Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Reality: Mr S. returns, Prostitution Dares, Degradation and Naughty Thrills pt. 3
To those that didn?t read part 1 or 2, to give a brief description I?m an attractive self employed small business woman now 38yo married white mother of 3. I?m 5?8? tall 140lbs with auburn hair and fair alabaster skin. After a long time of neglect by my husband I turned first to the internet for a little sexual stimulus during masturbation. After surfing the porn sights a while I started getting interested in interracial sex. When I found out my husband was cheating on me again I had a desire to try it for real. With the help of a female friend I knew was into sex with black men I was able to try it and found I truly enjoyed having my sex stuffed with big black cock. Around six months later in an interracial chat room I met Mr. S it was then that things got interesting. We never met because of distance and I had decided from many no shows that I wasn?t going to bother any longer with online dating. Since I had few real experiences we started this game where he would give me these dares or challenges to do. As long as they were reasonable and I could do them without getting hurt, involving animals or being found out unless I was careless I would actually go out and try to do these dares. I will say I had a lot of control over what I did and with whom I had sex with which kept risks to a minimum. There is references in this story to challenges of the past so if you should want any more details I suggest you read ?Reality: Looking for new things to try and Reality2: The dare game goes on by Vivan (they misspelled my name) in the Dark Wanderer Story site. I went on birth control shots not long after I lost track of Mr.S. in late spring. I only saw him a few times all summer and the dares he tried to give me were too far out and not within my guidelines. I had to remind him that this isn?t just fantasy and these challenges have to be realistic if I was to do them so those were just not done. I also surfed the net again finding that other interracial chat-room and story sight. There they had the white woman?s obligations, a list of things expected of a black cock slut. I have to say reading them the first time last year they sounded like complete nonsense but now some seem to make sense. They also have a questionnaire about being turned out as a prostitute and that really hit home. Many had asked me about becoming a prostitute in the Dark Cavern chat after they had read my stories. I have to say going that one step beyond is not for every woman, my first time it gave me a rough time with my emotions. I did however accept the fact that now I?m a whore for black cock and at times get a perverse thrill out of selling my body. You can judge me ill if you wish but there is something about letting myself go that low that totally released all my sexual inhibitions. I?m a hooker, a whore. a prostitute I now admit it to myself and I know it sounds strange but by releasing my mind the orgasms I have had having sex for money are quite powerful. I know I will never need to actually make a living doing this nor will I ever walk the streets, which would be too dangerous. I do find it very fulfilling to prostitute my body as a call girl or better an escort where my ?dates? are set and the men screened. I love my new sex life and have no regrets as to what I have done; in fact I wish every female could release their inhibitions and feel what I have. I?m no saint if I were I would not be writing these stories or be hanging out in an interracial chat-room like Dark Cavern. I?m a whore and now whether they are right or wrong the things I do will reflect that. During the summer I kept it kind of low key for me and only had sex with Gina?s black lovers and went to a few of the interracial sex parties with the group I was introduced to by her. I also danced two more times at that black gentlemen?s club. I gave the manager my cell number in case there was an emergency and he needed a stripper. During that same time period in the Dark Cavern chat I talked to several people and found most did enjoy my stories. A few of them wanted to take the place of Mr.S. and give me dares to do. All of these challenges were so ridiculous wanting to involve animals or having me do the most outrageous things, such as having an anal sex gang bang with over thirty black men so I just said forget about it. I guess they thought it was role-play or fantasy and not that I intended to actually go and do them. Surprise Mr.S. showed up in chat in late September. We had a nice chat and after reminding him of my dare rules he came up with a nice challenge. I was to be paid entertainment at either a bachelor party or football party with black men. The key word here is paid as he wanted me to again be a prostitute. I had heard of one by one of Gina?s lovers but was too late to get in on that so now I had to find one. Unless some friend is having one (I sure would not be the whore at any friends party) they are impossible to find. That same black lover of Gina?s introduced me to a friend, Diane who ran an escort service that specializes in arranging white female escorts for black men. I told her what I was looking for and she had a bachelor party coming up and gave me the job. Party was pre paid I handled no money and was to be paid after by her. They were to be charged by how many men contracted and if any extra I was to tell and their card would be billed accordingly. I was of course to be a full service escort as well as the two other girls Laura and Carol, both much younger than me in their early twenties. Twelve black men were contracted that meant four each, when we entered the hotel room there was a lot more black men than expected, the count twenty six. Carol freaked at the number and left, it was then up to me and Laura to handle them all. She told me she was game if I was so that night in a gang bang orgy the two of us sucked and fucked all twenty six black men. A few had us twice including the groom to be and Sam the host of the party. We both left the hotel a bit sore and leaking cum from our well overfilled pussies. My new friend and I both had a feeling of accomplishment to a job well done and she told me she would work with me anytime. I have to say it was fun being the center of attention among all those men and being a paid hooker gave me this uncanny thrill the entire time. As they say after the first times a woman gets used to being a paid whore. This time I felt only pleasure and lust and none of the misgivings I had that first time. I was amazed at how much I was paid Diane gave us both extra because we went ahead and covered the job without the third girl; we also were paid for the extra men. Diane knew this was to be a one time thing for me, I told her I was grateful she let me do this and I gave her my cell number and said if she has an emergency I may be available. So far I did do one other date for her, a one on one and yes it was full service. Again as the last time I prostituted I put the money from both ?dates? in the college fund for my three daughters. Must have been a month later I saw MR.S. again and tell him about the dare. We chatted some and he had to go with no challenge this time but did say he would be in a lot more often now. A few weeks later, now Saturday late November a year since we first met and started this dare game I find