Thursday, January 24, 2013
This really big guy is sitting at a bar having a few too many to drink with a couple of buddies from work. Around seven, when it is time to leave, the two buddies head for the door. The big guy suddenly gets this feeling that he has to make an urgent call to the potty. His wife at home will just have to wait a little longer. He doesn't do the bar bit with his buddies very often, maybe a couple of times a month. His wife knows where he is, so he is in no particular hurry. He tosses the rest of his brew and staggers into the bathroom. He sees this really short guy just walking up to one of two floor length urinals to take a piss. There is no divider between the urinals. Normally the big guy would wait until the other guy was done before going up to the urinal but he really has to go, so he takes the stall to the left of the short guy. He is about to wet his pants as he quickly unzips and yanks his dick out. His stream starts flowing immediately, beating the little guy to the draw. Oh yeah, the pause that refreshes. The big guy happens to glance over at the little guy and he can't believe his eyes. The little guy, who has not yet started to piss, is right-handed, which means that his hand does not block the view from the drunk's angle. The little guy is pulling out his dick and when it comes out the guy is holding a dick that is dangling down, way down. It looks like a good eight inches of soft, thick and uncut meat, which is two inches longer than the big guy's is when he is hard. Being well under the weather from booze, he just can't help saying to the guy "Man that is a big dick! I wish that I had a dick that big!" Immediately he is embarrassed that he has said that, but it is too late. The little guy holds off on pissing just yet. Instead, he holds his penis out away from his body so that it is pointing out a ways before curving down at the end of his fingers. He has had a couple of drinks but is not drunk, so he grins good-naturedly, takes a quick look at the big guy's penis, and then looks up at the big guy's face. "Well, all tis not perfect when you have a big dick. For instance, take this urinal." At that point he indicates toward the urinal with his head, which guides the drunk into looking down in that direction. Of course, that long penis is right in his view as the little guy goes on. As the little guy keeps talking, he shakes his penis and uses it as a pointer as he talks about the urinal. "I'm glad that this is the kind of urinal that goes all the way down to the floor. I'm on the short side in height as you can see, and on the urinals that are waist high to a normal man, I have to hold me dick up to keep it from landing in the urinal." As he says the word up, the little guy raises his penis so that it points up. The big guy laughs, relieved that he has not been made fun of for a couple of reasons. One reason is because he had admired and commented on the little guy's dick. That meant that he had admitted to looking over to see the man's penis, which in heterosexual circles is considered a 'no-no.' And two, he had in effect revealed or admitted that his own penis was smaller. Now the subject was out in the open, the big penis and his own smaller one was right out there for them both to see, and they could talk about them. "Well, that's a problem I wouldn't mind living with if I could have a dick like that." "Well" says the little guy, who still is holding off on pissing. "I'm a leprechaun and I can grant you one wish, and all you have to do is suck on me wang!" Suck his cock? In horror of the thought the man exclaims, "I don't think so you little faggot, not even for a dick that size!" "Fine then" says the leprechaun, who looks away and prepares to piss. Sensing that the guy is still peeking over at it, he slowly peels the thick foreskin back, revealing a purplish colored shiny head. Then while holding the skin back as he begins to urinate, he aims it with his hand, pissing to the right, left and making circles with his stream. He takes one quick peek up and to his left. Sure enough, the drunk is staring down at it. When he is done, he makes a show of shaking it off because he knows the big guy is still peeking at it with envy. After giving it a couple of shakes, he milks it down, bringing still one last drop to the end. He shakes that off as well. Then, instead of putting it away immediately, he leaves it dangling and continues to stand at the urinal as he pulls on the flush handle. Meanwhile the big guy has taken note of the little guy's face as well as his dick. He has long bushy eyebrows and a crooked little nose. He does in fact sort of look like the drawings the drunk has seen of Leprechauns. The big guy can't take it any longer and without thinking clearly in his drunken state stammers "All...All right... I'll do it." Then he realizes that they are in a pretty exposed area. "But how, someone will see us?" Let's go into the toilet stall," said the little man. After they had entered the stall, the little man closed the door, latched it and said, "Pull down your trousers around your ankles and sit on the toilet." "But why pull my pants down, " asked