Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Family Bonding (Part 5 and 6)
TO BE READ BY ADULTS AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE Copyright c August 2000 By C.D.E. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit. This story may be freely distributed for personal use with this notice attached. All Characters And Events Depicted In This Story Are Purely Fictional. There Is No Intention In Any Manner, To Represent Or Mimic, Any Real World Situations Or Persons. Story Content:(M+/F, MF, Inter, MM, FemDom, Incest, Mdom, ) WARNING: THIS STORY IS A PURE SEXUAL FANTASY. DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU ARE HOMOPHOBIC, AND/OR DO NOT LIKE READING A FICTIONAL STORY OF THE DOMINANT/CUNNING SLUT WIFE GENRE, WHERE GULLIBLE MEN ARE TRICKED/FOOLED/USED, PSYCHOLOGICALLY MANIPULATED, OCASSIONALLY FLAGELLATED, SEXUALLY DOMINATED BY THEIR BEAUTIFUL SLUT WIVES AND OCASSIONALLY BY THEIR WIVES' MALE LOVERS. TO BE READ BY ADULTS AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE AUTHOR'S NOTE OF THANKS: Many thanks to Spa8110 for his idea on Monday Night Football in this part. Title: Family Bonding Part 5 Author: C.D.E. ABSTRACT: James, naive and virginal, is engaged to Judy, the daughter of the apparently loving, caring, sharing, closely knit Smith family. James begins bonding with his new in-laws during their engagement, and after he eventually marries into the Smith family, he discovers that outward appearances of the Smith Family's image proves deceptive. CAST: Judy Smith-Fiancee/Wife Judy's Mother - Mother Smith James Jackson-Fiance/Husband James's Mother -Mother Jackson James's Aunt- Aunt Jasmine &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& CONTINUED FROM PART 4 I decided that it was time to stop being weak kneed and stand firm up against Judy's effort to hopelessly cuckold, dominate, and disgrace me. I remembered the saying that a strong offense was the best defense. I hoped by being firm, I could at least get her to be more reasonable and come to her senses. If she was really intent on having the baby by Rod, then nothing I do would deter her. However, surely she must have some moral consciousness about what was fair and afford me some respect as the man she was truly in love with. I would be counting on that respect to come forth if I stood up to her on a significant issue such as this. I was assuming that she'd seen me cave in too many times, and simply lost respect for me along the way. So my plan was not to passively agree to her blatant scheme of having Rod's baby. I also thought that maybe she was just bluffing and all this was just a test to see if I had the courage to stand up to her. I began feeling very confident that a firm stand and personal resolve would turn the tide for me. Therefore, I figured if she saw me with more backbone, she wouldn't try to run over me as she literally had talked of doing. I figured I had nothing to lose, and could only increase my esteem in her eyes. After all, I thought I'd already hit rock bottom in respect to being browbeat and downtrodden by her, her family, and my own family. CHAPTER 15 EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: A Strategy of Strength I decided to get Judy and I fresh drinks before I sprung my strategy of exhibiting strength before her. "Thank you James darling, you make a great highball." "Thanks." I said with an air of confidence. "James, I'd like for you to call Rod and talk to him about this situation too. I think he'll back me up in saying that if you truly love me, you'll agree to me having his baby." "Of course he will, what do you think I am Judy? A fool! Listen, this silly idea of yours and his is dead on arrival with me!" I said raising my voice for emphasis. "You're not going to have his baby! If you're going to have anybody's baby, it'll be mine! Understand?" "James! What on earth is the matter with you? Why are you raising your voice and talking to me in that tone?" Judy said with some alarm in her voice. So far so good, I thought to myself. I assumed that my show of strength was having the desired effect. "Now, Judy my love, I won't be calling Rod, because Rod can go to hell with his crazy idea. I be damn if he's going to dictate to me that he can knock my future wife just because he wants too." I said in a brazen cocky confident tone. I continued to be even cockier. "Just because he's going to be out of the country for a long time is no reason to leave us his little bastard to remind either of us of him. Sure, he's bigger than me, but that doesn't mean I have to give into him, and neither do you, even if he does have a bigger cock." "I see. James, I need to think about all you've said. Would you please make me another drink and excuse me, while I go freshen up." Judy spoke in a much less belligerent, but in more of a softer monotone voice. As I made a new batch of drinks, I felt extremely confident that my strategy was working very well and that maybe this whole relationship might be turning around because of my ingenuity. I savored the subdued way Judy was acting before leaving the room. However, as with many things in my life, me patting myself on the back was somewhat premature. When Judy returned, she was indeed a different person, but not the persona I was expecting. "Well James, I've thought about all you've said and I've made up my mind as to what needs to be done. That is, if you haven't changed your mind and decided to call Rod as I asked you earlier." "Not by a long shot, Judy my love." I said in a caviler gleeful tone, without even turning around to face her. My back was to Judy as she entered the room. I was still mixing the drinks and feeling an air of confidence I'd never experienced outside of my daydreams. "Then, that means I guess I'll have to try and persuade you, love." Judy's voice had a different tone than what I expected. I had just picked up our two drinks and had started to turn around when I heard this unexpected noise. "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" I heard this second louder noise at the same time I felt the impact of something hitting my thighs. It seemed to cut right through my knit jogging pants. The pain was immediate. I fell to the floor. The two drinks I held went tumbling in the air. "OUCH!" I heard myself cry out almost simultaneously and as unexpectedly. As I hit the floor, It was then that I saw Judy standing over me with one of mother's home made whipping instruments. I'd only been whipped once with the monster Judy held in her hand. I was a teen at the time. The whipping instrument was a homemade device guaranteed to inflict pain. It was a thick, but skinny black automobile fan belt. The handle was a loop of the belt itself, that was taped together to make it so that it wouldn't slip as it was being used. It had weight and flexibility. It was perfect for whipping and inflicting pain. Realizing my plight quickly, I sought to scamper away from my tormentor. "So love, just as your mom said you would, you do need some behavior correction from time to time. Well, I can tell you that those few credits you've got on the books from the demo whipping I gave you earlier, won't help much, because you need quite a bit of persuasion to compensate for your unruly `mannish' behavior." ""J-Judy! P-Please dear... T-This is-is not the way t-to handle our problems. L-Let's sit d-down and talk a-about..." "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!" Judy had swung again at me so fast and made contact with my upper thigh so quickly I was stunned. Her actions were like a blur. I tried to scamper further away, but soon heard the noise of the fan belt cutting through the air again. "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" This time she caught me on my upper butt. The blow stung severely, even through the pants I wore. The impact also caused me to loose my footing. Before I knew it, she was right on top of me. Escape was almost impossible now as she quickly sat down on my back, facing my feet, and proceeded to rain lash after lash on my upturned buttocks. I was pinned down. Her weight was on my back and I couldn't move no matter how I tried to turn and roll. She'd braced her feet to either side of me. It was next to impossible for me to get up. Judy had 2 inches of height on me, but apparently was also much stronger than I. "OUCH!