Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Needless Revenge
Needless Revenge By Soccer Boy The two woman's varsity soccer players were feuding. They were both critical to the team and the coach was aware of the problem but had no idea how to solve it not realizing how complex it was and simply hoped they would resolve it in time. It got resolved, at least to one players satisfaction. Rene was the pretty blond on the team that all the lesbian girls wanted to befriend. She is a lithe three-year starting junior that runs like the wind and has an immaculate touch with the ball. The aloof 5'4" carried her 32b(round and full with light pink nipples)-21-33 shape on muscular thighs and thin calves and ankles. She was the center mid for the team and given her slight frame needed a little protection from opposing markers. She was supposed to get that protection from the mightily built Tonya. Tonya played in the mid, also, with her 5'7" full body and huge, powerful thighs and backside. Tonya has a pretty, light blacked skinned face over her strong 35c-27-37 frame. She ran almost as quickly as Rene but was very strong and did the aggressive dirty work for the college soccer team using her strength to stop the opponent and then get the ball to Rene for her to start and attack. Tonya was very attracted to the wavy blond haired, green-eyed Rene. Tonya was a senior. Tonya expected Rene to cater to her given the work that she did to set Rene up for the glory, scoring part of the game. Rene barely spoke to her. Rene came to the practices and games with little fanfare or chatting and then went back to her rich girl sorority only talking to the teams keeper, Toni, on a regular basis and never attending team bashes. Well, the season ended with the team having had their share of success and the players went their separate ways to focus on their studies. Shortly after the season ended and with graduation only a month away for the seniors Tonya and a few other players decided that what the team needed was an all out party. The party was a big hit and everybody had a blast. That is, those that showed up had a blast and a little team bonding for the next year took place. Only one player didn't show - Rene. Toni had come passing on to those that asked about her absence that Rene was too busy with some sorority function to make it. This, of course, rubbed a few players the wrong way but absolutely set Tonya off. She decided right then and there that she had put up with the uppity bitch too much the last three years and decided to teach Ms. Prissy a lesson to remember. Tonya hatched a plan and worked out the details over the next two weeks setting things up to happen the evening of the last day of finals knowing that there would be total pandemonium all over campus and that she could teach Rene the lesson of her life in some "privacy". Tonya set things up to her satisfaction and just needed one detail figured out. She got the basic information from Toni - that Rene would, of course, not be able to attend a year end soccer team party (no such party planned, Tonya used the concept to get information innocently from Toni about where Rene would be). The campus was on the edge of Minneapolis. Tonya just needed to figure out how to get Rene to the basement of the house where her revenge would take place. The house she set up to use was just a corner of a mile from the campus sorority house where Rene lived would be partying the night away. All Tonya had to do was get Rene outside for a walk while the entire campus got loud and drunk. On the fateful night Tonya went right over the sorority house and watched in her car as the girls partied in the house and spilled out into the pool and deck area and took turns throwing each other in to the pool as they all got pretty buzzed on champagne and wine. Tonya waited patiently in her car with the lights off and the car parked on the curb next to the backyard waiting for Rene to come out to the pool and deck area. Rene did at least three times but there were always a few others around, too many. Then she saw Rene get her turn of getting tossed in the pool as the girls, including Rene, screamed and laughed. Ten minutes later she saw the pretty girl return to the area after changing her clothes. Tonya seethed as she saw the pretty enemy waltz around the backyard in tennis shorts, sandals, and short-sleeved blouse tied around her waist like she was Daisy Duke or something. "She thinks she is so all that", Tonya whispered to no one. Then the moment happened. While Rene was sipping her champagne with four other girls the others saw one of their sisters on deck that had apparently yet to get tossed in the pool. The four took off beckoning Rene to join them towards the girl that was soon to get tossed in. Rene was relaxing at that point though having had the joint the girls had decided to