Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Cadillac By Richard Coxxx Cheryl Johnson looked up just as the principal?s little blonde administrative assistant walked into the classroom. ?Mrs. White,? the cute young thing smiled when she said, ?I?ve got a note for you from Coach Johnson.? Cheryl held that same young student?s position just twenty years ago when she herself was a student at Robert E. Lee High School. Back then they were known as the Lee Rebels but the school board changed the name to just Lee High School because of some complaints from the black parents. That small vocal minority also managed to sway the board into changing the school?s mascot from the Rebels to the ?Black Panthers.? For a school in the conservative South with mostly white students, it rubbed many of the white students and parents the wrong way. Cheryl was now an English teacher at the same high school from wince she graduated. Her husband, Ed, had been an accountant until just a few months ago but had been laid off by the company he had been with for ten years. He recently got a sales job but he territory was mainly out of town. Ed spent many nights during the week as well as many weekends away from home but they so much needed the money as their fifteen year old daughter would be attending college in a couple of years. One of Cheryl?s extra duties was cheerleader sponsor. The Athletic Department supplemented her teacher salary an extra two thousand dollars a year for the extra time she put in getting the girls ready to cheer. Cheryl had been a cheerleader herself in high school and had even been the head cheerleader her senior year. She knew how to train her girls and she was good at her job. Her own daughter, Chrissy, recently made the Junior Varsity Cheerleading Team her Freshman year in high school. Mrs. White quickly read the note. She was giving one of the first tests of the year and her students were still quietly taking the test. The note read, ?Mrs. White, Please come see me during your conference period regarding a new student. Regards, Coach Johnson? The head football coach had talked to her several times about the grades of some of the athletes but this early in the semester, none of them were failing her English class. ******* Cheryl knocked on the Head Football Coach?s door. ?Come in,? was the booming voice of Coach Johnson. She entered. ?Oh, why hello, Mrs. White. Come in and take a seat.? Cheryl sat down in the chair in front of the coach?s massive desk. She had to tug at the hem of her skirt to cover her shapely legs. Her conservative skirt normally came to her knee but had ridden up to mid-thigh exposing her firm inner thigh before she was able to pull her skirt back in place. The Head Football Coach smiled at the lovely blonde English teacher. The pretty blonde English teacher, mother and wife smiled back at the football coach. Cheryl White was one of his favorites even though she had continued to resist his many fervent advances during the past few years. Her pretty teenage daughter, Chrissy, was a Freshman in one of his math classes. The teenager was a spitting image of her lovely blonde mother. The main difference between mother and daughter was in the size of their boobs. Cheryl?s were mature and full whereas Chrissy?s were still under development. Though smaller than her mother?s, the teenager?s were still quite a mouthful. Coach Johnson flirted with the teenager and Chrissy even flirted back with the Coach from time to time. ?Mrs. White,? the Head Football Coach began. ?The Athletic Department has decided to approved your budget for the new cheerleader uniforms but I have the right to pick the design and manufacturer. We need something a little more exciting on our lovely cheerleaders from what they have worn in years past. This will help peek the excitement and bring more spectators to not only watch the football team win more games but to also watch the cheerleaders do their sexy routines in their new, sexy little outfits. The girls will need to wear thongs and not the old bloomers that you and your last year?s squad wore.? Cheryl blushed at that. The cheerleaders had worn the same style of dowdy, old bloomers which was the same type she wore when she was a cheerleader herself some twenty years ago. Before Cheryl could protest about the skimpy new uniforms, Coach Johnson continued. ?The Athletic Department also decided to increase your extra duty pay to five thousand dollars a year. You are doing a fabulous job with the cheerleaders.? Now it was now even more difficult for Cheryl to reject the Coach?s new cheerleader outfits because she need the extra money so