Monday, July 30, 2012
She Teases, Denies, And Cheats
SHE TEASES, DENIES, AND CHEATS by Throne Emory Atherton was an ivy league type, all sweater vests, tweed trousers, and blue blazers. So when he met Janice, he wasn't quite sure how to react. He was attracted to her sexually but not sure that she was right for him in other ways. Janice was tall and slender, her blond hair worn straight, curled under at shoulder length. She had a patrician face, with narrow lips that barely felt the touch of cosmetics. Her look was correct, though he he didin't like that she was taller than him, but his real problem was her background. She came from a slightly lower social strata than his and had relatively little money of her own. Still, he couldn't stop thinking of her. They dated and he was drawn more deeply under her spell. She allowed foreplay but let him go no further. He found it terribly frustrating. Because of his limited stature he was not attractive to many females. Also, he had a tiny penis, which made him feel inferior. Finally, the circles in which he mixed were small, so there weren't a lot of young women in his sphere to begin with. He became increasingly eager to hold onto her. At his home Janice would model her new clothes for him. He was so entranced by these private sessions that he began to take her shopping and buy items for her wardrobe. Every time he bought her more he not only got to watch her show it off, but also was allowed to kiss and touch her. His need for such 'rewards' grew steadily. Then they started going to an exclusive beach together. She was stunning in one piece bathing suits, along with large dark sunglasses, and wide-brimmed sun hats. He didn't fare so well, as his bathing trunks always showed off his meager physique and, if they were tight, the paucity of manly goods between his legs. At the same time, better looking men stared openly at Janice. Emory couldn't be sure but he always felt that she was returning the attention they paid her. It all got him increasingly anxious about not losing her. He soon believed that men were eyeing her when they went out to eat or shop. Jealousy consumed him. All during this time she continued to dole out physical favors stingily, allowing him to touch but not possess her. He became desperate and slightly irrational. When they were apart he worried that other men were trying to steal her away from him. It kept him awake at night. That was why, during one of her 'fashion shows' he spontaneously dropped to his knees and proposed. Janice said she wanted to accept but that they would have to have an understanding. Still kneeling, he looked up at her and, without thinking, said that anything she wished was acceptable. When she didn't respond he swore that he would agree to whatever she wanted. Only then did she accept his proposal. They were engaged for several months. She continued to keep him on a short leash, teasing him with her body but denying him intercourse. She did, however, begin permitting him to kiss her breasts and legs. He was thrilled. As the wedding grew closer she added her pert bottom and flat belly to the permitted areas. He tasted them hungrily. When the wedding day was only a week off and he was utterly addicted to her, confused between love and frustrated lust, she delivered the terms of the understanding, terms that he had agreed to without even hearing. "It's this way, Emory," she said as she sat on the ornate antique sofa in the library of his mansion. All Janice had on was a matched set of filmy bra and panties he had just purchased for her. He sat alongside with her hand in his. "I need to regulate our love life. This relationship must not descend to being about sex only. That would be unacceptable. You will do as much -- or as little -- as I allow in the bedroom. You will make love to me only as I say. Otherwise we cannot be wed." He was stunned. At once he began rationalizing. How much could she limit him? And what form of lovemaking could she specify that he would not enjoy? Emory was so overeager to consumate their impending vows that he agreed, he swore on his family's honor, he kissed her fingers and said that whatever she commanded he would do. Janice said, "Or not do." "Of course, my darling. And..." he added in his fervor "... I've had a prenuptial drawn up. My signature is already on it." "That isn't necessary, my dear," she insisted. "But if you wish, I will sign." He thanked her. The next day, when he produced the paper, she gave it a cursory reading. As she had suspected, after the ways she had worked her wiles on him, he had been foolishly generous. Not that she intended to ever have to use the document. No, it would simply be one more hold that she maintained on him. She would gain control of his fortune, as well as his sex life, but not based on anything put down in writing. Janice had plans for her husband-to-be. Their wedding day arrived. The ceremony was lovely, though Janice wore very high heels and towered over the groom. At the reception she made a point of dancing with several men, all of them taller than Emory, who was painfully aware of how she pressed herself against them. He would have danced with other women but they were all taller than him except one, and she was quite busty which made him worry that, as deprived of sex as he had been, he would become erect and everyone would see it. So Emory sat and watched his wife enjoy dance after dance. She seemed especially fond of the Best Man, Emory's brother Luke, who was younger, taller, better built and, Emory knew from Luke's past habit of leaving the bathroom door open after he showered and was drying off, possessed of a long thick penis and heavy balls. Emory could imagine his new wife feeling Luke's attributes pressed against her as they slow danced. The couple had a room upstairs and went there after the reception was at last over. Janice went into the bathroom. She called out to Emory to get completely undressed. As he stripped he imagined her doing the same. At last he would know the joy of full access to her body. