Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Amber And The Table
Amber and the Table By Green Story told in first person. Got about 90% of story over course of three conversations with woman named Amber. Reason story was told to me is that she had pretty wild bed room habits and I had asked her if she was always like that; if those interests had always been part of her sex life. She said that had not, but the story below lead to her sexual appetite. I typed story essentially as she told it to me as if she was speaking. I only had to fill in a few gaps for purposes of keeping the story flow intact. Amber is not her real name, her name is so long that I changed it to keep from having to type it out every time. Amber is 27 now. She is 5' 8" and wears a size 5. very thin but not a waif. Small, round breasts with lite pink nipples as would be expected with her naturally think blonde hair. Her eyes are brown and wonderfully framed by lite brown eye brows. Her brows are the same color as the sparse covering of her mound. Though she doesn't do anything special to be in shape she has the build of a wiry athlete; like the body of a woman that runs middle distances in track. Her skin is a pale cream and is incredibly soft. This event took place 9 years ago when she was just 2 months past her 18th birthday. I have seen pictures of her when she was 18 and she essentially looked the same though she tells me she grew a couple of inches in height her frosh year of college. Amber was out with the girls at the dance bar across the street from their dorm having fun drinking and dancing. She drank now and then but did not get drunk even though she had just recently been of legal age. It was the third time that Hank had asked her to dance and she agreed to join him again. He was handsome and rugged looking. He was the size of a offensive lineman but wasn't. He was too old. He was there with a few of his buddies and was a construction worker of about 30 years in age that lived and worked in the area. He was not too bad of a dancer for someone so bulky. Amber found him interesting and different. She spent all of her time now with other young college students and he was a nice change of pace. She enjoyed the short conversations she had had with him in between the dancing they had done. When he was leaving she felt happy that he asked for her number. She was hoped that he would actually call her though the college was a small as was the local community and it was likely she would run into him again. Her one and only boyfriend from high school had went to a different collage and their relationship had fizzled quickly. It had been time to move on anyway though he had been her only lover and had been so dear to her through out her time in high school. Hank did call and they did start to date. Her girlfriends at the dorm were very jealous of her since she was dating "an older man" and they were dating the guys their age that still had to use small doses acne medicine now and again. Though she meet him at a dance bar they never went to those types of places for their dates. Hank took her out for walks and dinner and would patiently to her telling him of her dreams. Hank was not allowed in the dorm after 9 pm so he would drop her off at the dorm entrance and watch her walk in. He was a mature gentlemen yet she since a dark, brooding side and found it very intriguing. Hank didn't have any dreams. He "pounded nails" for a living and enjoyed his place in life. After a few dates Amber started wondering if they were developing a relationship or if she was just an interesting object to him. He had not even kissed her yet though he would hold her hand in his bear sized thick claw of a hand as they walked. She felt like he was studying her as much as listening to her when she talked. Every date had been the same format. He would pick her up at the dorm entrance exactly on time and they would go to dinner or lunch and take some type of hike / walk and talk. If it was lunch, then they would hike through some wooded area they he seemed to know like it had been his yard in childhood before lunch and if dinner then before they ate they would go for a walk / hike. It was the fourth date that he puzzled her. As she got out of the car he stopped her, kissed her on the cheek and told her that he knew what she wanted. Hank told her that he had known what she wanted from the first time he saw her but wanted to get to know her better to make sure. Amber found this puzzling since what she wanted was not that complicated. Hank said it like he was a wise person that knew some type of secret about her. Like he had figured something out. Yet, she had even said what she wanted. She had essentially told him that she planned on being a fantastic student. Study very hard, get excellent grades and make someone of herself in the business world. She had said that she hoped to have a part time boyfriend or two through college. Nothing serious, just a little romance to mix in with the time of her life when she was going to get a solid education in which to start her professional life. But Hank said it in such a tone of wisdom that it made her spin tingle. She could not wait for him to call again. Hank did call and soon. On Tuesday, Hank called to verify that she was going to stay through the fall break and wanted to know if she wanted to go camping during the weekend of the study break. She had thought about making the trip home for the break but decided to stay through the weekend to be with him. She figured that camping would be fun. Especially when she found out that they would not be "roughing" it but staying in a cabin just a couple of