Thursday, September 20, 2012

Community Service

COMMUNITY SERVICE By Jayfred "Elizabeth Hansen, I'm giving you two hundred hours of community service," said the judge, "to be approved through the Probation Department, Service Division. And don't do anything stupid like that ever again." This was how he sentenced my wife for her disorderly conduct citation. She wanted to start working off her hours right away and went to the Service Division office directly from court. The sign on the door said, "Edwin A. Marquard, III, Service Division Supervisor." Inside, she spoke to the clerk, a young guy, who handed her a packet and a list of upcoming service opportunities. As she read it, he said, "If you're looking for weekend stuff, that Marching Band carwash is the least hassle, unless you like garbage." "Put me on the list," she said. "You got it. Saturday, 9 a.m. at the high school parking lot." On Saturday morning, at about 9:30, Betty called from the carwash and asked me to bring over her orange bikini, which I never liked because it was too skimpy and was bright, hunter orange. When I brought it to her, she told me that she had been assigned the job of standing on the street holding the carwash sign and trying to wave people in. It did not surprise me that they would choose her as the hawker, because Betty has an amazing body: slight build but with a bubbly round butt and huge boobs. "By the numbers," as she says, she is 42E-24-38. She changed in the restroom, and she looked very sexy when she kissed me goodbye. When she got home that afternoon, she told me that this sentence may not be as tough as she originally thought. She said, "The Supervisor himself stopped by the carwash, and we had an interesting conversation. He made me a proposal." I asked what, and she said, "He said he'd credit me ten hours to one, if I'd wash his car -- but I have to do it topless." I cried, "What!? That little son-of-a-bitch! You oughta report him to the judge." She said, "His dad is the Chief Judge, and he'd just deny it anyway." I said, "That little nepotistic bastard, he is totally unqualified for the job. How old is young Edwin anyway?" She said, "He goes by 'Tripp' and I think he's just out of college." I said, "Hell, you got more than 10 years on him!" Betty is 35, as am I. She said, "Well, I apparently caught his eye." I said, "You mean your tits caught his eye." She cupped her breasts, shook them up and down, and said, "Well, I might take him up on his offer. My big tits got me into this mess, they may as well help get me out." What she was referring to was her disorderly conduct citation, which all started when she and I went to a bar after going out to dinner one Friday night. It was the first hot night of the summer, and Betty was wearing jeans, sneakers, and a white blouse with a yellow tank top underneath. We sat at the bar, and, as I was telling a joke and gesturing with my hand, I spilled Betty's wine onto her blouse. She stood up, tried to wipe the stain with bar napkins, but to no avail. So she took off her blouse, hung it over the back of her stool, and sat down again. Her yellow tank top was very tight, and, as usual, all of the guys in the bar were checking Betty out. Then one of the guys, who was big and drunk and had a beer in his hand, came up to the bar next to us. He ordered a glass of red wine and said to Betty, "The guys really appreciate you taking that blouse off, and we wanted to buy you this replacement glass of wine. We want to thank you for improving the scenery in this dive." Betty said, "Well, thanks, but I wasn't trying to put on a show. I'm surprised you all noticed." The guy looked at her chest and said, "Hard not to. A big rack like that is an eye magnet for men. And in that top holy shit. Stacked and packed, that's how I like my tits." Betty said, "There not your tits" and she looked at me. He said, "I wish they were, I'd fuck 'em every night." She looked at me with a shocked expression, but I just sat there stunned, wondering whether I should stand up and hit the guy. When I did not react, Betty did -- by throwing her wine right in the guy's face. He then threw his beer on her tits, she proceeded to kick him in the balls, and then the bartender and others broke it up. And then the cops came and both Betty and the guy got written up for disorderly conduct. In regard to Tripp's offer, Betty thought about it for a few days and then early the next week, she informed me that she called him and accepted. It was set for the next Saturday, and she said I could come with if I wanted. That Saturday, we drove to the address, and it was a pretty nice house with a big fenced yard. Before we got out of the car, Betty used the visor mirror to bustle her hair and freshen her lipstick. I couldn't believe she was actually primming for this guy as though it were a date. Tripp answered the door, saying, "Glad you showed up." Betty said, "Nice place." Tripp said, "It's not mine, it's Greg's." As we followed him into the living room, we saw two other men there: one was the clerk, whose name was Bill, and the other was an older, black guy, about 45 years old, whose name was Greg and who was a senior probation officer. Betty said, "What are they doing here?" Tripp said, "I would like to sweeten the deal a little: 3 cars, 30 hours." Betty said, "I wasn't expecting this." Tripp said, "When I told them about our arrangement, they wanted in, and I figured it would be a