Sunday, September 30, 2012
Movie Star
MOVIE STAR My new wife is no bigger than a minute. She is just over 5 feet tall and only weighs 105 sopping wet. Her tits are not all that big, but personally I like that because I don't have to worry about them bouncing off her knees when she gets much, much older. As for now, they are perfect. As the saying goes, anything more than a handful is a waste anyway. Anyway Debbie, my wife, has always stayed trim and very fit. Her ass is fabulous and firm. No matter where we go, or who we see, she always manages to get comments. A lot of these comments come from the way she dresses. Because of her size, most of the clothes she buys come from the younger section in the stores and so they are somewhat sexier. Debbie can pull it off and is often mistaken for much younger than her 38 years. She has dishwater blonde hair and wears it somewhat long. She never has to wear a bra and tries not to as often as possible. If it were not for her noticeably protruding nipples she probably would refrain from one altogether. When she gets cold, or excited, her nipples practically bore holes in her blouses or whatever she is wearing. You can even see them through some of her bras. This always embarrasses her as she is really quite shy and although I rave about how hot and sexy she is, she remains embarrassed. For some time, I have tried to broach the topic of seeing her with another man. Like this has to be the one universal goal of about every married man I know. Or at least the ones I hang out with. It is like what I have is something so great that I am driven to share her so others can be even more envious of me than they are now. Anyway, up till recently I had been having no success what ever. Tom is a guy I work with. He and I had often talked about this topic. He is single so I guessed he was trying to figure a way to get in Debbie's pants, and if he could do it with my blessing then, so much the better. I can't remember how the topic ever came up initially, but since it did, it is practically all Tom ever talks about anymore. Debbie is what I call a frustrated actress. She is totally convinced she could be and should have been a big movie star. She does resemble Meg Ryan in a variety of ways. She has the same smile and white teeth. Debbie's nipples are definitely more noticeable. She is constantly looking for parts to audition for and has tried several times but so far had not had much success aside from a few minor parts in local productions. That was the basis for Tom's big idea he was dying to tell me about a while back. He came up with this crazy idea to let Debbie know about a casting agent in town looking for prospects for a new Spike Lee movie. I guess I should mention that Tom is black. As a matter of fact, he is very black. Not a lighter color like some blacks are, he is an original jet-black man. Anyway, he of course wanted to be the casting agent. I guess somewhere in our endless conversations I may have mentioned that the thought of Debbie with a black guy intrigued me somewhat. This obviously intrigued Tom as well and I think that was about the time he started endlessly talking about wives with other men. Our plan was to fake an ad in the local paper ( personal section ) with information about the casting call for the movie. Applicants should call for an appointment. Then I would photocopy it so I could tell Debbie I had seen it in the paper a few days back, copied it and had forgotten to mention it. We copied and pasted and managed to come up with a realistic looking ad. After we copied it, you could not tell it from a regular ad. I thought to myself this just might work. Tom was a pretty good size guy and a little on the pudgy side, (a little is an understatement. He has a huge beer gut), but when he's dressed up he looks ok. I questioned if he could pull off the part of a casting agent. He assured me he could ace it. We worked out some of the final details about which motel and times and such and then set the plan in motion. Tom was convinced he could introduce Debbie to the casting couch. I was apprehensive but excited at the same time. I was not completely convinced I could go through with this. After all, as far as I knew, I was the only guy Debbie had ever been with. I suppose she could have had boyfriends before me, but she never talked about any of them. Although I was never sure if she was a virgin when we met. I do know there were certain things she refused to do. Like she refused to swallow my cum. She tried to let me fuck her ass a few times, but I never succeeded completely. Usually I would manage to get about half of the tip in and she would be screaming like a banshee. But, at least she tried. As for cumming in her mouth, that was an absolute, positively "no way" as far as she was concerned. She did give me a decent blow job, but when I started to