Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Perfect Couple (Part 2)

The Perfect Couple By Peter Pan Part 2 The New Life On the following saturday, Paul and Jacob moved in. Term time had not begun, so the two lads had all day available to fuck my wife. As I was at work, I would dream of what was happening, to find when I returned home that those dreams were pretty accurate. The three of them would spend the first couple of hours of the day in the boys bedroom sucking and fucking, and again in the afternoon prior to my return. I would walk into the bedroom to find my darling girlfriend lying on our bed with their come oozing from her cunt and asshole. She would beg me to suck her dry - which I became very eager to comply - and then for me to fuck her by now very wet pussy. I soon realised that my prick was not giving her the same friction or satisfaction as it used to. They were clearly stretching her! Soon after their arrival, one evening Paul began to tell us more about their college in Nigeria and the student scholarships. He also outlined his plan for our subjugation. Each of the 4 students who came to Birmingham University every year had been educated in the belief that the black male was sexually superior to the white male, and his natural partner was a submissive white female. Jane was everything they had been looking for - extremely submissive to black men, had a partner who was also submissive and enjoyed and actively encouraged her to fuck black men, and was willing to devote herself to this kind of lifestyle. Our owning a house with 6 bedrooms to let had been a huge bonus, the details of which we would determine later. Paul and Jacob were two of the first four students to pilot this programme, and had been desperate to find someone to fit their needs. Now that they had found Jane, they would introduce their other two colleagues to us. Their names were Samuel and James, an d they would be renting the 2nd bedroom on the 1st floor. This news took us aback, as we had not planned for any more students so soon, and had really not even considered the subject since meeting Paul and Jacob. However, the thought of two more black men fucking Jane turned us both on, and in any case, we had no say in the matter!! The very next day, Jane and the two boys started work on the second bedroom. It didn't seem to restrict their fucking too much, as I continued to return home to a come-covered girl, but within five days the room was ready. We were introduced to Sam and James! Both guys were equally as impressive as their pals. Neither were as tall, but both had tremendous physiques. Their skin was so black it was almost purple, and as Jane very quickly verified, had cocks which would make any man proud. Between 8 and 9 inches in length, they both had 7 inch girths, and rose vertically to the sky. That evening, Jane's sex life moved to another dimension. Up until then, her nirvana had been two black cocks pumping her cunt and ass simultaneously. Now she was to learn that more cocks brought even more pleasure. She could now suck on two alternatively as her other holes were being reamed out, and although she failed to get all four cocks to spurt at once on that first night, subsequent nights brought success. For myself, I revelled in my love's abundant pleasure. Not that I was able to witness much of the action. Jane was now fucking all four guys whilst I was at work, and I was happy to clean her orifices of their jism with my tongue on my return. I was told that from now on, Jane would sleep with Paul and Jacob each Monday night, and with Sam and James each Tuesday. Not that those arrangements meant the other couple could not fuck her on those nights! It would merely further Jane's subjucation to black men. Occasionally they allowed me the pleasure of seeing my love being fucked in various combinations, usually tied naked to a chair, unable to take any part in the proceedings, but always seeming to be able to bring myself off merely by watching her taking so much pleasure by being fucked by those big, hard and so black cocks. Jane still fucked me whenever I asked - as long as she was not busy with black cock - but now she had 4 black studs to satisfy her, it was they who satisfied her sexual excesses. I say satisfy, but it was clear that Jane was NEVER satisfied! After a heavy session with all four, it was Jane who approached THEM for more! A week into the new arrangements, the four young men summoned Jane and myself and told us to prepare for the next stage in our re-education. The new university year was due to start in four weeks time, and with it the second batch of Nigerian students! Yes, four more young black men would be starting their further education at Birmingham University, and they would be staying with us! Furthermore, the boy's guru and mentor, the Nigerian millionaire businessman himself, would be bringing them over - and taking the opportunity to meet us and explain what our future life would be like. All four boys were so excited about the news, and told us that if Mr Okembo approved of us, our future life would directed towards our complete subjugation by black males!! Jane asked what that would mean, but was told Mr Okembo would explain everything if we met his approval. Meanwhile we had four weeks to prepare the two bedrooms on the second floor. With four assistants and the incentive to please Mr Oke mbo,the task was completed with two days to spare. Fortunately, the second floor was in a much better state than the third, which would require some structural work carrying out. Finally the day arrived and we were introduced to Mr Okembo and his four new students. Mr Okembo obviously picked his students not only for their intellect, but their physical attributes too. The four newcomers were all 6' or more tall and built like young gods. However, none were as large or as awe-inspiring as the great man himself. He was 6' 4" tall and weighed 240 pounds - all of it muscle. Very impressive for someone who must hace been 50 years of age. He commanded