Friday, June 1, 2012

Crunch Time

Crunch Time Series by Green Story 2; 02-02 All stories based upon real events. Of course, enough changed to make sure no one can be identified given that stories are based upon real events. Stories gathered from interviews and personal experiences. Stories are written in 3rd person. This required some fill in regarding what characters were thinking. But, in for whatever it is worth I asked for this perspective during interview process to make it as true to actual as possible. Also, if based upon a personal experience I got this information by simply asking what was going through their head at times where is was not evident to me. I was getting back into serious shape at the local chain mega-workout complex. There was a little fireball of a girl doing crunches near the squat rack area. Damn was she perfect. She was maybe 5'2" and 100 pounds or so. Her breasts were petite but full and round a perfect match for her tomboyish tightly muscled early 20's body. She had long fine dark hair held back tightly in a cute ponytail. Her green eyes were bright and almost shined against the contrast of her year around tanned Mediterranean skin. Of course I noticed her. I could not keep my thoughts and eyes off of her in spite of fact that I was there for a serious workout. Knowing that I was not alone in my captivation I kept my ogling to her reflections in the mirrors that essentially surrounded every workout area in the warehouse-sized facility. Having got back on track after a couple years of playing around after college I was getting in a couple of hours of weights after work at the law office. I had timed the start of my workout perfectly. She had just started herself so that I could hit the weights and then enjoy her reflection as I caught my breath to get ready for the next set or next station. The place was a great place to work out. Yes, it was a typical meat market but was so packed with equipment and had so much space that it was perfect for a serious workout. It was also perfect for meeting people and people did both. Most of the people in there were your typical pretty yuppie types, mid-twenties, enjoying the good life and on the prowl. Hitting on people was not only the norm it was part of the scene. The game was simple. Workout first but as someone caught your eye get to meet and greet them with the goal of getting them to meet you at the juice bar after the workout and go from there. It had worked for me a few times already and I was only in my third month of being committed to chiseling my body back to its crewing days of college. This was the first time I had seen this angel in the place. By her body she must have come there everyday but likely different times than me until tonight. Thinking that she gets approached way too often I took it easy. Actually, I would have waited a few visits trying for nothing more than eye contact with each visit accept that I figured she must be coming at an unusual time for her for some reason. Well, I made the first move that workout and got her name and normal times of working out (lunchtime! I could adjust to that a few times) but did not get a chance hook up with her after the workout given that she was wrapping things up by the time I got her name (Lisa) and asked for a chance to talk to her and I was only half way through. Given that I would start getting a couple of workouts in during lunch to move things along I took the "cool" approach and simply said, "maybe next time" after she had said she was just about done and went about my business. After she left I continued to workout now more focused. I did notice one other thing. There was a middle-aged guy that all the woman flirted with and seemed to know. Geez, he sure was out of place. He worked out and all that but his age and dress were out of place. He had on over-sized sweats on that did not match and his physical prime was ten years past. It was weird to me that he had so many conversations with so many different women. I could not figure how he was so popular given that I had never seen him there before. I figured he must the owner or something and shrugged it off and completed my workout. I changed and settled into the juice bar for a quick power drink. The same old guy came through on the way out and a beautiful blonde girl two seats over from me gave him a smiling, loud "hello Dan" as he walked past. She glowed as she waved to him. "Geez, he sure is popular around here", I said through a smile to her. She looked at me and gave me an open smile but no verbal response. I didn't have another thought about it as I finished my drink and headed home. I had other things to think about - Lisa. I will cut out unnecessary details and get to point where I was hooking up with Lisa. I had gotten to the point with her (it took a month) that we got together after a lunch-time workout for chat and a juice about once a week. I prefer to work out after work but made it a point to get a noon workout in a time or two during the week so that I could see her. I had done this three times with her at this point in the story and was confident that I weekend date was ripe. It was a Tuesday when I got a commitment for a Saturday date. Yippee! Something came up at work that was going to require some late Friday night research so I went that day for a workout during my lunch break. That is when the weirdness started. I had taken a late lunch and when I came in Lisa was sitting with that Danny