Thursday, September 20, 2012
Jolene Listens Ch. 09
On Sunday morning I awoke to find myself alone in the bed. I sat up and my head protested by exploding. Well, not literally, but that's what it felt like. Thinking how much I hated hangovers, I stumbled into the bathroom and downed some aspirin. Resisting the urge to go back to bed I made my way downstairs to find my wife Jolene in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and eating a bagel. "That coffee smells good." I said pouring myself a cup. "Would you like me to make you some eggs or something?" She offered. "No, I'm not sure my stomach would tolerate that." I answered. "I think I'll just stick with a bagel too." I toasted a bagel, spread some butter on it and sat down at the table with my wife. I was still nursing a nasty headache; you would have thought by now that I would have learned to watch how much I drink, but apparently not. Maybe this one would do it. "So, did you enjoy the party last night?" I asked my wife. She smiled at the memory. "Yes I did, although I didn't realize how much I drank. Thankfully I'm not really hungover this morning, although it doesn't look like you can say the same." I ignored her jibe about my hangover. "So what do you remember?" "I remember everything right up to the point where I was feeling woozy and you brought me upstairs to lay down. Things get a little fuzzy after that." She answered. She was not feeling "woozy" before we went upstairs, but since she "knew" she was drunk, her mind must have provided that detail. It never ceased to amaze me how much our memory reflects what we believe happened, in contrast to reality. In fact, it makes me wonder what "reality" really is. My wife went on to describe her little meeting outside that ended in a blowjob and her subsequent "drunken" gangbang upstairs. She seemed to remember what she felt and what was said directly to her, but it sounded like other conversations in the room escaped her notice. For my part I pretended that I had not noticed any of her sexual activities, telling her that I was busy talking to Tom and working the room. She accepted that, but was worried that I was upset with her for her behavior. I pointed out that I loved her slutty behavior and that what happened after she was "passed out" was not her fault. Normally all this talk of sex would have led to me fucking Jolene's brains out, but I was a bit worn out from all the sex lately and was not in the mood. A few months ago I would not have believed such a thing possible. Later that day Tom called to see how we were doing, but I knew he was mostly concerned about Jolene. "Say, I think I have a way to help you with your little problem." He commented. "I'm listening." I replied. "I have this friend who is a bit of an inventor and I think he's working on something that I think you both would find interesting." He said. "Really?" I answered. I didn't know what he was talking about, but with Tom there was the possibility of something really fun. "Yes. Come by my place after supper on Tuesday night and I'll bring you over to meet him. I promise it will be worth your time." Well, that was enigmatic, but I was curious so I accepted his offer and informed my wife. She was more cautious than me, but she still wanted to find out what Tom was up to, so she didn't object. I could have forced her to go anyway, of course, but for some reason I enjoyed it more when she went along with my plans willingly. On Tuesday night I found myself standing at Tom's front door ringing the bell. Jolene was right beside me wearing a relatively modest blouse and skirt. Tom answered the door and invited us in. He had a very nice house, not much bigger than ours, but more upscale in terms of features and furnishing. After giving us a quick tour he told us that he was driving us over to his friend Ned's house. Ned was a real geek who worked with Tom as a software engineer, but was also a part-time inventor. Tom said that Ned was working on something that not only would we be interested in, but that we could help Ned out with it. I still had no idea what he was talking about, but he wouldn't say more, only that we had to see 'it', whatever 'it' was and then we would understand. Tom drove us over in his car; it was only a few miles away. Ned's house was much more modest than Tom's; even ours was nicer. Ned was a decent enough guy, kind of quiet and shy, but obviously quite intelligent. He seemed to have a computer in ever room and they were all networked to a central server. His "work room", which I think was originally the family room, was stuffed with electronics equipment and work benches. Geek indeed. In the middle of the room was an office chair, the kind you might find in a waiting room, and underneath it was some sort of mechanism with a tangle of wires coming out of it and leading to some equipment on one of the work benches. "This is it." Tom said with a flourish as he pointed to the chair. "A chair." I replied, disappointed. I was hoping for something a little more exciting. "Oh, no." He assured us. "This is the next big thing in adult