the big man?" "That will be so that if anyone comes into the restroom and looks under the wall, they will see your pants down as you sit on the pot and not know that you are doing anything other than the real business." "I see, that makes sense," said the big guy. So he pulled his pants and underwear down around his ankles and sat upon the pot. His circumcised penis, short and sort of thick looking was hanging down, pointing at the water below. But the view was not real good because the drunk's legs were fairly close together. "Spread your legs so I can see your dick more clearly." He didn't know why he had to, but the drunk opened his legs so that the knees were a couple of feet apart. The little guy openly stared down, taking a good look. "Now I can better see your dick," said the Leprechaun. It could stand to grow a goodly amount." The drunk tried to defend his diminutive appearing cock. Well, it is all shrunk up from being nervous," he replied, defensively. The little man snickered. But I would wager that it would grow to no more than." he hesitated and made a show of bending a little lower, then peered closely at the dick, "I'd say it would go six inches at best." The drunk nodded. "That's about right, a puny average-sized six inches." "Tis growth you need, and growth ye shall receive by the sucking," laughed the Leprechaun. "But I can't reach your dick from here, " the drunk said, "You will be too low." Here is how it shall be," said the little man. "This is why you needed to open your legs, but you need to open your legs even wider." When the legs were opened as far as the drunk could get them in his seated position, the little man climbed up and stood upon the seat. This placed his penis at exactly the right height and just inches from the big guy's mouth. The big guy, maybe involuntarily, opened his mouth as he stared at it from eye level. He looked to be in awe of it, such as a little boy might be the first time he has seen a new, fascinating toy under the Christmas tree. "Now if anyone looks under when they come in, all they will see will be your two legs and pants. They will not know what happens above." The drunk could only nod his head in acknowledgment. "Here it be," says the little man, moving closer to his mouth. "Suck it to see what thee will end up with for thyself." His penis had not begun to grow as yet. It was still hanging down and waiting for the pleasure to come. So the big man leans forward, reaches with both hands and brings the dangling meat close to his mouth. He has never done anything like this before, but the feel of this wiener, which is already starting to grow in his hands is overpowering. Besides the hugeness of the thing, it is uncut. The drunk has never seen what it is like to stroke a dick with a foreskin. He gives it a stroke, pulling the foreskin back and up. His mouth breathes out a little 'wow' as he watches and feels how the thick foreskin slides up and down over the head. The little guy chuckles. "That's right, explore all thee wishes. Tis a wonderful thing to have a dick like that, and you can feel free to feel all thee likes." The drunk strokes it again, and then once more while thinking how much easier it would be to jack his own dick off if only he had a foreskin like this one. And it is still growing, now pointing straight out towards the drunk's mouth. Thinking that it is already to full size, he knows he absolutely must have one like it. Embarrassed, he looks up into the face of the Leprechaun and says, "Now don't think I am homosexual or anything. I've never touched another guy's dick. I'm married. I just want you to know that. The reason I'm doing this is because I want one like this to surprise my wife with. I've always wondered if she might like one bigger than mine." The little man laughs softly. "I knew when I first saw you that you were married. I could tell. Twas what I thought thee wanted it for. Most women might like a large wang to call their own. Wait till you see what your reward shall be when it grows. Suck away good man, and ye shall have one like it to pleasure your wife with, and I can assure you she will be most pleased." Licking his lips, probably from nervousness, the drunk opened his mouth as wide as he could and using his hands placed the penis into his mouth. He closed his lips over the head and tentatively touched the tip with his tongue. He shivered, mostly from excitement. "Oh yes, tis the way, my friend," the little guy said. With that, the leprechaun undid his belt and allowed his trousers to fall to his knees. Now his balls were showing as well. As the big guy begins to suck the leprechaun's dick amazingly grows even thicker, and it continues to grow in length as well. He keeps his mouth completely over the head and lets out a little moan as he feels the head growing, ever growing in his mouth. He sucks and the head grows larger still. He can feel the shaft thickening and lengthening in his hands, but it is the head filling his mouth that has his attention. Finally the head has grown so big that the big man has trouble fitting his lips around it. His hands are full too because it is now over ten inches in