Saturday, July 28, 2012
Sheila & Derek
Sheila & Derek Author: UsuallyDark February 8 Sheila?s out with Derek again, and I?ve decided to take some of the time until they get home by starting a journal. Hopefully by putting down some of my thoughts, I can make sense of some of these confusing emotions that have been going through my head ever since that evening two months ago when Sheila and I agreed that it was time for me to take the final submissive step. No more games and safewords; no more compromises or expectations on my part. I was hers totally and completely to do with as she wished. At the time, it took my breath away and I tingled with anticipation. What a thrill that was, to completely give myself to the girl I love. A week later, she announced over dinner that she?d taken a lover. I was shocked, naturally. I immediately lost my appetite; I hadn?t expected at all that she?d ever do such a thing. She smiled, and matter-of-factly told me that she?d felt sexually unfulfilled with me, and that as her property, I?d just have to accept the new circumstances. Meeting him was absolutely humiliating, as was sitting in the corner for the first time watching her sit on top of his massive cock as they absolutely ignored me. I suppose it was also quite educating; seeing all of the positions and techniques that he used on her. It was obvious that he was quite a talented and experienced lover. The most hurtful thing, though, of that evening was watching them afterwards as they kissed and embraced, lovingly stroking each other?s bodies and locking their mouths together. It?s horrible, but for some reason, thinking of that always makes my cock twitch in my pants. She didn?t waste any time in letting me know exactly where my place was in relation to her new lover. Sheila was in the bath one morning, and Derek was sitting in the kitchen reading the newspaper. I walked by on my way to bring her a glass of water in the tub. ?Make me a cup of coffee, would you?? he asked, not even looking up from the paper. ?A little busy here,? I replied. ?Cream and sugar,? he said, apparently not even hearing. ?Fuck off,? I muttered under my breath. An hour later, she called me into the bedroom. ?Kneel,? she said. I kneeled at her feet, wondering what was going on. ?Derek says,? she intoned as she walked over to stand next to him, ?that you were very, very rude to him this morning.? I gulped. ?Sorry, Sheila,? I murmured. ?Don?t apologize to me, apologize to Derek,? she said. She was pissed. ?Sorry, Derek.? He just smirked. ?Do you accept his apology, Derek?? she asked. ?No, not really.? ?I don?t blame you,? she replied. ?Pet, crawl over here to Derek.? I crawled. ?Take your clothes off.? I did. ?Take Derek?s cock out of his pants.? I hesitated, looking up at her. I?d never touched another man?s cock before in my life, but the look in her eyes convinced me to unzip him and take his penis and rather large balls out of his pants. ?Press your lips to his balls, and ask again.? Another 20 minutes of humiliation ensued before Derek finally accepted my apology, and I was allowed to go make him his coffee. - - - - - February 11 Tonight?s announcement was an especially low blow. She?s having him take her to the restaurant I always considered ?ours,? the one right on the beach where you can sit on big pillows and watch the waves roll in. Very romantic. I?d better finish up the dishes and the rest of my chores before she gets home. I absolutely hate the look on her face when she?s disappointed. - - - - - February 18 A lot has happened this week, my head?s more or less in a spin. Derek?s been sleeping over a lot, and I?ve been relegated to the floor. When I got home from work on Tuesday and walked into the bedroom to hang up my coat, I saw my present: a doggie bed at the foot of the bed with my name embroidered on it. I swallowed pretty hard as I realized what this meant, but got really hard at the same time. Funny how that works sometimes. Cleaning the house and making meals while they?re snuggled on the couch making out is getting to me. At first, the jealousy was kind of erotic, but I underestimated what these feelings would do to me in the long run. Realizing just how attracted to him she has become is getting difficult for me to handle. The humiliation of sitting at their feet is unpleasant. I always had to sit at hers and massage them, but lately she?s been having me rub Derek?s as well. I loved her feet and loved touching them because they are, well, hers, and every part of her is sexy to me. I don?t like touching his at all. Not only is he a man, but he?s the man who sleeps with the girl I love. I know she can sense this and it amuses her. She can be quite cruel. Another thing she?s been doing lately is having him discipline me when I start in with an attitude. He?s larger than I am physique-wise, so it?s easy for him to actually pick me up, put me over his lap, and beat me with whatever?s handy until I wriggle and plead for him to stop. He used a hairbrush on me until my ass was nearly black and blue yesterday when she asked me a question and I answered in a sarcastic tone. - - - - - February 21 I ate my first load of semen today. It was excruciating, laying on my belly between her legs as she and Derek looked on as I lapped it up. ?Is it delicious?? she smiled, and I knew I was expected to nod and grunt an affirmative as I swabbed her slimy cunt out with my tongue. What an awful taste it left in the back of my throat, Jesus. ?Such a good boy,? she cooed, stroking my hair as I licked and