Friday, September 21, 2012
Way Too Much Information Pt 2
WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION Pt 2 By Slirpuff Carol stood there knocking on the door of Jan?s house when she opened it. ?Holy shit, what happened to you?? she screamed as Carol walked in. ?I?ve lost him for good? was all she could say. ?What the fuck did he do to you? Jan asked. ?He used me like I?d used him this past year, god, I never knew he had so much anger inside? she said as she started to cry. Through the tears, she told Jan what she?d told him and what had transpired that evening. ?And everything he said was true except the fact that I didn?t love him; because I do with all my heart and soul? she told Jan. Paul came in and asked if she wanted him to talk to Steve but Jan said, ?don?t you think you?ve said enough?? ?If you guys hadn?t gone on and on teasing him I don?t think we?d be in this mess right now? she told him. ?What are you going to do?? she asked. ?I?m going to get my kids and move back in with my parents, what else can I do, Steve hates me,? she said with a whimper. In an hour, Carol was all cried out, there was nothing left in her. Jan gave her a change of clothes and helped her pack her sleeping kids in the van. When she got to her parents she put the kids back to sleep and sat in the kitchen with them drinking coffee. ?That fucking idiot doesn?t know what he losing? he father shouted. ?Hold your voice down, you?ll wake the kids? her mother replied. ?Get some sleep honey, it?ll all look better in the morning,? she told her; but it didn?t. Neither Carol nor Steve slept much that night. When Steve got up Carol was gone. He began to feel angry at not only her but at himself also for what he?d said and done. His anger was still there, but it wasn?t out of control like it had been last night. He made himself some coffee and cleaned up the kitchen from last night and went back to bed, alone, for only the second time in over two years. He slept most of the day and never left the bedroom. Her parents had let her sleep but by noon the kids were jumping on the bed. ?When are we going home?? they asked and ?where was dad?? they inquired. ?We?re going to spend some time with grandma and grandpa, kind of like a vacation, Carol told them. ?Is dad coming with us?? They asked. ?Honey, he?s out of town and will be back soon? she replied. She knew that wasn?t true, but didn?t have the heart to tell them the truth right now. When she went down stairs her mom told her she looked like hell and her dad piped up, ?alright, since you?ve decided to take me out of the loop, what the hell is going on.? Carol told her day what happened the night of the BBQ but only what Steve said last night, not what he?d done.? He said nothing until she was finished and then looked at his wife. ?You knew about this and didn?t tell me, what were you thinking?? He asked. ?We thought it would all blow over in a day or two, but now it?s totally out of control? his wife replied. ?Damm right it is? he almost shouted. ?What type of man wants to be with a women who says he can?t satisfy her and then having him hear you tell everyone that even when you having sex, your thinking about someone else, shit if I ever heard your mother say what you did, I would have tossed her ass to the curb myself.? He told her. That was something Carol didn?t want to hear right now. He dad left shaking his head telling her he didn?t have a clue how she was going to get herself out of this one. Her mom asked if she had any immediate plans on contacting him and she looked down at the floor and said no, not right now. ?I?ll give him some time to cool down but I need to get mine and the kids stuff out of the house though.? The following day, Carol and her parents pulled all of her and the kids stuff out of Steve?s house when he was at work. Steve was happy when Monday rolled around; at least he had work to take his mind off his troubles. He told Nancy and his boss that he didn?t want to see or speak to Carol because they were separated and that he just needed to be left alone. When he went home that night Steve found everything gone. I guess that answers the question of her wanting to get back together; it probably wouldn?t have worked any way. After that, Steve dove into his work and training for the marathon. He started working 12 plus hours per day and spent two hours a day running or cross training. This went on for a solid month and although he missed Carol terribly, he decided not to call her. Over the next two months Steve did either a 5 of 10K every weekend and really developed into quite a runner. He took either first or second every time he ran and even made the local paper three or four times as the towns up and coming running star. Every once in a while Steve thought he?d seen Carol or one of his kids but after the race they seemed to have disappeared. Yes, his kids. He still thought of them as his even though he wasn?t their real father, he still loved and missed them. Carol was another story though. Every time he thought of her, he became angry and trained