Sunday, July 29, 2012
Journey of a Cuckold Ch. 10
Chapter 9 was perhaps the logical point to rest the story. However, due to much interest from readers, I have decided to add a few chapters exploring the journey further. * Rohini was thrilled with the news of our acceptance to her proposal. I conveyed the news after our safari trip while Mayuri and Shrini were off to Udaipur on their private honeymoon. Rohini and I spent time on the Internet chatting about the recent episodes and the consequences of our acceptance to the proposal. She shared that Mayuri had informally accepted the proposal before embarking on the trip to Rajasthan as she was fairly confident that I wouldn't object to the arrangement. In fact, Mayuri had consulted her physician for advice on starting a family and also made arrangements for the Udaipur trip before traveling to India. Mayuri showed the signs of her acceptance quite openly after her first night with Shrini during the trip. Most folks at the Safari mistook her to Shrini's wife. The two days I stayed away from Mayuri were brutal; my mind was flooded with negative thoughts. Fortunately, the thoughts were of losing Mayuri to Shrini and not about agreeing to the mistress proposal. I went to chat with Rohini the evening before Mayuri was supposed to arrive. She wanted to chat in the evening instead of night time, after having dinner. At the cafe, I thought of discussing my predicament with her. After a few preliminaries, I started. "Rohini," I asked, "I am a little worried." "About what?" "About losing Mayuri," I responded "What are you talking about?" she asked surprised. She knew how much I enjoyed Mayuri's acceptance to her proposal. "Are you sure," I asked, "Mayuri wouldn't mind staying married to someone like me?" "Of course," she responded. "Mayuri loves you and she knows you did this for her," she reasoned. "What if she falls in love with Shrini?" "No way!" "Mayuri is wiser than that." "Besides, she is getting the best that Shrini has to offer." "Why are you worried?" "Don't know. I can't reason it," I said. "You seem to be stressed." "Is it because she is away from you for the first time?" asked Rohini. "Actually, this is the second time," she corrected herself. "First time was while you were stuck in India due to visa issues," she explained. "I know," I responded. "You should get used to it now," she added. "Once she gets pregnant she might have to start servicing yet another bull," added Rohini. "What?" I asked surprised. "Yes," she started, "a black partner at Mayuri's firm has taken interest in her." I recollected Mayuri's talk about black partner with Shrini and realized that it wasn't meant to just titillate me. "Are you serious?" I asked. "He is waiting for an opportunity to mount your wife." "Really?" I asked. "Certainly and Mayuri is willing." "Is it to advance her career?" I asked. "Yes but that's only part of the reason." "Shrini might have to travel frequently and hence may not be available for her always." It was not something that I wanted to hear as we were extending our boundaries beyond what I had initially intended. We were in a reasonable position financially and I hoped to do much better in the coming years at my firm. There were simply too many complications with what Mayuri was planning. We discussed a little more about this new affair that Mayuri was contemplating. The black partner had a soft corner for her from the beginning. "Don't worry," said Rohini. "It might be sporadic affair, if at all." she added. "Mayuri never discussed this with me," I complained. "Well," she said, "she doesn't need your approval for such things." "Trust her instincts." "She would choose the most appropriate ones to father your children," she added with a smiley. "Trust me; you have nothing to worry if you don't interfere in her affairs." "Prove to her that you are the best husband she could ever have." "Encourage her to mate with her bulls on a frequent basis and you should be fine." "What are your plans for her when she gets back?" she asked steering the conversation away from the sensitive issue. "Nothing we should be boarding the flight as soon as she arrives," I responded. We had a flight around noon. "Oh, poor boy," wrote Rohini, "wouldn't you love to peruse her well-used body?" I was getting excited at the very thought of meeting her after she consummated her relationship with Shrini as his mistress. Although, Shrini was not particular about not leaving any tell-tale signs on her, I wasn't sure if he would continue the tradition now that it was an official engagement. Many a times I wondered if Shrini loved just having sex with her or he had an ulterior motive. It was clear that Mayuri and Rohini enjoyed the psychological aspects far more than the actual act itself. Shrini always liked to be the first one to mount her and Mayuri always honored his wish. It wasn't clear if he cared whether Mayuri cleaned up before having sex with me or that she reserved special privileges only for him. "As a matter of fact, I would," I wrote her back. "Would you think he would leave any signs for me," I asked wanting to know if Shrini had any similar psychological desires. "Not intentionally," replied Rohini. "However, the best mark," she said, "or rather a scar must have already taken root in her womb." "Are you certain?" I asked as she seemed to be fairly confident about this. Getting a woman pregnant needs a lot of things to happen at the same time and hence I wasn't sure if it would happen the very first time - although I would have certainly liked it that way. "Mayuri is in her prime and Shrini is a virile man," she reasoned. "Did you know that he knocked up a married white woman once?" asked Rohini. "Really?" I asked stunned by her revelation. "All he did was to screw her a few times during her fertile period and she ended up getting pregnant." "That's a long story, anyway," she finished. "Now," she said, "If your first question was to get more information on whether Shrini enjoys