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" OUCH! OUCH! P-PLEASE! SOB! OUCH! PLEASSSEEE! Don't... SOB!... PLEASSSSEEE Don't Hit me again. L- Let's talk! SOB! PLEASE!." I was begging and crying. I was crying and begging. Neither seemed to deter her from lashing me with a vengeance. Judy's shouts to me, her increased breathing sounds - that is from exerting herself by lashing me so hard - and the steady rhythmic swinging and impacting of the fanbelt created a terrifying blend of sounds. "So... Gasp!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" You don't want to be cooperative with me... Gasp! Then that means you need a little "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" Attitude correction and adjustment to... "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" persuade you of your responsibility... "Gasp!"... to be at one with your wife. "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "Gasp!" I was in pain in the worse way. I thought things couldn't get any worse, but it was then that she bared my butt by pushing down my jogging pants. The first lash on my naked flesh caused me to buck even higher than before. What a difference that thin layer of knit fabric made. My legs were flaying around in all different directions as I tried to get leverage to get from under her. It was to no avail, as she even struck my legs and thighs with that infernal fanbelt, when they got in her way. The pain was intense. "OUCH!... "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "PLEASE!... SOB!... JUDY!... SOB!... NO! NO! OUCH!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!... PLEASE! STOP!... PLEASE! OUCH!... PLEASE! HAVE... OUCH!... MERCY ON ME! PLEASE!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH! NO MORE! OUCH! I-I'll... SOB! W-WILL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!..." "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH! I-I'LL... OUCH! DO IT! PLEASSSEE! OUCH! NO MORE!" My arms flayed in all directions as I tried to grab something to try and pull myself away from under Judy. The effort was totally useless. I also beat the floor in front of me with my fists. I was frantic and the pain was great. I had to do something to help me dissipate the pain that was emanating from my rear and seemingly radiating through my whole body. "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!" I was a crying slobbering mess, but my fiancee went on at least another 30 seconds as I continuously conceded I'd do anything she wanted of me. Finally she stopped. Even though she did, my bottom was so well bruise and stinging, it quivered all by itself as I sought to move it to quell the fiery blaze that seem to emanate from it. I don't think but one whipping I got from either my mom or aunt came close to the one my fiancee had just given me. "Gasp!... Now listen to me James. Did I Gasp!... hear you say you'll... Gasp!... do all I asked of you?" She asked of me as she was trying to catch her breath. "Y-Yes... Sob!" I replied sobbing and slobbering uncontrollably. By the time she let me up, I'd capitulated on everything I was fighting against. I was back to being the wimp I was before, and with the throbbing pain in my rear to boot. I knew I'd been whipped thoroughly. "James, if you won't tell them, I won't tell your mom and aunt about your need for this little scolding. Is that okay, or do you want them to know? I wonder if they may give you another whipping also?" Judy said in a smug tone. "N-NO! Sob! Please d-don't... Sob!... t-tell them." I replied softly sobbing. I suspected she was correct in her assumption. We both now knew she again had the upper hand and her position was even stronger than before in our relationship. We both knew I wouldn't be trying to assert myself for a very, very long time, if at all. I'd been thoroughly beaten and knew it. Judy sat back and rested after her workout of beating my ass black and blue. I laid on the floor whimpering and sobbing, right where she left me. I was thankful for the lashing to have stopped, but it was obvious that not only had my strategy failed, it had failed miserably. "Whew! That took some effort James darling. But it was worth it to give you the treatment you needed for your mannishness. Your mom said it would pop up from time to time. But don't worry, I'll gladly take care of it for you. That is, when you need help in ridding yourself of such fits of macho- ness. Doesn't it feel good to be your old self again?" "O-Oh Judy, w-why... sob!... d-did you have to Sob!... Have to hit so... Sob!... h-hard?" I stammered as I sobbed and whimpered like a baby. It took a long while for me to quiet down and stop sobbing. My rear was still a blaze of pain. Judy demanded I come across her lap so as to rub ointment onto my bruised and swollen bottom. I refused at first but when she insisted, I knew I had little choice as she held up the ointment and pointed to her lap. While I was making drinks earlier, she'd apparently snuck down to the basement and brought up the fanbelt whip and ointment. "Ouch! P-Please Judy, don't rub so hard. It hurts." I cried out as I once again lay across my fiancee's lap like a small child. "Keep your hands away and let me do just as your mom showed me how. Remember the ointment must be rubbed in real good to do its job of reducing the swelling, and to heal these welts. By the way, aren't you going to thank me for treating you so quickly to rid you of that attack of mannishness and trying to be a macho asshole?" "P-Please Judy, I-I'm just not in the m-mood to..." "James darling, it doesn't take much to be mannerly and say a simple thank you. You use to be much more polite than that. Maybe you need a bit more treatment from our little friend here to get you back to being your old self." Judy's tone was serious, yet it had a bit of eagerness that scared me. "N-NO! No More! T-Thank you Judy f-for h- helping me g-getting o-over being m-mannish. Thanks so much for helping m-me be my old self a-again." I stammered and stumbled over my words until I got out what I knew she wanted to hear. "Now that sounds like your old self, confident and yet mannerly. Now darling, if you ever feel an attack coming on again, just let me know and I'll get our friend here, Mr. Fanbelt, or another of its friends, and try to cure you of the malady, no matter how much it tires me out laying into your rear. Understand?" "Y-Yes Judy, I-I understand." I mentally moaned and sighed as I replied and winced from her continued ointment rub down of my still aching rear end. I knew with a fair amount of certainty that me ever trying to exhibit any sort of manly control in this relationship was gone forever. I was almost as glad for Judy to stop the ointment rub down as I was her whipping of me. However, the rough massage did seem to help the pain in my bottom. She allowed me to re-dress. She then directed me to clean up the spilled drinks. Later, she cuddled me to her, not so much like a lover, but more as a child she was consoling. I found it difficult to look in her radiant, but beautiful smug smiling face. I was her subjugated wimp now, without question, and we both knew it. After a bit of trying to convince me that she did me a favor by whipping me, she finally got back around to what caused her to beat my ass in