Friday, September 21, 2012
Sharon Goes Back to School pt. 11
Sharon Goes Back to School original story: Scipio story continuation by RogueAlan *Note to readers* What, no budding authors have tackled a ZB story?! Oh well, maybe as a New Year?s resolution (or a belated Christmas gift). Sorry for the delay, had to ?tell some story,? but couldn?t leave out the naughty bits. And I have to earn a living, too. Apologies if you think it ran a little long, but hopefully you?ll think the climax was worth the wait. I have rough outline for another 5-6 chapters, so expect more in the new year. If the Prez can do it at a memorial, I?ll give a shout out: Sergik, Roby, SGG, MH, krappez, dadabum22, thanks for the kind words? RP, the art was spot on Sharon. Hope you enjoy, have a happy holiday RA Chapter 11: Home Field Advantage Two uneventful weeks passed. Two achingly boring, weeks during which Sharon didn?t see Shaun or Dave. The week after she had gotten her new decorations and helped show Professor Eller the joy of being a ZB Sister, the frat had been preoccupied with an away football game, so there hadn?t been a party. Sharon had hoped to see Shaun or Dave in class. It didn?t happen. In her English Lit class Monday Professor Eller had been sick. On Wednesday the usually stern woman had seemed distracted. She hadn?t met Sharon?s gaze as was her usual habit while discussing some important point, and Sharon had left class feeling vaguely uneasy. She hoped her mentor wasn?t angry at her. She was quickly distracted as she walked toward the Union as her eyes scanned the passing students for any of the ZB Brothers. No one was around. She saw guys eyeing her wherever she went, though, which made her feel good. Not that any of the boys she saw walking across campus stood a chance of winning her attention. She wasn?t suffering from a lack of sex; each night two or three students or TA?s or professors happened by to turn in a ZB chip. She dutifully put out, but found the sex wasn?t satisfying, at best leaving her masturbating to the memory of being with Shaun or the other Brothers. Friday night she called Kelly, and the pair went out barhopping, eyeing the various men, before Sharon had admitted she was getting really horny waiting for the game to be over. Kelly had laughed, but she was puzzled, since she and Dave had been together twice that week, and she?d had sex with at least three of the other ZB Brothers, too. Sharon asked if Kelly thought they were punishing her for confusing ZB with BZ as she had for weeks. Kelly laughed, insisting that the frat used the letters interchangeably, and weren?t ?hung up? with the Greek shit like most fraternities and sororities. Kelly told herself Sharon might have done something, though, to get the ?silent treatment? from the Brothers. And she knew better then to say something that Dave might not like, so she did not say anything else about Sharon?s complaint. Between drinks Kelly pulled out the wheel of birth control pills she?d gotten at the Student Clinic, laughing that it was time for her ?daily vitamin? and adding that it went better with beer. Seeing the contraceptive reminded Sharon she needed to take care of herself-- she?d used too many of the ?morning after pills? since she?d started sleeping with Shaun. They went back to Sharon?s place, enjoying a fine smoke before moving the party to the bedroom, enjoying a leisurely lesbian 69 before falling asleep entwined. It was delicious, but it wasn?t the same as Sharon had grown to expect from the ZB Brothers. The sunshine lighting the room through the half open Venetian blinds was dazzling when Sharon regained consciousness. She murmured happily, though? In her dream she?d been enjoying a delicious licking from Dave. She moved her hands to her chest, registering dimly that the sheet was gone and her nipples were hard with the pleasure of her dream. God, it still felt good? Her hand trailed down to her crotch, intent on finishing what her dreams had begun. She moaned in surprise and pleasure finding a head already firmly planted between her splayed thighs. For an exciting moment she told herself it was Shaun before realizing the hair was long and remembering the night before. She shivered, moaning again as Kelly?s tongue expertly worked at her aroused clit. Her hands came up, tweaking her love hardened nipples, the left toying with the ring that kept that side perpetually aroused. She spread her thighs, welcoming Kelly?s attention, and cried out as the younger woman quickly brought her off. Eyes closed, she groped blindly until she found Kelly?s right thigh at her left side. Kelly giggled between Sharon?s thighs as the older woman pulled, signaling her desire to return the favor. Kelly shifted, never stopping her continued work on Sharon?s still hot cunt, and gracefully draped her leg over Sharon?s torso, bringing her own ready sex to the housewife?s eager mouth and tongue. The sound of Kelly?s pleasure, moaned against her own sex, was almost enough to get Sharon off again as she began to lick from top to bottom of Kelly?s young seam. Giggling as her face was quickly coated with Kelly?s flowing cream, Sharon refocused her attention, licking, then slurping hungrily at Kelly?s clit until the young woman was shaking and crying out on top of her. Within a few minutes they?d rolled to their sides, continuing the most intimate kiss she could imagine, taking turns getting off until after almost 30 minutes they shuddered in a mutual final climax that left them panting, tangled on the sweat and honey soaked sheets. Sharon reluctantly got up, making coffee and egg white scrambles with wheat toast for them both. She absently wondered where the real eggs and English muffins had gone. After enjoying their post ?wake up sex? breakfast, Kelly hugged her good-bye, promising to call later in the day. Sharon showered, cleaned the small rental, and decided to go to the clinic to get on the pill. She pulled on a pair of impossibly tight jeans she couldn?t remember having bought, threw on a ZB Bitch tank top, and over that donned the school hoodie she?d gotten at the Union. She locked up, walking to the campus and the clinic by the library. There was no line when she signed in, but she balked when the nurse at the front desk asked for her insurance card. ?I, uh? I?d rather just pay for it in cash,? Sharon stammered. The woman looked at her sternly over her ½ glasses. ?You can take that up with your insurance