Thursday, July 25, 2013
Sex Therapist
The Sex Therapist By Lingus It was nine o'clock Monday morning. The kids were in school and wouldn't be home until mid- afternoon. As usual Lainie's husband Bob was out of town on business. Normally by this time of the morning, Lainie has poured a third cup of coffee, turned on Regis and Kathie Lee and settled in for another boring day of housework and TV. "I can't believe I got my master's for this," Lainie moaned at least once a day. Today was different and Lainie was excited. Ever since school started two months ago, she'd been working up the courage to tell Bob how she felt. She knew that as soon as she mentioned that she wanted to get a job, he'd respond with a comment like "I can't have my wife working. What would my friends think?" Last Saturday night Lainie felt the time had come for her to speak. As she told Bob about her boredom and her desire to return to work, she braced herself for a barrage that never came. Instead Bob listened patiently and when she was finished, he replied, "I've been wondering about that. In fact I almost said something about it, but I was afraid you might think I was trying to pressure you into going to work. If that's your choice, I'm all for it. I'll help you anyway I can." Lainie was so astonished that she didn't know what so say. She finally muttered "thank you." Lainie more effectively expressed her gratitude later that night when they were in bed. She rolled over on her stomach, stuck her backside in the air and said, "I want you to fuck my ass sweetheart. Please fuck me!" Lainie knew that this was something her husband loved to do. Bob knew that she didn't particularly enjoy it because it hurt. He willingly accepted her expression of gratitude by lubricating his large hard cock and slipping it firmly into her tight anus. In a few minutes he dumped a load of his hot cum deep in her bowels. The next day Bob and Lainie carefully studied the Sunday want ads. They found several possibilities that Lainie thought sounded interesting. She carefully clipped them out and put them in a pile to be called the next day. By the time they had finished there were more than a dozen good prospects in the pile. Lainie eagerly looked forward to making the calls the next morning. As Bob was leaving Sunday night to catch a plane and begin his weekly odyssey on the road, he handed his wife the want-ad section of "City Lights", an alternative newspaper distributed free in the yuppie hangouts around town. Bob had circled an ad in the paper and as he handed it to Lainie, he said, "Call this one first. It really looks interesting. I think it may be the job for you." Lainie didn't have a chance to look at the ad before Bob gave her a kiss and walked out the door. After Bob left Lainie looked at the ad. "Wanted: Mature woman with sincere desire to help others enhance their enjoyment of life. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. Contact Dr. Braden at the Life Enrichment Clinic." A phone number was listed but there was no street address. Lainie found the ad and Bob's comment about it puzzling. "It sounds interesting but it's so terribly vague. It almost sounds phony," Lainie thought to herself. Reaching for the phone book, she decided to check it out. It was listed with the phone number stated in the ad with an address near the university. "I'll call them tomorrow then," she concluded, "but I'm going to ask Bob when he calls, what he found so interesting about this ad." Later that night when Bob made his nightly call to his wife, she did ask him about the ad. "I just thought it sounded like something you might be interested in," he replied. "What sort of a place is it?" she pressed. "Sweetheart, I really don't know. The ad mentioned flexible hours and good pay and helping other people. I thought that covered the things that were important to you. That's all. Why not give them a call and see what they have to say. Maybe there's nothing to it, but why not check it out." "OK, sweetheart," Lainie agreed. "If you want me too, I will. Good night. I love you." "Good night. I love you too," Bob replied as he hung up. Now that Monday morning had arrived it was time for Lainie to make the calls. She poured herself a cup of coffee, gathered the ads and sat down by the phone to begin. The ad on the top of the pile was the one for the clinic. Lainie picked up the phone and made the fateful call that would dramatically change her life in ways she would never have dreamed of. "Hello," she said to the woman who answered the phone. "I'm calling about your ad in "City Lights". Is Dr. Braden available?" "This is Dr. Braden," replied the soft feminine voice. "Can I help you?" "Yes, Dr. Braden. My name is Elaine Lange and I saw your ad. I'd like to know more about the job?" "Great!" Dr. Braden replied. "I'm delighted to hear from you. Do you think you meet the qualifications listed?" "Why, yes, I think I do," Lainie replied. "I like to help other people, and I have a master's degree in psychology if that's relevant. I'm not sure, however, what you mean by the term 'mature woman'." "Oh that," Dr. Braden chuckled. "I started putting that in the ad because I don't want to get responses from coeds at the university. I used to get a lot of them responding to my ads, but they don't have enough experience with relationships to be effective at what we are doing here at the clinic. I'm looking for a woman who is able to relate well to men in their thirties, forties, fifties and even older. Does that describe you?" "Yes, I guess it does," Lainie said after she thought for a moment. "I'm thirty-seven years old and have had many relationships with men of all ages so that is no problem." Lainie was being honest in her answer. Before she and Bob got married she'd had a lot of boyfriends, many of whom were lovers. She had dated and had sex with men of a variety of ages although few of them were more than ten or fifteen years her senior. She enjoyed their company and they obviously enjoyed hers as well. Since her marriage ten years ago, the nature of her relationships with other men had necessarily changed, but she still enjoyed chatting and flirting with them whenever the opportunity arose. Bob was very proud of his wife. She was a very cute blonde with a full figure that Bob found much more appealing than the "skinny Barbie doll" look of some of his friends' wives. On Lainie's 5' 