Friday, February 1, 2013
Kristy Is Taken
Kristy is Taken By Green Kristy felt wonderful. Her date had been the success she had intended. She had been upset by the girls at work. They had made the work environment completely unpleasant over how much attention she had gotten from "their men". Kristy had never solicited any of the attention. In fact, they usually said something about how uppity she was after she would ignore their attention. She just wasn't into black guys, so she did not give out her much requested number nor take up invites for coffee and / or dinner. The girls were very jealous of the new white chick and Kristy was her. Well, not all, in fact just a few. Some of the lower class ones that happened to be black and saw her as trying to disrupt their attempts to shag one of the black men at work. Though worst of all was a woman named Latricia. She was pretty in a hard, street way. athletic and strong from working ten years at the plant. But she had a negative attitude and very abusive and foul mouth and temper. Though they did all types of a little aggravating things like take her lunch and spill cover on her work area she refused to quit. It was a great summer job that paid union scale and she needed the money for her sophomore year. The money she could make that summer would cover two years. So, quitting was out of the question. She just kept working and getting as much overtime as possible. With less than two weeks to go before she decided to get a little revenge. She heard one of the handsome guys asking out Latricia, Latty they called her, and put her plans into action. She flirted with him a little. It was essentially the first time she had spoken to any of the mostly black males there. He had tried early in the summer and gave up after not getting anywhere. Well, he took the bait perfectly. He asked her out and she deliberately was only free on Friday night. The night that he had plans for taking Latty out. She wished she could be there when he broke it to her. He knew that he would make something up so she had to figure out how to get the truth out about why he was backing out of their date. Kristy kept her ears open and eventually had the information she wanted. She found out where the girls were going for happy hour after work on Friday. She didn't think Latty would be there but knew word would get back before work convened on Monday. It had been the perfect date. Gregg, his name, had been quit the gentleman and been a fun date. She really got a kick out of the uproar at the table in the back of the bar that she convinced Gregg to take her for a happy hour drink. Gregg seemed oblivious of it but she had seen the girls about lose it. They were very upset to see the little blonde princess walk in with one of the most desirable catches in the plant. With this mission completed she continued on her date with Gregg and simply enjoyed the drinks and dancing. Besides it had been fun to break the "rules" by going out with a black guy. It wasn't such a big deal anymore but where she came from it still was. She had made sure not to go to any places she may run into anyone she knew. Gregg had been so fun, polite and gentlemanly that she even thought that maybe she would go on a sincere date with him in spite of him being black if he was going to college. Well, he was in his mid-twenties now, so if he had went to college she may have given him her number when he asked after giving her a pleasant kiss good-night on the cheek. She had told Gregg she had to be home by 11 pm and he had her home with a few minutes to spare, dropping her off at her studio apartment and walking her nicely to the door. She had her own access to the studio apartment which had separate access from the house it was attached. The house was a good 200 yards down the end of a dirt road from any other house. It was secluded and she liked it that way. Especially, when the owners were gone as they were that weekend. It was her last weekend before heading up to school and she was looking forward to a couple of days or reading and relaxing. Heck, since the owners had went camping for the weekend they even took the dogs. Two days of perfect quiet! Kristy had gotten up earlier than she wanted. It was Saturday so she wanted to sleep in after a long week of working in a plant. It was still dark. What the heck she thought and got her running stuff on and headed out the door for an easy jog around the wooded area. It was such a perfect morning for jog. She loved how strong working at the plant had made her. Most of her friends had daddy's that got them desk jobs where they were essentially eye candy for the summer. She had heard about an opening at this plant through a male friend at school and landed it. It was very physical work but paid nearly $20 bucks an hour - union scale. And it had toned her body like it had never been. She had been active in sports through out high school. But the work at the plant had made her "guy" strong. Her back and arms felt muscular. She had run track in high school but never felt strong all over like she did now. She enjoyed the run and took in a couple of extra miles in the deserted wooded area that surrounded the house she had sublet the upstairs area for the summer. As she started back towards the house she noted some rolling hills but she did not take them. She could go up but coming down was uncomfortable. At 5' 6" and 115 she had gained over 10 pounds since high school and all of it in her chest. She had a model figure in high school. But now approaching two years out she had develop full breasts that though firm as one would expect on a 20 year old in shape woman