length. The big man pulls his mouth off for a minute so that he can take a look at the whole thing that he is holding. He gives it a long stoke with his hand and says, almost breathlessly..."Wow, what a wiener. My wife would love this." With that, he begins sucking once again. By looking past the drunk's head and down to the side, the little guy can see the big guy's dick, way down below. It has become fully erect, and looks to be closer to 5 inches in length instead of six. The little man smiled to himself and said nothing. The drunk, like most men, had exaggerated his penis size, even under these conditions. "Now you see what can be yours for your woman to enjoy," says the little man as he looks down at the bobbing head and the dick below him. "She will be most pleased." It is time for his surprise, and he springs it. "Now, to get your wish granted," the little man continues, "you have to keep sucking and swallow all the juice. You must not spill a drop cause it's the juice that is the secret. The juice will make thee dick grow big." The man quivers at the thought. Juice? He has to swallow the cum? But that makes sense. If he is going to be able to grow from giving this blowjob, it stands to reason that he has to take something from the little guy. But swallow cum? That will be hard to do. He valiantly continues to suck, determined to stick it out to the end. In his mind he has now formed an image as to how it might be. There will be hot, thick come shooting forth out of the hole in the head. For good measure, as he thinks it, his tongue goes to the hole and he shoves the tip partially into the hole. It is large, and it seems like his tongue can go fairly far within. This is where the cum will shoot forth. It will blast into his mouth, shot after shot, and he has to keep his mouth on it and somehow swallow everything that comes out. How much will there be? Using one hand, he feels for the little guy's balls. They had not been that important before, and the drunk had only glanced at them because this cock had looked so large. But now he feels the balls. They are about the same size as my balls, he thinks. But of course on this little man they appear to be larger. This is where his juice is, waiting to fill my mouth and then my stomach. This is where the juice is that will make my dick grow until it is just like this one. In his youth, he had tasted his own come. Once, immediately after jacking off to a good climax, he had immediately poured the come in his hand into his mouth and tried to swallow it, just to see what is was like. It had been hard to do. It had tasted slightly salty, but the taste had not been the bad part. The feel of his come had been the worst. Slippery, slimy, and feeling almost alive. He had almost gagged, but had managed to swallow it. It had been the one and only time he had tried that. The Leprechaun was grinning down at the top of the drunk's head. He had felt the tongue go into the hole in his penis after he had told the drunk he must swallow the juice. He knew what was coming next and was not surprised in the least when the drunk had followed up by feeling his testicles. "It will be easier to swallow the juice if thee plays with thyself at the same time. Do not come before me. If you stay hard, you will be aroused and find it easier to swallow all the juice. Then, as you clean my drip, you can finish your business with thyself." The drunk was remembering the one time he had swallowed his own cum. He was already cooling off, his sexual desire waning as he had placed the cum from his hand into his mouth. He had thought about that, and figured that if he had somehow been able to have his dick in his mouth while he was actually coming, that it might have been a lot more exciting to be tasting it. Now he had the chance for half of that thought. He would have a dick in his mouth that was coming, but it would not be his own. But he would get to come right after, so he answered, "Yes, I think that would be a good idea. I was thinking that as you said it." That said, the drunk reached down with one hand and began to play with himself. He had been wanting to do this, but had been afraid of what the Leprechaun might think. He had been thinking that by just sucking, it was because he wanted to 'earn' a big penis of his own. By playing with himself openly in front of the little man, he was also admitting that he found it to be arousing. Holding and sucking this strange, wonderful and warm piece of human flesh had thoroughly aroused him. He was not gay, but this was probably the most erotic thing he had ever done, surpassing anything he had done with his wife to date, except for maybe the time she had allowed him to take pictures. He had wanted to masturbate, and now he had permission. What the Leprechaun had said made sense too. If he swallowed this come while he was still hard and ready to come himself, that might make the swallowing easier to do. Just then someone entered the restroom, and all conversation stopped. The drunk sucked quietly and the little man held him gently by the ears, guiding his mouth, in and out, slow and easy. They could hear the sound of the man outside