Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Fiona, Mike and Me
FIONA, MIKE AND ME I'm really not sure why this happened. I am sure that I have never given anyone any reason to think that I am a wuss, but somehow at least two people came to the conclusion that I was on the wimpy side and that conclusion had some dire results for them. I am a pretty average guy and I have (or had) a pretty average life. A good job that paid all the bills with a little left over to pack into savings. A lovely wife and three great kids, a dog named "Dawg" and a cat named "Flowers." The only thing not average about me was the attitude that I brought with me into my marriage. To put it bluntly - I was a cockhound and I ran with a bunch of cockhounds. We shared girlfriends and it was nothing for me to go to a party with a date and before the night was over turn her over to my buddies for a gangbang or for me to join in as one of their dates pulled a train. I didn't think twice about it because the girls I went with were the kind of girls who did those things. Then I met Fiona and fell ass end over teakettle in love. I quickly found out that Fiona was not the kind of girl I was used to running with and I had to quickly clean up my act. My old buds kept asking me when I was going to give them a taste of Fiona and the honest answer to that was never, but I couldn't tell them that because they were my buds so I just said, "One of these days." It was inevitable that being asked so often when was I going to make Fiona available that I would wonder how she would handle it and how she would look playing with other guys not that it was ever going to happen. We had been married just a little over a year and one night after partying real hard (and with me having a snootfull) Fiona asked me if I had any fantasies and I told her that the only one I'd ever had was seeing her with another guy. She laughed at me and said, "As if!" It was a fantasy and it was never going to happen so I didn't spend any time thinking about it. But it must have tripped something in Fiona because two weeks later when we were making love she asked me who I saw her with. I had never pictured her with anyone in particular, but I sensed that that wasn't what she wanted to hear so I thought back to the last party we had been to and who she had danced with more than once and I remembered that she had danced four times with Jimmy Breilow so I told her that it was Jimmy. She clamped her legs tight around me and moaned: "Fuck me Jimmy. Fuck me hard and make me cum while Rob sits in the chair and watches." It happened again several times over the next year and I would always give her the name of some one she had recently been around. And then Fiona became pregnant with Cindy and the role play, if that is what it was, came to an end. A year after Cynthia Elise arrived Fiona had Michael Robert and two years after Mikey she had Frederick William and at that point we decided that three was enough and I had a vasectomy and my fantasy was never mentioned again. I guess that the place to start is where it started and that was the day that the youngest started school full time. Fiona decided that with the kids gone during the day she was going to go back to work. She landed a job as a receptionist/file clerk/bookkeeper at a local newspaper - one of those weeklies that get tossed in your driveway for free. She enjoyed getting out of the house, meeting people and making some money of her own. Her hours were usually 8 to 5, but occasionally she had to work late when special sections or some such came up so she made arrangements with a couple of the neighborhood high school girls to baby sit until I got home. After she had been there about six months she asked me if I would mind if she occasionally stopped after work for a drink or two with her co-workers and I saw nothing wrong with it so I said I wouldn't mind. She started stopping ever Tuesday night and she was usually home by eight. Then came the week she told me that because of the county fair and a couple of other local events the paper would be running several special sections and she had been asked to help out. She told me that it would probably be three nights and she asked me if I would watch the kids or should she arrange for a sitter. I told her I could handle it. The first night was Monday and I fixed dinner, helped the kids with their homework and then we played games until their bedtime. After they had gone to sleep I watched some TV and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up at eleven and headed for bed and was surprised to see that Fiona wasn't there. When she said she would be working late I figured maybe eight or nine o'clock, but I also figured that if there was a problem she would have called so I went to bed. Around midnight I heard Fiona come in. She kissed me on the cheek and told me to go back to sleep and she would talk with me in the morning. Fiona was still asleep when I got up in the morning and I left for work without having a chance to talk with her. I tried calling from the office when I got to work, but when I got her she was a bit on the flustered side. "I can't talk right now honey. I got up late and I'm rushing trying to get the kids out of here in time to catch the school bus. I'll call you later." She didn't call and I got busy and forgot about it. Tuesday was a repeat of Monday with Fiona not getting home until a little after midnight. The next morning I debated going in late, but then thought that she only had one more night to work late and then we would have plenty of time to catch up on things. I went to bed around ten that night. The sound of Fiona