Friday, July 27, 2012
Heather and James
The phone hasn?t rung all night. I keep staring at it as if it?s going to speak to me. The house is silent except for the tinkling of the tiny bell attached to my cock and balls and Beth filing her long nails while the TV drones in the background. Heather and James have been on vacation for the past week in the Bahamas, while I have been home working like a dog to pay for their vacation and making sure all their wishes are met when they come home. When they left a week ago, Heather left me a long two page list of things she wanted completed this week in addition to me working my two jobs. She also left her best friend Beth to watch over me. The list seemed endless, paint and entirely redecorate their bedroom, move all of James? remaining things into the house and cancel the lease on his apartment, laundry, cleaning, waxing James? truck, refinishing the basement into a ?man cave? for James? pleasure and entertainment, and the list went on from there. I hadn?t heard from either James or Heather for the entire week and I must admit I longed to hear either of their voices. It?s weird how you come to depend on someone once you fully give yourself over to them as I?ve done with Heather and James. I depend on them for everything, from finances to emotional dependence of pleasing them. Since James moved in, he and Heather have proceeded to take my submission to new levels that even I never thought I could reach. Shortly after moving in, Heather thought it would be fun to show James ways in which she had humiliated me in the early years of our marriage. One of her favorites was to show James humiliating ways in which she had trained me to cum. One of her favorites was that she had trained me early on to cum in a most humiliating way, only after I had pleased her. After I had made her cum, sometimes two or three times, she would grab the remote control and being channel surfing and say, ?okay your turn.? At that point, while she lay on her back, totally ignoring me while she flipped through the channels, I would assume my position on all fours next to her on the bed, and attempt to put my balls in her outstretched hand. If she were in a good mood she might open and close her hand a bit, or if she was in a really good mood she would jiggle her hand around with my balls in them like she was rolling a pair of dice. Most times though she would merely lay there more interested in what was on TV than what was going on with me. I would place my balls in her hand and hump her arm while she lay there. During our early years she would talk to me and get me so worked up and excited that it didn?t take long for me to cum. As the years passed she had trained me over time to cum with little or no participation from her and to do it quickly. If I failed to cum in what she considered enough time, she would simply remove her hand and roll over on the bed, leaving me to hump the bed and cum that way. I soon learned to acquiesce to her demands and basically cum on demand. Heather thought this to be rather amusing and powerful, something she could flaunt over me. That she could make me cum on demand within a few seconds secured her ever growing power over me. Most nights after I had cum in this most humiliating of ways, I would be required to lick Heather?s arm clean of my cum and then go get a wash cloth and wash her arm clean. I was not however allowed to clean or wipe any cum that had landed on the sheets, which I was required to sleep in. After a time, Heather began to enjoy her domination over and found more ways to humiliate me with her making me cum on demand. Some days she would have me clean the house naked and she would call me over to stand next to her while she lay on the couch and merely put her hand out. I knew what this meant and would immediately get into position and make myself cum while she watched TV and laughed. When it was over, she?d pat me on the head like a dog and say, ?good boy, now back to your cleaning.? Of course she would sometimes make me hold off for a month or more and I would be so excited that the minute my balls touched her hand I would shoot. She loved this and seemed to revel in her control over me. I once heard her tell a girlfriend on the phone that she had trained me to cum without even touching my cock, a detail both of them seemed to find very amusing! And so it was that this was to continue once James became a permanent fixture in our home. Many nights after the two of them had fucked themselves silly and covered my sheets with cum, and after I had cleaned both of them, Heather would say in her most sadistic voice, ?does Tinkerbelle want to cum?? Of course she knew the answer and she was would proclaim, ?James watch this pathetic show!? James would turn on his side and watch as Heather lay on her back in her old ways and put her hand out. I would scurry to her side on all fours and place my balls in her hand, sometimes only humping once or twice before shooting all over. Heather would then take her cum covered arm and wipe it over my face and hair and say, ?night Tinkerbelle, me and the real man of the house are going to bed!? Off they would saunter to their bedroom while I lay there in their cum soaked sheets, my hair and face covered in my own cum! This ritual would repeat itself in a variety of forms. Heather and James revealed our special relationship to only some of their closest friends as we live in a very small town and word travels fast. One of Heather?s closest friends was Beth who she had been best friends with since kindergarten. There was no secret the two of them did not share. Beth was single and lived about an hour away from us and she would visit often with her then boyfriend Thomas. Physically, Beth was nothing like Heather. She was extremely tall, and rubenesque or what many would consider a BBW or big beautiful woman, she had long blonde hair and huge tits and had a pretty face. Heather used to joke and say guys didn?t care about Beth?s being overweight as long as they got to see her tits and fuck her! However Beth?s attitude was the most striking feature of her personality. She would walk into a room and carried the air and attitude of a bitchy runway model. Prior to James moving in, Beth and Thomas and Heather and I would go out like normal couples and have dinner and drinks and enjoy each others company. Heather did confide in Beth about our sex life and how she had trained me to cum on demand. One night when the four of us were together enjoying the hot tub, Thomas excused himself to go to the bathroom. Out of nowhere, Heather said that she had been telling Beth all about making me cum on demand and she wanted me to show her. She told me to stand show her and that I was to cum before Thomas got back from the bathroom or there would be serious consequences to pay. I obediently stood and got out of the hot tub so as not to get my cum in the water. Standing next to the hot tub, I lowered my swim trunks as Heather reached her arm over the side and held her hand palm up. Immediately I squatted and placed my balls in Heather?s palm. Beth squealed with laughter as I began to hump, while Heather casually sipped her wine. Within four strokes I could feel myself shooting all over. I could also see