Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Risky Neighborly Agreement

A RISKY NEIGHBORLY AGREEMENT By Englishperv I approached my neighbor's front door with a sense of unreality and the first stirrings of a hard-on. I was a 35-year old, happily married man (whatever 'happily' means) with two children and I really ought not to be doing this was my overriding thought at that moment. She, for her part, was a 33-year old happily married but ? crucially ? childless woman, and whilst she maybe ought not to be doing this either, her reason for doing so was better than mine. I completed my nervous traverse of the street: a short, simple walk from my house to hers, but a huge moral line to cross. "Hi," she said, opening the door to me soon after I knocked. So, it wasn't a dream. Indeed I was expected. "Hi," I replied. I observed that she was wearing a very plain, dark brown t-shirt and blue denim jeans. I hadn't known what to expect her to be wearing for this highly unusual 'appointment'. "You're on time. That's cool. Come in." She talked rather briskly, and seemed as uncertain as me as to what to say exactly. Doing this was totally new to both of us, needless to say, and probably to most people on planet earth. Well, it's not every day that your attractive neighbor asks you to 'make a baby with her.' "Well, yeah. I am, I guess. 'Mr reliable'." I laughed lightly at my own joke. She merely smiled. "Do you want a drink?" she asked, sounding quite natural now, as though this was any kind of innocent social event. I sensed, however, that she had to check herself from tagging 'first' or 'before we start' onto the end of that, which would have been comically awkward and embarrassing for both of us. "Sure, that's a good idea." "Well, there's no rush is there?" she said. I tried to avoid a boyish, puerile grin breaking across my face and just about succeeded. It was important to be mature about this. "No, I don't suppose there is." I followed her into her home, unable to help myself casting one little guilty glance over my shoulder at the houses on our street: a pleasant, middle-class suburbia estate. Most people would certainly not approve. I glanced down at Alison's smallish but very female bum a couple of times as she led the way into her living room. I really did like her, physically that is ? and as a person she was okay too, as far as I knew her. I reminded myself that was not why I was here though. I had a job to do. It was an agreement, a kind of contract ? nothing more. Nevertheless, that did not stop me spinning over in my mind all the things I liked about her: the simple but nice brunette hair, parted slightly to one side and falling straight down over her shoulders; the demure, confident eyes and nice face; her excellent slim figure for 33; her pert breasts ? smaller and better than my wife's. I was very glad to have this opportunity. "I'm still not quite sure whether we're doing the right thing by not telling Chrissie," said Alison. I went a little tense inwardly but was determined not to show it. She might have been right, but I didn't care. "Chrissie definitely wouldn't have agreed to it, and you would have spoiled a good friendship by even asking," I said. We'd been over this ground before, about Alison and my wife, but of course it was a big issue, and one which I brushed aside with reckless abandon. I wanted this opportunity. I was a high diver raring to take the plunge. "If she ever finds out it'll ruin it for sure," Alison countered. "Goodbye to my best friend, and while we're at it it will ruin your marriage too." "True," I said. "I doubt whether it's something Chrissie could ever forgive. And that will be goodbye to my kids. Also, if your husband finds out he will kill me." Alison laughed softly in concession. "Okay. You have more to lose than I do in this," she said. "So, we know where we both stand. Where we all stand in fact." I said, sounding very cool and mature. It was vital to make Alison feel I knew what I was getting into and that I could handle it in a level-headed kind of way. It would give her reassurance, and it would get me my fuck. "Yep. I do believe so," said Alison. "Just tell me again though, Mark, why would you do this for me?" "Because I'm helping you," I began earnestly. "Because I'm your friend, and your husband's friend. Okay, I'll be honest, also because I like you ... I mean ... I find you attractive enough to do it, if that doesn't sound too crude." "No, it doesn't sound too crude," she said with a little laugh. "We've got to be able to function after all." "Uh, function, yeah." I returned the little laugh, welcoming the humor. "Okay. Well, just so long