much since her husband has been out of work for several months. ?One other thing, Mrs. White,? the Coach went on to say. There?s a new transfer student who needs a place to stay until we can find him another home. The slush fund will pay you an additional five thousand an month for his room and board as he does like to eat.? Cheryl couldn?t believe her ears. An additional five thousand dollars a month just to feed one of the new football players. She agreed quickly as they needed the money in the worst way. ******* Cheryl left school that afternoon with her daughter and went straight home to fix dinner for their new boarder. Chrissy was excited that a football player was coming to live with them. The young blonde teenager wondered what he would look like. Coach Johnson dropped off the new transfer student at six P.M. sharp. Cheryl?s jaw nearly dropped when she opened up the door. ?Hello, Mrs. White,? said the Coach. ?This here is your new boarder, Darnell Williams.? Darnell extended his hand to the lovely blonde English teacher. His large black hand easily enveloped her finely manicured fingers. It took a moment for Cheryl to find her voice. ?Come in, Darnell. Dinner?s almost ready.? ?I gotta get going,? the Coach said, ?as I?m expected at a football booster meeting in a few minutes. Take real good care of Darnell for me, won?t you Mrs. White?? ?Oh, sure,? replied the pretty blonde English teacher. Cheryl lead the big negro football transfer student into the dining room. ?Chrissy, this is Darnell. Darnell, this is my daughter, Chrissy.? Chrissy was just about as astonished as her mother was when she saw the big, strapping negro buck. He was bigger than the other boys she knew at the high school. Darnell was definitely blacker than any man she had seen before. Darnell liked what he saw. A lovely blonde teacher would also be his special tutor in English. She and her lovely blonde daughter made his big black cock stir in his tight jeans as he watched the beautiful mother and daughter duo eat dinner. The food was as great as the view. He was going to really enjoy himself living here. Coach Johnson had promised the star black running back a car as well as spending money under the table. The Coach had also promised him some sweet white pussy! These two blonde bitches were prime white meat that he was sure to enjoy eating. ******* Darnell knew not to press to hard too quickly. Let the women come to him. He had to focus on football practice and concentrate on his studies. One evening after football practice, Darnell had just finished a second plateful of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. ?Darnell,? Cheryl, ?Chrissy wanted to model the new cheerleader uniforms for you before tomorrow night?s game.? ?Sure ?nuf Mrs. White,? the black football player said as he licked his greasy fingers. ?Chrissy, come on down,? Cheryl called out to her daughter. Cheryl had to gasp as her daughter walked through the door into the dining room. Her daughter looked absolutely gorgeous and very sexy in the tiny new cheerleading uniform. The white cropped top stopped just above her navel and displayed much of her smooth taut belly. There was the black letter ?P? for Panthers that did nothing to hide the outline of the young cheerleader?s breasts. The short white skirt had black pleats underneath and barely came to mid-thigh. Chrissy was also wearing her cute little cheerleader sneakers and socks. The young cheerleader twirled around on her tiptoes. One could easily see that she was wearing black thong panties. Darnell grinned even bigger this time. He really liked what he saw. ?Mrs. White,? he said, ?Does the cheerleader sponsor also wear that outfit?? ?Ohmigawd, no,? blushed Cheryl. ?I could never wear an outfit as sexy as that.? ?I bet you would look very nice in it, Mrs. White. Just like you always do,? replied Darnell looking at first the pretty blonde mother and then the beautiful blonde daughter. Cheryl blushed like she always did. She didn?t think of herself as sexy, especially since she was a wife and mother of a fifteen year old. Chrissy just smiled at the black boarder?s comment about her mother. ****** That evening, Ed White came home and saw a black guy talking to his daughter in the living room. Ed found his wife in the kitchen cleaning up the dinner dishes. ?Cheryl, why is that black in the living room talking to our daughter?? ?Oh, that?s Darnell Williams. He?s a transfer student at the high school who will be living with us the next couple of months during football season.? ?What the fuck?? replied Ed angrily. ?Coach Johnson needed a place for Darnell to stay so that he could