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs together, wishing there was a dimmer switch on the overhead light, when she reappeared. Janice still had on her merry widow, garterbelt, stockings and those tall heels, all of them white, as well as her bridal headpiece and veil. She was a vision of purity and sexuality, both at the same time. He felt odd being naked while she retained some of her clothing but was more than compensated by the image she presented. She stood confidently before him with a thin smile on her attractive face. "Tonight," she said, "we are going to have limited sex. You will use your mouth on me." When he didn't appear to understand, she clarified, "Between my legs. On my pussy." She even pointed toward her lightly furred mound. "Understand?" "But dearest, I've never done that. I couldn't. I mean, it's repulsive to me to even think of having to use my mouth to do... that." "What about all your promises, Emory? Was all that just so you could screw me? Is sex all you are interested in? Are you going back on your word?" He was speechless. When he found his voice he told her, "I did promise but I didn't think..." "That I would hold you to your word? Well that's exactly what I'm doing." She got onto the bed from the other side, laid back, and opened her long legs, making the lips of her sex part slightly. "I'm waiting." Feeling mentally off balance, he put himself between her legs, not with his undersized penis aimed at her vagina, as he wished, but with his nose a few inches from it, so close that he could inhale her feminine musk, which made him queasy. He couldn't stomach what she expected but he had promised that he would let her dictate what they did in bed. Emory shut his eyes and extended his tongue until he felt her warm moistness -- and tasted it. He had seen how it was done in videos, always of two girls together, as he had no interest in seeing guys do it. But now he was the guy performing the unappetizing act as he licked her labia, sucked her clitoris, and explored inside her pussy. He tried not to start sobbing but it wasn't easy. She kept him down there for nearly a half hour, critiquing his efforts, telling him he would be doing it often in the future, and making him slow down anytime he brought her close to finishing. Then her cellphone buzzed. To Emory she said, "Just keep your tongue moving. Not too fast." Then she answered the phone. "Liz? Hello, dear. Yes, everything's going fine. All he was interested in was sex, like you warned me. But he's sticking to his word and honoring the promises he made." Emory realized she must be talking to Lisette -- Liz -- who he had dated once and who his bride had known from school and selected as her Maid of Honor. Janice listened to the phone and then went on, "I can see why you laughed at my husband when you saw him with his pants down. His baby penis really is silly looking. I'm certain he could never have satisfied you or any woman with that little nothing between his legs. I know he could never give me any satisfaction with it. That's why I made him put his face between my legs and use his mouth down there. Not only is he halfway good at it, but while he's eating me I don't have to listen to him prattle on about nothing. You know, I haven't met one person who respects him in the slightest, including his brother Luke. What? You're having a drink with him right now? Why don't the two of you come up to our room. At least I'll have some fun on my wedding night, hanging out with friends." Emory was horrified. How could she insult the sanctity of their marriage that way? He tried to raise his head but got shoved back down. Between licks at her wet pussy he said worriedly, "Please, dear, at least let me stop doing this and get some clothes on." "I'll let you put your shorts on but first, there's a spot you missed." She raised her knees, put her hands under them, and pulled her legs up, so that her ass was in front of his face. "Do you see the spot, dear? Right between my cheeks. You give me a kiss there, a nice long kiss, and I'll let you get your shorts." It was insane but after the way she had been demeaning his manhood and reminding him of how Liz had laughed at it, after the way she had danced with all those men, and how she had mentioned that no one she knew had any respect for him, Emory's usual self-doubts had expanded to dominate his thinking. He swallowed the remnants of his pride and pressed his lips to the pink pucker, giving it a lingering kiss. