Saturday, January 26, 2013
The Understanding
THE UNDERSTANDING. By Throne Barry Milch had been married for three years. He was short and slender, so his wife, Mona, not tall herself, with a trim figure, was a good physical match. While his appearance was rather bland, however, she was very attractive, a real head-turner. He had a modest office job and an allowance from an impressive trust fund. Though as young as Barry, she was an important executive with extensive private investments. She was so important, in fact, that she had declined to take his name when they wed. Instead, she had remained Mona Chesterfield. Around the house she had him perform most of the work because, as she smoothly explained, her time was more valuable than his and she had to be ready to receive any business calls that came in after office hours. Barry didn't like that arrangement, but he couldn't think of a counter-argument. Then there was their sex life. Barry was always eager for lovemaking. The sight of his appealling wife, whether in a business skirt-suit or fine lingerie, always excited him. Yet, as she frequently reminded him, her workload prevented her from thinking about sex as much as he could. At the same time, she would point out, the pressure she endured at the office had to be relieved somehow, and physical love was the ideal solution. So, she had decided right after their honeymoon, the reasonable way to handle it would be for him to provide her with relief through oral sex. As desirous as he was for any sort of contact with her body, Barry unthinkingly agreed. He soon discovered that she had meant lots of sexual release for her and none for him. Whenever he tried to change the situation she patiently reviewed her reasons and somehow always made it all sound simple and logical. So it was that Barry became, as she chidingly referred to him, her pussyboy. He was never happy with the arrangement but, after several years, had surrendered fully to it. He would masturbate on the sly, confident that she wouldn't find out. Shortly after their third wedding anniversary, Mona's company acquired a new account, a multi-million dollar client. At once she started having to work late several nights each week. Barry appreciated the time alone. There was even less chance he would get caught playing with himself. At the same time, his wife's need for sex decreased. He still craved their intimate closeness, even if it was just him performing orally. One night he held off from touching himself and, when she came home, insisted that they should go to bed together. Mona tried to beg off but he became whiny. She sighed and told him, "All right, if you insist. But remember, dearest, this was your idea." He was pleased by her cooperation. Maybe it would even be one of those increasingly rare nights when she allowed him penetration. He stripped naked, as she required, while she wore a filmy nightie, leaving off the panties. Her husband stretched out between her parted thighs, his face close to her mound. He caught a whiff of something unfamiliar but figured it was from her being out late and not getting her usual dinnertime shower. Prodded on by the possibility of real sex to follow, he began slowly licking her, the way she preferred him to start. She tasted different as well. There was even a -- creaminess? Mona purred and rubbed her thighs against the sides of his head. That distracted him from his thoughts and he rededicated himself to pleasing her, probing with his tongue, puckering his lips around her clitoris and sucking. Mona had a squirming orgasm and then gradually settled down. Barry slid up alongside her and draped an arm across her ribcage, letting it brush the undersides of her soft breasts, like a schoolboy on a date stealing a feel. When she didn't object, he knelt between her legs, his modest penis pointing stiffly. "Move your hips forward," she murmured. "So your little dick is just touching me down there." Little? He knew she was correct, but she had always been too polite to mention his lack of even average length or girth. Intimidated, he did as he had been told, bringing only the tip of his organ into contact with her warm wetness. He gasped at how good it felt. She told him to stay right there. Her hands came up and she put her fingers on his flat pink nipples. Barry froze at the unfamiliar contact. She had never done that before but it felt glorious. He sighed shudderingly as she began to toy with his chest. Suddenly Mona was moving her hips, so that his penis was wildly stimulated. He stayed where he was, as she had instructed, while she took control of his pleasure. "There's something you should know, darling," she told him in a soothing voice. "I wrote a contract for our new client and got him to sign it. There will