transfer in to Lee High School to play football for him. They?re paying us five thousand dollars a month for his room and board. He?s in the guest room which we never use. I accepted the Coach?s offer because we so desperately need the extra money especially since you were without a job for so long.? ?I don?t care who he is. I don?t want a Nigger under my roof eating my food! Get him outa here now!? ?Shhh, Ed. He?ll hear you. He?s alright. He?s a good boy and minds his manners real well. Darnell knows his place. He treats Chrissy like a princess.? ?I don?t want my daughter talking to a Nigger much less sleeping in the room next to him! And I don?t want him sniffing around you either!? Ed fumed as he stomped out the door to a neighborhood bar for a few drinks. Later that evening, Ed came home drunk and a raging hardon. He took his revenge out on his wife by fucking her roughly. He couldn?t get the image of the black man being around his wife and daughter. ****** The first football game of the season was this evening. Darnell was running a little late for school. Normally he hit the shower first, got dressed and left for school before Chrissy even got up. Darnell was just stepping out of the shower when the bathroom door opened. It was Chrissy in just her panties and a thin pajama top buttoned with one button in the middle of her chest. The creamy tops of her breasts were exposed to his searching eyes and the curve of her tits molded themselves against the thin material. Chrissy gasped at the naked black man. Her eyes flicked downward between his muscular black thighs before quickly looking away. ?My God,? the young blonde teenage cheerleader thought to herself. ?That?s the biggest, blackest cock I have ever seen! It looked like a thick radiator hose hanging down between his legs almost reaching to his knees.? Chrissy had to pee and pee she did. She pulled her panties down and sat down on the toilet and peed. Still stark naked, Darnell?s eyes followed the pretty young teenager. He saw the wisp of curly blonde pussy hair at the apex of her thighs before she sat down. Chrissy even spread her thighs some so that the dark football player could see the yellow stream of urine following from between her legs. Darnell wrapped the towel around his loins but not before allowing Chrissy to see the monster black erection that was growing between his muscular loins. The pretty blonde teenager couldn?t believe her eyes as she witnessed the amazing transformation of the magnificent black manhood. She had heard from some of the other girls in school that black boys were much bigger ?down there? than white boys. Now she saw it with her own eyes. Darnell stepped out of the bathroom and quickly got dressed. He noticed the lovely blonde English teacher making breakfast for him. Cheryl was wearing a sheer blouse and he could she her white bar through the thin material. She was also wearing a tight tan skirt that came to mid-thigh. He could tell that she was wearing thong panties underneath. Her shapely legs were bare of any hose. The lovely blonde teacher and mother was wearing tan high-heeled pumps that matched the color of her skirt. Gold hoop earrings and a gold bangle bracelet completed her clothing ensemble. Darnell?s broad black nose couldn?t help but catch the scent of her perfume, White Shoulders. Mrs. White looked and smelled very sexy this morning as she did every morning. The black boarder quickly ate and got up from the table. Cheryl was at the sink washing dishes. ?Mrs. White,? Darnell said. ?Thank you for breakfast. It was delicious.? Before Cheryl could say, ?You?re welcome,? Darnell brushed by her kissing her on the ear. His huge black hand rested on her hip. The pretty blonde English teacher?s heart skipped a couple of beats. Darnell?s animal sexuality completely engulfed herself. Her knees became weak and she had to support herself on the edge of the sink to keep from collapsing on the floor. Her heart was still racing when she heard Darnell?s car start then drove out of the driveway. ?That was close,? she thought to herself. ?I almost thought that he was going to take me here and now.? The pretty blonde mother?s heart was still beating quickly when her daughter came into the kitchen for breakfast. Cheryl thought that she might have to go change her dampened panties for some clean ones. That was the first time that she had ever cum without any physical stimulations. It was purely mental! ******* The football game that evening was great. Cheryl went to the game not only to watch her daughter lead some of the cheers but also to see Darnell in action. As the cheerleader sponsor, she was