guy. I had never seen him near her yet they were laughing and smiling and he kept touching her affectionately on the shoulder and forearm as they talked. Man, it had taken me two months to get a date with her and he was already running towards first base with her on what may have been their first conversation. That I knew about anyway. Oh well, it is not like she is my girlfriend (though hoping for that eventually) or anything. I waved and kept walking towards the locker room to change. She waved back and smiled broadly and then waved me over. My hopes quickly unraveled from this point forward. I was informed, though happily, that Danny had invited to an NBA game. Courtside and all of that. Well, of course he did invite us. He had invited her but she had said she had plans with me already so this smooth, confident guy had invited me along. On the surface it was clean. But, he had interrupted my plans, through them off course but I smiled and accepted with a broadly and after shaking his hand said, "glad to have meet you and see you at the game tomorrow" and headed off to my workout. I ran into Danny during my workout. He filled me on the details. We were to meet him at a sushi bar near the arena where we would grab a bite and then head into the game. Of course I was seething on the inside but stayed excited and cordial externally. The bastard had turned a date of mine into a "group of friends" outing. He had to know what he had done. Turns out he did know exactly what he had done. I saw him again as I was all but changed back into my suit and he came up to talk to me. "Hey man, let's just have fun. I know I may have barged in a little but that little filly is just too much. I have to give it go y'know." Then he reached out for a handshake. Kind of like, "game on man" stuff. Well, he had disarmed me and I shook his hand. I was game for this and not only understood him but accepted it. There was a lot of beautiful woman at the place but Lisa topped them all. Competition was expected, especially at this point. Heck, I had not even had a date with her yet. It was not like he was horning in on my girlfriend or something that would give me reason, however silly the jealousy stuff is, to be miffed. Game on. The evening was beyond belief. I will simply tell the story not expecting complete belief but it is true and so I will simply write down what happened. At the sushi bar things got going fast. Lisa was different in public. She was very open and very flirtatious. A girl like that must get constant offers and seemed somewhat like an ice-princess at the gym but once she had gotten out acted like she was free or something. I had two beers pretty quickly in between sushi bites but had only half the liquor Lisa did. She downed a large cup of sake with her meal. She was outwardly friendly sitting between the two of us before she began to drink. Once she got started though she was down right jubilant. First Danny would say something and she would laugh and touch his thigh or forearm enjoying what he had said. Then she would add to it and look over at me with those large green eyes and smile broadly and do the same to me. This girl really put up a wall at the gym. I was more than pleased to see the real her was so amazingly outgoing. Sure, I would like it even more if it was a date v. an outing with her that I was seeing this but it was wonderful nonetheless. We were nearing time to go when Danny threw another curveball, "we will meet Tina there, let's go." "Tina?" Lisa and I said together laughing at the coincidence as we got up. This Danny guy was something else. Physically, he was apparently no match for me but he was down right fascinating and interesting. He had held most of the conversation. I even enjoyed it. He was clearly worldly and rich and enjoyed life. His stories had been interesting and full of twists. Kind of like someone not mentioned until this point named Tina going to meet us there. Over the food and drink we had kind of become the three musketeers and now we would soon be four. Well, competition is supposed to be fun. I sensed that in spite of his middle aged and average at that appearance that I was losing. Yes, Lisa gave us both attention but he was clearly the more interesting person and had quickly and surely become the leader of the group. He had taken charge almost from the get go. We went off to the arena. It was walking distance. We left our cars there. He had arrived separately. I had picked Lisa up and drove her there. I later found out he had come by limousine. The game went largely unwatched. Tina, a knockout girl of African and Hispanic mix, had smoothly become part of the group. Danny had a large suit just for the four of us and the drinks kept flowing. Danny and Lisa drank a lot. Tina drank like me, a beer or drink every 45 minutes or so. Danny continued to be the center of attention though he was so gracious and warm a host that we all got a chance to tell our silly stories to garner laughter. Tina was a great storyteller too and very animated when she spoke. I had my sights set on Lisa but did have the thought that this tall, voluptuous woman would be a great "second choice". Another thought that I had is that the four of got along so well that at times this band of four that barely knew each other before that night (and in Tina's case, she had not even met two of us) that we chattered and laughed like fast friends. In looking back I give credit to Danny for this. He was