Thursday, January 24, 2013
Andy And Emma Get Married
ANDY AND EMMA GET MARRIED Emma and I first met three years ago. She was 24 and I was 36, she looked amazing with her long dark hair, deep brown eyes and a body to die for - I considered her to be way out of my league. We were at a charity auction and were possibly the only two people in the room who hadn't come along with a partner. We found ourselves at the bar and began to chat. We had quite a lot in common. We were both divorced and shared similar interests, and at the end of the evening she handed me a card with her phone number on it and asked me for mine. I still believed she was too young for me and in a class way above me, so didn't expect to hear from her again. Two weeks later my telephone is ringing, when I answered I was astonished to hear Emma on the other end of the line, "Hi Andy, why haven't you called me? Don't you find me attractive?" I couldn't believe she was interested in me. I made some excuse about how busy I'd been and quickly asked her out on a date. We went out a few times and fell in love, after a few of months I figured that making love must be on the cards as we'd only kissed so far - in fact this was the longest I'd been in a relationship without getting to at least some mutual masturbation. I decided to do my best to seduce her, and offered to cook that night at my place. I got in plenty of wine, and set the place up so it looked and felt romantic. I'm not a great cook but there's a few things I can do well. We had a fantastic evening, we ate, talked, laughed and ended up sitting on the couch. I decided to make a move and she stopped me in my tracks. "I know you want me" she started, and that was quite an understatement. "And don't think that I don't want you too, but I kind of made myself a promise after my first marriage fell apart." She explained how she had felt the honeymoon had been a slight let down because they'd been having sex regularly for a long time before they married. Then she went on "and since I separated I've dated quite a few guys and everyone of those relationships has become all about the sex and not worked out, so I promised myself that if I would not have sex with anyone until I found Mr Right and married him." We talked for ages that night and she made me agree that I wouldn't try to pressure her into sex. We dated for six months, and did all the fun things that couples do (except the sex), everyone that saw us together thought we were the perfect couple and my mates thought I was some kind of amazing lover since I was obviously keeping a very attractive and younger woman very happy. I certainly wasn't going to put them right and let them know I hadn't even seen her naked let alone made love to her. I was convinced I'd met the perfect woman for me and I was desperate to get her into bed. Despite being wary of marriage I proposed and three months later we tied the knot in a small registry office ceremony. Emma looked stunning that day, in an amazing cream dress. I could only imagine the special 'wedding underwear' she had on underneath and I couldn't wait for the reception to be over and the honeymoon to begin. We didn't have loads of money left over for the honeymoon after we'd paid for the wedding and the reception so we had arranged to stay in a suite in the hotel where the reception was being held and were due to drive to the coast the following day where we'd booked a reasonable room in a small hotel on the sea front. The reception was fun but it sure seemed to drag. I just wanted to get Emma up into that room, get her naked and finally get to screw her. My frustrations were made worse because she insisted on dancing with every man at the reception, including two or three of her ex-boyfriends, all of whom I knew had fucked her in the past. It almost seemed unfair! Finally the evening was winding down, a lot of the guests had arranged to stay in the same hotel that night so they could enjoy a few drinks and gradually people would disappear off to their rooms and the dance floor area cleared. Emma finished her last dance, took me by the hand and led the way out of the hall and towards our room. This was it, we were alone in our hotel room, I'd waited over nine months for this moment and finally it was here. Emma stood in front of me, unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She was like a goddess in a beautiful white lingerie with matching stockings. She walked over to me, and began to undress me, she took off my jacket and then undid my shirt, then she smiled and slowly dropped to her knees, she undid my belt, unbuttoned my trousers and unzipped the fly. She pulled them down and I stepped out of them. She looked up and smiled at me as she grabbed the sides of my boxers and pulled them down. My cock sprung to attention and her gaze moved slowly down from my face to my crotch. She stopped dead in her tracks. I just stood there with her staring at my cock for what seemed like ages but was probably just a few seconds. Finally she broke the silence with a disappointed sounding "oh fuck". "What's wrong" I asked. "Sorry, I just was expecting it to be a lot bigger is all. It's not your fault, but I've just never seen one that small before. I mean, that's what? 4 and a half inches and that's if I'm generous in my estimations and it's not even very thick. One of my ex-boyfriends was five inches and much thicker than you and he never managed to satisfy me. It just never occurred to me that you might have a small cock." I was speechless. Emma got up from her knees and we both sat on the bed. She began to speak again. