Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Charity Slave Auction Pt 2
CHARITY SLAVE AUCTION Pt 2 I woke up in the morning to find Glenn throwing the sleeping bag open and moving his hands over my body possessively. I glanced over at Jerry. He was lying on his side watching closely. I was stone cold sober now. I would have thought that in the light of day I would be having second thoughts. I realized, however, that I was looking forward to this weekend as much as he probably was. I had no regrets, unless you count having lived twenty-four years before experiencing such bliss. I resolved to be just as big a slut as Glenn wanted me to be. No matter how humiliating it was. I still wanted to punish Dale for getting me into this. But I have to be honest. That wasn't why I was submitting to Glenn so easily, so completely. I can't deny that I craved this treatment now. I remembered last night vividly. I thought about how vocal I had been when Glenn was fucking me. All of our friends must have heard me. Hell, people all over the fairgrounds must have heard me! I couldn't help wondering what Dale thought of his sex slave wife now. I soon lost my train of thought as Glenn got back on top of me and I reached down and helped him work that massive slab of meat into my tight hole. I was more than ready and quickly put my arms around him and began to loudly urge him to fuck me harder. It was every bit as wonderful as it had been last night and I didn't care who heard me screaming in pleasure. Neither did Glenn. He must have been pretty well satisfied last night. He lasted a long time this morning. I probably came a dozen times before he finally filled me with another load of his hot cum. And I wasn't quiet about it. As soon as he rolled off of me I took his softening cock into my mouth and cleaned him again. After I sucked his cock and his balls clean I reached down to scoop up his cum. It had begun to run out of me and was just starting to run down my thighs. He stopped me and ordered me to leave it there. I knew instantly what was on his mind and I smiled broadly. He wanted all of our friends, and my husband, to see how well fucked I was. I looked over at Jerry to see if I was going to be required to service him as well. He smiled and said, "I'd love a little more of your sweet ass, Kelly. But I have to piss too badly. Don't worry, we have all weekend. And Glenn is a sharing kind of guy." Glenn started getting dressed, but I didn't have anything to wear in his tent except my sandals. I put them on and went out in the cool morning air to find my clothes. I guess Dale had picked them up. They were gone. I watched Glenn as he stirred the ashes and got the fire going again. The sun had just come up. It would be hot soon. For now though, it was a little too cool to be taking a cold shower. The warmth of the fire felt good on my naked skin. I started for my tent after I had warmed up a little. Glenn asked, "Where are you going?" I told him that I needed to get something to wear but he smiled and said, "Not yet. Not until after your shower." I moved closer to him and the fire and kept warm as I felt his cum dribble down my thighs. It wasn't long before more of our group started stirring and coming out to stand by the fire or rush to the bathrooms. As the men came out they all stood around and stared at me with obvious signs of lust and more than a little jealousy. Most of the women seemed to be amused, though a few were embarrassed. They actually seemed more embarrassed than I was. But none of our friends objected to my being so vulgarly displayed. I was a bit concerned because there were probably kids in some of the other camping areas. But I decided that it wasn't my problem and waited for Dale to come out of our tent and see what kind of night I had enjoyed. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face. He must not have slept well. When he finally came out he looked pretty tired. He also looked pretty embarrassed. He came over and stood near me and said, "Are you okay?" I smiled and loudly exclaimed, "Jesus, Dale! I am a whole lot better than okay!" That got a laugh from most of the group. He was quiet for a minute. He looked down at the mess on my thighs. Finally he asked hesitantly, "Are we okay?" I smiled at him and said, "I still love you, Dale. I was pissed at you last night. Right up until Glenn took his pants off. I'm not mad anymore. I am telling you right now though, I am his slave this weekend and I am going to do anything he tells me to do. But, and you are probably going to hate this, when we leave here it isn't going to be over. I don't love him. I will continue to love you if you still want me. But I love the way he made me feel and I have no intention of giving that up. Anytime he wants to fuck me, all he has to do is order me to undress. I hope you can live with that." Dale didn't answer. He hadn't anticipated that reaction. Half of our group was out of their tents and standing around the fire now. They heard me warning Dale that I was going to keep fucking Glenn when we got home. Most of the men seemed amused by that. Some of the women seemed shocked. Others though, got very interested. They had to have heard me last night, and this morning. They must wonder what it was he did to make me sound like that. I expected to be pulled aside by more than a few of them in the next couple of days with some pretty personal questions. Once the sun was up it warmed up fast and the women who were so inclined went to the makeshift shower. It was just a dozen