Saturday, July 27, 2013
My Fantasy Or A Nightmare?
MY FANTASY OR A NIGHTMARE? It all started with a simple question. After we had been dating a while, I jokingly asked my wife, Kate, if she had ever been with a black man. She was very adventurous in the bedroom and we had slept together the first night we met, so I knew she was no virgin. Boy was I shocked when she dodged the question at first, but after some prodding and a couple of glasses of wine she admitted that she had dated a black guy in college. I of course asked the usual questions that came to mind. Size, how was it, etc. I was immediately aroused by the thought of her being fucked by a big black cock which was a little surprising. I would tease her about it in a fun way, but the whole time I was secretly fantasizing about her being taken again by one or more cocks. Fast forward about 8 years and we are now married and have a great sex life. We both work out often and are in good shape. She is now 32 and has had one kid and you would not know it by looking at her. A regime of yoga and running keeps her body tight. We watch some porn together and the place we rent from online has a huge selection. I started renting some mainstream movies with black guys in them. At first she acted a little shocked at the sight of a woman being pounded by a huge cock, but after a while I started noticing a certain curiosity while we watched. After a while I started renting some of the "reality" porn featuring black guys. While we were watching one of the movies, I started to rub her pussy and it was dripping wet. I went down on her and she had one of the strongest orgasms of her life. We had always used sex toys, but without her knowing I bought a black vibrator with a suction cup on the bottom from Adam and Eve. When it came, I told her it was the free gift for buying another toy. When I pulled it out of the bag, it looked huge. Her mouth nearly hit the floor, but after a minute of joking around, I convinced her it would be fun just to try it. A couple of days later, I suggested trying it, but she was skeptical. I know she loves to shop, so I offered her a deal. $20 an inch she could take. It was about 9 inches, so I figured the most I was out was $180. She said wanted $100 just to try it, plus the other money. I was so excited about seeing her ride that vibrator, I would have given her $1000. That night I set it up on a small mirror on the floor and after eating her pussy and getting her wet, I lubed it up and she mounted it. I thought I was going to come on the spot. Unfortunately, every time she went down on it a couple of inches, she jerked up in pain. We tried it a couple more times, but with the same result. We would try it every so often just for fun, but with pretty much the same result. I thought that was as close to my fantasy as I would come, or should I say should have been. For our anniversary we decided to take a weekend trip to Cleveland for a Cavs game. The company I work for has a luxury box and normally the tickets are already used, but I managed to get some for a game vs the Hornets. We got a room at the Renaissance right near the Q and decided to go to the game first then dinner. My wife, Kate had went shopping and bought a new outfit for the weekend. We checked in and had a few drinks in the room while she was getting dressed. She took quite a while to get ready, but when she came out of the bathroom, I realized it was completely worth it. She always dressed very sexy, but this time she took it to the limit. She had curled her normally straight sandy blonde hair and she was wearing a short black leather skirt with a jacket. The skirt stopped about 5 inches above her knee and she pulled it up to show me the tops of her stockings. Then she took of the jacket and showed off a red top that was more lingerie than shirt. Her nipples were visible underneath the material so she was clearly not wearing a bra. I stood up and hugged her and when I put my hands on her ass, I realized she was not wearing underwear. I wanted to fuck her right then and there, but she insisted on making the game on time since it was her first. We took a cab to the game and when she sat down in the seat, we realized how short her skirt really was. It rode up so bad, it was about an inch below her pussy. She asked if she should go put on jeans, but I quickly squashed the idea and told her it would be fine. The cab dropped us off at the front entrance and when Kate got out of the cab, she got quite a few double takes. Luckily they have elevators up to the boxes so she didn't have to ride an escalator... Once in the box, we were greeted by about 10 guys and two other wives. 3 of the guys were black and one of the women was. Both women sort of looked at Kate with a catty look and the men all tried to sneak a look without being offensive. We got some more drinks and the pre-game intro started. They turn off the lights during introductions so I took the opportunity to cop a quick feel of her pussy from behind. I was surprised to find she was already getting wet. She said the looks from men and the fact that she was not wearing underwear were getting her that way. When the lights came on, we took a seat. There are two rows of seats at the front of the box and the front ones were taken, so we sat in the back. When she sat down, she looked at me with a look of shock. The way you sit, her skirt was riding up and if any of the guys in front turned around, they would be able to see her shaved pussy. She decided to take off her coat and put it on her lap and cross her legs to try and cover up. It worked sort of, but it didn't leave much to the imagination