that much harder to drive his thoughts of her deeper and deeper inside. One thing that surprised him though, no divorce papers yet. He?d decided that if she wanted out that bad, she would have to divorce him, because of her dad being a lawyer, he?d expected to be served about 2 to 3 weeks after Carol left. Well, it was up to her, the house and everything else was his before hand and since he hadn?t formally adopted the kids yet there would be no child support so he was basically single and married in name only. With his added notoriety, Steve got hit on all the time. At the gym girls would pass him their phone number and the girls in the running club were always asking him if he wanted to come home for dinner or they had a friend that he?d really like. He always smiled but told them thanks but no thanks. It was about four and a half months into their separation when Steve saw Carol for the first time. He was having lunch with a customer when she walked into the restaurant with a tall good looking black guy. She never saw him and as he watched her, it looked like it was more than a business lunch. As they laughed and ate he got angry all over again and if he hadn?t been with a good customer, he would have left. I guess she?s moved on and by the size of him; she was going to get her pussy filled again. Steve was on a long run one morning when Mary came up from behind on her bike. ?Hey good looking, long time no see? she told him. He didn?t recognize her for a moment and then pulled off his headset to hear what she was saying. How you?ve been?? she asked again. ?Not bad, keeping myself pretty busy, how about you?? just making small talk. ?Dan keeps me hopping and I decided to start working out to lose a few pounds? she replied. ?Seeing anyone new she asked?? ?Mary? Steve snapped. ?Ok, just wondering? she said. ?I see Carol?s moved on though, her new beau looks big enough to curl both her toes and yours too, if you know what I mean? he said with a smirk. Mary thought for a minute. ?Where did you see her?? she asked. ?At the Holiday Inn by the airport.? ?She came in with a black guy about 6?4? and they were all over each other.? He replied. ?If you see her, tell her no hard feelings and I?m glad she found someone to fill her void.? With that said, Steve said his goodbyes and headed out through the park. Why the fuck didn?t Carol tell her that she?d found someone new, god that was fast. Mary called Carol and told her to meet her at Tim?s Lounge after work for a drink so they could catch up. Mary then call the group and told them to meet her there. As Carol walked in she saw the fearsome foursome as she called them and sat down and ordered a glass of wine. ?Can?t stay long girls, the kids and I have movie night tonight? she told them. Mary spoke up first. ?Alright, who?s the new man in your life?? she asked. ?Carol looked puzzled and replied, ?what new man?? ?I saw Steve and he told me that he saw you and a tall black man out for lunch and you guys were all over each other? Mary whispered. ?That was Don, we went to school together and he played football with my ex.? ?He just signed a new contract my dad handled and we were just reminiscing about old times, that ?s all? she explained. ?Well that?s not how it looked to Steve? she replied. ?He told me he was happy you?ve moved on and found someone who can curl your toes? she replied. Carol thought she would never cry about it again but the tears started to flow again. ?Fuck, now he thinks I?ve replaced him, I just can?t win can I? she sobbed. ?Have you called him lately? Beth asked. ?I did for a while but he never took any of my calls so I just stopped.? ?And neither of you have gone to a lawyer?? Tina asked. ?Well I haven?t but I?m not to sure about Steve though, he probably will now that he thinks I?m seeing someone else.? ?I thought I had an outside chance but now it seems hopeless.? Jan looked at everyone and asked Carol, ?Do you want him back?? ?In a heart beat? Carol relied. ?I don?t mean like before, I mean as a loving wife, partner and mother,? she asked again. ?But after all I said and the big deal I made about his side, why would he come back?? ?Well I?ve got a plan that probably won?t work but at this point you have nothing to loose anyway; you may even like the results with or without Steve.? She said with a laugh. ?Steve, Jan here, I just thought you might want to know that Carol had surgery yesterday.? ?No she wouldn?t tell me what for but all I know she?s in a lot of pain when I talked to her this morning.? ?Also, that dude you saw her with, was an old high school friend that her father was doing work with not a boy friend; just thought you?d like to know.? ?She?s at Hopkins Memorial room 312 if your interested, take care of yourself? and she hung up. Now it was up to Steve Jan thought. Steve walked into room 312 with flowers. Carol was sleeping and hooked up to a lot of tubes and indicators. He sat in the chair next to the bed and just watched her sleep. Fuck he was still in love with her no matter what she?d said and done. He wanted to grab