the first place. I dreaded this moment was coming. "James, now that we've discussed this, I want you to call Rod and discuss it with him. After all, it's him that wants to hold me to my promise and have his baby for us. He's convinced me why I should let him plump me up. I want you and he to have a man to fiance talk, so he can convince you. Maybe you'll persuade him not to do me. Anyway, call him darling. This is a good time, as his wife is out of town visiting her mother." I picked up on the fact that my fiancee didn't afford me the respect of referring to me as a man, when she talked of a `man to fiance talk'. However, I figured it was best if I didn't say anything inflammatory that would cause her to get Mr. Fanbelt talking again. I dialed Rod as she instructed, not having the slightest idea of what I was going to say. It was a most miserable feeling. Below is the narrative of my conversation with him - the best I remember it. PHONE CONVERSATION WITH ROD: Rod: "Hello" Me: "R-Rod?" Rod: "Yeah! It's me. Hey isn't this James?" Me: "Uh, y-yes." Rod: "Well, what does Judy's wimp want at this time of night. You're lucky my wife is out of town or I'd be real pissed at you disturbing me now. You aren't by chance calling for Judy are you?" Me: "Uh, w-well, y-yes." Rod: "Well shrimp, what do you want? You call to tell me you want to suck my dick again, or is it about me filling your new, soon-to-be bride's tummy with my baby? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" What he said and how he said it, as well as the sound of his laughter really made me angry. Me: "L-Listen Rod, t-there's no need to be sarcastic a-and to p-put me down. B-But listen, the reason I-I called is about this b-baby promise." Rod: "Good! I want to knock your bitch up and give y'all a personal wedding present from me. Judy was mine first and I thought she should have something of a personal momento from me, since she's going to get her name changed soon." Me: "B-But a baby. T-That's so much to ask of a ..." Rod: "Listen wimp! That's what I want! Plus, you know she wants me to plump her up too. A woman wants to get knocked up by a man with a slab of dick meat she can feel putting the juice to her, as he stretches her and probes the bottom of her cunt... not a bird dick like yours, that she can't even feel." Me: Rod, I-I know you've got it o-over me when it c- comes to s-sex... a-and that y-you're the better man in bed... b-but p-please don't do this to us. W-Would you release her from her promise... please?" My voice trembled and I was nervous and sweating. I pleaded desperately with my fiancee's old high school flame. Judy, who was sitting beside me, seemed to be smugly enjoying my miserable plight. Rod: "Sorry shrimp, I told Judy I wanted her to tell you about this. I didn't want it to be a surprise to you that I wanted her off the pill and unprotected. I'm going to be boning her hard and deep over the next few weeks. I'm going to be doing some serious baby farming. I'm gonna plant my seed deep in her fertile juicy twat patch. Anyway, by now, you know she wants my baby. You know I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't really want to do. Since you claim you love her so much, you'll accept what she wants to do. And you must love her from all the stuff I've seen you submit to. Stuff I'd never do for the love of any bitch. Well anyway, that's another story. But listen wimp, the reason she and I talked about being open with you... and you should appreciate us being open. Don't you?" Me: "Uh, w-well, I-I guess so." Rod: "Good! The reason is that if she has my kid and you gonna be the daddy, I want to make sure its treated no differently than if it was your own kid. I expect my kid to have loving and caring parents and a warm loving home environment. Understand where I'm coming from wimp?" Me: "R-Rod p-please don't call me wimp. L-Look, is it m-money you want? I-I don't have much..." Rod: "Fuck you! Money ain't the issue! Now listen to me! You listening!" Me: "Uh, y-yes Rod, I-I am." Rod: "Since it's a foregone conclusion I'm gonna fuck your slut bride-to-be and fill her up for you by your wedding day, do you promise to be a good daddy to my baby and be a good husband to her too? I-I want to hear you say it exactly like that, word for word." Me: "Is it-it really necessary for m-me to..." Rod: "Damn right! Do as I say wimp or I'm gonna make it a point to whip your ass good the next time I'm in town, which, by the way, will be in three days." Me: "O-Okay! I-I-I promise to b-be a good d-daddy to your b-baby a-and a g-good husband to Judy t-too." I replied stammering nervously and out of fright at this new threat. To my chagrin, Judy's face lightened up into an even brighter smile as she heard my words. Rod: "That's better. Isn't it wonderful when a loving couple reaches consensus on an issue. I'll see y'all in a few days. Is Judy there?" Me: Y-Yes." Rod: "Give her the phone." I meekly handed Judy the receiver as I slumped back defeated and knowing that I was going to be cuckolded in the worse way, even before my wedding. After Judy hung up, she let me know me that I would have a fighting chance to stop her from getting impregnated with Rod's baby. My eyes opened wide in anticipation of this bit of good news. "Darling, Rod said he'd permit you to be my natural oral birth control. He thought it only fair to give you a fighting chance to thwart his plan for me. He says if you're effective at preventing me from becoming pregnant with your mouth, he'll not bother us again about keeping my commitment to him. I really think that's very fair of him, don't you James darling?" I said nothing but hung my head in utter disappointment at her statement. I'm not the dumbest person in the world. I knew losing this battle only opened me up to losing it again if she wanted a baby from Jeffrey and/or Judd. At least they were white, and even if cuckolded, at least we, or at least I, could claim they looked like distant relatives. Even though the baby from Rod wouldn't look like me, at least it would be white. Maybe Judy's threat of a black baby was just that. A black baby would be the ultimate symbolism of cuckoldry and represent a great measure of utter humiliation and disgrace to me. Maybe things were going to be bad for me with her having other men's kids, but at least I should be thankful if they were all white. Her threat to me earlier of a black baby had of course caught me off guard. However, I couldn't explain me having such an intense climax at the very mention of being the daddy of a black baby. It worried me later at the implication she'd made of the incident. However, I didn't have time or wanted to even think about that for the moment. I had my hands full worrying about being the committed daddy of another man's white baby. CHAPTER 15 EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: Just In Time For The Wedding. True to this word, Rod inseminated Judy. I really put my best sucking efforts into vacuuming up every bit of his viscous, cream colored spermy fluids from her pussy. I of course knew I didn't have much chance of preventing her insemination. But since Judy had expected me to be a sucker, literally, for them anyway, I thought I'd give it my best. After all, sucking up his abundant loads of rich semen was the only tool I had to fight with in this battle. Each time he and Judy mated, they insisted I be there and in the same up close position I'd been in the first time they had sex in my bedroom. Nothing I said could deter them from wanting me in that abject degrading position, while my bride-to-be was being inseminated. "James darling, I want it to be said that you were very close by when our first born was conceived." Judy said with total sincerity. Rod only smirked and chuckled at her words. As I manned my position, I was