pissing into the urinal beside their stall. It was a typical loaded with beer piss, taking a long time. Then they heard the flush, and the sound of the man leaving the bathroom. Now they could talk again. "Now tell me about thy wife. I want to know about her body, and how you think she might react when she finally gets a dick like this." The drunk took his mouth off long enough to ask. "Why do you need to know about my wife?" Actually, in his present state of arousal, and it was arousal with a stranger who did not know his wife, he didn't mind talking about her. But he was curious as to why the Leprechaun wanted to hear about her. "Because," the Leprechaun replied, "if we talk about your wife, I shall be shooting a bigger load thinking about her getting your dick when it looks like this one. The larger the load you swallow, the bigger thy dick will be. I can see thy dick below right now, and it is very small compared to mine. I will have an image in my mind of that dick, your dick, looking big like mine as you put it into your wife. She will be so happy. So tell me about your wife while you suck. Take your time so that I have time to build a truly large load. Take your mouth off to talk, stroke slowly with thy hand, then give a lick, and then talk some more. The longer thee suck my dick, the larger the load thee shall receive. And in the process, thy own climax will be stronger as well." "My wife," (slurp), "Is very pretty. (Stroke stroke) She is young compared to me, only twenty-five, and she has never had another man besides me. That is why, (suck, one stroke, two, three), I want a dick like this one." The little guy smiled. He had this guy not only wrapped around his dick; he had him wrapped around his finger. Anything he wanted to know, this guy would tell him. "You are sure that you are her only man? Did you feel her cherry as you broke it?" (Slurp) "Yes, most definitely she had a maidenhead. (Slurp slurp). I felt it with my finger before I put my dick into her. (Tongue around the head). I could feel her tear as I pushed my dick into her. She moaned and cried out. And she bled a little, afterwards" The little man smiled and laughed softly. That is good. You know for sure that you were the first, and hopefully, still the only one." "Yes, yes," the drunk replied, looking up into the little man's eyes. "I am sure she has never cheated on me, at least not yet." The little man had led the drunk around to where he wanted the conversation to head. "Have you ever talked to her about fucking other men, maybe men with bigger cocks?" The drunk removed his mouth and thought for a second. "She has wondered about other men, I am sure. With this, (he gave the big dick a stroke for emphasis) her wondering would be over." He sucked some more, than said, "As a matter of fact, I know that she has wondered about other men because we have talked about it. When I ask her, usually when we are fucking, she jokes about taking a big guy while I watch. I think it even turns her on more, because she seems to come easier. But then, after we are through fucking, if I ask her about it then, she always says she was just joking, and really does not want a man with a big dick. You know how it is, she claims she loves only me." "Yes, I understand. But deep down, you believe that she is in fact thinking of getting a big cock. Tell me, all those times you talked to her about other men, was it you that always brought up the subject, or did she ever bring it up?" The little man could see the frown on the drunk's face as he thought about his answer. "I was always the one to bring it up, except.." he paused, "except for the last time we made love. She brought it up first." "How did she say it? Were you inside her at the time, or was it after you finished?" "It was while I was in her. I had fucked her for a while, kind of hard and fast actually. I was still inside and started taking a break before trying to make her come and letting my load go. She said something like, "I almost came just then. I was thinking about the other night when we were talking about other men and their cocks. It got me more excited." The little man smiled. This was the conversation he wanted to hear. It might fit into his goal, which was to maybe get to go home and fuck this man's wife. "What did she say" Did she just talk about other men, or did she go into cock size?" The drunk was remembering. That comment by his wife had both excited and scared him. She had mentioned other men, and done it on her own, but in their conversation that night previous all the men, the other men, supposedly had big cocks. He had immediately wondered if she was just fantasizing, or wishing that his penis was larger because he wasinside her and she could feel it. Or maybe because she couldn't feel it. He was completely hard, yes, but was that enough? "That's exactly what I asked her. Was she thinking about just strange men, or was she thinking about big dicks, and maybe wishing she could try one?" "And her answer..?" "Well, she had just blurted that out. When I asked her what she meant, she had had more time to think about it, and she gave me the usual 'I was just