split just handed to her. As the girls took off for the next "victim" Tonya took a couple steps out the car and called to Rene who had just taken a hit of the joint. Rene exhaled and surprisingly to Tonya smiled at Tonya when she recognized who had called her name. Tonya said softly noting the glee and noise the others were making 30 yards away for the pool and motioned Rene over with the comment, "I can't graduate without us ending on good terms. I came to get thing square with us and wish you good luck." Rene walked through the open back yard and held out the joint for Tonya to have a hit. "Not out here in the open" Tonya giggled, faking charm and thankfulness for the offer and gleeful at the ease this opening would give her to get Rene in the car. Tonya got back in the car and gestured for Rene to climb in hoping she would get in versus just come to the open car window to share the joint. The joint was half gone. Rene had gotten in and handed to Tonya. Tonya took a hit and handed it back to Rene. As Rene took a hit, Tonya shifted the car into gear and slowly started the 5-minute drive to the "house of revenge" without Rene apparently even noticing that the car started to move. Rene held the joint and her breath as Tonya said, "Sorry we didn't get along and I just want you to know you are a great and valuable to the team. I have something special to you provided you answer to one question." Tonya continued, "Did you not like me because I am black?" Rene exhaled and said, "Of course not, I did like you because you can be a bitch." They both chuckled and Tonya said as her chuckle subsided, "Look who is talking. Oh well, so you do like black people, cool. So how many black guys have you dated, or black woman for that matter." Rene was pretty buzzed the back end of the question her of some of the original friction between them. Tonya was one of the four or five openly gay players on the team and Rene had felt like Tonya was hitting on her the first year and had rebuffed her and then just shut her out with the coldness at a frigid level that only a pretty and rich sorority girl can achieve. Tonya parked the car deep into the driveway so that they were only a few steps from the door that would lead them into the house in down into the set up basement. "Of course I would not ever date a black man. And you must know I would not have dated any woman period." Being somewhat buzzed and not thinking Rene got out of the car not thinking nor realizing they she had not volunteered to any destination with Tonya. "That is what I thought." Tonya said trying to continue to hide the anger and glee over what was to come. "Man you sure seemed buzzed. Let me make sure you get in here safety. Yes, that is what I expected. You are really going to like my present for you." Tonya moved quickly emphasizing the present aspect and quickly guided Rene into the beat up home, opened the door that lead to the basement and got Rene in front of her and directed her downstairs. "This is were I live, just go down there." Tonya closed the door behind them and through the latch that was about five feet above the ground liking its placement knowing that Rene being buzzed the stairs being dark that if Rene decided to flee she would be greatly delayed. Tonya watched the little princess walk gingerly down to the basement and let her self smile. It had been so easy. "Geez, this is not a nice place to live" Rene said not hiding her disappointment and disgust at what she had taken in as she stepped left and saw gym mats on the floor and couch folded out to bed. The bathroom near the bed that didn't have a door! Rene had not looked to her right to take in the other side of the open basement. She did not see the large black man hitting a bong there. Tonya knew he was there and gestured for him to get up and follow to the bottom of the steps and to stand there. He complied but picked up a chair and brought his pot with him and took a seat. Rene had taken a couple steps onto the mat and then turned around starting to want to "get her present" and then get back to the party. This had been a nice gesture she thought through her buzz but she had seen enough and had pretended to be nice in return long enough. As Rene turned around she had stopped abruptly having decided it was time to go already and bumped into Tonya. "Oops, sorry. Okay, you ready for your present my little uppity friend?" Tonya saw Rene's eyes open and they belied concern. Rene had seen the large man sitting by the stairs. She had started to respond, "I guess so", when she saw the man, "who is he?" Rene was buzzed but showed her fear at the sight of him. "Oh, that is your present girlie. See, I will not be happy graduating and not having once kicked your ass. The chance to do so is your present to me. But, I believe in fairness and I am very generous. If you win you get to leave via the