Wednesday, January 23, 2013
I Was Bored Ch. 05
I would have been less shocked if I had been told I had just won the Powerball Lottery, without buying a ticket! I composed myself as well as I could. Ellen was sitting in our recliner, if only on the edge. I knew I had to proceed slowly and find out what she actually knew. "When you say 'be like Sue', what do you mean, Ellen? How do you think Sue is?" I asked. "I had heard some things from different ladies on the block about Sue. I didn't think they could be true. Sue has always been a model wife, mother, and community member. Our party was the first time I had seen Sue since before Christmas. I was struck by the change in her immediately," answered Ellen. "Sue looked fantastic. Her hair, her figure, her smile, and especially her attitude, she was amazing. I could hardly believe she was the same Sue I have known for years. I also saw how the men fawned all over her. I began to wonder if there was some truth to the rumors." Ellen sipped on her drink. I stood in the center of the room waiting. Then she continued. "I decided to face Art with the story that evening. At first he denied knowing anything. Gradually he admitted he had heard a few things. I knew he was not telling me everything, so I kept after him. He finally broke down and told me he had been with Sue, like every other man in the entire area. I was devastated. I cried. He apologized. I asked why. He had a lot of trouble with that one. He swore he loved me, but Jerry offered Sue to him with no strings. He said no man could have refused," said Ellen. She sipped again and continued. "That didn't make me feel any better. I threatened to tell you, Bob. It's the old thing where if I am hurt, I have to find someone else to make suffer. Not very admirable, but I was so upset," Ellen confided. "Art told me that you knew about Sue. In fact, you had encouraged it and you two were happier than you had been in years. I found that hard to believe, but Art kept talking. After a time, it made sense in a strange way. I could identify with being bored and wondering if there was more to life. That was when Art told me he thought I should try what Sue is doing! As I said, we were up all that night." Ellen finished her second shot of the morning, looked at me and smiled. "I don't usually drink in the morning, but I don't usually ask a man to train me, either. I believe Art will be excited to know I will be 'naughty', and to be honest, I have been suppressing feelings and desires for twenty years. It seems to have worked for you and Sue." Ellen continued, "Art and I have been like strangers the past few years and this revelation could end our marriage. Not because of Sue so much. More because I realize Art finds me dull. I don't want to be dull. When I think about it, what man wouldn't find me dull? Then Art told me that you said you would .... ah.. have sex with me, I actually felt some relief and some small amount of pride," revealed Ellen. She had a sad smile as she went on. "I was beginning to wonder if any man would even want me. I told Art I was going to come over this morning after he left for work. He was excited and feeling me all over. I could see he was worked up. So, Bob, here I am. I have swallowed my pride. What do you think?" Ellen asked as she looked up at me. I quickly poured myself a shot and downed it. Then I sat on the sofa and told Ellen to sit next to me. She was nervous, but did it without hesitation. "Ellen, if this is a revenge thing, I am not interested. Are you trying to hurt Art?" I asked. "Because I like the guy. I have no reason, or desire to harm him." Ellen smiled at me. "You do surprise me, Bob. You really don't mind that Art had Sue, do you? You know what? That makes this all easier for me. I love Art, but he becoming a bit of habit. He is a great provider and he has never been cruel to me, but we haven't had much chemistry lately. To answer your question, this is not revenge. Art wants me to do this, and I want to as well." "Let me tell you a few things that you may not know," I responded. "Then you tell me how you feel. Sue never gave me oral sex, although she loved me going down on her. I never had her anally. That was too disgusting, she thought. Now that she has become Jerry's slut, she does all that and more, but not with me. We still have the same type of sex we had before, only way more intense," I told her honestly. "Jerry told her not to give me anything I did not get before she was with him. This is an incredible psychological ploy. Sue has sucked your husband and he has had her anally, but I have not. It makes me crazy, but keeps me lusting after her. We have sex as often as we possibly can now. The same rules would apply to you and Art. Tell me what types of sex you have with Art." I demanded of Ellen. She looked at her nails for a few seconds, and then admitted, "We are pretty subdued, it would seem. Sometimes I am on top and sometimes Art is. We have done it in our big chair, with me facing away from him. We don't do any oral, either of us, and certainly I do not do anal!" Ellen seemed a bit defiant. Did she think she would have some control over any training? "Ellen, from this point forward, I am not going to be so gentle with my language. You will learn to use words you have always felt were bad, or unladylike." I took a breath and told her, "Ellen, you are going to be unladylike. Take your blouse off, now!" She