they bounced around too much when she ran down hills on a work out. So, she ran past the hills and back to her empty studio apartment. Kristy drew a warm bath and after getting it good and bubbled up disrobed and went into the kitchen for some juice and a book to enjoy in the tub. As she turned the corner of the small studio apartment into the combined kitchen area / eating area she noticed a glass of wine. It was full. She did not remember pouring it last night but figured what the heck, it was Saturday and she had no plans. She got a book to go with her wine and after tying her lite brown hair up into an informal French bun she slipped into the tepid bubble bath. She finished the wine and a few chapters before she started to feel groggy, real tired. Kristy woke up on her bed. She noticed that it was dark outside as she looked out the window over her bed. Also, she was dressed in one of her teddies. She looked around trying to remember getting out of the tub but could not. She had never slept through the day like that and quickly took stock of her run. That wasn't it, she had run that far pretty regularly. Damn, it could not be the wine. It had been a full glass but if it was dark now it had to have been over 12 hours ago. The loss of time had her confused. The fact that she still felt like she had a slight buzz, a drink or two past tipsy, added to her confusion. She looked at the clock and it read 10:00. She figured it had to be a.m. but then why would it be dark? She went to get up, to rub her eyes and look around but could not reach her eyes with her hands. She was hand cuffed to the bed posts! Her arms were spread out and literally hand cuffed to the posts of her queen sized bed! Now she wasn't just confused she was scared. She tried to pull her legs to the side to see if she could get on her knees to look around but noticed her ankles were shackled too. Each ankle was in some type of leather strap and tied tightly to each one of the lower posts of the bed. She closed her eyes briefly thinking she had fallen asleep after her bath and started to dream but before she could hope that this was the case she heard an evil sounding laugh. It was Latty, she knew that tough sounding laugh. This was confirmed when Latty turned on a table lamp that Latty had covered with a folded bed sheet. It was covered to buffer the light but she could see Latty clearly because Latty was standing next to the light. Oh my god, Latty was naked! "Have a nice sleep princess?", Latty asked mockingly. Latty approached the bed leaving on the covered light. Latty pulled the drapes closed so no one could see in though the nearest house was a quarter mile away. Latty had brought a portable radio and turned it on a moderately low volume. "What type of music do you like honey?", Latty said with a laugh. Kristy found out why she laughed at the question. Kristy tried to ask her what she was doing when she realized she couldn't talk. Latty had put some type of gag in her mouth. It felt like a ball that was tied around her head holding in place so she could not speak or scream. Kristy did not noticed these things at first because of her daze like condition that seemed to cloud all of her thoughts. She could tell that her thoughts came very slowly. Like she was just short of drunk. Her body felt okay but her mind felt more than groggy. Latty lay down on the bed next to Kristy and rested her head on her outstretched left arm. "I hope you are comfortable sweetie. I have a friend that will be here shortly that is just dying to meet you but I want to have you for myself for a while. I took a shower for you and everything. Do you like my perfume? Oh, that's right, you can't talk right now. Here, let me change that for you." Latty took the harnessed ball out her mouth. It was a relief to her jaw muscles. "If you behave I will not put it back in. If make a noise louder than normal conversation I will put it back in and not take it back out. Do you understand that my sweet?" Latty said with a serious look in her eyes. Kristy nodded that she did and whispered "yes". This made Latty laugh again. The way Latty had her all tied up was scary enough. The way she could sound so gentle and mean at the same time made Kristy fearful not to do anything to upset her. "Now, you apparently have a need to take black skin. Well, this is what this is all about. You are going to taste black skin and be tasted yourself. If you are a playful pet you will wake up tomorrow convinced it was all a dream. A wonderful dream. If you are not so fun then I will untie you and beat the living shit out of you. Do you understand that?" Kristy nodded yes and felt a tear roll down her face. She did not think she could go even one round with Latty. As strong as she felt herself, Latty had her by 25 pounds and was clearly much stronger and likely an awesome street fighter by the manly way she carried herself at the plant. Besides, she felt so slow minded with whatever Latty had drugged her with that she would not stand even a remote chance at avoiding anything short of a humiliating ass whipping. Latty slowly moved her right hand down Kristy's breast bone and straight down over her belly. Then, Latty commented, "your skin looks and fells as soft as velvet. Let me get this teddy off of you so I can get a better feel". Latty got over Kristy and ripped the teddy clean off with one tug. The quickness of her motion and effectiveness startled her even though she knew it was coming. Then Latty straddled Kristy and cupped her full breasts. "Your boyfriends must love these my sweet. They are like honey melons. Tell me, do they?" Kristy knew she had to answer