Friday, July 26, 2013
Desperate Housewives: The Rise and Fall of Jack Ryan
Desperate Housewives The Rise and Fall of Jack Ryan By Dick Coxxx This is the story about Desperate Housewives and the rise and fall of Jack Ryan. No, not the hero Jack Ryan of the Tom Clancy novels but about an average white boy who made good then took a hard fall from grace. Jack grew up in a fairly well-to-do family on the Northside of Chicago, Illinois and went to Northwestern University where he majored in political science. He went on to law school and became an assistant District Attorney before his political aspirations caught up with him. Jack met Jeri Lynn when she was a Freshman at Northwestern. She was a very lovely blonde cheerleader who was also interested in the drama club. When she was very young, Jeri Lynn had always wanted to become an actress. She became one of the stars in several of the college productions at Northwestern. When Jack was in his last year of law school, she was about six years younger than he was. He married her upon her graduation from college. Jeri Lynn still wanted to be an actress so Jack gave her some money to go to Hollywood. She had been in several bit parts and even did a couple of porno movies without Jack?s knowledge that her agent talked her in to. Most of them were girl/girl videos but some of them also had men in them. Jeri was one of the more popular starlettes in the porno business because of her vibrant wholesomeness with her natural girl-next-door good looks. There was one video where her agent had given her a pill to take before the shoot. It made her so horny and inhibited that Jeri did what she swore she would never do again - fuck men other than her own husband. In her own heart, she knew it was wrong to go against her marital vows with Jack. Jeri Lynn appeared in several of the Star Trek television series that got her the break to play on the hit TV series, Boston Public. There she played the sexy English teacher who had to fend off all of the black male teachers and students. Jeri Lynn also made numerous guest appearances on Conan O?Brien as well as all the other talk shows. However, she never really hit it big in Hollywood. By this time, she and Jack had a son, Alex. Jeri Lynn came back to Chicago to be the good little wife and mother. Against Jack?s wishes, Jeri Lynn taught English and Drama for real at the local high school. She was the most popular teacher there and once again she had to fend off all of the black teachers and black boys. After several more years of marriage, Jack was asked to run as a Republican against the black Democratic challenger, Barack Obama, for the U.S. Senatorial seat in Illinois. The Republican organization was very effective and was able to secure many votes for Jack. They ran many TV ads showing Jack and his lovely wife, Jeri Lynn, and their son, Alex. Jeri Lynn looked very cute in those ads as she was many a man?s favorite fantasy. There was only one problem in this race. Jack would need a strong showing with the black population in Chicago if he were to have a chance against his black opponent. One of his Republican friends got him in touch with a powerful Democrat with major supporters in the black community. If Jack could garner his support, he might have a shot at beating Barack Obama. A secret meeting was arranged with the very powerful Johnny Johnson, head of the main labor union in Chicago. Johnny Johnson was the only white man that had the closest ties to the black community of any person who wasn?t black. They met together in a back booth at an Italian restaurant in downtown Chicago. Jack extended his hand for a shake and said, ?It?s a real pleasure to meet someone as important as you are.? Johnny didn?t shake his hand but rather said, ?Cut the bullshit, Jack. You know why you?re here. You want my support. Let?s have dinner first and then do some social talking about sports and women, my two favorite subjects.? Jack sat across from Johnny at the dark booth in the back. Two of Johnny?s bodyguards sat at the table just in front of them to ward off any onlookers or enemies. Johnny invariably had many enemies. The powerful union chief honcho had already ordered dinner for Jack as they sipped drinks together. Jack drank his dry vodka martini while Johnny drank his Scotch neat. Dinner arrived shortly and it was exquisite. After dinner, they had more drinks and talked about the Cubbies, the Sox and da Bears, in that order. Then the talk migrated to women. They talked about several movie stars then Johnny brought up the Desperate Housewives commercial before the Monday Night Football the week before. ?Did you see the game on Monday night?,? asked Johnny. ?Of course, Johnny. I love to watch sports.? ?Did you see the Desperate Housewives spoof before the game?,? Johnny continued. ?Why yes I did,? was Jack?s response. ?What did you make of it?,? Johnny continued. ?The game or the spoof?,? Jack asked. ?The spoof, Dummy. The spoof.? Jack became a little irate at being called a dummy but he had already decided that he desperately needed Johnny?s support if he really wanted to win the U.S. Senate race. ?I thought the commercial was a little too risqu?. I don?t like the mixing of sports and sex. It also came on at a time when there were children