be a substantial bonus and a raise for me. At the same time, I've developed a personal relationship with him. You know that our sex life here at home has been unsatisfactory for me for some time. You also haven't advanced in your job, even though I expected you would. Right now, Barry, you are a liability to me. If I divorce you, however, it will be bad for my career. It will also be damaging for you. I know you never read our prenup before you signed it, so I should tell you know that you would be left penniless." He was registering her words but unwilling to break the sexual contact he needed so desperatly, even though it was frustrating him more than satisfying. He only said, "Yes, Mona." "So what I propose is that we have an understanding. I will continue my relationship with the man I met. You will no longer have penetrative sex with me, not even occasionally like in the past. You WILL continue to provide me with oral sex." She sounded a bit mirthful as she made that last statement. "Do you agree?" All at once she removed her fingers from his nipples, turned on her side, and lightly shoved him with her thigh, so that he slipped clumsily off the bed and onto the floor. As Barry got to his knees she sat up and put her feet on the carpet, locking eyes with him. He knelt there with his small erection pointing foolishly into the air. "Well?" she wanted to know. "Do you stay here on my terms or do I leave you penniless? What's it going to be?" "Y... you're serious?" Belatedly, his thoughts came together. "Entirely. Please give me your answer. Now." "I... I'll... I'll try it. If that's what you want." "Please don't make it my decision. You have to choose. Listen, Barry, I'm sorry to drop this all on you at once. I do like you and don't mind us staying together for appearances sake." She patted him on the head. "But I've never been able to take you seriously as a husband, not once I saw that you were settling into an unambitious routine, happy to live off your salary and trust fund. I want a man with power. I also want a man who can please me in bed. You are neither of those." She took his face between her hands. "You should say yes. Accept your new role. I'll take care of you. Not like my husband but as my -- subordinate. You know I'm right. Now decide." The shock of it all had defeated him. Everything she had said about him was true. The thought of being left alone, without resources, scared him. And he told himself that she would come to her senses in a short while and everything would return to normal. He had no viable choice -- and no backbone. Hanging his head he told her, "Yes, Mona. I agree to everything." "Fine." She released his face. "There's one more thing. You insisted on us going to bed together earlier. I didn't want to because an hour ago I was in bed with my new Lover. When you went down on me you were licking up his sperm." Mona grew ruminative. "You know, that gave me a different type of orgasm than what I had with him. I like the way it feels to have your mouth down there after real sex. So, now that you've already swallowed his cum, we're going to make that a regular practice. If you say no, then I'LL file for divorce, and then crush you." Barry gazed up at her helplessly. He nodded. She pointed to her pubic triangle, lightly furred. He bowed his head and pressed his lips to it. She set her hands on the back of his head and held him there while he lapped her to another, milder, climax. After she caught her breath, Mona locked eyes with him. He was still on his knees. She said, "I'm not going to allow you to finish often, Barry. Almost never. I'm sure keeping you anxious will make you work harder to serve me." Her eyes grew hard. "And I'm sure you've been masturbating all this time, ever since your selfishness spoiled our sex life and forced me to limit how often you could finish." He was stunned. "I'm sorry. It's just that you're so gorgeous. I couldn't help myself. It's only been two or three times a week. I apologize. But how did you know?" "I didn't." She smiled impishly. "That was a bluff, darling. One more reason I'm a much better business person than you. Now that I know about your dirty habit, there will be no more of it. None." She relaxed visibly. "Now stand up. I want to show you that your new life won't be totally miserable." Her husband, still in a daze, got slowly to his feet. Mona cupped his testicles in her smooth hand. The fingers of her other hand wrapped easily around the narrowness of his firm penis. She simultaneously massaged his balls and unhurriedly stroked his shaft. Her tongue flicked his nipples, which grew hard. Barry groaned and arched his back. She giggled and slowed her stroking further. He writhed under the pleasurable torment. "You see," she said. "I can be