Friday, July 26, 2013
Coworker's Bet
Date: Sat Oct 3 08:46:33 1998 From: Devoted Hubby (Some minor editing by SeeShow) Subject: Coworker's Bet It all started with a bet from one of my coworkers while putting away one more than I should have and discussing how another coworkers wife was quite the town tramp. Paul, the guy I was drinking with, informed me that any woman will cheat under the right circumstances no matter how devoted she is. "Not mine," I assured him referring to my gorgeous strawberry blond six month old bride who I'd been dating since she was a high school cheerleader. "I'm the only guy she's ever been with. I broke her in. She doesn't even think of another man. "You're telling me she's never even thought of what it might be like to be with another man?" Paul asked. I considered that possibility. "Even if the fantasy passed through her mind for a fleeting moment, she'd never do it. She's not like that. She has no interest in any other man." "Sound pretty sure of yourself." "I'm one hundred percent positive," I told Paul. "Care to place a little wager on it." I didn't answer. In fact, I had become a little agitated by this and wanted to leave. But Paul was smiling now. He had a smug look can really get under your skin. "Don't get all frazzled," he told me. "No ones that sure of their marriage." "I'm completely secure in my marriage," I snapped. "Thank you very much." "I have five grand I've been saving up that says you're not." I smirked. "Much as Id love to put you to the test, I can't. I'm married and I'm not hoarding money away like some single guy." "That's all right," Paul said. "I'll make it easy for you." I know I shouldn't have said anything, but curiosity got the better of me, "How ?s that?" I asked. . "If I lose I pay the five grand. If I win, you pay nothing as long as you don't interfere with my seduction of your wife," he informed me. "What do you mean?" I asked. He smiled. "I mean that you can't forewarn her or try to stop me when it's obvious that I can seduce her. You'll have to allow me freedom to pursue her. What do you say? You cant lose. Especially if she's as devoted as you say she is." I wished this conversation had never started. I wanted to get out of it badly but I just didn't know how. I agreed to his stupid bet and told myself that after he lost, I'd be generous and allow him to keep his $5,000 as long as he gave me a real sincere apology. I thought about the bet I made with Paul the entire drive home from the bar. I didn't know how he planned on arranging it so he could be alone with my wife, which I am certain he would have to do. The more I thought about it the more I was determined to find some way to get out of this bet. That night in bed I lay beside Cindy, my young wife, admiring her flawless juicy body that always made me instantly erect. She had round grapefruit size breasts and a perfect round shapely ass. Her pussy hair matched her strawberry blond head and was so soft you could actually comb it. I was still certain she wouldn't let anyone have her but me, but I didn't like the idea of taking any chance. I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice she was awake and staring at me. "What's the matter?" she asked, batting her emerald green eyes. "Nothing," I said, caught off guard. "Don't lie," she said. She could always tell when I was lying. "Just some stuff at work," I told her. "Oh," she said. I couldn't hold back any longer though. I had to ask. "Do you ever think about other men?" "Of course not," she giggled in her little girlish way. "Not even innocently?" I asked. "She told you, didn't she?" "Oops," she said, biting her lip like someone who's hand was still in the cookie jar. "Who told me what?!" I demanded! "Sheri." Sheri was our next door neighbor. "I thought she told you what happened at the mall." "What happened." "It was completely innocent." She was defensive. "And it was for a good cause." "You mind getting to the point?" She made a face. "Well they had this kissing booth at a little carnival set up outside, and all the money was going to cancer research, and, and well..." "And well what..?" I was frantic. "Well the girl was sick and this guy asked me if Id mind sitting in for her. It was just kissing." "You were kissing guys?!" "Of course guys. It was pretty public so I don't think any girls would have dared even if they wanted to." "How many?" I asked. She giggled. "I don't remember. There were too many. Im sorry. It was for a good cause. It was just kissing. Don't be jealous." "Im not jealous," I lied. "Its all right." "I like you jealous," she smiled. It made me even more jealous. "Did you like it?" I asked. "It was fun," she said. "But not as fun as seeing the way you're acting now." She slid down to my hard-on and started stroking it while kissing my stomach. When she took me in her mouth I went crazy thinking about how this could very easily be Paul's cock if I didn't do something to stop this whole crazy