Sunday, July 28, 2013
Good Morning India Ch. 02
The bus dropped Dan and Kira in front of Kyrhan's house. Kira was in a sorry state. Although he knew that they were invited by Kyrhan, maybe because he was jealous of her acquaintance with the powerful official, Rajiv had suddenly changed her routine. For the previous last bus rides, he had offered Kira for fifty dollars to four or five bus passengers during their last hour of bus ride. they had her during a quarter of an hour each. This time, Rajiv had closed the small dining room in the base floor of their two decker bus from 2 PM. They were scheduled to arrive around 4PM. Rajiv had organized for her coming home a gang bang with eight paying customers plus himself and Dan. This time all the participants would be together in the same room. Maybe he had wanted to shame in public Kira's husband but he had failed. Dan had watched avidly the scene. Rajiv had prevented Kira to take off her saree. He had simply made her on her back on the table without even a cushion for her head. He had pushed up her choli and lifted the hem of her saree to exhibit her shaven cunt. Kira had not tried to resist or hinder his preparation. Rajiv had opened his fly and told everyone that they could fuck her cunt, her mouth and her tits at will. He proposed the attendants to give her a cum bath at the end. They loved the idea and tried their best. Some used her mouth or her cunt on their own while the other ones watched them. Other tried to double teamed her mouth and her cunt. They seemed to enjoy it and Kira seemed to find there her own pleasure from the moans and screams that she emitted. Two attendants proposed fifty more dollars for her ass but Rajiv forbid it. At least, he was still fearing Kyrhan's wrath. The curtains had been left wide open and the other buses honked when they saw a woman being fucked mercilessly in full view. It was an unusual spectacle in the somewhat conservative India. Fortunately, there were no cops on the road. At the end of the ride, Kira had sperm globs everywhere on her belly, her tits, her face, her hair and her saree was sticky with sperm. Her choli has been used by one of the men to wipe her overflowing cunt and his own cock. It was covered too by a white goo. Kira looked as if she has just been raped by a team of bikers. Rajiv threw her out of the bus in Dan's arms. Her breasts were naked Rajiv threw the choli to Kira and the bus departed in front of bewildered passers by.. Dan helped her to a somewhat secluded place surrounded by a few trees. A few young men ogled Kira from a distance. Kira did her best to wipe away the goo on her face, breasts and tummy and to clean as much as possible her soiled and hopelessly torn choli. There was a guard at the house entrance. He allowed Dan to enter but forbid Kira to get in. - You are reeking with cum. Go and wash yourself before asking to be allowed in Prince Kyrhan's home, slut. The man was stubborn but Kira had no choice. Dan had to enter and contact Kyrhan to let her in. Ten minutes later, the guard telephone rang. - Hello! Oh, Prince, it's the guard on duty! Yes a woman in rags, covered with sperm. OK. She has to take the servant's entrance in the back of the house. I will tell her. The guard was just a bit less disdainful. - The Prince has guests in his lobby. You may not enter the main door but you can enter through the staff door in the back of the house. Your friend will await you there. - Is it far? - Half a mile, I am afraid. Now get away, you are oozing fluids and soiling the floor. If you were not so dirty, I would have told you to wash it. The walk was not very long but she had to face the contempt of many men and especially women along the sidewalks. When she passed a building in construction, her hand was snatched by a strong arm and she was pulled inside. She screamed in fear. - Hush, Kira, it's just me, Rajiv. - Oh Rajiv, you scared me to death and I hate you for having thrown me out of the bus in this story state. - Just a part of your training. You have to accept any abuse from your husband. - You are not my husband! - I would have loved to, but Kyrhan has been specific : I was to act in the most unkind fashion. Now you will have to accept anything and even worse from the man in charge of you. - Worse? - Yes : But I had not finished with you. You are in for the ultimate humiliation I can conceive. On your knees on the ground! Kira was so much used to obey every whimsy from Rajiv that she jumped on her knees with her hands crossed behind her back as she had been trained. She opened her lips in a perfect O, preparing for just another blow job like those Raj had imposed on her during the previous days. Raj dutifully opened his fly, taking his huge cock in his hands. He aimed it toward her mouth then stopped short. Kira was surprised. She had expected Rajiv's lingam (she was beginning to use Indian words) in her mouth, unless he wanted to spew on her face once more. Kira froze when she felt a powerful jet hit her