expected to be there with her pretty cheerleaders so Cheryl was very close to the sidelines. Darnell did not disappoint them. The other team was good but they couldn?t keep the new black running back from breaking tackle after tackle to make several touchdowns. After each of his touchdowns, Darnell would do a little celebration dance in the end zone. Lee?s Black Panthers beat the other team, twenty-eight to fourteen. Coach Johnson began calling his new black recruit, ?Cadillac? because of his end zone demonstrations. The new nickname stuck! The string black running back was now know as ?Cadillac? Williams. ******* Darnell always knew he was something special. Not only did his mother continually tell him that but he was also bigger, stronger and faster than the other boys his age. His mother told him that he was a direct descendent of some slaves who brought to America from Africa to tend the cotton fields on an ole South plantation. When he was six, Darnell told his mother that he wanted to be a professional football player. His mother dearly hoped he would live up to his high expectations and not die a young death like so many black inner city kids did. One of his aunts also knew that Darnell was special. She had seen the magnificent gift between his legs while she was changing one of his diapers. Darnell was going to be big as he was already bigger than most of the other males that she had seen. Aunt Flo took Darnell under her wing. Maybe it would be better said that she took him under her dress. Aunt Flo gave Darnell a tenth birthday present that he will never forget. His first piece of pussy. Flo showed the youth what women liked and how to do it. His ten year old cock was bigger than some of the grown men she had slept with. Aunt Flo schooled him in the art of making love to a woman. Darnell especially loved eating pussy. Aunt Flo taught him how to insert one of his long fingers into her pussy to find the elusive ?G Spot? while he expertly stroked her clitoris with his eager long tongue. These lessons proved invaluable to Darnell as he was never without pussy whenever he wanted some. ******* The excitement from winning the first game of the season had worn off a little at school by the following Tuesday. The team had to get ready for their next rival. The newspapers were still hailing ?Cadillac? as the next generation of running backs. Several of the college scouts already had their eye on Cadillac Williams. That evening, Cheryl had a open house for parents at school and arrived home a little later than usual. Her husband was out of town and her daughter had finished her homework early and gone over to one of her friends house to talk. ?Darnell, honey,? said Cheryl as she came through the back door. ?I?m home. Where are you?? ?I?m upstairs in my room studying,? came the muffled reply. Cheryl walked upstairs and saw that the door to Darnell?s room was open. He was at his desk studying algebra. ?Have you had anything to eat yet?? she said as she entered his room. ?Yes, Ma?am. I reheated some leftovers in the microwave. Your meatloaf is fantastic!? It was then that she saw that the new black football player was just in his boxer shorts as he studied. Cheryl came up behind him and began to massage his thick black neck. She moved her red-tipped fingers to his broad muscular shoulders. Cheryl gasped when she saw the deep scars running up and down his back. ?Ohmigawd, Darnell,? Cheryl hadn?t started calling the star black football player by his nickname. ?What happened to your back?? Darnell turned around to look up at his beautiful blonde English teacher. ?That?s the reason I had to leave my last school. One of the white cheerleaders had come on to me. I was just about finished fucking her when her boyfriend, who was the quarterback, and several of my other teammates pulled me from between her legs. It took five of them to tie me to a tree in the back yard and whipped me thirty times with a cat-o-nine tail. Afterwards, they poured salt in the wounds to try to make me yell. I didn?t let out a sound but it hurt mighty fierce.? ?Finally,? Darnell continued. ?The cheerleader and her mother had to cut me down. They took care of me that night. I even fucked the mother while the slashes on my back were still bleeding.? ?My football coach said it wasn?t safe for me to stay at that school any longer and he had me transferred here. He said I could have been lynched. That?s what they used to do with nigger bucks messing around with their white women. I didn?t do anything wrong, Mrs. White. Please believe me that I didn?t try to rape that little blonde girl. That little cheerleader said