again inundated and drenched with flying and drizzling fuck juices. Rod's loads were so copious. I almost knew from the start that with his deep injections into Judy's womb, she couldn't help but get pregnant. Over the 12 or so times they coupled for the express purposes of him impregnating my fiancee, I ate huge quantities of his hot gooey ejaculate, melded with her abundant pussy juices. Within five weeks of her first insemination coupling with Rod, Judy was announced pregnant. I was sad and yet glad. Sad because I would forever be cuckolded by the actions of those two, but glad that I didn't have to any longer be drenched in their fuck juices and be a prisoner of the hot, humid, dripping copulation grotto between their coupled sex organs. I was also sad because, everyone still held me to my commitment to be a virgin on our wedding day. Hence, still only my tongue could invade her delectable snatch, even though she was fully knocked up by another man in time for our wedding. The other sad thing was that Judy didn't hide any of these activities from either her family or mine. Also even sadder was that both of our families fervently supported her fulfilling her commitment to Rod. It really hurt to be chided by my mother and aunt for not wholeheartedly supporting my wife-to-be in keeping her pledge to her old high school flame. Both my family and hers, without the slightest bit of reservation or hesitancy, agreed that Judy and Rod would make a prettier grand baby for them than one by she and I. Both families seemed surprised at my recalcitrance on this whole matter. When our wedding day came, Judy marched down the aisle toward me at the altar, dressed so exquisitely in an expensive, lacy white wedding gown, with a long white satin train. She was so beautiful, even if she was almost two months pregnant with the child of another man, when we said "I do". I also wasn't happy in the least about Judy wanting me to ask Jeffrey, Judd, and Joe to be my best men. Mind you, I didn't say best man, but best men. She wanted all three of them there standing there with us at the altar. I was glad Rod had already left on his trip abroad. I'm sure if he hadn't, Judy would've probably insisted he be there too. I was rather upset at her for demanding I do that, but she reminded me that I'd promised to be cooperative, otherwise, it was apparent that I needed an `anti-mannishness' treatment. That caused me to calm down and be passively cooperative. It also hurt for me to ask her three lovers to participate as best men, as she requested of me. I was not only incensed at doing so, but was beyond embarrassment when I did so. Being almost 2 months pregnant didn't cause Judy to show significantly in her wedding dress, but there was a slight bulge. However, before her walk down the aisle, she'd already eagerly revealed to all her friends that she was expecting. I was around several of her girlfriends when she told them at the wedding rehearsal party. Almost in the same breath she let them know that my virginity was still in tack. This led to her friends snickering as well asking her or speculating as to who the father was. Her answer, "You'll find out when the baby is born." Such talk, with me being present, caused me all sorts of embarrassment and facial contortions. Nothing I said to Judy would deter her from making me more miserable or looking foolish. She only kept reassuring me that I looked like a hero in her friend's eyes. "James darling, just as I told you, all my friends think very highly of you that you haven't deserted me just because I'm pregnant with another man's baby. They look upon you as an honorable man. You're a hero, just like I said you'd be. If anything, they're gossiping about me in a negative manner, not you." The other embarrassing part of the wedding was in the public statements of affection and commitment we made to each other. I didn't want to say anything, since I was basically a coerced partner. However, mother and Aunt Jasmine wouldn't hear of that. I complained about the words virgin or virginity being used in the original statement that was written for me. "James, tell you what, if we don't use virgin or virginity, will that make you happy and stop your complaining?" Aunt Jasmine asked. I replied in the affirmative, confident I'd won a minor concession in getting back some of the manly respect due me. After all, a man doesn't go around shouting he's a virgin and hasn't had intercourse before, especially at his wedding. I promised them that I'd stop complaining and memorize the new statement since they removed any reference to the word virgin. I don't know why I can't ever win especially when going up against Mother or Aunt Jasmine, or Judy for that matter. The rewritten statement was per our agreement, but it still embarrassed me. However, they'd already had my promise and they held me to it. Again, I felt so used and abused. I just wished I'd read their statement before promising to read it sight unseen. The other thing was that I had to memorize and recite the statement from memory. They made me practice and recite it endless times prior to the wedding. The statement was a disgrace coming from a man, but it was what they wanted and, unfortunately, what I'd committed to say. Judy and her family thought the words were delightful. It read: `To my beautiful Judy, the love of my life, I pledge my heart to thee and only thee. I'm very proud to be bonded to you, even though inexperienced in coital matters, I offer myself, and my love, to you, and ask that you accept me as yours forever.' I heard Judy's public statement for the first time at the altar. It read as follows: `James, you are the true love of my life. I accept you as mine in your state of virginal innocence and will ensure in whatever manner I need to, that your love remains mine, and mine alone. I know that as we bond our lives and start upon this journey of marriage together, as well as start our family, we will be so happy.' I went first with my statement, so I didn't hear Judy's statement until after I'd recited mine. After hearing her speak, I turned noticeably redder in the face. Once again, I knew I'd been conspired against by Judy and my folks. Hearing a few noticeable murmurs and giggles from the audience didn't help matters either. I asked myself why did she have to mention the two things that pained me so, that is, my virginity and the matter of starting a family, when she knew she was already pregnant by another man. I was an abused spouse even before I left the altar. I felt so put down by what was happening to me, but could do absolutely nothing except suffer in silence. Judy wore a very bright and radiant smile through out the ceremony. It brightened even more when the female minister announced us `woman and husband'. Another verbal slap in the face, I thought to myself as we newlyweds kissed each other. "You're mine now." She whispered as we broke the salute. I didn't know what to think. I did truly love Judy, as I've said numerous times, but I just felt like I was a prisoner in the engagement and I suspected the marriage would be even more of a prison. CHAPTER 16 EVENTS FROM OUR MARRIAGE: The Honeymoon It was wonderful to get away together by ourselves. We went to Bermuda. It was such a paradise of a setting. Judy and I really bonded on this trip. It definitely reminded me why I really fell in love with this incredibly beautiful woman. The utmost thing on my mind was finally being allowed to put it in my new bride. Making love to her was indeed a dream come true. From having been so intimately close to her, as she had been sexed by her father, brothers, other male relatives, and most recently with Rod, I knew I couldn't come close to holding a candle to what they had done, to her pretty pouting juicy pussy. However, I humbly did what I