Sunday, July 21, 2013

Caddyshack Jenny Ch. 2

Brentwood Country Club Members Outing (One month later) Jack sat in front of his locker at the club, reveling in the atmosphere and "feel" of the room. All around, fellow members were laughing and telling jokes at each other's expense, generally having a grand old time! He slipped his right foot into his favorite golf shoes, and suddenly paused as he felt something ooze all around his foot. The room broke out in raucous laughter, as he slowly extracted his stocking foot now soaked with shaving cream! "All right, very funny! Break the new guy in!" He joined in with their good-natured laughter, getting several pats on the back in playful sympathy. "Jesus, did you see the new babe they have caddying this year!" Said an old timer sitting across from him. "I don't know where she came from, but I hope this is the start of something big!" Another guy standing to the side broke in, "Speaking of big, did you catch the knockers on that one! Nipples out to here" He mimed, holding his fingers a good inch from his chest. "I'm going to go bribe Harry right now!" They all broke out in a laugh. Jack hoped he would get her. Somehow, he had landed in Jenny's doghouse for the last month. He definitely needed to touch something soft real soon! His back was still stiff from the couch. He knew every spring on a first name basis. He changed socks, and slipped on an old pair of spikes. Grabbing a donut off the snack table, he followed the others out the door and up towards the practice green. There was an circle of golfers wrapped around the back, blocking his view. He stopped dead in his tracks, as he came upon a break in the ring of men, and saw what they were all staring at. The club pro was kneeling next to a curvaceous young lady, explaining to her how to "read a green". Her back was turned to the men as she watched him carefully explaining the breaks of the practice green in front of them. She was dressed in a tiny white tennis skirt with a white cotton top. Long blond hair draped midway down to her ass, tied in a loose ponytail. The group of guys around him gasped in unison, as she doubled over at the waist, placing her hands on her knees. While she was trying to get a clearer view of the break, she was giving the men quite a treat! The short skirt rode up her legs, just short of her well-rounded ass. Jack felt his cock stiffening in his loose shorts! "Holy shit! Will you look at that!" exclaimed one of the old-timers, as they approached from the locker room, joining the small knot of men. Several of the guys chuckled along with him, and sensing the attention, the gal's head slowly turned back, peering over her shoulder! Jack's jaw dropped, as he recognized his wife's familiar face! Seeing her husband's startled expression at the back of her group of admirers, Jenny grinned a devilish smile and returned her attention to the club pro. Jenny bent over deeper yet, making it apparent to the group that she wore nothing underneath the brief skirt! "That must be the new caddy!" Said the old-timer, giving her an appreciative whistle. "You know old man Broomhall will keep her all to himself though!" Bill Broomhall was the current owner of the club, and having recently retired, was a very active member, never missing an event. "All golfers please come to the first tee for your starting assignments please." A voice called out over the P.A. system. "There's the old man now, let's get going!" Reluctantly, the group of men turned away from Jenny as she straightened back up, and started to make their way over to the first tee area. Jack stood dumbfounded, still staring at his wife. He was torn between joining the group of guys, or grabbing her by the scruff of the neck and getting her out of here! Hmmmm, Of course at this point, no one knew who she really was, and if he did make a scene they would probably cancel his membership! Making up his mind, he turned and quickly followed off after the group, leaving Jenny standing alone on the practice green. "What a jerk!" She thought to herself, watching him join up with the others. "Well, here we go girl! Lets see how he likes me now!" 5657 1.76/512345

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