coming in woke me up and I glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was ten after three. I sat up in bed and turned on the bedside lamp. When Fiona came into the room she saw me sitting on the side of the bed waiting for her and she started crying. "Oh God" she sobbed and she ran for the bathroom. As the bathroom door closed behind her I considered what I'd seen when Fiona walked into the room. Her hair looked like a rat's nest, her blouse was half undone, there were runs in her stockings and there were stains on her skirt. In short, Fiona looked like she had just been fucked. After about five minutes I got up and moved to the bathroom door and knocked on it. I could hear Fiona sobbing and she cried out: "Go away." "I'm not going anywhere Fiona. Sooner or later you are going to have to come out. Make it easy on both of us and don't make me kick down the door." I went back and sat down on the bed. Ten minutes later Fiona came out wearing a long flannel nightgown. That was another red flag since Fiona almost always slept nude. Her cheeks were tear streaked and she was still sniffling. "Take the gown off Fiona." "No." "Take it off Fiona." "Please don't make me take it off." "Either you take it off yourself or I'll take it off of you." She started crying again, but she took off the gown. There were bite marks and hickeys on both of her breasts and thighs and as Fiona saw my eyes widen she began bawling again and crying out: "Don't hate me, please don't hate me. I didn't mean to do it. Please don't hate me Rob." "What happened Fiona?" She kept crying and moaning, "Don't hate me, please don't hate me" and I finally got up, got a glass of water and tossed it in her face. I handed her a towel and said: "Get a grip on yourself Fiona and tell me what happened." The story, when she finally started telling it, left me stunned. For the past three nights she had been fucking one of the guys she worked with. Not only was she letting him fuck her she was doing whatever he told her to do up to and including giving blow jobs to two of his friends. Monday they had finished the special section run and the crew decided to go for a drink and unwind before going home. The juke box was playing and Mike asked her to dance and she said yes. The song ended and when they went back to the table Mike sat down next to her. She was talking with someone across the table from her and Mike ordered her another drink and then they danced again. Mike bought her another drink and while she was talking to some one else he put a hand on her leg. She knew she would be leaving soon so rather than make a big thing about it she let it stay. Another drink and the hand moved up higher. Another dance and she felt his erection push into her leg and she didn't pull away. She said she kind of liked knowing that an old married lady could still turn on guys. One more drink and she decided that it was time to go. Mike walked her to her car and when they got to it he took her in his arms and kissed her. Maybe it was all the drinks or maybe not, but she kissed him back. They swapped tongues and when they broke the kiss Mike had said: "You want this and I've wanted to give it to you for a long time." He took her hand and placed it on his cock which he had taken out while they were kissing. Then he kissed her again and they stood there in the parking lot swapping tongues while she held onto his cock and he worked his hand into her bra. And then he said, "Oh yeah, you want this" and he spun her around, bent her over the hood of her car and fucked her from behind. "It was wrong and I knew it. I should have been fighting him off, but I didn't. I should have screamed for help, but what I did was moan and push back at him until he came in me. He pulled out and told me to get in the car on the back seat and I did it. He told me to suck his cock and I did it and then he fucked me again. When it was over he told me that he would see me tomorrow and he got out of the car. The whole way home I prayed that you would be in bed sleeping when I got there or at least wouldn't want to make love because if you entered me there wasn't any way that you would not have known what I'd done." I sat there on the edge of the bed and looked at her in disbelief as she continued. "When I got home I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling and wondered how I had let it happen. For some strange reason I just could not say no to Mike. I fell asleep wondering what he meant when he told me that he would see me the next day." "Why would you wonder about that? You work with him." "Yes and no. He works in the press room and I work in the office. The only time I ever see anyone from the press room is when I get involved in special projects and go back and work in the press room. Normally I wouldn't see Mike during a normal work day." "Did you notice anything strange about the taste of your drinks? Maybe he slipped a date rape drug in one of them." "It would make this a whole lot easier if I could believe that is what happened, but I don't think it did. In fact I'm almost sure of it because I didn't have anything at all to drink on Tuesday. Tuesday at four Mike walked up to my desk and told me that we would skip the bar that night and go straight to his house and when we got there he was going to make me his slut and I didn't say no. I didn't say that the previous night was a mistake and it could never happen again; all I did was nod my head yes and then spend the rest of the day wondering why I wasn't screaming no at him and wondering what sort of strange power it was that he seemed to have over me. "That night when we left work he just said follow