Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wife's Camping Experience

Wife's Camping Experience - BG09 By Bungholio79 --------------------------- Please send any comments, questions, or offers to Be advised that this story is a work of fiction. Although many of the characters are based on real people, the events are fictitious. It is intended for adults only. Feel free to repost it in its original form with proper credit to me of course. ------------------------------ My wife Sara and I have been happily married for 10 years. We met in college and fell in love instantly. Her unique body was the first thing that caught my eye. Although her bubbly personality is one of a kind. She weighed in at 115 pounds with a 36D-26-32 figure. After 10 years of marriage and two kids she hasn't change much. Her weight has increased a little and her breasts and butt are somewhat saggy. She has shoulder length brown hair with blonde streaks. Since we met early in life, there wasn't much opportunity for us to explore the opposite sex. That didn't really matter because we were happily married with a very active sex life. We still fucked like a couple of newlyweds. I was never sure if we were just that good or our frame of reference was too limited. Regardless, we were completely satisfied and had no reasons to pursue new sexual conquests, or so I thought. Sara and I had organized an annual rafting trip with two other couples for the past eight years. It was a chance for everyone to escape their kids and just enjoy life out in the wilderness. I selected a place in Georgia for this year?s excursion. The reservation was entered for the standard six person raft. We booked the trip for three days and two nights without a guide. The company provided all the equipment and had several camp sites along the river for cooking and sleeping. This was going to be a blast. Two weeks before the trip we went out to purchase supplies at the local shopping center. I dropped Sara off at the mall and headed over to the sporting goods store. We needed new sleeping bags and rain ponchos just in case. After loading everything into the car I drove to the mall to meet up with Sara. I finally located her outside of a large department store. Both of her hands were full of shopping bags. I knew it was a mistake to leave her alone in the mall. The two of us returned home and unloaded the car. I asked Sara to show me what she had purchased from the store. "No way honey. That is a surprise for the trip." She then put the bags in the hall closet. The days leading up to the trip were business as usual. I spent the days at the office while my wife stayed at home and cared for our two children. I was definitely looking forward to spending some quality time alone with Sara in the tent. She has a tendency to get wild in bed when we are in unfamiliar surroundings. I just hoped that we wouldn't disturb our friends in the other tents. The big weekend was only a day away when I received the call from Robert. His mother was in a car accident and had to be admitted into the hospital. He regretfully informed us that he would not be able to make the trip this year. I totally understood his position given the circumstances. I called my other buddy to inform him of the situation. He decided to back out as well. "If Robert can't make the trip it isn't right for us to go and have a good time," he declared. A deep anger brewed within me. I made all of the reservations and bribed my parents to watch the kids for the weekend. I didn't want to blow off the whole thing just because one person couldn't join us. My problems were multiplied when I contacted the rafting company. It turns out that the deposit was non-refundable but they would apply it to the two person balance. "What about the four open seats on the raft? My wife and I cannot paddle it by ourselves," I questioned. The manager assured me that he could easily pair us up with four other people. "Ok that is fine," I bellowed before hanging up the telephone. I explained the situation to Sara expecting her to flip out. "It should be fun even if our friends aren't along. Besides we can meet new people on the raft." I guess her perspective made perfect sense. We didn't need other people tagging along to have a good time. The day of the trip finally arrived. I woke up early to pack the supplies into the car. We had to meet our group by the main office at noon. We stopped at my parent?s house to drop off the kids. After saying our goodbyes, we hit the road for a weekend of fun. The green sign indicated two more miles to the rafting office. The large trees provided excellent shade over the winding road. The natural beauty offered a comforting contrast to the busy city life. I pulled down a dirt road and followed the tree line to the main area. The rustic setting left us awe struck. I entered the office to check in with the coordinator. He informed me that our raft was scheduled to leave in ten minutes. I grabbed my reservation stub and ran outside to unpack the gear. We dragged everything to the launch area in one trip. I handed my ticket to the guy and he directed me to the raft on the end of the shoreline. As I approached the rubber boat, my eyes were drawn to our rafting partners. Four young black guys were standing there. "Oh shit," I whispered to myself. Sara has always been deathly afraid of black men. She had very little exposure to them in her younger days. The largest one in the group stepped forward and shook my hand. "Hi my