directly on the chin then in her open mouth. She swallowed not to choke. The bastard was peeing on her. She felt paralyzed and did not attempt to flee the yellow stream until it drained itself. Rajiv pushed his cock in her mouth. - You may thank me. I have rinsed your face from semen. OK your saree is now wet with pee but you have just two hundred yards to walk to reach your destination. See you Monday morning at 7 AM precisely at Kyrhan s door. And quit this building soon. I have paid the workers for a quarter of an hour. If they come back before you leave, they may keep even a pee dripping slut like you for another couple of weeks. When he left, she followed him in a hurry and run for the house entrance. Her clothes were clinging to her body and leaving droplets of smelling liquid but she did not care any more. She was sobbing and crying. Dan and Kyrhan were waiting in front of the house. - Ahhh, Kira! Where have you been? You needed so much time to arrive here? but you stench horribly! - It's Rajiv. He caught me on the way and pushed me in a building site. He told me that the cum bath was to humiliate me, to train me to accept any humiliation from you Dan and I suppose from you, Kyrhan, too. and he peed on my face as the ultimate humiliation as he told me. - Rajiv seems to be very rough but the treatment seems effective. Look at you. Kira realized that she had not jumped in their arms for comfort. She had fallen on her knees in front of them and reported her adventure with her eyes closed, her head bent nearly to touch their shoes. Her nipples were engorged and taut. She could not deny being inordinately excited. Kyrhan took the initiative. - If you are so much turned on by humiliation, we will give you aplenty. Now get in. Dan, you take her to the car washing area. You hose her thoroughly to clean the mess. Use cold tap water. It will cool her somewhat. Don't forget to hose her cunt. Push the plastic tube inside her to her cervix and rinse her mouth - And for her hair? - I will have hair soap delivered to you in a minute. When she is clean, discard her saree, her petticoats and her blouse. I want her in my office in a quarter of an hour. - What clothes must she put on? - A woman who had withstood a cum bath, public exposure and a pee bath should not have problems to walk through my house in front of the whole staff, don't you think so, Kira? Kira nodded absent mindedly. A quarter of an hour later, Dan entered Kyrhan's office with his naked wife on tow. - Please, take a seat, Dan. No you, Kira, you remain standing. - Yes, sir - Have you really found your place in the universe? Do you think that Sir would be adequate to address me? Don't forget I am training you to be a perfect wife for my friend Dan. - I know, Master. - It's better! Now Dan will leave us until tomorrow morning. Ranu is waiting just behind this door. You are lucky, Dan. She seems to have developed a crush on you. She has booked tables at some of the best restaurants of the city and to a spectacle the two of you will appreciate, I am sure of it. Bye - Thank you, sir. See you later, Kira love. When he opened the door to leave, they could hear a scream of pleasure and the ruffle of feet toward the door. Ranu was really waiting for Dan in earnest. Kira felt a new jolt of jealousy thinking of the prim and proper Ranu who had escaped the cum bath as well as the water sports. Kyrhan must have been able to read in her mind as he told her: - Don't be jealous. In one week, you will have again your Dan totally for yourself and remember he has to face limitations with Ranu. He may use her mouth, her tits or her ass but I have strictly forbidden him to use her virgin cuntÉ I intend to deflower her myselfÉ - But you are her uncle!! - Not so important in this country. I deflowered also her sister you met at her marriage as I will deflower you tonight! - AhÉ You decided to do it todayÉ Isn't it a bit late at more than forty five to be deflowered? - There is a Chinese proverb saying that late blossoms are the most beautiful. - Will it hurt? - Any defloration begins by some pain and ass defloration is always the most painful. But ass defloration at forty five needs not to be more painful than at eighteen like Ranu. It just takes longer. A side advantage with you is that you will probably remain tighter than she is for the rest of your life. I intend to often enjoy your tight arsehole in the coming years until my death. A scream of ecstasy echoed in the adjoining room and interupted him. - Your husband Dan has jumped on the opportunity. I imagine he is at this very instant ramming Ranu's ass. Imagine yourself screaming in such a delighted tone tomorrow and everyday for the years to come. I associate such screams with those of a woman giving birth. - Shut up, you give me regrets. - Why? - Dan and myself are too old to have babies and I will not be able to soon. - Rubbish! Oriental and Occidental medicine have found ways around. If that is a problem for you, I will have my own