me and I did. He fucked me three times that night. The entire time he called me a slut, a fuck pig, a cum dump and told me that from then on he was going to fuck me whenever he felt like it and then he asked me if I understood that I was now his full time slut and I said yes. He made me admit that I was his slut and then he sent me home. "All the way home I wondered why I was letting it happen to me. It was almost like I was hypnotized. He told me to do something and I just did it." "I think you are using the hypno and strange power as bullshit to cover up your doing something you really wanted to do anyway. Admit it Fiona. You wanted to try a strange cock and Mike just happened to be in the right place at the right time." "No! That's not true." "So what happened tonight that kept you out until three? He had to know that if he started keeping you out real late that sooner or later I would tumble to what was going on." "He wants you to know. He told me that I was to tell you when I got home tonight that he had been fucking me and that he was going to keep on fucking me. He told me to wake you up if you were asleep and then make you eat my pussy. "Feed him my cream pie" is what he said." I sat there and listened to her and did my absolute best to keep my anger buried and keep myself under control. "And why did he think you would do it and that I would sit still for it?" "I told him about what you wanted me to do back when we were first married and he said, "Good. I'm glad I can give the wimp his fantasy." "You haven't told me about tonight." "It was the same as last night. He just told me to follow him and I did. He had me suck his cock and then he fucked me. He told me to suck him hard again and then he told me he was going to fuck my ass. I told him no, that I didn't even let you do that and he laughed and told me that he wasn't my wimpy husband and that he would take what he wanted. Then he took my ass. It hurt like hell at first, but I started liking it. It was while he was fucking my ass that one of his friends walked into the room and Mike told the guy to feel free to use my mouth. I tried to turn my head, but Mike grabbed a handful of my hair and told me to open up. I sucked the guy until he came and then Mike came in my ass. I was sucking Mike hard again and the guy called a friend and the friend showed up while Mike was fucking me and Mike told me to suck the two guys off while he fucked me. The two took turns on my mouth until they both came and then when Mike came and pulled out the other two started to undress so they could fuck me next, but Mike told them no. He said maybe in a couple of weeks after he had me broken in. Then he fucked my ass again and then sent me home." Fiona had stopped crying by then and she said that Mike had told her to tell me what he had done and then he told her that she was to bring me over to his place that night and he would show me how a real man took care of a woman. I sat there so angry I was surprised that flame and smoke weren't coming out my ears. I was in control of myself, but only barely, and I asked Fiona: "What did you say when Mike called me a wimp?" "Nothing." "You didn't defend me at all?" She turned her head and looked away. In a low voice she said, "Mike told me to tell you that you could watch, but that you couldn't fuck me. He said to tell you that I am his woman now and that maybe sometime in the future he will let you have me." "And you are willing to go along with that?" "We will be okay honey. It is what you wanted isn't it? All I'm doing is what you wanted me to do way back when we were first married." "You haven't answered the question Fiona. Are you willing to go along with that?" She couldn't face me and after about ten seconds I asked, "What do you want me to do Fiona?" She was quiet for several moments and then she looked me in the eye and said: "I want you to come with me. I want you to watch him fuck me and use me like a slut. Please honey; do it for me." "Are you sure that is what you want?" "Yes honey, I'm sure." "All right then, I'll do it." I reached over and turned off the light and slid under the covers. "Honey?" "Yes Fiona?" "Mike said that you have to eat him out of me." "And you want me to do it?" "Yes honey; I have to do what Mike tells me." "Not tonight Fiona. Next time, but not tonight. This is all a little sudden for me and it is going to take some getting used to." I left for work in the morning before Fiona was awake. I didn't get much done in the way of work. I spent the day thinking about my new situation and what I was going to do about it. At three Fiona called me at work. "I've arranged a babysitter. You are still going to do it aren't you?" "Yes Fiona, I am." "I get off work at five. You can meet me here and then follow me over to Mike's." "You are absolutely sure that this is what you want?" "Yes honey, I'm sure." At five I was waiting for Fiona to get off work and when she got in her car I followed her to a house on the east side of town. Fiona got out of her car and waited for me to park and get out of mine. "I'd like to kiss you and hug you honey, but Mike says I can't because you didn't eat my pussy last night. You understand, don't you?" "Oh yes indeed Fiona, I understand completely." "Good. Come on honey; we shouldn't keep Mike waiting." Fiona walked into the house like she belonged there and then she led me straight to a bedroom where a man who I assumed was Mike was waiting for us. No time was wasted on introductions and the man said: "I'm glad you came. It will do you good to how see a real man should fuck his wife. Undress her for me." I nodded an okay and then I turned to Fiona and