idea of his soon. The next day at work, I went immediately into action. Before Paul even asked me when we were going to get this thing going, I came up with every excuse I could think of why we shouldn't go through with this thing. He knew I was stalling, and he seemed to have the same thrill at my squirming that my wife Cindy had over my jealousy of her kissing those other guys. "Look, why don't the three of us just go out to the movies or something and get to know one another?" He asked. "Cindy isn't going to want to go out with the both of us," I said. "Fine," he said. "I'll take her out myself." "You're not taking out my wife," I said. "Oh, you'll let me fuck her, but you wont let me take her out." "I never said you could fuck her either," I snapped. "That's entirely up to her." "Well, at least we agree on one thing." He was smirking and making me very uncomfortable. I suddenly noticed another employee listening to our conversation. He was smiling too. Embarrassed, I walked off leaving Paul and the other employee exchanging grins. It wasn't until some time later that I actually discovered what the grinning was all about. Bob, that other employee approached me and tried to get me to confide in him. "I wouldn't let it bother you," he said. "Stuff like this often happens in the first year of marriage. Its a lot worse when it happens later." "What stuff," I asked. "You know, Paul and Cindy." "Nothings going on between Paul and Cindy," I said. "No of course not." He said. "She probably just got caught up in the heat of the moment. She's young and fairly innocent I'm sure." "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You know... The kissing booth," he said. "That is what you guys were arguing about isn't it? I think she should have kept the whole thing to herself. But hey, at least you know she won't lie to you." I didn't answer and Bob could tell he might have said to much. He started to walk away, and I grabbed him. "What exactly happened there?" I asked. "I mean, she told me, but I just want to know what everyone else heard." "Maybe you should just ask her." "I'd rather not embarrass her anymore," I said. "Well, let's just say things got pretty hot." "How hot?" I asked. "Lets just say if everyone hadn't started clapping he probably would have done her right there on the lawn. As it was, he had her tits out, sucking on them and everything. That's one hot looking honey. You're a lucky guy." The look on my face must have told Bob he gave up more than I had known. "She did stop him though, and it all started with an innocent kiss. You know how Paul is. I wouldn't blame her." "Who told you this?" I asked. "No one told me. I was there. Everyone was." My jaw dropped and I looked around at all the other workers watching us talk. I knew they knew how I felt. The humiliation was all over my face. When I got home from work that night, Cindy was on the phone. She was half dressed wearing only her under garments and immediately hung up the phone when I walked in. She rushed up to me and gave me a peck on the lips. She had a mascara brush in her hand and was putting on her make up. "Are we going out somewhere," I asked. "I was thinking of going over Sheri's," she said. "I figured you'd be going to bed and Im not that tired. I left dinner on the stove." "Sheri's huh? Was Sheri at the mall that day?" "What day," she said, pretending not to know what day I was talking about. She and Sheri often went to the mall together so it was easy for her to divert the question. "The infamous kissing booth day," I reminded. "Oh, that day," she said. "I'd hardly call it infamous. Like I said it was for a good cause." She turned and hustled into the bathroom. I waited before following. Then I stood in the doorway and watched her apply her make up. She felt my presence. "You should eat before dinner gets cold." She said. "Id rather watch you," I told her. She smiled at that. "You can always watch me, but I did put a lot of work into that dinner." "Maybe I should start helping out with dinner from now on." I suggested. "Something wrong with my cooking?" she asked. "Absolutely not," I said. "Its just that I don't think a gorgeous girl like you should have to slave in the house all day." She smiled. "Maybe you have a point. Still, you work all day. And I am going out tonight. Don't worry, I'll have fun tonight." "What kind of fun?" I asked. She shrugged. "I don't know. Guess I'll see what happens." "I don't like the sound of that." I said. "You'd tell me if there was anything I should know right. I mean we are married." She looked at me and smiled. "Sure, if I thought there was something you should know." "I was talking to Paul at work today." "Paul? Who's Paul? Has he ever been over here." "No, but we went to high school together. I thought you might remember him." "We went to high school with lots of guys. In high school I only had eyes for you." "Not just in high school I hope." She didn't answer. She finished her