Sunday, January 27, 2013
Mum Falls Off Her Pedestal
MM FALLS OFF HER PEDESTAL By Shidave I grew up as an only child with a single working mother, my father having died in the war. At school I suppose that I was known as a bit of a nerd, very shy & always into books. I was a year ahead of myself & confident with school work, but not with people. When I was fourteen my teacher decided that the class bully & I could learn something from each other so we were seated together. John was older than the other boys, also bigger & taller, & colored. I think I amused him the way I was in my own little world. I also must have become a challenge for him. John would ask me about my interests, my home etc, & eventually about sex. ?How often do you wank Dave?? Dave became his name for me. ?What do you mean, wank?? ?Jesus boy don?t you touch yourself, you know your cock? Very embarrassed I would try to change the subject, but John was persistent. Eventually he made me confess to rubbing myself in the morning in bed. This led to practical tutoring in the art of ?wanking?. He taught by example. We would be in the boys? toilets & we would both be exposed while he showed me how to pleasure myself. I could not believe, that first time, how large he was. His cock was huge uncircumcised salami. John then seemed to take an immense interest in my home life & liked it when I confessed to peeping at my mother undressing & my aunt when she came to visit. This fascinated him. ?Did you see her tits, Davey, what are they like? Haven?t you seen her pussy? Not even a glimpse?? At first, I would get upset when he discussed my mother in sexual terms. ?Never put a woman on a pedestal, not even your Mum? he would say. A few weeks into the term I accepted John as my friend and said I would ask Mum if he could visit. A few days later John came home with me after school. We hung out, I helped him with homework, and then we heard Mum return from work. As I introduced them they just stared at each other. I thought it was because I had not told Mum that John was colored. I knew why John stared. My mother was a 5?7? brunette with curves in the right places & long legs. Once the ice was broken John was ever the charmer. ?Can I help with your parcels Mrs.Jones? Can I do this Mrs. Jones? Can I do that Mrs.Jones?? Before long John was offered a snack & we were chatting. Actually John & Mum were chatting. I was watching, got bored & went to finish my homework. At supper that night Mum complimented me on my ?big strapping friend? and said that since he needed the extra money she had offered him work to help with chores around the house & garden, as she knew that I hated that stuff Over the next few days John was at our place, mowing lawn, raking, cleaning stuff, fixing and so on. On Saturday, Mum went shopping. John popped in before she returned, apparently because Mum was to pay him for the work. When she returned he rushed out to carry stuff.. She plonked herself on an easy chair after visiting the toilet, saying she was bushed & her feet hurt. Within minutes John came out of the kitchen with a basin of warm water & a sponge. ?Mrs Jones, what you need is a foot massage?. He placed her feet in the warm water & gently massaged her feet. Stockings must have been removed in toilet. I sat on the floor watching TV. When my TV show was over John was still playing masseur, only by now he was up to calves & knees, and the skirt was raised slightly. Every now & again the leg being worked on was lifted to show a beautiful expanse of thigh underside and glimpse of panty. Mum lay back with her eyes closed & seemed very content while I slid lower on the floor watching eagerly, trying to hide my erection. John made no effort to hide his erection. The hands inched higher until she must have realized what was happening & sat up blushing, thanking John for the massage, then staring at what was trying to push through his jeans & then blushing even more. Mum raced off to change; John got up & looked at me with a smirk while he ruffled my hair like I was a little kid. ?I think you enjoyed watching me feel your mum, Davey. Go & jerk off, I?ll see you later.? I did go & jerk off. My mother & I were very quiet & subdued that evening. Every time I looked at her I could see her long creamy white legs being kneaded by John?s brown hands. While having breakfast the next morning, the doorbell rang. It was John again. I answered; he walked past me to the breakfast bar to greet Mum. ?Anything for me?? ?Breakfast or just coffee?? she answered coyly. This flirting went on as Mum showed too much leg while sitting on the bar stool, & John would find excuses to touch her as we cleared up in the kitchen. I left them to go get dressed and they were talking quietly. At one stage I heard Mum say ?Don?t