as you don't go liking me too much, huh? But we've been over this haven't we? You're doing me a service and that's that. God, it always sounds so crude." She rolled her eyes and laughed. "We have indeed, and don't worry, I won't go liking you too much. Yes, I understand it's only a service I'm giving you. You know how happy I am with my kids and Chrissie. I don't want to jeopardize anything." "I know. I'm sorry for piling on the interrogation." "That's alright," I replied, understandingly. "It's a big decision you've made. It's a hell of a decision. I respect you for it and I want it all to work out." "Yep," she agreed. "It's a big decision. But I've asked you because I know you and I trust you. If I'd have wanted any old sperm that could belong to a mass murderer, psycho or retard then I'd have gone to a sperm bank. Of course things would have been much simpler if hubby could provide, but he can't and that's that." "You've made a decision. You're making things happen. Don't feel guilty. I'm not. You want a baby. You need a baby in your life. It's a special thing, and I'm going to help you. And we'll all live happily ever after." I even convinced myself. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled in a strange ironic fashion. "Right. I'm glad you think so, Mark. So, let's do it then." We finished up our drinks of tea. It was sex, it was seedy, it was fucking your female neighbor, no matter how you dressed the issue up - and it was awesome! Ever since setting eyes on her for the first time I'd thought about how cool it would be to fuck her. I'd never fantasized about anything serious of course ? just a bit of extra-marital shagging ? I knew we weren't really each other's type. I had no heady notions of falling in love with her ? just depositing my sperm up her. She of course had no similar notions either. It was to be a one-off deed, and, for absolute reasons of necessity, our secret. Thank the Lord for male fertility problems and broody, childless women, I mused. She led me into her bedroom, with all the time me wanting to pinch myself incase it was yet a dream. I thought about how life can be so surprising, even miraculous. Here I was, about to be a sperm donor to my wife's hot friend from across the street. I had no idea yet how she wanted to do this. Already I was slightly surprised that she had chosen to use the bedroom. which was of course also her husband's bedroom. Maybe she felt choosing some back room or spartan setting would have only added to all the guilt and secrecy. "Ground rules, Mark," she said, suddenly sounding very official. "Okay," I answered. "You tell me how you want to do it, Alison. I guess you've figured out the best way to go about it." "Definitely no kissing. We have to have no kissing, because it's not an affair, is it?" "Of course it isn't." "Sorry to be a bitch," she chuckled. We were both glad of any humor to relax us. "But it's important, I think." "Absolutely." Christ, what position does she want to do it in? I mused. There is no non-intimate way for a man to put his cock up a woman's vagina is there? "No caressing. No ... um... 'nice' touching anywhere. You know what I mean? ? no romantic stuff. Nothing too friendly." "Understood." "Obviously you've got to ... enjoy it ... in order to do it ... whatever," she went on, beginning to sound awkward. "Hell, just do what you need to do, I trust you." She made a nonchalant flapping gesture with her arms. "I don't need to get all lovey with you to get hard," I explained helpfully. "Don't worry." "Well, we've got to try and make it good, haven't we? So, I've been thinking about position for the best results." 'Best results' ? my God, I mused. I had to hide a self-satisfied smile. I waited eagerly to hear her decision. "I think I'll lay on the end of the bed, okay?" she went on. "You won't actually need to get on it. I think it's best if you're not actually laying on top of me, not both of us on the bed, huh? ? a bit too romantic. Does that sound okay to you?" "Yes, very practical," I answered. "Sounds like the best option. I should be able to do a good job for you like that." She let out a little self-conscious chuckle. It seemed like the more seriously we tried to take it, the more seedy and comical it sounded. "We'll both keep our top half dressed too, okay?" she added. Since she'd phrased it as a question, the thought did cross my mind that maybe I could claim it was too difficult for me to function like that, basically that I needed her fully naked. But I didn't push my luck. "Yes, okay, that's fair enough too." Not okay, I thought. Not ideal. But I had to be pretty happy. Okay, so it was not going to