wooden pallets for a floor and a five foot canvas wall for privacy. The water was in large drums on wooden supports and was fed down into half a dozen shower heads though hoses. There was no hot water, which would make taking showers in the evening a much better idea. But more than a few of us needed to shower this morning because, I believe, I had turned a lot of people on last night with my passionate cries. I saw a lot of guilty looks. I think that there must have been a lot of sex going on last night. I started to get my soap and towel and join the ladies, but Glenn said, "Hang on. You wait for me. I need someone to wash my back." So I ended up waiting and taking my shower with half a dozen men. That was fun! Dale was in my group and he watched as Glenn soaped me up and then I soaped him up. When he saw the size of Glenn's cock he looked shocked. He finally understood what all of the noise was about last night. We showered as quickly as possible. The water was cold as hell. Then I dried Glenn off and finally I dried myself off. The guys all got dressed inside the canvas enclosure and we went back out to stand by the fire and warm up again. I remembered my clothes from yesterday. I asked Dale if he had gotten them and he nodded. I started again to go and get some clean clothes. But Glenn said, "Go and get your things and bring them here. I'll decide what you wear today. Then you can put your stuff in my tent." I went to my tent and reached for my bag and brought it out to Glenn and handed it to him. He opened it up and looked through it and he handed me a bikini bottom and a tank top. He said, "Put these on. They'll do for now. I'm pretty sure we can find something better when the vendors open up." I had been avoiding looking around since I returned from the shower. I glanced around now, though. I saw a lot of people walking on the narrow path that passed through this area. They were heading up the path towards the area with the vendors. The vendors were located on either side of the path between our campsite and the buildings where the cars and motorcycles would be on display, once we got up there and unloaded them. Most of the growing crowd that was passing by was looking at me. There appeared to be a lot of teenagers among them and that kind of made me uncomfortable. I seemed to be the only one that was uncomfortable though. Of course, I was the only one that was naked. I was the one that would go to jail if the cops came down here to arrest the naked lady. I took my time getting dressed. I stepped into my bikini bottoms and then I pulled the tank top on and I was ready. We decided that, rather than try to make an edible breakfast at the campsite we would go up to the vendors and find something to eat there. We went out to the path. It is a six foot wide paved path that loops all the way around the fairgrounds. It wends its way past the vendors to the exhibit halls near the front of the fairgrounds. It leads past the exhibit halls and then circles back around through the camping area. The camping area was just a grassy field all the way in the back of the grounds. The vendors were already set up in tents on both sides of the path selling all kinds of stuff. A lot of it is car and bike stuff, since that is what the show is about this weekend. They also sell leather goods and biker patches and t-shirts and just about anything else that you can imagine. Everyone in our group was walking behind Glenn and me as we strolled up the path. Glenn had his arm around my shoulder and his hand was casually draped over my breast. As we walked he gently massaged my breast. The vendors were only just starting to open for business. We didn't plan on stopping at any of their tents yet. We had talked it over and decided to eat and set up our cars for the show before checking out the vendors. But we had not gone very far when Glenn spotted something in one of the tents and pulled me over there. Our whole group stopped and Glenn picked up a tiny piece of cloth. It was a bathing suit called a Wicked Weasel. It was semi-transparent and covered almost nothing! He looked through them and bought a bright red one and ordered me to put it on, right then and there. I took off my top and my bikini bottoms and handed them to Dale. Then I stood holding the weasel thing up and trying to figure out how to put it on as strangers came to a sudden stop all around us to watch. The salesman couldn't have been happier. He helped me into the suit, taking advantage of the opportunity to feel me up liberally as he adjusted it. When I had it on I looked down at myself. I was almost naked! I moved over and looked in a full length mirror the vendor brought out. I shook my head and turned to Glenn and said, "There is no way they won't arrest me in this!" Glenn smiled and shook his head and said, "No. They won't bother you. Not as long as you stay inside the fairgrounds." The salesman assured us that the suit was legal in this state. But I could see my nipples plainly and my pubic hair stuck out on either side of the tiny strip of cloth that covered my slit. Glenn looked me over and said, "That won't do." Then he turned to the salesman and asked, "Do you have a razor we could use?" The salesman went into his little camper in the back and came back out with his personal razor, some shaving cream and a damp towel. When he returned, Glenn asked the guy if he would like to do the honors. With a big smile he squatted down and pulled the suit away from my pussy. He dampened my entire crotch and then he soaped up