an accomplished host that was skilled at mixing people together. The fact that we were all pretty outgoing and enjoyed a good time helped. As did the much too much alcohol. The conversation flowed right along with the drinks and laughs and a smooth as butter we were leaving the arena to go back to Danny's place to continue the party. He had come in a Limo. Tina joined him and Lisa road with me as we followed him for a ten-minute trip back behind him. Ah, I was still in it. As I drove Lisa had snuggled up against me lazily rested her hand on my thigh. Oh my, as we parked in the road in front of Danny's I felt her hand cup my crotch area as she gave me smile then a kiss. Yummy. As my heart skipped a beat she got out saying, "how about just one drink and then we go." Uhm, I guess that regardless of how dominant and fun- loving Danny had been so far I had a chance with Lisa. Maybe it had to do with that "act like you could care less if they stay, lay or pray" approach that is supposedly the key to a pretty girls' heart. After all, I have to give myself credit for going with the flow as if it was second nature. Not only did I go with it all without acting threatened and weird I was actually having a good time. As I walked with Lisa to the door held open by Danny and a giggle Tina I had the thought that maybe my "competition" was seen as the fun uncle type by Lisa. As soon as we got inside Danny boisterously said, "the night is young but I am not." He was setting a fast pace before we had even got our shoes off. You guys follow Tina to the tub and I'll get some champagne. Well, so much for a drink and go but what the heck. I headed for the tub closely following the statuesque Tina happy to feel Lisa slip her hand into mine as we headed through the house. The tub was huge, maybe ten feet in diameter and though outside was secluded. It was nestled against the back of the house and cut out of a giant deck that was fenced by wood ten feet high in the large backyard shielded further by woods. Danny did not have any neighbors in this place. I heard Danny shout something about last one in (referring to the party sized Jacuzzi) then some easy jazz came flowing through the speakers that surrounded the tub. The two of us, Lisa and myself, looked at each other and laughed as Tina began to disrobe. We did not have suits and were both a little uncomfortable about how to proceed. "Don't be shy", Tina said making a silly face of mild consternation at our hesitation as she peeled her slacks down her long legs. "Danny told me about this Lisa girl and I have just got to see her naked", Tina said looking at me as if Lisa was not around as if she was just talking with "the boys". I heard Lisa laugh, kind of a slurred chuckle. She feeling the alcohol, even her laugh was affected. I laughed to myself of Tina's comment. She was a jokester and was likely making a joke about seeing Lisa but if she wasn't then I was really outnumbered now. Not only was I "competing" with Danny but Tina too for Lisa's affection?! "Danny, bring out the fun-maker, these guys need to loosen up", Tina shouted into the house at Danny. She was standing in just her undergarments and Lisa and I were still fully clothed. I heard some type of affirmation from Danny as he came through the glass doors onto the deck with the champagne. He had been returning already when Tina had went to the sliding doors connecting the deck to the inside of the home and nearly bumped into Tina. "My, my what have we here? Ew, la, la, my sweet girl", Danny said with a silly French accent upon Tina partially disrobed. "Already thought of it my dear, relax" Danny said to Tina as he should her some already rolled up "funny cigarettes" that were on the tray he was carrying that held the glasses for the champagne. As non-verbally directed by Danny, everyone sat around the Jacuzzi and drank champagne and shared some pot. I rarely took in such stuff but had done so enough to now that what Danny had was awesome and incredible strong. We had taken off our socks (except Tina, well past that) to dangle our feet in the tub while we did this. After the four of us shared two joints Danny got up and said that it is time to soak. "That is what I'm talking about. This girl here wants to see why you are so popular. I told her about you Danny and she can't wait to see." Tina said all this through a long giggle fit. She hadn't said anything of the sort and I got a little apprehensive about what she must be alluding to. I had never put an answer to my wondering why Danny was so popular with the woman I saw him interacting with at the club other than figuring he owned the place or something. Then, after seeing his house and personal suit for the local NBA team I guess my subconscious concluded it was his money (as well as his gregarious and warm personality) that made him so popular. An aside that seems, in hindsight, important - when we shared the two joints Lisa and I had split one while Tina and Danny shared the other. It may not be the case but ours may have been laced with some dust or something because looking back it was about this time (tub time) that Lisa and I were way out of it and Danny and Tina were in control. Then again, maybe they were just more used to partying than us. Danny played along with Tina by getting up and doing a "strip tease" dance step or two that brought loud laughter from Tina and a smile from Lisa and myself. "Come on now, the water is perfect", Danny said to the