entertainment." "Really." I said deadpan. "Now don't oversell it, Tom, it still needs a lot of testing." Ned cautioned. "And that is exactly why Jolene is here." Tom answered. Ned blushed at this point, but I was not sure why at the time. "OK, so what's so special about this chair?" I asked. "Come over and take a look." Tom said. Jolene and I were behind it, so we circled around to stand by Tom. There, sticking up out of a hole in the seat of the chair, was a fake cock. It was very realistic looking, but hardly revolutionary. Seeing that we were not impressed, Tom made a gesture in Ned's direction. Suddenly the cock started pumping smoothly up and down. "Oh, I see, it's a fucking machine built into a chair. But what makes that so special?" I asked. "It's much more sophisticated that you may think." Tom answered and made a motion for Ned to turn it off. "Feel it." I was a little reluctant, but reminded myself it was just a piece of plastic, so I reached down and wrapped my hand around it. As soon as I did I snatched my hand back as if I had been burned. "Something wrong?" Tom chuckled. "It feels like real skin ? and it's warm, hot almost." I replied, shocked. "Really?" Jolene asked. "Let me feel it." My wife reached out and fondled the fake cock, obviously liking what she felt. "Wow, it does feel real." She said. "How?" I asked. "It's made of a material called CyberSkin and there is a small heater inside to make it warm. Amazing how real it feels, eh?" Tom replied. I just nodded my head in agreement, still feeling a bit strange from touching it. "Everything is programmable too: the stroke length, the penetration angle, and of course the speed. In fact, you can change any parameter while it's running, or you can program any pattern you want ahead of time and just let it run." Tom informed us. "This is still a prototype, but Ned needs to test it more before he can proceed with further development. The problem is finding women to test it. Ned isn't that socially adept and he does not trust too many people. I've convinced him that he can trust you." Jolene looked at Tom with wide eyes. "You want ME to test it?" I saw fear, but also desire in her eyes. "If it's OK with Pete." He answered her. They all looked at me, including Ned. It seemed like a strange notion, using a machine to fuck a woman. Sure I'd heard of such things, but I'd never really thought about it much, at least not in connection to my wife. But now as I did think about it I found myself getting turned on by the perversion of it. I was also curious as to how much she could cum before she begged us to turn it off. I smiled evilly and said to my wife, "Yes, I'd like you to help Ned test it." Jolene gulped. "OK, what do I do?" "Just take off your clothes and sit down." Tom answered. She hesitated. "Go ahead." I prodded. She blushed as she stripped out of her clothes. I don't know why; many men had seen her naked by now. Just another mystery, I guess. While she did that Tom applied some lube to the fake cock, although Jolene was probably so wet that it wasn't needed. Then Tom handed her small box with some knobs on it and a cable running out one end. He explained that it was used to make the initial adjustments for the stroke angle and length. She turned one knob and the cock slowly pushed up, penetrating her wet snatch. She kept moving it up until it was apparently inserted as far as she wanted it, and then she adjusted the angle slightly with another knob. With the dildo filling my wife's pussy Tom pushed a button to save those settings and then showed her how to use the knob to withdraw it. When it was almost all the way out she stopped it and Tom saved that setting as well. Now that it was all adjusted to her body Tom explained how to start the machine and control the speed. She started out slowly, enjoying the deep strokes the machine was generating. "Notice how quiet it is." Tom commented. "Everything else is very noisy, which really turns a lot of people off. Also notice how her hands are now completely free. She can play with her tits, or her clit. She can even use a vibe if she wants. Since she's sitting in a comfortable chair she can watch pornos on TV, or whatever. Theoretically she could use it for hours on end." "Theoretically." I replied. "If she were a nymphomaniac." Tom chuckled. "We'll see." By now Jolene had turned the speed up a little and was pulling on her nipples. It looked like she was heading for her first orgasm. "A feature we have talked about adding is the ability for it to 'ejaculate' lubricant upon command. This would make it more realistic feeling and would be a great way to deliver some lube if necessary." Tom stated as we watched my wife shudder through her first climax. It wasn't the biggest I'd ever seen her have, but it was definitely one of the quickest. She basked in the afterglow for a little bit while the machine continued to make squishy sounds as it stroked the fake cock in and out of her drooling cunt. When that subsided she increased the speed some and started diddling her clit with one hand while caressing her tits with the