my pubic hair. I didn't have a lot of pubic hair, thankfully. I have naturally blonde hair and my pubic patch is a thin covering of fine blonde hair which hides nothing. It was gone quickly, despite the fact that he was taking his sweet time. After he stood up I turned back to the mirror and I realized that I could see my slit clearly. I shook my head and turned around. I searched through my crowd of admirers and found Lyle, the member of our crowd who is a lawyer. I asked him what he thought and he shrugged and said, "My legal opinion is that what you are wearing is not legal. But I have been going to these things long enough to know that, as Glenn said, you will probably get away with it in here. You have been with us long enough to know that they encourage this kind of behavior in these places." "What about all the kids?" I asked. Lyle said, "They don't let kids in without a parent if they are younger than sixteen. And they have signs at the gate warning of the possibility of seeing nudity. It isn't that uncommon at these things." My friend, Lisa, was standing nearby. She chuckled and said, "You might as well wear it. You already lost all of your pubic hair." She was wearing a wide grin and I couldn't tell if she was getting a kick out of my discomfort, or maybe she was just a bit jealous. I shrugged and Glenn put his arm around me again. We headed up to the area where all of the food was being sold. The number of people following us had more than doubled. I was just grateful that they hadn't opened the gates yet. The people gathered around were all exhibitors or other campers. They would open the gates soon though and it was going to get a lot more crowded in here. When we got to the top of the small hill where all of the food vendors were clustered we staked out several large picnic tables. Glenn handed me some money and told me to get him a coffee and a breakfast burrito and whatever I wanted. I went and got in line and Lisa followed close behind me. As we inched forward she said, "You have a really pretty ass. I never realized it before." I smiled and replied wryly, "It was never totally exposed in public before." She drew closer then and quietly asked what I knew she and a lot of the other women in our group were dying to know. "Girl, what the hell happened to you in that tent last night?! I never in my life heard sounds like that!" I pulled her closer, put my arm around her shoulder and quietly said, "I have never in my life made sounds like that!" Then, in as few words as possible I told her about Glenn and the huge slab of meat that he had mastered the use of. I also told her that I had already informed my husband that from now on, even after we got home, I was Glenn's to fuck anytime he wanted me. She looked shocked and said, "Oh no! You didn't! What did he say?" "Nothing yet," I said. "I told him that I loved him, and I do. But there is no way that I am going to give up Glenn and the magic cock. It's his fault, he pushed me into it. Now I guess we just wait and see." When I got to the front of the line I had to repeat my order twice. The young guy in the order window seemed to be having trouble concentrating. I placed my order and paid and then moved down and picked the food and coffee up at the next window. I picked up the cardboard tray and turned around to take the food to the table. I was surrounded by men of all ages and descriptions. They were all staring openly at my nearly naked body. I was self conscious, but I smiled graciously and lifted my tray up over my head and said, "Excuse me, boys." Then I carefully worked my way through the appreciative crowd. I made it back to the table and sat down beside Glenn. We ate quietly, listening to the comments of the fairly large crowd. He kept glancing at me and finally he exclaimed in amusement, "You're having a fucking ball, aren't you?" I put my hand on his large thigh, I leaned closer to him and responded quietly but emotionally, "If someone had told me yesterday that I would have done what I did last night, and what I am doing now, I would have called them a fucking liar. I am not this kind of person. The answer to your question, however, is fuck yes! I'm having a ball. I am being degraded and humiliated and used and I have never been so aroused in my god damn life!" "I heard what you told your husband this morning. I'm going to hold you to it. I wasn't kidding earlier. You are the hottest fuck I've ever had. You are pretty, and young, and sexy. But beyond that, and more importantly, you are a cunt. I love cunts." I wasn't completely certain how he would define a cunt. But I smiled and said, "You sweet talker you." We finished eating and when everyone was ready we went to our exhibit hall and began unloading and setting up our cars and bikes. The halls weren't open yet. The only people besides us in the building were the security guards. I felt very secure because they were both hanging around me all morning. At ten o'clock they opened the doors and the crowds started streaming in. I alternated back and forth between Dale and Glenn. Dale and I didn't get to talk much because wherever I was, most of the crowd was. I got a few disapproving looks from some of the women, mostly the older women. On the other hand, I was surprised at some of the compliments I got from a lot of them. I suspect that I sold a lot of weasels for that guy over the weekend. I had to tell a lot of people where he was located. Once I got over my embarrassment I had the most fun watching the guys watching me. Some of them tried