Friday, February 1, 2013
Help from Barbados I
HELP FROM BARBADOS I By Sensuous My name is Marty. I am one of those men who have always wanted to give his wife what she needs. I?ve been married to Martha for twenty years, and though she hasn?t been able to have kids, we have a full and rich life. She?s 42 years old and I am 52. We both had prior marriages and she?d had steady boyfriends and lovers before we met. I had some experience, but not a lot, having been with maybe four women before I met her. I am pretty much average, about six feet tall and fairly trim, though of slight build, maybe 160 pounds. Martha is about 5?5? tall, with short sort of ?girly? reddish brown hair and great big blue eyes. Her family is from Scotland, and she has that great pale skin, with just a few freckles. She is one of those people who never seem to need to exercise to stay in shape. She is naturally curvy with about a 24? waist and maybe 34B or C tits. Even at her age, there is little sag to them and she has a perfectly flat belly with just a little softness to it. She is very feminine, wears just enough make-up to set off her otherwise plain good looks. I?ve often encouraged her to wear more lip gloss and eye make-up, but she says it would make her look like a ?tart. She does trim her pubic hair, but does not wax or shave herself. We?ve had a good if not spectacular sex life, and the fact that we had no kids to rear has allowed us to travel and have a good life. But I developed high blood pressure a couple of years ago and though it is controlled by medication, my doctor has not found any that controls it and does not affect my sex drive. So the two or so times a month of sex we used to have before I became sick has dwindled down. It?s not that I can?t get hard, its just I don?t have the interest. She?s been great about it, and every once in a while I take care of her. But I think she knows that it is more a matter of making her happy than me needing to ?get off.? She likes oral sex and she taught me how to give her pleasure that way. I guess she at least had that experience. But it bothers me that I did not really want her and I am always worried that I?d lose her. Two months ago, I finally got the nerve to come out and talk with her about it. I just felt that if I could not keep her happy, she ought to be able to find it elsewhere. Now I am not into the whole cuckolding thing, as I don?t think it is cool for a man to feel belittled about sex. She was really surprised and was just great about it, telling me that if she had to make me unhappy to have a more active sex life outside our marriage that she was not interested. I made it clear that I was not trying to force her into another man?s bed but was only interested in her happiness. I knew she liked sex and certainly even with my little experience, she had orgasms from both oral sex and fucking. Although my cock is average (she says) about 6?. She once told me that it was just fine for her. Not too small and ?comfortable,? as she put it. She said she?d think about it but made it clear that she was not interested in taking a lover on a regular basis and that she?d only consider it if there was a clear understanding that she would not be in any way ?cheating? on me. We did not talk about it until later that week. I?d just brought her to an orgasm and she?s sucked me to completion. We were in bed in the early morning and I was holding her. She was plainly not satisfied. Although she came there wasn?t any real heat in it. I began to apologize and she cut me off, saying she loved me and it was OK. Then she said that if it was OK with me, she wanted to explore being with another man but wanted me to find that person. She said that I should find someone I liked and then let her know. Though she would have the final say. Over the next few days, I started looking on the internet at sites where people looking for men to bring into their marriages seemed to be common. I was not looking for a particular sort of person in the racial or ethnic sense. I was more concerned with her feeing safe and comfortable. Simply, it was about her, not about me. A lot of the ads were by guys who were into ?humiliating hubby,? and so were not considered. Finally, I found an ad that seemed to be in line with what I was looking for. It was a guy who described himself as a single ?foreign gentleman,? 35 years old, trim, 6?4? tall and a new college instructor at an area community college. He wanted to be with mature but attractive women, either single or with their husband?s permission. I sent the guy an e-mail and he got back to me two days later. He provided a phone number and said that I should know that he was black, from the Caribbean and would understand if I or my ?lady? did not want that. Well, I didn?t care about the guy?s race but I had never talked with my wife about the race of the lover I?d bring to her. When I told her about the guy ?George,? she said that his race was not a problem. She said she?d once dated a black guy many years before she met me but had not had sex with him. She told me to meet with him and explain that she was not interested in making me feel bad. That he had to treat me with respect. As well as her and that he?d have to meet with the two of us. So she could see if she liked him and felt good about it. I figured the guy would find it all too complicated but agreed with her. When I called George, he and I agreed to meet for a drink at a downtown hotel. He was as he?d described. He spoke with a sort of Caribbean-British accent and was from Barbados. He was as black a man as I have ever seen. I mean really dark skinned. With a completely shaved head that seems stylish today. He wore little frameless glasses and joked that it was his ?academic? disease. Well, that brought me to the delicate question of safety. When I told