shoot, her mouth was off limits. So I took the personal ad out when I got home and laid it on the hallway table. A while later as I was upstairs changing, she yelled up and asked me about it. I yelled back down to her that I had seen it in the paper a couple of days ago and copied it and had forgotten to bring it home for her. When I came downstairs she was staring at it and re-reading it. "Is this legitimate," she asked. "Hell, I don't know, I suppose it is." I replied. "I just thought you may want to give it a shot. Call the number and see what you think." I added. Debbie spoke into the phone identifying herself and referencing the ad she had seen in the paper. "Ok, yes I understand. Oh that would be great, thank you very much Mr. Dingle" she said. As she hung up the phone I could already see the stars in her eyes. I found myself in disbelief that Tom had pulled it off. "Well, tell me all about it" I said. Debbie proceeded to rattle off details about the big movie coming up and how they were looking for a girl next door type and were busy scouring the various cities and this and that. I had to bite my tongue because Tom had mentioned a few of the things he planned to say, but he obviously had embellished some when he had her on the phone. Debbie was to meet Mr. Dingle the next night at the Doubletree on 128th ave. She was to go to room 146 at 6:00pm. Tom and I had already checked this room out and it afforded a perfect view of the room from the closet. Which is where I would be to see if Tom had any luck. My heart was already beating faster. I slept very little that night imagining all the things that may or may not happen then next night. I had told Debbie I had to work late that next night and was all set to jump in the closet in room 146 as Tom and I waited for a knock at the door. Tom was already sweating as he set up a movie camera on a tripod. He assured me it added a little realism to the scenario. He had a clipboard with a list of fictitious names on it and a series of questions and some fake lines Debbie was to read. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I dove in the closet as Tom went to the door. I nearly fell out of the closet when Tom told me to come on out and meet his buddy. I peered out and could not believe my eyes. There stood another guy as black as Tom and about a foot taller. "What the fuck is this" I asked Tom incredulously? "Hey, cool down now dammit, I figured I had to have a leading man here to read the lines," he replied. "And besides, Ed here is cool and a much better actor than I am and with both of us working on Debbie she should buy it better. Come on man, just be cool, Ed isn't going to tell a soul I swear." I was furious! It appeared Tom had let this Ed guy in on all our plans and I just wanted to call the whole thing off. "Fuck that shit man, the deal is off" I screamed. Just as I said those words there was a knock at the door. "Fuck," Tom said, "quick in the closet," he said has he and Ed shoved me into my position and pushed the door all but closed. I nearly jumped back out until I realized I would be in big trouble and have a very hard time explaining to Debbie what I was doing there. I sat down in the chair I had positioned and simply fumed. Tom said, "Hello, you must be Debbie?" "I am Mr. Dingle and this is Ed Sparks" I peered out and could see Debbie was very nervous. Her back was to me and as Tom spoke to her I could see Ed eyeing her up and down. I clenched my teeth, thinking if that tall fuck laid one hand on my wife I would kick his skinny ass. I figured I would have to get a stepladder though since he had to be damn near 7 feet tall. Tom was going over what they hoped to accomplish and what they were looking for. Of course Debbie was perfect so far. She was the ideal height and the ideal build. Tom asked Debbie if she had done any acting and she started listing the parts she had played in the local productions. Tom was busy scribbling notes. I was still pissed as hell but this was beginning to intrigue me. As long as that fucking Ed stays away I figured it might be ok. Tom was running through his list of questions. "Are you racist?" "Oh, absolutely not" she replied. "Have you ever been with a black man?" "No" was her response. "have you ever done a nude scene?" Again her response was no. "Would you have any objection to doing a nude scene?" Debbie stammered, "well, ah, I don't know, ah I suppose if it was an important part of the movie and ah, well I guess." I could see her blushing. "Would you do a nude scene with a black man?" Again Debbie stuttered and stammered. "I, well that is ah, well I guess if it was an important part of the movie ah, well, its not that I am prejudiced or anything like that, ah I guess I could do that." Tom told Debbie to set back and take a break. Tom stepped over to the sink area and fixed 3 straight bourbons on the