stairs and go back to your white world of charm. That is present number one. Well, that present is two-fold. You will have gotten he enjoyment of kicking a black girls ass as well as go back to your friends and brag about it. If I win I still want to give you a present given that I will have so much fun kicking your ass. You get to have Leon fuck you if I win." Tonya saw the look of disgust and fear in Rene's eyes and reveled in it. "Wouldn't that be great? You have never even dated a black man so you would get to experience it and boy what an experience it will be for you. See, a pretty little girl like you have had so many fantasies about it and I know what you would be expecting. He won't disappoint you my sweetie." Rene took a couple steps to her left expecting to leave but Tonya blocked her path and the large man stood up to do the same. "You are sick. What a bitch. Damn you, I am not going to fight you and the other things you said are disgusting. You need help, now let me out of here." Rene said. She was scared and buzzed but being an athlete she had a combative spirit and even with Tonya standing in front of her the next obstacle being a 250 plus pound man of muscle she shoulder pushed her way past Tonya fully expecting to leave. "You are sick, what a sick ass bitch you are Tonya" Rene said half way around Tonya. Rene felt Tonya grab her shoulder length hair that she had put in a ponytail when she had changed and yank her backwards. "I am going to say this once," Tonya said now in front of Rene again having yanked her hard back a few steps. "You leave after you kick my ass or get your present. You do not have a choice. Your choice bitch is to fight or just accept the beating. I am going to count to three in my head and then game on bitch. Get ready for a whooping bitch, three.." Tonya said through clenched teeth and let her count tail off to silence. "What kind of whore are you?" Rene exclaimed feeling a hard slap across her left cheek as she finished the sentence. Game on. Rene had her instincts take over. Tonya stepped in for another slap but Rene put her arms up and grabbed Tonya by the wrist and pulled her forward as she stepped to the side. "Damn you!" Rene shouted now angry, very angry. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Rene said loudly. Tonya just giggled and took step back. Tonya was just wearing her soccer shorts and team sweat top. She peeled off her top exposing a yellow lace bra barely holding in her ample breasts. "Don't get all excited now sweetie. I know seeing these will be getting you all hot. But there will be time for that stuff later. I suggest you get those sandals off for better footing. Rene was more than appalled by the circumstances but without thought slipped out of her sandals and instinctively widened her stance seeing Tonya stepping carefully towards her. Tonya put her arms out to grab Rene by the shoulders and Rene did the same in response. The each had hold of each other's shoulders and started fighting for an advantage in balance. Tonya had the obvious advantage of strength, especially in her thighs and legs. She was able to pull her left and right and forward with Rene feeling her balance not able hold. Rene fell one knee and then was pulled forward so that she was now on both knees the two of them still locked together gripping each other's shoulders. Tonya had a mean streak, well, that is pretty obvious, and kicked Rene squarely into her stomach. Rene's grip was released as she lost her air and strength. Tonya tossed the gasping Rene to her side. "Too easy" Tonya thought almost disappointed and wanting Rene to be able to put up a struggle. Well, that would be on Rene and not for Tonya to worry about. Tonya pounced on Rene as she held her stomach and gasped for air but tried the process of getting up. Tonya squashed Rene face down and deciding to have fun with her weaker opponent straddled her lower back and took a hold of Rene with her fingers interlocked under Rene's chin and yanked Rene forcefully back and upward. "Ah, stop you bitch" Rene yelped her lower back now hurting. Tonya bounced a couple times onto Rene's lower back still pulling her torso uncomfortable backward. Rene had just gotten a little of her wind back only to have it knocked swiftly and completely back out. Tonya was smiling broadly as she released her grip and rolled Rene over. Oh, such glee to see the look in Rene's eyes as Rene rolled like a rag doll onto her back her arms resting over her head on the mats. Tonya reached for the front of Rene's blouse and ripped it open as Rene gathered herself enough and got some breath and reached for Tonya's hands to try to stop her. Before she could get a grip on the wildly yanking Tonya the blouse buttons popped open and Tonya began the tussle of pulling it over Rene's shoulders having to turn the gaining in strength Rene over to