Mr. S. in Dark Cavern. It had been some time since I had done something naughty and prodded him to give me a hot challenge. I wanted something risky to excite me; it had to be the risk of being caught since I was on the shots, although it soon needed to be renewed. Telling Mr.S. I was going that afternoon to the Mall in Maryland with my girls to get some thing they only have there. This mall is mostly black shoppers and rarely go there with my girls but is where I have done several exhibition challenges in the past. I figured another short skirt panty-less exhibition dare, maybe the girls will see maybe not. Well I wasn?t far off he told me to use a tube top as a skirt but was permitted to wear panties this time. I didn?t own a tube top big enough to go around my ass so I would have to buy and change there. Mr. S then remembered that the truck stop from my first glory hole dare was on the way. My stomach started to ache when he made the second part of the challenge. We were to stop for gas I was to go into the rest room leave the door unlocked and stall door unlatched partially open. I was then to get nude and see if I could suck at least one cock at the glory hole and fuck one other, then see if I could get back to the car without getting caught. Ever since we started this game Mr. S. has tried to get at least one of my girls to catch me,. My thinking at this time I would do the exhibition dare but skip the glory hole, no way could I hide it especially from my impatient youngest. When I signed off chat to go to the mall I found my girls were invited to a movie with friends. My oldest Heather now sixteen and a new driver wanted any chance to drive told me she would go with me. On the way to the mall without her younger sisters my oldest confessed to me she found some stories in the Dark Wanderer story sight. She said things looked all too familiar and then she read about the dare where I was to walk out nude to get the mail and my daughters and a friend saw my black dolphin tattoo. She then knew for sure it was me that wrote them. She asked how much was real, embarrassed I simply told her there was some writers privilege and left it at that hoping she would think most was fiction not fact. Heather told me later on my computer she found the originals in my office program along with my notes and was sure some were very real. To say the ride to the Mall was a little uncomfortable to me hearing my daughter found my stories and now knows some of the things I had been doing. She did ask about some of the minor dares and my times at Gina?s I had to confess to those she knew of Gina and her thing for black men was no secret. My daughter then surprised me and told me she thought it was super cool that her mom was such a hottie. Heather then said that after all the times her dad cheated on me it was about time I finally went out and had some fun for myself. I was a little stunned that she knew about him and told her so; Heather simply said that the three of my daughters knew for years but he is their father and didn?t know what to do. Being the oldest they confided in her and with many of their friends parents divorced they said nothing afraid of what may happen At the mall I figured what the hell she knows of the previous exhibition dares so we found a shop with hot little tube tops and I found one that did fit around my ass. When I came out Heather laughed and said I looked incredibly hot she then asked if it was a dare from my Mr. S to wear it? I told her yes it was my dare to do just that and go shopping wearing it. Giggling my daughter said wait and went to the rack and found one for herself, I said nothing when she went into the booth to change. Coming out I was shocked, here was my daughter no longer the little girl I knew, here stood a stunning very sexy young woman with a body and look most would die for. There she stood 5?6? tall 125lbs. her fathers honey blond hair long to mid back, my emerald green eyes, 34C high firm breasts, 24in waist and 36in hips. I looked at her smiling face and suddenly realized for the first time just how beautiful and sexy my daughter really was. Maybe I?m a little biased about her beauty but then I am her mother; however others think she is beautiful as well. I looked at her very short tube top skirt and it was obvious she was panty less she then saw I was wearing mine, I told her they were permitted this dare. I was wrong when I thought she would put hers back on, Heather simply said: mom, all your others were panty-less why change now. I removed my panties, my daughter permitted to shave for her bikini this past summer still kept her pussy bare as did I. I paid for the tube top skirts then for over two hours my sixteen year old daughter and I shopped the mall giving everyone that could get slightly below us a good show of our sex and asses. We always had a crowd of black men and boys following us especially around stairs and escalators Heather?s thighs wet as well as mine showed she was as aroused as I was exhibiting ourselves around the mall. We left the mall both hot and excited Heather talked more about my stories. My daughter told me how hot they made her and admitted that she masturbated to them often knowing it was her own mother doing such hot things and with black men no less. On the ride as she told me these things and me still very aroused from sharing that little exhibition dare with my own daughter, I wondered if I could pull off the second half of the challenge. I was thinking with it being just her I could have her fill the car, this giving me time. I could run in set the door and stall as required then immediately suck one then fuck another. I would then push out the cum in the toilet wipe up and get back to the car. As we came to the truck stop I made my decision, I love the thrill of the gamble, I told Heather to pull in we needed gas. I have to say I feel a lot more comfortable having sex at this glory hole as to the one in the adult store. For one: it is a lot cleaner and two: at this truck stop the hole does not go from the ladies room into the men?s restroom but into a shop storage room which means I only have sex with employees of the station. I noticed this one day I was here giving oral, when the men switched I could see thru the hole into the room. I saw not another restroom but a store room filled with boxes of oil and other supplies. It is a lot less likely that any of the men would have STD?s here and share them with co-workers and friends. The glory hole at the adult store I had to be more on my toes before I chose a cock I would let inside me. That is something quite difficult if I have my lust upon me. I find when I?m very aroused it is difficult to have any real rational thought and I do or permit things I may not when not in lust and have a clear head. It was a good thing when I was doing the challenge at that adult store I had a lot more time between cocks for my body and brain to cool and I could choose more rationally. After we pulled up to the pumps I swiped my card and left Heather to fill the car telling her I needed to pee. I had to hurry, quickly I entered and as told I didn?t lock the main door or latch the stall door. Without even stopping I immediately put my fingers thru the hole and was rewarded with a nice thick black cock. Quickly to my knees I had it in my mouth, I removed my top as I sucked that black dick. In my haste I paid no attention to my surroundings just my task