rocks. He handed one to Ed and the other to Debbie. "Here, you look like you could use this" he said. Debbie is not a heavy weight drinker and when she coughed on the first sip of the bourbon Ed and Tom both laughed. "I was not expecting whiskey" Debbie said as she sipped her drink again. "What we are going around the country Debbie and taking video of only the ones I feel really fit the role that Spike is looking for. I am happy to tell you that you are only the third girl in the last two cities we have been in that I am prepared to shoot video on for Mr. Lee." Debbie's eyes lit up like light bulbs. "There are those stars" I thought to myself. " I must tell you this is a starring role we are casting Debbie and personally, if everything goes right, I think you have a very good chance at landing this role." Debbie gulped down the rest of her drink. Ed leaped up and took her glass to refill it. Tom moved the camera over to a position where he could shoot the sofa Debbie was sitting on. Debbie was wearing a short red skirt and a scoop necked white silky blouse. I could not tell if she had a bra on or not. I assumed she did because I knew I would have seen her nipples protruding if not. Tom explained the way Mr. Lee liked his audition tapes to go. He said Mr. Lee liked them casual with normal adlib talking. A little later, he explained they would shoot some actual scenes from the movie to see how she handled the dialog. "Ok Ed" Tom said. "Now Debbie, just act natural and talk with Ed, I will give you direction as I see fit." Tom started the video camera and Ed walked over sitting down beside Debbie and handed her the drink he had just poured her. Debbie looked nervous as hell. "You are certainly a pretty girl" Ed said. "I do believe you are one of the prettiest girls I have seen in this town. And you are so small and petite" Debbie blushed. "Go ahead and talk to him Debbie" Tom prompted. "Well thank you. How tall are you Ed?" Debbie stammered. "About 6 foot 10 or so" Ed replied. "My, my, my, I am only 5 foot 2" Debbie said. This idle chit chat went on for a while. "Ok, now Debbie I want to get a few shots of you and Ed as though you are lovers, so go with this and lets see what we get here." Tom said as he adjusted the camera. Ed immediately moved in close to Debbie and put his arm around her. She stiffened and he pulled her to him. (they did not look like lovers. Instead Debbie was sitting as stiff as a board and Ed kept pulling her into his chest.) "Ok, rolling." Tom shouted. "You know baby, you are one hot girl and I really love to have you near me" Ed said. "Ah, I love to be with you too" Debbie stammered. "Just be natural Debbie and let it go" Tom prompted. "Damn girl, I do love your hot body." Ed said as he reached his long arm that had been around Debbie down cupping her right breast as he leaned over to kiss her. Debbie noticeably stiffened and froze as Ed's hand mauled her breast. "Come on Debbie, you are lovers" Tom said as he move the camera a bit closer. Meanwhile Ed was all over Debbie. He kept his big fat lips glued to hers as he reached up under her blouse and cupped Debbie's breast under her blouse. "Mmmm baby, you really set me on fire" Ed said. "Oh, I love being with you" Debbie managed, in an almost monotone voice between kisses. Ed was now pushing Debbie's blouse up over her breasts and I could see he had one breast out of her bra cup and the other one was still inside. He stopped kissing Debbie long enough to pull her blouse over her head then immediately slapped his lips back on hers. It looked like Debbie was in a state of shock. Ed got her blouse over in head in a flash. Her eyes were the size of saucers. "Great Debbie, go with it now" Tom yelled. Debbie had both hands clenched at her sides and was still as stiff as a board. If this weren't my wife it would have been comical. Ed was kissing Debbie all over her face and around her neck as he pushed her bra up and mauled both her breasts. I could not help but notice Debbie's nipples were rock hard. Ed dropped his head down and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. "Excuse me Tom, could I please have a break, I have to use the bathroom!" Debbie finally blurted. "Ok, cut". Tom yelled. "That was perfect. It is just the kind of footage Spike is looking for." Tom said as Debbie extricated herself from Ed. She stood up and pulled her bra back over her breasts but appeared to forget about retrieving her blouse. Her tits are really a couple of her finest features. They are firm and although smaller her nipples are enough to turn any guy on. "Ah, could I have a word with you Tom?" Debbie asked nervously. They huddled in conversation right by the closet I was hiding in. I nearly had a heart attack. They were so close I could smell her perfume as Debbie questioned Tom if this was necessary, and did Ed really have to do what he