bedding your wife," interpreting my motive behind the question, "then the answer is he does." "He certainly would enjoy bedding such a gorgeous woman but the fact that she is his close friend's wife does add a little spice to his rendezvous with her." "Are you saying that he doesn't get a kick out of screwing his best friend's wife?" I asked. "Not to the extent you would imagine," she said. "It seems to be the only thing that drives Mayuri, though," she added. "I would let you in a secret if you can keep it," she said. "Sure, you can count on me," I quickly answered. "Anything kinky you witness or experience with her is mostly her idea." "She has mended her fantasy with yours to arrive at a perfect balance that would please both of you." "I thought those were your wicked thoughts," I said. "I certainly showed her the path but it was her idea to tread the path. Not mine." "What's interesting is that she found a few of her own detours on the way." "However, don't worry her intention is only to maximize your pleasure from this relationship; nothing more." "What would you do if she arrived ahead of Shrini?" she asked. "You mean tonight?" I asked. "Yes." "Well, I would keep her busy all night," I quipped. "I trust you on that," she said. "She may not have any traces of their love making on her," she said. "Unlikely, given that they would have to drive several hours to reach here." "Although, I hope you wished they had some time to make love," she said. Somehow, it still excited me to see in her well-fucked state. I couldn't see much of her during the safari as we usually were either in hurry or made love in the dark. "It is tempting," I managed to write. "Would you really like that?" she asked. "Sure, it would have made it even more exciting." "Well, then Mayuri has read your mind," she said. "What?" I asked surprised by Rohini's statement. "While you are chatting with me, she is letting Shrini mount her for one last time on the trip." "Where?" "In your room," she responded. The hotel folks knew Mayuri was my wife and must have let her in, I thought. "They have been at it for more than an hour, now." "They checked in as soon as you left the hotel." "You have two options, you can head back after another hour or so or wait for my signal," she said. My heart was racing now hearing about their latest rendezvous. "Considering Shrini wouldn't get to see her for another two weeks, he would have at least two sessions with her, which means another hour or so." "Alas, he can't wait any longer because his flight is in a little over two hours from now." "Are you serious?" "Absolutely," she said. "So would you like a fresh creampie?" she asked. Rohini delving into the gory details annoyed me a little and I hoped she wouldn't over do it. "Mayuri would make sure you get one but if you want an ultra fresh one then you need to reach at the right moment." "How many times they must have done so far during this trip?" I asked changing the topic. Rohini and I had a fascination for numbers and the more Shrini mated with Mayuri the more it excited us. We subconsciously always felt that Mayuri shouldn't waste her youth. Rohini sheepishly once confessed that she felt that Mayuri should only conceive from Shrini, the reigning alpha male. "8 (safari) + 6 (Udaipur) = 14 + extra (this evening)," she wrote. That was impressive given that they had only five nights; out of which they spent only 3 nights by themselves. Not to mention the hectic schedule of horseback riding and sightseeing that could easily sap anyone's energy. Given the circumstances and surroundings these sessions must have been briefer than any of their previous encounters but they certainly must have been intense as Shrini and Mayuri had a purpose now. Rohini and I agreed the number would be 16 for the entire trip. Except for the afternoon sessions on the safari, she took the load inside her always. We talked a little of our plans after we return back to the US. Rohini and Shrini were contemplating if they should move to the Bay Area given we both officially accepted to have Mayuri as his mistress. Shrini wasn't keen on moving since he thought he could spend quality time with her without encroaching on our lifestyle. Rohini confessed that Mayuri had decided that Friday was reserved for Shrini. We had recently upgraded to a three bedroom apartment and this augured well with our new lifestyle. It was clear Rohini might be around a few days a week so the three bedrooms would certainly be a necessity. I was doing particularly well in my new job and didn't mind spending a little extra every month. Rohini briefly touched upon the follow-up part of promise and assured that as early as next month, I might get to taste Dolly. We chatted a little longer and then Rohini told me that it was time to head back as Shrini just stepped out of the room. She promised me that he had ejaculated not more than five minutes before he headed out. The Internet cafe was around ten minutes away from the hotel and I dashed backed to the hotel in less than five minutes. At the front desk I enquired if my wife had arrived with her cousin and they said that she did and that her cousin just left for the airport. I slowly ascended the stairs to my room; it was on the second floor, the far corner of the building. I wondered if Mayuri controlled her moans as the walls weren't quite sound proof in the room. Even after catching up my breath, my heart was pacing frantically as I knocked on the door. I heard Mayuri ask, "Who is it?" "It's me. Sameer," I responded. And in a few moments, Mayuri opened the door and let me in. I met her after two days and was relieved to see her safe and sound. I hugged her. She let me in and latched the door and turned to face me. In the fluorescent light, I could see her face for once after she had been thoroughly fucked. Her face was still flushed red and it was clear that she was in bed with him not more than ten minutes ago. She was wearing a black colored night gown and looked sultry