seemed startled, but with shaking hands she began undoing her buttons. Soon she was sitting next to me in her bra. "Now take your bra off," I ordered. I smiled to myself as she shook so she could hardly undo her snaps. She finally got it and let her bra slip down to her lap. These housewives are unbelievable! Ellen's tits were just about perfect. Her nipples were big and very hard. Her breasts, though not large, were firm and full. I would never have guessed that Ellen had such a nice set! "I know Sue's are bigger. The women in my family are all small," Ellen apologized. I put a finger to her lips to silence her. "Ellen, I am always going to try to be honest with you. I am very impressed with your tits. You have done such a good job hiding them. I would never have guessed you had such lovely tits and your nipples are delicious to look at!" I told her with real enthusiasm. Ellen looked at her chest and then back at me. "I am so happy to hear you say that. I have wondered for years if they would look ok to a different man. You have erased that concern, and I thank you, Bob." "Now Ellen, lean over me and put them in my mouth. I want to taste them," I told her. Ellen seemed only too willing and swung a leg over mine, straddling me and pressed her tit flesh to my mouth. I nuzzled and sucked on her for the better part of a half hour. I left little bite marks and stretched her nipples so they stood out over an inch. Ellen was moaning as she kept feeding them to me. She was determined my mouth not be empty. I came up for air and told her, "be sure to tell Art how much I like your tits and how I sucked them. Let him see these marks. He will ravish you tonight, I promise. If he becomes angry or jealous, you are not to return, understand? Be sure Art understands, too. He can stop this any time he wants, but I don't think he will want to. If he passes this test, I will have him over and explain the rules of the game to him. Do you have any questions, Ellen?" I was squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples as I spoke. "You told me that Sue sucked Art's penis, but she doesn't suck yours, right?" asked Sue. "That is true and it really gets me horny thinking about what she does with the other guys, like Art. Why?" I wanted to know. "It just seems like it would only be fair if I do it for you. It is not revenge. It is evening things up, and you said it would drive Art crazy. I want him to think I am the hottest woman he ever knew!" gushed Ellen. She blushed as she finished her proclamation. "Ellen, pull my cock out and suck me off. Don't start and think you won't finish," I scolded. "You will make me cum and you will swallow and tell Art what a bad wife you are!" Ellen was nothing, if not willing, and she fished my cock out with little effort. "Be patient with me, Bob. I am just learning. My, you have a very nice penis.. I mean cock. I think it is a little thicker and longer than Art's." she mumbled as she took my cock into her mouth. I was in heaven. This was the one thing I missed most from my wild college years. Ellen's mouth was very warm and wet. I watched as she bobbed up and down. She raised her eyes to me and smiled around my cock. I decided that this sort of marriage counseling was something I could do. Ellen cupped my balls gently in her hands and I could feel her tongue moving around my cock head. She was very good! I placed my hands on her head and began controlling her tempo. I also pushed farther into her throat with each stroke. I could feel my balls tighten, and I imagine Ellen could as well. After all, they were in her hand. I decided to let her decide where my cum would wind up, and I released my hold on her head. She backed off till she had just the head of my cock in her mouth and started moving her hand up and down my shaft. I rewarded her effort with a good size load. This housewife was full of surprises as she swallowed everything I had and kept sucking after I was done. Finally she let my cock drop from her mouth. "That was incredible, Bob. How did I do? Did you like it? What do you think? Your cum tastes pretty good. I don't know why Art hasn't made me suck him off for years. I think I had a small orgasm!" Ellen blurted. "Ellen, you are a very good cocksucker already," I said as I petted her head. "Give me those tits again and then you have to head home. Your first lesson is done, but there will be more. That is if Art is the man I think he is. You cannot come back without his approval, and always call and ask before you come here. I may be busy, or Sue could be here. I have to decide how to break this to her. I pinched Ellen's nipples and handed her bra to her. Get dressed and go home. Let me know how Art reacts to all this," I insisted. Ellen beamed when I told her she was a good cocksucker, like I had paid the ultimate compliment. I don't know if Art was the type to enjoy this life, but Ellen seemed to be thriving already. I walked her to the door and opened it for her. She stepped out, turned and put her arms around my neck and kissed me long and deep. "Thanks, Bob. You are a good man. I am already happier than I have been in a long time." She laughed as she told me, "I think Mrs. Gill just saw me kiss you and I am glad! I feel so free!" She bounced down the walk and headed for home. I waited for Sue to get home so I could let her in on the change of events. I was not sure how she would feel, but I was not going to hide