good deal for you too." Greg handed us each a beer, and said, "Your choice, you can spend 30 hours picking up litter in the parks and highways, or scrubbing off graffiti, or that kind of shit. Or you can take your top off and wash a few cars." Betty was wearing a pair of short shorts and a jersey, which, despite its blousiness, still did not conceal the roundness of her large boobs. The guys were checking her out, and she knew it. Tripp said, "I didn't expect you to bring your husband." She said, "You said I could, and he wanted to." Tripp said, "Your wife's a hotee, and she's got a great rack, if you don't mind me saying so." I thought his tone sounded a bit snide. Betty looked at me with an amused look. Tripp said, "So, Elizabeth, did you wear that bright orange bikini that you were stopping traffic in last week?" Betty said, "No, I wore a work suit, 'cause, instead of standing there looking pretty, I'm gonna be actually washing some cars today." Bill said, "It sounds like you've decided to do all 3 cars." Betty said, "What the hell?" Gregg gave her another beer and said, "Can we see your work suit?" Betty pulled the jersey over her head and sat there in her brief bikini top, which was almost all white but had tiny pastel flowers; it was made of a thick cotton, almost tericloth, and held her boobs up and held them straight out. She arched her back for greater effect. Greg said, "Holy shit! That ain't no 'nice rack,' Tripp, those some huge fuckin' tits." She looked at me and said, "Honey, I don't know why but men seem to make more comments to me about my chest when you're around than when you not around." I said, "Don't start, Betty." Tripp said, "'Betty!?' I thought your name was Elizabeth." She said, "That's my formal legal name, and I go by that professionally." Greg said, "I prefer Betty, as in Big Boob Betty." Tripp said, "Time to do some washing." We went into the yard, and 3 cars were parked on the grass, and cleaning supplies were out. Betty slowly took off her short shorts and was wearing a little bikini bottom that matched the top. Greg said, "Maybe we oughta call you Bubble Butt Betty." She picked up the hose and splashed the first car, saying, "Whose car is this?" Tripp said, "Mine." Betty said, "I hope no one's in a hurry. I mean, I'm being paid for the job, so I may as well take my time and do it right." She sprayed a splash of water on her chest, seemingly by accident, and then slowly sponged some soap onto the hood. She was teasing these guys like a stripper and it seemed to me she was enjoying it. She bent way over the hood, smashing her tits against it and sticking her butt out. She then squeezed the sponge above her tits, letting the soap fall on them. She hosed her tits and continued washing the car. Later, she "let" one of her shoulder straps slip down past her shoulder. Soon, the other strap did the same. Now, her huge tits were being supported and covered only by the tension in the fabric of her brief top. She pranced around a bit and then, walking over to Tripp, said, "I don't think I'll need this anymore." She took off her top and handed to him. He told her to go buff the car with her tits, which they all enjoyed watching. Then, they all got in the car as she buffed the windows, smashing her boobs flat against them. To make a slow story fast, she spent the next 20 minutes bouncing and smashing her big tits around as she finished the car. And she did an okay job too, although Tripp couldn't resist the old "you missed a spot" routine. Greg's car was next and the only thing new and different was that he wanted her to bend her ass a lot and reach across the car. He was now holding her bikini top, and a couple of times he whipsnapped it against her ass. She just giggled and shook her ass in his direction. Finally, Bill was up, and it was pretty routine until the end, when he made his request: he pointed out a smudged area on the trunk and he wanted her to buff it with her ass. She squirted some soap on the area, and then, with the help of Bill and Greg, got up on the trunk and sat down on the smudge. With her feet on the bumper, Bill and Greg each held one of her hands, as she rubbed back and forth. Her legs parted as she did this, and the guys' eyes were glued to her crotch. Tripp sprinkled the hose between her legs and said, "Buff it good." Everybody laughed. With all 3 cars washed, Greg invited everyone into the house and passed out beers. The guys all complimented Betty on her work and on her body. Tripp said, "Let's go out for a few beers. She's earned it." Greg said, "There's a bar at the corner; why don't you wear your bikini." Betty said, "Like hell! What kind of sleeze wears a bikini in a bar!" Greg went upstairs and returned with a tee-shirt, which he tossed to Betty. It was white with black letters D.O.C. written across the front. Greg said, "See if you can get your big tits into that." She put it on over her bikini top and it was way too tight it hugged every curve of her tits and the DOC letters were stretched a lot. She said, "Do you have any bigger tee shirts?" Tripp said, "It looks perfect to me. Bill said, "Me too." Greg said, "You know, you might have a little more room in there if you got rid of that bikini top." Betty said, "I wouldn't have any more room, just pointy nipples and a lot more bounce." Bill said, "Sounds good to me." She wiggled out of her bikini top, threw it next to her jersey and then re- adjusted her