in her sexy lingerie that was skimpy by Indian standards. "Honey," she said as she embraced me, "Looks like you missed your wife." Her red lips were gently parted and waited for mine. I lowered my lips on her and she kissed me back seductively. Our kisses became intense and very soon she groped my crotch. We liberally exchanged saliva and I sensed that she had stale breath but didn't smell much of semen. Although, it was unlikely that she didn't fellate him for couple of minutes after he ejaculated inside her. "Looks like you have been waiting for your turn," she said seductively breaking the kiss. Mayuri pushed me down on the bed and pulled down my trousers. In a moment she pulled out my very hard pecker. I wondered if after spending two days with Shrini, she noticed the stark difference between our penises and to my utter surprise she actually admitted that. "Shrini is way bigger than you," she exhaled as she kneeled down to take my penis in her mouth. It was a rare moment. She almost never initiated intercourse and especially in the manner she did today; trying to perform fellatio right at the outset. Perhaps this is how she approached sex with Shrini. It felt heavenly. She played with my testicles and tickled below my balls with her tongue. I agonized as she only teased me and never moved to my puckered hole. I was in no hurry to ejaculate, however. After about five minutes into the act, she said, "Oh, I forgot, he left something for you." She turned around and straddled my face in our favorite 69 position. The pungent smell of her urine hit my nose first and then the musky smell of semen. It seemed Mayuri didn't wash herself for a while and decided to present her pussy soaked in three or four of his ejaculations. I slid her gusset aside and examined her lips. As expected they were well fucked and quite distended. The semen was leaking from her lips and some of it was smeared to inside of her gusset. I didn't need encouragement from her this time and darted my tongue out to taste the sticky remnants of Shrini on her panties. Mayuri quickly realized what I was doing and responded, "Hmm..." "You are the best!" she moaned as my tongue circled her open vulva. "Beyond any doubt," she seethed as my tongue slide inside the folds to make way for the semen to trickle down into my mouth. "No wonder so many bulls are eagerly waiting to mount your wife," she mumbled. Mayuri was indeed responding violently even after having a prolonged session with Shrini. "Lick it," she urged, "every drop of it." "Pay homage to what would make a home in your wife's womb," she exhaled. She had stopped sucking me and was completely engrossed in experiencing my slimy tongue slithering in and out of her well fucked, distended pussy. Her hands occasionally massaged my pecker and testicles. As my tongue stroked her pussy, sucking in every drop of semen, she encouraged me with her vulgar monologue. Mayuri immensely enjoyed the feeling and shuddered a few times, communicating that she was on the verge of her orgasm. It was very delicate and not as intense as I was expecting, the way things warmed up. Mayuri had been toying with my testicles, cupping them up and squeezing them a little harshly. "These are no good," she exclaimed holding both my penis and testicles. I couldn't respond to her talking as my face was practically covered with her pussy and legs. She slid forward a little and placed her anus right over my lips and at the same time moved her finger to my anus saying, "Perhaps this might be of some help." "Sameer, you could beat Shrini with your prowess if you were doing my back hole," she joked, perhaps contemplating anal intercourse with me. "On the other hand, you could return the privilege by letting me do you," she added seductively. I was puzzled with this sudden twist and my heart skipped a beat as I wondered if Rohini ever shared our dirty secret with her. She wet one of her finger and probed my anal opening gently. I subconsciously responded to her by fervently tonguing her anus. "I know this feels good," she said sensing my reaction, "someday we should practice a little seriously." She played a little and then let go of my penis and flopped next to me. She was breathing heavily; her breasts rising up and down rhythmically. I was not quite satisfied yet and quickly moved to honey pot and dipped my tongue again in her. I did something nasty and once again licked the inside of her panties. She loved the feeling of possessing a subservient husband, who was ever willing to please her. I noticed a smug look on her face as I moved to lay next to her. "Who are the other bulls," I asked initiating the thread of our conversation that I couldn't pursue earlier. She grabbed my hard pecker and said, "You are getting excited at the prospect of having more people mount your wife. Isn't it?" She didn't wait for answer and said, "There are several, who at the drop of a hat would mount your wife and impregnate her." "What are you talking about?" I asked surprised by her track of conversation. "Nothing, just remembering the folks who made a pass on me," she casually responded. "What? Who?" I asked. "Your friends," she responded. "Shrini, Pratik," she quickly added. "What Pratik too?" "He is no saint," she quipped. "Who else?" I encouraged her to complete the list. "Well practically everyone I ever met but some have been persistent." "I told you about the black partner, right?" she quickly added. "Not really." "He is interested and if I do offer him some privileges then the path to partner role would be quickly paved." "Why would you want something like that?" "If you have not realized, I intend to have a bigger family." "You always thought children were too much of a chore," I complained. "Yes they are," she replied looking deeply into my eyes; her lips curling in a naughty smile. "Making them though is not a chore," she said and kissed me forcefully. The sexual heat emanating from her was driving me crazy. I was yet to get a chance to dip