since the A/C was on and it was a little chilly. You could make out the entire outline of her nipples through her top. Once the game started we were all drinking and talking and during the breaks the guys in the front would sneak glances back. Kate was talking pretty friendly with the women since they were not really interested in the game. When a big play happened, we would all stand up to see. Kate had to pull down her skirt each time and rearrange her coat. During the game, I am sure some of the guys in front of us got a nice view of her pussy because as the alcohol started to take effect, she would sometimes forget to readjust her skirt when we sat down. Kate went to the restroom with the other women and when they came back they stayed standing and talking. One of the black guys who had been sitting in front of us was standing talking to all three of the girls for the 3rd quarter. I was engrossed in the game and every so often I would look back to check on Kate. At some point the 2 other women sat down with us and Kate stayed up talking to the guy. Every time I looked back, they were leaning in chatting and giggling. I went to get another drink and I could tell Kate was getting pretty tipsy. She introduced me and I found out his name was Lance and said he worked in the main office of my company. I am over 6' tall and when I stood next to him he towered over me. We exchanged pleasantries and I went back to my seat. The whole 4th quarter I kept looking over my shoulder at the two of them. They kept getting more and more animated in their conversation. I should have been jealous, but instead it was getting me curious as hell. The game ended and we all stood and talked about the Cavs victory. I walked up to Kate and she told me that Lance had invited us to go to dinner with him at a restaurant in the warehouse district. At the time, I was more than willing to see where this was going to lead so I was very receptive to the idea. Lance lived in the suburbs, so he had driven to the game. We decided to ride to the restaurant with him. When we found his car in the garage, I told Kate to get in the front and I opened the door for her. It was cold so Kate had put her coat on and when she got in the car, her skirt nearly turned into a belt. I don't know if it was due to the alcohol or just not paying attention, but she made no effort to pull down her skirt. I got in behind Kate and I had a clear view of Lance when he got in the car. He was staring right at her pussy the whole time he was starting the car. I thought Kate would notice, but if she did, she made no effort to pull down her skirt. We didn't have a very long drive to the restaurant, but due to the traffic, we were in the car for a while. We made small talk and Kate would lean over and touch Lance on the arm. I could tell she was very into him. I found out he was recently divorced and had not been dating much since. He had played basketball for CSU in the early 90's and in Italy for a couple of years before moving home. Kay commented that she didn't think he would have a problem getting a date since his divorce and jokingly said she would be his date for dinner. He replied,"I bet your husband probably would not like that." and Kate just giggled. At the restaurant he was greeted by the doorman by name and we were led to a table in a small alcove off the main dining room. There was a couple of booths with table cloths draped over them, but the room was empty otherwise. Lance excused himself to use the restroom while Kate and I sat down. As soon as we sat down, she was as giddy as a school girl. She comment on how great Lance was. I teasingly asked if she was interested and she just brushed off the comment like I was being silly and shot me a dirty look. But I could tell otherwise. The waiter brought Kate a glass of wine and Lance and I a mixed drink. I had to go find a bathroom so I left Kate alone at the table. I was gone for a few minutes and when I returned to the table Lance had sat down next to Kate and left the other side open for me. I was a little surprised, but just took a seat across the table from them and I noticed that a couple of buttons had come undone on Kates top. We ordered dinner and the drinks kept flowing. The two of them were flirting all through dinner, by this time Kate was pretty drunk, and I realized I was being fazed out of the conversation. I also noticed his hand was not on the table anymore. I never saw him put it under, but I am sure it was on my wife's leg at least at this point. Kate had hung up her jacket so I knew that it was not very tough to reach up her skirt at this point. After dinner they decided they wanted to go to a club nearby for some dancing. I was starting to regret letting this go on this long, so I stopped Kate at the door and told her I would like to just go back to the hotel so we could be alone. She frowned and said she wanted to go dancing and we would only stay for a little while and once we were at the hotel, she was all mine. I reluctantly agreed and we walked out the door. Lance was waiting and asked Kate,"Any problem?" and she said,"Absolutely not, lead the way." and they linked arms and headed off down the side walk. The club was right around the corner and it was packed. It had 3 floors and numerous bars. We checked our coats and went in. Kate knows I don't like to dance so she asked if I minded if she danced with Lance. I told her no and she took Lance by the hand and headed out onto the floor. As they were going away, Lance looked back and kind of shrugged his shoulders. The line at the bar was pretty long and after I got a drink I went back to the dance