watching the program. Will they think that its okay for naked women to jump into the arms of athletes?? he added. ?Is that really why you were against the commercial? Or maybe you didn?t like it because a naked married white woman was tempting a well hung negro for some big time nigger cock?? Jack was more than a little taken back by the crude sexual talk coming from the powerful union boss. Jack had been warned about Johnny?s foul mouth but he wasn?t expecting talk like this! ?Maybe,? continued the union boss. ?It?s because Nicolette Sheridan looks a lot like your own wife, Jeri Lynn. Maybe you didn?t like the idea of your naked little blonde wife jumping into the arms of a strong black man and getting royally fucked by this big black buck.? Jack almost got up and left with that last crude remark but a strange sensation came over him and his own penis became hard. He had seen for himself on several occasions while he was visiting his wife at the high school where she taught how wickedly all the black men and boys looked at his wife. Jack?s dick got even harder. ?I?ll tell you I?ll do for you, Jackie Boy. Let me have your pretty little blonde wife for one weekend. If she?s good, then maybe, just maybe, I?ll support your pitiful little campaign for the U.S. Senate.? Jack stuttered, ?Le, le, let me talk to my wife. Maybe I can get her to cooperate with you.? He had never stuttered before in his life. Usually, Jack was the silver-tongued devil who always won his case court. This time he wasn?t so sure of himself. Did he really want to give his wife to this evil man to do with her as he pleased? He had to really, really think hard about it. The only problem was that every time he did think about it, he got really, really hard just thinking about it! ****** That night, Jack was thinking about the powerful union boss? suggestions as he made vigorous love to his own wife. He actually fucked his lovely wife twice because he was still hard after his first ejaculation. That didn?t happen too often for him these days, even with the advent of Viagra. After they had sex, Jack held his wife tenderly in his arms and talked to her about the union boss? erotic proposal. Jack told her how important this was to him and he would do anything for her if she just cooperated with the union boss for one weekend. Jack was actually surprised when Jeri said she would literally love to help him and do anything for him to be able for him to win his campaign. It was set them. Jeri would spend the next weekend at Johnny Johnson?s mansion. Jack made love to his wife for a third time that night he was so excited! ******* Jeri taught school that Friday and had already packed the evening before for her weekend ?excursion? as Jack called it. The big, black stretch limo picked Jeri up that afternoon after school and took the lovely blonde teacher and housewife to a secret location somewhere south of Chicago. Jeri was amazed at the size of the mansion. It was bigger than anything else she had seen in Chicago. It rivaled the size of some of the huge monstrosities that she had seen in Beverly Hills. The thing that she saw that was really different from the homes in Beverly Hills was that this one was a fortress. She saw several black armed guards at the front gate. There had also been a black armed guard riding shotgun with the limo driver. She didn?t know it but the limo was actually armor plated and bulletproof. Johnny Johnson had his enemies. The black limo driver helped Jeri with her luggage. They were met at the door by a black butler. ?We are expecting you, Mrs. Ryan,? said the butler. ?Come in and welcome to Tara.? That was it, she remembered. The mansion looked exactly like Scarlet O?Hara?s plantation home, Tara. It must have been an exact duplicate from what she remembered in the movie, ?Gone with the Wind.? That was one of her favorite movies. The butler showed her to her room. It was as modern as a home could be. There was even a nice-sized Jacuzzi bathtub in the bathroom. The butler opened a bottle of wine for Jeri and poured her a glass. ?Why don?t you freshen up before dinner. Go ahead and take a bath. You?ll love it. Mr. Johnson would like for you to wear the black ball gown in the closet. I believe it?s just your size. Everything else that you need is there also. Dinner is at six. Please don?t be late. Mr. Johnson doesn?t like to wait.? The black butler bowed to Jeri then he turned around and left. Jeri tasted the wine. It was delightful. Maybe she would actually enjoy this weekend. The butler had already run a bubble bath for her. Jeri took off her school clothes and slipped into the warm, relaxing water. She took a quick snooze in the wonderful bath. Jeri saw a woman?s razor by the side of the tub and decided to go ahead and shave her legs and underarms. She figured if she had to be with a man other than her husband, she might as well look and feel good. Jeri also trimmed up her silky, blonde bush into the shape of a small triangle pointing directly towards her pussy. Jeri stepped out of the tub and dried off with a huge white cotton towel. She was a natural beauty so she only needed to apply light makeup. Jeri then went to the closet where the butler indicated her clothes would be. The blonde teacher and housewife was