my penis in her vagina on this trip; the only other chance I got was conditional to my acceptance of Rohini's proposal. While Mayuri had been vocal earlier; she never behaved in a randy fashion. Tonight she exuded a sexual aura that I had never sensed earlier. It reminded me of the lionesses in heat that would titillate the male lions to mate with her. I had always wondered if the lioness would care if the male lion happened to be the pride owner or another young male lion or perhaps a nomadic lion that happened to be around. Mayuri was entering into the mood again with the thought of conceiving from Shrini (or other bulls?). She stroked my penis while kissing me forcefully. In a matter of minutes, I couldn't handle it any further and proceeded to mount her. She broke the kiss momentarily, and wording her disapproval, "No," continued to kiss me. Her stroking motion continued and not able to control myself, I humped rhythmically with her stroke. As we settled into a good rhythm, she said, "Fuck my other hole while my lover pounds my pussy and implants a baby." Her hand guided mine to her wet pussy and urged me to finger her. It was a weird scene. Here I was pumping with my pecker firmly logged in her left palm while my left hand was busy fingering her. "Tell me," she exhaled, "wouldn't you want Shrini to father all your children?" Mayuri was in an elated state and was intensely enjoying verbal humiliation. I myself was amused by the situation but her taunts were pleasurable, given the way she handled me. It never seemed she was berating me; instead it was to titillate me. Mayuri, however, was cunning and many a times would either imply or confess that she desired this. "Wouldn't you?" she asked me again; certainly not expecting any answer from me. "Or would you rather give each of your friends a chance," she seethed as she probed my anal opening with her right hand. My fingers were furiously see-sawing through her sloppy vagina. For a moment, the thought actually flashed through my mind. She could have only implied Vinil, Pratik, and Shrini. Mayuri was far more attractive than any of the other women in our circle and hence I was sure none would refuse such a splendid opportunity. "Or would you rather hand the privilege to black partner from my firm?" she asked teasingly. I kissed her in response. "Who would you prefer?" I asked breaking the kiss. "Does it matter?" she replied after a brief pause. "As long as I am in heat and it is not you - the lawful owner - who is mounting," she added giggling. "Seriously," I urged her. "Shrini is obviously a choice," she answered thinking a little. "Don't stop," she urged me to continue the humping motion as I had slowed down my tempo. "Vinil doesn't even qualify," she said dismissively. "The black partner from my office might be a good candidate but then he could make your wife his private slut," she reasoned, "and I can't conceive from him and yet keep this a secret." "Pratik is not very appealing," she said and then contradicted herself, "but neither was Shrini." "I have heard horrible things about Pratik," she added. "What?" I asked. "Just that he is unhygienic and that he almost never engaged in oral sex and rarely ever kisses Sneha." Pratik was certainly not particular about hygiene and was well known for taking baths every couple of days. The other aspects intrigued me as he never expressed his aversion to oral sex and kissing. I learned that he never engaged in French kissed Sneha as the idea was too gross for him. "So she was complaining," I said. "Yes but only about those two things." "She actually was very happy with her sex life because he makes up for it. She claimed she never missed an orgasm because of lack of foreplay." "He is very well endowed it seems," chided Mayuri. "Sounds good isn't it?" she teased me. "May be Sneha has a problem with her breath," I interrupted. "She has awesome breath and is a great kisser too!" Mayuri retorted quickly. "How do you know?" I asked. Mayuri hesitated, only a little, and then said, "I have kissed her." "What?" I asked stunned. "She wanted to feel how it is to be kissed and I offered." "Really?" I asked, "When was this?" "Let us not change topic," she cut me, "you would have preferred if I had locked lips with Pratik." "Tell you what," she said, "Why don't we recruit his services as well?" Her stroking motion increased as I had stopped humping her hearing all the strange news. "I can assure you that bastard wouldn't rest until he has knocked me a few times," she said with a little anger. It seems he had tried to exploit her a few times after we had gotten married but Mayuri never took it seriously. I was a little upset hearing this to which she said, "It has happened to me several times." "You should be proud that your wife elicits sexual interest of other men." "Instead of getting mad, you should figure out ways to let them have her," she joked. "Yes sure. This time when they visit why don't you spend your nights with him while I spend my nights with Sneha," I quickly retorted. "Honey," she said, "Unlike you he has the capacity to satisfy both his wife and your wife!" "There is no way he is going to tolerate you sleeping with his wife," she said. "Albeit, Sneha might not mind in enlisting your services to prime her for Pratik," she added sexily, grinding my testicles. I was stunned with her coarse remark. Although, I loved the smell and taste of Mayuri and was ever willing to please in every which way, it didn't quite mean that I would do the same for Sneha. The notion that I ranked below Pratik from her perspective struck me as he wasn't particularly good looking. Over the years, he had put on too much of weight and had a distinct pot belly and even his face showed his age with a double chin. To compound, his irascible and callous behavior along with his unhygienic characteristics never made him popular among women. "No one can appreciate the importance of your soothing tongue more," she continued. "Can you believe," she