tee-shirt. Greg said, "Beautiful. Let's go." Betty said, "No way. Not in this. Get me a real shirt if we're going out in public." Greg said, "We'll give you 10 hours, and we'll even buy the drinks. All you gotta do is sit there is be big-titted." Betty agreed. The bar was just around the corner, and, as we walked in, every eye went to my wife and more particularly her chest. Guys were elbowing each other, and conversations stopped. We all sat at a table and drank a pitcher of beer. Greg said hello to a few of folks he knew. Later, a couple guys came over to our table. They were both Department of Corrections guards. The one guy said to Greg, "Who's this prisoner that you're watching today?" Greg said, "We call her Betty, as in Big Boob Betty." The other guy started singing, "Oh Big Boob Betty, Bam ba Lam," to the tune of the old Ram Jam song, Black Betty. The first guy said, "I bet she'd be real popular with the prisoners. You oughta walk her through the cell blocks." Greg said, "I wouldn't do that to the inmates. That would be cruel and unusual punishment." The guy said, "At least walk her by the work detail by the highway." Greg said, "She's no tease." Guy said, "You're teasing every guy in this bar with those big jugs in that tight top. How long are they sentenced to be confined in there?" Other guy said, "Hey, Greg, why don't you set 'em free?" Greg said, "Why don't you go buy a pitcher." We knocked off a few pitchers as we played pool and darts. At our table, Betty danced a little when they played a song she liked, and every guy checked her out. Greg said, "I have a proposal for you. Take off your top for my friends and we'll take off another 10 hours." Betty said, "Right here? I'd get another 200 for indecent exposure." Greg said, "No, back at my place." Betty said, "Make it 20 hours and you got a deal." Tripp said, "Then you gotta make it a strip tease and dance for us." Betty said, "Deal." We all headed out of the bar, with the 2 Department of Corrections guys, who had their arms around Betty. One guy had his hands in the small of her back, which caused her to stick her chest out. As we passed a table near the door, the DOC guys said hi to some guys, who asked where they were going. The one DOC guy pointed to Betty and said, "To see her tits." They asked to come along, and Betty negotiated another 5 hours from Tripp for letting them. We all went back to Greg's house, with 4 new guys from the bar. One of these guys brought a CD from his car with "Black Betty" on it, and Greg played it. Betty began to dance slowly and seductively, swaying her hips and leaning over and swinging her tits. A guy said, "Great tits." Greg said, "Great everything." The guys chanted along with the song but said "Big Boob Betty." She then pulled her shorts down slowly, revealing her bikini bottom, and then bent forward to pick up her beer from the table but really just to stick her ass toward Greg, who said, "Oh, that's great, Betty." She started to pull her shirt up but teased a few times. Then she pulled it up over her tits and let it rest there as she danced. She then took it off, and did a tit shake in each guy's face. One guy said, "How 'bout a lap dance?" Greg said, "I can't afford that." Other guy said, "How 'bout a feel then?" Greg said, "Betty?" She said, "5 hours per guy." Tripp and Greg said okay, and she walked around and let each guy have a good feel of her tits. Then, Greg said, "Time for you guys to go. We have some official business to do." The 4 guys left. Betty was sitting in the highback chair. She pushed the sides of her arms into her tits, pushing them together. Greg walked over to her. He started grabbing her tits. She said, "These big tits of mine get me out of a lot of trouble." Greg said, "I gotta blow this load. You wanna help me?" Betty said, "What did you have in mind?" Greg said, "You could do a little service on my cock." Tripp said, "All of our cocks. You still owe about 115 hours. Blow us all and we'll close it all out." Betty said, "I'll suck but I won't swallow. You can blow it on my tits." The guys looked at each other and agreed. Bill went first. He tossed Betty her lipstick from her bag and said, "Get over here and blow me." She got on her knees in front of him and put on a new coat of lipstick before taking his cock in her mouth. He said, "That's right, whore, suck it good." It didn't take long before he pulled out of her mouth and said "Jack me." Betty jacked him off as he blew a load on her tits. Tripp was next, and he didn't take long either, but, when pulled out, he jacked himself off and blew his load on Betty's face. She rubbed his cum into her skin and then knelt before Greg. When she pulled his shorts down, she was impressed and said, "Nice cock." She began to suck it energetically. He said, "I'd wanted to fuck those big tits of yours, but Bill got 'em all messed up." She said, "A cock like this deserves special treatment. You wanna cum in my mouth?" He said, "Sure whore." She began to kiss and lick his balls, then she kissed the tip of his cock before sucking him hard again for the home stretch. Soon he had his orgasm, dumping his spunk down her throat. Betty said, "I've paid my debt to society." Tripp said, "And you did a helluva job." Greg said, "You're all square, but feel free to stop by the Probation office any time for a social visit." Betty said, "I just might." 3782 1.26/512345

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