name is Brad and these are my college buddies Dave, Al, and Howard. We are going to have a great time." I introduced Sara and myself to the four men. She could barely mumble out a hello. We jumped into the raft and secured our gear. Brad helped Sara into the front of the water craft. I had to sit towards the back because I am a larger guy. We pushed off from shore and paddled into the main current of the river. The water moved at a very fast pace in comparison to the rivers we had navigated in the past. We had to organize our efforts to maintain control of the raft. The six of us each had a plastic oar to paddle along the river. The distinct roar of rapids could be heard in the distance. We all fastened our protective gear and settled in for a rough ride. The beautiful site of the water rushing over the polished rocks captivated everyone?s' attention. We held on for our lives as the raft descended down the gorge. The water on the other side of the rapids barely moved. It appeared as smooth as glass. Our rafting crew dripped with water from the wild encounter. All of the guys removed their shirts revealing four chiseled black bodies. Sara removed her wet shirt as well. Her large D cup breasts were secured in place by a brand new string bikini top. Her creamy flesh stretched the material to its limits. She also removed her khaki shorts to soak up the powerful sun rays. Her matching bikini bottom looked like a short pair of biker shorts. It clung to her lower body like a finely tailored glove. The marvelous curves of her butt hung out for everyone to see. I also spotted the outline of her small vagina lips peeking through the material between her legs. The six of us laid out in the sun and became acquainted. The four guys attended school at a local college. They were all extremely friendly and courteous. My wife dropped some of her youthful misconceptions and began joking around with our new found friends. I looked over as Sara rolled onto her stomach to tan her backside. I spotted Brad and Howard starring directly at her ass. It wasn't their fault. That fine ass attracted my attention as well. The sun started to disappear below the tree line as night approached. We were behind schedule. Another set of rapids still stood between our boat and the designated camp area. Eventually the roaring water came into view. Our boat maneuvered through the rocky pathway with precision. I accidentally over-compensated for a large boulder in the middle of the river. The current spun our raft into the canyon wall. Sara went flying hands first into Brad's lap. Both of her hands landed on his unprotected crotch. Brad released a surprised yell as an embarrassed Sara lifted her body from the raft bottom. I quickly pushed off a rock with my oar. The boat slid into the current and coasted through the rough section. The two of us in back regained control of the craft and headed towards the camping area. We landed on shore just as nightfall had set in. There were two more rafts parked on the beach. A load voice emanated from the other side of a hill along with the crackle of a roaring camp fire. Our group dragged the gear up to the location. We met the other rafters huddled around the fire pit. They were all college kids rafting here for the weekend. The darkness made assembling the tents very difficult. Our group of tents was positioned at the edge of camp. Once everything was setup, we began cooking our food. I grilled burgers and brats for everyone. The guys had brought some liquor so we all took turns passing the bottle. Some of the other rafters had joined our little party. Everyone started to settle in for bed around 11 at night. Sara and I crawled into our tent. Brad had setup his right next to us so we had a clear view of him entering with a companion. He was accompanied by a gorgeous blonde from the other group. "Did you see that he has a woman with him," I whispered. "Yeah he is quite the ladies man. Plus he has a huge cock. I felt it when we collided with that rock and I landed in his lap." The sound of our neighbors interrupted our conversation. They were really making out. Sara grabbed by body in a tight embrace and our lips connected for a passionate kiss. Our tongues darted in and out of each others mouth. Sara then slid her hand under the sleeping bag and into my boxer shorts. She jerked my cock with a firm grip. "Are you ready to get fucked like a husband should?" she questioned. Sara reached into our duffle bag and retrieved a condom. She unwrapped the packaging and rolled the rubber disk down my penis shaft. "Alright let?s make some noise," she said as her body lowered onto my erect cock. My wife has an extremely tight pussy despite delivering two children. It felt like my cock was in a vise. Sara began moaning out load as her body rode me. All of a sudden an unbelievable screech arose from outside the tent. Brad's companion was yelling out in pleasure. "Fuck me with that big black cock. Fuck me dammit." The loud moans had Sara very excited. Her body glided up and down on my dick while she yelled out. The two girls were racing each other to an orgasm. I couldn't complete with Brad's stamina. My cock burst open and pumped the load into the rubber receptacle. Within a few seconds my flaccid cock slipped from her pussy. The condom was bulging from the super-size load. Brad and the blonde girl were still going at it. The two of us sat quietly in the dark listening to the fucking. Judging by the sounds, he definitely knew how to please