three of us to encourage us to get going. I was out it now after the pot and robotically, as did, I presume Lisa, simple rose to get my clothes off. "Yummy", I heard Tina say as I slide my naked body into the hot water. I looked over at her already in the water and lustfully admired her wonderful neckline and full breasts. I smiled at her as she looked my way and then saw the blood rush to her face in excitement as Lisa pulled in bra off and then her panties and got into the tub with us. Lisa was sitting to my right and Tina got in across from me. Uh oh, though spacing it hit me that the only space for the shirtless, but still with pants on, Danny would be to by left. Though the tub was large enough for eight I would have felt comfortable with a boy girl boy girl set up. Through my clouded thoughts I concluded that Tina was as interested in Lisa as the Danny and I given how she had situated herself. "Come on slow poke. Lisa and I are anxious." Tina said as she clapped her hands mockingly pretending to be summonsing a servant for service. Danny was going slowly for a reason. He wanted to be the center of attention at this point. He paused his disrobing process to walk around the tub and refill everyone's glass and then slid the tray with a couple more joints on it next to the tub and then took of his pants. He looked kind of goofy standing there with his mid-forty physique and Disney cartoon character spotted very baggy boxers. "Go Danny go," Tina shouted in a cheerleader voice. Tina looked over at Lisa and said, "Get ready little girl"; you are going to love this. Danny leaned forward as he peeled off his boxers and then stood up and stepped into the pool. "Now that's a man!" Tina shouted. I looked over at Lisa and saw her eyebrows up and her mouth slightly open. A look of disbelief, awe and shock. As Danny had stood up before getting in an ugly, menacing, thick veined covered, ghost white, uncircumcised, impossibly thick and long, soft piece of meat hung down well past his sac to about mid-thigh. "No way" I thought to myself but before looking back to verify that the pot had not affected my vision he was already under water up to his chest and the jet sprays were bubbling around to prevent ogling under the water line. Lisa had been completely silent. Not knowing what she was thinking all I could figure was that she was either too out of it to interact anymore as she had during dinner and the game or awestruck into silence; likely both. Tina laughed at she looked at Lisa and let her know, "don't worry honey he will go easy on you. Then again sweetie, you may just want to be with me tonight and we will let the boys have their way with each other." "Yikes", I said in response to this as everyone was laughing, even Lisa. I recall some small chatter that got the mood back to its playfulness level it was before the awkwardness from disrobing for the tub and the shock, surprise from the sight of Danny's mammoth member as we had some more drink and shared a joint before things just normally rolled into what will be described next. Tina pulled the last hit out the joint we were sharing and as she held it in she slid over to be shoulder to shoulder with Lisa. She exhaled with a look of contentment on her face as she put her left arm around Lisa. This looked so sexy. I was feeling arousal starting in my loins seeing Tina's left breasts, large and full, pressed against Lisa's right shoulder. "Did you get a good look at this beauty Danny?" Tina said as she stood up and reaching down to grab Lisa's hand guided her up to a standing position. Lisa went along with total compliance. What an awesome pair Danny and Tina made. He was a champ at setting a tone and mood and she was top flight and directing traffic. They clearly were the "swinging type". In getting to know Lisa (just a friendship after this night developed) she was like me for the night - out of her league and just along for the ride. I think that we both went along because our host handled things so perfectly to bring out what "wild side" either of us had. Of course, being stoned played a role in clouding away any resistance that our "logical" thoughts may have put forth if we had been clear headed. After all, Lisa had alluded to just having a quick drink and going home together before the tub scene started. "Showtime boys and girls", Tina said as she twirled halfway around and arched her backside. Referring to herself Tina said with glee, "Look at that set of thighs." "Naturally blessed and enhanced via three days a week on the Stairmaster", she continued as she lightly slapped her right butt-cheek. Then she turned her attention to the now standing Lisa, "oh my, she is perfect." She guided Lisa to turn around so that her backside could be admired directly by Danny. "Dan, my man, take this in", Tina said as she used the back her right hand nails to caress Lisa from the base of her neck down to the top her butt. Then she gave a little love tap to Lisa's backside and stood up and out of the tub and then helped Lisa semi-stagger out of the tub and after gathering up a towel patted Lisa dry before drying herself off. Danny's eyes never left Lisa this entire time. "You boys don't have to join us though I think my little angel here would be disappointed if you didn't", Tina said taking Lisa by the hand and heading for the house. No attempt was made to cover up after they had gotten dry. Obviously Tina knew her way around the house and had a place in mind to