Saturday, July 28, 2012
Humiliation at the Jacuzzi
Just a little heads up for how to read this story. This story is SLOW, as in no hardcore sex right off the bat. However, that doesn?t mean it isn?t sexual or that there isn?t any sex. Think of it as a boiling kettle, every scene contains a certain amount of sexual tension. Tension that builds with every passing scene and will eventually culminate in more sexually explicit content. Read this story through and through, slowly. I promise you?ll enjoy it more that way than if you skip around looking for pure sex. You should read this story if you enjoy humiliation, white submission and Black dominance. The following is based on a true story. Humiliation at the Jacuzzi It was 9pm and the sun was just beginning to go down over the horizon at Porto del Sol Resorts, an upscale apartment complex for young professionals, newly weds and rich college students living off of mommy and daddy?s dime. As was usual for a Friday night at Porto del Sol Resorts, the pool area had been a buzz with residents throughout the day, tanning, swimming and barbequing by the water. With the sun beginning to edge down however, most residents began packing up their things and heading back to their apartments, some in order to get ready for bed, others in order to prepare for a long night out on the town. While most residents left the pool area, there were still others who lingered and made their way into the Jacuzzi to enjoy the warm waters against the increasingly cold night air. One Porto del Sol resident who found his way into the hot tub was Kyle Grace, a 21 year old college student from Los Angeles. Kyle was small for his age. At only 5?7? and 130 pounds his small pale white frame did not impress many of his fellow college students and there were many nights Kyle spent alone rubbing his small pink genitals against his bare hands, quickly achieving a pathetically weak orgasm while fantasying about girls in his classes. At 21, Kyle was still a virgin and although unaware of it himself, appeared that way to nearly every girl he ever talked to, including a redheaded girl he had met at the very same Jacuzzi the previous week It had been the previous Friday when the two first met. Kyle had tried to put on his biggest masculine personae and talk his way into the girl?s heart by asking her questions and paying her compliments. With every answer the girl gave however, she seemed more and more interested in talking to her friend Liz, a shapely Blonde who spent most of her time ignoring both her friend and Kyle texting on her phone. Kyle had truly tried desperately to keep the girl?s attention so when she said it was time for her and her friend to go, he knew it was his last chance. ?So um, I really enjoyed talking with you, Ashley, do you think I could have your phone number, so maybe we could like go out sometime?? stammered Kyle as Ashley and Liz prepared to go. ?Oh, yeah, sure, it?s um...2...3...3...5...5...6...1? said Ashley rapping her towel around her waist and gathering her things to go. Kyle was so surprised that this beautiful girl had said yes he could barely contain himself. Kyle waited until both Ashley and Liz had left the pool area completely before quickly toweling himself off and rushing home to write down the girl?s number. It had been months since he had worked up enough nerve to even ask out a girl and even longer since he had gotten an actual number. Kyle quickly wrote it down and planned his next move. It would be too soon to call her now so he decided he would wait until the following afternoon before giving her a call. That night lying in bed Kyle thought about Ashley. She wasn?t like most girls he had known, she was talkative and outgoing, cheerful and laughed a lot. At about 5?9? and 120 Ashley was very curvy and perhaps even a bit stocky though Kyle had noted that she had a perfectly flat stomach and gorgeous C cup breasts. Kyle had never felt breasts before and longed to feel Ashley?s large boobs against his hands. The next morning Kyle thought only of Ashley and what would be a good time to call her. Finally, when he had got home from school at 3pm, he took out her number and tried giving her a call. ?I?m sorry, the number you are trying to reach is no longer in service or has changed. Please hang-up and try the number again? The bad news did not hit Kyle right away. He immediately began retyping the number into his cell phone and dialed again. No luck. Then it hit him, no area code! She had forgotten to give him the area code! Of all the luck! Not one to give up, Kyle resolved to