stripped her clothes off of her. When she was naked the guy told her to get on the bed and play with her pussy to get it warmed up for him. Then he turned to me and said: "Okay, now undress me." I looked over at Fiona who was lying on the bed finger fucking herself and she said: "Please honey?" I shrugged and turned back to the guy and I took his clothes off of him. I had to go to my knees to get his shoes and socks off and to get his trousers and boxers off. His cock was already hard and bobbing a couple of inches in front of my face and he said: "Now suck my cock and get it nice and wet so it will slide easily into your wife." I looked over at Fiona and again she said, "Please honey? Please do it for me?" I turned back to the guy and took his cock in my left hand and used my right hand to fondle his balls. "Oh yeah" he said, "She said you would be wimp enough to do this." "Did she now" I said as I dug my fingernails into his cock and squeezed the hell out of his nuts with my other hand. I jerked down on his balls and then stood up so the top of my head came up under his chin as he was going to his knees. It had the same effect as an upper-cut and dazed he fell to the floor. I had on my steel-toed boots and I began to work him over. Three kicks to the ribs, one to the head, two into his crotch and then a repeat. Fiona was screaming: "Oh my God, what are you doing? Stop. Stop it now. You're hurting him." "Yes I am and I hope I'm doing a damned good job of it." Blood was coming out of his mouth and I stopped with the kicks and reached into my pocket and pulled out my Buck knife. "I sharpened it just for you asshole" I said to the man on the floor. "My preference would have been to use a dull knife so it would take a while and I could listen to you scream, but that would mean that I would have to hold your cock in my hand while I sawed away and I don't want to do that. I knelt down beside him and quickly castrated him. "Oh my God" Fiona cried out. "What did you do?" I walked over to the bed and dropped the bloody mess in my hands on her stomach, grabbed a pillow and walked over and pushed it into the guys bleeding crotch. "Hold it to slow the bleeding ... or not" I said to the man writhing on the floor, "I really don't care which. If you bleed to death it won't bother me a bit. Maybe Fiona can come over here and comfort you. Maybe she will try and kiss it to make it better." I took out my cell phone and called 911. I told them that a man had gotten himself castrated, gave them the address and then I disconnected. I turned to leave the room and Fiona cried out: "What about me? What am I supposed to do?" "Ask him Fiona. He's the one who had been telling you what to do lately. Ask him what he wants you to do." I didn't bother to go home. I didn't want the kids to see the cops come to the house and take me away so I waited for them in Mike's driveway. While I waited for the paramedics and the cops I called my brother and told him what had gone on and that I was probably going to go to jail and that I was going to need him to make arrangements for bail. The ambulance arrived and two minutes later a cop car showed up. I watched as the cops and the EMTs went into the house and a few minutes later the EMTs came out with Mike on a gurney and they loaded it into the back of the ambulance and left. Several minutes later the cops came out with Fiona and when she saw me sitting in the drive she pointed me out to the cops. I spent the night and a good part of the next day in jail. At three in the afternoon I was taken to the courthouse. Because I was a home owner, had my own business, wasn't considered a threat to the community or a flight risk my bail was set fairly low. My brother put it up and I went home. I was packing suitcases when Fiona got home from work. She watched me pack without saying a word for about two minutes and then she said: "How could you do that to another human being?" "He wasn't another human being. He was a piece of shit. He was a predator and he preyed on silly bitches like you. Well he won't be fucking around with anyone else's wife from now on so I guess you could say I've done the other married guys in town a favor. Performed a community service as it were." "Why are you packing?" "Because it makes sense to have my clothes where I'll be staying." "But why are you leaving?" "Because I don't ant to be around you any more." "But why? What I did was what you wanted me to do." "If I wanted you to do it Fiona I would have kept after you to do it. It has been over nine years since it was last mentioned. And even if I did still want it what you did is not what I said I wanted. Way back when I said I wanted to watch. Did I get to watch you Monday night? Did you call me and tell me you were going to do it so I should hurry on down to the bar so I could watch? Even if you were to say that what happened Monday took you by surprise did you tell me about it when you got home? When the asshole stopped by your desk on Tuesday and told you to skip going to the bar and go straight to his house did you call me? The only reason you told me at all was because the asshole told you to tell me. "And what was with the bullshit about I couldn't have you unless the dipshit okayed it? And when did your opinion of me get so low that you could even think of telling me that I had to eat his cum out of you or that I would agree to let him order me around? And what about his telling me that you told him I would be wimp enough to suck his cock if he told me to? You are not someone I want to be around Fiona. I don't know what happened to you, but what ever it was it disgusts me." "What are you going to