us to sit down and explain our history to him , although I am sure he was fully aware of it from the four older boys. As we told our tale, he probed and tested our committment to the role of complete subservience to black men. Could Jane dedicate her life to fucking black men? do anything they asked without question? obey any and every instruction? Would I be happy to give black men complete and total authority over my wife-to-be? to let them fuck her anytime they chose, and in any way? Would I be able to submit myself to serve their wishes? Would I dedicate MY life to making Jane a total white sex slave to Mr Okembo and his black students for the rest of our lives? He explained that we were now at the crossroads of our lives. Both he and his students thought Jane was the most beautiful creature that they had ever seen. Her skin was so white, that nothing could be more erotic than the contrast with their coal-black bodies as they penetrated her every hole. He was satisfied that with her alabaster beauty, her extraordinary need for sex, her love for black cock, and the subservient nature of us both, we were the ideal couple for them. Would we now commit ourselves to a life style of worship of black men.!!! I turned to my darling Jane, took hold of both her hands in mine and looked her straight in the eyes. 'This adventure has moved much, much further than I had ever intended' I told her.'In my dreams, I was to have control of events. I would allow you to fuck other men, but in order to satisfy my fantasies. You would only fuck men when I permitted it, and stop if I didn't want you to. I didn't realise that I would never want you to stop! I never knew how much turned on I would be watching you fuck, particularly when it is by a number of men. I couldn't even dream how much more thrilling the experience is because the men are black, and I had no idea that I would love to be forced to obey those black men and actually yearn for them all to fuck you until you are full of their cum. If it helps you to make up your mind, I would love it to happen.' Jane's face broke into a huge smile. 'My darling John, you are not the only one who has been surprised at how events have progressed - and at the speed. When I agreed to fuck other men, I did it because I was afraid I might lose you. I thought it might be a short term injection of excitement, and we would return to a normal sex life. How could I ever have expected that I would be consumed by the love of black cock! I like having sex with you because I love YOU. I like all black men because I LOVE HAVING SEX WITH THEM!! I was dreading that you would not go along with such extreme conditions, because I do not know how I could cope without my black sexing. I LOVE IT! The more I get, the more I want! I knew before we met them that my sex drive was increasing, but I could never imagine how much I would crave to be fucked by black cocks. I worship them; I am constantly thinking about them; I dream about them; I can't contemplate now ever being without them. I want them to be fucking me all the time I am awake. I don't think I will ever be satisfied with one cock. You are different, darling because I love you, but it is not the completely mind-blowing experience I get by being fucked by black cocks in all my holes at once! I want my body covered in their cum. Cocks MUST be black. I have absolutely no interest in white cocks - apart from yours - and I will take as many as I can find. I want to be a black man's whore.'Gentlemen' she said turning to them.'Here I am. I agree to all your conditions. I will be your white sex slave. Do anything and everything you want to. I am totally and utterly yours.' Hardly had the words been out of her mouth, when the black men descended on her. They ripped off her clothes, such was the effect her words had on them, and I quickly removed mine. I was ordered to lick her cunt and ass to prepare her for their assault, as they removed their own clothes and started to caress and stroke her. 'Jane, you will now experience the greatest sex you ever will know' Mr Okembo shouted. You thought having three black cocks simultaneously was heaven, wait until you have experienced FIVE!' I moved away from Jane and saw Mr Okembo advancing on her with the largest cock I had ever seen. It was about 11 inches long and 7 inches round, but Jane was so wet with anticipation that he entered without any pain.'GOD THAT IS SO GOOD' she cried, and he drove his cock forward with such power, his cock disappeared until his balls slapped against her ass. She orgasmed immediately. Mr Okembo moved onto his back without any danger of unseating the groaning woman - MY groaning woma n. Jacob placed his black cock to her lips. She opened her mouth and swallowed it whole. The two set up a steady rythm for about 5 minutes, until Paul could stand it no longer. He moved behind her, positioned his throbbing black cock at the entrance to her ass and pushed. Slowly the black meat-stick burrowed into that opened rosebud until he, too, was buried to the limit. Sam and James moved to each side of her face, and as Mr Okembo supported her body with those huge hands of his, Jane gipped the two black love-sticks and started to stroke them. ' Try to move together' grunted Mr Okembo, and the large five black men and the small white woman obeyed. Together they fucked, in and out, sweating and shouting until the men neared their climax. Mr Okembo started to come, shooting upwards as he buried his black cock as deep into her white body as he could go. By now Jane was cumming continuously, and feeling his cum shooting towards her whomb, she started shouting and screaming for more. J acob's cock began to erupt, filling her mouth and dribbling down her body onto her breasts. Sam and James followed immediately, firing their white cream onto her face, coating it with a white sheen which she began to lick. Paul had not come, and as the others withdrew their shining black members from Jane's shaking white body, the four new black guys moved forward. Paul, like