very nice to you. The better you behave, the nicer I'll be. But as I said, you're not to touch yourself or expect to be allowed inside me ever again. Understood?" He nodded. Her talented hands brought him to the verge of exploding three times before she withdrew them. Barry stood there panting and red-faced, looking a bit ridiculous. Mona was thrilled that he had capitulated so quickly. It would be fun to have him and his busy tongue around. He would be her -- what was the word she had used? -- subordinate. She liked the sound of that. Her husband would be subordinate to her in every way. And she knew, from the way her clitoris was tingling, that such control over him appealed to her, aroused her. A shiver ran through him. Gradually his penis began to detumesce. Mona announced, "My lover will be here the night after tomorrow. I'll make a list of items for you to pick up before our date. Also, you will clean all the bathrooms tomorrow after work." She didn't ask for or wait for a reply. Those weren't questions, they were orders. Seeing him acquiesce without a word gave her another tingle. This added dimension of fun for her, in their new life together, keeping him under her control and pushing him further all the time, was a welcome bonus. The hour Barry had been dreading arrived. His wife's lover was about to arrive at their door. Barry was dressed in a neat white shirt, pressed slacks, and freshly polished shoes, along with a blue necktie. With his slight build he resembled a schoolboy, which his wife had intended. Mona had picked the outfit, explaining that she didn't want him to appear as if he was trying to compete with her date. Not, she had added with a chuckle, that Barry had any chance of doing that. When the doorbell of their impressive suburban home rang, Barry shuddered and went to answer it. He opened the door and froze. Facing him was a tall, broadshouldered man in a very expensive suit -- and he was Black. Barry stood there, mute, trying to absorb this new shock. The imposing figure glowered at him and pushed past. Mona entered the room and said, "I'm sorry, Dan. My husband is an idiot. I hope you won't hold his lack of intelligence against me." Barry turned around just as Dan threw his long arms around Mona and drew her firmly against him. He kissed her hard and long. Barry had to put one hand against the wall to steady himself. Then Dan turned and suddenly Barry's wife and lover were both staring at him. "Well?" Mona said. "If you're done embarrassing me, could you fetch us some wine?" He swallowed drily and rushed into the kitchen, aware of how much like a waiter he must appear, dressed the way he was. With shaking hands he uncorked a bottle of merlot and poured two glasses. Then, one in each hand, he rushed back to deliver them. His wife and Dan were sitting on the sofa, kissing again. Dan had his big hands all over her, carressing her breasts and stroking her thighs. Barry silently set their drinks on the low table before them. The couple shared a wet sloppy kiss before raising their glasses, clinking them together in a silent toast, and each taking a long sip. Mona began to unbutton her blouse. When she was halfway down she reached for the front of her bra. Barry realized it hooked between the cups. His wife unfastened it and let the halves separate, partially baring her breasts. Barry wanted to weep when Dan slipped his hand under the loosened garment to finger her nipple. Not sure what to do, the disgraced husband stood there while they continued making out and drinking. Then the pair got up and headed up the stairs to the bedroom. Mona called back for him to bring their glasses. He picked them up and followed unsteadily, his lower lip trembling, his eyes on her rolling rump. Once they were in the bedroom the lovers undressed each other and fell onto the bed. As Barry wordlessly placed their drinks on the night table, he got a look at Dan's manhood. Only partly hard, it was already much larger than one of Barry's complete erections. As Mona's small white hand took hold of the dark meat it expanded to easily twice her husband's dimensions. The wayward wife dipped her head and opened her lipsticked mouth wide to take in the bulging knob. She swallowed at least four inches of the shaft and bobbed her head in slow motion. She had never done that for her yearning husband. When Mona stopped sucking the Black cock she laid back and spread her legs eagerly. All she had on was a ruffled garter. Barry stopped breathing as he recognized it, a second one she had worn during their wedding, to keep as a memento after the first was thrown to the bachelors. She was wearing part of her wedding outfit while she was in bed with another man, openly cheating on her husband. The sex was loud and energetic. Dan's