a hot, romantic, passionate fuck. Obviously I wasn't going to get to lick her cunt, or cum in her mouth ? all things I would love to have done, but already knew it couldn't be. My task was simply to inseminate her, which obviously entailed both of us striving to get my ejaculation as far up her cunt as possible: a pleasing task for any man, not one to complain about. "I'm ready if you're ready," said Alison with surreal casualness. I simply nodded. I was ready. I found I almost stopped breathing when she took her jeans off. Out of politeness I tried not to stare, but I observed how she did her best to execute the move in a dignified way. Plain white cotton panties ? very nice ? obviously they too would be coming off. They came off ? she stepped out of them in the same calm, dignified way. I saw rather pale but nice thighs and a tidy ass by a woman of 33's standards, and on seeing her hairy bush ? our focal point for the job head ? I had to consciously make myself breathe slow and easy. I had to remind myself not to enjoy it too much, at least not to show it. It was a service only, an agreement, albeit an unusual and risqu? one, between two sensible trusting adults. All this went through my head while I too simultaneously stripped below the waist. Once free of my underwear my naked cock stood there, 6 or more inches up against my body, obvious and stiff, absolutely at its maximum already: this I could not hide. Surely it kind of betrayed my enthusiasm, I mused, but she couldn't complain, could she? ? being as the result she implicitly wanted was to get maximum penetration and cum up her. "Ready?" she said quietly. She took up the aforesaid position on her back on the end of the bed. I thought, a little bit peeved, that she could at least have commented on my erection. "Yes," I said, feeling very excited about where I was to put my aching manhood. I took up position between her generously open and raised thighs. This entailed me leaning over her and perching my elbows to either side of her, leaving daylight between our torsos and seeking togetherness only at our groins. It felt so unnatural not to kiss or embrace or caress in any way, but rules were rules and I better respect them. She actually smelled good ? the usual female body perfumes or what not. I kind of hated her for that: why would the bitch make herself so nice if she didn't want intimacy? I wondered how lubricated she would be without foreplay, and whether I should ask or care about this. "Will you be okay?" I said. "I don't want it to hurt, I mean will you be ready ? um, doing it like this?" "Yes, don't worry." She knew what I meant well enough, and her response kind of closed the door on any chance to suggest fingering or licking her out. Maybe the bitch had been pleasuring herself for half an hour before I arrived or, more likely perhaps, she'd smothered herself in some kind of oil down there. However, I liked to imagine that maybe she was naturally lubricated from the anticipation of the act. I squared up my cock against the center point of her hairy triangle ( I was guessing it looked trimmed rather than totally au naturelle). It required the minimum of looking down there and using my hand for guidance. She assisted not by using her hand but by making little shuffles of her crotch when she felt I was close. I soon felt warmth enveloping my cock head, and I knew I was in. "Okay?" I said softly, as I pushed on up her passage. She had closed her eyes and breathed in suddenly a little sharply. "Yea," she said. I proceeded, badly wanting to touch, kiss or at least hold her somewhere, but I kept the respectful separation between our chests and faces and I kept my forearms neutrally on the bed. I steadily put weight into her groin and screwed her cunt steadily with my rock-rigid shaft. I reminded myself I did not have to feel any reservation about how well I did this ? that in fact I was required to do it well. I was pleased to sense how she countered my thrusts with her own, encouraging me deeper, but I reminded myself she was not doing it out of erotic love or even lust, but simply out of functional purpose. She kept her eyes closed which was good, because I felt more free to stare and relish what I was doing. She did in fact feel quite lubricated, not tight but not slack either. Like any cunt, what it was, was warm. I rolled my hips steadily but attempted not to cum too soon, for the sake of my own pleasure. I couldn't help breathing harder and deeper, but I made sure I kept it 'respectable'. She herself was breathing deeper anyway, so I needn't feel guilty. Besides ? how the hell can you totally divorce emotion from fucking, I