find his mystery girl again and remind her that she had forgotten to give him the correct area code. For every night following their first meeting, Kyle waited by the Jacuzzi for hours, often bringing a book to read in case he got bored. Most nights a few couples were in the hot tub but never his Ashley. Seven long nights had now past since Kyle had seen Ashley and so with it now being Friday night again, Kyle felt confident that tonight was the night he would see his girl again. Kyle played the scene over and over in his head, Ashley would come and sit down next to him and apologize over and over again for not giving him her full number, she would listening intently to his stories and laugh loudly at his jokes, and when the night was over, she would invite him over to a little party her and her friends were having and would wink at him in such a way to let him know that there wasn?t really going to be a party, at least not one with people besides themselves. As Kyle reflected on all of this he began to feel more and more confident that this was his night. Tonight he would reconnect with Ashley and soon the two of them would be going out on dates together like all the couples Kyle saw around school. Kyle slipped into the warm jacuzzi water and began to wait for the beautiful Ashley to make her way to him, sorrowful and apologetic at the way she had neglected to give him her area code number. Just then Kyle heard a bang from across the other side of the pool where the entrance gate was located. Kyle immediately began trying to put on his cool look as if he hadn?t just spent the last 7 nights waiting in the Jacuzzi for a girl he hardly knew. This was it, he thought to himself, tonight was the night he would finally get to be close to a girl, perhaps even kiss her. But this wasn?t it. Instead of Ashley?s beautiful white body coming toward him, Kyle saw a large physical intimidating Black man, wearing dark heavy black swim shorts and carrying a gym bag over his shoulder. Kyle immediately began sinking further into the water, frightened by this large Black Man?s presence and superior body. ?Oh no? he thought. ?How can I talk to Ashley with his guy here, now my chances will be ruined!? underneath the water Kyle?s small white penis began shrinking back inside his body, his small hairless testicles curling up against his body. At 6?2? 150 Derrick was physical large and could be quite intimidating when he wanted to be. His head was completely bald and he wore no facial hair. Despite his hair loss, the 37 yr was a physical powerhouse, had a chiseled chest full of muscles, six pack abs and thick Black arms that were nearly twice the size of Kyle?s wimpy pale white limbs. Derrick casually got into the Jacuzzi and made his way over to Kyle and sat down next to the shy weak white boy now pretending to be asleep. ?You asleep white boy?? Asked Derrick in a voice loud enough to wake Kyle if he had really been asleep. ?Huh, oh yeah, sorry.? The apology came so quickly Kyle hadn?t realized what he was doing and once he had, it was too late. He silently cursed himself for being such a push-over. ?Ahh, it?s such a nice night, isn?t it boy? It really makes you grateful to come home to a great place like this after a long night working donit?? ?Huh? Oh yes. I guess? Kyle meekly replied trying not to stare at Derrick?s large Black chest packed full of chiseled bulging Black muscles. ?You guess? Boy, what do you?? Asked Derrick now turning to face Kyle ?What do I do? I?m, a student? ?I hear that, but what do you do, I mean school ain?t cheap, you must afford it somehow right?? ?My parents pay for it? said Kyle quickly before realizing the trap into which he had fallen and the humiliating piece of personal information he had just given away. ?Shit, you mean yo? mommy and daddy pay for everything? You don?t work at all?? asked Derrick incredulously. ?Yes? was all Kyle could muster. ?Shit boy, when I was your age I was working two jobs and still had time to go to college and fuck plenty of white pussy on the weekends. Yo? must have some pretty gump-ass parents to get them to pay for everything while you sit back and don?t do shit!? Ignoring the slam against his parents, Kyle countered by saying that school was hard and required a lot of time, but deep down he knew Derrick was right. In many ways he was still a little boy who had to go to his mommy and daddy every time he wanted money. Kyle hung his head and could not bare to look up at Derrick, even as the Black man began walking around the Jacuzzi purposely bumping into Kyle?s feet and legs. ?Shit, yo