hours north of campus. plumbing and everything. "Just like a small house but in the woods", Hank had told her. He picked her up in his jeep and she quickly began to unwind from the stress of a successful week of final exams. He had some wine coolers already chilled in a little cooler for her to drink on the way up. The road with the top down so they could watch the stars come out as they drove up there. The thought that she was about to be alone with a man she hadn't even kissed yet for two full days never crossed her mind. She felt comfortable with him. She felt safe around him. By the time they got up there she was about half drunk. Hank was a gentleman and brought everything in as she looked around. They were up in some foothills and there was only one other cabin that she could see. It was less than 100 yards away and had three vehicles parked by it. The nearest housing lights, other than the other cabin, that she could she had to be over a mile away. Hank had mentioned something as he walked back and forth bringing their stuff in and turning on the electricity to the cabin that the boys were here. Apparently he knew them and by the way he smiled and shook his head at the sounds of an all out party going on at that cabin he was aware and comfortable with how that group spent their weekends. Hank gave her a quick tour of the place, that is all it took, and told her to make herself comfortable while he made a fire. Amber decided to take a quick shower to rinse off the day and put on a warm sweater and a pair of comfortable jeans when she was done. When she came out of the bathroom there was no sign of Hank. There was no sign of a fire either. She called his name but didn't get answer. She thought she heard something outside so she went to the door. Hank was building a bond fire in a pit that was in a clearing just 25 yards from the cabin. A few of the guys, three, from the party cabin had come over to talk to him. They looked more rugged than Hank, more weathered, but about his age. None of them were huge like him though, just normal looking guys that likely made their living the hard way as Hank did. They were all laughing together. She hesitated but decided to slip into her tennis shoes and go join him as he lite the fire. As she came out to the fire they stopped talking. She felt them staring at her with lust and admiration. Strangely, she enjoyed this. Hoping that it made Hank proud. She still wasn't sure if he thought of her as a potential girlfriend or someone to hang out with and "study". "Time to get the stuff?" one of them said as he looked at Hank. "Yes, it is time, bring everything and get it set up". Well, if he was planning on some romantic time with her it would not be tonight. The three guys headed back to their cabin but with the clear intent of returning with "the stuff", whatever that meant. "Wait here and mind the fire while I take a quick shower and bring out a cooler of drinks", Hank said gruffly, like it was an order, and headed into the cabin. He had never spoken to her that way before but didn't think anything of it. Amber presumed he was in a hurry to get back before the guys did. He had only been gone 5 minutes when he came back lugging a large cooler filled with beer for him and the guys and some more wine coolers for her. He was only wearing jeans in the warm night air. Damn he was a big guy and though his hair on his head was very thin and cropped short he had hair all over his body. He wasn't just as big as a bear, he was as hairy as one too. And powerful, he carried the large cooler full of ice and loaded with beer and wine coolers like she would carry a text book. She caught herself staring at his giant frame and felt very attracted to the animal of a man. She quickly grabbed a wine cooler and all but guzzled it down making her head spin as it brought her slightly passed impaired. After tossing the bottle in a barrel identified as trash she grabbed another and watched Hank's broad, strong chest move as he downed a cold beer like water, crush the can with one hand and reach for another. He looked at her different than he had before as he drank down a second beer. It was kind of a leer that moved into a devilish smile. He sat on log near the fire and tapped a spot next to it for her to join him as the guys came scrambling back with "the stuff". She liked being around Hank because he was mature. He was at a different pace than the college guys she interacted with in school. But these buddies of his were something else. She was not so sure she wanted them around. Though they were Hank's age they acted like juveniles and they were nearly drunk and laughing at everything, especially things like when one of them would trip or burp, that type of humor. The stuff turned out to be a travel bag, a couple of sleeping bag and a short-legged wooden table that looked sturdy enough to drive a car over. Amber figured they were going to play poker or something there by the fire while she watched. Her body was feeling like she wanted to be sexual with Hank. To feel his giant body next to hers, not hang around with a few of his drinking buddies. But, Hank had is own pace about him so she figured she would go along with whatever was going to happen. Besides, it was an absolutely beautiful night. "Damn, I have been so looking forward to this", Hank said as the guys put the table down a few yards next to the fire on a level part of the clearing. They unrolled a sleeping bag and put it over the large, wooden, short-legged (about a foot) table that it had taken all three of them to carry. It was the size of a twin bed. Then he turned and kissed her on the lips for the first