could, and tried to make up the difference with my tongue and lips. I was so happy to just have her all to myself and for us to be by ourselves. Even though the issue of Rod's baby was just beneath the surface of all our `What we're going to do when we get back home' conversations, we found so much to mutually talk about other than that, as well as to enjoy the sights on the beautiful island we were on. After a few conversations directly dealing with her lover's child, I approached the matter impartially and rationally, even though the way the whole situation was thrust on me was anything but that. I assessed that what was done, was done. My new wife was carrying another man's child and it was a foregone conclusion that we were going to raise it. I finally approached the matter as `let bygones be bygones' and that we should look toward the future with a clean slate. I also knew I had to accept the reality that our honeymoon would be over, in more ways than one, when we reached home. I knew that the other men in her life, would be a necessary and continuing part of our lives. CHAPTER 17 EVENTS FROM OUR MARRIAGE: The Honeymoon Is Over A year after the wedding and the honeymoon, we were in a stable marital pattern. Our baby by Rod was a boy. Judy named him Rodney James Jackson. I was a bit upset that she named him after Rod, but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. However, the fact that she gave him my Christian name as his middle name, and, and of course my last name, did do something to my ego. I can't explain why though. Having not been around babies much, the little fellow stole my heart. He had many of Judy's features, but there was no doubt he strongly resembled Rod. Judy's and my families were delighted that I acted like the doting new father, even though both families were praising that Rodney had the handsome features of his mother and real father. I tried to not let such comments get to me emotionally. I had come to accept my lesser status in our marriage and had come to be at peace with myself about it. It's obvious that both families, and my wife, prefer me to be cast in that light, otherwise why would they all have so overtly conspired to subjugate me? My job at the college was going great and I really liked what I did for a living. Judy only worked part time since she wants to spend a lot of time with our infant son, Rodney James. I also spent quite a bit of quality time with him too, because I was usually his baby sitter when my wife was out on dates during the week, or away with her lovers on weekends. My life, at this time, even though one of subjugation and submission, to my wife, her family, and of course my family, was somewhat in balance. I guess a better word would be predictable. I say predictable because I can count on some of the previously mentioned folks making sexual demands on me. I guess demands is a nicer word than outright sexual abuse. As you know from the earlier part of my story, the Smiths had long been performing son-in-law sexual abuse of me. It started soon after I discovered the practice of incest in their family. Of Judy's folks, it's primarily her Dad and Mom who uses me as a sex toy whenever it's convenient for them to do so. Mother Smith is quite demanding about me sucking her creamy hairpie at least once a week, with twice a week being the norm. Sometimes, she wants me to do so even more frequently than that. Whenever I'm over at Judy's house to do Mother Smith's bidding, it's at these times I never know when I'll be called on to suck a big stiff dick or two or three or more. If Mr. Smith is there, it's almost a certainty, he'll want to soak his big slab of prick meat between my lips just because I'm there. If other relatives are there and they need, or want some head, it's a sure bet I'll be forced to oblige them. MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL One particular Smith Family ritual I hate is Monday night football. It all started out as Judy's idea for me and her Dad to find some common ground to improve our relationship. From my perspective, the only way that was going to happen was if he stopped forcing me to be his forced cocksucker. I told her so. "Please James, you should try to be positive and flexible here and not dwell on your trivial peeves." My wife said after I expressed myself. She continued to talk as I glared back at her. I was speechless at the her categorization of my complaint being a "trivial peeve". "Look, darling. I know Dad is a bit forceful at times, but I think it would be good if you made the first step in trying to improve the relationship between you two. After all, you're the one always complaining to me about the situation between you two." "The reason I do Judy is that y-you and your mother don't seem to help me out when I ask y'all to deter him from making me do those things. I-I know his abuse won't stop unless y'all help me out." "First of all darling, Dad and the other men are not abusing you. You're just fulfilling a need for them. That's not abuse. You're use to the taste of jism and they need somewhere to put all the excess jism they have to give. That's all there is to it, no more, no less." Finding it useless to convey my point, I went along with my wife's idea of viewing Monday night football with my Father-in-law. To my surprise, for the first half of the game, he was rather civil and concentrated on the game. He was very verbal about the plays and the players. I was not a sports fan, so I just listened and pretended not to be bored, which I was. Things were going fine with he and I spending some traditional quality time together. The problem started at half time. It was then, he appeared to become a bit yancy. He was on his third beer by now and that's when I noticed that he started rubbing his crotch in a more noticeable fashion. As the third quarter began, it was then that he reached out with his big hand and powerful arm and grabbed me. "C'mon Jamie, I need you to intercept my dick with your lips." He said so after pulling my face to his crotch. The swollen bulge, which was not there a few moments ago, was clearly evident as he forced my face to his crotch. "Mr. S-Smith! P-Please not tonight. Can't we just w-watch the game and n-not do..." "Damn it Jamie, don't be fucking difficult! Get on your fucking knees and wrap your lips around my dick. It's hard and needs some attention. Now do as I say. I don't want to miss any of the game cause of you. You want me to tell Judy you weren't cooperative with me? Maybe I'll suggest to her she needs to take you to the woodshed and whip your ass." He chuckled after he spoke. I knew that Judy just might take his advice seriously. Again, sensing that capitulation was the only way out of another odd situation I found my self in, I moved to my knees between his legs and helped him slide his trousers down. His exposed crotch and huge, but familiar and very erect penis loomed before my face. Moments later, he guided his swollen dick head to my lips and I did as he wanted. I had successfully intercepted his cock. He warned me he just wanted to suck on him slowly, as he moaned that he just wanted to `wet and soak his dick'. He kept me on my knees with my mouth wrapped firmly around his big tool for the remainder of the game. He only let me up for air once. That was when he went to get another beer, and I believe a potty break. When he returned, his large member was semi-hard as it swung to and fro as he walked. You see, he had taken off his pants and was wearing only a shirt, T- shirt and socks. After he sat down, he pulled me back to his pinkish dick head after opening the fresh beer and taking a swig. "That's it. Just a slow suck is the way I want you to do it." He moaned as he felt the return of my mouth and the resulting wet warm-ness upon his dick meat. Not to