him my wife was concerned, he said that he was very selective. He had no other women he was ?seeing,? and had recently had an HIV and VD test because he hated condoms and could not use them anyway. I assumed he had some sort of allergy to them. He actually had a photocopy of the ?negative? tests and insisted that I take it. I never learned how an educated guy from Barbados found his way to Nebraska. I figured that his being so ?different? would be enough to get him into Martha?s pants. When I told Martha about my meeting with George, she said he sounded very interesting. She said she?d never been with a foreigner. She said his being black made it even more interesting. So I made a reservation at a downtown hotel for the next Saturday. I asked specifically for a King-sized bed just as Martha had asked me to. I asked her to call George herself to invite him. She called him and I listened in on the extension. I think she was charmed with how respectful he was and his assurances that he wanted her to be pleased. He agreed that the three of us we would meet in the hotel bar. After the conversation, she was almost giggly. She said it was very exciting. Being with someone new after all these years was intriguing to her She asked me if I was sure that was what I wanted. I really felt that I wanted her to be happy and told her that I sort of felt like a guy who was just giving his wife a present of something she needed. Well, she kissed me passionately and right there in our living room was on her knees and opening my pants. She pulled out my cock and started stroking it and kissing it. She took it into her mouth, almost all of it, and feverishly sucked and stroked me to a hardness and excitement I had not had in a long time. Once it was fully erect and wet with her saliva, she looked up and asked what I thought he?d be like? Did I know if he was large or circumcised (I am circumcised). I?d never even thought about it, so I sort of shrugged, and she laughed, saying ?well, I guess we?ll see soon enough,? and then sucked and stroked me to coming in maybe 90 seconds. I felt awkward knowing that my wife would soon have another cock thrusting into her and that she wanted it. But it was my idea. So we showed up at the hotel bar the next Saturday at 9:00. I had gone up to the room to make sure that it was OK. I have to say I could not take my eyes off the bed itself, which was an unremarkable King-Sized bed. I think it was then that I realized that I was looking forward to it as much as I thought she was. I?d never considered myself as a voyeur but then I was learning more about myself every time I thought about it. I went back down to the bar but George had not arrived. He arrived a few minutes later, dressed very nicely. Except for being as black as night, he was very ?British.? Martha had dressed nicely but not trampish for the occasion. She was wearing a black skirt and blue silk blouse the color of her eyes, dark stockings and 4? black high heels. She?d bought them for the occasion, along with underwear she had not shown me. She?d also worn red lipstick, very glossy, and a bit more eye makeup than I was used to, setting off her beautiful eyes. And were they ever filled with sparkle! George spotted me and came over. His eyes fixed on her and I could see that they looked right into each others eyes. She was holding my hand and I could feel that she was shaking out of nervousness. Well, George was polite, saying he had been looking forward to meeting her. She smiled and said, ?Well, you are a charmer.? He responded, ?More than that, Martha, I wan to be your lover.? She seemed to shrug and giggle at the same time. George had a glass of wine and Martha, uncharacteristically, had a Martini. When George excused himself to go to the bathroom, she had a second Martini and said she was very nervous and having second thoughts about being in a room alone with this ?stranger.? I realized that I really wanted her to go through with it but did not know what to say. She looked into my eyes and said, ?Would you stay and be there with me?? I felt a thrill, sort of a chilling feeling in my spine and knew the answer was ?Hell yes!? But I didn?t want her to think me nutty, so I said, ?What if George is not for that?? She said, ?Well, then George will have to find another woman.? George then walked up and smiled, saying, ?Shall we go?? and put his arm out for her to take it. She sort of blinked, took his hand and said, ?George, I hope you don?t think me a tease but I am uneasy going with you alone. It?s not you, I think you are a gentleman, but I?d like Marty to be there. That way, I?ll feel secure and will know that he really is OK with this.? George said, ?Well, Marty, it is up to you. I can handle it, but can you watch another man make love to your wife?? There was a pause and I said ?I guess so.? Then he told me to give him one of the room keys and go up and turn down the bed He and Martha would be up in a few minutes. Martha nodded to me and I went up the room. I turned down the blanket and just stood there, looking at the bed, my imagination going everywhere. My mind filled with images of Martha on her back with her legs drawn up and feeling George inside her, moaning with passion I?d only seen her have for me. I felt myself getting hard. Well, this was something new for me. The sound of the key in the lock took me away and I think I jumped. They came in with their arms around each other and I could see that her lipstick was a bit smudged, so there had been some kissing, probably in the elevator. George excused himself and went into the bathroom with a small bag he had with him. She looked at me sort of sheepishly and I just blurted out, ?It?s OK, go for it.? She said, ?Really?? She whispered to me that they had kissed in the elevator and she could feel his cock against her, that it