was doing? Tom laid an academy award performance on her, telling her that Spike would really sit up and take notice of her body and her performance. "This is exactly what we are looking for" he went on. Telling her that Spike's new movie would make her a star without a doubt. All she had to do was go with it and it would all work out. Debbie came out of the bathroom still looking tense, although I think she was a little more relaxed than before. Tom's pep talk had apparently helped a little. She went back over and sat down on the sofa and Ed immediately moved back over beside her putting his long skinny arm back around her. "Ok, Tom said, Action" Ed went right back at Debbie like before. The first thing he did was reach over without even a kiss and pushed her bra up off her breasts. He then bent down and immediately sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.. He alternated between nipples for a while then went back to kissing her. This time as he kissed her he reached down to her skirt and began running his hand up her leg. Debbie squeezed her legs tightly together. "Oh, baby you know what I want." Ed adlibbed. "Not now honey" Debbie finally spoke. Ed had his hand all the way up under her skirt and it looked like he was trying to get his fingers in between her legs. Debbie had them locked together. Finally Ed pulled his hand out and I thought Debbie was out of the woods until I saw Ed unzip his pants while still kissing Debbie. When she heard his zipper I saw her again tense up. Both her hands were again clenched at her sides. Ed reached inside is trousers and hauled out what had to be a 9 or 10 inch cock. Blacker than he was. It was pouring pre cum and it glistened. Ed started jacking off as he sat there kissing my wife. "I know what will help you change your mind baby". Ed said. When his cock was rock hard, looking even bigger than before he reached over and pulled one of Debbie's clenched fists to his cock. "OK now, go with it Debbie, this is what Spike is looking for" Tom yelled. Slowly, Debbie opened her fist and at Ed's insistence finally closed her hand around his cock. Her hand, being so small, could not begin to close around his huge cock. "Mmm, Jack me baby" Ed said. Slowly, Debbie's hand began an up and down motion on Ed's cock. Each time her hand came up it forced more pre cum out from the end of his cock and soon not only his cock, but Debbie's hand was glistening as it made a smacking noise every time she jacked his cock up and down. While Debbie was reluctantly jacking Ed's cock, he reached his hand back under her skirt which had ridden up considerably in all the jostling. Her legs again were tightly closed. Ed was slobbering all over her with his tongue thrust in her mouth and his hand under her skirt prying at her thighs. He had managed to work her skirt up to her hips and I could clearly see her thong panties. Still she kept her legs locked. All the while this was going on, her hand was slowly jacking his huge cock. Finally Ed began to roll over on Debbie and she moved a leg back slightly to keep her balance and that was all it took. Ed's hand hit pay dirt. Debbie's hand stopped immediately as his fingers gained access to her pussy. She was obviously trying to stop his fingers from going any further, but I could see because of the size of his hand she could not close her legs completely together. I watched as one of his long black fingers shoved her white panties aside and slowly slid into my wife's cunt. She was frozen with her hand now clenching his black cock but no longer jacking it. Her other hand was clenched in a fist at her side. "Lets hear some dialog, come on Debbie let's go with it, make it work." Tom yelled out. "How the fuck can she talk with that assholes tongue buried in her mouth" I thought to myself. I found this highly erotic even though I was at times concerned for my wife's welfare. Ed dropped to Debbie's large protruding nipples and began sucking and I was stunned to hear Debbie stammer in a manner like she was still trying her best to act, "Oh baby, Oh baby, we should not be doing this." It was amateurish at best, but clearly part of Debbie's on going attempt to land this supposed big part. Ed had succeeded in forcing my wife's thighs completely apart now and was jamming his middle finger in and out of her cunt. "Jack me baby, you know you love to do that" Ed said. Debbie had forgotten about that chore she was performing and now started pumping on Ed's cock again. This time it seemed she was unconsciencely doing it in unison to Ed's finger thrusting deep in her cunt. Tom was beside himself this entire time. Half the time he stood with his mouth hanging open. The rest of the time he was rubbing his cock through his pants and moving the camera in and back out. He would periodically yell out direction to try and keep it legitimate. Finally as his sexual