Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Now That's a Poker Player...Part One
John and Peggy, a married couple in their mid-twenties, invited Bill and Sue, good friends and the same age, over for cards one evening. They were in the middle of a break in play and involved in some funny banter when John accidentally dropped some cards on the floor. Everyone was laughing and joking and nobody seemed to notice when he said "Excuse me" and bent down under the table to pick up the cards. John could not reach them all and got on his hands and knees in order to go under the table. As John reached across and under two different chairs for the cards, he just happened to glance up. Surprise, surprise. Bill's beautiful wife wasn't wearing any underwear! There, seated on a chair with her legs open about 8 inches at the knees, was Sue's pussy, with her golden hairs exposed in all their glory. Shocked and excited by this, John wanted to continue staring but was afraid of raising suspicions. It was kinda dark under there, but John still was able to get a good look at her hair and a little hint of slit from as close as two feet away as he gathered the cards. Upon trying to crawl out from under, John hit his head on the table and emerged red-faced. After some giggles about hitting his head, the game proceeded. John tried to concentrate on the game, but could not take his eyes off of Sue. She was so pretty and it didn't seem possible, but had she shown him her little blonde pussy on purpose? Did Sue realize that he could have seen it from under the table? Did Sue even remember that she was not wearing panties? Maybe 15 minutes later John "accidentally" dropped another card. He made sure that it fell deep enough under the table that he had to drop down to his knees to retrieve it. As one hand retrieved the card, his eyes focused on Sue. Her legs were still open with her pussy exposed. As he stared, her legs slowly opened even more so that her knees were over a foot apart. Damn! This time he could see not only her golden hairs, but also her pink slit, in all its shiny glory. This time John was sure that Sue knew he was under there, because he had dropped a card during play instead of chatter. She for sure knew he had gone under and she had to be opening her legs on purpose. Later, John went to the kitchen to get some refreshments. Bill's wife followed and she helped him by opening a bag of chips and pouring them into a bowl. Trying to feel him out, Sue asked, "You dropped your cards twice. Tell me, a...when you dropped them the second time, was it on purpose?" He looked at her hopefully. "Well, let's say that I wasn't paying a lot of attention to what I was doing. I had, well, other things on my mind." "Such as...?" "I sorta like crawling around on my hands and knees. You never know what you might find when you crawl under a table." Sue was shy and did not want to be the first to mention the obvious. He still wouldn't get to the point, so she decided to encourage him. "Did you see anything that you liked under there?" Well, that answered his question as to whether Sue had done it on purpose. Surprised by what he thought was her boldness, John courageously admitted that, well, indeed he had. Sue seemed to hesitate as if thinking about something, or maybe making up her mind, and then said, "Well, that first time, I didn't realize that you had gone under the table until you hit your head on the way up. When I realized what you must have seen, I was very embarrassed." As she looked at him, her face reddened. "Don't be," he said encouragingly. It can be our secret." She nodded and moved slightly closer to him. "Since we have a secret, I guess I had better explain.Bill likes for me to go without panties sometimes so that he that he can play a little while we drive. I had forgotten all about not wearing any while we were playing cards. After seeing how you were looking at me after that during the game, and then you dropped your cards again, I knew you were interested. I decided that since you had already seen me the first time, that maybe I should take advantage of it." John could not believe where this conversation was going. It sounded like a fantasy that he had been having about Sue for a long time was about to come true. Before now John had always assumed that Sue would be unobtainable. As far as he knew, Sue and Bill were as close as peas in a pod, and according to Bill, she had been a virgin when Bill had met her. That meant that she had only been with one man if that was true. "Aah, what do you mean by 'take advantage?'" Sue hesitated, and then said, "I know that you want me, so you can have me but," she hesitated again, "it will cost you $500." John's peter had already risen halfway, and upon hearing Sue start to say that he could have her, he had instantly become fully erect. Then she had added the shocker. Pay for it? John had been fantasizing