something so she meekly said, "yes". Latty continued to gently fondle Kristy's breasts and then asked, "so, have you ever been with a black man before?" Again, Kristy answered her meekly, "no". Then, Latty leaned down and lay over the top of Kristy pressing her medium sized breasts into Kristy's much fuller breasts. Kristy could feel Latty's pussy hair mingling with her own. Latty's hair felt thick and matted. She could feel Latty's hot breath on her neck as Latty pressed her breasts into Kristy's and gently rubbed her mound against her own mound. Kristy was still a virgin as far as full intercourse goes, but she had her fair share of petting experiences. This was like no other experience because it was a woman making out with her and essentially taking her against her will. As Latty continued this Latty was clearly getting aroused. Latty went to kiss her on the lips. Kristy did not kiss back but she did not pull away either. "Now that's a good girl. See, we are going to have a good time aren't we?", Latty said not expecting an answer. Latty covered Kristy's mouth with hers again. Kristy felt like she had nice lips but felt overwhelmed by the fullness of Latty's. Latty pushed her tongue into Kristy's mouth and Kristy did not resist. She did not feel like it was a choice anyway. Though her thoughts were moving oh so slowly she figured that for some reason Latty came over to have sex with her and once done would leave. Kristy noticed that Latty had started to breath deeply, almost moaning in her excitement of their bodies together. Then, Latty stopped kissing her and started with her tongue on Kristy's chin and slide it down to her breasts. Latty put her very full lips over her smallish pink right nipple and sucked gently at first and then eagerly. Kristy was embarrassed to feel her body tingle with a subtle feeling of pleasure. She scolded herself for this. Latty then gave her other breast similar attention and then continued to walk her tongue down her stomach and got between Kristy's legs. Oh my word, Kristy thought to herself. She isn't going to do what.. Latty did. Latty put her mouth completely over Kristy's small pussy and sucked and licked the tight vulva and then began to softly suck on Kristy's clit, tugging it gently and rhythmically licking it. In spite of her will Kristy felt pleasure from this and could not help herself as she started to moan herself. As soon as Kristy heard herself moan she tried to be quiet. She had to make sure she did not let this turn into willing sex. Latty was very skilled though and she could not help herself as her own juices mixed with the saliva of Latty. Though trying not to let it become pleasurable she could not help it. Kristy let herself moan now and as Latty put a finger inside of her could not help but to feel like she may start to approach and orgasm. Then Latty put another finger inside of her very slowly. Once Latty got both fingers inside of her she started to move her tongue over her clit gently and with an eager pattern. This was too much for Kristy. She began to move her hips from side to side and then let out a crisp exhale and began to cum on Latty's tongue, her tight pussy muscles gripping Latty's two fingers in a vice like grip as Latty pressed her finger tips expertly up into Kristy's g- spot. Kristy came for over a minute and then did not know what to do with her embarrassment. She had just been brought to an orgasm by a woman! Obviously, she could not hide. "Hey, sweet, how many guys have you had?", Kristy heard Latty ask as her already cloudy thoughts swirled around with the orgasm. Kristy did not answer. She was a virgin but feared to say so thinking that Latty would think she was a lesbian. "That's what I thought", Latty said with a snicker at the non-answer. "That will change tonight my sweet and you will never be the same for it. That I can guarantee form personal experience." Kristy had no idea what she meant by this and in her semi-drugged state did not attempt to figure it out. She was just taking things as they came and so far it had not been terrible. Latty got up and complimented her on being good. "As a reward I am going to untie you. Please don't make me put all this stuff back on my sweet." Within a minute she was free. Before she could entertain any thoughts of resistance Latty had climbed back on top of her and was kissing her again. Latty was passionate with her kisses. Very passionate and embraced her tightly. Kristy could feel how powerful she was with this clutching. That is what Latty intended. Having demonstrated the power in her body and got the situation back in the tone she wanted Latty broke the kissing and got into a straddling position again. Then she raised her knees up and moved them from being straddling Kristy's stomach to being over her shoulders so that her pussy was over Kristy's mouth. Latty gently reached down into Kristy's hair and pulled her face into her pussy as she kneeled down simultaneously onto her mouth. Kristy had, of course, never even thought of doing such a thing but tried her best. She copied what Latty had done to her. Kristy licked Latty's fully covered pussy until she could feel her pussy juices flowing down her face and literally down her neck. Then she reached underneath Latty's right leg and behind her and put her thumb into Latty's pussy. She continued to lick Latty with her widened tongue and use her thumb to penetrate Latty. Kristy heard a clicking noise. She had heard this when Latty was making her have and orgasm. She hadn't given it a thought. But she heard it close to her face. She could not see anything though with her face buried in the crotch of