her and kiss her but knew she needed her sleep. After about two hours the nurse came in and asked me to leave for a moment because she needed to change her dressings. ?I?ll just be outside let me know when your done? he told her. ?Well visiting hours are ending shortly and only family was allowed after that. ?I?m her husband,? he told her. Down the hall Steve could see Carol?s mom walking towards him with the kids. The kids saw Steve and started screaming and shouting. They were all over him within 10 seconds, laughing, kissing me and asking where I?ve been and am I coming home tonight. Before I could answer her mother was there in front of me. ?Hi Tammy? I said to her. ?You?re looking well.? ?Cut the bullshit Steve what are you intentions, you can?t sit on the fence forever you know.? Tammy always had a way with words. She never beat around the bush but went straight for the jugular; that?s probably where Carol got it from. ?Not sure at this moment, but when I know, you?ll be the first to know,? I told her. The nurse came out and said I could go in now. ?Kids, let me talk to mommy for a few minutes and when I?m done, I?ll take you out for ice cream; would you like that?? They were still jumping up and down as Steve went into the room. She was awake as I sat in the chair next to her bed. ?How you feeling?? he asked her as he held her hand. ?A little pain but looking at you here makes it all worth while? she said with a smile while she squeezed his hand. ?I?m so sorry? he started to say as Carol put her fingers to his lips. ?There?s been too much said and unsaid these past few months, all I want to do right now is look at you? she said with a smile. ?I love you? Steve told her. ?I know you do? she replied. ?You have a few munchkins outside who would like to see you right now if you?re up to it? he told her. She smiled and Steve opened the gates of hell. They were all over her asking a million questions and saying how much they missed her and that did she know dad was back and they were going out for ice cream and too many other things to mention. I could see she was in pain so I told the kids that we had to leave but would be back tomorrow to see her. They both said ?goodbye mommy? as I led them out into the hall. ?Tammy, just what the hell did Carol have done anyway?? I asked. ?Just something she should have done a long time ago.? ?She should be out by Friday but will not be able to do anything for 6 to 8 weeks? she informed him. ?I?ll drop the kids off in about two hours if that?s alright? I asked. ?They?re your kids? she said with a smile and walked away. Carol and the kids moved back in with me on Saturday. Tammy would come over during the day to help because Carol was flat on her back the first two weeks and could only sit in a chair the next three weeks. We became a family again and our friends apologized for being such ass holes and were happy to see us back together again. We talked for hours on end now and Carol tried to explain how it all started and I told her I let my male ego get in the way but it hurt and I still wasn?t over it. The one thing that she wouldn?t tell me was the reason for the surgery. I was at least thankful when she told me it wasn?t life threatening or anything like that. Four weeks later Carol came in smiling ear to ear. ?I got a clean bill of health from the doctor? she told me. ?What?s more, tomorrow, you and I are leaving on a 7 day cruise compliments of your boss and my dad,? she told him. ?So start packing,? she said running into his arms kissing him. It had been too long since they?d had any real closeness. He was afraid of hugging her because of her pain and sex right now wasn?t even on the table. Their plane was leaving at 5:00am and they didn?t finish packing until almost 2:00. Her parents picked them up at 3:30 took them to the airport, dropped them off and wished them well. ?I hope everything works out for the two of you tonight? her mother told Carol. They both slept on the plane and after landing, getting on the ship and getting organized it was time for their 8:00 dinner. They had a table for two and unbeknown to the two of them, everyone was told they were on their honeymoon. They got great service and even the captain came over to wish them well. After dinner they hit the lounge and danced the night away. It was hard to put into words the way Steve was feeling at this moment. He had the girl of his dreams again in his arms and when he looked in her eyes he saw nothing but love staring back at him. Gone was the anger and hurt of the past few months and all he wanted to do was get her back to his cabin and make love to her; but not like the last time they were together. One lap around the deck and they were heading towards their room. With the balcony door open to the ocean, Steve and Carol kissed and swayed to the music they could hear from the upper deck. ?Get comfortable I?ll be right back,? she told him. Steve went to the bed, undressed and waited for her. This will be the first time they?d been together since getting back together. Steve turned on the