seemed very big even though they were just starting. I did not know what to say. Then George came out of the bathroom wearing a towel. He had really defined chest and stomach muscles. Martha was obviously appreciative. I looked around, not knowing what to do with myself. George said ?Marty, why don?t you get comfortable in one of the stuffed chairs, and let?s see how it goes?? I nodded dumbly, and went over to a big chair and sat down, turning it as I did so that I could see them and the bed. George walked over to Martha and she just stood there, looking great but with her hands at her sides. Waiting for him to make the first move. He stood in front of her and took her face in one of his very big hands and she looked up at him. He leaned over and kissed her. As he was so gentle, she parted her lips and let his tongue in. I saw that she opened wider and that he was a good kisser. She moaned a little and from that point, it was clear she was no longer focused on me at all. It was a though I was not even there. As he kissed her she sort of lifted her arms like she did not know what to do with them and then pulled him down to her and began to kiss him back. She then put her hands to his sides and hugged him closer. Then she stopped the kiss and it was clear that she was aware of his excitement as she looked down for a moment then up to him and smiled. He then pushed her away from him and turned her so that her back was to him. He held her by the waist and then moved both hands up to her tits, cupping them in hands that covered them completely. Then he slowly unbuttoned her blouse and I saw her new underwear for the first time. She was wearing (I later learned) a powder blue bra and thong she picked up at Victoria?s Secret. With the nearly black nylons and heels, she was hotter looking than I could ever remember. He went to his knees in front of her, and began lightly kissing and then licking her stomach, holding her to him. She moaned and smiled, looking toward the ceiling, with her eyes closed. He slipped her thong down and she lifted her legs out of it. So that now her trimmed pussy was his. He then opened her bra at the front and she was naked before her new black lover. I was just mesmerized, frozen in my seat. He went to her pussy and I could see that he opened the lips with his finger so that he could find her clit and then began to lick it. On and on as she obviously was having trouble standing. He stood up and picked her up in his arms as she just leaned her face on his chest and held on. He walked over to the bed and put her down so that she lay on it in a way that I could see her face but also her legs and pussy. I could see that her nipples had begun to stiffen into the little raspberries I knew from experience meant that she was lubricating inside. He went down on her, then licking her pink slit up and down, up and down. Then concentrating on her clit he put two fingers into her, though not easily. As he did that she made a sound of surprise and he murmured, ?Tight.? He just slowly worked his finger in and out of her, then reached up with the other hand to caress her left tit so that he blocked off her face from me. I don?t know why but I stood up. I wanted to see her face. Her eyes were open and I think George did not realize I was standing at the foot of the bed. She saw me then and quietly mouthed ?thank you.? He then realized I was there, looked over and smiled. I moved my chair a little closer and sat down. He looked over and said that if I wanted to watch it was ok, but to stay off the bed. I nodded. Then she looked up at him and sat up, smiling with a look of what could only be passion. She moved to the edge of the bed and said, ?My turn now.? He just stood there with his hands at his hips I could see that under the towel was something really big. He just stood there facing me and watching me intently. Plainly because he wanted to see my reaction. Martha?s lovely bare back was toward me so she could not have seen my face. She reached for the towel and slowly pulled it away. I could not believe my eyes. Though it did not seem fully erect, this was a bigger cock than I would ever have imagined. To answer her question of a few days earlier, yes, it was very big, and no, he was not circumcised. His cock was the same dark color as the rest of him and the foreskin covered all but the very tip of it. I heard her gasp, and she sat there with the end of the towel in her hand just looking. He saw the look on my face and then looked down at her and asked ?scared?? She just nodded and he said, ?I?ll be gentle, and whatever you are thinking, you can handle it. You are mature woman and not a kid.? Then she reached out to hold it with one hand which really could not fit around it. As she did that she looked over her shoulder at me, smiled and again mouthed ?thank you.? Her eyes were like turquoise fire. I had never seen that much passion in her, even when we were new lovers. She began to slowly move her hands over it, gently stroking back and forth. It was not yet fully erect but it already was clear that this was an 11? cock. Maybe more. Though I had never been able to feel the full depth of my wife, I wondered how any woman could take it. Sure, a woman who has had a child is probably elastic enough to take most any cock but my wife had never had a kid. I was worried for her. She then began to stroke it more vigorously, obviously holding it a little tighter. As she did that the foreskin moved back and forth over then head, which in contrast to the rest of it was a bright pink and wet looking. Then holding it in both hands with plenty of room for a third hand if she had one, she put the tip in her mouth and began to give him head. She just concentrated on the head and stroked with her hands. It began to grow and become more upright. After about ten minutes, it