swallowed. ?It?s very important to me that you eat Derek?s cum out of me. Do you understand? I want you to share this experience with us.? I nodded again and realized things had become very different from what I was used to. - - - - - March 8 A new twist: I?ve now been locked up in a chastity device. Sheila caught me masturbating in the shower, and that very afternoon took me the piercing studio to get the frenum we?d been discussing on and off for the past few months. The tube came a few days later in the mail. I suppose I deserve it, but in a way I really don?t think it?s very fair. Seeing all of that fucking and sucking right in front of my face with Sheila?s no masturbation policy turned out to be pretty impossible for me to manage. She?d only been letting me squirt once a week, and only with Derek?s cock in my mouth (?for conditioning,? she?d say). In a way, my mind is a little more at ease knowing that I can?t touch myself and there?s no temptation. It?s a little uncomfortable though, I?m still getting used to the weight and bulk of the damn thing. It?s easy enough to get enough water under it to clean, but not much other stimulation is possible. It?s been on for a week and a half, which means I have two and a half more to go until my punishment?s up. Sometimes she?ll take it off and play with me. She?ll stroke my penis until it gets nice and hard. Then she?ll start teasing me about my size. ?Look how tiny it is, sweetie. It fits so much better in my hand than in my pussy. It?s all for the best, though, because if you weren?t so tiny I wouldn?t have had to go out and find Derek, and I?m so glad I did. Aren?t you?? And then just as I?m about to cum, she?ll stop for a while until I?ve settled down. She?ll repeat until I?m truly desperate, and then lock me back up. A new rule of hers is that I have to refer to it as my ?tiny penis? any time I make mention of it. She loves seeing me blush. - - - - - March 12 New rules. Clothing comes off when I get home and stays off. While at home, I?m to keep my ?fuckhole? clean and well-lubed at all times so that Derek can fuck me at a moment?s notice whenever he pleases. Which he?s been taking advantage of quite a bit this week since Sheila?s got the flu. Any time he?s in the mood to fuck and she isn?t, it becomes my job. His huge prick in me about two dozen times this week has gotten me pretty sore. When I whined to Sheila about it yesterday, she called Derek in and asked him if I?ve been behaving when he fucks me. ?As a matter of fact not,? he said, ?he?s a whiny little bitch.? So as of now, I?m being trained to be a good little fuckslut. No whining, no complaining. I have to get into submissive posture and beg for it, then moan, wiggle around, and tell him how nice his big man dick feels in my subby fuckhole. In other words, I have to completely humiliate and degrade myself. Otherwise, it?s over his lap again with the hairbrush. - - - - - April 1 It?s been three weeks, and I?m doing my best not to go out of my head with sexual frustration. The chastity tube is bad enough, but she?s introduced me being fucked with a strap-on. The stimulation of having a big rubber cock sliding in and out of my asshole (a size larger than me, she pointed out) brings me close to orgasm, but never gets me there. This last time, I broke down in tears. I begged her to forgive me and let me have an orgasm. She just smiled and gently pushed the dildo in and out of me, telling me gently that she hoped that this experience was teaching me a lesson in obedience. Afterwards, before she put the cock tube back on, she had me kneel on all fours on the table and milked my prostate with one finger up my ass, massaging it for about 20 minutes until cum spilled out. Although it?s not pleasurable, it does relieve the pressure and horniness a small bit. She?s been getting me very used to prolonged rimming and foot sucking sessions with Derek. As I lay there with my face in his ass, just as I begin to remove my mind away from where my mouth is on his body and pretend I?m somewhere else so that I don?t get so disgusted, she has me move on to a new area, like sucking his balls. She?s very good at fucking with my mind. On the other hand, I?m getting very used to my doggy spot at the foot of their bed. At first, it was difficult laying there, my collar chained to the bed leg, listening to them hump and kiss in the dark as I tried to sleep; him grunting, her moaning like a whore for hours. It?s gotten easier for me, though. Hopefully I?ll start to feel that way about some of the other aspects of this new life. - - - - - April 21 Sheila dropped two bombshells on me today. First, Derek?s moving in. When I heard it, my heart sunk. I really had no idea they were even discussing the possibility. To make room for his clothing and possessions, she?s having me clean out all my stuff out of the closet and drawers and stick it in boxes in the garage. Secondly, she informed me that Derek and she had a discussion, and they have decided that I?m not allowed to penetrate her anymore. Not in any capacity. My mouth just gaped open in utter amazement. ?I just don?t need you for that anymore, pet,? she explained. ?Oh my God? was all I could say. After our little talk, when I was putting away all of my toiletries go under the sink to make way for his, Sheila asked me how I was feeling about all of this. I was quiet for a moment, and then I told her that I felt like I was being replaced, like I just wasn?t very special to her anymore. I said that ever since our agreement, it seems