company,? the woman answered tersely, waiting expectantly for a moment. Sharon considered lying, telling the woman she did not have insurance, but she was not sure if the information was already in the college computer system. The last thing she wanted was to have Chris wondering why she was going on the pill. The nurse sighed theatrically and stomped off, grumbling to herself. Sharon was wringing her hands, looking at the nearly empty waiting room as she tried to decide what to do. Just as she was about to leave, a young coed seated near the front desk leaned over and caught her elbow. ?You could go to the free clinic,? the young woman suggested quietly. Sharon blinked at the stranger, not understanding. The woman handed her a thin business card. ?Go to the free clinic,? she repeated, ?They?ll help you without asking questions. Then she sat up, obviously not wanting the nurse to think they had been talking. Sharon smiled at the young woman gratefully, before hurrying back to her rental to get her car. She blushed, arriving at the clinic. She was sure she was only a few blocks from where she?d done the ?photo shoot? with Shaun. She became more flustered at the way her body responded to her memories of that night, amplified by the lack of big cock she?d been dealing with for weeks. Her discomfort was increased seeing that there was not another car in the clinic parking lot that was less than 10 years old. Her big SUV stood out like a sore thumb. Reasoning no one would be looking out to the parking lot, and aware she needed to get some protection, she jumped out, locked the doors remotely, and hurried inside. The dingy clinic was busy. She waited several minutes to give her name? offering her maiden name to reduce the chance anything would get back to Chris. When the plump woman at the desk asked her why she was there, she smiled and told the woman she needed to get some birth control. The woman tsked but marked the sheet Sharon had filled out, setting it in a box and directing Sharon to wait until her name was called. Sitting down, Sharon was acutely aware that most of the others in the cramped room were black or Hispanic. The men eyed her openly, a couple offering leering smiles. Sharon was embarrassed at the way her body responded to the presence of men? She shuddered at the momentary image of herself naked, draped over the dated plastic chairs being taken by a line of men awaiting treatment for one malady or another. It was just over an hour before she heard her name called. The first time she did not get up, having forgotten that she had given her maiden name. A diminutive Asian nurse led her down a maze of hallways to a small exam room, telling her to strip and don the white paper smock that was folded on the counter. ?But I?m only hear for birth control pills,? Sharon protested. The woman shrugged. ?New intake visit. No worry, you no pay. Government grants pay for this,? she answered, misreading Sharon?s apprehension. ?Dr. Brian will be with you shortly. Now change.? Resigned, Sharon carefully stripped out of her clothes and put the useless paper gown on, squirming on the paper covering the cracked exam table pad and waiting. Time dragged by. ?Eight needs a refill on the suppositories, and schedule 7 for a diagnostic mammogram,? a baritone voice called from the hall as the door opened. A tall black man, about Sharon?s age, stepped into the room, after pausing to slide a binder off of the door. ?Hello,? he began, ?I?m Dr. William Brian. What can I do for?? his voice trailed off as he brought his attention to Sharon, seated on the old exam table. His eyes moved over her, seeming to linger on her face, making the housewife more nervous. ?Who sent you?? the tone was harsh, and Sharon flinched, then shook her head. ?No one,? she paused, ?I mean a girl at the University clinic suggested I come here? I just need birth control pills.? The physician paused, as if he wanted to say something, then shook his head. He rubbed his right hand, holding a pharmaceutical pen, absently against his left shoulder as he sat on the stool opposite Sharon. ?Uh-huh,? Sharon was puzzled? It did not sound like he believed her. ?You need birth control pills, eh?? Sharon nodded. ?I?m sorry,? she didn?t know why she was sorry, but he seemed? angry. ?I didn?t mean to be a bother? I just thought I could get the pills and go, but your nurse? I mean your receptionist? She said I was a new intake.? The physician rubbed his hand over his face, then looked at the chart, seeming unwilling to look at her again. ?Right,? he started again, ?You?re Sharon Guest.? She nodded but when he didn?t look up she agree aloud. ?You live here in town?? He recited the address and Sharon agreed, wondering what was wrong. ?You list here that you?re a student?? ?That?s right? I?m taking English courses.? He paused at that. Shook his head. Sharon felt a spark of annoyance. ?I know, but my kids are in school, so?? ?So you have children?? Sharon blushed; she had not noted that on the form. ?How many pregnancies?? She answered, and the questions that followed, as the doctor ticked off notes on the form. He paused after a couple minutes and looked up at her. ?Kind of incomplete data here, wasn?t there?? Sharon shrugged. ?You want to tell me why you?re really here?? Sharon sniffed at his tone. ?I already told you: I need birth control pills.? He looked at her briefly. ?But you could?ve gotten them at the school clinic.? ?Not if?? Sharon stopped herself. ?I didn?t like the attitude of the nurse there.? He nodded. ?So go to a private clinic? You aren?t destitute,? he said mildly. Sharon blushed. ?No, but I don?t have the money to pay for an office visit.? ?But you have insurance.? ?No,? Sharon stopped herself before admitting she did not have insurance she wanted to use. The physician sighed, looking at her again briefly, eyes not quite meeting hers. He seemed to come to a decision, then nodded once. ?All right, it?s not my place to ask,? he stood, taking the stethoscope from around his neck, ?Just sit there for a moment?? He proceeded to listen to her lungs and heart, not noticing the way her breath caught when he slipped his hand under the collar of the paper gown to press the cold metal bell against her skin. Sharon tried not to react as he deftly checked her eyes, ears, mouth, and reflexes before having her lie back. He palpated her abdomen, listened, then 9634 1.68/512345
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