Friday, September 28, 2012
It Happened At Last
This is a work composed partly of reality and partly of fiction and fantasy. My wife is real, my desires are real and what is fantasy is for the reader to decide. I am interested in your reactions to this story and would love to hear from you at Enjoy. It happened At Last For years she had just laughed at the idea. We had been married for ten years before I ever mentioned the fantasy to her. To watch her with another man. At the time I know it was purely fantasy but even then I found that it was exciting to talk about. And all she did was to laugh at the idea. Why would I ever want another man was her response. I love you and this is all I need. I know that we had incredible sex that night. As the years went by I mentioned the idea, not continually, but regularly and her answer was always the same. The suggestion to me however became more and more of an intense desire as time went by. I never REALLY thought it could ever happen but I entertained the fantasy and developed several scenarios to play it out as well. It seemed to always be on my mind and would not go away. One night in bed, I detailed every step of the fantasy to her and she finally knew that it was a very strong desire in my mind. She gave her usual response, laughing and teasing but she knew at last how consumed I had become with the idea. I felt then for the first time that she truly considered doing it, that I was not just joking and what the implications might be. I never in my heart believed that she would go through with it, but never lost hope that someday, at the right time, in the right place, with the right person, it might. I also knew how scared, how excited I would be if it ever did. It had grown to be my most intense personal erotic and sensual fantasy. We have been married for twenty four years....our 25th is coming up next summer. We are in love as much as two people can be. She is my best friend and my lover. This in fact is the crux of the matter. I love her, and trust her completely. In my mind, what I want, I look at as a gift, from me to her. A night of pure sexuality, eroticism, sensuality, no recriminations, just excitement and fun. Her entire being devoted to sex and not restrained by a need for love and tenderness. A night of receiving. For her, there is the fear of messing up the wonderful bond that we have between us. Maybe she does not trust me as much as I trust her? Lynn is 47 years old and looks 30. Her clothes are the same size as when we were married ( as are my own ). She is 5-3, 110 pounds, with a small frame, even petite. She has short brown hair, brown eyes and would be described as cute, rather than as beautiful. She has a tiny figure, 34B and curves in to her waist and out to her hips. Soft skin, and small graceful hands. As desirable now as when we first met. She is very popular with men and women alike. She is always smiling and laughing, a friend to all. At the same time she is intensely shy, while being outgoing at the same time, if that makes sense at all. I am the only man she has been to bed with. That is a part of my desire as well, for her to experience another man. Sometimes I think I am weird and I am sure that she must think so as well *grin*. So now you understand the background. And now you can share in my surprise. We were at a staff party for her office. She is a nurse and they have regular get togethers that we usually attend. This was at another nurses cottage at the shore and there were probably ten other couples there, all of whom we have known for years. Lynns friend who invited us also had her brother, Greg, visiting from across the country. He was 30 years old. Through the evening we seemed to be spending a lot of time with him, talking and just shooting the breeze, and by nights end it was if we were old friends just reunited after a long absence. As we were preparing to be on our way, he invited us to join him for dinner the next evening as he had enjoyed our company so much. I looked at Lynn and she immediately agreed and we set a time for early the next evening at a very nice restaurant in town. At that, we left and went our separate ways. In the car on the drive home Lynn was talkative and excited, saying how she had had a good time, and enjoyed Gregs company and how tomorrows dinner should be fun too. This was so unlike her that I listened closely and when her hand snaked over and lay on my thigh while I was driving, just below my crotch, I began to have serious thoughts about possibilities for tomorrows evening plans. At home, after showering and a light drink we were snuggled in bed and I brought up my fantasy again. She held me even closer and this time she did not laugh at the idea nor dismiss it out of hand. Are you serious about that? she asked. Really serious? How would you REALLY feel if I did that?, she asked, looking up at me. I knew that this time she was serious too, and the butterflies in my stomach just about caused me to feel ill. Well Lynn, I have talked about it so much and thought about it so much, that I would be a fool to say that I did not want to see it happen. But I am scared and excited at the same time. Are you thinking about Greg, I asked? You know I have thought about your fantasy a lot since you first mentioned it. And I never really thought about it seriously, but tonight I thought that if it ever were to happen, Greg might be the right person...., she looked up at me with a question in her eyes. Would you like to go to dinner with him tomorrow and see what you decide , I asked.? Lets do that and I'll think about it. Kiss me, hard, she said. I loved her more right then than I had ever in my whole life. I lay awake afterwards while she slept like a baby. I cuddles into her and all night I know I slept little, imagining. The following day seemed to drag at work and when I got home after work I was on pins and needles. She had arrived home before me and was showering before going out. I went up and joined her in the shower, and her first question was Do you love me? Her second was, Do you want this to happen? It is impossible to describe the anticipation, fear, the intense sexual feeling, and the knot in my stomach that I had when she asked me those questions. My answer was Yes Lynn, but only if you are comfortable with it and know that I love you more than anything on earth. With that, she hugged me and replied only with, Well see then. She stepped out of the shower ahead of me. I turned the water to cold. When I went into the bedroom to dress, she was wearing a simple black dress, cut well above the knee, but tastefully so, and with a scoop neck. Her gold chain was her only jewellry and she was a picture of beauty. On the way to the restaurant we spoke only of inconsequential things but there was an underlying tension that we