complete the job. Tonya got up and tossed the blouse to the side and enjoyed watching Rene stagger to her feet covering her bra area from the ogling of the giant man. Rene glanced at the man disgusted at how open he was in his leering and noted with more than a little concern that the man was standing there in just his jeans. The man had taken off his shirt and his pants were unbuckled! Rene turned towards Tonya in time to see her rushing in and was able to get her arms out to shore off Tonya and then move to the side and though it was accidental it looked like a good move; turning, Rene's right foot tripped the rushing Tonya and her momentum carried Tonya forward and she fell to the mat with Rene holding her left arm and jumping on top of Tonya. Rene was able to straddle Tonya and they both just flailed at each other with open slaps. Rene was able to get in a couple and Tonya didn't have the reach to strike back so she grabbed the arms of the slapping Rene. Tonya was finding this more fun. She wanted Rene to be at least a little bit of challenge. Rene was trying to free her hands so that she could take out her growing rage with slaps to Tonya but in jostling to free her arms she leaned back and felt both heels of Tonya lock under her jaw and then Tonya used the strength of her legs and rolled forward pulling Rene backward to the mat and off of her. Rene had just started to feel some confidence and now found her self on her back with her arms firmly in Tonya's grip. But she did have Tonya in a scissors. Rene tried to squeeze as hard as she could and still tried to free her hands. Tonya stood up wanting to get Rene's legs unwrapped. Tonya lifted Rene up and let her slam down onto the mats. She did this three more times before she felt the grip free then she jumped on Rene and straddled her. She released her grip with one hand so that she could deliver a clear and powerful slap to Rene. Man that felt so good to her she did it again and then raised her body weight up and slammed down into Rene's midsection over and over until she felt the strength in Rene's arms go. Rene had no air and given this had no fight. Tonya counted in her head, "she slapped me twice" and gave Rene a left slap then a right slap to add the two she had delivered before knocking the wind out of her for good measure. Rene had angered Tonya with her brief success and Tonya was in full fight mode. Her opponent had stopped fighting and was crying quietly. Tonya was still straddling Rene and tosses her arms over her head and slid her straddle position upward so that she sat squarely on Rene's breasts and had her knees on either side Rene's head. "Oh look at Ms. Prissy. Had enough bitch?" Tonya asked not wanting an answer. Rene whimpered, "Stop" feeling Tonya reaching underneath her shoulders and unhooking her bra. Rene felt defeated and even as she started to get some air back and a little strength she did not resist the unhooking of her bra. "You always take showers so privately. You know, in three years I never got to see your pretty little body." Tonya sneered firmly cupping Rene's right breast and pulling the lose material off of it. "Oh so firm, so sexy." Tonya said feeling her self getting aroused now. Rene brought her arms up but Tonya's strong thighs blocked her feeble attempt to cover her self. Rene's arms were defenseless on the outside of Tonya's thighs. Tonya pulled the strap over Rene's right shoulder and then did the same on the other side and then pulled Rene's bra off and tossed it away. Tonya too firmly squeezed and kneaded at Rene's breasts. "Ouch, please stop. I give." Rene pleaded. Tonya had just started though. Tonya grabbed Rene by the wrists and held her arms firmly over her head and then disgusted Rene by putting all of her weight over Rene's face. Rene made muffled yelps into Tonya's crotch and tried to get free but given the hold she was in it was too no avail. Of course, the strength advantage Tonya had over was overpowering. Enjoying her humiliation of Rene Tonya continued also enjoying putting on a show for Leon. Tonya turned around swiftly and pressed her ass onto Rene's face as she locked her legs under Rene's shoulders to trap her arms. Tonya wanted to get Rene naked, thus, the move. She felt Rene struggle and waiting a couple of moments for her to be bucking her hips. Boom, there it was, the opportunity. Rene had pressed her heels into the mat to arch her torso and try to buck Tonya off of her. Tonya grabbed Rene's panties from just above her buttocks and peeled them down a foot exposing the sparse, blond haired pussy mound. Rene did what Tonya expected. Rene lowered her hips back to the mats, clinched her thighs together and raised her knees up trying to keep her shorts and panties on. But Tonya had already made so much progress in the disrobing that her hips were already bare. Rene bringing her knees