doctor treat you next week before you leave for France. You will be able to deliver babies for at least ten years. But at a condition! - Which one? - You will stop immediately any contraceptive treatment and let nature work with you. Dan will have the first honor then I will require the same privilege at least twice. I have had no children, no official ones at least. - It would be an honor for me to give as many children he wishes to my master. I half expected before today that you would tell me to throw away my pills to take advantage of one of the last opportunities to impregnate me. - Good. You are beginning to feel really Indian : we think here that women are on Earth to serve their men AND to provide them with many children. The empty womb of a healthy pretty woman is an offense to all mankind in my idea. Kira felt elated at the idea of giving birth again to babies, especially for her beloved husband and for the man who had opened for her a completely new life. Before meeting Kyrhan, she would have laughed at the idea of fucking other men or having anal relations and now she was regularly fucked by Rajiv she did not like but appeared to be a good trainer according to Kyrhan who had takn her so many times not counting the twenty or thity men Rajiv had offered her to in two weeks and she was quite sure that she would be ass fucked royally in a few hours. She had wanted to come to India and it had changed dramatically her life in a matter of a few days. - What am I to do, Master? Shall I put on a new saree or remain naked? Do you want I take your beautiful Lingam in my mouth or in my cunt? - No dear! Go and take a bath, wash your hair. Try to have your best appearance tonight. You will officially represent India this evening. I will have the most beautiful saree I have found brought in the bed room in a minute. It will be my gift to you. Would you also be kind enough to wear tonight some of my family best jewelry. A superb woman in the most beautiful outfit and the richest baubles is a sure way to impress people, even if some of them are friends. Kyrhan went to the bed room to help her choose the adequate pieces of jewellery. Some of the gems were mind boggling with a perfect emerald bigger than Kira's fist, a necklace with a big diamond that irradiated. Nothing seemed too beautiful for him. Kira did not choose the biggest items but those which best complimented her skin, head or her saree. Kyrhan did not find anything to improve. He got impressed by Kira's flair to adorn her body. - I wonder, master, if I am to suffer any other humiliations today? - I know that humiliations are a powerful stimulant for you. To answer your question, you will, most certainly but it will touch more your mind than your body. No cum or pee bath for you today and I don't intend to expose you in public as Rajiv has done. But it may be an idea for future adventures. - In your hands, Master, or for Dan's pleasure, I feel very adventurous now. They took the Limousine while the sun began to decline. Kira was puzzled to discover they entered a military air base. A soldier asked for their papers. Kira had none on her but Kyrhan presented her an ID card she had never had in her hand. The sentinel saluted and Kira felt on her skin the sizzling intensity of his eyes. That man desired her above any woman at that moment. The feeling made her quim wet. She just wished that Kyrhan did not expose her to too much temptation as she was still naked under her saree and blouse. Her master had chosen a tiny form fitting choli wth no bra. The saree was made in a flimsy fabric that would have revealed anything she wore. Even her petticoats have been made in some ethereal material. Kyrhan had made her show her navel displaying as much as possible her perfect tummy. The global effect was spectacular : you could see occasional glimpses of her legs through the sari or the full shape og her legs when she passed in front of a strong light but nothing more. A really sexy and glamour outfit . Kyrhan had chosen for her impossibly high stilettos more then four inches high. They were unexpectedly comfortable and she was beginning to walk confidently with them. She perfectly knew that the high heels would elongate her calves, make her appear more slender. as well as push back her bottom and push forward her tits. In addition, Kyrhan kept remembering her to push back her shoulders and present her breasts while hollowing her belly. Difficult to combine the poses but she mastered it better and better. The flight was about one hour with just small talk between them. They landed at an airport she learned was New Delhi, India's capital. A car waited along the plane and drove to the city opera. Kyrhan held out his hand to help her climb out of the car. Public contact was not a suitable behavior in India but he nonetheless offered her his arm as soon as they were in the building - Kira, you are now officially Kira Chowdhury, my personal assistant and we represent India for the opening of