that she was about to propose a rendesvous. He had not expected money to be mentioned, but she would certainly be worth it. Normally John would never consider using a prostitute. Paying money for sex was something for old and ugly men, but not him. But here was Sue, beautiful Sue of his fantasies, and she was offering herself to him, and down there was his peter trying to rip through his trousers. After taking a minute or two to assess the financial as well as the moral costs of this offer, John indicated that he was indeed interested. Sue told him that since her husband, Bill, works Friday afternoons and John doesn't, that John should be at her house around 2:00 Friday afternoon. The deal agreed upon, they quickly returned to their partners with the refreshments. John's wife, Peggy looked at them as they placed the chips and drinks on the table. "What were you two up to out there? Fooling around perhaps? I was about to come and check on you." Peggy had a smile on her face when she said it, and Sue made light of the question. "We were making out of course, what do you think?" All four laughed, but John was careful to avoid letting his eyes meet with Sue's. If they had exchanged a look at that moment and either spouse had caught it, they might have been suspicious. Still joking, John and Sue sat down and the game resumed. John could not concentrate and lost the next two hands. His wife seemed irritated, but John laughed it off and said it was a good thing they weren't playing for real money. Sue and he had been exchanging looks again, and all John could think about was being in bed with her. The money he would scrape together somehow. When Friday rolled around, John showed up at Bill's house for the planned time with Sue at 2:00 PM sharp. Sue had been ready for over thirty minutes and anxiously awaiting his arrival. Feeling guilty, she had almost changed her mind two or three tiimes, but now the moment was at hand. There was still time to back out, but now John was ringing the bell, and a commitment had been made. Her body trembling, Sue peeked through the peephole to make sure it was John and then opened the door. Besides a welcoming smile, she was wearing a silky type dress that was not see through, but still did little to hide her lush body. Her pouting nipples were clearly visible through the shiny and thin material, and as he entered, John knew that he was in for a treat. John had also been doing a lot of thinking about this before he had arrived at her house, but his thinking had nothing to do with his backing out. Besides hoping upon hope that she would actually follow through, his thinking was totally sexual in nature. His conscience was not bothering him at all. John was going to cheat on his wife, and be doing it to his best friend's wife, and in his mind, it made it all that more exciting. John had had come up with a pretty good plan on what he wanted and hoped to do. Now he was here, she had opened the door for him, and judging by what Sue was wearing, it looked like she still planned to go through with their agreement. His peter was half erect as he took in her lovely body, which was only slightly hidden by the revealing dress. After showing Sue that he had the $500 cash in hand, which she did not immediately reach out and take, he stepped close to her. This still all seemed like a dream, too good to be true. This was the test. If she responded to his touch... Reaching out, he wrapped his fingers over her breasts through the dress. She did nothing to stop him of course since he had shown the money, and he began getting some good feels of her firm, full, breasts. "Remember," she said while looking up at him, "No one is ever to know about this. If you get mad at your wife or any other circumstance that might come up, you must never blurt out what happens here today. If you and Bill go out to a game and stop for drinks, you have to remember to control your comments. I have my marriage to think about." 'Sure baby. Why would I do anything like that? I'm happily married too." To John, this was pure, raw sex, physical in the nnnth degree. To Sue, there was more. This was sex, true. But she was using money, or rather the need for it, as an excuse to cover the very real fact that she was horny for John. Ever since she had realized that he had seen up her opened skirt and had been wanting her, she had been desiring him as well. Still, she would never be doing this without the money. The money was the incentive, she kept telling herself. As he continued to fondle her, John laid down some rules of his own. He figured that he had her now. It was on, a fuck, and more if he worked it right. He told her that for $500 he wanted more than just a quick fuck. John said that he wanted to screw in at least two positions, and that he also wanted a blowjob, "all the way." Frowning, Sue asked John what he meant by "all the way." By 'all the