take Lisa. Where ever that was I was game and soon followed. I was dry and about ten steps behind them as Tina led Lisa through the glass doors into a spacious living room. A fire was already going and that was the only light on in the house. Wow, Tina moved fast. By the time I got into the living room area she was already kissing Lisa. They were in front of an over-sized couch standing on a huge bear rug ten feet away from the fireplace. Tina stood facing Lisa and put her arms around her and was kissing her like actors do in the movies. Lisa was kissing back; her pert breasts nestled underneath the much taller Tina's full breasts that were pressed tightly under the nap of Lisa's neck. Tina must have seen or felt my presence and waved me over to them. As I approached she reached out with her right hand and grabbed my dick. Continuing to make out with Lisa she softly stroked my penis. "Yummy, so hard", she said panting in heat that her kissing with Lisa was bringing. Tina brought Lisa's left had over to my penis and as Lisa took over the stroking Tina cupped Lisa's left breast and moved her mouth to it. Some women have very sensitive breasts. Lisa was one of them. As soon as Tina took a nipple into her mouth and began to suck Lisa gasp and tilted her head back. Her knees nearly buckled. I had not heard Danny follow but there he was standing on the other side of us a couple steps away. He had on a broad smile of pleasure. Tina got down on her knees after starting to get Lisa to a boil with the attention to her breast. She moved very, very slowly with her tongue from Lisa's breast down to her navel as appeared to want to taste ever pore of Lisa's skin. Without looking away Danny through a bed spread over the leather stuffed-couch. Either he kept one in the room or had placed one there in anticipation because it had been folded up next to the couch. As Lisa was being tantalized her hand never left my now soaked with pre-cum penis. I was in heaven and then some. Tina's mouth was now on Lisa's inner right thigh. Her tongue had never broke contact with Lisa as she moved around. Tina took in a deep breath through her nose, "I smell honey", she said. Placing her hands on Lisa's hips she guided her backwards a couple of steps to the base of the couch and on her knees followed, keeping her mouth on Lisa's midsection. I had slid sideways with them and put one leg up on the couch to allow Lisa to maintain her wonderful grip as, with a little nudge from Tina, Lisa fell back onto the couch. Her legs were opened by Tina who was "heading for home" now. Lisa gasped in delight as Tina's mouth found her clitoris. Softly and rhythmically Tina tasted Lisa. She gave direct attention to Lisa's clit for over a minute and had Lisa panting deeply in pleasure. Lisa was in a state of total bliss and excitement. Tina knew what she was doing and by her groans of appreciation was totally wrapped up in it too. Lisa was flowing with excitement and likely near an orgasm. Tina was an expert though and wanted to bring Lisa to even higher levels. She moved her mouth from Lisa's clit and used her tongue on Lisa's pussy lips and inner thighs before opening her mouth up totally and pushing her long tongue into Lisa's pussy. "Ooooh", Lisa cooed as Tina tongue-fucked her. I don't know where my cum landed. It burst out at this point and shot over the top of Lisa landing somewhere on the far side of bedspread. Lisa's grip softened as she looked at me knowingly and smiled. I stepped back and was planning on taking a seat to take in the excitement on a large chair a few feet away. I saw Danny make a hand gesture of "stay" so I did. I stood there to watch the show just a couple of feet off to Tina's right, just on the edge of the giant bear rug. After he had thrown the comforter on the couch Danny had taken a standing position the same distance from them but on the other side from me. The scene was getting him aroused too. The thing he had for a dick was likely half hard with the tip of his cock now exposed through the fleshy "excess" skin of his uncircumcised penis. The large veins that snarled this way and that down this thing of his were dark blue and even more bulbous and evident through the pale white skin of it. Tina replaced her tongue with one finger then two inside of Lisa and after swirling her tongue around Lisa's pussy brought her tongue back to Lisa's clit. Lisa was breathing hard with excitement and let out a deep moan as Tina's tongue went back to its bidding. Lisa was going to cum hard soon. Her right hand was absent-mindedly caressing her own breasts and her left hand was up over her head to hold herself in place by encircling the top of the couch. Tina was great and Lisa was happy about it. Boom, Lisa's peak hit and her hips starting bucking a few inches up and down and then back and forth as she ground her pussy into Tina's eager tongue and onto Tina's finger thrusts. "Oh, oh, my, don't stop, don't, oh", Lisa said through pants. She continued to cum for a minute and continued to make monosyllable statements of pleasure through her gasping for air breathes. "Ooooh, uhmmm", Lisa exhaled one last deep breath as her orgasm completed. She put her right arm up with her left as her hips stopped bucking, writhing in pleasure. Tina had taken her tongue off of Lisa's clit as the powerful and boisterous orgasm completed but continued to taste her pussy as she took her fingers out and began using both hands to caress Lisa's midsection. Lisa