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react like that, it's just I've not had sex in over nine months and I've finally found a guy who is right for me in every way and an ironic blow it turns out there's one area he's not going to be perfect for me in, it just sucks. It's not your fault, I should have asked or made out with you in some way before we got this far." I didn't know what to say or do, but before I could think of anything to say she broke the silence again. "I am so sorry Andy, I didn't mean to make you feel bad, you know I love you with all my heart and nothing is going to change that, I am just a little upset that you've got a small cock and it probably would never have worried me if most of my ex's weren't all very well hung and the only one who wasn't was useless in bed. Look, let's start over and give this a try." She pushed me back on the bed and lay along side me. She took my dick between her forefinger and thumb and gently squeezed and she kissed me, my dick sprung back to full attention right away. "I should be more understanding, you've waited a long time for this moment too" she whispered, "now you're finally going to have me", as she said that she gave my cock a couple of gentle strokes and my worst fear came true. my cock twitched and came in her hand. Emma was clearly disappointed and knowing the size of my manhood had already let her down my premature orgasm left me feeling quite guilty. "I'm sorry I stammered, I couldn't help myself, err, the excitement, umm", I struggled to make excuses but it was clear that Emma was very unhappy with the situation, even bordering on angry. But she just took a few deep breaths and calmed herself and then began trying to stroke me back to attention, something I pretty much knew wasn't going to work. After half hour of her playing with my dick it was still limp. I told her that it was unlikely I was going to get hard again for a few hours. She stopped playing with it, stood up and I could see she was trying to contain her anger. She was quiet for a while and then finally she let rip with one almighty tirade. "For fuck sake Andy! You're laying on the bed with your drop dead gorgeous wife playing with your sad excuse for a dick and you can't get it up? It's bad enough that you've not been blessed with even an average sized cock but for it to be a one shot wonder as well? And it doesn't even have any self control or staying power! I thought 'two jerks and a squirt' was just a joke saying but in your case it's how it is! I've not had sex in over nine months, and the night I'm finally meant to get some action it turns out that my new husband has a tiny pecker that cums before I get my underwear off and then it goes limp and you tell me that's it for the night?" Her anger quickly turned to tears. "It's just so unfair" she sobbed. "I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you but you got to understand, I may have waited because I believed it was the right thing to do but I love sex, I love the feeling of a big cock thrusting in and out of me bringing me to orgasm time and time again, sending waves of pleasure crashing through my body over and over and I just don't know that I can go the rest of my life without experiencing that again. Hell its been tough enough going without for nine months, how the fuck can I be expected to go without for ever? I'm only 25, I'm fit and have needs. Is this fair? Andy are you even listening? I said is it fair?" "No it's not fair" I stammered as a poor excuse for a reply. The enormity of the situation was hitting me, we were both very much in love but it was very clear that I was never going to give her what she wanted sexually, and if she was to stay faithfully married to me I was in effect asking her to never have enjoyable sex again. Ironically it was because I loved her so much that I didn't see how I could ever expect that of her." "Are you sure you're not going to be able to get that thing back up again?" Emma asked, "at least we could consummate our marriage even if the consummation wasn't great". "I probably can in another hour or two" I tried to explain. "Jeeze, its gone midnight now, it's bad enough the sex isn't going to be that pleasurable for me, never mind having to wait two hours for it." Emma opened a suitcase and put on a cute skirt and a tee-shirt over her stunning