Latty. Though starting to wonder about the noise she continued to keep her rhythm. She could tell that Latty was close and she wanted to cooperate. If Latty had an orgasm then maybe that would be the end of all of this. Latty was loud with her orgasm. "That's it girl, don't stop now", she heard her say as she felt her thighs press tightly against the side of her face. Latty started to buck sharply and had to hold onto Kristy's face tightly with her thighs and Kristy felt her hair being pulled hard enough to hurt as Latty pulled her face up tightly into her pussy as she came wildly. "Oh girl, that's it, that's it. YES", Latty said through her minute of orgasm. Kristy could feel that her face was completely wet from the ample juices that Latty had dripped down onto her. Mission accomplished. Latty had her orgasm and lay back over the top of Kristy as their lightly glistened bodies breathed in step with each other from the sex they had shared. It was quiet for a couple of minutes. Then Latty got up telling Kristy to stay put. Latty had when into the kitchen area and she could hear her whispering to someone. "Did you get them?" Kristy could not hear an answer. "Let me see them?" Kristy then heard Latty say. Kristy could hear Latty giggling now. "Oh my, those are perfect. I just hope I get to keep them. Damn, those are so sexy and hot!" Kristy heard another voice quietly laughing with Latty. It was a male voice. She thought the night was over. Now what she wondered. It didn't take long to find out. Latty came back into the bedroom area with grin that lite up the room for than the covered lamp. "Okay, I am going to let you see a couple of these". Latty showed her a couple of pictures of them together. They showed two woman, one white - her, and one black - Latty having torrid, satisfying sex together. Kristy's heart was racing with fear and embarrassment. That was the clicking noise! The pictures were a little dark but Kristy could clearly see herself in the three that Latty showed her. One showed her with her mouth over Latty's pussy. Another was with them "enjoying" the after glow. The third showed Latty in between her legs and her face contorted in a powerful orgasm. It only showed the top of Latty's head buried in her pussy and her face in the orgasm. The straps tying her to the bed were not visible. Kristy was in a panic. Why the pictures? Kristy was sitting on the bed with her heart racing as Latty went back into the kitchen. "I have set these down with the others. As much as I want them for myself I will leave them here". Kristy began to feel some relief and her frightened face began to relax. "There are at least a dozen that show us together. I will copy them and send them to every one at work. Ha, I will post them on the board. And my sweet, will send them to occupant of room #1, #2 and so on of your dorm room at college. You should never have told us where you went to school honey. Or I will simply leave them here for you to do whatever you want to do with them. I will also leave my home number with them hoping you call me for more once you get up to school. You were good, very good. Your pussy is the best I have ever tasted and with practice your tongue would make you my female lover. I like guys too you know." Kristy was still groggy, apparently whatever she had been drugged with took a while to wear off. But her thoughts were catching up and she knew that Latty was not done talking. Latty had said "or" but did not tell her why she said "or". Latty came back into the room and sat next to Kristy on the bed. "Don't be afraid. Somehow I think the pictures will stay here. I also think you will call me sometime." Latty said as she smiled at Kristy and took her into arms so feel Kristy's large breasts envelop hers again. "I heard about you and Gregg. So, you are curious about black men too my sweet. Not just how black woman taste, but you want a black man before you get back to your little preppy school. Actually, I am not jealous of you. We offer different things. But, that was mean of you to do. But my sweet, you are going to show me that you really want to be with a black man. That were not trying to embarrass me. You have pleased me greatly. If you please Lee as well the pictures will be left behind. I am going to watch. If I am convinced that you wanted to try a black man then I will walk out with Lee and leave the pictures with you. Please call though, I really am surprised at how this has turned out." Kristy listened intently as her heart raced. Her thoughts caught up with the words. If she had sex with some guy named Lee and pleased him then those damn pictures would be hers. Being with a black guy somehow seemed like a reasonable trade given the option. She started to go through her mind wondering who Lee was. He must be some guy from the plant, but she could not recall a Lee. She heard Latty talking to the guy, presumably Lee, in the kitchen as she just hoped he was as gentlemanly as Gregg had been on her date with him. Her heart was still racing with fear and confusion as a very dark man came into the bed room area. He was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt that glowed in the dark. At least he was in shape. He looked wiry and short. He could not have been much taller than her. He smiled as he moved past the light and approached the bed. He looked okay, young, maybe 25 or so. He stood by the bed and slide his t-shirt off. She felt like prey as Lee was drooling as he brazenly looked her over. He had a look of pure lust in his eyes and literally smacked his lips they were getting so wet as he stood there in his jeans looking at her full breasts, soft