was amazing. She stopped and looked at him, the huge cock in both her hands and stroked it. He was grunting lowly and said, ?I want to feel your pussy, I have to have you.? She smiled and said ?be gentle.? He then went to his bag and pulled out a tube of lubricant. He spread it on the head and then the shaft. Then he put some inside the lips of her pussy. I thought he was going to fuck her. But no, he went down on her again and turned her so that I could not see her pussy. He licked her and she moaned, coming quickly to orgasm. Then he was up on his knees and moving between her legs. She spread them for him and I then saw why he had moved her. He wanted me to see the very moment he entered her. I cold see her pussy, his cock and her face. He reached down and seemed to have some trouble finding her entrance. I saw a look of frustration on her face and then she said ?Let me.? She reached down with her right hand and, after moving the foreskin back, moved the bright pink head right to her equally bright pink pussy lips and just the head slipped in. She let out a moan and he inched forward, obviously driving in about three inches. I saw her eyes snap open and she looked into my face as he began a sort of rolling motion that gradually let him deeper into her. Then she closed her eyes tightly and gave herself up to the sensation. He slowly fucked her like that for at least 15 minutes. Gradually opening her pussy wider. I would not have believed it possible but after awhile he began to move more aggressively into her. She had her arms under his armpits and on his back and was murmuring, ?Yes, yes, lover, give me your big dick.? By this time he had moved more cock into her than I have all together. He was maybe half-way there. He just continued like that, stroking like a machine at a slow pace, as I could see her pussy ever opening and adjusting. When he had maybe 9 inches in her she sort of started to orgasm. I guess he was at or near her cervix but he just continued on, each stroke a little deeper until she was screaming with orgasms. She had at least five orgasms and he had not come yet. I could see her flexing her arms holding him tighter and tighter still. Then she lifted her legs so that they were all but against her own chest. I moved to their side and could see that hose of a cock was all shiny and her pussy gripped it with each movement. With her heels and stockings on, it was so hot! It was like I wasn?t thinking that my wife had the biggest dick in side her and he was going to fill her, but that I wanted him to do it. As her legs came up it was like he shifted gears or something and in maybe three strokes it was all in. She began to cry and I could see the tears in her eyes as she came yet again. His greater speed had her crying his name and then saying ?fuck me fuck me lover, make me yours.? Then I realize though this had been my idea, she?d always remember him and when I was fucking her she?d think of him. By then he was thrusting hard into her and her pussy had fully accepted him. Then he reached down and holding her ass cheeks against him, he rapidly fucked into her and then held her tight. He began grunting like some large animal. I?d gone back to my chair and could see his balls, the space right between them and his ass, contracting strongly as he pumped his semen into her. I think he must have spurted 7 or 8 times, at least, and then he was done. Just lying in her arms, his huge cock deeper than anyone would probably ever go and she with tears in her eyes. She kissed him over and over, and then said ?thank you.? He then got up on his arms and withdrew; his cock wet with her juices came out with a sort of squishing noise. I could see the semen just running out of her, there was so much of it. He asked if she was OK, and she said, ?Yes lover.? They lay there in each others arms for about ten minutes and I felt that neither even knew I was there. He?d given me the show I wanted, but would I ever get my wife back? They fucked again about a half-hour later. This time he took her from behind with her facing me and I was amazed at how he was able to get it all in. He was holding her across her belly and sometimes reached down to her pussy and stroked her clit as he drove into her. After he?d gotten maybe nine inches in her and had stepped up his pace, she was facing me and looked into my eyes; I think she then understood that I was enjoying the show, because even while moaning with pleasure, she had a sort of smile on her face. Each time he thrust into her she half-closed her eyes. Like she was savoring the feel of him. Then he pulled out and got up on his knees. His cock was so big and full that it swayed from side to side like the branch of a tree in the wind. She did not need to be told to get on her knees. He just stood there, with that enormous cock swaying back and forth. Then moved in behind her and fitted himself in. He began to thrust hard into her and she cried out at the depth. All the time he was pumping into her, she was facing me and I could see that he was very deep and powerfully in her because she bit her lips and despite the pleasure was trying hard not to cry out. When he finally came and was again pumping his come into her, she opened those big blue eyes and just looked at me. With the same smile I?d seen earlier. I?d become a voyeur and she knew it. And she liked the idea of being what I wanted to see. She was so sore that I could not get near her for a week. Amazingly, she tightened up just fine and I now have a renewed interest in fucking. Sometimes, I think I am him. And yes, she met with him at least twice more that I know about. Because I was there. That?s for another time. She insists that he was a great lover but she loves only me. So why am I so insecure? 5189 1.41/512345
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