at hand, fingers in my pussy getting me wet for the next. It took a little time he was not as quick as most, I think he helped prolong it, working diligently soon his cum was sliding down my throat. Once he was done the next black cock came thru the glory hole, longer also thinner. I had to fuck him and fast, only a few strokes with my mouth to get him wet I turned and into my pussy he went. My pussy was soaked, I always get that way doing nasty things and risking getting caught by my daughter was about as naughty as I have been in a long time. Pumping hard and fast he lasted only a few minutes and then he too was emptying his balls this time deep inside my pussy. As he was cumming inside me, in orgasm I pushed my pussy hard to the wall. I was still in orgasm when that cock pulled out of my pussy and immediately another slid easily into my creamy cunt. This one was longer, I had mixed feelings I knew I didn?t have time for three but he felt so damn good. We could not have taken five strokes when I looked up, horrified I saw my daughter watching as I was fucking some unknown black thru a glory hole. I didn?t know what to do; the man on the other side had no idea and just kept fucking my white married pussy. A few moments passed and as I looked at my daughter I saw she was not upset, what I saw was lust in her eyes. I looked down, Heather had her hand under that tube top skirt and her fingers were going crazy on her pussy. Seeing my daughter masturbating as she watched me fuck took me to orgasm in a matter of seconds. My brain lost in heat and lust not thinking I slid off that black cock, without saying a word I held it with one hand and the other hand I held up with a jester of offering it to her. Heather a look of disbelief whispered I?ve never but have sucked a boyfriend, I whispered back do what you would like. A little shaky my daughter knelt next to me opened her mouth and took that black cock covered in the mixture of my cunt juice and cum from the previous cock into her mouth. It was obvious she had little or no experience because she just sucked on it. Quickly took her hand I whispered: like a popsicle, like this and put her finger in my mouth and demonstrated what she should do. Heather a quick learner began to suck that black cock properly. I delayed removing the finger; I was so hot it triggered an orgasm, it had been the one she was masturbating with and the flavor of her sex was strong on it. Finally removing her finger I removed my daughters blouse as she sucked that black cock so it wouldn?t get soiled. I was able to whisper in her ear to let him cum in her mouth and to swallow; I told her black men expect that. Heathers eyes showed question but then she had no time to think the black cock began to fill her mouth with cum. She swallowed what she could but some did escape her mouth and drip, I caught a large dollop of cum from her lips. I have no idea what possessed me to do what I did, it must have been pure lust controlling my mind, I took that cum and rubbed it into her pussy, mostly around her clit but then pushed my finger a little inside her and she had an orgasm. Heather and I share-sucked the next black cock that came thru the hole, I let her also swallow this one?s cum. Again another, this one thinner but long, I put this one in my pussy and started fucking. Heather watched closely and with great interest, I whispered do you want to try this? The look I got followed by her asking, you will really let me? I told her yes if she wanted to. Heather gave me a nervous nod, I slid off that dick, I held it as she turned and backed up to the hole in a doggy style as I had. When she got close I guided that long black cock into my daughters? young pussy. Heather was tight but very wet and pushing back he slid slowly into her. The look on Heathers face when he bottomed was a mixture of lust and ecstasy. I noticed no blood and asked, she told me a brush handle got her cherry and this was her first real cock. She kept him deep for a few moments till she got used to it then started to slow fuck. Pumping a little faster she started getting the rhythm; now the timing was set they started fucking faster and faster. I couldn?t believe what I was feeling, so much lust and excitement, I should have been concerned and should never had let her even start. Here I was going crazy watching my teenaged daughter fucking and becoming a woman for the first time in of all places a nasty glory hole. This time Heather did not whisper she let out a loud grunt and yell ungh-ahieeee then slammed her ass back against the wall, her orgasm so strong it overtook her. The black on the other side couldn?t hold out either and hearing his grunt I saw him push deep. My face only inches from their union I watched the pulse swelling of that black cock as he pumped his black sperm deep into Heathers virgin pussy. It was at this point I suddenly realized that I may have still been protected from my shots and not at a fertile time however I had no idea of my daughters? cycle and she of course was totally unprotected. All I could think of at that time was oh shit what if? Then had an orgasm as I watched his seed overflow out of her filled pussy and some ooze down her thighs. Still hot and giggling like a couple of school girls we cleaned up and put our blouses back on. It wasn?t until we were back on the road that the reality of what I just did and especially what I permitted my young daughter to do hit me. Heather driving, I looked out the passenger window and just started to cry. How could I allow such a thing to happen? I just permitted my teenaged daughter to have unprotected sex. Her first time of all things with some unknown black man thru a glory hole. Tears streaming down my cheeks as I recalled seeing his seed running down her thighs, my god what if she had just gotten pregnant. I felt like I had to be the worst mother on the planet to just watch and do nothing as it fueled my own lust. After a few miles I realized my daughter had started talking asking what was wrong? As I told her I was so sorry and continued to cry telling her I let it get out of hand and it was my arousal that kept me from stopping what happened. Heather almost yelled MOTHER stop it I wanted it, I had seen this truck stop several times we had gone to this mall and knew from the stories that it was the one. Every time we had my sisters with us and I knew nothing would happen, I prayed for the day it was just us and prayed harder that with luck you may have a challenge or just feel naughty. I have fantasized about this day so many times as I masturbated so stop crying, you have just given me the best day of my life and you have nothing to be ashamed of! As she drove my daughter eased my pain telling me all the things she read and have wanted to try. Just like me she has the lust she laughed saying with both me and her lustful cheating father she had no choice it is in her genes and is as oversexed as I am. Listening to Heather talk reminded me just how mature she is for her age, much more than some of my friends over twice her age. My daughter a little hyper and impulsive as any teenager is may be little na?ve in sex maybe but as with her sisters defiantly intelligent with uncanny common sense and focused. A little reminder of just what great kids I have, all three are smart and pretty. That thought brought me to ask Heather just how much my other daughters know about the stories and me? She simply