Sunday, September 30, 2012
Jill, Dan & Their Friend Larry Ch. 11
As the PI called the police from the Inn across the street, about the fight behind the dinner, he knew Larry was beaten up. He wasn't surprised when the cops told him that there was usually a fight there every Friday and Saturday night, he knew that already. It was well known that the Roadway Inn and dinner were both places people met to have sexual affairs. The dinner was usually where the other person caught the cheating spouse either before or just after the sex. The cops then told the PI that they would respond as soon as they could. But it most likely involved a husband, wife and another man or woman and they considered it a domestic disturbance. He told them it was two men beating another and there was no female around that he saw. They thanked him took the information and told him they would send a squad car there to help the looser. The PI said, "Send an ambulance so the guy can get to the hospital. They finished on the phone and told the PI in most cases no charges would ever be filed. Tem minutes later the PI sat in his van and watched the response team put Larry in the van and drove him to the hospital. Jill followed the van in Larry's car. He was admitted over night to be safe. Nothing really serious only a fairly bad beating. Oh yes, and there was a note saying, "This is what happens to men who fuck with out men's wives." Three hours earlier Dan and his brother Dave pulled up in front of the Roadway dinner. They got out of the car and saw the black van parked by the side of the place. They knew it was the PI they had hired. He was there only for security and safety wasn't going to interfere unless needed. Dan wasn't sure what his soon to be ex-wife would do when he gave her the papers for divorce. He knew Larry her lover would be around some place and didn't want to have any contact with him, per his lawyer's opinion. If it was up to Dan he would have liked to beaten the son-of-a- bitch to death with his hands. But his brother Dave told him to cool his jets and do what he knew was the right thing to do so he would beat Jill at her own game. However, Dave however asked the PI if he knew anyone who might help teach Larry a lesson? Of course the PI had connections for just that sort of thing. So being a good brother, He gave the PI $200 to have it taken care of. He would be Dan's alibi and the PI would be Dave's. The PI would tell the cops that Dan and Dave were not the two men who beat Larry up behind the dinner. And he wouldn't be lying. When Jill showed up Dan was waiting for her and Dave was sitting at the bar where he could watch them. He would come over when Dan waved fore him. They didn't know that Larry had driven around the back of the dinner and came in to sit at the other end of the place where he could see both Jill and Dan. He was there incase Jill needed him. Neither Dan and Dave didn't see him, but the PI did as he parked the car. Jill had told Larry to wait in the car behind the place so nothing would happen. While Larry had told her, Dan would agree with everything she was going to tell her husband, Jill wasn't so sure. She knew Dan could only be pushed so far and she had pushed him pretty good already. But she would be sweet and nice and work her magic on him like she always did. But just before she went in she changed her mind and told Larry he should in fact come in but to sit at the bar and not interfere unless Dan got violent. He was only there for her as support in case it went badly. He was not to get into a fight with Dan and that was the only way she had let him come with her at all. She wasn't expecting trouble. She really wanted to see what Dan had to say after she told him what she wanted. Larry and Jill had discussed what would happen if Dan ever found out that they were still together. They had decided that she would talk with Dan and tell him how she felt. She would put all her emotions and cards on the table and then give her husband an option for them to stay together. She felt inside her heart she loved Dan but she also wanted Larry. Women can love men differently. They can love one for being a good husband and love another man for being a good lover. Men seem to have trouble dealing with that and couldn't seem to accept it. Women were much more involved creatures that men. Things weren't just plain black and white, chocolate and vanilla, they were multiple colors and so were women's feelings and emotions. So as the greeted each other with a civil tone Dan ordered coffee for both of them before she started talking. When the waitress had left he said, "I'm here Jill and I want to hear what you have to say. It will most likely be our only meeting before the separation becomes official." She said, "Dan! I really don't want that and I don't think you do either. I know that deep down you still love me. I can see it in your eyes and your body language. And I still love you very, very much. Since you found out about Larry and me I know you have been hurt. I was