both knew was there from what might lie ahead. I was harder than I had been in a long long time. Greg was there ahead of us and rose as we entered. He shook my hand and leaned forward to give Lynn a kiss on the cheek and she immediately (accidentally ?) turned and received the kiss on her lips. Greg looked flustered but we sat down to enjoy the coming meal. Greg ordered a bottle of wine and we drank it while enjoying most delightful conversation. He was a computer programmer and claimed to be a confirmed bachelor. Lynn asked about his girlfriends and he replied that he enjoyed playing around with many women but no one woman in particular. Maybe it was the wine or maybe intentional, but he explained how he enjoyed married women as they presented a challenge. With that comment, Lynn let a smile cross her face and she nodded at me. knowing what that meant. Following a super meal we were enjoying liquors when Lynn asked Greg if he would like to accompany us home for a nightcap. He readily agreed and we were soon off and headed for home. She volunteered to drive with him to show him the way and he was quick to accept the offer. We arrived home and settled in the den, loosening our ties and Lynn volunteered to get us drinks. When she returned with them she passed me mine, and settled in beside Greg on the couch. With little preamble she explained my fantasy to him and her agreement to go along with it, providing that she found someone she was comfortable with. She said that he was proving to be very comfortable with him and that she would like to make love with him, now and here. Greg looked at me with pure delight showing on his face and a question in his eyes. I nodded my agreement to him at the same time as my stomach felt as if it would turn inside out. I was terrified! But I was so excited I could barely contain it. Lynn reached and took his glass before going to the stereo and putting on a Celine Dion CD. She looked at me, walked over to Greg, took his hand and pulled him to his feet. Her arms went around him and she snuggled in close and began to dance. Her hands traced his back and her forehead fit closely into his neck. Greg needed no more encouragement and soon his hands were wandering across the nape of her neck, down her back and tracing over her ass, lifting her dress so slightly as he did so. He leaned down towards her face and she rose hers to meet him and they began an intimate, long, slow and deep kiss. I could see their tongues moving and probing. Her eyes were closed. Greg stepped back from her and turned her so that she was facing me and he was behind her. He reached for the zipper at the back and slowly lowered it as far as it would go. He took the shoulders of the dress and lowered them ever so slowly downwards and her dress slid quietly to the floor. She stood still as she felt it fall. There she was dressed only in her black bra and panties with her dressed crumpled in a heap at her feet. Almost nude in front of me with another man undressing her. He slid his arms around her and cupped her small breasts over her bra. He slipped his hand into the top and I knew he was touching her nipple. She melted back into his arms. He stepped back again and undid the clasp on her bra from behind, slipping the straps over her shoulders and let it fall to join her dress on the floor. He turned her, kissed her again and lowered his mouth to her now erect and perky nipple, tracing it with his tongue and then enveloping it into his mouth, sucking on it. She threw her head back to offer herself to his lips, and she let out a little sigh of contentment. Where is the bedroom he asked? She took his hand and led him up the stairs. I followed meekly, now feeling like an intruder, but I was not going to stay behind. In the room, I sat on our chair. She reached up and took off his tie, unbuttoned his shirt and touched his chest, tracing her fingertips over his nipples before treating them to her tongue. Running her tongue down lower as she dropped to her knees, she left a trace of saliva down his stomach and she took his belt buckle and ever so slowly opened it, unzipped him and reached her little hand inside the opening. He let out a groan as her hand found his cock. She dropped his pants to the floor and took his cock through his underwear, kissing its outline. She pulled his underwear down, exposing his cock to her view and she gently, tentatively licked its head, before engulfing it. He fell back onto the bed, and pulled her up with him. Tossing her lightly onto her back, he raised her legs straight up in the air and peeled off her panties. I could see how wet she was from where I sat. She was dripping. Holding her legs up he placed his tongue at her pussy and used it to open her up fully. Pink, wet and glistening, she pushed into his mouth. Little gasps escaped from her mouth and I knew that she was into this now, no further doubts. He worked on her pussy with his tongue and I could see how wet his face was becoming. She was laying back, enjoying the attention. She sat up and told him to lay down on his back. Straddling him, with his back to his face and her face towards me, she lowered herself on him and slid his cock into her pussy. I will never forget the look on her face and the sight of her pussy lips separating to surround his cock and she slid down over it completely. She did this slowly and I knew that they were both very close to having orgasms. Riding him slowly at first and then faster, she had her eyes closed most of the time but occasionally looked me straight in the face. She was enjoying this. She used her hand to touch herself and almost immediately she began to come. Her muscles tightened, her face contorted and she rode him hard. He responded at the same time and he pumped into her, hard. They were actually rocking the bed. She came, and he came and they slowly slowed down and she sat upon him, sweat from their bodies mixing. Ever so slowly, she rose up off of him and I could see his cum on his cock and dripping from her as she slid off. Turning, she kissed him deeply and gently, and her only words were, Wow, thank you. That was incredible. She stepped off of the bed and kneeled in front of me, looked up at me and said, I love you. She opened my pants and took my cock into her mouth. It was only seconds before I was coming more than I ever had before, into her mouth and on her breasts. Greg was watching and smiling. She was more beautiful than ever. We dressed, and finished off the evening with coffee and we were as relaxed as we had ever been together. It had all seemed so natural and exciting, and I had been so scared off how we would both feel afterwards. In our bed alone later on, we made slow and passionate love together. We will do this again. 5424 1.48/512345
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