floor, I could see them dancing in the crowd. I watched a few minutes and at that point it was pretty innocent looking so I decided to go look around the club a little. I went upstairs and there were some pool tables and a couple other bars and on the top floor they were playing some pretty heavy hip-hop so I went back downstairs. When I got there Kate was standing next to a railing and she said Lance went to the bar to get them drinks. She asked where I went and I told her I just explored the club a little. We made some small talk and I told her what I had found in the upstairs. I asked if she was ready to go and she got a little pissy and said,"I never get to go out dancing, so let me have a couple more dances and then I will be ready." Lance came back from the bar with drinks for the two of them and asked if she wanted to dance some more. She told him yes and that they should try the hip-hop club upstairs. They headed up the crowded stairs and I went to get another beer. The line was about 5 deep and when I got a beer I headed upstairs to try to convince Kate it was time to go. Seeing her dancing next to a huge black guy had gotten to me and I was not interested in sharing tonight. I got to the top floor and between the darkness and the smoke machine I could barely make out anyone on the dance floor. When I spotted them, it was like a punch in the gut. Lance was behind her and she was grinding her ass into him. He had his hands on her hips and was pulling her skirt up around her waist flashing her pussy. He was kissing her on her neck and she had her head rolled back like she was in ecstasy. Pretty soon a couple of guys noticed what was going on and they slid over and got in front. There was my wife in an Oreo sandwich and I was just watching. I should have put a stop to it, but for some reason I was fascinated by Kate being exposed in public. I don't know if i could have anyhow, after all it may have only resulted in an ass kicking for me. After this went on for a couple of songs, they went over to a bar and were waiting to get a drink. I went up to Kate and said it was time to go. She looked very disappointed, but conceded. She said she would say goodbye to Lance while I went to get the coats. I saw no harm in this since the guy had already molested her on the dance floor so I headed off to the coat check. There was a small line and when I finished, I headed back upstairs to get Kate. When I got up there, she was nowhere to be found. I started looking around and asked the bartender if he had seen them. He pointed towards the stairs and I thought maybe she had headed down to meet me. I went to the coat check and looked all around the bottom floor. I could not see either of them. About this time the lights in the club came on and they announced it was closing time. The bouncers came around and herded everyone out the door quickly. I told them my wife was still inside and they just told me I would find her outside. Once I was outside I called Kate's cell and I heard it ringing in her jacket pocket. I waited until it seemed like everyone was out of the club and I asked the bouncer at the door if anyone was left inside. He aggressively assured me that the club was completely empty and there was no chance I was going to go inside and check. I was practically the only person left on the sidewalk when I felt my phone vibrate letting me know I had a text message. I didn't recognize the number and when I opened it, it read,"Couldn't find you so Lance gave me a ride to the hotel." I looked at the time and it was about 45 minutes ago. I tried to call back, but no answer. I hopped in a cab all the while I was shitting my pants. It was a quick 10 minute ride to the hotel and I threw the cabbie a $20 and ran into the hotel lobby. I hurried into the lobby and I could have sworn the guy at the desk was grinning at me. We were on the 8th floor and the elevator seemed to take forever. Once on the floor I went to our door and listened thanks to a huge gap between the door and the floor, but all I could hear was music on the t.v. I was hoping Kate was in the room waiting for me and this had all been a horrible mix up. I swiped the card through the door and the red light came on. I tried again and nothing. I knocked on the door lightly and I could hear movement inside. After a minute, Kate opened the door and I stepped in and the first thing I saw was Lance sitting on one of the chairs in the corner. The only light on was the one next to the chair, so it spotlighted the fact that his pants were around his ankles and his shirt was off. Kate had went behind the door when she let me in and when I turned my head I noticed her top was off and she was wearing a bra and her skirt. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was smeared. I looked back at Lance and he said very matter of factly,"Do we have a problem." Kate stepped from behind me and said,"No we don't, he has been teasing me about being with a black guy forever, now it is time to let him see what it is like." I had never been more in shock in my life, also never more excited. Lance said,"Well, get over here and finish what you started then." Kate gave me an evil grin I don't think I will ever forget, took a drink of the wine we had in the room, then went and got on her knees in front of his chair. With the light shining on them, it was like something out of a porno movie. Lance looked at me and said,"You might as well take a seat, this is gonna take a while." I sat on the end of the bed... I was absolutely demoralized. When Kate picked up his cock in her hand, I realized how big it was. It was only semi-hard and it was about 