to be discreet and cool and act like seeing a nearly naked young woman hanging around was nothing special. Some of them were embarrassed and hardly looked at all. The guys that had women with them tried the hardest to be discreet about it. But they looked. They all looked. Some of them had no shame at all. They stood right in front of me and stared openly. It was a little embarrassing. Because I knew how much of me they could see. But it was exciting too. Once I got used to it I kind of appreciated their honesty. Glenn sent me out for lunch later. Dale got someone to watch over his car and he went with me. We were still followed and stared at. But he finally got a chance to ask me a couple of questions. "Kelly," he said, "I guess I screwed up. I got excited last night thinking about you and Glenn. You know it always turns me on when you show off. But I am scared now. I don't want to lose you." I responded honestly, "I told you Dale, I don't love Glenn. I love his cock and the way he fucks me. I like the way he treats me like shit. It turns me on. I love you, though. I don't want to lose you. But I was being totally honest with you this morning. I have no intention of doing anything behind your back. I am not going to give up Glenn's cock, at least not for a while. Do you think you can live with that?" He looked pretty glum. He obviously was unhappy about it and I could tell that he wished that he hadn't started all of this last night. I have to admit I got a lot of satisfaction from that. I wanted him to regret it. But he said, "I guess I am going to have to. I'm sorry I started this. But I love you and I won't let you go. No matter how much you humiliate me." "Sweetheart!" I replied. "I'm not doing this to humiliate you! Glenn may be, at least in part. But I am doing it for the sex. I know you heard me last night. You said so. I made sounds I didn't know that I was capable of. I made them for a reason. I have never been so thoroughly fucked in my life. I never imagined it could be like that. I don't want to hurt you. But you got me into this and I like the situation that you forced me into. I am not getting out voluntarily. I told Glenn, any time he wants to fuck me he can. He thinks I'm hot. He said so. At least for a while I suspect he is going to want to fuck me a lot. I'm sorry. I love you and I don't want to hurt you. But I am not just going to let him fuck me. I am going to beg him if that's what it takes." Dale looked pretty upset. Not mad, but sad, depressed. I felt bad for him. Right now though, I didn't care. I was walking around nearly naked in front of hundreds of people, including a very large group of my close friends. I was doing it because Glenn had ordered me to. Doing it was making me so fucking hot that I wished he would bend me over the hood of his car and fuck me right there in front of everyone in the place! I got our food from a vendor and I waited for Dale to get his before walking back to the exhibit hall. As he walked up behind me I heard him say, "You look so fucking hot. I wish I could fuck you right here and now. Your ass has never looked sexier. I don't think I have ever wanted to fuck you this much. Not even the first time." I swished my ass around for him and then he came up beside me and we walked past all the gaping mouths and admiring faces to our exhibit. I sat at a small table with Glenn and Dale and we ate our burgers as we watched people come in and admire our cars and bikes. The cars attracted most of the attention. But I still remained an attraction too. When no one was looking, Glenn reached over and uncovered one of my nipples. I sat there with one nipple exposed as people, men mostly, came up and asked the guys about their cars. They may have been talking about cars. But they were staring at my exposed breast the entire time. I felt my face get red. It's funny though, because even with that tiny strip of nearly transparent cloth covering my nipples they were clearly visible. Yet somehow, having the cloth moved away and my nipple exposed made me blush. After we ate, Glenn put up a sign saying he would be back soon. He stood it up near the sign that described his car and its attributes. He put his arm around my shoulder again and we went out to look at the other exhibits. There were car clubs here from all over the east coast. Even though up until recently I had not been much of a car person, I was slowly coming to appreciate them. As we toured the various exhibit halls I saw some really beautiful cars. Glenn knew a lot of the people who had cars on display. He had been restoring and showing cars for quite a while and I guess it is a pretty small fraternity. The other car owners greeted him warmly and gaped at me while they talked cars. They often got around to discussing me. When the people found out that I was Glenn's sex slave for the weekend they couldn't believe it, despite the way that I was dressed. Once, when a man that seemed to be a particularly good friend of Glenn's refused to believe it, I ended up on my knees in the men's room with my breasts exposed, sucking his friend's cock with a dozen men watching in disbelief. We took our time and visited all of the exhibits. We must have been gone at least an hour. Before we went back to our exhibit hall we walked down the path to our tent and went inside. I was out of that weasel in seconds. Glenn stripped down and fucked me doggie style after I sucked his cock for a few minutes. I have always liked doggie style. It is comfortable for me. I don't have a lot of weight