said, "she can count the number of times Pratik performed oral sex on her." "Sneha is a fairly large woman," she said, "if she can't accommodate him with ease, then even I can't" It dawned on me what appealed her about Pratik. Mayuri certainly wasn't interested in anyone who wouldn't fall in Shrini's league ever since she tasted sex with him. She was certainly curious about what Pratik had to offer; I just hoped she wouldn't go out of the way to find out. "Who knows, she may even repay by performing oral sex on you." "And keep away Pratik, if you don't want him to have his share." "I have heard dreadful things about him from Sneha but she did hint that he is well endowed." "Although, Rohini claimed he would be no match to Shrini." "How would she know?" I asked. "Precisely," responded Mayuri. "Did you enjoy your time away with Shrini," I asked changing the topic. "Very much," she said and leaned into me for a hot kiss. "Although, I wished you were there to prime and soothe me," she said breaking the kiss. "Are you in love with him," I asked hesitantly. She laughed and acted surprised with my question. "Honey," she said, "you are very innocent." "The only person who deserves my love and adoration is you!" she said emphatically. "Do you feel Shrini and Rohini have kind of played with us," I asked. "Yes," she responded after a little thought. "There is no way you would agree to have him impregnate me." "Were you aware of this?" I asked. "To some extent and I played along only after realizing that you actually enjoyed the thought of sharing your wife with him." "Was the pregnancy thing his idea or your idea?" I asked. "It was our idea," she said, "I mean it was yours and mine." "Mine," I responded stunned. "You relish the very thought of it," she added emphatically. "To me as a woman, it was only natural that the one that pleases me more in the bed deserved a chance." I kissed her and tried to roll on top of her; trying my luck the second time. "Can you read something," she asked sexily. "What?" I asked puzzled with her question and I looked if there was something scribed on her body. "Property of Shrini!" she exclaimed. I massaged her breasts and kneaded her nipples. I wasn't sure if my mind was playing tricks with me but her breasts looked a little swollen. I nibbled on her nipples and gently squeezed them while she gently stroked my hard penis. As I moved to get on top of her, she said, "I think you better not." "Why?" I asked. "Only the alpha male mounts a mare in heat," she added. As I mumbled my complaints, she cut me saying, "You made the conscious choice of having your wife impregnated by your well-endowed friend." "Now don't complain." "Let his seed soak in and fulfill your dreams," she added. "If you could let me catch my breath a little," she said, "I can help you ejaculate," pushing me down towards her pussy. I spent the next few minutes eating her when she decided to relieve me. She sucked me and deep-throated me very easily and gave me such an intense blow-job that I couldn't last more than five minutes. She made sure that I didn't ejaculate in her as that privilege was reserved for Shrini. We slept in each other's arms after we both were done for the night. It was around 10:00pm and I had forgotten to ask her about dinner but she wasn't interested. We slept blissfully for most of the night but somehow, I wasn't quite done for the night. I woke up to take a leak a little after midnight and after returning back from the bathroom noticed her laying down almost naked with her night gown riding way over her butt. She was sleeping on her stomach and one of her legs was raised over a pillow and the crack between her cheeks was wide open. She was in perfect position to be taken by Shrini. I had to play with her and decided to start from her butt, without waking her up. I gently kissed her butt and homed in on her anus. She had a strong pungent smell that indicated that she hadn't showered this morning in preparation for the night with me. I didn't hesitate from tonguing her butt. After a few minutes of licking her anus, Mayuri moaned and woke up from her sleep. She blabbered, "Sameer what are you doing?" "Why don't you get some sleep."? "You know there is not much you are going to get." I ignored her and went on to eat her ass out for another twenty minutes while Mayuri fingered herself to another orgasm. I wondered if she would let me take her anally given that vaginal sex was ruled out for the next month. I moved up and lay next to her straddling her butt and rubbing my penis in the crack between her butt. Mayuri moaned, "I wish, I could let you take me right now!" "You can?" I whispered. "There is another hole," I whispered gently nibbling her earlobe. I wasn't too worried about my breath as the licking had taken care of all the foul producing germs. She squirmed in response and pushed back her butt against my pelvis. "I am tempted," she seethed, "but need to reserve it for one of my bulls." "Shrini?" I said driving my penis into the crack and now it was rubbing against her pussy lips. "He is not too keen," she whispered back. "Then who," I asked concerned. "Well, whoever after Shrini retires," she said casually. "You may get a chance if you are lucky," she added turning her face towards me. I was a little disappointed at missing out on a nice opportunity. Mayuri was interested but somehow was holding out on it. Ever since this episode became official I wanted to be with Mayuri and spend quality time with her. Somehow, Rohini's mind play was working on me as I tried to prove on every occasion that I indeed was a good lover. Mayuri sensed this and asked me, "Is something wrong honey?" "You seem to be anxious about something." "Don't know," I responded. "There sure is something," she said. "I hope you are not too jealous," she said in concerned tone. "No, it's not that," I responded. "Good. Shrini is just a fuck-mate." "He might get to implant his seed in me but you would be the father of my children," she