a woman. I lost count of how many orgasms the woman experienced. Sara whispered in my ear. "Just once I would like to get fucked like that. That girl is having the time of her life." "I thought you cannot stand interracial relationships especially with black men," I commented. "You would actually consider allowing a big black dick into your innocent little body?" "I would do anything to experience a cock like Brad's. Of course, I would want your permission," Sara confessed. I told her to go for it. She had never fucked a cock like that before. All of a sudden the doorway to Brad's tent flew open. Sara and I peeked through the window opening to observe the commotion. Brad walked past the front of our tent towards the woods. His body was completely nude. Sara's eyes had a waxy glaze as she focused on the colossal cock dangling between his legs. It reached all the way to his knees and it was as thick as a coke can. He grasped the black pipe with his right hand and began urinating. The yellow stream flowed into the edge of the forest. It seemed like he had an endless supply. Two minutes had passed before he shook his member dry and returned to the tent. "Holy shit," she gasped. "I am sorry, but I need to experience that monster inside of me." My wife practically drooled over the site of this man's superior genatalia. I simply told her to do what ever she had to but be safe about it. The campers awoke early the next morning to the smell of breakfast. Al had prepared a gourmet meal to provide energy for the day of rafting. The door to Brad's tent flew open and the blonde girl emerged. She waved bye to our group before limping off to her own campsite. We could all tell that her pussy had taken a beating the night before. Brad climbed out in a pair of boxer shorts. He stretched his body revealing the well developed abdominal muscles. The five of us shoveled down breakfast while Sara finished getting ready in the tent. Howard began joking with Brad about the blonde girl. "So was that pussy any good?" he asked. "She wasn't bad for a white girl. I couldn't get my cock more than eight inches into her before she started screaming." I felt my face turn red from the conversation. I wished that I had eight inches to push into a girl. "She also wouldn't let me near that ass. Although her's was extremely flat. There is nothing worse than a girl with no back end." Our racy conversation came to an abrupt halt when Sara interrupted from behind. She placed her hands on her hips before speaking. "What are you boys talking about?" She deliberately turned around and shook her butt. Brad's face lit up at the sight. The perfect bubble butt bounced back and forth inside of her tight white shorts. The thin material stretched to just below her fleshy cheeks. "Now that is my idea of an ass," Brad whispered. My wife walked away from the group with a sway. The rest of us disassembled the campsite and loaded the gear unto the raft. Our crew began boarding the craft. Brad provided assistance to Sara as she hopped in. His hands were firmly planted on her buttocks. I recognized a mischievous grin on her face. She bent over and placed a kiss on my cheek before assuming her pos tion in the front seat. The temperature soared as the day progressed. It had to be at least 95 degrees in the shade. All of us guys removed our shirts in hope of relief. Sara wore her string bikini top again with the white shorts. They were soaked from the gushing water and had taken on a translucent look. They hugged Sara's curves and we could all see her tan skin bleeding through. It was obvious that she had nothing on under those shorts. Luckily she had shaved all of her pubic hair off before the trip. There were many large rocks and rapids on this section of the river. We spent most of the afternoon hanging on for our lives. We finally reached a smooth area around six o'clock. Numerous other rafts coasted alongside of our boat. A large group of rafters had camped along the river bank. Their loud partying could be heard from a mile away. The group of men and women started to flash the rafts as they passed by. "We should totally show these people who is the boss," Sara suggested. "Alright," everyone agreed. As our boat passed by the shore all of the men onboard dropped their shorts. The collection of genitalia was mighty impressive. Sara followed along by untying her bikini top. The thin cloth fell to the floor as her D cup breasts hung free. The boat crew shifted their gaze to my wife's ample chest. I could tell that they were impressed with her natural rack. The hollers from shore indicated that our boat carried some very desirable cargo. Once we passed the shore party the guys pulled their shorts back up. Sara asked Howard if he would help re-tie her bikini top. He placed the material over her large breasts and secured them into place with a strong knot. "There that should hold those melons in place," he murmured. Our craft continued to maneuver down the river as the sun began to set. According to our map, we were still two hours from the next camping area. We had to really push ourselves to the limit if we hoped to make it by dinner. All of us dropped our oars into water and paddled forward. Sara bent over the edge to get a better grip. All eyes focused on her bent over ass. It was spread wide in front of us begging for some action. I could see the outline of her labia against the white material. My cock ached for that body. It was all mine for the taking and these guys were