also hurt when I realized I had hurt you again. I am sorry for that please believe me when I say I don't want to hurt you baby. I really am sad that I did hurt you again." He didn't say anything he just listened as she went on. Jill took a drink of her coffee and said, "But Dan, you know as well as I do that Larry has been a big part of both of our lives. He still thinks of you as a friend and he's also upset too that he hurt you. It''s just that........ well it's just that we can't seem to stop seeing each other." Dan was about to say something when she stopped him and continued, "Wait!! Please Danny! Wait until I have finished, please. I know this is hard and upsetting to you to hear your wife tell you that she can't stop seeing another man, but babe I want to be completely honest with you today. I want us, the three of us, to finally work this all out! We're all hurting here and I have given the problem a great deal of time to try and come up with something to resolve it." Dan sat there listening as Jill went on about women being able to love two men and love them differently. That they were much more complicated on the inside then men and that she still loved him and wanted him as her husband. Then she said, "But Danny, I think I have fully realized now that I also love Larry." He looked very mad, no, pissed off was a better word. She had never seen him look as mad as he was right now! She didn't like how he was looking at her and almost waved for Larry. But she didn't. Dan hadn't moved, it was his look that changed when he heard her say she still loved Larry too. So she finished her statement quickly, "But, Danny! I love him in a completely different way than I do you. I don't love him as a husband, no were even close to that deep of love. I hold that love only for you. It's a love that is so more involved and so much emotional than what I feel for Larry. But I'm being honest today with you and I have to tell you I do love Larry but only as a lover. Nothing else Dan, he's only that to me." Dan said, "and where does that leave is Jill? I don't see where anything you have said so far should keep me from leaving you." She said, "Well after you found out about Larry and me this last time, I knew I couldn't continue doing to you what I have been doing. It's just not fair to hurt you like I did. So I called you for days and you never called me back. I really wanted to talk with you first about this idea I have been thinking about Dan. But you never called me back. So I went and talked with Larry first to see how he felt about it. He agrees we should try and work something out. I told him I can't keep hurting you like this, it's just not fair to you or me or him, Danny." Dan said, "Well that's the first thing you said that I agree with Jill. So what are you trying to say. Just come out with it. You seem to be hesitating. Don't! it takes up both of our time. Just tell me what you wanted to tell me." She said; "OK! You're right." She was set and ready for the last part. She had decided to tell her husband she wanted Larry in her life too. She began to tell her husband by saying that she wanted Larry to continue to be her lover. And, that Larry wanted her too. They had both agreed that they wanted Dan to be with her too, that they should stay married. She told him that since Larry was in agreement and was good with it, she felt Dan should consider it too. She didn't tell Dan then what she had told Larry. That if Dan wasn't he could either accept it or she was going to leave him. They had talked about this for a year but today she would have to have the nerve to tell Dan he wasn't the only man in her life any more. She and Larry were convinced that Dan loved her so much that he wouldn't leave her and eventually he would grow to accept Larry as Jill's lover. They could be together with no more hurting Dan and she could stay married to him. Larry told her he knew Dan well enough to know that Dan would let her have Larry as a lover. So she started to explain all this to Dan. Jill looked him right in the eye and said, "Danny, think about it. It wouldn't actually be cheating or cuckolding you would know about it and since I would still have sex with you anytime he wanted it. It would be the best thing for everyone. We could all be friends and loves. I would give you even more and larger love than before for being an understanding husband and allowing me to have a lover. I would show you everyday just how much I love you and how grateful I am for your willingness to go along with this. It would show me how much you really love me and I could show you in return, how much I love you. It wasn't that you couldn't have me too my love." Larry had told her she was so beautiful that she could have any man she wanted. She was more than a one-man woman and she should tell Dan that! They could work out a schedule if need be, between the three of them. In fact Larry didn't care if they had a three way once in a while with Jill and she didn't either. In fact she felt it was kind of