frustration peaked he stood and unbuckled his pants and pulled them off. I could see his fat gut hanging beneath his shirt. He quickly pulled his shorts off and his cock although not as large as Ed's was probably 7 inches or so. He began jacking himself while he continued to shout words of encouragement and direction to Debbie and Ed. Debbie had long since lost all track of Tom. Half the time Ed had his tongue buried in her mouth and the other half of the time her head was laid back against the sofa with her eyes squeezed shut. From time to time she still managed to try and say some of the lines Tom kept prompting her to say. Her hand (dripping with precum) was still managing to jack off Ed's large cock, but at times it would hesitate. Ed now had two of his long black fingers buried in her cunt and I could see they were glistening. I found myself thinking it was about damn time she got wet down there. Debbie started to stiffen even more and I could tell she was going to have an orgasm. She had her head laying on the back of the sofa. She was still trying to ad lib lines and maintain herself, but I knew she was getting close. Tom realized this too. "Oh Debbie, this is going to win you this role I guarantee it". Tom said as he circled to the rear of the sofa. "I am going to see to it you get this part" Tom added as he approached Debbie from the rear. " So we can really blow Spike's mind, I want you to go with this Debbie" Tom said as he leaned over the back of the sofa and pointed his cock toward my wife's mouth. Her eyes were again tightly closed and Ed had dropped down between her widely spread thighs and was moving toward her wet cunt with his mouth. Since I knew she was just about to cum herself, it was no surprise when she stiffened and arched her back as Ed closed his mouth over her cunt, thrusting his tongue in. This caused her head to go back farther on the sofa. It was now in the perfect position for Tom to put his cock in her mouth. Her eyes were closed tightly and she was now cumming. Her mouth opened as she started whimpering like she always does when she starts her orgasm. The whimpers became moans. Tom had been jacking his cock for all it was worth and when she arched her back and leaned farther back, that nearly done him in. But when she opened her mouth, that was all the invitation he needed. Even though with her eyes clenched shut, she had no idea of what was about to happen to her. I heard Tom Groan as his orgasm began. (Shit I was beside myself. Here was my wife with one tall gangly black dude eating her wet pussy till she cumming. And another fat black fuck with his cock about to shoot cum in her wide open mouth. ) I knew she would never go for the cum in her mouth, but deep inside I figured this would pay her back for all the times I had begged her to at least try to swallow some of my cum. "Here is your firm contract Debbie" Tom grunted as I saw a rope of cum spurt from his cock directly into my wife's open mouth. She was right in the middle of cumming herself and I was certain she did not know what was happening. Another long rope of cum jetted from Tom's cock directly into Debbie's mouth. Then another, and another. About that time, Debbie's eyes shot open. Just in time to see Tom's cock poised at her wide open mouth. Before she could react, Tom shoved his hips forward and buried his black cock in my wife's mouth. She was frantically moving and struggling to get it out of her mouth. I shot my own load all over the closet without even touching myself as I saw her swallow several times trying to keep from drowning in the cum that filled her mouth. With her swallowing so rapidly it looked easy for Tom to continue to shove his cock farther in her mouth. I was completely and utterly shocked beyond belief at my wife swallowing all of Tom's cum ( or at least most all of it.) but I was even more shocked to see him manage to shove his cock all the way into my wife's mouth to his balls. I knew he had managed to get it into her throat. I assumed it was because she had been swallowing so hard at first that she must have literally swallowed his cock. Debbie's eyes were wild looking as she struggled to get Tom's cock out of her throat. Her arms were flailing at her side and trying to reach up over her head to push Tom back. Finally Tom pulled back, but only for a second. Then he thrust his cock all the way in again. He was fucking Debbie's mouth like a jack hammer. Debbie was so frantic about the large black cock buried in her throat she had completely forgotten about Ed until he jammed his hips forward and buried his huge cock deep in her cunt. Debbie's arms were still flailing all over the place. She did not know which end to fight off first. The cock that was pumping in and out of her mouth, or the enormous black cock that had just buried itself in her cunt. She was grunting and groaning