time. It wasn't what she had in mind for their first kiss. Well, it kind of was, except for the three "hooligans" standing a few feet away. Amber felt her face flushing in excited at the feeling of his giant hand holding the back of her head gently as he kissed her. With his buddies around she did not think it would happen tonight but she did expect to be with the second lover of her life before the weekend was over. "Now, lie down on the table", Hank said after ending the kiss. Amber looked unsure. It came off like a command, a direction not to be ignored. But, what about the guys standing around. Hank stood up, though not all that much taller than her - maybe half a foot - his barrel chest and giant arms and legs made her feel tiny like she was looking up at a water tower. Did he really mean what he said, she thought to her self. "Amber, you heard me, now get on the table". The tone of his voice had changed from that of a gentle bear to that of one very hungry. She complied to an extent and stood up and then took a couple of steps over to the table where she stood. She was very confused at this change and had no idea how to react. Her head was spinning and though still charged up sexually began to feel fear mixed with total confusion. Hank took another beer out of the cooler and a wine cooler. He handed her the wine cooler and without thinking took it and drank it down as fast as Hank did his beer. The alcohol was nice as it help calm her nerves and she felt the fear get soothed as the wine cooler put her on the far side of impaired. Of course, it did not help with the confusion she had about what was happening. "I will say it one more time and do not forget that I am not going to say anything else a second time", Hank said in a quiet scowl. "For every time I have to say something twice one of my friends will be allowed to have his way with you". Amber couldn't believe her ears. Here was a guy that had been a total gentlemen in his approach to her and was now threatening to have one of his friends have her sexually. They had just had their first real kiss in this drawn out courtship! With the alcohol washing over her thoughts she had to briefly concentrate to recall what it was he wanted her to do. She sat down on the table. Hank gestured for her to lie down completely with his hand. She complied. "Now, close your eyes, count to 30 silently and open them", he commanded. She did and when she opened them was startled to note that all three of his friends were standing around her naked. They were all erect and had lustful looks on their faces. The fear came streaming back and she sat back up looking around to see if there was an escape. With the nearest place over a mile away there was none. "Amber, you are going to love this", Hank said with a low level belly chuckle. He did not tell her to lie back down but she did anyway. She did not recall why she did this, it just seemed like the thing to do. "What do you think of my friends?", Hank asked. Amber did not mean to be sarcastic, just factual. "They are naked", she said. Hank laughed a little harder at this. "No, I mean their bodies, do you like how they look? Do you want them to take you? Do you like their dicks?" Amber did not know how to answer. She did not know if she was supposed to answer. Hank waited as if expecting to hear her answer them. "They are in decent shape", she said. "Do you want them to take you?" Amber answered that she did not. Her fear had subsided and strangely enough to her she was finding the event more like a dream than something that was really happening. "What about their dicks, do you like their dicks?", Hank pressed for an answer for this unanswered question. Amber had no idea how to answer this one. "They are hard", she said hoping that was the type of answer he wanted. "Look at their dicks Amber, I want you to look at their dicks and tell me what you think". They were at each side of the table standing over her. She looked at each guy's dick and tried to say the right thing. "They look very hard, one is dripping precum, the guy on my left looks like he might not be circumcised". Amber had only been with one guy but he had not been cut at birth and his skin would cover the bottom part of his head before sex started as the guy on her right hand side looked. "How many lovers have you had?", Hank asked. Amber told her the answer and Hank replied that that is about what he had figured. "Which guy is most like your prior lover?", Hank asked. Amber looked again at the three erections surrounding her. They were all about the same size, about like her prior boyfriend so she answered that the guy that looked like he still had all of his foreskin. "Who is second?", Hank wanted to know. They both looked alike so she answered that they guy on her left did since the other guy had smallish balls and her prior lover had been average sized in the ball area as the guy on her right was. There was a minute of silence after she answered the questions. She leaned up slightly to look at Hank to see if the game was over and whether or not she could get up. What she saw amazed her. He looked like an animal. His eyes were narrowed and he looked like he was literally drooling. "Do you want me to fuck you or the three of them?" Hank asked as he sat down with another beer on a sitting log that was near the fire and at the front of the table. She put her head back and did not answer. Her thoughts were clouded and she did not have any idea why he would ask such a question that the answer to was so obvious. Almost a deep growl came from Hank, "well?" "You, of course, Hank. I want to be with you." "Okay boys, you heard her. Now get her ready