it or lie to her. I realized we had attained this newfound happiness by being honest with each other. I was whistling as I went over my accounts and never heard Sue enter the room. "I never knew you to enjoy paper work so much," teased Sue. "Have you decided to be a nerd or something?" She leaned over my back and hugged me, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and tousled my hair. "Ellen Trammel stopped by earlier," I told Sue as I held her arms around me. I felt Sue tense up at this news. "She knows you have sucked Art off and fucked him. He told her all about it the other night after the party." "Oh Dear, now she must hate me. I feel bad for her, and Art. Was she very angry? Did she think she would surprise you? That you would toss me out on my ass? Did you tell her you already knew? Come on, Bob! What happened?" demanded Sue. She walked in front of me and sat down on the edge of my desk. "She did surprise me. Art told her I knew all about it. He told her I suggested you be Jerry's slut to heat up our sex life, which had been ice cold before Jerry entered the picture. She told me you looked truly beautiful lately and she could see the men flocking around you." I watched Sue closely as I continued, "Then she told me that she and Art wanted me to train her, as Jerry has trained you." I waited for Sue's response. She was as surprised as I had been. "Bob! That is quite a compliment to you! I knew the ladies around here had an eye for you. Will you do it? Can Art live with it, and enjoy it as you do? Wow! I am blown away with this," said Sue. "I knew she was watching me at that party." "I want to see how you feel about it, Sue. Would you be jealous, or upset if I trained Ellen as Jerry has you? I do not want to risk what we have" I replied. "Bob, you are always so considerate! I would have to be a worse bitch than I am to stop you from this adventure! You would be perfect for Ellen. It would give us another bit of spice in our love life. You just have to tell me everything and save some cock for me, ok?" asked Sue. I took her in my arms and squeezed her ass and kissed her lips. "I will start telling you right now. Ellen has very nice tits. Not as big as yours, but her nipples are large and stick way out when they get hard." Sue gasped as I spoke. "She is very sensitive and really enjoys oral stimulation," I added. "You already saw her tits and sucked them? You bastard!" laughed Sue. "Now I am horny! Take me to bed and tell me all about it, and you had better have something left in the old tank." I did not disappoint Sue and she seemed even hotter than usual as I told my story and fucked her. This could work out for me, I decided. I began to give thought to my training effort. I did not want to ape everything Jerry had done with Sue. I had to be more original. I knew that Art had a good job in a city about 100 miles away. He worked three days a week and stayed in the city two nights. I could work his schedule with mine. I formed a plan and waited to see what Art and Ellen had decided. Would he be able to handle it? Would they divorce? Would they try to go on as they have been? It was three days later that Ellen called. Sue answered the phone and had a spirited conversation with Ellen as I waited and wondered. It wasn't long before I knew the answer to my unasked question, just from Sue's end of the conversation. After a few pleasantries, Sue said, "Yes, Ellen. Bob does have a very nice cock, but you will learn that his attitude and desire to please make him special." I was feeling great as I listened! Sue was looking at me as she spoke. "But there are bigger cocks on the block. You cannot judge a book by the cover, you know." I frowned at Sue. No reason for her to tell that! "He is standing right here and it looks like he is anxious to speak with you, unless he started carrying a gun," laughed Sue. I grabbed the phone from Sue and turned my back to her. "Hello, Ellen. How is everything going? Are you and Art doing ok?" I asked. Ellen was gushing as she answered, "He has been so passionate, I can't believe it. He has four days off and he has been riding me every day. When I told him what we did, and what I did to you, I thought he was going to explode. His face got all red. He asked me if I liked your cock. I told him very much and expected to get a lot of it." Ellen giggled as she went on, "He grabbed me and I was afraid he was going to hurt me, but he dragged me into bed and had me strip. He saw your marks on my chest and started kissing me all over, every place you had marked. He was a tiger! He ripped his clothes off and made love... I mean he fucked me twice and I came several times. I have never had more than one orgasm per session before." Ellen laughed as she continued, "He tried to get me to suck his cock, but I told him what you said and he laughed! He said he knew you would get pay back! He is so different and attentive. He went out to get some kind of lumber, but told me to be ready for him when he gets back. Bob, he is happy and I am very happy. I never would have believed it, but it is true." I waited for Ellen to take a breather. "Ellen, when is Art going to be staying in the city again?" I listened to her response and told her, "Tuesday will work. Tell him I am going to be taking an overnight trip Tuesday and you are going with me." Sue walked over in front of me, listening closely. I gave Sue a wink. "Yes, you will be going