and moaning and gasping when she could as both Tom and Ed pumped her at each end. It looked like Ed had already cum in Debbie's cunt because his cock was dripping when he would pull it back between thrusts. I quickly realized it was Debbie's sopping wet pussy that was overflowing. "Damn" I thought to myself, "my darling little wife is getting off on this." Ed was really going at her, pulling is black pole almost all the way out, then jamming it back in so hard Debbie was bouncing off the back of the sofa. If it were not for Tom's big cock buried in her mouth I think Ed would have pushed her over the back of the sofa. Ed's ass looked like a black blur, driving and pumping as hard as he could. Finally after fucking her for a good 10 minutes at an extremely rapid pace, Ed's ass clenched and he howled out and drove into Debbie hard and held his cock all the way deep inside her for what seemed like an eternity. His ass muscles kept clenching, then loosening, then clenching again. Ed was obviously pumping my wife full of his cum. Debbie was fanatic about taking her birth control pills so I was not worried that she was getting a load pumped in her. The thought did occur to me though and I found myself hoping she had taken her pill that day. The last thing we needed was a little black baby running around. That would be a hard one to explain. When Ed finally finished filling Debbie's cunt full of cum, he slowly pulled his cock out. It was coated with a mixture of juice and cum. Tom was still getting into his blow job and now had a renewed hard cock driving deep inside Debbie's mouth and throat. She appeared to have gotten quite proficient at deep throating. Ed walked around the sofa and pulled Tom back and quickly replaced Tom's hard cock with his dripping wet and somewhat limp cock. I was shocked to see Debbie accept his wet cock into her mouth, with little or no struggle. Tom quickly ran around the sofa and in seconds was driving his hard cock deep inside my wife. I had noticed a stream of Ed's cum running out of her cunt down the crack of her hot ass before Tom got there so his cock slid in with no effort whatsoever. Tom was not fucking Debbie nearly as fast as Ed, but he was driving his cock as deep as he could. He paused watching Ed pushing his long black cock into my wife's mouth. He looked down and pulled his cock out of Debbie's dripping cunt. Tom grabbed Debbie's legs and pushed them up telling Ed to hang on to them. This totally exposed Debbie's dripping cunt and her virgin asshole. I saw Tom was positioning his fat black cock at the entrance to my wife's asshole. With what seemed like very little effort (because it was coated in cum) he pushed his hips forward and the head of his cock popped into her. He forced more of his cock deeper inside and with one final lunge buried it all the way. He did not last very long at all and I saw his ass clench as he added his second load to my wife. Ed was pushing his cock all the way into Debbie's throat at the other end. When Tom finished pumping Debbie's asshole full of his cum he held his cock buried balls deep for what seemed like an eternity, then he literally fell backwards on the floor. His cock made a popping noise as it came out of her virgin asshole. Debbie had been squirming when Tom was pushing his cock into her asshole, but now did not move since she was still busy with Ed in her mouth. I could see a river of cum dripping from her cunt and now her freshly fucked asshole to the floor beneath her. Ed seeing that Tom had crapped out, released her legs and started to pull his cock out of Debbie's mouth and I nearly fell out of the closet when to my surprise she reached up over her head and grabbed Ed's ass cheeks and pulled him back into her mouth. Ed's eyes grew large and he said, "Whoa baby, this bitch wants this black cock in her hot little mouth." Tom raised up and seeing this quickly grabbed the camera for a closeup shot of this activity. Tom moved around to the side of the sofa and captured all the action as Ed pumped his big black cock deep into my wife's mouth until his balls bounced off her forehead and nose. Ed kept fucking her mouth until he started to moan. "Here it cums baby, get ready for a big fucking load" I think the reality of what she was doing suddenly dawned on her because she started to push Ed away. I knew she did not like cum, but thought maybe she had changed her mind after what Tom had done to her. Debbie was clearly trying to avoid getting another load of cum pumped into her mouth at this point, but Ed was too far gone as he grabbed her by the chin and her hair and increased his pace fucking into her mouth and throat. He had his long cock buried in her throat. When I saw Ed's ass muscles contract and clench up I knew it was too late for Debbie to avoid getting his cum pumped into her mouth. Ed drove his cock in and held it for