the year of France. I will present you to the French Ambassador in a minute. I suppose you have never met him? - No, Master - Hush, this evening, just call me Sir or Prince. After all, it's my official title. Ah, your face will appear on many TV sets in the country and quite a few in the world. So SMILE!!! - Understood, Prince! I love you. - First time you use the L word about me, who has brought so much havoc in your life with Dan. - Dan is Kheyrah's beloved husband but you are Kira Chowdhury's boss and master but this night, she will be the only one present at this event. - Let's make our entrance. Here he is! Good evening my dear friend! - Hello, Prince, we were expecting you any time but you are accompanied by a gorgeous lady I have never met. Good evening, milady. - Good evening, sir. - May I present you my assistant Kira Chowdhury. She speaks a rather good French. She has so few occasions to practice. May I propose that you chat with her in French only. Kira, I strictly forbid you to speak in English or even in hindi tonight, except with me, for sure. Every one laughed at what they thought a joke. Kira was grateful toward Kyrhan : her english was still not perfect and her Hindi was inexistent. She would have revealed the forgery in minutes. She had just to include in her first sentences a few inappropriate words. The ambassador just had a hint of a diplomatic smile then. So she asked him to correct her whenever she made a mistake. This had the consequence that the ambassador saw her as a very sensitive and intelligent woman. Rapidly, Kira made less and less errors. All the French staff members present were fascinated by this mature but still very pretty woman who spoke so well French. The Ambassador asked Kyrhan whether it would be possible to have her attend some commissions where French experts presented reports. Someone speaking so fluently French and for sure English and Hindi would be invaluable. Kyrhan had to decline. - I fear it would be shortly impossible. My assistant would like to discover France. She has already found someone who will lodge her : Dan FÉ and his wife in MÉ Kira is planning to remain there one year but there is the problem of the French visas. - Just send me her passport. - I happen to have it in my purse. - Perfect, Prince. Give it to me. II will take charge of everything. You will have the passport ready in two or three days.. - You are very kind. After the representation, there was a ball at the Embassy. There were maybe three or four hundred guests attending including many women. Kira was one of the few who wore traditional sarees and was quite at ease with it. She was the center of a group of European women who were fascinated by the glamour of her dress and by the richness of the gems she was wearing. Kyhran explained that Kira had chosen them among his own family jewelry. They gasped and watched her with different eyes. He whispered to Kira : - Now they are sure that we are lovers. These baubles have last been worn by my mother or my grandmother fifty years ago and should be worn only by family members according to the tradition. - Am I not some sort of a family member as I have already agreed to provide you with at least two children, master. - Don't be so sure of the number of children you signed for : my mother and my grand mother produced twins several times. - You will be put to the test in a year or so, if Dan agrees. But do not forget it s the woman who produces the eggs, master. - Granted. I am sure Dan will agree and if he hesitates, I will require Ranu s help. - Beg your pardon? - Clearly Dan and Ranu are fond of one another. I may offer Dan to breed Ranu while I breed you. - Two times? - Why not if they care for it? But two years is a long way from now. Enjoy this evening and think to what will be the day epilogue for both of usÉ - My ass? - On targetÉ And enjoying the evening, she did. Kira appeared extremely popular with most of the male guests. The dances were quite conventional with few modern rythms. For every dance, Kira had several suitors from very young to rather old and all had large smiles when they took her back to her chair where a group waited her return. Kira never had the occasion to sit. She just had time to take a sip before being called for another dance. She took special care to keep one dance on four (all the slow numbers, most salsas and paso dobles) for Kyhran and half that for the Ambassador (mostly waltzes). With Kyrhan, she always danced as if she was floating on a cloud and all their figures matched perfectly as if they had rehearsed together for years. Every one was transfixed watching them dance. When Kyrhan decided to leave, the ambassador renewed his promise to have the visa ready for Kira. Kyrhan whispered to Kira : - I will arrange with the travel company a change of names. I would like you to return to France as Kira Chowdhury. It would be funny. - I will abide to your every orders, Prince - I will see to it, pet. Both of them felt in a high