like she?d lost all respect for me. She sighed, gave me such a compassionate look, and took me into the bedroom where she sat on the bed and laid my face in her lap. ?My sweet baby,? she said softly as she ran her fingers gently along my neck, ?we both know that this is how our relationship has to be. I need to control you, and you need to submit and serve.? ?But Derek?is that really necessary?? I asked. She thought for a moment. ?It?s what I want. You were an okay lover, but we both knew that you were uncomfortable in the traditional masculine role. I need a real man to make me happy, sweetie. He gives me sexual bliss in ways you never could. And it gives you such a good opportunity to prove your submission and show me that you?ll accept whatever I decide for you.? ?Yes Sheila, I do,? I nearly sobbed, ?but it?s not just the sex with him. That?s very plain to see. You?re?? ?Yes, I?m very attracted to Derek. Very, very much so. I love kissing him, holding his hand, having him hold me in his arms, waking up next to him. I love having him take me out to romantic dinners. I used to like those things with you, but now it?s much more appropriate that he replace you in that way. It helps us all remember that he?s the man, and you?re the pet. Right?? ?If that?s what you really want,? I sniffled. ?Oh yes, I do. Very much.? I leaned up, looking into her eyes. ?I love you, Sheila,? I whispered, and closed my eyes, moving to kiss her. She moved her face back a bit. ?No sweetie?not on the lips. Derek says.? She smiled softly and turned her face so that her cheek was facing me. She looked at me expectantly, raising her eyebrow. Lips trembling, I planted a weak kiss on her cheek. ?Such a good boy,? she beamed. ?I love you too.? - - - - - April 28 She had me get up on the table this afternoon, hands and knees. It was about time for my milking, so I was expecting that. I was taken completely by surprise when she unlocked my tube and started stroking my cock, slowly with her hand. I got so hard right away, and with nearly a minute I was close to orgasm. My breathing was rapid and I was straining my muscles in the way I do when I get close. ?No cumming,? she whispered, teasing the tip with her finger. ?God, please?? ?No, pet. Obey.? ?Please, Sheila, please? PLEASE?? I whimpered. ?No. Not? unless?? ?Unless what? Please, anything!? ?Anything, are you sure?? ?Yes!? ?If you cum, sweetie? this will be your last orgasm.? ?Until when?? I swallowed hard. ?No, not until when. Until ever.? ?God, you can?t be serious?? ?Of course. I?ll still milk you, but your orgasms will be over.? She continued to stroke me softly. ?But why?? I cried. ?I like you when you?re horny, you?re so much more obedient. I want you like that always. It will be good for you to know that orgasms are no longer part of your life. You can concentrate on giving them to me and Derek.? ?No, no? I don?t want that. I won?t cum today then. I don?t need to that badly.? ?If you don?t, we?ll just do this tomorrow. One way or another, you only have one orgasm left. It?s up to you when you want to have it.? She kissed me gently on my perspiring forehead. ?Jesus,? I moaned, and squirted for the last time, all over the table. - - - - - May 10 It was back to the piercing studio today, and neither of them would tell me what was going on. As always when we went out, they walked in front of me holding hands, and I followed two steps behind. She walked over to the tattoo area and handed him a slip of paper. I became rather worried. She called me over. ?You sure you want this, bud?? The tattoo artist asked me. He was bald, burly, and himself covered with tats. I looked at Sheila, who just smiled at me. ?Yes,? I said, meekly. ?Sure do get all the weird ones,? he said to nobody in particular. I lay face down on the table for nearly an hour as he worked on the area of my lower back right above my crack. Sheila and Derek stood above, watching and commenting in whispers to each other. He finished and asked me if I wanted to see it. ?It looks fine, just gauze it up,? she said. After we got home, she called me over to the mirror and pulled the gauze away from my skin, showing me what she?d had inked onto my lower back. SHEILA AND DEREK?S FUCKPET my skin now read. - - - - - May 12 Derek?s birthday is coming up next month. ?He has a special request for a present from you,? Sheila told me. This doesn?t sound good, I thought to myself. She was looking right into my eyes as she slid her hand into my pants between my legs. ?He wants these.? My eyes widened. ?I don?t understand?? I said, understanding perfectly. ?He?s a little? unhappy that you still have them. He thinks that there should only be one pair of balls in the house, and I think that?s reasonable. He wants yours off, and given to him as a present.? I just stared blankly back at her. Even after everything else, I still wasn?t prepared for this. I just didn?t know what to say. ?Besides, you?ll look so much better from behind getting fucked by him after they?re gone. Your appointment with the doctor is tomorrow, and we?re going to have them dried and made into a little keychain for him to carry around in his pocket. Isn?t that cute?? I think I almost fainted. It was like being underwater and listening to someone speak as I heard her say, ?But don?t worry. Even though you?ll be a eunuch, you?ll still wear testosterone patches so that you stay nice and horny for us. We wouldn?t want to take that away from you, would we pet?? 3305 1.23/512345
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