belabor my point, but Judy's Dad used me as a cum dump that night and insisted upon my presence at Monday night football there after. When I sought to decline to be present the following Monday night, Judy openly threatened me with a whipping for being uncooperative, anti-social and against her parents. Again, fearing corporal punishment and pain, I quickly surrendered to her desire and her Dad's demands. I've been his Monday night football dick warmer ever since. WIFE'S THREE LOVERS GET IN ON ABUSE Jeffrey, Judd and Joe, were also to become a part of the sexual abuse imposed on me. The three got involved in the act of sexually mistreating me about four to five months after Judy and I returned from our honeymoon. Since Judy was not as sexually available as she was before coming pregnant by Rod, especially in the seventh through ninth months, the three of them turned to me to be their depository of the many loads of sperm that normally would be deposited into my wife. "Darling, the three guys want you to do for them, the same thing you do for Daddy sometimes, since I won't be able to take care of them on a full time basis. You know, until after the baby is born." Judy said to me one day, out of the blue. "What! Now surely they don't expect me to become their cocksucker too. Your family keeps me busy, and full too, I might add, taking care of their..." "Before you get in a tizzy, darling, it was Daddy that suggested it to them and me the other day. He said that since you're my husband, they should expect you to be of some use to them while I'm out of commission." Judy replied cutting me off. "Y-You m-mean your father told them that?" I stammered in surprise at her revelation. "Yes he did. He let them know that you should be responsible for draining off the build up of sperm on their balls." Judy said in a matter-of-fact manner. "It's bad enough he uses me as the Smith family cocksucker and pussy licker, how can he just offer me up to them too?" "You know how big hearted Daddy is." "B-But Judy, w-why can't they just jerk off like I-I have to do when you're too tired to give me some, cause you're out sexing them. I-I'm s-sorry. There is no way that I-I'm going to do them. Please tell you father that I can't do..." "You'll have to tell him dear. I'm just passing on a message. I can tell you right now, jacking off is something that won't go over well with them. By the way, I've heard masturbation is not necessarily good for men with big cocks, like Jeffrey, Judd and Joe. I've heard that they should ejaculate in as close to a pussy like environment as possible. You know, like a warm wet mouth engulfing their stiff rods." "W-What! I've never heard of anything so ridiculous. What about us men who aren't so well endowed?" "I've heard it poses no potential dangers to little prick guys. In other words, it's okay for y'all to beat your meat when you need to." Judy replied. She then added, "James Maybe I should have the guys come over, and the four of you work this out. Then they can go back, or you can go to Daddy and tell him your decision." "N-No! Judy, Please don't. The last thing I need is to be surrounded by three hard up guys with stiff cocks. They could easily overpower me and I-I could end up being mouth raped or worse." I replied with a genuine tone of terror in my voice. "James, don't you think you're over reacting about this whole thing?" Judy said in a softer tone. "O-Over reacting? Of course not! I-I don't won't to be their cock..." "Why not darling, I suck their cocks for them. Why can't you too, for me, while I'm having this baby for us?" "W-What? A-Are you now saying you a-agree with your father?" "What I'm saying darling, you've sucked dicks to completion for my folks many times. You've also suckled on Rod's cock several times, not all the way though, but what's wrong with giving head to Jeffrey, Judd and Joe since my cunt won't be available to them for a while?" "W-Well, uh, Judy, it-it's the principle of the matter. T-That's why. I-I shouldn't have to suck anybody's cock, period. B-But y-your father and mother have that video o-of me a-and..." "You really don't have a good reason, do you James? You're just bringing up excuses, especially about my Mom and Dad, aren't you Mr. College professor? It's your ego isn't it?" Judy's tone of voice was now becoming belligerent. I knew that this discussion could end up turning ugly and in the end be detrimental to me. It was obvious that now Judy was interested in me sucking the dicks of her lovers. In fact I began to wander if this wasn't her idea all along for me to be their surrogate mouth cunt. I decided to try and present a strong argument based on decency and fairness. "J-Judy, Y-You're starting to get angry with me now. Why? W-What have I done wrong? Isn't it fair for me to resist doing something s-so perverted? And now I'm being asked to do it for men that are also still in competition with me? N-No Judy, it's not my ego and I'm not making excuses." "Yes, darling, I am starting to get angry because I see you as trying to be obstinate. I was hoping you saw Jeffrey, Judd, and Joe as sort of, well, as husbands-in-laws, rather than competition. Really, there is no competition. I'm yours and you're mine. Okay? Secondly, perversion is in the eye of the beholder. Neither of the guys would think of your mouth on their throbbing dicks as perverted. You'd simply be stepping in for me. Since I'd be out of service for a while, you'd be filling in for me by letting them shoot a little of their jism down your throat. That's all. Is that too much to ask of my loving caring devoted husband? Or do I have to see if I can get Daddy to change your mind?" I sat silent for a moment. She knew I didn't want to confront her father in any manner. I was basically scared of him and Judy knew that. I knew it might be hopeless, but, I still didn't want to give in and willingly become a cocksucker for Jeffrey, Judd and Joe. It was at that moment that Mother and Aunt Jasmine dropped in for a surprise visit. In a way I was relieved, because I assumed their visit would give me an opportunity to formulate a possible way out of this latest turmoil before me. Little did I know at the time that their visit would do just the opposite. After greeting them and making a pot of coffee, we sat around the table talking. Us drinking coffee and Judy a big glass of juice. She was off coffee while being pregnant. As we just chit chatted about a little bit of everything, Mother just happened to ask how things were going with us. Judy and I replied almost simultaneously. I answered "Great!" Judy answered "We're having a bit of a problem." To my unbelieving ears, Judy laid out everything about Jeffrey, Judd and Joe, right before Mother and Aunt Jasmine. I was stupefied. I almost couldn't talk. I couldn't believe she was doing this. "So, James, you're saying you're too good to suck their dicks, even though Judy does, and even though you've sucked Judy's Dad's dick, her brother's and that of several of her uncles and cousins?" Mother's words caused me to be speechless. I could only look at her. "It also seems that Judy's Dad thinks enough of you to be Jeffrey, Judd and Joe's dicksucker, why are you fighting it?" Aunt Jasmine added in a perturbed tone. "It-It's the principle of t-the m-matter. Y-You see..." I tried replying but was cut off. "What I see is that you're being silly about technicalities, and worse, creating a worrisome situation that adds negatively to Judy's mental state. You should be trying to create an atmosphere of calm and tranquillity for her. After all, she is carrying the first born of your marriage and my first grand nephew or niece. You're not trying to get revenge for Rod being the real father, are you? You swore that was not going to be a factor in you being a good husband and daddy." Aunt Jasmine