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he performed the humiliating and disgusting act. At last she let him stop and rush to grab his shorts. He got them on, grateful to have his immature genitals covered. There was a knock on the door. Without putting on anything more than the little bit she was wearing, Janice strode over and opened it. In came Liz and Luke, all smiles. Emory stood there, unhappily aware of how short and slender he was, of his hairless chest, and of the way their visitors were smirking at him. "That," Luke said, pointing at him, "is why he was the laughingstock of the locker room. And when he got out of his shorts to put his jockstrap on, it was even funnier." Liz added, "I'm guessing you got his share in the cock department, judging from the bulge under those tuxedo slacks." He shrugged modestly. "I did okay." Janice grinned lasciviously at him. "Maybe I picked the wrong brother." She smiled back, "Maybe you can have the best of both. Lots of security with Mr. Dull and..." The bride told him, "Why don't you open that bottle of champagne the hotel gave us. There are four glasses with it, I guess in case somebody wants to have a toast with the Best Man and Maid of Honor, which is what we should do. You, Liz and me. I don't want Emory drinking because I've heard he can't handle it." "That's true," Luke said as he went to uncork the champagne. "I remember when a couple of us guys got him drunk and fixed him up with a hooker. Did he tell you about that?" "No," Janice said, flashing her husband an angry look. "He kept that a secret. I didn't know he had gotten it on with a whore." "Well," Emory's brother said, "I don't know if you could even say he got it on. I talked to her afterward. She had trouble not cracking up when she saw his miniature dick. Said it was the tiniest she'd ever seen. She used her hand on it a little, then her mouth. But he was having trouble controlling himself so she got on her back and spread her legs. He tried to put it in but almost as soon as it touched her he shot his juice, which she said there wasn't much of." "Soooo." Janice nodded thoughtfully. "You got some hand, some mouth, and a touch of pussy from your hooker friend, Emory. If that's the way you behave, and then keep secrets about it, until I feel I can trust you I'm not going to jerk you off, give you any blowjobs, or let you into my fun zone." She went to him and began to tease his uncovered nipples with her fingers. "But I will play with you and get you excited to remind you of what you're missing. I think that'll be the right way to punish you for being dishonest with me." Luke brought her a glass of champagne. "Here, you must need this after discovering that you just married damaged goods." She accepted it gratefully and took a drink. "Yes. I'm really disappointed that I won't be able to have sex on my wedding night." She sat on the couch and he put himself alongside her. "I wish there was something I could do about that." Her hand went to his muscular thigh. "I really do." Liz suggested, "Why don't you check Luke's meat. I know you wouldn't actually do anything with him, being married now, but it couldn?t hurt just to take it out and look. And touch." She said it as if the idea was perfectly reasonable. Emory stood there trembling. This was all happening so fast. His ego was battered and his wife was unzipping his brother's pants. She unfastened his belt and opened the waist, too, then worked his cock free and held it in her hand. "Now that's the right size," she enthused. It began to grow. "And then some." "You know," Liz told her, "it wouldn't be fair to Luke to get your fingers on it and not give it a few strokes. You know, just to thank him for letting you have a feel of such a beautiful -- and big -- tool." "You're right." Janice lazily ran her hand up and down the thick shaft, rubbing her thumb under the head at the end of each upstroke. "After all, like you said, this isn't cheating." "Exactly," her girlfriend agreed. "In fact, like they say, eating isn't cheating, either. Not that I'm saying you should give that long gorgeous tubesteak a few sucks, but if you did it would be all right." "That's true," she responded, still running her hand up and down it. Emory finally found his voice. "J... Janice, please, we're husband and wife. You can't do that. You can't... be intimate... with my brother." "Does this qualify as being 'intimate'?" she wondered out loud, rubbing his rod a bit faster. "Or how about this?" She lowered her head and fitted her mouth around the dark swollen knob, then kept going lower until her chin was touching his heavy balls. Emory goggled at his wife deepthroating Luke's nine broad inches. Her head moved up and down as she expertly and lovingly administered to his rampant organ, making it glisten with her saliva. It was bizarre to see her distinguished profile as she gave such a lewd performance. When she at last surrendered his cock she turned her face to Emory, her normally placid features made over by runaway lust. She was breathing hard, her modest breasts risng and falling, her nipples erect. She devilishly licked her lips. "And honestly," Liz went on, "if Emory has screwed things up so badly that he isn't allowed to consumate your marriage, it gives you the right to turn to someone else." "That makes sense," Janice said breathily. "And we would be keeping it in the family." She gave the underside of Luke's rampant cock an unrushed lick. The groom whimpered. At that moment he understood that his brother was going to do what he wasn't allowed to with Janice. Emory's world was collapsing. He watched mutely as they got up and headed for the bedroom. Liz stood and grabbed him by the ear, twisting hard to tow him along behind her. She marched him to the