do?" "Move out, find a couple of lawyers ? one to handle the divorce and one to handle whatever I'm facing for making sure that your lover never fucks you again ? and then I'll get on with my life." "I thinking you are acting rash here Rob. You need to unpack. I'll move into the spare bedroom until we can work things out between us. We will need to work at it, but we can get by it." "No we can't Fiona. The one thing we will never get by is your saying, "Please baby, do it for me" when the asshole told me to suck his dick." I closed the last suitcase and then said, "I'll be by tomorrow to explain to the kids why I've moved out." "You can't do that! They are too young for you to be telling them that." "Maybe, but I would rather they hear it from me than their schoolmates when the word of my trial gets out. And truth be told I would much rather they get it from me that they should hear whatever lie you decide to tell them." I picked up the suitcases and headed for the bedroom door. I stopped at the door and turned back to Fiona. "You know Fiona; I think that this thing with the asshole started long before Monday. You haven't said "I love you" to me in over six weeks. You didn't say it Monday or Tuesday and you sure haven't said it anytime tonight. Not once did I hear "I love you Rob and I don't want to lose you." I haven't heard, "I love you Rob and if you'll let me I'll prove it to you." The most passionate thing you have said to me so far today is to ask me how I could have done what I did to your lover. Of course you didn't call him your lover; you referred to him as "another human being." You haven't said no to me when I've wanted to make love, but you have not initiated it in the last six weeks and it used to be that half the time we made love it was because you came after me. Why haven't you been coming after me lately Fiona? "You say I'm acting rashly and that I should unpack. Answer me this Fiona. Where was your concern last night and this morning as I sat in jail? Did you come down to see how I was? Come down to see how you could go about bailing me out? Show any sigh at all about caring for my welfare? No. You pointed me out to the cops, came home, went to bed and then got up and went to work this morning as if it was just another day. And then when you see me for the first time since last night's unpleasantness your first words to me are about what happened to your lover. "I think the only reason you were crying Tuesday night was because asshole told you that you had to tell me that he was fucking you. Those weren't tears of shame, regret or sorrow over what you had done. They were tears of fright because you were scared of what I might do to you when I found out what a whore you were. Look on the bright side Fiona. I'm gone and while Mike can't help you any more you are free to spread your legs for whomever you want without having to worry about me.' I turned and left the house. Fiona tried calling me three or four times a day over the next couple of weeks, but she finally stopped when I wouldn't take any of her calls. She didn't fight the divorce and I got shared custody of the kids. I got one to three years for being found guilty of "felonious assault" but because of an assistant DA who had caught his wife cheating on him and a judge who had had it happen to him twice I ended up with a suspended sentence in lieu of fifteen hundred hours of community service. Immediately after being found guilty and while I was still in the court room I was served with papers. The asshole was suing me in civil court for what was basically stealing the family jewels. My lawyer was expecting it and while asshole was still smirking at me he was served with papers suing him for half a dozen things chief among them "alienation of affections" and a fairly new one in the courts of our state ? "Extreme mental stress over the dissolution of marriage and the destruction of family due to the actions of an outside party." My lawyer says it will be a wash. He wins his and I win mine and they will cancel each other out or he will agree to drop his if I will drop mine. My lawyer also feels that if we go to court I stand a damned good chance to win both especially if he can get a preponderance of woman on the jury. When I said that I thought that I would have a better chance with an all male jury since a cheating wife was the cause of it all he explained his thinking to me. He said that the way it would probably go with an all male jury would be that two or three would have cheated on their wives or girlfriends and one or two would be thinking of it and they would view castration as a little extreme if they were caught. So they would want to send a message to others who might consider doing it, especially the boyfriends and husbands of the women they were after or thinking of going after, that they might just end up in prison if they brought out the knife. Plus, most men had a thing about the family jewels and the thought of castration bothered them. Women on the other hand would look at it totally differently. For the ones who had already cheated it would have been because their husbands were lacking in something or because of something that made them feel that their man was weak or even wimpy and they would see me as being just the opposite. The ones who hadn't cheated or who were not even thinking of it would see what I did as the sign of a strong masculine and macho man ? a man they would be proud to have as their own. What the hey! I was paying the man because he was supposed to be good at what he did so I guess we will just wait and see. 4904 1.76/512345
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