interrupted in an angry tone. I knew this situation was on a downward slide for me now. I was on the defensive. "O-OH no! Nothing of the sort. I-I..." I tried again to reply. Again, I was cut off. "James my son, the best way for you to redeem yourself is to contact Jeffrey, Judd and Joe. Then let them know that you're ready to suck them off whenever they need you to, and as often as they need you to. You should not have your pregnant wife worried about her lovers having blue balls or finding stray pussy, when you're available and have the experience to keep their balls from becoming bloated. Understand me Young man!" Mother's tone of voice, body language and use of the term `Young man', meant I'd better do as she says or face the pain that was sure to follow. She and Aunt Jasmine looked as if they were ready to pounce on me at the slightest provocation. I knew if they got on my bottom in the mood they were in now, I probably wouldn't be able to walk for 4 or 5 days. I capitulated and took the path of least pain. To add to my embarrassment, while the three of them were sitting and looking at me, I had to call each of my wife's lovers. To my utter degradation and chagrin, each of the three men were home and answered. I was hoping to have reached their answering machines. In front of my grinning wife and stern faced mother and aunt, I had to offer myself to the three men. It was very difficult for me telling the men I was available to be their mouth whore on demand, while the three women in my life who I cared the most about, were watching and listening. "Darling, don't forget to mention that you'll suck them all to completion, swallow all they spurt, and milk them afterwards for as long as they want." Judy interjected as I was talking to Jeffery, who I reached first. To my despair, she made it very clear that I was to use her exact words. On the subsequent calls to Joe and Judd, Judy made it a point to remind me twice to tell them exactly the same thing I had told Jeffery. "Remember darling, don't forget to say you'll suck, swallow and milk." Judy whispered out loud to me each time, while I was on the phone with Judd and Joe. Her actions made all three phone calls even more of a horrific, as well an abject debasing experience. As I hung up the phone after the last call, I was a nervous sweaty wreck. Before they left, mother and Aunt Jasmine congratulated my wife on doing the right thing in telling them about our `bit of a problem'. They congratulated me also for making amends by agreeing to become a `dicksucker'- Aunt Jasmine's words - for Judy's lovers. The two also reminded me that it could've been much worse for me if I had to give up some ass, to the three, as well as head. I shuddered at their words after thinking about my rear being rammed with giant fuck tools the size and length my wife's three lovers possessed. Judy consoled me after they'd left and let me know that she was proud of what I'd done. "Darling, I love you even more, for what you did so courageously tonight. Don't be so sad. You know I don't think any less of you because you'll be sucking dicks for my folks as well as my lovers. You simply must not look at such little things, as this, that may be asked of you, as being humiliating. If anything, the more little things you do for the good of this marriage, the more I think of you sweetie. No matter what you may think, there is no competition. I love you much more than any of the other guys. You're my one true love. You're my soulmate and helpmate." Judy cooed to me in a soft sensuous tone as she held me tightly to her swollen tummy, which held the kicking baby put there by another man. CHAPTER 18 EVENTS FROM OUR MARRIAGE: Our Family Grows It was sometime after our son Rodney James reached 18 months of age, when I came home from work to find Judy and Jeffrey, Judd and Joe seated around our kitchen table drinking coffee. I was quickly intimidated by their presence. Judy was holding our infant son, Rodney James. The other reason I had to be intimidated was because of the fact that I was still a `dicksucker' - using my Aunt Jasmine's term - for the three men. If the reader recalls, I had been involuntarily inducted to perform in that role while Judy was pregnant with our son. However, my wife's three studs still demanded I suck their dicks even after my wife's pussy was back in operation as their sexual recreational playground. I complained to my wife about their continuing demands on my mouth, but she didn't see any reason for me to be upset or concerned. I remembered her words on the matter. "James honey, I think it's good that they still want you to suck for them. Besides, don't you think it helps maintain a certain bond and camaraderie between you and them and me?" Judy replied in a very matter-of-fact tone and caviler manner as she brushed her hair. I remembered she and I having had more serious discussions about the weather, than this particular subject. Her attitude clearly sent a message to me. She wanted me to still to be her lovers' dicksucker. I knew if she wouldn't intervene on my behalf, it was hopeless for me, to unilaterally stop them from using me as a sucking semen receptacle. I never answered her question. I simply shook my head and walked away, knowing that it was futile in trying to deny them without her support. "Hi Honey." Judy greeted me as I made my way toward the table where everyone was sitting. The guys chimed in with their own individual welcomes. "Darling, the guys wanted to have a serious talk with us." Judy said as I nervously sat down next to her. Our young son eagerly sought out me to hold him. I was glad to have him squirming in my arms. It helped to lessen the tension and emotional strain I felt from facing the three men, whose enormous fuck tools had been pushed between my lips many times. Each had busted their nuts in my mouth many times over the last 20 months. In fact, Joe had creamed down my throat just last weekend. He had a raging hard-on when he came by. However, Judy and the baby were over at her parent's house. I tried to have him wait until her return, but he wouldn't hear of it. He demanded that I mouth his heated, hard black meat immediately. He left two boiling loads of his semen in me when he departed. "I made this a bit stronger than usual. You'll appreciate it after the guys tell you what they want." My wife said as she handed me my after work highball, and took our baby son back in her arms. I sipped my drink and noticed its extra strength. As I did so, I wondered what in the world these guys wanted that they didn't already have. "James, you've been such a good husband to Judy and an excellent daddy to Rodney James. You've exceeded all of our expectations as to you being a decent and caring daddy to Rod's kid. Therefore, we'd like to make you a daddy three more times." Spoke Judd. "W-What! What are you talking about!" I blurted. To summarize, the three went on to let me know they'd be proud to have me be the daddy of their kids. They each basically expressed that since I'd married the girl they each wanted, and since she was mine and not theirs, that it was only fair that she have their kids, since she couldn't be a wife to each of them now or bear them kids as their legal wife. It had been a busy day for me at the college, and the double talk rationale I was hearing gave me a headache. "That's a bunch of crap and y'all know it." I said rather boldly and loudly. I was so glad that our 18-month-old didn't understand what I was saying. "It may be, but if you don't go along with our program, we're going to release all the video tapes we secretly shot of you sucking us off over the last few months." Jeffrey replied back with a smirk of a grin. I was startled and sat in silence. I was once again being blackmailed for something I'd been forced to do in the