Tuesday, July 24, 2012
TOUCH My wife and I have been married for just over nine years and we have a good relationship. We have always been faithful to each other and although the subject of swinging has been broached and fantasised about the actual act is far from a reality. My wife is 31, tall, slim with lovely legs and small breasts, she is very attractive and often turns heads when out and about. She is also very flirtatious and takes any opportunity at parties to perform to onlooking husbands with suggestive talk and accidental touches. She has a knack of ensuring the situation is safe avoiding any unwanted gropes by never being stuck alone with any individual or group of men without the restraint of myself or there wives. It is all fairly innocent as there is no suggestion of anything more than what they are offered, just a means of titillating for both parties.I personally love it as it is a form of compliment to me as I know she is my wife and it is me she will go home with. The added bonus is that it makes her very horny and sex when we get home is always hot and rampant. But During our marriage there has been a few instances which have come very close to the mark. They have all been one offs and never pursued although some I have sort of instigated and all of them I could have stopped but chose not to. As I've said, we don't swing but the presence of others and chanced upon sexual encounters have occasionally crept into our relationship and it is probably better for it. This is the first time anything ever happened to us of a sexual nature and in some ways started the ball rolling as far as I was concerned. We had been married about 4 years, had no kids and loved to party. **************************** It was a pre-Christmas office party at a company a close friend of ours worked at. Although we only knew our friend and his wife, after a few drinks to loosen us up we were chatting with various people we had been introduced too. There was one particular man called Albert that had taken a shine to Alison, my wife. He was a fairly chubby short man in his mid forties, brash and exceptionally lecherous. He was probably an attractive man in his youth, but good living had taken its toll. His wife was about his age but was his complete opposite. She was timid and well kept, spoke to few people and on the few times I tried, I quickly ran out of pleasantries. She seemed to tolerate her husbands lechery, sitting quietly on her own why he chatted, laughed and drank with with any woman that wouldn't manage to get away from his wandering hands. He had first spotted and moved over to Alison when the party had been going a while and we had all had a fair few drinks. I had just gone to the bar to top us up, leaving her standing with our friends by the dance floor. While waiting for the drinks I saw her introduced to him and being dragged off for a dance. She was making polite conversation as she danced, looking unbelievably sexy in her long, low cut evening dress. By the second dance she was staring to really get in the swing of it gyrating her hips while she rested her hands on his shoulders his eyes fixed to her body, grabbing her hips with both hands to help them sway. They danced like this for another two dances, but when the music slowed she declined his requests to continue and returned to our group. As the party wound down we headed back to our friends house, who lived round the corner, as we were staying there the night. This was a common arrangement whenever we came into town for a night out with them as they had a large three bedroom flat. They had dragged a group of their friends back to continue the party there, amongst whom was Albert and his wife. During the remainder of the evening Albert sat opposite Alison, taking any opportunity, as she moved, to look up her dress and catch a sigh of her knickers. Alison was surprisingly unhelpful, only giving him a glance by accident every now and then as she moved to giggle with the two women sitting either side of her. I could see in his face this was making him even more turned on, but I'm sure she was unaware of the whole thing, as thats not really her thing. As people started to leave we headed of to our beds, leaving a rather pissed and frustrated looking Albert in the same seat he had been in all evening. We were also rather drunk, dropped our clothes in a heap, jumped into bed, fondled a bit and although with great intent on something more, fell asleep. I woke up some time during the night dying to go to the toilet, cursing not going before I went to sleep. I staggered out to the toilet and was glad of the release, returning to bed awake and rather horny. Alison was lying on her stomach as I slid back under the covers, so I took the opportunity to caress her back and then her buttocks. I ran my hand along the inside of her thigh and then up between her buttocks just touching the pubic hair around her soft lips, then over her anus and softly back up her spine. Not even a movement. She was sound asleep, my advances were redundant and my frustrations compounded by the feel of her tender skin. I lay there for what seemed like hours trying to get to sleep or switch my thoughts to other things than this beautiful creature lying naked next to me. I heard a door open down the corridor some movement and then the toilet flush. I listened dreamily to the noises waiting for the door to close again and all return to the sounds of the night. But it never came, and the harder I listened the more I became aware of someone moving near our slightly open door. I slowly opened my eyes and stared over the top of my sleeping wife, peering through the moonlit gloom to see if I could see what was going on. The door was slowly pushed open with a delicate touch and there stood Albert in his dressing-gown. I quickly closed my eyes and lay there, my heart beating fast straining to here and sound. My mind was swimming, why was he here? He must have stayed the night in the other spare room. I opened my eyes just a slit and looked at him once more. He hadn't moved, just standing there holding open the door with one hand and staring straight at the bed. My eyes wanders down