lay there as her breathing slowly returned to normal. She still cooed between breaths over the feeling of Tina's tongue roaming around her pussy sensuously showing appreciation for Lisa's taste. Lisa's eyes were closed and her thoughts likely dreamy. "Hey girl, you liked?" Tina said through a Cheshire cat grin as she looked up to Lisa's face. Lisa's eyes opened and she smiled affirmative. They giggled at each other. I think Lisa could have cuddled up and slept for a day but Tina was just starting. Lisa was game. Tina stood up and held out her hands. Weak kneed, Lisa took her hands and help of getting up to her feet. They embraced softly while smiling. Lisa's body was glistening with the lite sweat that covered her body from her orgasm and they held each other while Tina blew cool air around Lisa's neck and forehead. I do not think Lisa spent any time wondering if she should return the pleasure or what. Like me, she was just along for the ride. Tina was the captain of this trip. Tina edged back from their embrace, there hands still clasped. Tina affectionately leaned forward for a quick kiss. Tina looked back over at me, "well, one boy is happy and another eager. Well, well, looks like the happy boy is eager still", she said noting that I still had an erection. Lisa looked at me and down at my penis. She smiled at me. Man, the look of pure sexual contentment in her eyes was hot. Just as a thought of wondering what to do next Tina returned to her pleasure-director role. She turned and kneeled down in front of me and while placing both her hands palm out on my thighs she took my dick into her mouth. Her mouth engulfed my penis. She took over half of it straight in and continued to bring her lips to my pubic bone. I felt a slight blockage of space as the head of my dick hit the back of her throat and then it eased down, into her throat cavity. For the first time in my life my 6 and a half-inch penis was being deep throated. She did it effortlessly. I held my thigh muscles tight as she bobbed back and forth on me. The intense pleasure as the head would push into her taut throat muscles was wonderful! Though we were all puppets being moved around by Tina I took some initiative. I eased out of her throat and got down on the ground. I slid underneath of Tina with my back on the ground and my shoulders nestled into her thighs. I began to explore her pussy with my mouth. My intent was to bring her off and maybe have her sit on me for another orgasm for me. "Uhm, that feels good", Tina said, "but I want to watch too." Tina edged up a little and then turned around so that she could face Danny and Lisa (standing there watching us) and placed her pussy back over my mouth. I looked up momentarily to see the eyes of Danny and Lisa upon us. I went back to concentrating on what I was doing with plans to periodically watch whatever Danny and Lisa would do next. "I know you want to so go ahead. Older guys are more patient but even Danny gets anxious", Tina said to Lisa. Then Tina let her attention shift back to the pleasure I was enjoying giving her. I put my left thumb into her and licked her clit enthusiastically as she started to moan and caress her front and breasts with glee. Lisa meekly took a step towards Danny. I saw her look down at the menacing rope of cock and subconsciously bit her lower lip. She looked like a lost puppy. "Go ahead, touch it girl", Tina said through a sensual breath. Tina leaned back just enough so that she could grab my penis and start stroking me as I tasted her with her other hand gestured Lisa (who had turned her head back from Danny towards us) to go to Danny. Danny took two steps towards Lisa and with his hands on her shoulders guided her to her knees. Lisa put her hands out palm out onto Danny's chest for balance as she got on both knees in front of him. On her knees with her face directly in front of Danny's animal her hands came downward to take hold of it. Tina was alternately stroking my cock towards another orgasm and kneading by balls to boil my cum in them. Lisa had exhibited a sexual nature up until now. She seemed lost, like she really did not know what to do. Clearly she would know what to do with a man but she was overwhelmed by the manhood in front her now. As I watched Lisa fumble about Tina started to cum. I held on firmly as she blew through an orgasm seemingly as strong as Lisa had had. In just a few seconds Tina peaked and before she even let herself enjoy the afterglow she moved us around to a doggie-style position facing the baffled Lisa and enthralled Danny. With one stoke I entered the ebony princess and started pushing in and out of her slowly and enthusiastically. Tina was so sexy being taken by me this way. Her full hips opened to me and I felt her wet warmth charm my dick. Adding to this joy was the scene before me. Lisa looked so pretty. Her petite body still lightly coated with sweat glistened in the shadows of the bright but soft light of the fire. Her backside was a treat to admire. Her tiny waist opened up to her well-defined butt and I could see the bottom part of her pussy in the gap of her thighs as she kneeled. Lisa had one had on Danny's cock holding towards her mouth and the other hand on his thigh. She held her hand under his huge cock. She was looking at it trying to decide how to please it. Her small hand dwarfed by its size. Her palm was under the shaft and there had to be gap of 2 or three inches between her thumb and middle finger. In