way', John replied, he meant that she would swallow his cum. He didn't tell Sue, but this was something he never got at home. Oh yes, Peggy would suck him for a while, but cumming in her mouth, even if she didn't have to swallow, was a 'No No." "I...I don't know, I've never swallowed..." Sue hesitated. "You've never swallowed come, and you're a married woman? Well, it's about time we changed that. I think, once you taste my come, you'll wonder why you've been going without." John laughed when Sue made a face and then frowned. John had said "and you're a married woman?" to inply that his wife Peggy gave him blowjobs and swallowed. Letting Sue think that Peggy did it for him, even if she didn't, might help to convince Sue that it was a reasonable request for the money. Sue was being truthful when she said she had never swallowed cum. Her husband had asked her to do so in the early days of their marriage, but Sue had always managed to get out of it. Now though, with Christmas coming on and some bills to pay, Sue needed to scrape together some money over and above the amounts her husband had budgeted. Her husband was really tight with the household account. The biggest reason Sue needed extra money this year was because she wanted to surprise him and buy a better computer for her husband since his was so old. There was kind of a perverse justice to this. It sorta served him right in a way. Her husband didn't give her enough money, so Sue was about to give her body to another man so that she could buy her husband a present. Sue had not initially planned this sexual encounter. When John had gone under the table, Sue had been distracted while talking to John's wife Peggy and had forgotten that she was not wearing panties. It was only after John had banged his head that Sue realized that he had been under the table and her legs had been open. At first she did not know if John had seen under her skirt or not, but during the rest of the game Sue had seen the desire in John's eyes. It was obvious that he had gotten an eyeful under the table. It was only then that she had decided to offer her body to him for money and had opened her legs further on his second trip under the table. She had always considered John to be attractive, but it still had been hard for her to make that offer to him. Her heart had been in her throat when she had said it. If John had declined, she would have been sooo embarrassed. Sue had been relieved when he had agreed, and scared by it at the same time. Now it had come down to doing things for John that Sue had never done for her husband. This had gone pretty far and it would be silly to back out now. After all, he had already seen her pussy, and now he was getting a pretty good feels of her breasts. Her heart pounding, Sue agreed to give John his blowjob, and without thinking, said that she would do anything else he wanted as long as they were done by, say...3:30 or 4 and no later. Pleased, and knowing he had Sue at his disposal for at least an hour and a half or longer, John handed her the agreed sum of $500, and this time she took it. John watched as she laid it on the living room table. She bent over, and he got a good look down the front of her dress. What a body, and man oh man did he ever plan to give her a workout. Sue was kind of looking forward to a workout too. She had always been attracted to John and had often wondered what it might be like to make love to him. Now she would find out. Taking John by the hand, she led him into the guest bedroom so that they could conduct their sexual transaction as Sue had promised. "What now?" she asked. "You first," he replied. "I want to watch you take it off." John admired her as Sue slid her dress up over her head and allowed it to drop to the floor. Underneath she was wearing only an under the cups bra and white panties to match. She had just about the nicest body John had ever seen, not only in person but even topping most women he had seen on TV or in the movies.. "How would you like to begin?" Sue asked. John said that he wanted her to leave her undies on and give him his blowjob first. While still standing beside the bed, he whipped his erect penis out for her to see. Sue gulped when he removed his hand so that she could view it. His penis was just a little longer than her husband's penis, and it was obvious that it was different. It was sort of oval in shape rather than perfectly round, and it was noticeably thicker. The thickness she was very curious about. Sue figured she could handle if he was gentle and maybe she would even enjoy it. The reason Sue had gulped was because his penis was already dripping, huge gobs of pre-coital fluid was hanging off the end of his penis in a string. "No baby, just sit down and suck it," he said when she grabbed a tissue from beside the bed in order to to wipe it first. Sue sat on the edge of the bed in front of him. Opening as wide