Thomas coming through the kitchen back towards the deck. I finished and pulled my swim trunks up quickly and handed Heather a towel. Her and Beth exchanged smiles and smirks and I quickly excused myself as Thomas made his way back into the tub, saying I had to go to the bathroom. Heather and James seemed to revel in their ability to humiliate and degrade me in a number of ways. After James moved in whenever Beth would visit, she had since broken up with Thomas; they would continue their little game. Heather of course couldn?t wait to bring Beth up to speed on everything that had transpired since James had come into our lives. Like I said earlier, the two had no secrets from each other and so Beth new about our new arrangement as well as my new attire around the house, bell and all. They delighted in having Beth over and while the three of them watched a movie consuming gourmet snacks that I?d prepared, they would call me in, pause the movie and Heather would make me cum on demand and the three would roar with laughter and continue watching their movie while I cleaned up. Once when Beth was over she brought up the question to Heather and James as to whether I could only cum on demand in Heather?s hand or did it matter whose had it was. I was once again summoned into the living room and Heather told me of Beth?s question and said we were going to test out her thesis. Beth was wearing tight jeans, and a tight tube top with no bra and plenty of cleavage spilling out. She motioned for me to come over to her and held her palm out. As I was naked all I had to do was squat down and let my balls fall into her palm. As my balls touched her big hand I could feel myself beginning to cum, it was amazingly like nothing I had ever felt before. It was as if my cock and balls were even tinier as they lay in her huge hand. I?m not sure if it was that sensation or her cleavage or the combination of everything, but almost as soon as my balls touched her hand I shot a huge load all over. Beth squealed with laughter as Heather and James grinned at each other like proud parents. I immediately fell to my knees and began licking the cum from Beth?s arm and then scampered to the bathroom and returned with a warm wash cloth. They were all in hysterics as I cleaned Beth?s arm, Heather said, ?well I guess that solves that!? and hit the play button on the remote and the three of them continued watching their movie. There would be many more repeat performances like that one and many more humiliating. Once when Beth was at the house for a large summer picnic, she ordered me into the bathroom with her and while she sat and peed she commanded me to cum on demand for her. Embarrassingly I did so and was then told to wipe her after she had finished. After that I would hear Heather and Beth talking and giggling on the phone all the time. Soon afterwards, Beth became more aggressive towards me and visited more often. It was as if I had become some mouse in a game of cat and mouse, where Beth enjoyed tormenting and playing with me almost as much as Heather and James did. Beth would spend weekends at our house sometimes when Heather and James were away and she would torment me unmercifully, finding new and exciting ways to humiliate and degrade me. Aside from making me cum on demand with my balls in her hand, Beth devised another method that thrilled her and always made her laugh. One night while Heather and James were away and Beth was at the house, she had me kneeling on the floor massaging her feet, sucking on her toes, when she began to play with my balls with her foot. I immediately became aroused and wanted to cum so badly, Beth sensed my desire. I began to hump her foot, and then her leg and the next thing I knew I was humping Beth?s leg like a dog while she sat and watched TV, munching on corn chips and salsa. The feeling inside began to build and I knew what was about to happen. In a flash I came all over Beth?s lower leg. She squealed with delight and told me to lick it all off. After cleaning Beth?s leg it was like she couldn?t get enough of humiliating me. I humped her foot, her calf, and her thigh within the next few hours. Each time licking and swallowing my own cum for her delight and benefit. Heather and James would return home late one night to find me lying face down, spread eagled on the living room carpet while Beth toyed with my balls with her foot, making my bell ring as I shot all over. ?Well I guess you two have been having some fun while we were gone,? Heather squealed as she came into the room. I sprang to my feet in embarrassment, my tiny cock still dribbling cum from it as James just shook his head in disbelief and said, ?Tinkerbelle, get the luggage out of the car.? ?Yes sir,? was all I could muster as a response and started to put my shorts on when Heather said, ?No Tinkerbelle I want you to go get the luggage just like that!? I was mortified but knew better than to disobey. I was so thankful that it was late at night and hopefully no one would see me. Hurrying outside, I slipped the keys into the trunk of Heather?s BMW and lifted the trunk lid grabbing luggage with a furry hoping to have to only make one trip. Loaded down with luggage, I raced back into the house naked with my bell ringing all the way. After unpacking all their luggage, starting what would be loads of laundry, and following Heather and James around the house while they inspected my work, I was told to make them all drinks while they showed Beth pictures of their trip in James? newly constructed ?man cave.? Walking gingerly down the stairs carrying the tray with their drinks and some snacks, I could hear them laughing and talking, going on and on about what a great trip it had been. The three of them heard my bell tinkling and looked up with amusement. I served them drinks and set the snacks down on the table and took my place kneeling at Heather?s feet. ?Ma?am would you like me to massage you tired feet?? ?Well Tinkerbelle, Beth?s been telling us about all the fun you two have been having while we were gone and we thought it would be fun if you put on a little show and show us all you?ve learned!? ?Yes Ma?am? was all I could mutter. For the next hour, the three of them laughed and drank as Beth put me through my paces. She showed them how I humped her foot, her ankle, her calf, her thigh, how I would squat and she would brush my balls with her incredibly long fingernails and I would shoot, how I would lay face down and she would touch my balls with her foot and I would cum. All without ever touching my cock! She even showed them a new trick she had trained me to perform. Making me squat down on the floor, Beth produced a metal cigar tube and proceeded to place a condom on it and lube it up and then very gently she shoved it up inside me. What I felt was a mixture of pain, excitement, embarrassment, and relief. Sliding it in and out of me it took only a few seconds before my cock was shooting cum all over the rug. Heather and James roared with laughter as they watched the show! Sliding the tube out of my ass, Beth handed it to me to dispose of, while she leaned back on the couch, lit the cigar, lifted her brandy and toasted Heather and James. 8057 1.22/512345
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