Alison still lying on her stomach covered except for one leg that was protruding from its warm haven. Her legs were spread slightly but he couldn't see a thing, only a bit of thigh at most. The thought of him standing there staring at Alison, seemed to stir my previously horny thoughts and I wanted to show him a little more. I figured I couldn't just pull the covers back a bit otherwise he would know I was awake, and I certainly didn't want him to think I was inviting him in. I also didn't want to show too much, it would have been unfair on Alison if I were to expose her fully to this mans stares. Just a bit more thigh and perhaps the hint of her most private parts. The though had make me stiff and my stomach started to tighten as the excitement of the situation rose within me. There was a mirrored wardrobe that ran the length of the room on my side of the bed so I figured if I rolled over I could take a bit of the covers with me and still see him and his face in the mirror with a lot less chance of him seeing I was awake. I could hardly move with the anticipation of what I was about to do. I had never done anything like this before and was sure that Alison would not be please if she knew, but It was just a bit of leg and she had shown a lot more when she was on the beach. But the whole situation seemed sordid and dirty which heightened my sexual arousal. It was decided and I grabbed the covers from underneath, and as naturally as possible rolled to face away from my wife and towards the wardrobe doors. On my way over I grunted a bit, trying to make it sound like deep sleep noises and kept my eyes tightly shut till all seemed calm again, or at least till my heart had stopped making so much noise. I slowly opened them again and peered into the mirror, half expecting Albert to have gone, but he was still there, bold as brass leaning forward though the door staring intently at my wife. I then looked over at her, the mirror view making the room seem that little bit darker, and to my shock I had uncovered her too much. She hadn't moved, her legs spread slightly her delicate white bottom exposed to the air and he was looking right between her legs. Panic set in for a moment, as I wondered what to do. Should I stir and go to sit up like I have just woke to go to the toilet? Maybe roll back over and put my arm around Alison with the covers as if still asleep. I opened my eyes again, after shutting them to collect my thoughts, so as to assess the situation, but it had all changed. Albert was slowly moving towards the bed so I shut my eyes again and panicked a bit more, my heart beating out its loud drum beat, which I was sure he was going to here. I felt him sit gently on the bed and when I eventually opened my eyes to see what was happening I saw his hands softly rubbing Alisons buttock. She didn't stir. I watched, amazed not at what was happening but at how I was feeling. My cock ached with its hardness and my head was swimming with feelings of lust. I was so turned on by the whole thing I was near bursting point. I could see his hand clearly as its snaked around the contours of her buttocks occasionally dipping between them or running gently down the back of her legs. He reached with his other hand into his dressing gown and although I couldn't see, was sure he was stroking himself as he rubbed Alisons buttocks. She was sound asleep still and totally oblivious of the happening around her. I looked up as his face as it stared down with wild eyes at the beautiful sight below him as he caressed the tender flesh exposed to his greedy lust. At that point he glanced in my direction and I closed my eyes tight. My heart raced again, as I wondered if he saw my eyes open, but reassured myself that unless he looking in the mirror there was no way he could tell. I kept my eyes shut straining, to hear every sound. I could feel his slight movement through the bed as he bounded quicker and quicker on his cock. With my eyes shut my mind played with my sexually aroused state as I imagined his fat little fingers parting my wifes lips and pressing themselves into her vagina, feeling the warmth of her inner body. I could resist no more and I slowly opened one eye. The reality was quite different. He had stopped rubbing her and was concentrating on himself with vigour, still staring between her legs. He suddenly moved to stand and I shut my eyes tight once more. I felt his weight press on the bed, a little carelessly, and a small gasp involuntarily escaped his lips. I felt his weight move from the bed once more and then the room fall into silence. I tried to breath normally but my breaths were hard to expel trying to catch the slightest sound. I was sure he was staring straight at me as I tried to relax, sure that my body was about to go into involuntary shakes from the tension it was withholding. I could hear him breathing as he stood next to the bed and my body ached to move. Just as I thought I could hold it no more I heard the faint sounds of his feet on the carpet and then the toilet light being put on. I rolled onto my back and took a deep breath, my heart bounding in my head. I lay there eyes wide open not moving any more until I heard his bedroom door shut. I sat up and glanced over at Alisons still exposed body, noticing her legs had been spread much wider. The crack between her buttocks glistened and I leaned forward to take a closer look. Cum filled the area around her anus and a stream lead between her legs, some getting caught in her pubic hair, the rest making a small pool on the bed sheets. I must have sat there playing for quite a while afterwards, parting her lips with two fingers and pushing the cum from her buttocks so it dribbled past my wifes vaginal entrance, lubricating her dry cunt with Alberts cum. Alison never woke, and after relieving myself I lay awake going over what had happened, sometimes taking my thoughts a little further. It was an experience like I had never had and the sexual tension was just like having sex for the first time. I decided that I wouldn't tell Alison but wanted to do it again, next time with her consent. 3488 1.27/512345
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