bedroom where the happy couple were standing by the bed, the mostly nude bride undressing her Best Man. Liz told Emory, "Get out of those shorts, little man. I want you to have some fun, too." When he was embarrassed naked she moved behind him, reached around, and began to playfully twist his nipples. His little dick rose to her stimulation. He fidgeted as she stroked his sides and blew in his ear. At the same time, the lovers-to-be were getting onto the bed. Still in the remnants of her wedding outfit, Janice opened her legs invitingly. Luke put himself between them to set the tip of his cock against her welcoming pussy. He slid himself into her in one confident motion. She moaned with pleasure as her new husband groaned with dismay. Emory's brother began screwing the bride with long unhurried strokes, going all the way in and coming nearly all the way out, making her squirm and purr. Liz reached down and between Emory's thighs to cup his small balls in her hand and roll them against each other. She straightened up and whispered to him, "Isn't that lovely, seeing your wife getting fucked by your own brother on your wedding night. This is about the worst thing that could happen to a guy and it's happening to you. I love it. And you'll never get to put your insignificant dicky where his big weapon is right now. Look at how she's pushing back when he thrusts. She's sooooo excited. She wants all of that she can get. How convenient that your bro can come over anytime for a 'family' visit. And poor wimpy you will be cockblocked all the time." She cackled wickedly. Sobbing and quaking, Emory had to watch the pair's spirited screwing for nearly a half hour. Luke was an expert and had no trouble holding off his orgasm. After Janice's second jolting climax he let himself shoot his considerable load. Then, when their warm afterglow subsided, he rolled off her and they lay side by side. Liz moved Emory to the foot of the bed so he could see how his wife's cunny was overloaded with his brother's semen. Then Luke surprised the others by telling Emory, "It's time for you to do your part, loser. You're going to go down on your lovely bride and eat her out." Janice told him, "I don't want to get up and shower so soon." "That's the beauty of it, lover. You don't have to. My imbecile brother goes down on you and he cleans you -- with his mouth." Emory gagged loudly. "I... I can't. That's disgusting." "So is your teeny dick," said Luke. "But your wife is going to have to live with it. So to compensate her you're going to use your tongue on her everytime I empty my balls into her tunnel of love. Got it? Or am I going to have to get up and persuade you?" "I..." He didn?t want his wife to see him capitulate so quickly but he also didn't want her to see him get banged around by his brother. "I'll do it," he conceded miserably. He got onto the bed and brought his face close to the juncture of her long shapely legs. Sniffling, he pressed his face against her messy pubes and began his stomach-churning job. Janice giggled. Then she began to appreciate the way he was pampering her clit and started to sigh. Luke rolled over and kissed her, one of his wide hands over her breast, while Emory continued to slurp up and swallow that generous helping of cream. At last Janice had a shuddering finish and then relaxed. Emory couldn't believe what he had just done. "After that," Luke explained, "he won't even be able to look you in the eye without thinking about his new role as cum-licker. You won't have to worry about your weakling husband ever giving you any backtalk or even a dirty look." "And just to make sure," Liz said, "if nobody minds I'm going to borrow him and get my sushi sucked. You kids enjoy the bed. I'll just lay on the couch on my back and make him hunch up between my legs." The two on the bed laughed as Emory got up in a daze and followed Liz meekly to the next room. They listened as she was coaxed into a very vocal explosion. Just in case Emory hadn't known they were listening, they clapped and whistled their approval, adding to his shame. After that Emory's life was hell. His new wife controlled his money and every minute of his free time. She cheated on him several times a week with his amused brother and made him clean her with his mouth right after -- or else the next morning, after Luke's cum had been 'marinating' her pussy all night, as she liked to say. She also loaned him to Liz whenever the other woman wanted. Both females took special pleasure in teasing him, dressing up in sexy lingerie, toying with his responsive nipples, mussing his hair, and taking off their panties to run them over his body and face. He was a wreck from the constant stimulation and near absence of relief. The rare times he was allowed to finish, he had to jerk off in front of both women while they mocked his tiny endowment and lack of self control. He had to squirt into a wadded up tissue and then carry it around in his mouth for at least an hour. One final touch added an extra burden of humiliation to Emory's already heavy load. Janice took her wedding band to a jeweler and had it re-made -- into a toe ring. She wore it proudly and, at night, took special delight in having her broken husband get down on the floor and kiss it. Afterwards she loved to listen to him, as he lay on his blanket on the floor by her bed, sobbing himself to sleep. 17112 1.47/512345
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