said they know nothing of either as yet, other than you go out occasionally. The way she emphasized ?as yet? told me she wanted something and that she may use this information about me to get it. I knew from her look she was aware I got the message, trying to gain control I stated I just wonder how many laws we just broke. Heathers response surprised the hell out of me she simply said unless there is one about the glory hole NONE I?m legal we are in Maryland. I said what? Heather then proceeded to tell me about the Age of Consent laws she said Maryland and Washington D.C. is sixteen. Virginia although says eighteen, that is for all adults and that there is provisions for fifteen up allowing partners up to four years older and even thirteen to fifteen up to three years older. She said if I didn?t believe her I could look it up myself on the computer. To say I was floored would be an understatement but the facts are true I did look them up. I knew she wanted something this conversation was heated and she was nervous. I looked at her sternly and said I know you want something, let me inform you that blackmailing me with this or my stories into doing something too extreme will get you nowhere. You know I have little marriage left with your father and before I let you go crazy and do just what you damn well please I will stop you whatever the consequences, however if you are reasonable I will be too. Fact was I still didn?t want my younger daughters or my husband to find out just what kind of slut I have become, at least not yet and I did sort of open Pandora?s box with Heather. So now tell me just what is it you want from me. Heather just stared ahead at the road as she drove lost in thought as just how to word it. She told me she wanted to like today go with me on some challenges, she wanted me to teach her about sex and how to get and give pleasure. Heather stunned me saying she wanted me her mother to do this, she didn?t want to learn from mistakes or other teenage friends that don?t really know what they are doing. My daughter wanted to be like me and do some of the things I did in the stories. She trusted me to teach her properly and to know what to do and especially what to avoid. I just said wow that is a mouthful I really have to think long and hard about this and just how far I will let you go. Heather said: Mom I love you and never will blackmail you I really want to do these things with you and I will let you have complete control please! I looked at my daughter and told her that if I let her do some of these things her grades had better not suffer or it stops. All my girls have very high grades and are college bound I sure as hell will not allow anything to get in the way of that. Arriving home I told Heather her silence is important and that meant with everyone especially best friends and sisters. I told her she has to give me time to think about what I will do, and this is a lot to think about. Getting out of the car I told her we will have to talk more about this privately when her sisters and father are not around. A noticeable change came over Heather after that day, no longer was she as impulsive and hyper. Heather became an adult that day regardless her age, her actions and the way she spoke and behaved was more one would see in a woman of twenty-five. I?m not sure if it was me treating her like an adult woman that day combined with the responsibility of driving a car that did it. I would like to think that was just it but no I?m sure that her becoming sexually active and above all sexually satisfied as a woman had a lot more to do with it. Heather took more control of the house and her sisters when I was not around seeing that their school work was done and the house clean before they could go out. She started dinner more often so I would have less to do at home after work. Heather and I talked a lot that week, when speaking to her I was becoming aware that more and more I was speaking to her like a woman and a friend as she did me. I did find out thru her that my other girls as yet have done nothing more than some lesbian sex with their girlfriends and yet to do anything with boys. She did make me promise that I do nothing about what she tells me and I will not, they have done nothing more than I had in my young years, in fact by their ages I had actually done much more sexually. I hooked up with Mr.S. that Saturday in Dark Cavern chat we discussed a lot including that Heather had told me she found the stories along with her doing the tube top dare also me getting caught in the glory hole by her and what followed. I told him she wanted to try more challenges but he was uncomfortable giving her them directly, he did say however that he would give them to me and it would be my decision whether to include her. I found it very odd that Mr.S. would be so reserved about having Heather do a dare along with me seeing how he had tried so often to involve my girls. I?m no saint and had decided to allow Heather to do some things with me since I had already permitted her to open her sexuality. I felt it strange that all of a sudden my Mr.S. went puritan on me. He was the last person I thought would, almost as if he was afraid he could be held legally responsible for what we do, which would be impossible considering the distance and the kind of chat-room where we play this game. My next dare was that afternoon dress in jeans go to the mall and pee myself on the far side so I had to walk all the way back to get to my car. That got changed when I got a call from the manager at the strip club. Three of his dancers were sick and it was Saturday one of his busiest days and he was desperate and hoped I could fill in. I told Mr. S. about the call and that is when he changed the dare, since it was just an exhibition challenge he had no problem with having me get my daughter in to also be a strip dancer. At first I told him no, I wasn?t sure I could get her into the club. Heather was with me at the time and got so excited about the idea of stripping in a club I could hardly say no, anyway it was not sex, just getting nudity. After signing off chat I told Heather to shower and shave totally, to be sure to get all places, that many men will see if she doesn?t. I did the same we needed the time this afternoon to settle any irritation. After shaving we put on a lot of baby oil to soothe and smooth the skin. I then took my daughter shopping to buy her some sexy things to strip in. We picked out some outfits similar to what I had, wrap around mini-skirts easily removed, several quick snap G-strings, matching front snap bras and low cut button-down blouses and of course heels. This gave her as well as me a few different outfits for different sets. I as well bought a few more for myself, and the whole time my daughter and I were filled with excitement and arousal. This time I did not forget the garters at least for Heather, myself I will continue to wear my marital garter, a real hit in the club. After shopping we went out to dinner, then to the club. Getting Heather past the door was so easy, everyone knew me and that I was coming to help. The manager was delighted to see I brought another girl to dance, a little surprised my own daughter but delighted and she was never carded. Laughing he stated with both our beauty on his stage there may be a riot that night. Every male we passed and even some of the dancers turned to look at us, mainly Heather I think