first place. I turned red with embarrassment. I turned to my wife for comfort or support at my obvious predicament. All I saw was that famous Mona Lisa type smile on Judy's face. It was certain that she delighted in me being cooled down - so to speak - once again after attempting to be assertive. To prove their point, the three left a copy of the secret video. It was very incriminating proof of me performing Fellatio on them. They were very skillful in their video taping to be sure their own faces didn't show. It appeared I was going to be extorted me into agreeing to further cuckoldry in the worse way. "Darling, I know it's a dirty deed the guys are pulling on you... well both of us. But I'm willing to do what I have to do to protect our family and marriage." Judy let me know that she wasn't opposed to having the babies of her three lovers, even Joe's black baby, but she did want my blessings. She said with an odd smile. I of course wanted to know how serious they were about exposing me. "They seemed rather serious about doing this darling. I think they really want me to have their kids for us. They seem to think they can't lose. If they expose you, that is if you don't do as they desire, you'll be ruined and have to leave town. They're counting on me staying and being available to them, cause you won't be able to get a job anywhere else. They seem to have thought of everything." My wife said. I was suspicious of my wife's complicity in this matter. However, I knew fate was against me, whether my wife had helped conspire against me or not. To make a long story short, over the next few years, our family grew by three additions. A daughter by Judd, whom Judy named Judsonea. A son by Jeffrey, who was named Jefferson. A Daughter by Joe, who was named Josephine. Along with many of my wife's genetic attributes, each of the three children had a very strong facial resemblance to each of their respective real fathers. At each of the planned mating sessions, between my wife and each of the guys, leading up to her insemination by each, it was required that I be in that same up close position as when Rod impregnated her with our first born. At the first mating party, which I violently opposed, but had no choice other than to attend, my wife let the three guys gang bang her to their heart's content. It was her idea that she would have a contest to see who could knock her up first. She was thrilled at so much heavy sexing. In my position, on the other hand, I almost drowned in the continuous stream of fuck juices that rained and drizzled and poured down on poor me. The three horny studs, all with full bloated balls, eagerly mounted and unleashed torrent after forceful torrent of hot viscous semen into my gorgeous wife's hungry hot wet snatch. They were full, and the amount of their spent fuck slime that ran back out of her very receptive gash and onto my face and right into my mouth was abundant. I'm sure I ate over a pint of spent semen and pussy juice at each fuck session of my wife and her three lovers. I spent so much time between my wife and her lover's coupled genitals, that I became very intimately familiar with many things about my wife's three lover's sizable penises and balls. My wife's lover Joe, had the overall biggest cock and balls. The longest cock belongs to Jeffery. Jeffery and Judd didn't seem to mind their balls flopping and sliding across my upturned face. Joe, on the other hand, had me holding his big black balls as he fucked my wife. He also had the audacity to have me lick and mouth his hairy velvet nut sac every time he shot his hot jism deep in my wife's juicy twat. Despite the outrageousness of what he imposed on me, I have to admit there was something strangely erotic about the contrast of Joe's blackness against my wife's unblemished white flesh, as the two of them coupled as one and became a pure fucking machine right over my nose. Usually after the three man gang bang was over and the departure of her three studs, Judy and I were left alone to ourselves. It was doing these times that she took care of my need for sex. Generally, she'd kiss me passionately as she pulled and stroked my rigid peter until I blew my pent up load. A much less smaller load than that of any of her three studs. Even though legally her husband, she and her three studs had decided that I was not to put my cock in her warm juicy snatch until she was declared pregnant by one of them. This would be the case for each of the three pregnancies caused by her three studs. Judy was very passionate and affectionate when we together after her gang bangs. She was used and smelled of heavy sex and other men's fuck fluids, as we embraced and kissed. I hated having her in this fashion, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Her breath reeked of having sucked her three stud's dicks for a prolonged period. She was and still is very fond of me licking her magnificent boobs and sucking her tits at such times. However, I might add that at such times, there are generally many splotches of splattered jism on her breast. So I had to contend with that also as I enjoyed her natural beauty during these tender loving moments with her. I have to admit though, her affections toward me during these loving moments appeared to be very genuine, even if a bit degrading to me. I gave up trying to figure her out, but instead concentrated on being with and enjoying my wife as best as I was allowed to, both by her and her three lovers. My wife was tested pregnant one month later after her first set of insemination contest orgies with the three. It was not known who the father would be until the baby was born. Even after being announced with child, Judy continued to let her three lovers pull a train on her each weekend until her doctor prevented her from all sexual activity until delivery. Well actually, not all sexual acts. She was still allowed the pleasure of my tongue on her pussy and even had her OBGYN write out a prescription that I should continue to lick and orally caress my wife's pussy for her sexual comfort and pleasure up until the time of delivery. As I read the doctor's note, I thought to myself that this was the first time I'd ever heard of a prescription for pussy licking. I immediately suspected my wife's doctor as part of a vast conspiracy against me. Never the less, I lapped her pussy just as the doctor prescribed. I'd come to the conclusion that it was almost useless to fight the forces against me. A few months later, our daughter, Judsonea was born. Judd was beside himself with pride that he had beat out his other two cohorts in knocking my wife up first. A year after Judd's baby was born, another mating contest was held between Jeffery and Joe. Jeffery won the contest. Our son Jefferson was born. A year after Jeffery's baby was born, Joe got his wish and our daughter Josephine was born. CHAPTER 19 EVENTS FROM OUR MARRIAGE: The Mating View Position Incident When Judy first proposed that I should assume the same disgraceful position for her insemination by Jeffery, Judd, and Joe, as when Rod and she mated to produce our son Rodney James, I became livid and vehemently opposed her idea. She'd told me that she thought it would be `sweet' of me to assume what she called my `mating view position'. However, in the end, my protest only resulted in a bruised ass for me. Judy decided I needed another severe treatment from Mr. Fanbelt, that is, for my recurring attack of being uncooperative. I refer to that episode in the early part of our marriage as the "Surprise Visit". What follows is how it all happened. ############TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 6 ######## Comments? Contact C.D.E. at ccwriter@hotmail.com My stories are archived at www.asstr.org 4647 1.34/512345
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