with me, Ellen," I stated very assuredly. Then I added, "The other thing is this. Tell Art I want him to shave your pussy before he leaves. I want it smooth as silk. Will you do that?" Ellen hissed and then laughed, "Bob, you are so wicked! Art will be hammering me all weekend when I tell him this. I will be ready Tuesday, and thanks so much. You will not be disappointed!" Sue was smiling at me as I hung the phone up. Then she asked, "Should I tell Jerry I can host his party Tuesday? The Yankees are playing the Red Sox and he will have a big crowd. It may go extra innings." I looked at Sue and smiled back. We both turned and ran to the bedroom. Tuesday finally came and I was preparing to go on my sales trip. Sue was watching as I packed my overnight bag. I was a little nervous and she could tell. "You act like this is a first date! Ellen will be fine and you will have a great time. When you get back we will have a lot to share, and I won't be doing all the talking this time. I just ask you make me proud, Big Boy. Give that little slut what she needs. I want her to be telling me, and maybe a few others, what an incredible lay you are," Sue chuckled. She added, "And don't worry about me. Jerry has a cousin staying over that will keep me occupied most of tomorrow. That is after the boys watch the game tonight. I doubt they will be watching it too closely. What do you think, Bob?" I looked over at Sue and saw she had a very low shirt that exposed her tits right to the nipples. She was a very sexy woman. "If they are able to concentrate on a ball game with you as the hostess, they need a life. Look at your tits! They are lovely.. no, they are spectacular!" As I spoke I pulled them out of her shirt and squeezed them. Sue pushed me away and stuffed them back in her shirt. "Easy, Bob. You have to save your energy. Besides, I hope to keep these puppies covered for the first couple innings! I am an expert at teasing. Those boys will be drooling over them for awhile." Then she kissed me and told me to be careful and told me she loved me. I kissed her back and went to my car. In a minute Ellen was sliding into the front seat and we were on our way. The first couple hours were filled with her stories about Art and how exciting he had become. I smile as I listened to her. A girl shouldn't tell a man about how much she loved another man, or should she? We were about a hundred miles out when I interrupted Ellen. "Ellen, you are a bit hyper. Maybe you are nervous. I want you to take out my cock and suck it. That will help us both relax. Do a good job. Make Art proud." Ellen gave me a glance, then looked back down the highway. The traffic was light. I knew she was checking to see if anyone would see her. She reached down, unzipped me and pulled out my cock. Just as she was taking me in her mouth, I saw a rig up ahead. It was quite a ways in front, so I sped up just a little. I was having a little trouble concentrating. Ellen was really polishing my knob! Gradually the rig was along side me. I reached down and pulled Ellen's shirt up over her tits and played with her nipples. She moaned and renewed her efforts. Knowing the trucker had to be watching Ellen suck me as I played with her hard nipples did it for me. I gave her a load that she worked to swallow. She finished and sat up grinning at me. Some cum was running down her chin and her big nipples were very hard. I never guessed that Ellen Trammel would look so desirable. I smiled back at her and pointed to her right. Ellen turned and looked into the eyes of the trucker. He was grinning like the cat that got the cream! Ellen gasped, then she took her finger and slid the cum from her chin into her mouth. Then she waved to the lucky voyeur. She never replaced her shirt. That trucker, and more than a few motorists, had an eyeful of Ellen on this trip, at least until it got dark. She was turning out to be a very good traveling companion! We checked into our motel and I stripped down and took a shower. I saw no reason to be modest. Ellen had already given me two blowjobs. She watched me as I came into the room and flopped into bed. Then she went into the bathroom and I heard the shower running. I dozed off watching TV and was awakened by movement next to me. I looked over and saw Ellen looking at me. "I will do my best, Bob, but I am nervous. Art was the only man I ever slept with. I know Sue is more experienced and..," I put my lips on hers and she was silent. I then lifted the sheets and saw her bare pussy. It looked perfect. "Art shaved it, just as you wanted. I have to admit it took a few hours. He kept stopping to f..fuck me," she stuttered. "That is the right word," I told her. "Now I am going to eat you!" I slid down and gave her little pussy some serious attention, She came twice before I stopped and her breathing was ragged. I worked my way back up her and placed my cock at her opening. She tried to slide down and get more inside. I held her tight and she was getting frustrated. "You have to tell me what you want," I told her. " I want to hear you ask for it. So ask!" Ellen was so hot she had steam rising from her box. "Please fuck me with that big cock! Does that make you happy? Is that what you....ahhh!" Ellen moaned as I drove my cock to the hilt into her tight cunt. She came right away. I had some staying power since my earlier blowjob so I stroked in and out for quite some time. She came at least three more