envious of my nuptial right. The river began to speed up towards the next set of rapids. The map referred to these as hell's kitchen. We threw on the gear just before the raft lunged forward into the falls. The darkness of night made navigation extremely difficult. Everything seemed to be going fine until we reached a fork in the river. Our raft became hooked on a shallow boulder and water rushed over the top of the boat. No matter how hard we pushed with oars, that raft would not budge. All of a sudden the raft slipped free and collided with another rock sideways. It hit in the middle of the craft. I felt the far end lift up from the water. Before I knew what happened, I was thrown into the river against a rock. The shadow of the toppled over boat created a surge of panic in my body. Where was my wife? Would she be okay? I had little choice but to ride the current through the remaining rapids. I spotted our raft on the sand shoreline. It looked like Howard and Al were there as well. I heard the familiar voice of Dave call out from behind me. The two of us swam towards shore to meet the others. Once there, we just sat in the sand and watched for any signs of life. My body trembled in complete shock from the possibility of losing Sara forever. Tears were welling up in my eyes as I heard her voice call out. It appeared that Brad had rescued her and was swimming them into shore. When her feet touched the sand we ran towards each other and collided in a warm embrace. I was so happy to see her. Once the group had regained their composure, we assessed the damage. The raft remained intact but most of our gear had vanished into the wild river. There were only two tents left and a few food containers. Howard and Al worked on getting a fire together while the rest of us setup the camp. Sara and I went into the woods for a bathroom break. "I can't believe how lucky we are Sara. You almost drown up there," I declared. "I may have if it wasn?t for Brad. He saved my life and I must repay him. Don't you agree?" I replied with a nervous nod. My wife was going to submit herself to that giant cock and there was nothing that I could do to prevent it. "I want to experience a black cock inside of my body. These guys have been flaunting their tight bodies right in front of my face and I cannot stand it anymore," Sara lamented. We marched back to the campsite and sat by the roaring fire in an attempt to dry off. The temperature had dropped considerably and we were all freezing. The soaking wet clothes made the situation even worse. Howard observed that all of our extra clothing had disappeared in the river. We were stuck with nothing more than the material on our bodies. Howard found a long stick in the woods and propped it up over the fire to form a makeshift clothes line. All of the guys quickly secured their shorts to the device. The shorts were shortly joined by four pairs of underwear. Sara just sat quietly on a rock in front of the fire. Brad announced that he was going to bed and we were welcome to sleep in his tent. His large cock swayed between his legs as he walked to the tent. I could see Sara's body shivering from the damp clothes. I bent over and gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading for Brad's tent. "Don't stay up too late with your new friends," I whispered. After crawling into the tent, I zipped the door closed and took a position in the corner. Brad appeared to be asleep on the other side. I had a perfect view of the fire pit through the screened door. Howard walked into the other tent and returned with a sleeping bag. He spread the shiny cloth over the ground for everyone to have a seat. The three guys made sure that my wife had a perfect view of their large cocks. Each was about ten inches in length. Sara stood up and added her clothes to the crowded stick. Her nude body gleamed next to the bright fire. Her large tits had slight sag but nobody seemed to mind. "Guys I must admit that I am not sure what to do with all this cock. I have never had sex with anyone other than my husband." "Come over here girl and I will teach you a thing or two about pleasing black men." Howard stood up and motioned Sara forward. He grabbed the large cock and fed it into Sara's mouth. She took the meat like a pro. Her head bounced back and forth between his legs. Al stepped forward and placed his cock in her left hand. She started bobbing back and forth between the two men. She would take turns sucking one cock while she jerked the other off. Dave had slid his head under Sara's body so that he was positioned between her legs. I could see his long tongue lapping up her feminine juices. Sara began moaning from the oral stimulation. All of a sudden she grabbed Howard's cock with both hands and began jerking it into her mouth with full force. Her left hand slipped off and landed on his balls. She began fondling the large black sacks. Howard released a moan as his cock spasmed in her mouth. There was so much cum than it overflowed her mouth and began running down her chin. She gulped as much as possible but the cum just kept pumping out. Howard removed his cock revealing a mouth full of hot sperm. It had run down onto her swelled breasts. She swallowed down the white elixir and motioned Al to come forward. "You are a nasty little girl Sara. Do you like the taste of black cum?" he asked. She nodded her head and opened her mouth in response. Dave had now stuffed two of his fingers in Sara's tight pussy. She has always had a very sensitive