said sexily, her hand gripping my penis now. I moved in to kiss her and she kissed me forcibly pushing her tongue deep into my mouth. Her breath definitely wasn't fresh but I was in too hot a state to worry about that. I instinctively humped and she tightened her grip but just enough to let my penis slide in through her palm. She encouraged me to continue the humping motion and very soon I was see-sawing through her palm in search for my climax to relieve my anxiety. I moved my left hand to her pussy and fingered her pussy but very lightly and gently kneading her clit. We kissed each other very sensuously as both of us enjoyed the pleasant and different experience. "How many times did you do it?" I asked in between our kisses. "16," she said instantaneously. It seemed as if both Rohini and she were also keeping a count of her sessions. "How was it?" I asked. "Fantastic," was her reply. "Is there any way I can watch both of you?" I asked. She stopped for a moment and said, "You have already seen us in action once." My heart skipped a beat when I heard this. It reminded me of last year's Valentine day, which Rohini and I had secretly watched. However, I mustered courage and said, "It was too dark," implying that she was referring to the second night of safari. "Do you want to see how well he treats your wife?" she asked sexily and kissed me. "Let me assure you," she said, "He makes best use of the privilege you have given him." "I know," I said. "How badly you want it?" she asked. "Come on, don't stop it," she said as I slowed down my tempo. "Pretty badly," I groaned. "What can you do for it?" she asked. "Whatever," I said wondering if she could humiliate me anymore. "Would you undress your wife for him?" she asked seductively. I had underestimated her. It seemed that this was just the beginning. "Hmm..." I nodded my approval driving my penis much farther in her palm. "Would you prime your wife for his entry?" she asked biting my lower lip. I was getting excited with the talk and increased my tempo. "Would you guide him into your wife honey?" she asked sexily. "Tell me, would you?" I only increased the tempo in response and my finger frigged her very roughly. "He has a huge tool," she exhaled, "Would you lubricate it for me?" "With your tongue," she managed to say after a brief pause, her voice wavering towards the end. I devoured her mouth as I heard this and now was frantically fucking her hand. As I hit the crescendo, she said, "Would you rim him honey as I blow him?" I shot a huge load into her palm. She withdrew her hand from underneath me and licked clean my semen from her hand to my utter surprise. It was the first time, I saw her lick my semen. She still had never swallowed my semen, though. I understood her motivation when she pulled me for a kiss pushing her tongue deep into my mouth forcing my own semen into my mouth. As our excitement settled down, she said, "You may not have the pleasure of watching us anytime soon as Shrini is shy about these things." We settled the topic for the night and went to bed. As we nuzzled into each other I quickly said, "You have become such a slut!" "I take that as a compliment," she jokingly responded and added, "But remember I am your wife and Shrini's slut!" The next day when we had sobered up and were about to leave to the airport, she hugged and thanked me for being an understanding husband. She confessed her love for me. As a gift for my generosity she proceeded to give me a blow-job and this time she assured that I could come in her mouth - only for that one time, though. For the next ten minutes she gave me one of the best blow jobs. It was impressive that she deep-throated me several times and her suction was so effective that I couldn't hold on for more than ten minutes. She didn't even use her hands and yet I ended up ejaculating so quickly. She gulped much of it but did pass me on some when she kissed me. She again warned me that I wouldn't get such a privilege for a long time as it was primarily reserved for her bulls. Over the next week or so the same theme followed in our bedroom where Mayuri always teased about having to help her and Shrini during their session and each time she tested the boundaries by throwing the same questions at critical moments of our love making, in the process extending our boundaries. The wordings and manner in which she posed them varied but they pointed to the very same acts. She was confident that none of that would ever transpire as Shrini could not have tolerated my presence and certainly wouldn't like engaging with me in any of the acts that Mayuri was alluding to. Mayuri was in constant state of arousal for the next week and she was always looking for opportunities to indulge in a little foreplay. We returned to the US after another week's stay in India. Shrini and Rohini returned a few days after we arrived in the US but due to our hectic work schedule we didn't get to spend any time with them. Mayuri and Shrini were extremely busy with their work and didn't have any chance to socialize for another week. Although, Mayuri got a little time on hand later during the weekend but Shrini was sucked into an escalation that didn't allow him any time at all. Mayuri was sexually frustrated by not having an opportunity to mate with Shrini for more than 15 days. She had tasted blood after a long layover of nine months and certainly didn't enjoy the brief gap. It turned out that Shrini got an opportunity to be with Mayuri the second weekend after we landed in the US. Rohini had to meet some friends over that weekend so she decided to stay at her place all by herself while Shrini decided to stay at our place for the weekend as his work required him to be present in the San Francisco area for any escalation over the weekend. I anticipated this session to be an extremely hot one since Mayuri had been longing this for more than a week but wasn't sure if it would indeed be as intense and long as Shrini was overworked ever since he got back