underwear and handed me the bottle of champagne that had been left on ice in the room for us. "Let's at least get drunk eh?" she said in a slightly disheartened voice. I popped it open and poured a couple of glasses. We soon finished up the bottle and decided we both needed more to drink given the circumstances so I threw some jeans on and headed for the hotel bar to get a couple bottles of wine. When I got back to the room Emma seemed a little brighter, I figured the alcohol must be helping but there was something else. "I've been thinking" she started, "let me ask you some questions ok?" I wasn't going to say no, I felt I'd let my bride down and right now anything she wants to do is fine with me. "You know I love you right?" "Yeah of course I do" "And you don't need me to tell you that through no fault of yours you are a little lacking in the penis department?" "Yeah I've gathered that and I'm really sorry but if." she stopped me mid sentence, "let me finish." "OK sorry" "You want to spend the rest of your life with me don't you?" "Of course I do, that's what today was all about." "And you want me to be happy?" "More than anything in the world." "Well you know I could never be unfaithful to you, but I think there is a way we can make this work." Emma poured a couple more glasses of wine, handed me mine and asked "interested?" Of course I was interested. I wanted our relationship to work, I wanted her to stay with me and for us to spend our lives together. She continued "can you accept that me loving you the way I do doesn't have to be connected to a sexual act? I mean sex is fine but it's possible to separate love and sex right?" I agreed, after all it was highly unlikely that I was going to sexually satisfy on our wedding night but I still loved her totally. "So how about you let me take a sexual partner to keep me satisfied in the bedroom department? I wouldn't be being unfaithful because you would know about it and give it your full blessing. He'd just be a guy with a big cock who knows how to use it. Whenever I had the need to be satisfied sexually he'd come around and we'd fuck like bunnies for a couple of hours. That would take all the pressure off you and would mean that our love making wouldn't matter - that would be just about getting you off and it wouldn't matter if you came quickly before you managed to give me an orgasm." I didn't know what to say, but as much as I didn't relish the idea of my wife getting fucked by another man it made sense and it would keep her happy. She continued to sell me on the idea. "It's not like I haven't had sex with other guys before I met you, this would just be an extension of that. I'd be happy because I was getting what I needed and we'd be a happy couple." I just sat there nodding, I wanted my wife to be happy and it was clear that in that one area I was going to fail. At this moment in time it was the only solution out there so I figured I'd agree in principle and that we could discuss it further over the next few days. "OK, I think we should look into the idea then." "Ohh darling, you're the best" she replied excitedly as she picked up the telephone and called reception. I heard her enquire "what number room is Alan Mills staying in please? 404? Thank you." "What are you doing?" I exclaimed. "Looking into the idea!" she replied. "I've been looking forward to a good fucking for months, so if we are going to do this we should start now so your bride isn't left disappointed on her wedding night." "But, I, errr, umm who is Alan Mills?" "Alan is an ex boyfriend, he was amazing in the sack and has a fantastic cock. But that's about all he's got going for him, he was a shitty boyfriend who was only interested in the sex and nothing else. He never took me out or bought me anything nice, if we weren't screwing he wasn't interested and when we did go out he always wanted me to dress like a slut. But I'm not looking for a respectful lover am I? I'm looking for a guy who knows how to please a woman in bed - and he sure as hell knows how to do that. You saw me dancing with him earlier." I couldn't place him, heck she'd danced with all the guys. Before I could say anything else she picked up the hotel phone and punched in "404". "Hi Alan its Emma, sorry if I woke you, oh I didn't - good. Listen, my new husband has a proposition for you can you meet us in the bar in 10 minutes? Great, see you then." I once again sat there in stunned silence but that seemed alright as Emma seemed to have the situation all under control. "OK Andy, we're going to go meet him and buy him a drink and you are going to explain our situation and ask him if he'd like to service your wife sexually on a regular basis starting with tonight. I know this will be hard for you but it will make our marriage work and you will be making me very happy so please do all you can to make sure he agrees?" A few minutes later we were at the bar and Emma introduced me to Alan. Alan was a well built muscular black guy in