horsecock slammed into her over and over. She begged him not to stop and kept saying this was what she had wanted instead of the waste of skin between her husband's legs. The Black stud kept plowing her until she screamed joyously, seized by her climax. Then he increased his speed to trigger his own finale. The two of them shared their double explosion and then fell apart, panting. "That was incredible," Mona gasped. "The best I've ever had. I will NEVER let my weakling of a husband put his little poker into me again. Ever. The only thing he'll be allowed to do with me, Dan, is use his mouth on my pussy. In fact, I could use it there right now." Dan gave Barry a threatening look. "You heard the lady, loser. Strip out of your little boy outfit, get your mouth down there, and make her feel good." Too frightened and defeated to refuse, Barry undressed and crawled between his wife's perfect legs, seeing again the wedding garter. She was smirking at him as he pleaded with his expression. With no other choice, he dipped his face down to the juncture of her thighs and began his disgusting job, lapping up and swallowing her new lover's cum, sucking her clitoris, and licking her labia. While he labored to stimulate her, she turned her face to Dan to give the Black man a lingering kiss. They let their hands explore each other's bodies as Barry worked on and on. Finally, while their lips were again locked together, she began to tremble and soared into another intense orgasm. Barry's male ego was utterly crushed. The next morning, as he served Mona a light breakfast, she looked at him inquiringly. "What's the matter, Barry? Everything that happened last night was in accordance with our understanding. Isn't that true?" "Yes, but..." "But what?" she asked firmly. "But you didn't like it? Too bad. You brought this on yourself. It's going to be like that from now on, husband dearest." Her face softened. "Come here. Sit alongside me." Still naked from the night before, he sat. She tapped him lightly on the end of his nose. "Don't be sulky. After Dan left, didn't I let you sleep with me? Didn't I permit you to cuddle up against me from behind? I know you got a stiffy because I could feel your little dingus poking up against my ass. You enjoyed that, didn't you?" "Yes," he answered reluctantly. "It's just... well... it's been a few days since I've, um..." "Since you've shot your tiny shot. I know, but that's partly because you used to play with your pee wee behind my back, didn't you?" When he turned his eyes down and nodded, she went on. "And because the only way you have to please me is with your mouth, you'll have to do a very good job of that. Now, if I let you have your selfish fun all the time, you won't try as hard to satisfy me, will you?" He shook his head, admitting she was right. Mona reached for the butter dish, got the ends of her index fingers greasy, and put them on his receptive nipples. As she teased him that way Barry closed his eyes and threw back his head in ecstasy. "Like I said, Barry, I can be very nice. But if you get pouty every time Dan gives me a pussy-pounding, I'm not going to be happy with you. I can be nice -- or I can be very cruel. The choice is yours. Just remember that if you don't want me to get angry, you have to be on your best behavior ALL the time. Even when Dan and I make you watch while he uses me like his personal whore." "I... I'm sorry, Mona. I won't let myself get upset. No matter what the two of you do." "Is that a promise?" "Yes, dear." "Don't forget what you just said, Barry. If you break that promise, you'll pay for it in ways you'd rather not find out about." Mona had him in a perfect trap. If he didn't object to anything she did, his silence would torture him. Yet if he spoke up, he would suffer a much more tangible form of torment. She decided to make his agony worse by acting in ways she knew he would desperately want to protest. That weekend, when Dan was due to arrive, she began. Barry, naked, had just toweled her off after her shower. She loved how frustratingly aroused that got him. His poor little pecker was straining hard. It was all she could do to prevent herself from laughing at his misery. But she had much more to do that would upset him. She went to the bedroom and stood before the dresser mirror, luxuriously running a brush through her hair. Lined up in front of her were new cosmetics she had bought for this occasion. As her husband watched in growing horror she applied makeup that made her resemble tramp on the prowl for cock. She teased and sprayed her hair into a trashy style. Then she made Barry bring her two bags from downtown clothing stores. The first produced a pair of crotchless panties and a bra with cutouts in the front of each cup to display