thought, a little angrily. Before allowing myself to let go to my climax, I contemplated how much I might be able to get away with eroticism-wise. Making a grab for her tidy 34c (I was guessing) breasts or plunging down onto her to kiss her face was definitely a no-no, even though my feelings cried out for it. In the event I cupped both my hands round her shoulders, taking a liberty ? but a reasonable one I felt. My pace quickened and my thrusts were deeper, and again ? pleasingly ? she reciprocated. Even in the mental fuzz of orgasm I was careful to make it seem like my actions were instinctive rather then premeditated. I allowed myself to gasp rather loudly as I bucked into her for a few crazy seconds as my cock boiled and tingled for shooting. Gripping her shoulders for leverage with my arm muscles tense, I pushed my groin against hers hard as I felt the first projectile flow of semen escape my cock. I turned my face away from hers incase I was tempted to kiss and incase she got angry at my look of pleasure. She had raised her knees up higher, I noted, to welcome me in, although not doing the 'loving' thing by wrapping her feet round my back. Where were her hands? ? oh, my fucking God ? at my moment of ecstasy I observed she had them cupped round her shins, using them to maintain her lurid leg-folded spread. Oh, my fucking God, how I would like an affair proper with this bitch! "Urghhh," I grunted and heaved my crotch at her to finish off. I gradually felt my blood returning to normal as my inner quiver of orgasm subsided. My penis finished spilling inside her. Well, she'd certainly got it all. We remained there, copulated for a few more erotic moments, my cock resting in what was surely a pool of sticky white goo deep up her vagina. In my arousal I probably even spat and dripped a couple more small droplets from my cock hole. "Sorry," I gasped, removing my hands from her shoulders. "It was easier that way.". "It's alright," she replied. She was much less breathless than me, in fact she was almost acting like her normal demure self already which was kind of hot considering the posture she was in. Whether she accepted my excuse or not I didn't know, but she must have understood a bit of passion can't be avoided in a fuck, especially for a man. "I guess we are done," I said. I waited a carefully judged second or two before pulling out of her, just incase she wanted me to stay in there. Well, hell ? only she could know for sure how well she'd been seeded. "Yep," she concurred quietly, as I slipped out of her. Of course she couldn't get up off her back until I retreated, and I thought it best to avoid her having to ask me to move. I couldn't help treating myself to a quick self-satisfied look at her cunt and my semi-flaccid cock as it came out of her. It was all over. She sat up on the edge of the bed and closed her thighs together somewhat, although not totally. We avoided eye contact. I got dressed because it seemed to right thing to do, although not necessarily what I wanted to do. "I'll wait downstairs huh?" I said, being ever the gentleman. I so wanted to watch her putting her panties and jeans back on, if indeed that what she intended to do right away. But, I was mindful of the circumstances and purpose of the whole thing. "Yea, sure," she said, standing up. I had to repress the instinct to gaze at her bottom half. "Thanks Mark," she added as I was leaving the room. Whether she was thanking me for my tact or my sperm, I don't know. "Maybe it's best if you go straight away," she said, on joining me downstairs. She was fully dressed again, only this time with my semen in her cunt ? obviously, since she wouldn't have wanted to wash it out. "You're probably right," I agreed. She was right, if we were to keep this thing clinical, functional and totally non-relational. A nice conversation, face to face, over tea and biscuits would have been very surreal. "I hope that's not rude, sorry," she said. "No, I understand completely. You're right. No problem. Job done, hey?" I smiled, as close to our old neighborly smile as possible in the circumstances. "Yes, job done." She chuckled, a little self-consciously. "Thanks. So, tomorrow at the same time huh?" "Yes," I said, "that's fine." It was more than fucking fine. I, and my cock, were looking forward to it already. It was to be the second of four consecutive days of fucking her which we'd agreed at the outset: nature, as she'd explained ? to maximize that time of the month when she most fertile and had most chance of conceiving. I reckoned I was the luckiest guy in that neighborhood. 18658 1.80/512345

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