several seconds as his ass clenched and tightened. Then he pulled his long cock nearly all the way out and his ass continued to clench. "You swallow it bitch" he yelled. I saw Debbie gulping it down as fast as she could. Finally Ed released his hold on Debbie's head and he staggered back against the wall. His cock was spotless. My darling wife had swallowed every drop. And Tom had gotten some utterly fantastic footage. Debbie laid sprawled out on the sofa for some time. Her skirt was bunched around her waist, her bra was still bunched up above her beautiful tits. I was surprised to see her panties off completely. The last I had noticed Ed had only pushed them aside. Now, they were off and on the floor. I think Ed must have ripped them off. Debbie's legs were wide apart and her cunt and asshole was matted with cum. "And CUT" Tom managed to say. This brought Debbie somewhat to her senses and she raised her head and looked at the two black guys in the room with her. One was beyond tall and skinny, and the other had a fat beer gut and was blacker than black. Both were still completely naked and admiring Debbie's body. She slowly pulled herself to a sitting position and reached up and pulled her bra down over her hot tits. Then she stood and smoothed her skirt down. She reached down and picked up her panties. Upon seeing they had indeed been ripped off her she tossed them back to the floor. I could not believe my ears when she asked Tom if he thought she had a chance. I think he was equally as astonished as I was, because he stuttered and stammered for a while before telling Debbie that he was certain she did. Then being the quick thinker he was he quickly added that he would submit the film to Spike and would be in touch with her if he needed more footage. "Oh right" I thought to myself, that asshole just wants another shot at my wife. Standing before a mirror, Debbie pushed her hair into place as best she could and wrote her phone number on a piece of paper. She handed it to Tom, who was still standing there buck naked with a cum covered half hard on swinging between his legs. She headed to the door when Ed said, "Hang on a second baby." Debbie turned and looked at Ed as he stepped over to her. "Don't I get a kiss goodbye", he asked. "Oh sure," Debbie responded as she rose on her tiptoes to meet Ed who was bending half in two to get down to her level. I saw that asshole slip her the tongue again. He was kissing my wife not more than a foot away from my hiding place. "How bout junior?" Ed said grabbing his semi limp cock and swinging it back and forth toward Debbie. She looked down at Ed's cock hanging from his fist. "Well, ahhh," she said blushing, "believe me, I don't normally do this, but if it will help me get the role, I suppose just this once". She was so close I could again smell her perfume this time mixed with the odor of fresh cum. Debbie bent over and cradled Ed's limp cock in her hand she leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock. Before she could raise up Ed said, "You call that a kiss?" Debbie bent forward again and holding his cock in her fist engulfed the head of it and sucked noisily on it for about 20 to 30 seconds. She pulled his 3/4 hard cock out of her mouth with a loud sucking pop. "I really have to go" she said. "You can't forget me" Tom bellowed. No, I suppose not" Debbie replied again blushing a brilliant red. She waked over to Tom and without even giving him a kiss on the lips she bent to her knees and quickly sucked his cock into her mouth. I nearly freaked out. That cock had been buried deep in her asshole only minutes earlier and it was still coated with his cum. She sit her purse on the floor and reached around and grabbed the cheeks of his fat ass and pulled him into her mouth all the way. This went on for several seconds and when she stopped and stood up his cock was nearly hard again. "That is enough, she said, I really have to go. My husband will wonder what is taking me so long." With that, she told Tom to be sure and let her know what Spike thought and she left. I opened the closet door and practically fell out onto the floor. "Wowie baby, Ed said, your wife is one HOT mama. I gotta get me more of that bitch" he said as he fell back on the sofa. Tom looked at me in a questioning manner and gave me a tentative thumbs up. I stared at him for a few seconds, then a smile spread across my face and I returned the thumbs up sign. After much begging I agreed to let them each have copies of the tape to jack off to. I reached down and picked up my wife's torn panties and stuffed them in my pocket. We have managed to pull off this scenario again. My wife is still trying to be a movie star. I will relate the details in a later letter. **These stories aren?t mine. But anyways you can write to me at 7996 1.86/512345
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