hole. Her body rocked back and forth on his hand in pure pleasure. Dave slid his body out from underneath and nuzzled his face into the crack of my wife's ass. He licked both of her holes clean as she sucked on Al's large balls. Howard tossed a condom from his short's pocket to Dave. He removed the rubber and unrolled it onto his huge cock. My eyes couldn't believe the site before them. Sara, my innocent little wife was sandwiched between two large black men. One in her mouth and the other drilling her pussy. She enjoyed every inch of their manhood as it thrust into her orifices. I could see her body shutter from the first orgasm. "Fuck me, fuck me with you black cock," she screamed in ecstasy. Sara enjoyed two more orgasms before Dave pumped his load into her hole. Thank god he was wearing a condom because I knew my wife was ovulating. He pulled the cock from her pussy revealing a thick white coating of vaginal ejaculate. The condom was about to burst open with its creamy contents. Dave peeled the rubber from his cock and pushed Al from her mouth. He held the condom over her head and poured the warm semen directly into her mouth. "Such down that black seed. Take it into your empty belly," he commanded. Sara simply chugged down the sperm as told. Al signaled to Howard to toss over another condom. "Sorry bro but there was only one left in my pocket. You will have to go bareback." "Hell no. This girl is a little slut and I don't even want to imagine who or what else has been in that tight ass cunt." Al hollered. Sara reached back and spread her ass cheeks wide apart. "Please fuck me with that black cock. I want to feel the veins rubbing against my insides. I have never had unprotected sex before. I swear." Al let out a resounding "What the hell" as he entered her pussy from behind. Sara appeared much more excited by the unsheathed cock. She panted like a dog as he drove into her steamy hole. "Oh god. Your cock feels sooo good," she murmured as her body shook back and forth from Al's pushing. He grasped her hips and went at it with all his might. Her ass cheeks jiggled with every movement. I couldn't believe this guy had managed to smuggle 10 inches of black cock between her legs. The large ball sacks were smacking against her butt cheeks. My wife convulsed in another orgasm at the mercy of her lover. I could see the tension building in Al's face. He was going to release his load any second. All of a sudden he pulled his cock free and began stroking the shaft. Sara turned around in response just as the first squirt of cum escaped his penis head. The thick gob of sperm collided with her face. She quickly turned her head around while the remaining cum landed in her hair. I could identify six long strips of sperm mingled in with her brown hair. Her face was coated as well. "You asshole. There is cum all over my head," Sara screamed. The guys just laughed at her angry response. "You guys can fuck off, I am going to sleep. My nude wife strutted towards the tent still coated with the sticky white substance. I could hear her mumbling obscenities about the three men. It looked like she would never stray from me again. The temptation to issue an "I told you so" was overwhelming. Sara entered the tent and slid in between Brad and I. The masculine aroma from her cum drenched hair filled the tent. I reached over and gave her body a firm squeeze. An elbow to the chest indicated that I should just back off. She pulled the sleeping bag off of Brad's body and grabbed his limp cock with two hands. "I am going to fuck this black monster whether you like it or not Brad." My wife lay on top of him with her fucked pussy right in his face. She couldn't fit the large member into her mouth so she just jerked him off while tonguing the bulbous head. Brad pulled her body closer and began licking her pussy. They were locked in a perfect 69 position. My wife worked her way down his cock. Her tongue busily caressed the large black balls resting between his legs. Eventually he pushed her off of his chiseled chest before standing up. The top of the tent bulged out from his head. "Suck those black balls you little slut. I want you to clean the sweat off while your husband eats your pussy." Sara sat on my face and went to work on the plumb sized testicles. I licked her pussy while starring up at her busy mouth. The abundance of vaginal juices indicated her level of horniness. I couldn't believe that I was going along with this. My wife's infidelity had received my blessing. My wife appeared high from the sexual tension. Her mouth slid from the hefty ball sacks and landed on the skin between his legs. Brad slowly turned his body so Sara could lick the package from behind. Her tongue slowly made its way up his skin and between his ass cheeks. I looked up and watched my innocent wife lick his black corn hole. Brad moaned and stuck his ass out for easier access. He was totally getting off on her cummilingus. My wife gradually moved her body over so my tongue was in a similar position. I plunged into her brown star and licked away. She moaned as I explored deeper into the virgin territory. "Dam your wife is a kinky slut. I have never had a girl's tongue in my ass before. I think it is time to bust open that tight little cunt and see what she is capable of." He flipped Sara onto her back and positioned her legs in the air. His gigantic cock rested at the entry way to her hole. I didn't think that he had a chance of getting that in her. It was just too large. He