surprised that the sheer black gown was a famous designer label. It looked so pretty. It had sheer lace over the shoulders with a deep plunging neckline. There was a built-in push-up bra for support. The dress was full length with a long slit up her thigh. It was a gorgeous dress. Jeri would look simply fabulous wearing it! Jeri saw the tiny pair of black bikini panties and high-heeled mules for her to wear. She slipped the panties on before zipping up her dress. Then she stepped into the mules. They were basically an open-toe high-heeled sandal so Jeri?s pedicured red-tipped toes peeked out the opening. Jeri saw the jewelry. There was a stunning gold necklace, bracelet, hoop earrings and anklet. She put all those on. Jeri decided against removing her wedding ring because she was doing this as a favor for her husband. The lovely blonde wife saw that they had some of her favorite perfume, White Shoulders, so she sprayed some on her neck behind her ears and some between her almost bare breasts. Then she pulled the slit of her long dress aside and wickedly sprayed some perfume on the inside of her thighs. She felt so elegant and wicked at the same time! Jeri came down the sweeping, spiral staircase at exactly six o?clock. There was a short, pudgy man in a tuxedo at the bottom of the stairs. ?My, my, my, Mrs. Ryan. Don?t you look good enough to eat tonight! You just might be dessert. My name is Johnny Johnson. I?ll be your host for the weekend.? Johnny took Jeri?s hand in his and kissed her manicured fingertips. Jeri saw that the union boss was probably somewhere in his sixties. Surely this old codger couldn?t be up for a lot of sex, could he? Johnny led the beautiful wife into the elegant dining room. Johnny sat at the end with Jeri by his side. The black butler poured Jeri another glass of wine. He also served their delicious food. Dinner was very delightful. Dessert was a wonderful chocolate mousse but it did have a strange aftertaste to it. After dinner, Johnny spoke first, ?Mrs. Ryan, I know that you were an aspiring actress at one time. I have a copy of all of your work to include all of the Star Trek episodes and Boston Public. I thought Boston Public was your best work.? ?Thank you for those kind words, Mr. Johnson.? ?I even have those little porno videos that you did before you got your big break in Hollywood.? At that, Jeri blushed. She was ashamed and embarrassed when she did those dirty little movies. Her agent talked her into doing those against her will. Her agent even tried unsuccessfully to use his couch to do his casting calls with her. ?I really didn?t feel comfortable doing those, Mr. Johnson.? ?Please call me, Johnny, Mrs. Ryan, but I insist on calling you Mrs. Ryan because I love how it sounds. Your husband and I made a little agreement earlier this week. Where you aware of that?? ?Yes, Johnny. I was. That?s why I?m here this weekend,? replied the beautiful blonde wife. ?Well, you are a fine actress but you might just have some of your best work ahead of you. I have a number of skits that I would like to have filmed this weekend. They would, of course, be for my own personal library. But first, I want you to do some promotional photos for me, my Dear. Come this way. I have my own personal photographer and photography studio.? Johnny led the lovely blonde wife down the hall and into a professional fashion photography studio. ?Mrs. Ryan, this is my photographer, Tyrone. He?ll take good care of you this evening. I?ll just sit here in the back of the room and watch him work his magic. You don?t mind, do you, Dear?? ?No, I don?t mind, Mr. Johnson, I mean, Johnny,? said Jeri. ?I would be pleased if you watched.? The photographer was a tall black fellow but he was as good as any photographer that Jeri had seen in Hollywood. All they wanted to do there was to get the clothes off her and fuck her good. Tyrone was different. At first she was uncomfortable having a black man tell her what to do and how he posed her for the photos. But then he made her feel comfortable in front of the camera. They did a number of poses in the beautiful long black dress she was wearing. Then Tyrone led her into a clothes closet and picked out several outfits for her to model. While most of the outfits were revealing, they were very tastefully designed. Many of them were sheer and showed her curves but not too much bare skin was shown. Several showed her tight mid-section. She was thankful for all the hours in the gym working on maintaining her great figure. In one pose, she wore tight jeans unzipped to show some of her blonde bush. She wasn?t wearing a top but Tyrone had her cover her bare breasts with her arms so that her nipples didn?t show. There were a couple of outfits that showed her nipples. One of the ones she liked best was when she was dressed in only a man?s white dress shirt. The swell of her ripe breasts showed through the unbuttoned shirt. Jeri looked like the playful sex kitten. Her photo session was finally over. Jeri got dressed in a pair of old jeans and a thin top. The top clearly showed off her breasts as the nipples became hard and poked through the thin material. Tyrone said, ?I know we got some great shots. I hope you had as much fun as I did.? Jeri smiled back at the black man, ?I had