his late twenties. The fact he was black was a little shocking to me, it's not that I'm racist because I'm not, but there's always been a taboo in my mind about white women and black men. We made small talk for a few minutes and had a drink, to be honest I downed 3 shots at the bar while getting the others a drink so I could pluck up some courage to tell Alan what it was we wanted. Finally Alan got right to the point and asked "so lets cut the crap Andy, what is this proposition that Emma says you have for me?" I explain in words just how humiliating it was to sit there and tell this guy that I couldn't even perform on my wedding night and that I had a tiny penis and that she had asked me to let her take a lover to fulfil her sexual needs. Alan found the whole thing quite funny and poked fun at my predicament. After he'd finished making fun of me and laughing about the size of my thing he sat up straight, looked deadly serious and asked "OK, so what's in it for me?" I couldn't believe my ears, what was in it for him? He was going to get fantastic sex with my super-hot wife for a start! I tried to keep calm and simply replied that I thought that was obvious. "I'll think about it" he said. "Leave me here to chat to your wife for 15 minutes and then come back and I'll give you my decision." I wandered off, I decided I needed to get some air and let all of this sink in. I had started the day dreaming of the wedding night fun I was going to have, I had imagined playing with Emma's beautiful 36c breasts and finally getting to feel the hot lips of her pussy. I'd achieved none of that and had just asked another man to fuck my wife, a wife who I had not yet fucked myself! The most strange part of all was that through all of the humiliation and thinking about what would happen I had actually got an erection and was finding the whole thing quite a turn-on. I returned to the hotel bar area after walking for fifteen minutes. I approached the two of them who were sat drinking and giggling, Emma was sat close to Alan with her hand on his thigh. I looked at him, "Well?" "Well." he began, "I have decided that I should help the two of you out, you make a nice couple and because Emma is an old friend the least I can do is to offer you my services and help save your marriage. But there have to be some conditions. Firstly I can come around to your house anytime I see fit and fuck your wife. If you really want this then it has to be on my time table, I'm not at your beck and call. Secondly I want exclusive access to her pussy, mouth and ass. In other words your sorry ass excuse for a dick isn't to enter her in any way, shape or form. You can kiss her, you can cuddle her and be close but don't even think about trying to fuck her or asking her to suck you off. And you don't touch what you can't please little man, so her titties are off limits!" "But what about" I began to ask a question but he cut me off, "I'm not done yet little dick, shut up and listen. I don't think its fair to expect a woman to pleasure you if you can't pleasure her so don't ask her to give you a hand job either. And her hot body is for my eyes only so you're not to see her naked. She'll wear night clothes in bed, and you'll leave the room when she gets changed or is drying off from a shower." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, now it had gone from another man servicing my wife to her being off limits in any sexual way to me! I couldn't even SEE her naked? I tried to object "this isn't quite what I had in mind when we." Once again he stopped me in my tracks. "Shut the fuck up whimp dick. I'm still not fucking done." I just sat there and listened as he continued. "If I decide to show up to fuck Emma and want to stay the night you will sleep in the spare room. You will not be allowed to watch me pleasure your wife but you'll sure as hell hear her getting well fucked and the sounds of her pleasure should be enough for you to jerk your tiny wiener to. If the two of you book a holiday, make sure you book a place for me and any hotel room you get needs to be a nice double with an adjoining room for you pin dick. I'm not missing out on my pussy just because you want to go away some place. These rules are subject to change and if you break any of them then I will beat you to a pulp. Do you understand?" I looked at Emma with a quizzical gaze, she looked back, smiled and said "I know his terms are tough, but think how happy we will be darling, you won't need to worry about my sexual needs and we can have such a nice life together, I love you totally but I need good sex." I sat there stunned for a few moments and finally said "OK" and shook Alans hand. "Good, now let's go consummate your marriage and our little arrangement." We headed back to the room, Emma was clearly excited and couldn't wait to get fucking. She pulled off her tee-shirt and jeans as soon as she got in the room and she jumped onto the bed. Alan stripped off calmly and for the first time I