skin and tawny body. "Take off his jeans. Lee, do you want her to help you?", Kristy startled to hear that Latty was so close when she said this. She was next to the bed and even sat down after asking Lee the question. "Lee is nervous Kristy. He has never been with a white woman. I think he is excited about it though." Latty said giggling. "Go ahead, help him with his jeans." Kristy reached over to the button and unfastened it. She unzipped the pants and grabbed the belt area and started to slide them down as Lee just stood there staring, appreciating seeing her heavy boobs sway back and forth with her movement. "I know this is what you wanted sweetie", Latty said as Kristy slide the jeans downward. The got stuck on his pubic area. Lee helped with a little downward tug and the loose fitting jeans fell the rest of the way once over his pubic area. His massive, coal black cock sprang free and to the side. Kristy gasp and instinctively fell back from the kneeling position to her bottom. Her hands had come up to her mouth as she gasp. Latty had gently grabbed her wrist and pushed her hands towards Lee's cock. With Latty directing her hands she grabbed it. She put on hand around the base and the other around the middle. Latty directed her to stroke it down and up. She did this gently. Mesmerized by its size she stared at his cock while she stroked it. It was the length of three of her palms. It was not hard yet. She felt her middle finger touch her thumb when she squeezed it, but it was still mostly soft. He had a chubby but he was not erect yet. It felt meaty and heavy as she stroked it. As it hardened she noted that her finger and thumb did not touch anymore. "Lee wants you to taste his precum honey", Latty instructed. Kristy had given oral sex before but not to anything even half this size. She tried to open her mouth around but barely could do this. She knew her teeth would hit his wide cock head if she tried to put the end of his cock in her mouth so she just mouthed the end of it. She licked his cock head to be in compliance with what Latty had told her to do. Lee was now rock hard and precum was dripping out like a faucet that is not shut tight as she licked his massive head. Though she was complying Latty apparently wanted to make sure she earned her pictures. Latty got behind Kristy in a sitting position. Kristy felt Latty slide her back to the middle of the bed and then Latty kneeled over her shoulders. Latty had her backside facing the head board and was facing Lee and massaging Kristy's breasts as Kristy looked with panic as Lee got on the bed and positioned himself between her legs. "Breath honey", Kristy heard Latty instruct as she realized that she had not taken a breath for a half a minute since she had taken in a quick gasp as she had seen Lee's horse sized cock bounce off the inside of her thigh as he got positioned. She started to breath deeply, trying to relax. Lee was not an accomplished lover. He had never learned how to use his size. He really didn't get much of a chance. Sure, woman loved to try him. But he never really had a full time girlfriend that allowed him to learn how to fuck. He had essentially been a novelty to many woman that called him now and again and passed his number on their friends. "You are about to feel what it is like to be with a black man my little princess." Latty chuckled over her own comment. Lee moved his cock head over her entrance and made it very wet with him oozing precum. He was hard and ready and pushed into Kristy. "Ahhhhh", Kristy moaned in pain as his width made her pussy sear with pain. "It's too big. It won't fit. Please, no", Kristy continued as Latty head her down by the breasts and Lee pushed in half way and then out and then in. "But it is what you were curious about sweetie. Weren't you?" Kristy knew what she meant, the pictures and the price she had to pay. So, she tried desperately to relax. Lee pushed in a little further and it somehow hurt even more. His width was making her muscles feel like they were tearing and now his length was pushing into her insides and pounding against her uncomfortably. She tried to arch her hips down to limit his access. As she did this she felt Latty move her hips over her face and squat her pussy down of her lips. She could feel Lee grab her underneath her hips and pull them up as he pushed even further with this stroke. If his cock was 11 inches long then he was putting 9 in now. It hurt beyond belief. She tried to beg him to cum or let her make him cum with her mouth but her pleas were muffled into the pussy of Latty. Lee was really getting into it now. He fucked her like he was a bull in heat. Kristy felt her tears fall down the side of her face as the pain of his huge cock tearing into her so forcefully was too much for her. She was supposed to make him happy but she just couldn't take it. She tried to buck away, to buck free but he held her tightly around the hips and he fucked into her all the way with his hard thrust now and Latty had her shoulders pinned to the bed. She didn't care about the pictures anymore, she could not take his size anymore. Just as she was giving up on getting free and crying into Latty's pussy Lee stopped. He spasmed once, then jerked deep into her. Oh my god, he came. It was over. Kristy lay there trying to gather herself as Latty and Lee got dressed. Kristy's pussy lips were bright red and swollen. "Hope it was as good as you hoped", Latty said with a laugh. Kristy watched as they headed for the door. Watching to see what would happen to the pictures. They were left behind. 9590 1.38/512345
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