her nipples. She struck a pose and he blanched. "What's the matter, sweetheart?" she asked innocently. "Don't you like the color? I think hot pink goes will with my pussy lips and nipples, don't you?" "M... Mona, you look like a..." "A hooker? Your precious wife looks like a street corner hooker, ready to do anything for 50 bucks? When I'm with Dan that's how I feel. All I want is to turn him on and get him off. And in between I get stuffed full of his monster cock." She smiled, her magenta lipstick making her mouth obscene to Barry. "If you like all this, you're going to LOVE the rest of it." He cringed as she dug into the second bag. First she produced a see-through blouse that did nothing to hide her nipples. Then there was a snug, read leather skirt, so short that the wrong posture would show off the slit in her panties and her labia too. She added fishnet stockings, elastic-topped so she wouldn't have to fuss with a garter belt if Dan wanted them off her in a hurry. Finally there were 'fuck-me' shoes with tall heels. Barry felt dizzy when he viewed the total effect. "P... please, Mona. D... d... don't wear that. I can't stand seeing you that way." "Don't worry. Dan will probably rip it off me, he'll be in such a hurry to cram my pussy full of his meat. You're going to be seeing a lot of me this way." Dan arrived and, true to her prediction, he wasted no time in undressing her, though he did leave on the stockings and heels, saying she was even sluttier that way. Mona responded like a whore, licking him all over and encouraging him to do anything he pleased. Barry was sobbing by the time he put her on her knees in the middle of the bed and took her doggie style. He called her his bitch and she urged him to pump her harder, which he was happy to do. They screwed wildly until they rocketed into twin climaxes. Barry was appalled. As they separated, his wife maintained her position. She told him, "Slide under there with your mouth open. I don't want you to miss even a drop of that hot spunk Dan hosed into me." When he was where she wanted him, Mona sat down hard on his upturned face and rubbed her overflowing pussy all over his nose and mouth before letting him started his stomach-turning task. She laughed as he got a heavy load of her bull's cum in his mouth. Dan knelt in front of her and held her close, kissing her deeply as her husband did the same thing to her used pussy. Two days later Mona went to Barry's office to visit his boss, a silver haired lady chaser who appreciated her good looks. She was dressed primly but made sure to make lots of suggestive eye contact with him. They had a long talk in which she explained that she was outearning her husband three times over and that he was suffering a lot of stress. Because they didn't need the money, she asked that he be passed over for any promotions. In fact, she suggested, he could even be demoted, putting one of his co-workers above him. She wondered out loud, "Isn't there a young woman -- I think he said her name is Angelina -- who's very qualified?" Barry's boss agreed that there was and said he would make the change the next day. Mona smiled warmly and shook his hand a bit too long. As she left she silently congratulated herself. She didn't want her husband to have anything to be proud about, especially his work. Her next stop was to her lawyer's office. Together they reviewed the papers she had had him draw up to transfer Barry's trust fund into her name. It was set up to pay him for the next 20 years, but once she coerced him into signing the documents, he would never see another dollar of that money. When she returned home a package was waiting for her. She had paid extra to have it sent overnight. Mona opened it and grinned at what was inside. That evening she belittled him about his lack of ambition and his sexual inadequacy. She reminded him that he was never going to have intercourse with her again. After she had driven him to a new low she took out the documents and harangued him into signing them. Before he could recover she took him to the living room, made him strip, and told him firmly to sit on the rug in front of the TV. "I don't want you wasting your time watching all that nonsense you like on television. And I have to get you used to the idea of Dan fucking me all the time. So from now on, every evening when you're done your chores, you're going to watch at least one of these DVDs that arrived today." She showed them to him. He looked up at her nervously. "But I like my shows. And these discs are all porn. They're nothing but... oh no!... Black men having sex with white women." "Like I said, you need to get used to that. Watching all those huge cocks go into white girls' cunts and asses and mouths will be good for you. A lot better