fun, too.? ?Okay, Mrs. Ryan,? said Johnny. ?It?s time for your first skit. Did you see the commercial for Desperate Housewives a couple of weeks ago before the ABC Monday Night Football Game?? ?Ahh, yes I did. My husband talked more about that commercial than he did about the football game. He was taping the game so he also taped the commercial.? ?Oh, good for him. The first skit will be a re-enactment of that skit. I don?t have the fancy locker room but I do have a real live football player from the Chicago Bears. Here?s your lines. Why don?t you look them over and go change into your towel. Only a towel, okay. No panties. Nicollette was able to wear panties for that shot but not you. I want you ?au naturelle.? Do you understand?? ?Yes, Johnny. I understand.? Jeri went into a nearby dressing room. She looked over her lines to memorize them but she was dreading this. She kept saying to herself, ?I?m only doing this for my husband.? The lovely blonde housewife came out of the dressing room wearing only the towel as instructed. Jeri was given a cross necklace to wear just like the one Nicollette Sheridan was wearing in her skit. The cross felt so out of place. She came back into the room and saw that Tyrone now had a video camera on his shoulder. On the other side of the room was a football player dressed in his uniform. Johnny was in the back watching the action unfold. The black football player just smiled at the lovely blonde wife. Jeri said her lines perfectly. The football player said, ?Hell, the team is just gonna have to win this won without me.? Jeri dropped the towel and jumped naked into the arms of the black football player. ?Let?s do that over again.? shouted Johnny. They did that scene about five or six more times. Then on the last take, she came out and gasped at what she saw. Her hand came up to her mouth to try to hide her fright. The black football player had taken off his uniform. He now stood completely buck naked with his arms crossed over his broad black chest in a menacing stance. What Jeri immediately noticed, however, was the huge black cock that jutted up from his muscular loins. Jeri gulped before she began her lines. It was hard for her to take her blue eyes off of his monster black cock. The terrified blonde housewife finished her lines and dropped the towel. She jumped into the strong arms of the black football player. They kissed. Jeri kissed back. She was surprised that she was so turned on by being in the arms of a black man. On her Boston Public show, the black teachers and black students were always making crude sexual remarks to her. Even at the high school where she wasteaching English, the black teachers and black students were always rubbing their cocks and undressing her with their eyes when they saw her. The black football player continued kissing the lovely blonde beauty as he moved her towards the couch. He laid her down gently on the couch and began nibbling on her erect nipples. He let his kisses run down her flat stomach and across her blonde bush before finding the little erect bud of her clitoris. Jeri moaned as the Negro ate her excited blonde pussy. She had her first orgasm. Tyrone, the videographer zoomed in the camera to catch her lovely face in the middle of her contortions. Jeri manicured hands went to the kinky black hair on his head and pulled him even closer to her quivering pussy. Her own husband, Jack, had wanted to go down on her several times but she resisted him because she thought that it was too dirty of a thing to do. She squirmed and had another orgasm. The black player stood up between her widespread legs. He hovered over the beautiful blonde housewife and said, ?Put it in for me, Honey.? Jeri reached down between her legs to grasp the giant black cock. It was so big that her hand did not fit completely around his massive black cock. This Negro?s manhood was more than twice the size of her own husband?s white penis. She didn?t know how it would all fit into her tight little pussy. The black player loomed over his new blonde conquest. He loved working for Johnny Johnson. He got all the beautiful white pussy he could handle. Jeri guided his giant black cock to her own destruction. The huge black cockhead parted the silky blonde pussy hair and pressed against her moist, trembling opening. The first inch made its way in. Jeri gasped at his massive size. The black football player continued working his huge black member deeper and deeper into the struggling blonde wife?s pussy. Jeri?s arms and legs came up to clasp the Negro in her grip. Her red lips found his thick lips. His tongue probed deeply into her sweet recesses. Jeri had another orgasm! Jeri didn?t know how long they had fucked like this. She was climbing the ways with excitement. Finally, his huge black cock swelled up even larger as he blasted his dark seed deep into her battered womb. Jeri lay there on the couch in exhaustion. ?Bravo! Bravo!?, Johnny Johnson was saying as he was vigorously clapping his hands. ?Mrs. Ryan, you just gave the performance of your lifetime! You were simply amazing. Why don?t you get cleaned up and rest a little before your next skit?? ?Next skit?? thought Jeri. ?Ohmigawd, you mean there?s more!? 4227 1.46/512345
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