make up and went into the bedroom. I followed. She rummaged through the closet and picked out a slinky semi-transparent dress. She slipped it over her head. "Isn't that a little revealing. I mean I can see your under things right through it." "You're right," she said slyly. She took her dress back off, took off all her under garments and slipped the dress back on. "Is that better?" "That's not exactly what I had in mind." I said. "Oh, well. I'm running late now. You know how Sheri hates to be kept waiting. You did use to date her if I recall." That I did. In fact I dumped her for Cindy and Sheri never forgave me for it. "You're not actually going out like that are you?" "Unless you don't trust me," she said. "You do trust me, right?" "Of course," I said. "I just don't trust Sheri." "Well you didn't marry Sheri, so don't worry about her." She kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you when I get home. Don't forget your dinner." She hustled out before I could stop her. I was going crazy inside. I was torn between chasing after her and making her stay in. The only thing that stopped me was how she took the trust thing so seriously. She was a fanatic about it when we were dating in high school. I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind before they drove me crazy. I went to the stove and started serving myself the dinner when the phone rang. It was Paul. He said he was on his way over to Sheri's and wanted to know if I cared to come along. What choice did I have? I agreed to go with him to make sure something didn't get out of hand between my wife and him. Little did I know that my going with Paul was a big mistake. When we got to Sheri's it was obvious my wife was more happy to see Paul, the guy she supposedly didn't know, more than myself. In fact, she actually looked upset that I had arrived with Paul. I was also surprised to see quite a few other people from our work place there at Sheri's as well as my wife, Paul and me. They all seemed to sense my situation of being upset with my wife because of her delight in Paul being there. They seemed to enjoy my discomfort, especially Sheri who had always been jealous of our marriage and couldn't stand the way we were so devoted to each other. Sheri gave me a phony kiss on the lips and made it last longer than it should have. It was something Cindy used against me when she got me alone into the kitchen and asked if I was checking up on her. "No," I told her. I explained that Paul wanted some company so he didn't have to show up alone. "Oh, that's Paul," she said. "I didn't know his name." "So you do know him," I asked. "We sort of met," she snickered. "I think he was one of the men I kissed that day" It drove me crazy, and I could tell she knew I was jealous. What was worse she seemed to take a perverse enjoyment in my jealousy. Finally without saying anything else, she made her way back into the other room with the others. When she went to the refrigerator to get ice for another drink. She'd been putting them away since before I had arrived, Paul joined her and helped her crack the ice in the sink. I watched helplessly as he placed her hand on her ass. She looked like she was about to instinctively remove it until she saw me looking. She left it there and when Paul saw me looking too he began to squeeze it. She didn't stop him. Our other coworkers pretended not to notice me or them but I could tell everyone knew. Sheri was the only one who made it obvious. "Something the matter?" Sheri asked, smirking. I didn't answer and she started to laugh. "Oh, look, were almost out of booze. Why don't you be a dear and go get some." "I didn't bring my car," I said. "I'll take you," Paul said. Then he asked Cindy if she wanted to come along. She of course did, using the excuse that she wanted to go wherever I went. Somehow, I had a feeling that she had something else in mind. We drove to the nearby package store, and I saw Paul lay a hand on my wife's thigh several times and Cindy didn't even attempt to remove it. Paul somehow talked me into going into the liquor store. When I came out, he had driven away with my wife. I sat on the stoop feeling like a fool and too ashamed to call at Sheri's to see if that's where they went. It was a good twenty minutes before I finally got up the nerve to call. But just as I was about to make the call, his car drove back into the parking lot. She made some lame excuse that Paul had wanted to show her the new medical building under construction, that had been designed by our company. She seemed to be giving me the cold shoulder and I didn't figure it all out until later. As I climbed inside I could see my wife's hair messed up and her make up smudged. She must have seen that I noticed because she adjusted the rearview mirror. and started fixing it. "Let's skip Sheri's and invite Paul for a drink at our place," Cindy said. I didn't say anything for two reasons. I was a little taken back by her bold