other. My wife was in her own world now, totally ignoring the three men watching her in quiet fascination. Three more times we watched as she shuddered in orgasmic bliss, each one more intense than the last, and each time she increased the speed of the machine. At this point the fake cock was pumping faster than any human was capable and Jolene was nearly delirious with pleasure, moaning continually. Then there was a puff of smoke from underneath the chair and the fake cock stopped moving. "Oh hell, what was that?" Ned exclaimed as he quickly got down on all fours to examine the apparatus under the chair, completely ignoring the sweaty naked woman sitting in it. Jolene had stopped moaning, but made no move to get up. Judging from her heavy breathing I guessed that she didn't yet have the strength to move. "It looks like the output FET in the motor controller blew." Ned commented, sill on his hands and knees poking at a tangle of wires and circuit boards. "Can you fix it?" Tom asked. "Yes, of course." Ned answered with an annoyed voice. "But not tonight. I need to figure out what went wrong. That FET should have been able to handle that motor even at any speed. Maybe there was ringing on the gate on the negative edge, or perhaps there's a logic problem that caused shoot-through. I have to do some analysis and debug it." "OK, OK." Tom replied and then pulled me aside out of earshot of my wife. "By the way, I had to tell the guys at work that Jolene is not your wife, but a professional escort." "What?" I barked. "You told them she was a hooker?" "Yes, but an expensive one." He answered quickly, motioning me to keep my voice down. "They were starting to talk and I didn't think you wanted it to get back to your company that she's really a slut. I figured it would be less salacious if you had a mistress. I had to come up with something fast. Sorry." "No, that's OK, I guess I can live with that." I responded. "That does bring up a few other problems though." He said cautiously. "Like what?" I asked. "Like tonight, for example. Since Ned thinks she's a professional he will want to reimburse you for her time." Tom answered. "He's going to pay me for my wife's time?" "He will insist on reimbursing you for the time he used that he thinks you have already paid for, yes." Tom said. "OK, that'll feel weird, but I guess I can handle that too. How much did you tell him that I paid?" I inquired. "Two hundred dollars an hour." He informed me. "Really?" "Oh yeah, if she were a professional 'escort' she could easily charge that much." He answered. "Wow" was all I could say at that point. I noticed that my wife was trying to lever herself out of the chair so I sprinted across the room and helped her up. Her legs were a little wobbly and her body was covered in sweat, but she seemed unharmed. "So what do you think about Ned's little toy?" Tom asked her. She smiled contentedly. "Very nice. I'm sorry I broke it though." "Oh, don't worry, that's the point of testing; to find the weak points. I'm sure Ned can fix it, and it'll be better than it was before." Tom assured her. "Oh good." She replied. "When do you think I can try it again?" I was flabbergasted! She could barely walk after cumming four times on the thing and she wanted another go at it. Tom just laughed. "My, my, you are insatiable." He teased, but Jolene didn't even seem embarrassed by his remark. She just gave him a mischievous little smile, telling us both that she agreed with him. As my wife got dressed Ned approached, and without saying a word, handed me two crisp one hundred dollar bills. Jolene was looking the other way so I don't think she saw the transaction. I just nodded once and stuffed them into my pocket. "When Ned gets the machine fixed, would you like to test it again?" I asked my wife on the drive home. "Sure." She answered. "It was fun." "What did you like the best about it?" I queried. She thought about it for a moment and then replied, "That it didn't stop. It just kept going and going." "How much longer do you think you could have kept going?" I wondered. "I don't know." She answered. "I've never had that happen." "You've never been satisfied?" I responded. "You've always been left wanting more?" "Oh no, I've been satisfied many times - most of the time. No, I just meant that I've never had so much sex that I couldn't take anymore." She said. I wondered what it would take for her to reach that point. Maybe I would find out when the machine was fixed. The next day Tom called me at the office. He told me that he had a program where he rewarded his three most productive engineers every month. He had a pretty decent budget for this and let the men choose what they wanted to do. Usually they did something like play golf at a pricey course or go to a car racing school. This month he informed me they wanted to spend a couple of hours banging my wife. Remember, they thought she was a hooker, so this seemed like a reasonable request to them. I wasn't sure at first, but Tom pointed out that this was a great way to satisfy her need for sex, and he could vouch they were all