there was genuine surprise that such a beautiful young white girl would be in there. Myself older but still very attractive got many stares and most by now had previously seen me and knew I was there for fun and thrills and they will get a good show tonight. Another thing that was obvious and got many double-takes, the very definite family resemblance and that mother/daughter was going to grace this stage tonight. We were late but that was expected the other girls started at six we arrived a little before seven thirty. In the dressing room I inspected Heather as well as myself, there was no irritation from shaving, usually I like to do that on Thursday night if planning the weekend. We dressed in our performing clothes then went to choose her music and mine; again I told the DJ I wanted music similar to what he had before. Heather questioned that and I explained that not knowing the music I simply wanted non-violent but very vulgar with heavy interracially sexual lyrics, she asked if she could have the same and I told her she may. With our music chosen we discussed lighting, as with me she wanted to be brightly lit up so everyone will see her charms. Now done with our preparation it hit Heather that she knew nothing on what to do. I told her the basics unlike the other girls we dance differently and are doing less sets so ours would be thirty minutes not twenty as theirs are. I explained that tops and skirt were to be off in first five minutes. The bra and G-string to follow so that after ten minutes of dancing she was to be nude, garter and heels stay on. I was to go on first then told her I love the thrill here and would not hold back. Laughing I said that she should watch me and do something similar but I dance very vulgar here and that she didn?t have to dance as crude as her mother. Heathers eyes shown a little wickedness, she asked if she could be as nasty? My reply was of course if she wanted and to have fun showing it off. I told her to remember here it is look no touch so they will try to caress. I instructed her when they put money in her garter that she may linger a second to let them feel if she wanted but to pull away as to make it look like it wasn?t supposed to happen. I said to watch me closely she would not get another chance then we will discuss her routine after. One of the black dancers will separate us; the manager was serious when he said if we danced back to back the crowd may be difficult to control. He stated that alcohol and very pretty naked white pussy is a dangerous combination in a black club, one everything is cool two back to back may over excite. I positioned Heather back stage where she could see me well without being seen by the crowd. My music came on and I strutted out onto the stage, music was new to me and I didn?t think it was possible but it was much more vulgar. I danced and removed my clothes to a very erotic tune, moving to the edge of the stage to tease often. I used as before many gymnastic moves to show my G-string covered wears. By the first five minutes I was nude, I never waited the full ten I loved being naked in front of all those black men. As I told my daughter I did not hold anything back I danced and used the gymnastic positions to show everything under the bright lights. My female charms were for all there to view and as in any club like this the money hit the stage or was put in my garter to the caresses of many black men. The music was unreal I had no idea where he found them but the songs got more and more erotic, to lyrics heavy with black men fucking and gang-banging white women, most often suggesting knocking them up with black babies I danced on. Covered in sweat and my juices running down my legs due to my arousal I was sure was smelled by all as I neared the edge of the stage. I finished my set with a full split in bright lights I?m sure everyone got a very good view. Tired I picked up my clothes and money and disappeared backstage. My daughter joined me as I walked nude back to the dressing room. Heather was surprised at just how exotic I danced she couldn?t believe she was watching her own mother move so sexy and nasty and the money she was amazed at what they put in my garter or just tossed on the stage. The black dancers there said usually it isn?t that much but I?m white and very special also I?m only here occasionally. They told her that she may do the same since she is so beautiful and also white but average dancers make good money but a fraction of what she has just seen. I rested some then with other dancers discussed with Heather as to what she could do in her set; we answered any questions she had about what was permitted and what was not. Soon it was her turn, dressed now I walked with her to the stage. Nervous she was and a little shaky, I told her to close eyes and take a few deep breaths then I went to where she had watched me. They seemed to help as she waited, the black dancer finished her set then she picked up and departed the stage. The music started Heather hesitated only a moment then pushed thru the curtains and stepped out on stage. As with my first time the noise of the club went silent, stunned they were as with my first time. The black men never expected to see a woman so young, beautiful and white then as me the roar of the crowd, it stunned her at first her dancing was very stiff. I saw it she was again nervous and I saw true fear in her eyes, for a moment I thought she would quit. Then like her mom told her before I saw her close her eyes and take a few deep breathes. Her nerves now calmed some she again started to dance, again a little stiff at the start but then her body started to flow with the music. Like my music it was extremely erotic also speaking of black men fucking and impregnating white women. Heather danced, her clothes began to come off and as me in a hurry, first her blouse then skirt bra and G-string followed, aside from the hesitation she was nude as fast as me. Now naked in front of over one hundred black men she strutted her young body. Nude she was erotically beautiful; her high firm breasts jiggled slightly still tight with her youth. I watched my daughter dance in front of all those black men and as I had also using her high school gymnastics to show her womanly charms. Dancing close to the edge of the stage the men put bills in her garter and caressing her privates any chance they got. On and on she danced, and every chance she got she would spread her thighs and give the customers a good long view of her hot bare pussy. When she got near I could smell her sex and see her juices flowing down her thighs, I was sure the men near the stage could also. I was surprised and proud to see my daughter work that crowd even naughtier than I had. I had a little giggle, if those men only knew that they were watching a sixteen year old girl. As Heather danced on, the nervousness disappeared and thus the more vulgar she danced. I watched my daughter drive those black men crazy with desire for her and she ate up the attention. Her set done, Heather picked up her things then with my help she walked back to the dressing room. Tired and very aroused her legs were shaky, it took her some time to rest and calm down. She was very happy and pleased with her performance and the amount of money she also made, she did ask me how she did and I told her after the start she was sexy as hell. Heather and I did one more set each alone that night then for a finale