Mr Okembo had done, turned onto his back with his cock still embedded in her ass, and four new impressively hard black cocks took their rightful places. One drove right up her cunt, one into her mouth, and her dainty hands gripped the remaining two. Once again she was being fucked by five large black cocks, and she was screaming for it to never end. After fifteen minutes, the end did come. First Paul shot his load up her ass, then her mouth and cunt were filled for a second time, and finally her face was immersed in a white guey cream which covered it completely, with spurts matting her hair. At that point in time, Jane looked to me like the most beautiful girl in the world. She lay there with black sperm in and on her like a river of cum had passed over her body. I loved her like I had never done before. Eventually everyone recovered their senses, and Mr Okembo introduced us to Jane's new lovers and told us what he had planned. Our new black students were only 18 years old and were the second year graduates of Mr okembo's academy. Their names were Jake, Leo, Wes, and Jerome. They had been fuully briefed on their (sexual) responsibilities, but had never expected such riches! To be able to fuck such a wonderful white goddess whenever they wanted was beyond their wildest dreams. Their pleasure was nothing compared to Jane's realisation that she now had eight black cocks to enjoy each and every day! Mr Okember brought everyone back to earth. He revealed his master plan. Jane was now the sexual slave to all eight black students. She no longer had any say in when, who or where she had sex. His students would tell her. At first it would only be her eight black masters, but over time, this would expand to other black men. She would sleep with Jake and Leo each Wednesdy night, and with with Wes and Jerome each Thursday. In the following year, four more black students would qualify for the University, and they would occupy the remaining bedrooms on the third floor. They, too, would have complete access to my Jane's body. She would sleep with them on Fridays and Sundays, with each Saturday to be kept free for nights out at the all-black carribean club, followed by a mass gangbang at our home. We both creamed at the thought of such a night. Mr Okembo explained that Jane had to remain on the pill, as they did not want the two extreme colour-contrasting races being diluted. He wanted us to marry and have white girls who could be trained in the ways of their mother, or boys who would take after their father! Any black man other than those selected by Mr Okembo would be required to wear protection until they could provide proof they were free of any disease, and could dedicate their immediate future in fucking Jane! For me, he had purchased a real estate company to find businesses and accomodation for all Nigerians coming into the country. I would be in charge, and among my duties would be to provide them with sexual services from my wife-to-be. Needless to say it was a success from the start. By the following year, four more black students would arrive to take possession of the remaining two bedrooms. They would sleep with Jane each Friday and Sunday, leaving me to grab any opportunity to sleep with my wife that I could find. I knew she would never refuse me, but even with Jane's sex drive, twelve young well-hung dominant black men would not leave me much time for sex play! Over the next twelve months, we addapted to our new life. Jane fucked each of the eight young black men every day. When they were at university, she shopped and visited the all-black gymn each afternoon to keep her figure in trim. She drove the black body-builders wild, but they were rewarded each saturday night when the boys took Jane out to their club. There were never any other white girls there, and the lads always invited their black friends back to help fuck Jane. Early on, condoms were required, but soon certificats were produced and Saturday night became black cum-bath night! This was our new life style! Every day she would fuck each of the eight black young students - at least twice - and found time to meet my simple requests. I was more and more getting used to cleaning the huge amounts of black cum from within and upon her beautiful body, and listening to the stories of her daily wild excesses. Occasionally they would allow me the pleasure of watching my girl getting gang-fucked, and to clean her out afterwards. I was often away on company business, and Jane would tell me in great detail of who, when, and how she was fucked in my absence. We now had no contact with white people. All my staff at work were black - and they all fucked her frequently. All my customers were black - and they too fucked her. And of course all the black neighbours and members of the gymn were black and had come to know what they had to do to fuck Jane.Incredibly, none of this extra fucking seemed to limit Jane's sexual desires. In fact they seemed to fan her flames and she want ed more and more black sexing. One year later, Mr Okember returned to the city and brought the next four young black students. Jane would now have TWELVE black cocks to satisfy! Mr Okember explained that from now on, each year four new, hand-picked black men would come to carry on the duties of fucking and arranging other black men to fuck my Jane as often as possible. Those leaving would keep in touch and return for anniversaries and birthdays. In addition, he had decided that the twenty final year students in Nigeria would be rewarded for their hard work, and provide an incentive for the next year's class. Jane would travel to Nigeria and provide their sex education during the six week holiday! To top everything, the very next day I received a letter from my ex-wife Mary telling me we would be divorced in two months time. I could now plan my marriage to my darling Jane. However, Mr Okember had special plans for the occasion!!! to be continued part 3 The Wedding 3748 1.43/512345

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