erotic and told Dan that too. She was sure she was talking him into it. She said, "We could set this up almost anyway you wanted Danny. You could stay and watch us if you want. Larry doesn't care if you do. Or I could leave and go to Larry's or you could leave and Larry could come to our house if you didn't want to see us. We could even do a three way sometimes if that is what you would like. Larry is very willing to accept whatever we decide between us. He wants you to be satisfied with our arrangement baby. He knows how bad he and I have hurt you and he doesn't want to do that any more. We want it all out in the open between the three of us. I would never leave you if you wanted me to stay home with you Danny. And I would never deny you sex never. It would be sharing Danny. We both know my sex drive is much bigger and higher than yours, hell it's bigger than Larry's is most of the time. You know that right? You haven't said anything Danny. Tell me please what you think of my idea. I know we can work this out for us?" Dan was giving her a chance to tell him everything that she wanted. He held back waiting for his turn. Finally he ordered another coffee for them and looked at his wife for a long time. She asked, "Danny, what do you think about my idea? Talk to me Dan!! Tell me what you are thinking. We can work this out baby I just know it" He smiled and said, "OK! Now I sat here and let you finish talk even if I wanted to walk out a half of dozen times. So I expect you to do the same for me. No matter what I say I want you to sit there Jill and listen until I have finished." She said, "OK Danny." She was getting a little upset since Dan sounded pissed off and looked even more so. Dan took a deep breath and said, "I'll tell you exactly what I think. I think you're are a lying, whoring piece of trash any man ever had for a wife. You want the best of both worlds Jill. Your plan is great! Yea, your plan is great for you! You get the security with me as your dumb ass husband just incase old Larry decides in a year he has had enough of fucking your ass mouth and pussy. You get to fallback to me if Larry decides to get serious about another woman and marry her. Yea, even Larry might do that some day. It you who have no more worry any more that you're cheating. Even if I know you're doing it Jill it's still cheating if I don't accept it, and I never will. I won't sit home while you're out fucking Larry. It doesn't work that way baby! I'm a little crazy but I'm not that crazy. The plan gives you everything you want. He told another deep breath and held up his hand as she went to talk again. She didn't. He said, "It a fucking great plan Jill. A great plan for Larry too. He gets to fuck my wife and doesn't have to worry about me finding out about it. He gets to taste your body and give you the fucking of your life while I have a choice to watch or not to watch. What the fuck! He is even nice enough and has agreed to do it with me if I want a threesome. Or, was that your whoring idea. You want two cocks in your body at one time now do you. Well maybe he can get a friend , of which I'm not and never will be again. Maybe you can even get three of them at one time. And Larry is so good at agreeing with you that if I don't want to watch him do it to you, I can leave my fucking house while he fucks you royally! And you had the guts to sit there and tell me he's OK with that! What the fuck again! It's me Jill! ME!! I should be the one who should be OK with it. And I have to tell you I'm not! Your plan is great. It's even great for me because it allows me to say no to you and your lover Larry. It allows me to tell you to go fuck yourself with as many cocks at you want. It tells me we can never get back together again. It also tells me you are a sad piece of shit that I should have never married. I have enough proof of your adultery to get what I want Jill. Here's MY plan baby! And you have no options here, none at all baby! Dan waved to his brother and Dave walked up to the table. He didn't say anything to Jill. She looked from Dave to Dan and didn't say anything. She was in total shock. As Larry saw Dave walk up to the table, he stood up and began to walk towards the table. He got to within two tables when Dan saw him. He said, "Stay right cock sucker. Don't come any closer and I fucking mean it." Larry stopped and watched and waited. Dave handed Dan the envelope. Dan said, "Here you go Jill baby! Here's my plan. I get divorced from your whoring ass. Your lover here can have you night and day forever. He can fuck you and you can suck him. With you high sex drive you can both go wild on each other and never worry about me again." Dan handed Jill the restraining order too. He told her to stay away from his house now not theirs. He would ship her clothes to Larry's house and she could do whatever she wanted with them. He smiled and told Larry he better have big closets he was going to need them. He smiled at his brother and said, "You know I felt like shit this morning but now I feel