she wanted to try my big black cock.? ?I believe you,? Cheryl said as a tear rolled down her pretty cheek. ?I believe you,? she said again as she kissed the scars on your back. ?I?m so sorry that they did that to you. I want to make it all up to you. Let me help make it feel better,? she said as her fingers worked its magic on his quickly aroused body. Darnell stood up and turned towards to his lovely blonde English teacher. His boxer shorts were already tented in front from his huge erection. He took the pretty blonde mother in his strong black arms and gave her a kiss that she would never forget for the rest of her life. Cheryl could feel his giant black cock throbbing against her firm belly but she didn?t care. She had never been unfaithful to her husband before but somehow she just couldn?t resist his strong animal magnetism. Cheryl felt her blouse being unbuttoned and her lacy bra removed deftly by his expert fingers. She continued to kiss the black football player as they tumbled together on his bed. Darnell slobbered over her magnificent twin orbs suckling on them like a baby. The beautiful blonde teacher and mother could only moan in ecstasy. Darnell pushed up her skirt and tugged off her panties. He brought them up to his broad black nose for a good whiff of her womanly scent. Darnell planned on keeping his beautiful English teacher?s damp panties as a souvenir to add to his panty collection. The masterful black lover ate her blonde pussy like she had never been eaten before. His broad black nose was tickled by her curly, blonde pussy hair. Cheryl just about went wild as the black football player inserted first one, then two and finally a third finger into her excited womb. Her new black lover found her G-Spot as Cheryl had her first of many orgasms that night. ******* Chrissy got home from her friends house. She let herself in the back door and grabbed a Diet Coke from the refrigerator before going up to her room. As she was getting ready for bed, she heard some moaning coming from Darnell?s room. Chrissy became worried that Darnell might be sick. His light was on in his room. She opened the door but wasn?t prepared for the shock of her sweet life. There he was, bare-assed naked fucking a white girl on his bed. Chrissy saw the gigantic black cock as it pistoned in and out of the poor girl?s ravaged pussy. The two were locked in a passionate kiss. ?Oh my god, that?s mom,? she said out loud. The interracial couple mating on the bed broke their forbidden kiss and looked at the newcomer. Darnell?s big wide grin overshadowed the smile she received from her mother. Mom and Darnell went back to fucking each other without hardly missing a beat. Chrissy was mesmerized. She wanted to turn away from the defilement of her own mother but she couldn?t look away. The attraction for her to watch her mother getting fucked by a huge-cocked black man was like a moth taking to a flame. Both would end in disaster! The sight of Darnell between her Mother?s legs left an indelible imprint in her young mind. Her first reaction was one of rage. How dare that Nigger rape her mother! When Chrissy realized that her mother wasn?t getting raped by the star black football player but was consensual, her emotions turned to jealously. How dare her mother fuck a black guy half her age? That should be me under him taking his huge black cock! Chrissy turned around and stomped back into her own room. ******* Later that same night, Chrissy felt the edge of her bed sag as someone got into bed with her. She was still aroused from seeing Darnell fuck her mother. His muscular hand found her quivering wet pussy. She was on her side as he sidled up from behind against her tender, young bare body. ?Chrissy, honey, it?s your turn now.? Chrissy felt his enormous cock against her firm buttocks. ?Put it in for me,? he whispered into her ear. The blonde teenager raised one leg and reached down between her thighs. She guided the dark throbbing member to her innermost being. ?Ohhh,? gasped Chrissy as the thick shaft bored into her tight cuntal walls. It was able to slide half-way in because she was so wet. Although this wasn?t Chrissy?s first sexual encounter, it certainly was her first black encounter. Darnell?s big black cock was more than twice the size of her previous white schoolboy lover?s penis. Chrissy had the opportunity to experience first-hand, or should we say first-cunt, what Jungle Fever was all about. Chrissy was hooked for life on big black cock! Cadillac would get all the prime white mother and daughter pussy that he could eat and fuck! 3381 1.44/512345
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