times before I left my deposit. Ellen was bathed in sweat and jabbering nonsense by the time I finished. I moved up and put my cock on her lips. Wordlessly, she sucked and cleaned it. When she finished I lay down next to her and she moved against me. She whispered in my ear as I was falling asleep, "That was the best sex I ever had! Thanks, Bob, Good night." The next day when I went to my appointments, Ellen rode with me. I was trying to convince a potential customer of the advantages of doing business with our company. It seemed like I was not going to make the sale. He was one of those guys that always wants something for his business. I was not going to give up any of my commission and we were at loggerheads. That was when he looked out the office window and saw Ellen. She had been doing some window-shopping and was walking back to the car. "Is that your wife," he asked I was tired and discouraged and didn't feel like explaining the situation to him. "Yeah, she is my wife. She likes to get away now and then. This contract will save you...," "Tell you what, Bob," he interrupted. "If your wife will come in here and try to persuade me, I may listen. How bad do you want my business?" he grinned. I felt like knocking his head off. It was a control thing, a desire to show he was top dog. "Am I understanding you?" I asked. "If Ellen uses her considerable persuasive powers, you will sign this contract?" Again he gave me his grin. "That's right, but she has to be pretty persuasive, if you know what I mean." I stood up and walked out to Ellen. She smiled when she saw me and started to enter the car. "Ellen, come here!" I called. She stood back up and looked at me. "I am trying to close a pretty big deal and I need you to persuade this asshole to do business with me. I expect you to do it." I told her bluntly. "I have no idea what to say to him, Bob. I'm not sure what you are even trying to sell him. I don't think I can help," replied Ellen. I took her by the arm and escorted her toward the office. "You don't have to talk! You are a smart girl. I want this contract and you will get it for me, regardless of what it takes. Do you understand me?" Ellen gasped and slowed her step. I swung her around and kissed her hard. "You do want to be trained, don't you? This is a lesson. You do as I say. Now let's go." To her credit, Ellen resumed walking and we went into the room together. "Ellen, this is Mike. Mike, meet Ellen," I introduced them. Mike was looking at Ellen's chest like it was gold. She blushed and trembled a little. "Ellen, it is a bit warm in here, don't you think? Perhaps you should remove your shirt," I told her. I knew she had no bra on. She glanced at me and pulled her shirt over her head. Her nipples were like small stones. She stood still and Mike's mouth dropped open. "So Mike, will you sign the contract?" I asked. He took a couple steps and reached out and squeezed Ellen's nipples. I allowed him a few minutes as he pulled and squeezed her tits like he had never seen a pair before. Then he bent over and sucked on Ellen's big nipples. Ellen was very still; her hands were at her sides. "Mike!" I called. "Are you going to sign now or not?" He came out of his trance, took Ellen's nipple from his mouth, and looked at me. "She is nice, but I need more for that contract. I want some of her pussy," he declared. "Then I sign." "Like Hell," I told him. I knew he expected me to negotiate. "I'll go for a blowjob. Take it or leave it. She is a great cocksucker!" Mike took half a second to take me up on that offer. He nodded and pulled his cock out and waved it at Ellen. What a trooper Ellen was! She kneeled down and started sucking Mike's cock right there. I marveled at her. How long ago was it she was an unhappy, sexually frustrated housewife? About a week ago, I thought. Now she was sucking some prick's cock because I told her to do it. I knew I should feel guilty, but didn't. I decided I would make it up to her with a nice dinner or something. I took the contract and placed it on the desk in front of Mike. "Ellen, dear, please allow Mike to sign my contract before you finish." Then I held a pen out to Mike. He was about to bust a nut! He couldn't sign fast enough. As soon as he finished, he pushed his cock back into what appeared to be, a rather eager mouth. Within a minute, he was shooting into Ellen's mouth. Then he pulled out and sprayed a few ropes over her face and hair. Then he put his cock next to her lips and she sucked and licked him clean. Mike staggered back to his chair as I helped Ellen to her feet. I picked up the contract and turned to Mike. "Thanks, Mike. It was a pleasure!" Mike offered a feeble wave as we went out the door. I hustled Ellen to the car and helped her in. As I sat down and buckled my belt, I looked over at Ellen. She was covered in Mikes' cum. Her face was flushed. "How did I do, Bob?" she asked. "I thought you were going to have me fuck him. He had a nice enough cock. I would have fucked him if you told me." This woman was amazing. She enjoyed being used like this! "Next time, I'll let him." I promised. "I was saving you for myself. Let's get showered and head home, you slut." She slid over next to me and put my hand in her shirt as she spoke, "Thanks, again, Bob. That was so intense! I am such a slut. I can't wait to tell Art. He will be so proud of me." 5404 2.40/512345
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