clean. Apparently one of them had already had sex with her at the party, which is probably how they got the idea. And if I wanted to he would pay the now normal rate of two hundred dollars an hour as well. I didn't like the idea of pimping my wife again, so I turned down the money but told him Jolene would love to be the monthly reward for his engineers. It's funny how I didn't mind having her fuck other men, but it just felt wrong to get paid for it. Don't ask me to explain it. Anyway, Tom was cool with that and gave me the details on where and when she was to meet them. He thought it would be weird if I was there and might make the others wonder, so I agreed to stay home that night. When I told Jolene about this newest development I was a little surprised that she was not angry that I didn't ask her first. I guess she was getting used to me arranging sexual encounters for her. Jolene continued to fuck Ed Jacobson at irregular intervals and our own sex life remained strong. Her martial arts continued to improve and she was getting pretty good with the baton. Her body began to look like an athlete's. Not thin like a runner, or bulked up like a lifter, but tone and supple. When the night came to meet with Tom and his three engineers I picked out an outfit from her ever expanding wardrobe that said "high priced hooker". This wasn't too difficult since she had everything from "elegantly sexy" to "total slut" by now. She left about eight-thirty and was to meet them at a local hotel at nine. I told her I expected her home by midnight and to be a good slut for Tom. She just gave me a sexy smile and left. I reflected on the fact that it didn't seem strange to send my wife out to get gangbanged by four men. But not for too long - there was a UFC event on pay-per-view. She returned home a little after midnight, and it looked like she had indeed been well fucked. She told me that Tom had met her in the lobby and took her up to the room, briefing her on the names of the men and what was expected of her. He wanted her to be uninhibited and assertive, but also do whatever she was told. The other men were waiting in the room when Tom ushered her inside. There was an awkward silence at first; nobody seemed to know what to do, so Jolene asserted herself. She turned on the TV and found a music channel. Then she performed a sexy strip tease for them. Once she was nude she started giving them all lap dances, but by the time she got to the third man and sat in his lap she discovered he had pulled his cock out of his pants. It didn't take long for him to plunge it into her already dripping pussy. Now that the fucking had started the rest of them stripped and she was surrounded by hard cocks. While she was getting her first fuck of the night she fondled and sucked on them like a greedy little slut. After the guy she was fucking came in her she moved to the bed for some serious debauchery. The next two hours consisted of continuous sex with one or all of her holes always full. After she had drained them all several times she took a quick shower and returned home. At this point I didn't press her for the details; I could do that later if I wished. I just had her suck me off to relieve my hard-on and we went to bed, both of us satisfied. Yeah, life was pretty fucking good. Tom called a few days later and told me that his guys loved their reward (Jolene) and were talking about "next time". "Sorry dude, but I think word will get around the office pretty quickly and they will all want the same thing every month." He said. "I'm OK with that." I replied. "It's only once a month after all." "Well, actually I have this weekly poker game and I thought that it would be fun to have Jolene over once and a while to serve us drinks and such." Tom floated. "Yeah, and then fuck everybody silly." I responded. "Of course." He admitted. "But don't worry, I've known these guys for years and they are all married, so they are clean and will keep quiet." "Sure, why not? Can I sit in on the first game at least so that I can meet them?" I asked. "No problem, but the buy-in is two hundred bucks." He answered. "Hey, I'm bringing the entertainment." I objected. "You can cover me." "OK, OK, you have a deal." He chuckled. "The next game is on Friday night at eight o'clock till whenever. Sometimes it gets pretty late, but I have a feeling that won't be the case with your wife there tempting everyone." "You're probably right." I replied. By this time I didn't expect my wife to object to me arranging another gang bang for her, and sure enough she didn't. In fact, her response was one of enthusiastic anticipation. Her transformation was now complete, I had not needed put her into the deep hypnotic state for weeks now. She was the perfect little hot-wife, home-maker, marital-artist, cum-slut. The next day I came home from work to find a sign on my front door that said "Hot Slut Central, Come On In". More than curious I opened the door and went in. Jolene was lying naked and blindfolded on top of a large towel on the floor. Her hands were tied above her head to the love-seat and her legs tied