white boys are all the same, no heart, no guts, balls! ?That?s not true? Kyle found himself saying. ?I to have guts.? ?Oh yeah white boy, then prove it to me, prove to me yo got guts and you ain?t some bitch ass gump.? A part of Kyle realized that this was a trap, that he didn?t have to prove his manhood to this stranger but at the moment it happened he was so caught up that he blurted out ?Try me!? ?All right boy, if you ain?t such a bitch ass momma?s boy, why don?t you try hitting on the next fine lady who makes her way here. The first to get her name and number ain?t no bitch.? ?Oh that?s easy? said Kyle thinking of Ashley?s long shapely white legs and soft delicate features. ?But there?s a catch boy!? Said Derrick with a gleam in his eye ?Yo gots to do it not wearing nothing! You feel me? You got to take off those shorts and get close to her nak-ed, you feel me? You do thatand you ain?t no bitch ass white boy, I guarantee it!? A pang of excitement ran trough Kyle?s body as the words raced through his head ?naked? ?in public? ?naked in front of girls, naked in front of Ashley?? Derrick began thinking to himself as Kyle was mulling over his challenge. ?Shit, what a pathetic white boy, I could have him up my room no time, ass up, face down crying for mommy, shit, I?d really enjoy pounding his white asshole, no doubt!? ?All right I?ll do it, but you have to promise you?ll do it too.? ?No doubt, little man, let?s just see those shorts come off? said Derrick, then added ?Now!? when he noticed Kyle was beginning to hesitate. Kyle fished his hands under the water and found the draw strings of his swim shorts, he tugged gently and they fell open. He was wearing solid white shorts with a surfing design on one pants leg and a logo on the other. Kyle looped his fingers down into the waist band of his shorts and began tugging them down. The shorts made their way around his small plump white ass making it more difficult for Kyle to pull them off. Then almost a second later they were off, his small white dicklet swaying freely in the water. Kyle continued to remove his shorts and snaked them around his feet, completely removing them leaving his small white body entirely naked in this very public setting. With the sun having already gone down and the bubbles from the Jacuzzi firing into the water, there was no risk of anyone seeing his pathetically small white penis but still Kyle couldn?t help but feel vulnerable and weak in front of the still very clothed and very confident Black man who was now staring down at him salaciously. ?A-A-A-All right, t-t-t-there, are you h-h-happy n-now?? whimpered Kyle placing his swim trunks against the side of the pool. ?I think it?s your turn now? but even before Kyle could get the words out, another clang from across the pool area rang out signaling the arrival of more people. Kyle immediately dived for his discarded swim trunks but found they were gone. He looked up into Derrick?s smiling malicious eyes, his swim trunks dangling from his massive black Hand. ?Catch!? said Derrick and threw Kyle?s white swim trunks across the Jacuzzi into the water fountain some 15 feet away. Kyle started to stand up but already he could hear the voices of two laughing, giggling white teenage girls making their way towards him. He sat back down into the Jacuzzi, his face burning with shame and humiliation. ?Welcome ladies, so kind of you to join us.? Said Derrick, holding out his large thick arms in greeting. ?What brings you out tonight?? ?Oh we?re just checking out the pool, we?re new here, just moved in. This is my friend Liz and my name is Ashley.? Kyle watched helplessly as both girls made their way into the warm Jacuzzi, the full realization of what was happening beginning to sink in. Kyle watched as Ashley, a stunning white skinned redheaded girl of about 18 made her way into the pool. She wore a thick black bikini and black nail and toe polish. She was curvy but not fat. Her long tight midsection was soft and flat and shown no signs of fat or lack of exercise. Ashley carried most of her weight in her enormous milky white breasts which shock and jostled whenever she moved or spoke animatedly. She had short red hair and full pink lips. Her face was covered in light freckles and she wore a nose ring along with several earrings and an ankle bracelet around her thick yet shapely leg. Accompanying Ashley was her friend Liz. While Ashley was curvy and shapely in all the right places, Liz?s body was tight and fit and showed signs of exercise and an a healthy diet. Kyle noticed that Liz had the slight outline of