you think that under the circumstances you should call me Carol instead of Mrs.J?? Hey, I thought ?What circumstances?? I returned about an hour later & there was whispering. They were still in the kitchen; Mum was still in night clothes & dressing gown, so I stayed back where I could not be seen. Then louder from Mum ?David will come down soon.? I edged closer to see Mum and John kissing. She was pushing him away half heartedly and sprang away when I showed up. Again, he gave me the smirk, roughed my hair and left. Mum rushed off upstairs pulling her dressing gown round her. On Monday at school John acted very friendly calling me Best Buddy and smiling a lot. I went home alone but shortly after Mum came home from work, there was John with a bottle of wine that he just ?found?. Of course, he was invited to stay for dinner. Dinner conversation was light, John making us laugh. I was allowed a glass of wine with my meal; Mum?s glass was constantly topped up. After dinner Mum said that I could go to my room if I wished & John would help her clear up. I reluctantly left but felt very distracted. Eventually I crept down the stairs. Dinner stuff had been cleared but Mum & John could be heard in the kitchen, little whispers then silence then a sucking sound then a whimper. I got closer & there they were standing; side to me, and kissing. John?s big brown left hand was fondling & kneading my mothers arse. I could not see his right hand but it seemed to be between them & moving. Then he moved away from her lips & whispered something while he nibbled at her ear & neck. I heard what sounded like Nooo very quietly, then the right hand seemed to move lower & her skirt was being raised. That brown right hand then began to move slowly and then the right elbow moved rhythmically back & forth while from her began little whimpers interspersed with ?Nooo? ?David? ?mustn?t? then just whimpers & heavy breathing & a loud groan from my beautiful mother as her body seemed to stiffen; jerk; then she slumped on him. He kept on stroking & fondling her as he whispered ?Now do me.? She started to protest ?Not now, David will come down soon?. When I heard ?David? I walked over ?Yes Mum? They jumped apart. Mum looked sheepish and ashamed as she tried to straiten herself, John looked angry. There was a dark spot on his jeans. He came over to hit me, I thought, but, pinched my cheek hard & said ?You little bastard? and walked out. The next morning John cornered me before class, grabbed my head & brought his dark face right up to mine. ?Now you little bastard, you interrupt when I am going to score one more time & you will never read another book. This is how it is. Your darling mother is ready; in fact she needs my cock. You wouldn?t want to spoil things for her? Play nicely for me & make yourself scarce like you have been & I promise that you will see that pussy you have been trying to see. Hell you may even get a feel. Understand?? We did not see John on Tuesday or Wednesday so on Thursday Mum asked if John was at school & if he was Okay. I asked if I should invite him for dinner on Friday.. She said it may be nice. The next day I invited him & asked where he?d been. The answer was ?Davey sometimes a hot pussy needs simmering.? On Friday evening once again he arrived with wine, went strait to Mum & gave her a kiss on the mouth, which confused her as she glanced at me. John was ?touchy feely? with Mum until dinner & during dinner. I also announced that I would be going on a Geology excursion from Sunday until Friday the following week.. This was received with ?Oh how nice for you? but glances were exchanged.. After dinner he gave me a look with raised eyebrows & said that he would help Mum clear up. So I disappeared to my room. Some time later I quietly came downstairs & heard similar sounds as the previous occasion. Mum was protesting about being caught, in between kisses. The John said, ?I promise he will not come down tonight; he has an important assignment, that he is obligated to finish.? They left the kitchen & moved to the sofa. I could watch from the top of the stairs. Mum was flushed & her button down dress was mostly undone. John whispered to her as he kissed little kisses all over her face & neck & breast that were partially exposed. Those big brown hands kept busy undoing more buttons stroking back & legs & thighs. Mum was writhing around; till she finally whispered ?Are you sure about David? ?Quite sure? he whispered as his hand went down her knickers and cupped her fleshy wet pussy. She surrendered by parting her thighs & sucking on his bottom lip. She came almost immediately thrusting on his fingers, her breathing all ragged. He took her pants off, and then told her to take his cock out. She hesitated but obeyed looking at this monster