from vacation. I wanted to watch them mate but knew there was no way to spy on them. Unlike our previous apartment the master bedroom was upstairs - we were living in a town house - and the windows were facing exterior of the building and there was absolutely no way to peek inside the bedrooms. The bed was much farther from the door and hence there was very little hope of overhearing them, unless they made loud noises or yelled. I did some research on the Internet and found a very nice way of using cell phone as an eavesdropping device. It was a risky strategy but I wasn't too concerned about getting caught by Mayuri as she very well knew my desire to eavesdrop on them. On that Friday, I reached home a little earlier and after a little foreplay with Mayuri got down to my work. The equipment was ready and needed to be located at the right place so that I could hear them in the act. The bedside table was the right place but it could be conspicuous if they made love with the lights on. I didn't believe they would - if at all the bedside lamp would be on. Shrini arrived a little after 10:00 and soon sat down for dinner. Mayuri as his obedient mistress set the dinner table and served food for him that she had already prepared. Shrini never gulped his food down unlike Mayuri and I, who were very quick with dinners. He liked to usually have his food watching TV without getting disturbed. Mayuri came into our guest bedroom after a little chitchat with him. "He is here, honey," she whispered closing the door behind her. "He is here to mount your wife," she said giggling and gave an open mouthed kiss. She pulled me down as she sat on the bed saying, "Come, and quickly prepare me for him." She was wearing another of her favorite night gowns that I had given her as a gift on one of our anniversaries. All I had to do was slid my hand up, push aside the gusset and drive my tongue into the folds of her vagina. She didn't need any lubrication as her vagina was extremely wet and soppy. Nevertheless, I obediently licked her up for the next fifteen minutes until she thought she was ready for Shrini's onslaught. As she stepped out into the living room downstairs, I hurriedly setup the phone near the bedside and hoped that Mayuri and Shrini don't notice it. Mayuri took a few minutes to clean up the table and tidy up the kitchen before she joined him on the sofa. While at the sofa, they didn't talk much but just watched the program on TV. They didn't stay there for long and soon moved to our master bedroom. "You look gloomy," Mayuri broke the silence. I could hear pretty well through the cell phone, although they weren't exactly near the phone. Shrini didn't respond. "Don't worry," she added cheering him up, "this sexy lady is here to help you relax." "What's up?" "Still having problems with your boss?" she said. The sound of the creaking bed let me know that they moved to the bed. "I am not sure, I will get the promotion," he said in despair. "Why do you give up?" "It is not just about work." "I know." "Rohini, isn't willing?" "Don't think so," he responded dryly. "Not sure if that would tilt the scales." "Well, your other wife will surely tilt the scales," she said sexily. "I can't let that happen," Shrini responded. "You are too possessive," she responded. There was some silence and then I heard sounds of lips smacking. It seemed like an elaborate kiss as the silence and slurping sound lasted a lot longer than I had anticipated. "Wow, you are too hot," said Mayuri breaking the kiss. "Looks like Rohini is not taking good care of your needs," she added. "While she is a good wife, she never could live up to my expectations in the bedroom." "And you are pretty sure, she wouldn't live up to the expectations of your boss?" she asked. "She is not determined and she is definitely not the type." "Rohini is almost 37 and certainly doesn't have the libido to satisfy his needs." "He needs a young woman and preferably white woman." "Indians have a fetish for white skin," said Mayuri. "And older men, all over the world, are ever willing to mount a woman half their age!" "It's true," responded Shrini. "The story, however, is much complex." "Powerful men," he exhaled, "need precious belongings of others." "They only choose worthy baits." "Married women, who are young, demure, and yet willing to experiment in the bedroom." "Hmm..." said Mayuri, perhaps as she took his penis in her mouth. "What do you want today?" "Want to hump my face?" "Or should I just rim you?" "Do you agree," he asked her. "You seem to describe yourself," giggled Mayuri. "Instead of spending your nights with your middle aged wife, you prefer to mount your friend's young wife." "What's worse," she added, "You impregnate her and expect your friend to raise your child." "There is a difference, though." "When you would be her age, your passion for sex would not wane, perhaps subside a little." "Even then most would prefer a woman of age 25 over a woman of age 37." "Perhaps true about older men," responded Shrini. "Let me hump you," he said nonchalantly, "Rimming may not be a good idea." "Are you ready for it all the way?" he asked. "Yes, I almost skipped dinner." "Go slow, however," she urged him. I heard some rustling of bed sheets as they arranged themselves in right position for her face fuck. It seemed like a very important ordeal for Shrini and perhaps these were the perks that tethered him to her even after his excitement for conquest subsided. I wished to witness this piece of action as it very clearly depicted how she placed her bull on higher pedestal over her husband. It surprised me how close they had gotten as the conversation seemed very similar to the conversation between amorous couples who have shed all inhibitions. Mayuri was willing to bed his boss to advance his career and it seemed they had contemplated for a few days, if not weeks. What surprised me was that she didn't mind Rohini's unwillingness to help Shrini and instead volunteered to even take her place