for me". With that she felt herself lifted up from the table and as she meekly struggled they took her top off, set her back on the table and peeled her jeans off of her. The guy on her left took out a leather strap from the duffel bag that he tied around her left elbow and tossed under the table for the guy on her right. He pulled it tight, securing her elbow to the table and then fastened it around her right elbow so that it was equally strapped tightly to the table. They took out another strap and tied it around the table tightly around her abdomen. With their job apparently completed they each got a beer and then returned to their stations. Each started to stroke himself while sipping their beer. Hank stood by the foot of the table and looked down at her. "They have nice dicks don't you think?" Amber did not answer at first, but again, he waited for a response so she gave one, "they are nice". "But you would rather be with me wouldn't you?" "Of course I would Hank", she said still feeling like this was all some weird dream. "Good, I was hoping you would say that". Hank began to undo his jeans and Amber felt herself compelled to watch. Though the weirdness of the situation and the alcohol had created a dream like state for her she was wondering why Hank seemed to need all the confirmation that she wanted to be with him instead of his friends. Hank leaned forward to pull his jeans down and then once off stood up. A massive cock swung back and forth like a piece of drift wood floating back and forth along the shore. It was huge. It was huge in itself and even with a man over 300 pounds framing it the cock looked so big it was out of place on him. Unconsciously, she gasped and struggled against the straps. She had giggled over girlfriends talking about having a date with a guy that was hung but that was over some date that had an inch or so on the average. One of her friends even spoke of black men she had dated and how most of the black men were much bigger when soft and usually an inch bigger than her white dates when erect. None of them spoke of a cock like Hank's. "I think she has changed her mind", was all Hank said to set the three guys into action. The guy on her right got between her legs and put himself into her. In spite of being tied down she was very, very wet and he was able to go straight in with just a few pauses for her to open up for him. He stroked into her hard and came quickly. She felt his hard cock pulse inside of her as he came. Then the guy on her left mounted her as she mildly struggled at the straps holding her in place. He lasted only a couple of minutes. He had went in a little easier with the help of her wetness being mixed with the cum from the first guy. He came harder than the first guy, letting out a long groan with his orgasm.. She felt him come hard inside of her and then pull out as his erection calmed. The third guy wanted her mouth. He straddled her breasts and brought her mouth up to his erection. She knew what was expected and did her best to accommodate him. He held her head up as he moved in and out of her mouth. Within 25 strokes he came down her throat. Done, the three of them put their jeans on, grabbed a beer and sat by the fire. Amber's head was spinning now and she looked up at Hank wondering if the dream was over now. It wasn't. Hank moved between her legs. The bull sized cock of his erect now. It did not sway menacingly back and forth but bounced heavily back and forth as he walked over and got on top of her. "No Hank, it is too big", Amber said as he positioned his cock head between the lips of her pussy. He did not seem to hear her. He pushed the head and a couple of inches into her and she let a scream as she felt her wet but too small for him pussy being stretched apart. "It is too big Hank", she said again as she pulled on the straps trying to push his giant bulk off of her. Hank pushed further in and his size made her inside feel like they were on fire. She felt his giant frame rest down on her as he began to push in and out of her making a piston out of his massive cock. Even her own wetness and the two loads of cum inside of her did not seem to make a difference in helping her to take him. He was just too big for her. She tried to relax as he fucked her like a bull in stud. It did not help. She could feel her pussy muscles being pulled and pushed back and forth as he pushed into her. Tears rolling down her eyes she felt a glimmer of hope as she heard him start to make guttural sounds like he was already approaching his orgasm. "Give it to me Hank", she heard herself say hoping that the searing pain would end soon with his orgasm. She was right. He was close. Being this close he pushed all of the way in now with each stroke. Amber was yelping with each thrust. His massive width painfully stretching her delicate pussy completely apart and his length now pummeling her insides. He lasted ten more pain causing strokes before pulling out for his orgasm. He grabbed his meaty cock in his hand as he got onto his knees shot volumes of thick and hot cum onto her breasts and stomach. His demeanor changed completely. "See you guys tomorrow night", he said to his buddies as he undid the straps holding Amber to the table. Then he gently picked her up and carried her inside the cabin where they slept close to each other. Essentially the same thing happened the next night and then again about once a month in different settings and scenarios. Somehow Hank had known that whether she liked the sex acts themselves or not that she would crave to have them repeated again and again. 4832 1.29/512345
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