teasing. I love you, and you are plenty big enough for me." The Leprechaun laughed, and made sure the drunk heard it. "But you think at first she was coming out with her true feelings, her desires, don't you? She had you inside her and was thinking, maybe wishing that she had a bigger dick to feel. Is that it?" The drunk took his mouth off the dick and sort of hung his head down like a little boy who is being scolded. The Leprechaun knew his feelings. "Yes, I thought that at the time, and thinking about it afterwards I still think that is what she meant. But she didn't admit it." The Leprechaun caressed the side of the drunk's face. It was like he was trying to give comfort to the man who was engaged in sucking his cock, and actually, doing a very good job of it. "And I am sure that she was thinking about other men and their big cocks. You see, it is nice to marry a virgin, but you can never be sure that, once you are married and time goes by, that she isn't thinking what it might have been like to be in bed with other guys. You always have that worry: 'Is she wondering? Is she curious? Will she go out and experiment to see if she married a man that is as good in bed as other men?' If she had been with other men before you, then fucked you and still married you, then you can feel pretty sure that she is happy with how you are in bed, and most importantly, if your equipment measures up." He giggled, "unless she married you for money. In that case it would not matter how much cock you have, because she can always go looking." The drunk chuckled, "Well, she didn't marry me for money. I'm doing all right, but I'm not what you would call rich. But you're right, I've always wondered if she ever thinks about the men she might have missed, in bed." The little man gently guided the drunk by the ears, moving his head back and forth on his dick. "You are lucky to have met me. I will likely be the instrument that keeps your wife from maybe going out and experimenting someday to see what a bigger dick than yours might feel like. If she has a big dick of her own at home, she will no longer be seeking one. Now tell me about her tits, and her pussy." Without hesitation, the drunk revealed details of his wife. "Her titties are nice and firm. She is somewhere between a B and C in size. We've talked about it, and I've even gone with her shopping for bras and helping her while she's trying them on. It's a turn on. She wears either a padded C cup bra, or an unpadded B, that is, whenever she wears one. She doesn't need a bra to hold them up. Her nipples are pink for the most part, and they get hard when I suck on them." Suddenly the drunk paused. He waited for dramatic effect, and then went on. "I have a photo of her in my billfold. Would you like to see it?" "Yes, absolutely," breathed the little guy. "That will help me with my thinking of her, and the load thy will swallow will be all the greater." This was going great. The drunk was sucking his dick, he was giving intimate details of her and their sex life, and now he was going to see her photo. Getting a chance to fuck this man's wife was coming closer all the time. The drunk released his grip on the baseball bat and kept his mouth on it while he bent down and fumbled around his pants, which were down around his ankles. Then he pulled his billfold out and started to open it with two hands. All the while, his mouth never released the cock. It was a funny sight to see as the drunk raised the billfold over his head with one hand so that he could see it, kept the dick in his mouth, and used his other hand to fish out the photo. He offered it to the outstretched hand. In it, the wife was fully dressed, but in a mini type skirt and a tight blouse. It was taken from the thighs up, while she was standing. Her smiling face was lovely, almost like an angel, and the eyes in the photo looked right through you. They looked like trusting eyes, the eyes of a woman who loved the man who was taking the photo. "She is quite beautiful," said the little guy. Now I know what the woman looks like who owns the pussy that your peter shall be going deeper into and spreading wider in the future." The Leprechaun planned to talk as intimately and dirty as possible about the drunk's wife in order to get him to open up, revealing all about his wife. Besides that, the more he revealed, the more likely it would be that he might end up inviting the little man home with him. Phase one, to get him to tell all about her was working, because the drunk now wanted to do just that. "I have one more photo. Several more actually." His voice shook. "She has her clothes off." The drunk paused, as if waiting to hear the little guy's reply. He had always had a secret desire to show the photos to someone, just to see their reaction. And of course, it would build his ego to know that the person viewing the photo would probably want to fuck her, but only her husband got to. The little guy's reply was immediate. "You have naked shots of her? Yes, if you have them with you, show those to me. Your reward will be a gusher, I can assure you." 17694 1.88/512345
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