2" frame her thirty-seven inch breasts and hips gave her a soft rounded look. Some men might call her figure robust or even Rubenesque, while others called it voluptuous. Bob called it perfect. Instead of reacting jealously to the attention that Lainie got from most other men, Bob viewed it as proof of her appeal. He took great pride in the interest other men showed in his wife and loved to watch as she flirted and teased them. Bob encouraged Lainie to wear tight clothes that emphasized the fullness of her figure. He particularly insisted that she wear jeans that were conspicuously tight. This caused the crotch seam to pull up into the soft flesh of her pussy profiling the contour of her slit. Lainie found this uncomfortable at first but soon began to enjoy the looks she got and the erotic sensation as the denim fabric massaged her cunt through her panties. Although Bob's attitude puzzled her, Lainie was quite sure that Bob didn't know just how far many of his friends and co-workers, especially Frank Collins, his boss, had gone in trying to get into her tight jeans. Lainie had come to dread any occasion that might bring her in contact with him. Just last month Jim Madison, one of Bob's co-workers, had stopped by with some information that Bob wanted. As he handed Lainie the package his hand brushed against her breast. Instead of apologizing or just letting the matter drop as an accident, Jim placed his hand directly on her breast and squeezed gently. "Hmmm, those ARE real aren't they?" he said as he took a prolonged feel. "Very, very nice." Lainie was so shocked that she just stood there for a moment. Then she ordered him to stop as she pushed his hand away. She thought about telling Bob, but decided it wasn't worth the possible aggravation. Lainie convinced Dr. Braden that she was qualified, and Dr. Braden suggested that Lainie come into the office the next morning to discuss the position in more detail. When Lainie pressed to find out more about the job, Dr. Braden put her off saying they should discuss that "tomorrow when you're here. I'm looking forward to meeting you. How about coming in tomorrow morning at nine?" Lainie agreed to the appointment and began to look forward to the meeting. Lainie called about several of the other ads she and Bob had found the day before, but none of these other jobs had the unexplainable appeal to her that the clinic position did. That night when Bob called, Lainie eagerly told him about her conversation with Dr. Braden. She was careful to avoid telling him about Dr. Braden's questions about her relationships with men, however. She wasn't sure how this was relevant to the position, and she doubted that Bob would be comfortable with this. She did promise Bob that she'd tell him all about her interview when he called the next night. The next morning Lainie was at the clinic fifteen minutes early. This was a sign of how anxious she was about this possible job. As she entered the outer office a chime announced her entry. There was no one else in the room. The receptionist's desk was empty. A minute or two after her arrival, the inside door opened and a tall scholarly looking fifty-year-old woman peered through the door. "Hello. Are you Ms. Lange?" Lainie immediately recognized the voice. "Yes, I'm Elaine Lange," she replied, "and you must be Dr. Braden." "That's right," she confirmed. "I'm glad you're early. I like that. Please come in and let's talk." Lainie got up and followed Dr. Braden into her office. When they were seated, Dr. Braden began by saying "So tell me Elaine...I hope you don't mind my calling you that and please call me Diane...what do you know about the Life Enrichment Clinic." Lainie thought for a second. "I'm sorry Dr. Braden...I mean Diane...but until I read your ad I'd never heard of you. I hope that's not a problem." "Oh no. Not at all," Diane Braden assured her. "I just need to know where to begin in explaining our work. I think it's best if I were very direct with you about what we do. What I'm about to tell you may surprise or even shock you. You may find that the problems that we deal with or the methods we use to deal with them are distasteful to you. If so, I understand. In all of the years since I established the clinic, nearly half of the women I've interviewed for positions here have found it impossible to participate in our program. Whatever your reaction, be honest with me and don't be embarrassed about it. Do you understand?" Lainie nodded her agreement as she thought, "This is getting very interesting. I wonder what it's all about." She would soon find out. "With that said," Diane continued, "you need to know first of all that our clinic specializes in dealing with people...primarily men...who suffer some form of sexual dysfunction. I assume that with your master's degree you know what that means. Right?" Lainie's face brightened as she replied "Oh, yes. I studied that in school. You're talking about men who can't get it up." Diane Braden smiled at Lainie's use of the vernacular instead of clinical terminology. "Yes, you've got the general idea. We deal with men who can't get or maintain an erection, who can't achieve orgasm or who are unable to satisfy their sexual partner because of some other problem such as premature ejaculation or perhaps just poor technique. Are you with me so far?" "Yes. I understand," Lainie replied. "Do you have a problem with that?" Diane pressed. "No, that's not a problem. I know from class that such problems are fairly common. I've even had personal experience with some of that. Some of my boyfriends couldn't always get it up." "That's good," Diane replied. "So tell me how you handled it when your men couldn't perform. Were you able to be helpful, or did it upset you or make you feel embarrassed?" "Well, they always ultimately succeeded," Lainie announced proudly. "I guess I can say I've never met a man I couldn't get 'in the mood', so to speak." "That's great!" Dr. Braden continued smiling again at Lainie's earthiness. "I take it then that you are comfortable with the subject matter." "Oh sure. I'm comfortable with talking about sex. I guess I don't understand though just where I fit in." Diane Braden took a deep breath before answering. "Elaine, we use a very special form of therapy here. It's one which you may or may not have learned about i 4120 1.30/512345
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