six pack abs and her long slender white legs where toned and fit. Liz wore a thin pink bikini and had long natural blonde hair with bright blue eyes. Her nails were finely polished and acrylic white like Britney spears has. Liz was also more tan than Ashley. While Ashley?s skin was pale and white as snow, Liz had a light tan that gave her body a certain glow as she slowly made her way into the Jacuzzi. While Ashley activily engaged Derrick in conversation, Liz completely ignored them both while she texted on her cell phone. Everybody ignored Kyle. ?It?s good to meet you ladies, my name is Derrick? he said extending his hand and greeting both of the pretty young white girls with a large outstretched Black hand. Kyle dared not move and so did not introduce himself, naturally the girls totally ignored him. ?I was just saying what a wonderful night it was? ?OhMyGod, totally? bubbled Ashley, lighting up and smiling at Derrick. ?Liz and I were just at the gym, I?m so totally glad we came here tonight, I really enjoy living here.? ?You?re new?? ?Yup! Just moved in last week. We got a two bedroom place, Liz is staying with her boyfriend and I?m in the other bedroom, we like it? ?I see he don?t let you get away long does he?? said Derrick to Liz as she continued to text away at her phone. ?Huh? Oh shit, sorry, yeah, my stupid boyfriend, always calling me. He?s working late tonight and always wants to talk, I don?t know it?s stupid.? ?Nah, I get it, man wants to make sure his girl is taken care of, I respect that? said Derrick now looking back at Ashley. The young girl blushed and smiled. ?So what do you do mister?? Asked Ashley unconsciously admiring Derrick?s hard Black body. ?I?m a fitness trainer, I own my own gym, Right Track.? ?Oh right on, Liz is always trying to get me into the gym, I don?t know, I find it a little boring if you ask me, no offense, plus with these it?s kind of hard to work out? Said Ashley grabbing her two large white breasts in both hands and giving them a gentle squeeze. Kyle bit his lower lip not liking where this was going. ?Oh you shouldn?t worry about that, we?ve got all types of clothes fit especially for women of your particular curves. I must say I do appreciate a woman with a little extra up top and you ma?am are very pretty, for a white girl.? ?You old flirt? teased Ashley playfully smacking Derrick on the arm. ?If you don?t mind me asking, are you single?? asked Ashley as Derrick began pulling out an ice cold beer and popped the top. ?Well, I guess you could call me that, yes.? Replied Derrick noticing the surprise and excitement in both Ashley and Liz?s eyes. ?Hey, you never said you had beer!? ?Oh didn?t I? must have slipped my mind.? said Derrick in a playful knowing way. ?Um, do you think you could give us one?? said Ashley, glancing down into the water hoping this gorgeous Black Man standing in front of her wouldn?t ask the question. ?Well, now, that depends, are you two ladies both 21?? ?Almost, honest!? Replied Ashley eager to appease Derrick. ?Well, now, almost is not, is it? How old are you really? You wouldn?t want me to get in trouble now would you?? ?I?m 18 and Liz just turned 19? said Ashley eyeing Derrick?s beer jealously. ?Well, I don?t know, it?s illegal for me to sell beer to a minor? said Derrick jokingly. ?Hey, who said anything about selling?? whined Ashley. ?You?re right, but I wouldn?t feel right about giving beer ?Oh come on mister, we?re responsible!? said Ashley absent mindedly twisting her hair around her finger as she watched Derrick enjoy his beer. ?Not kids huh? Well let?s see...come here? Derrick motioned Ashley to come closer and he gently wrapped his hand around her upper arm whispering into her ear. As Derrick spoke a smile slowly began to creep across Ashley?s soft white features. Her smile soon turned into a grin and she slowly began nodding and finally began biting her lower lip as Derrick sat back in a self satisfied way, sipping his beer. ?Oh, my god, that would be so naughty!? snickered Ashley playfully looking at Derrick. ?Shit, I?ll do it. I don?t give a fuck. It?s whatever, if it?s for a beer. ?What did he say?? asked Liz suddenly looking up from her phone. Ashley began to giggle as she casually looked over at Kyle still in the far corner of the Jacuzzi, his hands covering plunged deep into the water in a desperate attempt to hide his unferior manhood. Ashley began whispering into Liz?s ear as she continued to stare into Kyle?s eyes. ?OhMyGod! And you?re going to do it?? cried Liz, shocked. ?Yeah I am, I don?t care!? replied Ashley and then under her