up just made it simple for Tonya to peel the shorts and panties further now past her knees and with just a feeble twisting motion by Rene Tonya peeled them off and there Rene was - naked and defeated on the mats. The show had just begun for Tonya. She stood up at this point so happy with her conquest she laughed. The sight of the defeated Rene softly crying on the mats brought real joy to her. She saw Rene weekly get up on her side and while attempting to cover her self look around for her clothes to get her self covered. Leon had done the obvious though and as the items had been discarded he had gathered them and was standing there with them in his hands his jeans now slipping down to his pubic bone. Rene didn't realize this a looked around hopelessly while Tonya laughed at the sight and took her own clothes off. Tonya looked over her shoulder now naked at winked at Leon. "You looking for these?" Leon said gruffly making Tonya chuckle as Rene looked over at him and saw her clothes. Rene sat on her heals to hide her crotch area and crossed her arms over her breasts so that the large man could not see her privates. She was more than disgusted; the man was literally drooling while he looked at her having to wipe saliva off his wet lips! "Go a head and get them from him." Tonya said joyfully standing in front of Rene now and then gestured behind her self to Leon to "get on with it". Tonya wanted Leon to take his clothes off now. Tonya gestured for Rene to stand up. Rene looked up and defiantly nodded "no". Her arms covering her breasts from the leering view of Leon she was defenseless for the downward slap Tonya delivered. Rene fell to her side still trying to cover her self and then got a medium kick to her stomach. Once again she was winded. Tonya picked her up and without fanfare tossed her onto the bed. "Don't hurt my anymore. I said I give. I want to go home now. You must be satisfied by now." Rene said trying to hold her composure. Tonya just laughed and said, "You have to get your present my sweetie." Rene vaguely recalled the words told her in the beginning of this nightmare and lying on the bed covering her self with the comforter that had once been neatly placed upon it looked at Leon who was now standing naked a couple of feet from the edge of the bed just to the left of Tonya. Tonya delighted in seeing Rene's eyes fly open in shock. Tonya knew what Rene was looking at. "No, no, no way, not that" Rene stammered pulling the comforter around her and reflexively sliding towards the head of the bed fruitlessly creating some distance from Tonya and the mean looking muscular guy with a slightly growing already donkey sized cock. A cock that made her shiver in fright when she saw it. Tonya was beside herself in fun. Tonya got on the bed and crawled on her knees towards Rene. "Okay, time to fuck. Unless you think you can take me. If you think you can I will give you another chance but after I really kick your ass I am going to fuck you anyway." Then Tonya laughed heartily seeing that Rene had no intension of any more fighting. Then Tonya laid the coupe on Rene, "In case you plan on telling anyone about this keep in mind that we are on film right now. I will make sure this is edited and copies showing you fucking black people will be on the Internet for all your friends to see." A tear rolled down Rene's right cheek, "Why are you doing this to me" Rene said through the tear but with a voice that reflected that she was resigned to the next half hour of disgusting activity. "Because you deserve it," Tonya said with a laugh climbing on the bed and taking hold of Rene's ankles and pulling her downward. Rene was prone on the bed slightly shivering with fear. She was resigned to the gore of the situation but did have enough spunk to wonder about one last go. She looked around to see where Leon and set her clothes realizing that if she did get lucky against Tonya she would need some clothes to put on as she fled. She did not see her clothes. She stopped looking and forgot what she looking for as her sight took in the giant member hanging from the proudly standing Leon standing just at the edge a foot from where her feet were resting. Yes, she had noted that he was weirdly large when she had first seen it but had not taken in just what that meant. Leon was huge beyond belief and the thing looked ugly. It looked like an ugly fat lizard with loose skin covering the head of the semi- erection and had bulbous veins running haphazardly over and around it. Leon placed a knee on the bed starting to move between her legs and Rene felt the wetness of Tonya's mouth being placed on her right breasts. "No, no way" Rene said reflexively pulling away from Tonya who took her comment personally and with sudden anger. The words were not directed towards Tonya though Rene was not accepting of the suckle and found it revolting, the