we did a short set together. In the first five minutes we danced and stripped off each others clothes, then the next ten minutes together we danced completely nude. With drink, distance and set separation most didn?t realize until we were on stage together that we were mother and daughter, in that we got one hell of a response. Our night then done we went home both very tired. We had no sex that night aside of the arousal we got from our dancing, it was fun as always for me and for Heather she had a blast being nude in front of all those black men. Since we had no actual sex that night both Heather and I were still well worked up sexually the next morning. So after my other two daughters left to be with their friends I gave my oldest daughter a special treat. A toy she had no idea I had, it is called a sybian, an electronic sex machine a woman sits on and it gives the most incredible ride. These machines are quite expensive but well worth it and anyway I have the means. I put on the dildo attachment and had Heather mount it then showed her how to work the controls for several minutes. I kept the control and proceeded to drive my little girl crazy on that machine until after several orgasms she fell off exhausted. I have to say that the totally contented look on her face after her ride was priceless. I then mounted the machine myself and had my own ride; the only thing I can say about that thing, it?s wonderful and some of the best money I have spent. The decision was actually already made that I would let Heather start having sex with me on some occasions. The fact that she was of legal age of consent had a lot to do with it. I knew now I couldn?t stop her, maybe at least I could look after her and control her a little. The following week I had to make my decision on just how far I would let my teen daughter go in her search for sexual thrills. Every day she would ask and push for much more than I felt comfortable letting her do. Several things I just said no to others I gave in easily. Heather had already done one of her most desired challenges from my stories the glory hole. She was hell bent on her most desired fantasy and with this she would not back down and I found just how stubborn my daughter could be. Heather would daily fight me tooth and nail to let her do a prostitution challenge. I would tell her no and she would keep coming back saying it is her most desired fantasy to be just like me a paid whore at least once. No way was I going to let her like me go alone into a motel room with some John she had just picked up. Pregnancy risk was discussed she expressed a real desire to experience orgasms similar to the ones I had doing the preg risk dares but I told her no to that. I had already made an appointment for her as well as me for birth control shots. Unfortunately my doctor was going to be away a lot in December and the first appointment available was mid January. Since my shots had lapsed I told Heather that if we were to do anything we both had to be very careful. Saturday the first weekend in December early afternoon I was in chat and Mr.S. came in. He asked me how things went at the club and I told him about the night my daughter stripped. He was about to suggest a challenge but I told him I was already booked for that night, a spin-off from the bachelor party challenge. Telling Mr.S. that the black man that hosted the party, Sam, was impressed on how we handled it and requested me and Laura for a double date with him and his younger brother. His brother just finishing basic was shipping out to the Middle East. Sam?s brother had never fucked a white girl and Sam wanted to give him a going away treat. They were going to take us out to a late supper then dancing at a black club where they could show off their pretty white women then back to their hotel room, it was a full service date which meant sex was to be paid for and I was to be booked for the entire night. Being a last minute booking Diane called me to see if I would do it, she did express that Sam is a very good customer of hers. I told her I would do the date, Laura was booked so I was going to do the date alone or maybe with Gina but had not been able to get in touch with her. At that time Heather came in as I was telling Mr.S. this. Immediately she recognized him and asked if I was getting a challenge. Before I could tell her anything, of all the rotten luck and worst timing what comes up on the monitor screen, Mr.S. asking me if I asked Heather if she wanted to go on this date with me. He also said that this would be our next challenge I had absolutely no intention on taking her on an escort date, I did not want her to become a prostitute especially so soon. I know I do it myself and am a bit of a hypocrite here but she is just sixteen and no mother wants to see her daughter get into hooking. I tried to explain that to Mr.S. and was getting nowhere especially with her there trying to get to go with me, it was getting to be a bit much. I had to pee so I told Mr. S. I was going to and would be back in a few minutes, if he wanted he could talk to Heather then I got up and went to the bathroom. I did have to go but mostly I needed to clear my head. After I was through in the bathroom I came back and Mr.S. was gone, he had made the challenge but did not give any details. I stayed on a few more minutes to see if he would come back, all the while telling Heather she cannot go or at least trying to. My daughter wanted to do this challenge and was not about to take no for an answer. Stating that it was a safe prostitution dare because it is just a date not like picking up men in a bar like I did. Reading about that prostitution challenge in my first story had become Heathers most ultimate fantasy; she had masturbated to it very often. That day I found out exactly just how headstrong and stubborn that girl can get, we argued back and forth, on and off for almost three hours. Sometimes she would walk out and I thought I had won the argument only to have her come back a half hour later and start in again. No shit this was the biggest knock down drag out argument I ever had with this girl and I was getting late for my date. The last time she walked out I got ready, I was so grateful that my other two daughters were not home to hear all that went on they were with friends for a movie and sleepover. I was also very relieved it had been over a half hour since I had seen her and I thought Heather had finally given up. That was until I got to my car and saw her waiting dressed and ready in the drivers seat, Heather had seen what I was wearing and dressed similarly. Already late and had no more argument in me I knew I lost this one and no matter what she was going, I got in the car. Before she started the car I said wait, I looked her dead in the eyes and said since you are so hell bent to do this just let me explain right now exactly what will be expected of you. This was my last ditch effort to change her mind and if not she at least would know something of what to do. Looking in her eyes I said sternly since you want to be a prostitute let me tell you this may seem to be just a simple date but it isn?t. These men are paying for our bodies and in doing so expect us to let them do as they please within reason. They will take us to a late supper, nothing much will happen there but they may get close and we will be their dates so no moving away even if you think he is ugly. The club they