8". It looked like it was the size of her wrist. She could barely fit the head in her mouth, so she would lick up and down the shaft and try to fit it in her mouth. When she put her mouth around the head, Lance would try to force her head down until she gagged. That explained the makeup. She was bound and determined to fit his cock into her mouth, but it was not going to happen. When he was fully hard, he stood her up and turned her around to face me. He then reached under her pussy and started rubbing her clit. He took his fingers and jammed two of them into her pussy and she let out a little squeal, but they went in very easy. When he pulled them out, he held them up to me and said,"Look what I did to your wife. Her pussy is dripping down her thighs." When he said that I looked and the inside of her legs were shiny from the juice. It looked like she had just gotten out of the shower. He took his hand and jammed three fingers in and she jerked away and said,"That hurts." He told her he was just getting her ready. He took some of her juice in his hand and rubbed it on the head of his cock and pulled her down on him. She was looking me directly in the eye and that is when I came in my pants. Talk about adding insult to injury. I was glad no one could tell what happened. I saw his hard cock and thought there was no way that was going to fit my wife. She kept pulling off his cock after just the head went in, but he was relentless. He said,"This mother fucker is going in if it takes all night." She laughed and said,"I got time." Eventually the head went in and I think she came about a gallon. I could see her juices running down his cock. Once the head was in, he started lifting her up and pulling her back down a little more each time. If anyone was trying to sleep on the floor of the hotel we were on, it was going to be tough. Lance told me to get up and get a towel to stuff under the door so we would not get kicked out. She was struggling to get up but he kept a hold of her around the waist. Each time, he got a little more in, he would kiss her on the neck and tell her how good she was doing and how good her pussy felt. This, and the amount of alcohol must have relaxed her, because his cock was at least as big as our vibrator, but she had already gotten a lot more of his dick than she ever took of the vibrator. She kept asking,"Is it all the way yet." But unfortunately the answer was no. Every so often during the process she would have an orgasm, and when she did he took the opportunity to jam that monster up another half an inch or so. After what seemed like forever, she completely bottomed out and he just sat there for a few seconds. Kate was moaning now with pleasure. She asked if it was in and when he said yes, She had another orgasm. He held her by the hips and started lifting her up and down the shaft of his cock, first slowly and then he quicked the pace. I lost count of how many times she came during this, but her eyes were completely rolled back in her head and she was moaning like I had never heard her before. When he would lift her up, it looked like the inside of her pussy were being pulled out... She was coming so much that the chair under them was a puddle. After a short time, he said he was going to come and Kate started begging him to come in her pussy. When he came, Kate said,"Oh my god, you are coming so hard I can feel it." I was glad she was on the pill, because as big as his cock was, he was putting it straight into her womb. She collapsed onto him and sat on his lap purring like a kitten and muttering,"Oh god, Oh god." time after time. After that performance, I was sure they were done and I was looking forward to him leaving and me getting a shot. But that was not to be. He lifted her off of him and his dick came out with a loud pop followed by what seemed like a bucket full of both of their come. He then bent her over the arm of the chair and started rubbing his cock up and down her pussy, asking her if she wanted it again. She said,"Oh I need it so bad." sounding like she was nearly in tears. It was so sloppy wet, he went right in, which caught her by surprise and she started right back up like they had left off. He pounded her pussy like I have never seen a guy do. You could hear his pelvis smacking against her ass like a gunshot. She just kept having orgasm after orgasm. After what seemed like hours he pulled out of her pussy and came on her face and in her mouth. He told her to clean off his cock and she did just as she was asked. She sat down in the chair and Lance stood up and pulled his pants on. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and said,"Call me." He then shook my hand and said,"Thanks for your wife." and walked out the door. We both sat there for a few minutes taking the whole scene in. Kate was an absolute mess with come running down the inside of her legs all the way to her ankles. After a minute she asked if I was mad, and I said no, I guess I got what I was wishing for. She went in to take a shower and I took off my clothes and joined her. She was rinsing off and I had to have her. I sort of forced her to lean over and I stuck my cock in her stretched out pussy. I don't know if she could feel anything because she didn't make a whole lot of sound, but I came in about 2 seconds. I later found out Lance had shuffled her out the door of the club, saying he saw me getting into a cab and they had to get a new room key from the desk clerk. I asked her at breakfast the next day if she was going to call him, and she said,"No." But I didn't really believe her. 47853 2.09/512345
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