sidelight and carol came out wearing the sexiest nightgown he ever seen. ?You are the hottest women I?ve ever seen,? he told her. All she could do was smile as she moved onto the bed next to him. They touched lips and they could feel the electricity between the two of them. Their lips brush together and Steve licked the top then the bottom one to get them wet. Carol drove her tongue down his throat as they played tongue tag within his mouth. Like most outfits it was pulled off in a manner of minutes but it had done what it was intended to do. Steve was hard as a rock and as Carol stroked him, she thought for sure he?d grown two inches since they last fucked. Her long nipples became erect under his kisses and made sure they were both satisfied before moving on. ?Oh god you feel so good,? Carol, told him as he moved his body above her. He was now moving from her tits to her neck to her lips and back again not wanting these feelings to end. As he moved down her stomach to her pussy Carol stopped him. ?Not yet, I want to taste you? as she maneuvered him onto his back and her between his legs. She moved her hair over his dick and licked his navel as he began to squirm beneath her lips. Her lips moved down to his cock as she licked it from the top of the base to his now purple head. Grasping it, Carol engulfed it with one gulp sucked it up and down a few times before licking the under side from his balls to the head. Carol licked and sucked on the head and down the shaft until Steve told her she was going to get a surprise if she kept that up. She just smiled and continued deep throating him all the while looking up at him. It had been way too long and though try as he might, he erupted in her warm velvet mouth. Carol kept it up until he was totally drained. She?d managed to swallow most of it but a little dribbled out the corner of her mouth. ?You didn?t have to do that,? Steve told her. ?Yes I did,? she said with a smile. They came together kissing and hugging as they rolled around the bed laughing. It wasn?t long before Steve was hard again. He went down on Carol licking the outside of her cunt before spreading her lips and feasting on her now wet pussy. He knew what to do to drive her wild but this time he was going to drive her over the edge. Carol had other ideas though. She insisted on Steve holding her hands as he ate her. This put a crimp in his style but he wasn?t going to argue right now. He licked her cunt until he could see a small stream of liquid flowing from her pussy; she was more than ready. ?I need you inside me now before I go off? she screamed as she rolled him off of her. Laying Steve on his back she mounted him. She was sopping wet but as she lowered herself onto him there was a problem. He was having a hard time getting inside her. ?Fuck, she put him in her ass? is all he could think. ?Hon, I want your pussy tonight, not your ass,? he told her. A small smile escaped her lips as she told him, ?This is my pussy.? Now it dawned on him what the surgery was and why it had taken so long to heal and why she couldn?t make love with him before tonight. ?Love me now and we?ll talk later? she whispered. It was like fucking a virgin teenager. It took about 10 minutes, even with lube, to get inside her. Even with taking it very easy and slow, Carol was screaming under him. He thought it was from pain until she grabbed him and pulled him all the way in and yelled, ?fuck me harder.? as she drove up against him. God, Steve was in heaven. He was so glad Carol had given him a blowjob, or he would have already blown his wad she was so fucking tight. Carol had already cum three times before Steve started cumming. He must have shot 4 loads into his pussy before rolling over on the bed next to her exhausted. ?God damm that was nice? he told her as he kissed her and pulled her on top of him. ?Why didn?t you tell me he asked?? ?This was something I wanted to do for us.? she started. ?If we were ever to make a fresh start of it, I needed to take care of the problem that brought us to where we were.? ?Jan suggested it and dad paid for it.? ?We?re going to have to go a little slow at first, but you?re the only one who?s going to break this pussy in.? she smiled as she told him. They spent the next day and a half in bed trying out their new toy. However, they had to ease up the next three days, because Carol was walking a little funny, she?d never been so thoroughly fucked before.? They reconnected during those 7 days and a week after coming back; they started formal adoption proceedings for their two kids. Every other month, mom watches the kids for the weekend, as just the two of them get away and enjoy each other. Eight months later, at another BBQ, Jan and the girls gathered around and asked Carol how her sex life was going post surgery. She just smiled and said, ?that?s one thing I will never discuss ever again outside of my bedroom except with my husband? but we could see by the look on her face every thing was now better than ever. 4928 1.58/512345
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