words were in response to the reality that a black man with an outsized cock was moving in between her legs. Tonya has an anger problem, clearly. She took the comments as rejection and responded with force. Tonya pounced on the prone Rene, straddled her and grabbed her by both wrists. Tonya had Rene in a good old-fashioned "school boy" pin. Rene was again revolted as she felt copious pussy juices flowing from Tonya onto her belly. "Like that bitch? Can you feel how hot my pussy is?" Tonya seethed and then slid up higher so that her crotch was over Rene's neck as Tonya pressed Rene's wrist against the headboard. Tonya paused for a minute to take in the look or horror in Rene's eyes. Pinching Rene's head firmly between her thighs Tonya lowered her dripping, hairy crotch right on Rene's nose and mouth. Rene tried to scream but it was, of course, muffled and tried to struggle free but could not move with Tonya's weight holding into the mattress. Tonya enjoyed the sensation on her pussy of the struggling Rene but raised her hips over and slid back down to straddle Rene's breasts. Rene's mouth was coating with pussy juice as she gasped in some needed air. "No, please not that" Rene pleaded unfortunately able to have the taste of Tonya in her mouth. Rene felt her legs being spread and the giant weight on Leon now fully on the mattress. Tonya still held her wrist tightly. Rene could feel the tree root Leon has for a cock brush against her thighs as Leon got situated between her legs and in position to enter her. "Please no, please, please no" Rene yelped feeling Leon place his no hard cock, "could it actually be bigger now?" she feared, on her abdomen. She could feel his sac resting on her vulva, the fat base on her mound and the no longer loose head skin near her belly button. Leon was fully aroused and he dripped precum into her belly button. Rene heard the sound of the lubrication bottle get open and felt a large hand separate the balls of Leon from her vulva so that it could liberally spread the lube over her pussy entrance. "Here is comes baby," Tonya giggled. "Oh god no!" Rene yelped as she felt her pussy entrance get forcibly opened by the head of the ten inches in length and eleven inches in circumference cock. "No, please, it is too big, no, please" Rene pleaded feeling like she might tear she was being so stretched. Leon pressed in a couple inches past the head. Rene felt like she was being impaled! "Please no, too big, too big" Rene stuttered and gasped out. Rene raised her hips upward and feeling the huge cock whoosh out of her tried to turn her hips away. Unfortunately Leon had a hold of her legs at the knees and kept her in place. Tonya responded with punishment again moving her hips up over Rene's mouth and lowering her pussy downward even more forcefully this time and held it there for almost a half minute denying Rene air. Satisfied that she had made her point she slid back down to her starting point as Rene was allowed to get some air again not able to avoid the taste of pussy juice spread over her mouth and lips. Leon put his cock back in this time going six inches in with one hard push. Rene was too tight for him and his leg strength was needed to get his cock in and in spite of how hard he was he felt the resistance of Rene's too small pussy cause his dick to slightly bend. Leon pushed his cock in past the bend. "Argh, no, too big, so big, please stop." Rene said panting for breath and feeling a searing pain in her pussy. Leon started pumping Rene. "Umph" was the sound Rene would yelp out with each thrust. His massive cock stretching her pussy out of shape and now that he was thrusting in about eight inches he was pounded and bruising her insides. Leon would thrust in and groan, Rene would squeal an "umph" or an "argh, uh" over and over again. This went on for two minutes tears of pain rolling down Rene's cheeks. Her pussy was being pumped numb but she still felt Leon grow harder and though it isn't quit the right word given the situation was appreciative to hear Leon start to take deep breathes. "Oh my god, he is getting ready to cum. Oh please cum soon so this will end." Rene thought desperately. Thirty seconds and ten thrusts followed by "umph" or "ugh" Rene heard Leon loudly declare that he was getting his nut. It was almost over Rene thought. She was relieved no longer feel the thrusts as Leon ejaculated into her and then held his cock buried deep into her while he cum squirted into her. She felt the huge snake settle and her pussy so tightly wrapped around the outsized width of it she could feel his cock pulsing and slowly deflating. Within a minute his cock had softened enough so that the tightness of her pussy pushed his cock out with little resistance. It plopped out with a whoosh. The nightmare was over. 4827 1.32/512345
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