ordered me to stretch her open. I bent over her body and grasped her inner thighs with my hands. They were spread as wide as I could pull them apart. Her wet pussy hung open in anticipation. My face displayed pure awe as I witnessed the thick black head penetrate her body. Sara released a gasp in response to the vaginal invasion. The dark black shaft stood in stark contrast to my wife's light skin. The in and out motion was hypnotic. I just laid there holding her pussy open for this complete stranger to fuck it like a piece of meat. He gradually drove his cock deeper and deeper into the depths of her womb. I couldn't image that her hole was deep enough to accommodate his length. I felt a weird sensation in my lower body. My wife had removed my dick and placed it in her mouth. I didn't really know how to behave in this awkward situation so I just let the other two lead. By this point Sara's pussy was well stretched. It accepted the large cock with no hesitation. She continued to suck me off in between her own screams. "I think your wife's clit could use some stimulation. Go ahead and give it a lick," Brad commanded. I felt his hand push my head down between my wife's spread legs. My tongue carefully maneuvered to her engorged clitoris. I was extra careful not to come into contact with the slimy fuck stick boring out her pussy. After several licks her body tensed up and slipped into a gut wrenching orgasm. I held onto her ass cheeks with both hands as her body trembled in ecstasy. Brad's large cock had already rubbed against my tongue several times. At that point I didn't care one way or the other. Sara continued to experience the powerful orgasms. My cock couldn't resist her oral assault any longer. I rose onto my tippy toes and let her have it. The cum unloaded directly into her mouth where she quickly swallowed it down. "Okay get out of the way. I am going to ride Brad's large cock and show you what it means to get fucked." Sara pushed me to the side and lined her hole up with Brad's oversized manhood. She didn't waste any time getting down to business. Her body sunk onto his cock with no hesitation whatsoever. His entire length was concealed within her vaginal cavity. I couldn't believe that her tiny pussy had stretched to such an enormous diameter. If that didn't return to its normal size I would never have satisfying sex with her again. Sara bounced up and down on Brad's cock for at least a half hour. Her body glistened from the layers of sweat that coated her body. She barely had the energy to lift her head. Brad just kept going. He had complete control over his own orgasm. His hands were firmly planted on my wife's big ass while she rode herself ragged. "Sara are you ready for a cum dump? I think you pussy is drying out." Sara protested adamantly. "Brad I am ovulating right now and I can just imagine that your sperm is super potent." "There must be something else that I can do with your cum." "Turn over Sara, I want to fuck you doggy style now," Brad commanded. Sara rolled over and Brad drove the huge cock into her from behind. Her raw pussy made a farting sound with every stab into her body. His cock was exploring the inner reaches of her vagina. Places that she didn't even know existed. Sara was in the middle of another orgasm when Brad got tough. He removed his cock as her body began the first muscle spasm. She turned her head and begged for his meat. "Please put that big black cock back in my pussy. I need you to fuck me Brad. I want you to fill my fertile womb with your black sperm." Brad didn't need to be told twice. He plowed into her pussy with no mercy. Within five minutes Brad moaned out in joy. He dumped an enormous load of cum into my wife's starved pussy. There was so much that it overflowed the hole and leaked out around his shaft. He removed the cock and squeezed the remaining cum unto her belly. "All right this slut is all yours. She is completely spent from too much black cock." Brad left the tent for the night. I took one glance at my wife's gapping hole and decided to just call it a night. It was filled to the rim with black sperm and hung open at least four inches wide. The next morning everyone woke up and loaded the remaining equipment onto the raft. No one really talked about the previous evening. We just navigated the raft to the final landing point. I could tell that Sara's pussy was sore from the deep fuck of last night. She avoided sitting on her bottom whenever possible. Once we arrived, the group was loaded on a bus for the ride back to the main office and parking lot. My wife sat in the back with Brad. The whole way back I say nothing but Sara's ass sticking up in the air. She gave Brad a blowjob that lasted the entire way back. He massaged her butt through the shorts the entire time. The slurping and sucking sounds made it obvious to everyone on the bus. They knew that my wife was busy chugging down a black pipe. She behaved like a total slut. We arrived back at the station and Brad exchanged numbers with my wife. I knew that Sara was hooked on his cock and would need to get fucked like that again. There was no way that I could ever compete with such a superior piece of masculinity. Sara and I discussed the experience on the trip home. She admitted that it was the greatest experience of her life. I just hoped that Brad's potent sperm hadn't planted a seed within my wife's womb. Too be continued... Bungholio79 23196 1.72/512345

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