will take us to is Sam?s hang out he knows people there and they will be showing off their pretty white women. Do not be surprised here that they will openly kiss and fondle us, maybe even raise your skirt and openly feel you up. After some dirty dancing they will take us both back to the hotel room and fuck us many times we are booked for the entire night so sex in the morning is expected also. I don?t know if you are ready for this, you have untill we get to the hotel in Baltimore to decide. If you feel you can?t handle it drop me off and go home, you can pick me up in the morning. I had packed an overnight bag for myself, before we left I went back in the house and got a pair of jeans, T-shirt and shoes for Heather as I had for me and put them in my bag. We drove in silence maybe fifteen minutes, Heather started to talk: Mom I never wanted to fight with you, I love you and want to be like you and with you. I know this is so wrong, immoral and defiantly illegal, I know if we were to be found out you will be in a lot more trouble involving me. I need you to know I am compelled to try prostitution after reading your stories and my need for this is too great. If I don?t do it now I know I will do it on my own and without you there to guide me and keep me out of trouble I know it could go terribly wrong. We both know this date arranged thru the escort service with a man you have already been with will not get us arrested and that they are STD safe. Of anything this is the safest I could ever possibly get, it scares me some yes but if not now what may happen if I go alone scares me even more. Heather?s logic as always made a point. We talked more of things to come, I stressed the need that we have them wear condoms although these men are safe my birth control has expired and Heather has never been on any. Since neither of us will be protected and the both of us are on the edge of our fertile week going bareback will be extremely risky. At the hotel Heather parked the car, I got out, my daughter hesitated, she was shaking then she took a deep breath then got out of the car. After the introductions Heather was pleased that Sam and his brother Marcus were both good looking men. Sam is twenty seven his younger brother is almost twenty. Sam of course knew I was attractive but they were both surprised that I brought my daughter but were pleased she also is very pretty. We were dressed similarly, sexy but elegant we both had on nice mid thigh designer dresses, matching shoes and accessories also the jewelry we wore though not excessively expensive it was also not cheap. Dinner was very nice; we did get a lot of looks, two white women out on a date with black men. Heather looked a little self conscience about that at first but got over it fast. A short cab ride to the club it was now around 10:30 pm, going in Heather was not carded, Sam was well known at this club and with him nothing is questioned. Going in we noticed there were many black men also quite a few white women, it was a fact the two of us were the most attractive, many were a little overweight but then many black men do like that. We were seated in a booth everyone had watched us as we passed by, the waitress took our order both Heather and I had virgin non-alcoholic drinks. Soon we were all on the dance floor, it is so nice to dance with men that know how and like to. Knowing we were being watched both Sam and Marcus as expected started taking liberties, first holding ass as we danced to openly caressing. As the night went on more and more they openly felt us up whether in the booth or on the dance floor their hands were all over our privates. At times even inside our blouses or panties, Heather being warned this may happen at first was a little nervous but after a while the fondling had its effect and she as well as I became very aroused. In the booth between dancing Sam told me he knew we were not any of Diane?s regular girls and that he knew of the challenge and my stories and they were the reason I was at the bachelor party. For that night Diane arranged to have Sam pay us in cash, she does that with all escort dates, this keeps the escort business out of anything illegal. Parties and arranging the escort dates she is paid by their cards anything extra supposedly is arranged by the girls on the side. We left the club around 1.00am the men wanted to get at least a little sleep, they had to get up at 6:00am Marcus had to catch a flight out of BWI. In the room Sam got the envelope, I told Heather to get it and count the money, I wanted her to feel and understand something of what I had felt that first time. It had the effect, when given the money it did hit her, until then she was happy and fine. Money now in hand she was shaking the look on her face betrayed her, the men did not pay much attention but I sure noticed. Bill by bill Heather counted the money, I saw a little tear in her eyes, it then had dawned on her. I watched as she put the money in our bag my sixteen year old daughter just became a prostitute. Heather again took a few deep breathes and shook it off then walked over to Marcus, he then began to remove her clothes. Sam already had me nude and was kissing and fondling me. The rest of Heathers clothes came off quickly Marcus was ready for sex. Sam first then his brother put me then Heather to our knees; she didn?t ask she took most of his 8 inch cock into her mouth. Sam?s a little longer at 8.5 inch went into mine; kneeling side by side mother and daughter whores sucked their black cocks. The bed was huge a king size, Sam then laid me on my back and kissed his way down first to my breasts, he lingered sucking my tits a while. Marcus on the same bed followed his brothers? lead then Sam really surprised me he looked up then said: never with any other of Diane?s girls he then kissed his way down and started to eat me out. Again Marcus did as his brother and went down on Heather, she had oral before with some of her girlfriends but this was the first time a boy has eaten her. Obviously Marcus did as well as Sam from the sounds of passion from my daughter; Sam was driving me crazy with his long hot tongue. The sounds and scent coming from my daughter fueled my passion; her being on the same bed next to me was very erotic. When time to mount up I told them I knew they were safe but we were both way too close for comfort with no birth control and that condoms were very necessary. Condoms on then some lube first Sam mounted me then Marcus slowly entered Heather, she was obviously tight but in he went. It was then I remembered that the only real cock that had been in Heather was at the glory hole. I though my god my daughter?s second time and her first face to face with a boy she is doing tonight as a prostitute. Soon I was to busy with my own pleasure, I was not surprised that my daughters presence there increased my passion as greatly as it did. The last year or so I found that the sight, sound and especially the smell of another woman having sex with a man next to me as I did the same has heightened my senses. I found this even more so with my own daughter next to me being fucked by a young black man. Both Sam and Marcus wanted to make it last and fucked hard some then would slow to hold back. This go and slow did much to make the session last quite some time. We both changed positions a few times and by this time both Heather and myself were riding them in a cowgirl position on top. This