in that regard. It seemed Rohini had never met any of his colleagues, otherwise such a move could never be considered. In essence, I was surprised with my naivety and wowed to keep a close eye on the action between Mayuri and Shrini. For the next five or ten minutes, I only heard some moaning sounds and the sounds of slurping saliva. Towards the end the bed creaked a lot more than one would expect during a face fuck. However, having witnessed the action once and my wife's willingness, I knew that this was normal. "Hmmm..." I heard sound of Mayuri after a while, "you certainly must have enjoyed that. I could have let you deposit your stuff in my throat but it needs to the right place for now." "Where is the lubrication," he asked. "Don't worry about that," she responded. "The thoughts of your boss mounting me have already provided enough lubrication," she chuckled. "You are taking it lightly," he said, "It might be very well him pushing his penis inside you." Mayuri grunted as he pushed his penis inside her. "And rightly so," she answered between her moans. "After all he is your boss and you are getting something in return." "You indeed are fairly lubricated," he commented. "Well, both of my husband's keep me fairly busy these days. I am always on the edge," she responded sexily. "Are you serious about romancing my boss?" he asked shafting her. "Yes," she immediately responded. "I do have an interesting idea, though," she grunted. "What?" I heard Shrini ask. "Let's meet him and once he is salivating, drop in the news that I am willing but it has to wait since we are in the middle of starting a family." "That would make him even more aggressive," he said. "Precisely, you can broker the best deal for allowing to mate with your wife during her fertile period." "Obviously, I would already be pregnant before we attempt this." "Would Sameer agree for this?" he asked. "Sameer doesn't have to know. Besides he always relishes the thought of having someone else mate with me." "How long are you willing to entertain him?" he asked. "Till my water tube breaks." "Are you serious?" "The question is are you ready?" "Are you willing to let him mount your mistress?" "More importantly are you willing to accept the promotion and relocate to India?" I was surprised to learn about this new development. I didn't know that Shrini and Rohini were relocating to India. I wondered if that had helped Mayuri in making her mind on starting a family right away. "I don't have a choice," he exhaled. "Either way, I have to move back to India." "It would help to move into a better position; that way I could support our children financially," he said. "So, I am willing to make that happen." "You don't know much about him," said Shrini. "Does it matter?" she quipped. "Good that you are not my wife," he retorted, "You are such a slut." "Huh..." grunted Mayuri, perhaps in response to his sudden plunge into her. "The feeling is mutual," she responded quickly. "You are great fuck but would make a terrible husband." "Don't waste time and fuck me and show that you deserve to father my children," she added. For the next ten minutes, Shrini plowed her pussy and as expected Mayuri was fairly noisy. I always had the urge to see her mate with Shrini secretly and hear every word of their conversation, especially when Mayuri was unaware of my eavesdropping. Today was a very good opportunity and I was glad that I did take initiative and checked the arrangements before. It strangely excited me to learn how uninhibited and willing she was with him. I was waiting to hear the description of his boss; while the thoughts of Mayuri servicing him flashed through my mind. It reminded me of her plans for the black partner from her office; all the two aspects when put together put a doubt in my mind. What if Mayuri only played with that to find out my reaction to her helping Shrini get a promotion? Shrini humped her for a while before releasing his semen inside her. "Did that relax you?" she asked. Shrini didn't reply; perhaps he was still catching his breath. "Tell me about him," she asked. "No don't," she quipped, "Let it soak in." "He is 46. Married for twenty years and has two daughters. Eldest one just turned 18 and youngest is 15." "What about his wife?" "She stays at home and is about his age." "How does he look?" "Not very good looking." "Slightly tall but overweight, bald and dark." "His wife is pretty, though," he added. "What's at stake?" she asked calmly. "If I cooperate then a fairly senior position in the India center. Otherwise, just a management position." "How open are you with him?" "Very open." "He openly demanded it," he said. "He said he wanted to bed your wife." "No." "All he needed was a little excitement in life." "But no prostitutes. Only homely housewives who had normal lives and the kind who would rarely indulge in such things." "Where did he expect to find such women?" asked Mayuri. "In a sense, he implied it had to be my wife!" "For how long?" she asked. "Couple of months, perhaps." "Did you show him my photograph?" she asked. "No, I wasn't sure." It surprised me that Mayuri and Shrini had earlier discussed about this issue and Mayuri had tacitly agreed to help him. At this point, I was quite certain that the black partner from her firm was none but Shrini's boss and they were just testing me. However, Shrini wasn't aware of the fact that I might be awake and hence wasn't certain if Shrini himself was aware of this. I heard slurping sound on the phone and realized that Mayuri was finishing up her mistress duty for the night. I believed, she would spend the night with him but was surprised when I heard her get up and say, "Sleep tight. I need to go fulfill my wifely duties." We continued where she left out and had another night of hot sex, one of the very firsts of that nature under our roof - one after another in a row. Though, Shrini was always the first. to be continued... 5090 1.51/512345
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