got to see the cock that would be satisfying my wife. It was a monster. It must have been eleven inches long and was as thick as my wrist. No wonder Emma wasn't happy about my dick, she was right about me not being well endowed. Emma wasted no time in leaping back off the bed and dropping to her knees and taking his massive cock in her mouth. She looked amazing in her underwear with a large black cock in her mouth. She soon worked up a good rhythm and I was amazed at how easily she took his length. He was soon fully erect and Emma was clearly desperate to get fucked. "What do we do with him?" she asked, "he's not allowed to see me naked or see us fuck and there's no adjoining room here." "Take off your stockings" Alan ordered and Emma did as she was told. He then used one stocking to tie my hands behind my back and then used his boxer shorts and the other stocking to make a blindfold. Once tied and blindfolded he shoved me in the bathroom and closed the door. For the next two hours I lay on the bathroom floor listening to the sounds of Alan and Emma fucking. Emma was so vocal, I heard her yelling things like "yeah fuck me hard, give me that big fat cock, fuck me like my husband can't, go on shoot your load inside me". Finally the bathroom door opened, it was Emma she came in and took the blindfold off me. She looked exhausted. She was wearing a night shirt to cover her breasts and pussy from my view, but I could clearly see cum on her legs, in her hair and on her face and she had several visible love bites on her neck. She smiled sweetly "sorry you've been uncomfortable in here, but I promise it was worth it, I feel so much happier now that we've consummated this arrangement, but I feel bad that you haven't taken part in the sex act yourself, so come with me." For a moment I was excited, was I going to be allowed to fuck my wife after all? She led me into the bedroom, my hands still tied. "Emma was concerned that you didn't play a part in the wedding night consummation" Alan explained. "So I decided that I'd let you as a special treat." He told Emma to lay on the bed and lift her night shirt up to reveal her well fucked pussy. "Firstly you're going to eat her pussy, get her all clean.". I felt repulsed, her pussy was red and swollen and oozing with cum. But he just grabbed me by the hair and pushed me down onto her and I just accepted my fate and began licking and sucking her pussy taking great globs of cum and love juices in my mouth and swallowing. When I was done Alan said "and now you can clean me too" and presented his cock to my face. I turned and looked nervously at Emma who smiled back and said "go on, you might like it and it will be good for you to get a taste of the gorgeous cock that's servicing your hot wife." I couldn't believe my ears but once I heard her approval I just took it in my mouth and sucked it clean. Alan got dressed and reminded me of the rules concerning my wife before leaving. Emma untied my hands and she could see that my little dick had sprung to attention. "I'd love to give you a blow job or jack you off but you know the rules darling, so just jack it off yourself and let's get some sleep." "But how would he know?" I asked. "That's not the point" she replied, "this marriage is all about being faithful and that now includes this new arrangement, and besides, you agreed to it." She kissed me sweetly, told me she loved me and turned out the light. I jerked myself off which took all of a minute and she giggled "there didn't take you long did it?" The following morning we were woken up by a knock at the door. It was Alan, he was carrying a small black box with a screen and some buttons on it. He placed it on the table and I asked what it was. "That's my guarantee. It's a miniature lie detector from the electronics shop. I need to be sure you guys play by the rules. You first." He asked me some test questions and then quizzed me to make sure I hadn't seen Emma naked and that she hadn't helped me get off last night. He then repeated the test on Emma. "Good. Now just remember I'll be testing you both randomly in the future. Now where is the honeymoon? You need to get onto the hotel and adjust some reservations. Tell you what, do that with your mobile phone from the hotel lobby while I fuck your wife a couple of times." With that he pushed his hand up her night shirt and was clearly playing with her pussy, she just smiled and said "fuck yeah, what better way to start the day." A couple of hours later they appeared in reception. They'd showered and dressed and Emma looked stunning. I gave Alan details of the honeymoon destination and he told us he'd see us later that day and then left. Over a late breakfast Emma gave me all the details and told me how he'd pleasured her and fucked her like she'd never been fucked before. "I think I'm going to like the honeymoon" she giggled. And she did, but that's a story for another day. 5352 1.36/512345
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