breath so only Kyle and Liz could hear ?Plus he?s super Hawt! Don?t you think?? Both Liz and Ashley looked over at Derrick who was now smiling with the self satisfaction of having overheard Ashley?s last statement but being too tactful to let her know it. ?Shit girl, you do it if you want to? Said Liz quickly trying to cover for her friend and act cool about it to Derrick at the same time. ?I?m gonna? replied Ashley slowly wading over to Derrick and sitting down next to him. ?It?s just that they are tied on so tight I don?t think I could ever manage it? said Ashley throwing her hands behind her head and closing her eyes, and then peeking over at Derrick and giving him a devilish smile. Astonished, Kyle watched as Derrick?s large Black hand made it?s way under the water and found the draw string on Ashley?s bikini bottom. Ashley pretended not to be watching his hand but she couldn?t help but look as the small black draw strings began to contract into a small and smaller bow before finally falling apart completely, the ends falling away loosely in the water. A high pitched yet clearly suppressed giggle of excitement and anticipation escaped Ashley?s mouth. The giggle soon died and was replaced with restrained laughter and girlish giggling as Ashley threw her head back and yelled ?OhMyGod!? as she timidly placed both her hands under the water. Still too nervous to look directly at Derrick, Ashley began to remove her bikini bottoms and slid them off her feet. Then, slowly she turned to face Derrick holding her black bikini bottoms in her outstretched hands, loose and wet with water. Timidly Ashley held her bathing suit up for Derrick, showing him that she had done it. ?Allright, allright. Fair?s fair. Fair enough. You my young lady are entitled to one cold beer? said Derrick smiling and taking Ashley?s bikini bottoms from her and placing them on the far side of his gym bag on the side of the Jacuzzi. Derrick began looking inside the bag for another beer. ?Wait!? shouted Liz putting down her phone and sitting up. ?I uh, shit, I think I want a beer too.? ?Oh, you want a beer now too huh?? Said Derrick, smiling to himself. ?Yeah, I...uh...think I want a beer? said Ashley as her hands slowly made their way down her tan stomach, her manicured fingers edging shyly along her tight flat white stomach towards her small pink bikini bottoms. ?Well go on girl!? Liz nervously looked down into the warm Jacuzzi water, her fingers poised at the bands of her bikini bottoms. Then slowly she looked up, her thumb and forefingers looping around the bands of her panties, easing them down. Liz looked directly at Ashley and Derrick as she slipped her bikini bottoms down off, and around her long white legs, then shyly she handed them to Ashley, never breaking her gaze with Derrick?s strong dark gaze. Ashley held Liz?s bikini in her hand, first looking up at Liz and then down at the small pink panties. She began fingering the draw strings as she turned around and handed the bikini bottoms to Derrick who had still not broken eye contact with Liz. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Kyle and Liz, Derrick spoke. ?Shit, girl, I appreciate you offering and all but that deal I made with yo? friend was a one time deal. You should have spoken up earlier if you wanted beer, we could have worked something out!? ?jeeeesssuusssss!? exclaimed Liz incredulously. ?HaHaHa? laughed Derrick as Ashley suppressed a snicker and Liz sullenly cast her eyes down again into the water.?Oh come now, I didn?t say you couldn?t have one, shit I?ll give you one, but seeing as how you ain?t 21 yet I think it right we work out some sort of deal? ?Absolutely!? chimed in Ashley who was now enjoying the playful teasing of her best friend. ?Why didn?t you say anything before, Ash?? whimpered Liz. ?Hey man, ask the dude with the beers? laughed Ashley. ?But hey, I?m sure you can work something else out, right?? ?Absolutely, Ash? replied Derrick smiling at his subtle manipulation of the two girls. ?Ooh, I know, said Ashley suddenly. She turned and whispered in Derrick?s ear, her eyes momentarily flashing over to Kyle for an instant before going back to Derrick. ?You sure?? asked Derrick and Ashley nodded enthusiastically. ?Yeah, okay, I?d go another beer for that? said Derrick. Ashley began wadding over to Liz who moved closer to her friend to receive the instructions. As Ashley whispered into her friend?s ear, Liz?s facial expression changed from one of fear and disappointment to one of sinful and mischievous glee. ?Okay?? asked Ashley. ?Okay? nodded Liz and began tying up her