suggestion and I also remembered the part of our bet that said I wasn't allowed to interfere with Paul's opportunity to seduce my wife. I didn't want him using this as an excuse to try to get $5,000 from me.. Paul drove back to Sheri's first so that Cindy could run the liqueur into her. Cindy rang the doorbell and Sheri answered. I saw Sheri giggling at whatever it was that Cindy told her when she handed her the liqueur. When Cindy came back to the car, I went out and opened the door for her. I realized that was a mistake as It placed her right in the middle of us again and in no time at all Paul's hand was on her thigh like it was before. This time, however, he slipped it under her dress and just kept rubbing it up and down coming up closer and closer to her uncovered pussy. When Cindy saw me giving her a dirty look for not removing his hand she simply snuggled closer to him and returned my look with a cold stare of her own. Something was definitely wrong here and I just couldn't figure out what it was. I sat in silence trying to think of some way to stop anything further from going on between the two of them without violating the stupid bet I had made. There was enough room for Paul to pull into our garage and after he stopped the car Cindy got out on his side with his hand still under her dress. I couldn't believe what I saw next. They began mauling one another the second they climbed out of the car. Cindy was all over him, letting him lift her dress and expose her bare ass as they kissed. Occasionally, he would slap it and both of them would give me a smile and return to kissing. Paul lifted her up and sat her on the hood of the car. He opened the front of her dress and began licking and sucking on her breasts. She closed her eyes, bit her lip and moaned loudly. She laid back on the hood of the car and I though Paul was going to fuck her right there. Instead he said to her. "Maybe we should do this inside.". This had gone far enough and bet or no bet, I interrupted and said, "I think I'd like to talk to my wife first," "We don't have anything to talk about," Cindy said. "I mean not unless you can dig up five grand somewhere." I knew than what had occurred when Paul took her for a ride and some petting. He must have told her then about the foolish bet I made and it had obviously angered her to the point that she wanted to get back at me. I looked at Paul furiously. He just smiled and shrugged. "All's fair in love and war," he said. He lifted Cindy into his arms and carried her to our front door. I knew better than to argue at this point. I opened the door for them and felt as humiliated and low as anyone can be. Paul and Cindy said nothing more to me as they headed for the downstairs master bedroom. I sat in the living room and listened to them have intense sex. They left the bedroom door open, knowing I'd hear them. Cindy's moans and groans, as well as her words "Harder..., Faster...., Ohh yea..., Just like that..., Fuck me... Baby" were something that she'd never used when I was making love to her. I was tempted to rise and look in on them, but I held back knowing it would only make me feel worse than I already did! They staid in there until the sun came up. Every now and then one of them would come out for a drink or to ask me how I was doing. I never answered, just stared angrily, but that only made them laugh. I don't know what was worse my jealousy or my humiliation from the two of them. Finally, after Paul left, I went into the bedroom. Cindy was laying there, glassy eyed, legs spread wide. I could see his semen leaking out of her. My anger melted away and my lust took over. Seeing her so lustfully spread out before me, had my dick as hard as a rod in no time. She stared at me, smiled and motioned me toward her. I don't know why (the pent-up lust I guess) but I dropped to my knees and began cleaning her up with my mouth. She moaned almost as loudly as she did when Paul was fucking her. I think I even made her cum again. When I moved from between her legs to mount her, she told me she was too sore from Paul to allow me to fuck her. I asked her if it was over now. She smiled and said it was just beginning and that she wanted to make sure that Paul got his $5,000 worth. That didn't sit well with me. But she just giggled and said I better take care of my problem. "What problem?" I asked. She smiled and pointed at my hard on. She was right. I was still as hard as a rock. I took it close to her hand and she milked it for just a little while before telling me that I'd have to finish the job myself as she was awfully tired. I think she was asleep even before I jacked myself off. Paul has visited us many times since then, always with the same results. Me getting to lick her to a climax after he leaves in the early hours of the morning and having to finish myself off! [WRITEN BY DEVOTED HUBBY WITH SOME EDITING BY SEESHOW] 9972 1.65/512345
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