gave both Heather and I a few good minor orgasms, it also gave a little time to small talk. Somewhere among the talk Marcus told Heather how good she felt she laughed and said probably not half as good as your black girlfriends do bare. It was then that Marcus said he never had sex without a condom on so he had no idea of any difference. Heather looked over to me and just said please he never has, I told her she knew the risks, she said yes but still wanted to. I knew she wanted to try preg-risk sex we had only touched the subject mainly its obvious dangers and of course the incredible orgasms it brings. I had hoped she would forget about it for a few years again I was wrong. I know now it was a very stupid thing to do but like at the glory hole I was very aroused having had several orgasms and especially the scent of Heathers sex totally clouded my mind in lust and I was not thinking at all. I told Heather to rise up off of him, she did and I reached over and removed his condom then told her to lower as I guided his now bare black cock back into my unprotected daughter. Sam in disbelief just laid there and said I don?t believe you just did that, he was more surprised when I rose up and removed his condom also then into me his black cock went bareback. I looked over at Heather we both had just picked up the pace and fucking harder and faster. I told her you know they may just make us both pregnant, she shook and came. Her orgasm hit her hard and Heather lost all control she let out a wail, Marcus had to hold her to contain her shaking then she momentarily lost consciousness. On top Heather and I were in control or so we though, the effect that one line had on two sets of balls was immediate and Marcus pulled Heather tight down on his cock then he exploded deep into her, Sam also pulled me tight down on him and he did the same deep inside me. Many black men have told me that having sex with white women is a major fantasy for black men however the hottest of all fantasies for almost all black men is knocking up a white woman. As Sam emptied his balls inside me I had the most glorious of all orgasms. At the time I knew I didn?t want a black baby but then I was in total lust and not thinking. The only thing I knew was that both Heather and I were too damned close and the thought of us both getting knocked up with black babies blew my mind away. I screamed in passion yes but also over my scream I heard that of my daughter as another orgasm exploded within her. The two men couldn?t believe our orgasms and they just held us as we shook in passion. I?m sure Heather and I did their ego?s good that they were able to make two prostitutes cum like that. As our orgasms subsided we started fucking again the men both young and black did not get soft. We fucked longer this time eventually we both wound up fucking in the doggy position. Heather and I both took another large load of black seed deep inside our unprotected white wombs and again that triggered a massive orgasm inside each of us. After, us both exhausted fell asleep in the arms of our men. Sam and Marcus got maybe two hours sleep but they woke up early enough to fuck us one more time before they left, they took us again bareback filling us with more black sperm. They got up, showered then got ready and left they had a plane to get to. Sam said we could sleep in, I reset the clock Heather and I got an additional two hours before we had to get up. All too soon the alarm went off I hit snooze, Heather cuddled to me I felt her shaking she just said we didn?t really do that did we um I mean like um bareback uh I wasn?t dreaming was I? I looked into her eyes they showed real fear. Nothing I could say that may ease her fear I had to tell her the truth, I simply said yes honey we did. My daughter asked do you think we may become pregnant. I didn?t know what to say really I told her it was very possible but with a lot of luck we both should miss conception. I had luck last year or so I thought, however where I have luck Heather does not and has that black cloud of bad luck over her, she knows this and was truly worried she went way too far this time. We showered and dressed in the jeans and T-shirts I brought, traded our heels for athletic shoes and went home. Heather was silent most the way, when she finally spoke she said: mom you were right, all isn?t what it seems and when I took that money for my body I realized just what you have been trying to tell me. I know now I will never be the same I have taken money for my body and have been a real prostitute. It was thrilling yes but also a lot more I wish it wasn?t and now cannot take my innocence back. I looked at my daughter and just said I know the first time is a rude awakening and the next time will not hurt. I said: you?re a whore now that is no doubt, I know you had a good time otherwise and should another safe date like this come up do you think you would want to join me? Heather was stunned, said: safe date? We could be pregnant! I said yes we may be, it is a hazard of the business but we are both hookers now and you understand that all too well. So would you like to work again with me should the occasion arise. Heather said: I know I am but I?m your daughter do you really want me to prostitute again? I told Heather no I don?t but you are what you are now and it cannot be taken back and I know you will desire to again so it best be with me. My daughter lost in thought for a few minutes as she drove, then she said: yes mom, you know me too well I would love to go out and be a hooker with you anytime. I told her like with other dares or challenges it will all be up to me who she fucks and where. I told her silence is all important if anyone should find out we all will be in a lot of trouble. I never wanted this for her and told her so, but now that my daughter is an official prostitute I feel it is best left up to me to try and keep her and myself out of jail. Arriving home I left the overnight case in the car, Sunday was my youngest daughters thirteenth birthday. I had Heather help me take her present out of the trunk, I had mussed up both our beds before we left so it appeared we had just went out early to get her present. In several boxes we brought her in a new computer with all new components and was she excited. In fact I had the computer in the trunk for several days but this covered the fact that Heather and I did not sleep at home that night. We had a good birthday party for her except her father never showed as promised, he had done this often with the girls and it was getting old. I?m not sure what our next challenge will be or even if there will be any more, I guess that Heather and I will have to wait and see. Some may say I?m a bad mother for including her in these things and so to say ?turning her out? but then she has told me she would have done more without me. So maybe it is best that I did so I could look after her just a bit. Some will believe it is wrong and others it is okay however I?m sure of one thing, any mother that has a headstrong teenaged girl may understand why I did in my position with her knowing about me and the stories. One thing I can say is that Heather has become one very happy and contented young woman, so it seems that naughty sex agrees with her as it does her mother. Reality is stranger than fiction and now there are two very naughty girls. 22608 2.24/512345
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