spirit when they climbed into the plane. Kyrhan immediately ordered Kira naked on her knees at his feet. She immediately took the initiative for the first time and drew out his already hard cock. She began to caress it with her fingers, then she touched it with the tip of her tongue, twirling around the foreskin. Kyrhan fastened his belt but Kira continued to fellate him during the whole take off duration. When Kyrhan was totally wet, Kira gulped his knob and began to caress it with her tongue. His breath became rapidly oppressed. She took all its length in her mouth, an art she had discovered with Rajiv. The tip was now deeply embedded in her throat. Now, she did not choke any more on such a big piece of meatÉ Kira was surprised when he drew out, not waiting for his release. Kyrhan ordered Kira to climb on the low table on her belly. He kissed lovingly her buttocks and began to enter her well greased cunt. It was her turn to pant in agony and to call for his cock. - Ohhh. Master,É pleaseÉ Enter me, nowÉ Please, MasterÉ fuck my cunt. Oh, masterÉ You are so bigÉ Fill me upÉ Fill your little slutÉ But Kyrhan remained at the entrance of her cunt tantalizing her. She tried several times to grind back in order to impale herself fully but he always blocked her with a steady hand against her back. To her immense disappointment, he even withdrew the tip of his cock completely out of her cunt. Kyrhan turned around the table and presented his cock to her lips. She stopped an instant. She had understood his purpose. - Master, maybe, it s time to grease my butt hole. She was very frightened by the imminence of a terrible pain but she feared even more to disappoint him. He poured a good quantity of cold cream on her buttocks and made it enter her arse hole with his finger. At the first penetration of his finger in her virgin butt hole, she clamped convulsively. It took her an immense exercise of will to relax her clenched muscle. She turned to Kyrhan, her cheeks red with guilt and maybe other reasons she did not want to discover at that moment.. - Sorry, Master. It has been a reflex. Kira grabbed her bottom cheeks in her hands and opened them as wide as she could to express her apologies to her master. He made no comments and pushed in his finger slowly to the next knuckle. He paused a minute when his finger could not get any deeper. He savored the moment and her absolute willingness although she perfectly knew he was about to proceed further. Kyrhan began to move his finger in her puckered hole. He had felt a slight relaxation of her sphincter and that was the signal he had been waiting for. With the index of his other hand, he began to caress the rim of her anus slowly. She discovered that such a gentle massaging was rather pleasant and she relaxed somewhat more. When her anus felt loose to his invading finger, he eased it out slowly. When it exited her sphincter, leaving it somewhat open, she could not suppress a groan of disappointment. He smiled slightly, turned his hand and presented at the offered entrance his thumb he had covered with the cream he had left on the hollow of her back. She arched when she felt the bigger finger slowly ease into her. As soon as it had passed her sphincter with just a welcoming sigh, he pushed it in to the hilt. She was now accustomed to having something in her butt hole. She thought that as soon as she had understood he was beginning to take her "last virginity" as he had told her, her own language had changed : it was no more her anal passage but her butt hole, a name she associated with buggering, her final fate in a matter of minutes she dreaded less and less with so careful ministrations. His index then his thumb had been accepted with no problem and even some eagerness but she was used to such small dilatation. Joining two fingers in her ass was more painful although he had creamed her profusely. Despite of her moans, he had pushed in slowly with no mercy. He knew that the first opening of her butt hole would be painful but there was no way around and he had warned her of the inevitable pain. Kira moans became anguished sobs and small screams when he eased in a third finger. They were wandering now in totally uncharted zones. He paused but did not comply with her urgent demands for him to withdraw immediately and she had become too obedient to fight him. To the difference with his previous intrusions, this time, he had kept to move his fingers in a circular motion as if he wanted to ream her. Whenever he felt some slack in her sphincter, he pushed in, drawing new desperate sobs. He was taking as much time as she needed. There was no rush and he was ready to wait an hour or several if the need was arising. Finally he discovered that he could not push in any more. He paused another couple of minutes to let Kira accustom herself to be so widely dilated. His cock was somewhat bigger and quite hard but the surface would yield and he was sure he could now force an entry with no damage to her. He began to