black cock. She would touch his cock gently then stroke like one would a pet. ?You are so big.? ?Carol, if you like my big black cock, then show him, kiss him, that?s it now lick, yes, pull the skin back & lick, yes lick, now put it in your mouth a move the skin up & down, oh yes, that?s it, now when I cum you are to suck.? I expected my sweet purest mother to dart away when he said that, but she was mesmerized by this black monster, & kept stroking and licking and sucking. When he finally erupted she did as she was told and sucked and sucked and sucked, because he came and came and came, with this almighty ARGGGHHH. And she swallowed but it still dribbled out of her mouth and she still hung on to his dick. ?You can let go Carol, he isn?t running away. He will fuck you in a few minutes? This brought her back to earth from her mesmerized state, and she started dressing. ?No, John, that?s enough for tonight. David may hear us.? He reluctantly left & I scuttled back to my room to jerk off. On Saturday morning John turned up for breakfast. Mum seemed to expect him as the table was set for three & she cooked eggs, etc. What was strange was that she had not dressed. We ate breakfast watching her move in a nightgown & loose robe. I was hard watching those soft round bits move unencumbered by bra or panties.. John was almost salivating, which I am sure was what she intended. This was to tease her lover, my so-called friend with whom she was exchanging glances & knowing looks. Mum reminded me that I had to get stuff for the excursion so I left to get dressed. I had difficulty as my very hard penis in pyjamas would not stay down. When I came downstairs Mum was still in nightclothes flirting with her boyfriend & giggling like a schoolgirl. I would really have liked to stay & watch but it was not to be. I was away for a couple of hours by which time John was gone & Mum was in the shower. The two of us had a quiet Saturday afternoon. Mum helped me pack & we watched a movie together in the evening. Mum looked serene, rested maybe just satisfied. In bed later I played with myself as I relived the previous voyeuristic evening. On Sunday morning, Mum drove me to the bus station. She was actually singing as she drove. I was miserable & horny on the bus thinking about Mum alone with John & what they were doing. This lasted until mid Monday until the rock climbing became interesting & required concentration. We found interesting samples which were sorted and discussed in the afternoons until evening meal time. By Wednesday I was perhaps too exuberant while climbing lost my footing & fell, grazing myself and badly twisting my ankle. A visiting offered to give me a ride home. It was dark when we pulled up outside the house & getting late. I hobbled to the front door & entered the house. The kitchen light was on so it meant that Mum was still up. Shall call out to her? I decided not & struggled up the stairs. Mums bedroom door was ajar & the light was on. I heard moaning & at first thought that she may be in pain, but then remembered John. With a twisted ankle creeping was easier on hands & knees so I crawled over to the door. There facing me was the most erotic site I ever saw. My beautiful mother was face down on the bed facing me. She was looking at me but did not see me; her eyes were glazed & all she did was moan a rock her naked creamy white body back onto the big black cock that pierced her from behind. That smooth back that I?d seen a thousand times by the pool extended to plump round white fleshy buttocks that were being squeezed & kneaded by big brown hands.. John noticed me first which made him hold Mum firmly by the waist so she could not twist away from his black planted firmly in her; which is what she tried to do when her eyes could see. She also started to yell & scream. ?David What are you ?.Get out you hear? go away? ?Please go, you must not see me like this? ?John make him go? I was frozen. I could not move as I watched that beautiful white body enjoying that big black cock. John was grinning with a wild look in his eyes as he held my mothers body fast to his cock, while he moved her on him with his hands. Eventually lust took over & mother?s screams became whimpers and then she groaned her pleasure as she orgasmed for what seemed an eternity as her body trembled & shook. The fact that her son was watching, in turn sent John into orgasm & he thrust & thrust into her hot hole spewing gallons of sperm. When the paroxysms stopped, John lay on Mum, gently kissing her neck with intimacy while she started weeping. In between sobs begging me to leave while John was winking at me to stay. I stayed, crawled closer to the bed, with my eyes glued to my mothers white flesh being fondled by brown hands. As I pulled myself up from the