on me, although sometimes I like the feeling of being overpowered and taken that I can get when a man gets on top of me. When I do it doggie style I like the way a guys balls sometimes bounce against my pussy while he fucks me. More than that though, the position is just a bit degrading if you stop to think about it and that turns me on too. It was like a whole new position when I did it with Glenn, though. His big, thick cock plumbed new depths and once more I found myself crying out in a haze of lust as he held my hips and fucked me violently. His big balls swung between my thighs with every thrust. They came up and gently slapped against my clit. I submitted eagerly and once more I heard myself making helpless animal sounds and having one wonderful orgasm after another. When he finally came, filling me with his potent seed, I shivered beneath him and thanked Dale under my breath for selling me to this large, virile man. After Glenn finally pulled his cock out of me, I turned around and cleaned him eagerly. He started getting hard again but he smiled and pushed me away and said, "That's enough for now, slut. We need to save something for tonight." I grinned up at him affectionately and said, "Yes, master." I reached down and scooped up some of his cum and as I stared lustfully into his eyes I greedily licked my fingers clean. When I reached down for more he stopped me. He held up my tiny suit and showed me the crotch. It was wet from my day of excitement. He said, "Leave a little bit in there to seep out onto your new outfit. The wetter it is the sexier you look." I didn't think it could get any more transparent. But it didn't matter. I wouldn't have argued with him if he had ordered me to go out naked. I messed with the suit for a few minutes and finally figured it out on my own this time. Once I got it on, we left the tent and headed back to our exhibit hall. On the way past the exhibitors we stopped and he bought two more of the Wicked Weasels. For such tiny little things they were pretty expensive. He liked them though. And to be honest, wearing them kept me so fucking horny that I liked them too. We stopped on the way back in and he bought something to eat for the two of us and, at my request, he got something for Dale too. Poor Dale had no one readily available to relieve him for food and bathroom breaks. We once more occupied a small table inside and the three of us ate together. You would have thought that the two men would be uncomfortable with each other. But that didn't seem to be the case. Once I had assured Dale that I still loved him he must have felt more free to enjoy watching me as I was turned into a slut. I suspect that he may have fantasized about something like this for a while, though he had never mentioned it to me. The two of them had been friends since we joined the car club and they seemed to be getting along just as though Glenn was not fucking his wife and parading her around nearly naked. After we finished our greasy meal of fair food we lounged around for a few minutes. Dale finally noticed the crotch of my suit. I saw the look on his face and I looked down to see that my crotch was soaked and there were a few streaks of cum actually running a little way down my thigh. I smiled at him when I looked back up and then I noticed the crotch of his pants. His cock was as hard as a railroad spike. It wasn't as long or as fat as Glenn's. But as I said, he had a very nice cock and he had always satisfied me with it. His hard on was very obvious. I said, "That must have been a pretty good supper, Dale. You don't usually get a hard on from food." He chuckled and instead of replying he turned to Glenn and said, "Glenn, she is yours for the weekend, of course. But she told me that you can fuck her any time that you want after we get home. I'll admit that came as a shock. I've been thinking about it though, and I guess I don't have a problem with it. But I was wondering if I could talk you into sharing your bitch. I have been running around here nearly all day with a hard on and it's really getting painful." Glenn smiled and said, "Certainly, Dale. I am deeply indebted to you. Come with me." He grabbed my arm and pulled me along and we ducked into the men's room. Right there in front of a dozen more men, he pushed the suit down off my breasts and pushed me down over the sink counter. He pulled the little string that went through the crack of my ass out of the way. He smiled at Dale and said, "She's all yours dude, help yourself." Dale looked around the room and saw all of the people watching incredulously. I thought he would be too nervous to do it. But he smiled, pulled his cock out, and fucked me roughly, right there in front of everyone in the men's room. He shuffled up behind me and dipped down and slipped his cock into me and drove it in to the hilt in one violent lunge. I groaned in pleasure and started to close my eyes and lay my head down on the counter. Glenn stopped me and ordered me to keep my head up and look in the mirror at all of the people watching us fuck in a public men's room. People were cheering him, cheering both of us on, and I loved it. I came twice before Dale finished. Then I showed him my new trick. I dropped down and sucked his cock and his balls clean. Dale groaned in pleasure as I laved his family jewels for him. Finally he put them away and I stood up and covered as much of myself as I could with the weasel. We walked out to the sound of applause. 9024 2.00/512345
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