like I just got out of jail. See you in court sweet heart" He walked one step past Jill and Dave took his arm. He smiled at his brother and said, "It's Ok Dave. I'm good here." He turned towards Larry and said, "Good fucking luck. You know what they say, once a cheater always a cheater. But knowing you like I do Larry. You'll dump her whoring as in a few months for some younger one. I mean after all Jill is 25 and you have been fucking her for what.....7 years now? You must be getting tired of it by now. See you in court too dick head. By the time it was over Dan walked out of the dinner with his head held high and felt pretty god. When he hear what Jill had planned for him he knew he had to get the fuck away and away fast. He was glad he had decided to call Kim, Larry's old girlfriend the night before. She was so happy to hear from him and that he was separated. When he told her he was presenting Jill with papers today she insisted on taking him to lunch afterwards. As Jill and Larry walked out the back of the dinner she saw Kim sitting in her convertible. Her blonde hair blowing in the air and Danny opening the passenger side door. She kissed him hard and then waved at Jill or was she waving at Dave as she drove out of the parking lot. Dave walked over to the black van and got into the passenger side door. The two men then watched Larry and Jill fighting in the parking lot at two big men came towards the couple. Dave looked at the PI and said, "You didn't?" The PI smiled and said, "I have no idea what you're talking about Dave, how about a sandwich? I'm starving. My treat!" With that they both walked back into the dinner and sat down in another table. The PI had paid two big longshoremen who he knew to wait for Larry in the back of the dinner by his car. He felt he owed Dan and his friend Dave this for the way Dan had been treated by both Jill and Larry. He didn't plan on busting Jill up, just Larry. To bad she need busting up too. Besides the two men he hired love to fight. They actually went to the Roadway dinner and drank at lunchtime and weekends looking for a fight. To be paid $50 each to beat a cheating ass hole like Larry only made it sweeter. Larry wasn't to be beat so badly he should be able to walk. They punished him just enough to have the police call the ambience when they arrived. It was ten minutes later after the PI and Dave had ordered their lunch. The PI used the pay phone in the motel across the street then walked back and ate his lunch with his good friend Dave. Larry was sent to be hospital for a two days for observation and abrasions. It turned out to be three days. Dan and Dave had an alibi since the fight was done at the same time they were eating. The two longshoremen were never caught. It was just another Roadway fight and the cops more or less let it go. The two men handled Jill in a very inappropriate way. One even told her, "Baby you are sweet. If you get tired of this pussy of a man, come back here and see me. My dick can make her pussy scream with pleasure," She filed it in the back of her brain as she helped Larry up of the ground after the men left. They told both of them if they said anything to the cops they would find them and beat then again. Jill and Larry knew they were serious. They told the cops they never saw the men before and gave a description but it was vague. The next day Jill called Dan and told him off on the answering machine. He was out with the Dave and the PI eating the biggest steaks Dan could find at the time. Later on that night Jill came to the house banging on the door and demanding Dan let her in to get her things. He didn't open the door he was in bed with Kim and really to busy to do anything but call then cops while his new women made love to his cock with her mouth! The cops came and arrested Jill. Dan and Kim stood in the doorway talking to the police as Jill was screaming at him in the back ground to give her the things that belong to her. Dan told the cops he was in the process of shipping all of her stuff to her lover's house in the morning. He explained the cheating to them and showed them the restraining order. They asked if he wanted her arrested and Kim say, "Yes, we don't need her back here again tonight officer!" Dan agreed and she was taken to jail. She spent the night in jail with three black whores who were busted for prostitution at the Roadway earlier that night. She also saw Larry in jail too. He was caught with the hookers. She realized then what she had done. She started to cry. One of the whores laughed at her and she said something to her. It pissed her off and the three whores got mad at Jill. Bad idea! The cops finally separated them and warn then all. Jill spent the entire night in jail with them. She had a black eye when Dan saw her on Monday morning, the day she signed the papers. Dan was a free man as he met Kim in the lobby of he building. They walked hand and hand outside as Jill watched them walk away. 2708 1.76/512345
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