten a glimpse of her pussy, she wasn?t sure. In any case, they were both quite high from the alcohol they had consumed. This man was one of the strangers, or she would never have let it go so far. Not a word was exchanged. It was strange to kiss him, first, because he was a new man, but also because he was actually two inches shorter than she was. She had to lower her head in order for their lips to meet. He fondled her breasts on top of her blouse, and she barely hesitated before squeezing his erect penis through the material of his pants. For thickness, he felt about the same size as Tom. For length, she couldn?t be sure. He was a good kisser, and his tongue seemed to be very talented. They were getting into it. He pulled her brassiere up over her tits and had his hands on her bare tits now. He was fondling her real nice, squeezing firmly, but not too. When he lowered his head to suckle her nipples, first one and then the other, she moaned softly as one hand caressed his head. As he suckled her left nipple, one of his hands went down, under her skirt and onto her panties. She placed her legs further apart, and he had no trouble going under and within. She was wet, very wet, and his finger went deep. Again, she moaned, and it was louder this time. As she was moaning she was thinking of undoing his trousers and at that moment someone tried the bathroom door. Fortunately for her, the man had locked it as he had entered. They heard voices outside, two female voices. One of the voices Louise recognized as being a good friend. "This one is being used, let?s try the one by the other bedroom." Louise heard the other woman reply. It was a voice she didn?t recognize. "Sounded to me like there was more than one in there." Both women giggled as they walked away, and their voices faded. That had ended it. Louise had no desire to be seen leaving this bathroom with a strange man. She allowed him one last, quick kiss and pulled her bra back down over her breasts. She happened to glance down. Somehow his penis had managed to find its way out of his pants. It was pointing out and up, and looked to be a little longer than she had guessed. She gave it a quick squeeze, looked the man in the eyes and said, "I?m sorry. It looks nice but I?m married and those women know me. I have to go." Then she unlocked the door and left the room. He remained behind with his hard on. He probably had to wait for it to go down before he could urinate. He might have jacked it off for all she knew. Somehow she managed to avoid him for the rest of the evening. Would she have gone all the way, actually fucking the man while standing in the bathroom? She wasn?t sure. When they had been kissing madly, and fondling each other, she had been ready. In the back of her head she was telling herself that she might have just masturbated him to orgasm, but she wasn?t sure. That was the closest she had ever come, the furthest she had ever gone you could say, towards cheating on Tom. She had been drunk, and the memory of what she had done with that man rarely entered her thinking. It was the silver-haired man, and the way he had fucked her that had always stuck in her memory. Later tonight, in the privacy of their bedroom, Tom would be playing with himself while working the dildo into the woman he loved. As it stretched Louise?s snatch and she groaned with pleasure and began humping upwards to take in more of the black cock she was dreaming of, Tom would stare at the dildo stretching her and imagine that it was the silver haired man, with his big penis that was fucking his wife. Unbeknownst to either of them, except for the color of the man, their fantasies would be the same. 17697 2.01/512345
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