long blonde hair into a pony tail. Ashley smiled at the success of her plan and sat down again, this time much closer to Derrick. Kyle watched as Ashley leaned back and raised a long white leg to the edge of the Jacuzzi. She gentle placed her foot on the edge and slowly began nestling her back up against Derrick?s side for support. Ashley then started to raise her right foot to the surface of the water, her small pink toes just barely breaking the surface before coming to rest on a bed of bubbles. Ashley locked her head against Derrick?s shoulder just above the water line and blissfully closed her eyes. Liz watched her friend and slowly began making her way further into the water, her blonde head hovering just above the water line. Liz gently grasped her friend?s delicately painted foot and with and gingerly lifted it to her mouth. Liz gazed down at Ashley?s cute white little foot, her short painted toes all lined up, two bejeweled with toe rings. As if gently caressing her lover, Liz licked her lips and enveloped one of Ashley?s toes into her soft wet mouth. Ashley let out a moan. A moment later Liz?s mouth broke away from Ashley?s foot, a thin line of salivia connecting the girl?s lips to her friend?s foot. Opening her mouth widely, Liz showed off her prize to Derrick. Clasped gingerly between Liz?s lips was Ashley?s toe ring, a small metal band with a yellow flower printed on the front. Ashley lowered her now naked foot back into the water and pulled herself closer to Liz, her eyes locked on the toe ring in her friend?s mouth. Ashley approached the blonde and rapped her hand around the back of her friend?s neck, anticipating an impassioned embrace. However, right before their lips met both Ashley and Liz looked over at Kyle who was now starring dumbstruck at the two beautiful white girls rapped in lesbian embrace. Ashley turned back to Liz and gently touched her on her chin, turning her face to meet her own. The two girls locked in a single wet kiss, their lips rapping themselves around one another and then immediately breaking free. Ashley turned and handed Derrick the ring taking it from her own mouth as if it were her most previous possession. Derrick took the ring but did not break his gaze which was now trained on Liz as she sat back down, reveling in her own naughtiness. ?Two beers please? said Ashley suddently in a chipper and happy tune. ?Right, well I think you two have certainly earned that much, let me see what we have here. Derrick began rummaging through his gym bag. ?Shit? he said. Wouldn?t you know it. It seems I only got the one beer, would you girls mind sharing?? Both Ashley and Liz looked at each other flashing expressions of anger but were quickly nullified and burst out laughing together. ?Shit yeah dude? said Ashley ?We can share.? ?Well, you?ll have to cause I only got the one, but listen, I?ll make sure you both get an equal amount okay?? ?How?? asked Ashley. ?Well come here and I?ll show you. You too Liz.? Both Liz and Ashley made their way over to Derrick hungrily awaiting their beer. ?Okay, in order for this to work, you both have got to stand real still. That?s it, now hold your hands up. Nice, okay now I want you both to open your mouths, yes, that?s it, wider, wider, wider Liz, good girl, now close your eyes.? ?Derrick moved in front of Liz and Ashley blocking Kyle?s view. He popped the can and began tipping it into Ashley?s gaping mouth. The beer splattered into Ashley?s open mouth and sprayed her face. When Derrick had filled Ashley?s mouth he stopped pouring the beer and allowed her to swallow. He repeated the process with Liz but suddenly the young girl gagged, spilling the beer into the Jacuzzi . Rather than get upset however, Liz quickly reassumed her position crouching beneath Derrick as he held the beer can over Ashley?s mouth. Again he filled the redhead?s mouth but this time when it was filled he said ?Don?t swallow Ashley, why don?t you give it to Liz? She ain?t had any yet. ?Mmkkhkh? mouthed Ashley unable to close her mouth. Derrick watched as Ashley slowly tipped her mouth and began spilling the beer into her friend?s open mouth. Liz swallowed happily and again resumed her subservient position beneath Derrick, head held back, mouth open, eyes closed. Derrick poured the remaining drops of beer into Ashley and Liz?s wide open mouths like there were big white funnels. He enjoyed watching as the two girls gleefully swallowed down the rich yellow liquid, both truly enjoying their lewd feeding. End of part one. 31877 1.80/512345
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