piston her in and out slowly, first by a quarter of an inch then bolder and bolder. She was now screaming at each intrusion but her screams were not carrying just pain, now. He noticed a touch of delight that increased slowly. Kyrhan freed his cock as he presented himself behind Kira who was now moving her hips in opposition to his movements. She desperately tried to keep him in when he withdrew and she pushed back when he was pushing in to increase her penetration. It was clearly time to jump to the final phase. When he took out his fingers completely, she screamed again in frustration this time. - Please, Master, I want them in. I need them. - Be patient, pet, everything arrives in due time. Now is the time of the real thing, to discover new horizons. He presented the tip of his cock after having greased it with care. he even added more lubricant to her still open hole. Kira turned to watch him entering her in majesty. - Master, you are so big. It will never fit. - Quiet, pet, it will fit perfectly. Relax, your arse could accomodate much bigger weapons as you will discover in the coming years. Kira purred when she heard him. - Do you mean that we will meet again that long, Master? - I'm sure of it, pet. He pulled slowly his fingers from her ass and grabbed her hips, pulling her towards his hard cock. Kyrhan pushed the tip of his cock against her puckered hole. The tip went in but his shaft was blocked immediately after. She began to scream again, but he had decided to make her his totally NOW. He continued to push on, not taking care of her pleas. Finally, he could feel her sphincter relax, totally surrendering to him as he slowly worked himself deeper and deeper, inch after inch. He waited her sobs to subside gradually before beginning to slide his erect cock back and forth and making her scream againÉ When she stopped screaming, he increased his pace until he could not go faster. He was pondering her ass as if there would be no tomorrow and she was pushing back toward him. He felt a tremendous orgasm building and tried to draw as much pleasure from it as possible but first he wanted her to climax while being buggered. That way, she would associate her pleasure with the pain she was experiencing and she would agree to repeat the experience. She was so deliciously tightÉ He was pleased when he heard her getting vocal then screaming - Fuck my ass, Master,É Harder, Master for God s sake! Kyrhan began to rub at her clit, to increase her pleasure and get her over the ledge. Finally she launched a terrible scream he had never heard the same. Her arse clamped desperately around his cock. She came in his arms again and again, moaning desperately. He had never witnessed such a passion and that triggered his own release. He literally exploded in her ass and that triggered another explosion in her belly with unheard of waves of pleasure flashing through her body and mind. He was still rubbing her engorged clit when she mercifully fainted. He collapsed on top of her and tried to get back his breath. He stayed in her ass and maintained his hardness by small back and forth sawing movements. Kyrhan wanted to wait until she recovered her senses before fucking her arse again. He wished to ensure her future total cooperation. Kira groaned and moaned. He immediately began to ram her with all his might. He was soon awarded by a few endearing words. - Oh, Master, you are at it againÉ Oh it s so goodÉ Please Master.. Just do it harderÉ Yes, pummel my poor clitÉ I am feelingÉ No YOU are going to fill my bowels with your cum, I feel it,É OhhhhÉ Ohhh, MasterÉ DeeperÉ He erupted a second time deep inside her and fell exhausted on her back. Both remained silent for a few minutes. Kira did not want to break the spell and she waited calmly that her master disengaged himself. He did it carefully and lied alongside with her. - Master, It was tremendous, I never felt anything like that. - You seem to have enjoyed it. Remember how you were frightened by itÉ - It s true, Master. I swear I will never doubt anything you tell me. - Will you obey my orders, whatever I ask you? - Uhh, Yes, I will but I implore you not to separate me from Dan. - So if I ordered you to divorce your husband and come to live with me, you would obey me? - I would but I would be very sad, Master. - Be quiet, I don t intend to but I will want you to spend several months when I will breed you, when you got delivered and during the first months after the birth. - I expected it. I suppose that as you want to breed me twice in a row, you will send me back already pregnantÉ - That was my ideaÉ and that was why I thought of Ranu to replace you for a few months. - If Dan is OK with it, it will be fine for meÉ - So back with your training, Is your ass too sore? - No master, you put so much cream in it, you proceeded so cautiously that it doesn t hurt anymore already. - I assume that you would be OK for another round - I assumed that you were completely spent, Master. - Yes, I am but we have