this gap was a large, bulging vein that had to have he diameter of a dime. Its size was immense and overwhelmingly impressive but it was not an attractive cock. It was ugly looking actually. Lisa went to put her mouth around the over- sized head and giggled as she tried. "It is big ain't it little one?" Danny said enjoying her giggle and confusion. Her mouth did fit around it barely but apparently her mouth did not open far enough to avoid having her teeth touch the skin. She held the head in her mouth. Her cheeks were puffed out. She gave up on trying to give him a blowjob. I saw her swallow, likely the pre- cum that he had dripped into her mouth while she had failed in her attempt to get his dick comfortably in her mouth. She was eager to please him though. She opened her mouth and kissed his head and used her tongue to sensuously lick the gland while putting her other hand on his dick to jack the puffy skin up and down on the shaft as she licked the head to pleasure. He was well over a "two-hander" in length. Though his cock was an ugly, menacing sight, seeing Lisa attempt to pleasure it was beyond erotic. The thing had to be ten inches long and somehow even greater than that in circumference. As she stroked her two hands up and down on the fire hose she nibbled and licked his cock-head. The skin of his cock was puffy and lose in spite of its hardness and as she would pull towards herself the skin would blanket half the head and then she would pull back again to expose the gland for licking. As she would pull forward the lose skin would make contact with her mouth like it was giving her a kiss. In spite of his age the guy sure dripped pre-cum. Two or three strands of it mixed with her saliva connected his cock to her breasts and chest area like spider webbing. Like a king inspecting his troops stood there solidly with his fists on his hips and looked down appreciatively at Lisa doing her best to please the beast in her hands. I do not know if Tina started to cum or if she was just making me cum. I felt her pussy muscles start to pull hard against me milking my cock as her head tilted down and her breathing picked up indicating an orgasm. I felt her hand reach underneath to cup my balls and then she used her fingers on herself. I tried to hold on for a minute in case she was about to cum and did. I think she came shortly before I grabbed her hips firmly and pushed myself as far as I could into her and came into her pussy. My thighs were quacking. As Tina crawled like a hungry cat over to dinner towards Lisa I stood up and unceremoniously plopped down spent onto a chair. Tina sleeked over to Lisa and got behind her and reached around Lisa to help her hold onto the monster. "Amazing isn't it?" Tina asked rhetorically. Tina let Lisa continue as she roamed her hands over Lisa's front side moving up and down slightly to rub her own breasts against Lisa. Tina moved her right hand downward to Lisa's pussy. "Oh my, she is sopping wet for you Danny. Are you frightened by it or anxious to have it inside of you?" Lisa responded, "I think he is close to cumming." I read into the answer and likely, so did Tina. She kissed Lisa's neck and then started to pull her away from Danny and lay her down on the thickly white-haired rug. Not being held up anymore the aroused cock of Danny pointed downward and to the right exposing to veins that meet near the top of the undercarriage. Though my legs were spent the incredible event I was witnessing somehow brought my erection back. What a sight and what a view of it all. "It's time to be taken like you have never been taken before my sweet", Tina said in a whisper. Tina was kneeling over the top of Lisa and held both of Lisa's arms over her hand, their hands clasped together. Tina's firm large breasts met those of Lisa nipple to nipple and they briefly kissed. Then Tina maneuvered herself so that her back was to me. She straddled Lisa from on top of her head. I thought she was going to plant her pussy down onto her mouth but slid back a little and had her knees entrapping Lisa's arms over head. Lisa's arms were over her head flat on the rug and trapped in place under the shinbone of each of Tina's legs. "Look at that thing Lisa. You ever dreamed you have anything like that in side of you?" Lisa, a look of deep concern in her eyes shook her head "no" as she lifted her head up a little to look at the fat sausage touching the rug as Danny was now kneeled between her legs. Lisa had the soles of her feet on the rug. Her knees were a couple feet apart. Her pussy, wet and though not necessary willing, open for Danny as he stroked his pre-cum around the head of his cock and looked down upon her beauty. Though erect, judging by the bulging veins and the growth from when first seen, it didn't stand upward. Likely, there just wasn't enough blood from his body to make it rock hard. I wondered if being 90% "hard" would help or hinder getting that thing in her. Danny pressed the head against her vulva and moved it around a little. As he did this he poured some KY (I did not see where this came from) on to his dick and thickly coated the lower half- foot of it and then rubbed his soaked palm onto her vulva. It was time. "Oooow, noooo, careful", Lisa moaned with a high pitch. Tina held her down gracefully as Lisa reflexively tried to sit up. "There, there, give him a minute to get you adjusted to him", Tina said caressing Lisa's temples to comfort her as Danny held his wide dick-head