lewdly open to the sofa on one side and the heavy entertainment center to the other. It looked like whoever did it knew what they were doing because they used heavy rope and leather cuffs. Above my wife's head, on the love-seat, was another sign that read "This little slut was bad and must be punished. Please use any of her holes as you see fit." "Who's there?" She whispered a little fearfully. I didn't answer her. Instead I just looked down at her naked form. Her nipples were hard little nubs standing straight up and her pussy was glistening with moisture. In fact, it looked like some semen was leaking out of it! Somebody else had come in here and already fucked her - maybe a complete stranger. I wondered who it was and how long she had been laying here like this. Ultimately I could not resist the urge to use her myself, so I dropped my trousers and laid down on top of her. I don't know if she knew it was me or not, but she let out a little sigh when I entered her. I shagged her brutally for a few minutes before adding my cum to the rest in her hot snatch. Then, still without saying a word, I pulled up my pants and exited out the front door. I waited in my car for a few minutes. I wanted her to think that I had been another stranger. I know that's weird, but it turned me on tremendously. "Jolene, what the fuck is going on?" I asked when I reentered the house. "Oh Peter." She exclaimed. "I'm so glad you're home. Please untie me." "Who the hell did this to you?" I asked in mock anger as I started working on the knots. "It was Ed. He left a note for you on the kitchen table." She answered. After I untied her and helped loosen up her stiff muscles a little I went into the kitchen. There was an envelope on the table with my name written on it in large block letters. Inside was a note that read: Peter, As you know, I ordered Jolene to keep her pubic region shaved, and that if she did not she would be punished. Today I came over to fuck her and found her pussy was full of stubble. That just won't do! So I had to punish her. I hope you approve. By the way, don't worry too much, the other man before you is a friend of mine who will be fucking her more in the future. Also I kept a watch to make sure that nobody else happened upon her. Her safety is always paramount for me. But let's let her think that the situation was much less controlled than it really was or else it won't be much of a punishment. - Ed Wow, what a perverted, but clever, setup. I had to give the old guy some credit. I shredded the letter and then went back into the living room where my wife was still sitting naked. "So, have you learned your lesson now? Are you going to keep your snatch shaved properly?" I asked sternly. "Yes." She said in a small voice. "So, how many men used you while you were tied up?" I asked. "Two." She answered. "One about an hour ago, and another just a few minutes before you got home." Good, it looked like I had indeed fooled her into thinking I was another stranger. What fun. I was getting hard again. "Are you going to fuck me now too?" She asked in a hopeful voice. "No, your cunt is a sticky mess. I want you to lay down and play with your slutty body while I jack off. You had better cum at least once before I shoot my cream all over you or you'll be punished again." I ordered. She laid back and began frigging her clit with one hand while pulling on her nipples with the other. I dropped my pants and started stroking my already hard member while I watched her. She slid a finger into her dripping hole and began finger fucking herself. Then she slid another finger in, and then a third. As her orgasm approached Jolene started really slamming her hand into in her pussy as she furiously rubbed her pleasure nub at the same time. I watched her as her tits bounced from the violence of her attack on her own cunt. The look of wild sexual abandon on her face was intoxicating and the sounds of her whimpering filled my ears. When her body went rigid and she clamped her thighs together with her fingers still buried in her cunt, I knew her climax was upon her. With my own lust building I watched her abdominal muscles ripple and her entire body shake as the pleasure rolled over her again and again. My cock got very hard, the way it does just before I cum, and then I shot my load all over my wife's stomach and tits. She rubbed it into her skin, the saucy wench. I returned the cuffs and rope to Ed Jacobson and thanked him for the wonderful fun. He wasn't sure how I would react and was relieved that I wasn't upset with him. We talked about ground rules for Jolene's adventures and made sure we were on the same page. He was actually a very pleasant fellow and I chided myself for not getting to know him sooner. Walking through the back door of my house I was greeted by the smells and sounds of a meal being prepared. As I came around the corner I saw my wife mixing something in a bowl wearing nothing but an apron. She looked sexy as hell and I couldn't help thinking that I was one lucky bastard. 3669 1.98/512345
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