as she could, she came up under the four or five inch dangling string and took it into her mouth. Then she moved her head up, following and swallowing the string, and took him into her mouth. Committed to going all the way, she began sucking and using her tongue. He felt different, of course, from her husband. Besides the oval shape, with the widest portion being sideways, he was thicker for sure, and the skin under her tongue felt somewhat coarser. Sue was surprised to find that there was not much taste from his fluid, but quite a lot continued to flow as she sucked, and Sue had to swallow several times. When his knees started to tremble, John sat on the edge of the bed and Sue got down on her knees before him and resumed her chore. John placed his hands on each side of her head and gently held her by the ears. He guided her head up and down at the exact speed that he liked. She tried to go deep and gagged. "No baby. You don't have to go deep, just keep your mouth up around that nice knob I have waiting for you. That's where it feels best." She continued to suck, getting it to it now. Her tongue moved faster, and he moaned slightly. "You can nibble with your teeth too if you like. I enjoy that if you don't do it too hard." She experiemented, using her teeth ever so easy, and he closed his eyes and sighed. "Oh yes, that's the way." "That's it baby. You are using your tongue, teeth and lips just right. When we made this arrangement three days ago I made it a point not to fuck my wife or jack off until I got to you. I've got a load all saved up just for you, so be ready to swallow. It's almost there honey. Keep your mouth on it. Oh baby, it's going to be a big meal for you so get ready." Groaning as he came, it was almost like an explosion. His come shot forth into her mouth like a cannon. Sue quivered as she felt the hot and thick come running over her tongue and beyond. She kept her mouth on him and tongued around his knob during his entire orgasm. She could feel the hot spurts shooting from the tip of his dick and going across her tongue. Since it was his first climax, there was quite a load for her to swallow. The spurts continued., five, six, seven, and then finally, the dribbles as his orgasm continued for a while longer and finally wound down. With her mouth almost overflowing, Sue had to stop the sucking motion in order to swallow most of it. As she pulled her mouth off the head, she quivered and then closed her mouth, swallowed and allowed the thick mass to flow down her throat. Somehow Sue managed to get his hot load down and appear to enjoy it. "Well, how was it? I know there was quite a bit, and you seemed to survive." She looked up at him and smiled, "It was easier than I thought, but there was really a lot of it. I had to take my mouth off the head for a minute because I couldn't swallow with my mouth open so wide. I hope you didn't mind." She phrased it as a question, and he smiled as he held his dick in front of her wet lips. "No baby, that was fine. You did good, I shot my whole load in your mouth. Watching you keep your mouth over it while I was shooting and then seeing you swallow was just sort of, well, it's hard to describe. It sort of makes a man feel...special, if you can understand that." She touched the tip of her tongue to his dick and laughed. "Yes, I guess I do. I'm surprised at myself for managing so well." "Well, you did good, and I have some left, so open wide..." She moved in closer, and he said, "Put your tongue out." When she stuck it out, he placed the tip of his semi-hard dick over the end of her tongue and used his fingers to milk his cock, draining what remained of his cum into her mouth. The first blob was fairly large, and Sue grinned up at him and swallowed. He stroked his penis full length two more times, and on the second attempt one more blob, a small one, came forth. Again, with a smile on her face, Sue swallowed. His penis now soft for the moment and dangling out of his opened fly, John bent over and lifting Sue up by her elbows, proceeded to undress her. When her bra and panties came off, John grinned with pleasure. Her body completely exposed was even better than he had imagined. Feeling them for the first time skin to skin, he cupped her lovely breasts in his hands. These breasts needed no bra for support, that was for sure. He gently squeezed them for a few seconds, played with her erect nipples, and then stepped back to remove his shirt and pants. Still trying to get the rest of his thick come to go the rest of the way down her throat, Sue sat back down onto the bed and watched while he undressed. His body was nice too. Married, they would make a fairly attractive couple she thought, although her own husband was more her type mentally. "Good blow job baby, but don't forget, now we fuck in two different positions." 15117 2.09/512345
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