the pilot and the copilot to dilate you definitively. Shall I call for them? - I will do whatever you want, MasterÉ - Be ready for a little humiliation. Kyrhan immediately called for the first pilot to come to discuss with him. The man was handsome, broad chests like Dan but with more prominent muscles from Kira s view. Kyrhan had told her to remain naked. The man was ogling her with lecherous appetite. He would not oppose Kyrhan s decisions - Tarun, chief pilot, to your orders, Prince. - Tarun, may I present you this pretty woman, Kira Chowdhury. - A pleasure to meet you! - Do you like her body? - It s a gross understatement! - You have heard that we fucked to celebrate the success of our mission. - I ve heardÉ - This woman who is married to someone else would like to be buggered again but I m too old for a repeat performance. Would you do the honor in my place? - My pleasure, Prince - I am retiring in the other cabin for a napÉ When you have finished with her, propose the same thing to the second pilot. And if you want to start again, just do it. She will not refuse. Just grease her ass copiously. I have just taken her anal cherry and she is incredibly tightÉ Enjoy herÉ When the plane landed, Kira was still passed out on the table. Kyrhan wrapped her carefully in a blanket and placed her on the back bench. He had placed her saree, her choli and her shoes in a wallet. He went straight to his house and carried her to his room. He placed her on the bed and removed the blanket to examine her anus. It was still wide open and oozed semen. It was an ideal opportunity. He went to a cupboard and took a sort of cone. It was an ass plug and with it firmly embedded in her butt hole, Kira would not soil his bed. She did not even wake up when he pushed it in until the narrow neck circled her sphincter. Kyrhan went to sleep too. - Master, What have you done with my butt hole? It was the middle of the night. Kira had woken up and had found her securely plugged for the first time in her life. It must have been a special feeling for her to find herself so fullÉ Kyrhan explained her what it was, telling her she would keep it until the morning, to be unplugged in front of her husband, a last humiliation for herÉ Kira was ordered back to sleep. She was to be ready at 7 AM for Rajiv. At 6 AM, the night watcher came discreetly to wake her up. She washed in a hurry then took a copious breakfast and was back in her room at 6.30 to wake up Kyrhan. He had meticulously described the ritual she was to follow. She was to push away the blankets or covers in order to get free access to his cock then begin to lick it with the tip of her tongue. Then she had to take the whole knob in her mouth and caress it with her tongue slowly first then more strongly in order to wake him up. When she was sure he was awake, she was to deep throat him until he exploded in her mouth. She would then wait for him to switch on the light before presenting him her open mouth to show him the goo he had filled her mouth with before swallowing it ostensibly and presenting again her open mouth to show she had swallowed it all. It was now 6.45, time to call for Dan who had slept with RanuÉ - Ah, Dan. I have the pleasure to tell you that I have taken yesterday night your wife s anal cherry. She was frightened to death but she climaxed like a bomb when I rode her. It was so pleasant for me and for her, it seems that I have buggered her a second time and offered her ass to the pilot and copilot of the plane we were in. They were at it many times until our plane landed. To prevent my bed sheets to be soiled, I plugged her ass. She will now climb on the table. I will unplug her and let her drain herself on the table just to see the volume of their offeringsÉ Dab, will you unplug your wife? There was easily a quart of cum on the table soon after and small droplets continued to fall from her gaping holeÉ - You may now wash it with paper towels. You are lucky we have not time enough to make you swallow it all. Put on your work saree and wait for Rajiv s arrival. I suppose you are to clean the bus and service him. Do not allow him to use your ass. It belongs to me until your plane takes off. The same instructions apply to you, Dan. You will have several hours to discover it in flight to France if you care for it. - Congratulations. I have tried to persuade my wife to no avail and you succeeded! - Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you : she is no longer your wife. She is now Kira Chowdhury, my Indian personal assistant. She has now an Indian passport and ID cardÉ - What? You, a traitor? - Quiet, once more. I ve told you that I m training her to be a perfect Indian wife. The two sets of personal papers will be completely valid. She will have always the choice of her identity. I just want she travels back to France as Kira Chowdhury - Why? - I will explain you everything in detail next week when you come back. 3099 1.56/512345
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