than all that tripe you think you enjoy. So that's the rule. No more stupid shows, just your collection of Black-on-white DVDs. Each one's over 3 hours long, and they're all the best scenes from other videos." She glared down at him. "Well, aren't you going to thank me?" He opened his mouth to object but instead told her, "Thank you Mona. I appreciate that you're doing what's best for me." She rewarded him with a faint smile. "You're welcome. And don't worry, husband mine. I'll be doing everything I can to help you be a success in your new lifestyle. Everything." The next morning Barry was relieved to get to his job. At least he could be proud of what he did there. But then his boss called him into his office. By the time Barry emerged he was reeling. His job had been given to Angelina. He was going to be her junior assistant, with less responsibility and, consequently, a substantial cut in pay. He had to go directly to his new superior. She was a stunning woman with dark hair and eyes, with a figure he had secretly lusted after. Now she was telling him that she expected him to do everything she required, to work extremely hard, and not to make mistakes. "Remember, Barry, whatever you do reflects on me. I will not tolerate poor work or errors. Right?" He blinked back tears. "Y... y... yes, Angelina." Her eyes flashed angrily. "From now on you will always address me as Ms. Formica. Right?" "Y... y... yes, Miss F... Formica." "And with that stutter I can't have you answering phones or talking to clients who have appointments here. For now you can enter information at your computer. I'll have Louise shift some of her work over to you and she'll talk to customers. But first get me a coffee. Not from the lounge. Go out and run to the caf? at the end of the block. I prefer their coffee." She told him exactly how she liked it. "And hurry back. I want it hot." He scurried off, his head buzzing. She hadn't even given him money, so he had to pay for it himself. If he no longer handled clients, he would earn no commisions. By the time he got home, Barry was completely dispirited. Mona greeted him in the livingroom, wearing nothing but a brief robe. She snapped at him, "Dan is taking me out. I made a list of extra chores for you to do tonight. It's the two pages on the diningroom table. They will ALL be completed before Dan and I return. Oh, and that nice Ms. Formica from the office phoned. She wants you to wear old clothes tomorrow because she has a lot of things for you to clean out of the stockroom. She seems like a very nice young woman. I hope you aren't giving her any trouble." He wanted to explain what had happened, wanted to tell her how unfair it all was, but didn't want to risk making his situation even worse by angering her. The list was impossible. He would have to stay busy every minute. And she had written that he had to play one or two of his DVDs with the sound up very loud. At the end of the list was a final note to put all his clothing into the wash before he began. In other words, he would be working completely nude. Mona dressed nicely to go out but her husband knew that she was now a slut no matter what she wore. He was badly stressed over not being able to tell her anything he was thinking without provoking physical punishment. And he still had to give her the details on his demotion at the office, which he wasn't aware she had caused. As he hurried to begin his many chores he couldn't stop thinking of Angelina -- Ms. Formica, he corrected himself -- peering critically down at him. It was going to be very disturbing having her push him around like his wife did. Dan arrived and checked Barry's job list. He added two more items to it before they left. As they headed out the door Mona told her naked husband to put on one of his DVDs. He did and she made him turn the sound level up two times before she approved of the volume. There would be nowhere for Barry to go to escape the moaning and groaning, the voices of the women yelling for more and their penetrators calling them 'bitch' and 'slut' and worse, all the names that Mona got excited from hearing Dan call her. Barry got down on the kitchen floor and started cleaning around the base of the refrigerator, reaching under it as far as he could. There were plenty of cold things to drink inside but he was forbidden to touch them. After all, as Mona had told him earlier, when she and Dan came back and visited the bedroom, there would be plenty of something wet for him to lick up. Barry sniffled and kept cleaning. From the TV came a female voice. "Slam it into me, you Black bastard. Give me all of that gigantic meat pole." It sounded just like his wife talking to her lover. THE END ??? 4883 1.28/512345
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