inside of her pussy. Danny's dick buckled when he put the head into her and he had corrected this with a firm handgrip on the base of his cock. He used his other hand, the left one, to continually rub the lubricant around the insertion point. "Oh my, you are so warm and tight", Danny said through a groan and semi- closed eyes as he pushed into Lisa a little more and then pulled back almost all the way out as she yelped. He pushed back into her three times about this distance and she yelped each time. Danny held his nearly half-foot depth the fourth time. She didn't yelp as he held it there. "It is so big", Lisa said stating the obvious almost in tears now. Danny was a pro though. He pulled it back out still holding the base firmly to get the hardness needed to get through her tightness. Then he eased in only slightly past the head and then out and over again. She was not yelping, only breathing in deeply clearly exerting but not, apparently, in pain now. Lisa was getting used to it seemed. There were still signs of struggle from her but not as intense. For instance, she tried a couple times to arch her buttocks downward to deny him access but with his free hand he gripped the back of her thigh and pushed up and forward to slid her pussy back to a completely accessible angle. I do not think she did this consciously, just a reflex. "Is it starting to feel good?" Tina asked. Lisa did not respond. She may not have ignored her, I think she was just concentrating totally on relaxing enough to accommodate the barrel being shoved into her. Danny held it in about four inches and then pushed in back to the half-foot he had gained before and as before thrust this depth a few times and then held the depth. "No further, please no further", Lisa was able to squeal out between gasp of air. She may have still been uncomfortable with the size but didn't seem in pain or shock from it anymore. Danny had done well. He released his grip from his dick and put both hands on the soles of Lisa's feet and held her legs up and far apart. He settled into fucking her now and was stroking rhythmically in and out at the depth she had asked to be the max. Obviously, she had taken six inches before so he had likely just reached the maximum distance she could handle his width. For now anyway. Danny continued as they both started sweating. Danny with arousal and Lisa with effort. What an amazing sight. When Danny pushed in I could see her abdomen rise slightly. He was completing filling her up; over-filling, actually. She did yelp or squeal with his thrusts just panted deeply as if trying to lift a great weight. In time, his size may be a great asset for a woman to have penetration orgasms. I did not see any sign of her being aroused from his thrusting at this point but the entranced was so stretched around him that when he pushed in her pussy lips would go in slightly and then look like they were stuck around him and come out a little when he pulled back out. This had to stimulate her clit. "I think she has had enough Danny, why don't you let yourself cum for her", Tina said to Danny. "I am close my dear" he said lightly laughing as sweat dripped down his brow onto Lisa's filled belly. He let go of Lisa's legs and lay over the top of her gripping her sides and pressing his chest to her breasts. He started to work his cock hard into her. "Too deep, too big", Lisa yelled as Danny started thrusting past the point that up until cum-time he had been careful to stop at. Lisa's hands were clasped tightly into Tina's, literally in a vice-grip. I do not think Danny heard a thing through his loud moaning and grunting. It was time for his and he was taking it. His backside would come up and then downward and forward with powerful, long thrusts matching his pleasure groans and her pleading, "no, no, too much, please". On about the 30th thrust his body shook. He came hard into Lisa. Kindly, now past animal instincts, he pulled out and in a sitting position let the last of his cum drip onto Lisa's belly where he had put the spewing monster. Lisa had done it. She had taken him. The four of us partied a little more and had some sensual, sexual time after that. I got to be inside Tina one more time and Lisa and Tina shared a hand- job, blow-job (Tina could actually suck on Danny) and Tina had one more orgasm, as well from Danny's mouth. But the couple of attempts to get near Lisa's pussy had been averted by her with claims that it was sore and burning. What a night to remember for me, and likely even more so for Lisa. As stated before I simply became friends with Lisa after that. I did join up with Danny a couple times with other girls (documentation of these to come later with other stories). The part I found interesting is that Lisa did settle down with a guy a few months later. I did get a chance to ask her if she ever hooked up with Danny again in between that time period. I fully expected a resounding "no". What I got though was that she had. Apparently, she joined Danny's active black book and went over there at his beck and call for a couple of months. I asked her if she ever got used to it, the size. She said no and that their coupling was essentially the same each time. Danny hurting her and her squirming "away" the whole time. Yet, when he called for a return visit (until she settled into a relationship) she went over there whenever he called her in for a booty visit. 2995 1.24/512345

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