crawling position I realized that I had creamed myself. My front was wet. I was embarrassed but John cackled ?look carol we all orgasmed together. Mum was feverishly trying to find something to cover herself, While John started to want to display her charms. ?Davey, you sucked these as a baby you lucky guy. Aren?t they great tits? Let me show you where you came from.? John won. His body was still on her so all he did was hold one leg up & my mother was totally exposed to her son. I drank the beauty of her fleshy belly and thighs in between which the wet matted pussy hair surrounded the open red gash that was recently fucking. John?s black cock was still semi hard next to her hole. In the end Mum covered her face with her arm and sobbed. I did go over and did as John ordered; touching and feeling her all over. He found this exciting and became hard enough to enter her once again. For our amusement he showed me how to stimulate her clit while he fucked his black pole in & out of the beautiful white body. To her shame she orgasmed again. I kissed my mother, a son?s kiss, and left the room. Suddenly it dawned on me. I had cum all over myself, my ankle was throbbing with pain and I was exhausted. I dragged myself to the shower and then to bed. About an hour later I felt a body on my bed. It was Mum, begging forgiveness for being a slut and asking me if I was Okay and why had I returned early. We talked, I said that she had nothing to apologise for. I told her what happened. Only then did she realise that I was hurt. I told her that she was beautiful and I wished that it was me with her. She was shocked and told me it could never be with me, and it only happened with John because she is a normal woman with needs that had not been satisfied for years & he knew what buttons to push. She came back with a hot drink and sandwich & told me she loved me. I then heard a sound & asked if John was still there. She blushed and said that he wanted to stay the night which she did not object to since there were no mysteries or secrets left between us. She bent to kiss me good night. I went for the lips. She let me stay there for a bit, then said that I mustn?t be naughty, stood up and closed my door. I woke quite late the next morning. Passing Mum?s room I saw an open door with the bed in a mess. Half way down the stairs I saw the sofa. John was lying on it and Mum was kneeling on the floor. She was playing with his cock. Actually, worshiping is more the word. She would kiss and nibble and lick all the way up and down his length, then lick under his thick foreskin, then nobble his balls and lick behind his balls. She only had a light night gown on and he had his hand under it fondling her bum cheeks and stroking her crack from front to back. John saw me and made signs not to come closer. Eventually, Mum?s worship gained fervor, she lent over for deep tongue kiss, climbed over him poised over his stiff black pole and lowered herself slowly while she held it. She would push down slowly the lift; each push taking more of that black cock. It was so beautiful those creamy white buns poised over that hard black cock. When most of it was in her she seemed to lose control of her movements and began jerky thrusting on to it. She also began sounds that were almost animalistic: ragged breathing, moaning groaning words drifting out ?so big? ?fuck me ?. John enjoyed knowing that I was watching, so he goaded her. ?You want to cum, bitch?? ?Cum on my big black cock? Then all she could manage was Yes Yes Yes as she trembled and shook with orgasm. As she came down from ecstasy, John let her know that she had an audience. She was embarrassed but not upset like the previous night. John called me over. ?Davey, I?m not much older than you but I?ve been around, so I?ll give you some advice. Never put a woman on a pedestal, not even your mother. As long as she has a cunt she will need to fuck. Just try to be the lucky cock for the sweetest hungry cunts.? John was stable while I helped him with his school work and my mother relieved his libido. But then summer came & with little to do during those warm weekdays, he got into trouble. The following school year John visited less and Mum started to go off him. She hated it when he would visit drunk or stoned.. He tried to get us to smoke pot with him, and to share her, but even with her hungry cunt Mum had the presence of mind to be a good mother and set a good example. Eventually she weaned herself off black cock. I am sure that her commitment to me as my mother was her inspiration. She was ashamed of my involvement and what I saw. I am sure that she had her ?needs? satisfied occasionally while I was at college, but I was no longer involved. 44558 2.20/512345
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