Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Beauty Blackmailed and Boffed
Beauty Blackmailed & Boffed (m/f, i/r, n/c) by Black Demon At the age of 32, John Nishimoto was quite a proud industrious Asian businessman who had worked tirelessly to establish the most prestigious and profitable trading company in the west coast. Born and raised in California, he was equally as proud of being the man who had recently landed the former Miss Carol Amazaki, a succulent beauty with long silky black hair and porcelain white skin, as his wife. With so many men plying their charms to attract the lovely beauty, John had been the one to win her heart. He sat back in his chair to reflect upon his good fortune in both business and his love life. Mrs. Carol Nishimoto, at the age of 25, had fallen head over heels upon a chance meeting with the influential businessman four years ago. It had taken place in an evening MBA class that she was taking at the local university and the well-known businessman and alumnus was to give a lecture to her class. She had been sitting in the fifth row when their eyes locked upon each other's and then it was like love at first sight. It did not escape Carol that the handsome businessman made it a point to seek her out to make conversation after the lecture was over and then he had invited her out for a cocktail. What was to be just a cocktail ended up with the evening turning out to be a full-fledged dinner at an elegant restaurant. Over dinner, they eagerly sought to learn more of each other and then they danced to the nice dinner music. Carol had fallen head over heels from that moment on as the handsome man eagerly asked her out for a date that weekend. One date led to another and then they were talking on the phone every night and seeing each out every weekend. Carol was so pleased that John was not like many of the guys she had dated, those who only sought to get into her panties and claim the prize. As in the customary Asian upbringing, Carol's was very conservative and she had been taught well by her mother, saving her most precious gem for marriage. Upon getting her master's degree in economics, Carol turned down John's request that she work for his firm, not wanting to start in a job because she happened to be the head man's girlfriend. Thus, she embarked on her own career with a large oil company in the 'mergers and acquisitions' department. After two years on the job and numerous raises and promotions, she was elevated to a junior v.p. position and began to handle various aspects as the company spokesperson. But once they were married, John saw no reason why his lovely young wife should be working for another company other than his. He insisted that she join the company as a full V.P. in charge of the finance department, promising that Carol would have full control of the department without any interference by him. Thus, Carol resigned her position with the oil company and took on her new role at Nishimoto Trade & Shipping Co. John was so happy that he had convinced his lovely wife to join him as it always helped to have someone you truly trusted working for you. Their wedding had been quite elaborate with even the mayor of the city attending and along with many influential people attending the lavish affair. To top it all, John found that his lovely bride was very innocent indeed, giving him a gift that many young women don't save for her wedding day ?????..her precious cherry! But the business world was quite a competitive one and John was under a lot of pressure to expend a lot on capital expenditure to modernize the firm along with the efforts of his top competitor to buy him out. Thus far, John had turned down each offer, deciding that the offer was too low plus the fact that he just hated to part with the company he had worked to hard in building up to its current status. Of course, he confided with this aspect and often had to discuss the company's finance on a business level as that was Carol's department. Rashid Akbar, owner of Mideastern Trading, had inherited the business from his wealthy father and now sought to expand the company's influence along the west coast. He was determined to do so and had set his sights upon the efficiently run Nishimoto Trade & Shipping Co. But all his friendly meetings and offers to his main competitor had been spurned, leaving him frustrated to say the least. Recently, Rashid learned that his competitor was in fact expanding some, taking away one of his long-time trading customers that was based in Europe. Needless to say, Rashid was livid and totally pissed, cussing his 'fuck'n competitor endlessly. Then, opening up the Sunday newspaper, there was his competitor smiling smack dab on the front of the society pages. Then, settling down a bit, Rashid looked at the smaller photos below in the news article concerning John Nishimoto and the contributions he had recently made in hiring the handicapped. Rashid's cock twitched at the sight of the sexy Asian beauty next to that fuck'n competitor of his. Reading the captions beneath the photos, he found that it was indeed John Nishimoto's beautiful young wife. Reading the news article with interest, Rashid learned that the sexy young beauty worked as the V.P. in charge of the finance department of her husband's trading company. 'Damn! That fucker's not only got me over a fuck'n barrel but manages to land a fuck'n sexy bitch like that fer his fuck'n wife! Shit, some people got all the fuck'n luck in the world!' he cussed. Staring at the sexy beauty in the photos, Rashid's devious mind began to unfold a more sinister plan to gain control of the company. 'Hmmm, in charge of the finance department and obviously a confidant to that asshole husband of hers. The perfect insider with the influence needed to get that asshole to see things my way!' he thought. 'Yes ???..yes ????just the person I need to swing the deal!' he concluded. For days Rashid concentrated on refining the basic scheme that he had come up with when seeing his competitor in the society pages. He checked the various trade shows notices that would soon be taking place and then he came upon the one that might just be the one where his plan could be carried out. It was a trade show to be held in the northwest where Nishimoto himself was on the agenda to give a speech. Now the only question that remained was whether or not his beautiful young wife would be accompanying him on that trip. As his company always was invited and participated in such trade shows, Rashid had established his contacts over the years. Making his contact with a fellow involved in coordinating and soliciting companies to that particular show, Rashid promised to give him the company commitment provided he learn of some information on the Nishimoto Trade & Shipping Co. With John Nishimoto scheduled to give a presentation, the trade show would be paying for his accommodations. Thus, it was a simple check on the parties checking into the room reserved for John Nishimoto. Learning that his competitor would be all alone up in the northwest, Rashid surmised that the beautiful young wife would be left all alone at home. To pull off this caper, Rashid decided that the use of the Asian gang of teens would be the best to employ as they might attract too much attention entering the Nishimoto's home. He would just have to make sure they were cleaned up and looking presentable so as to not draw the neighbors attention. Meeting with the Asian gang of teens, which he normally contracted with to destroy competitors' property and such, Rashid explained the details of the plan that promised to be financially beneficial to the group. In exchange, they would have to conduct the caper exactly according to the plans he had drawn up. As the gang had been well taken care of in each of Rashid's capers, they knew that they would have to follow his orders. This gang was well versed in breaking and entering as that was how they made a living, stealing valuables and then selling them to pawn shops or on the streets. For this job, they were given the time and place where they were to break in but were advised that nothing was to be stolen. They were to wait for the woman of the house to come home and tie her up, with instructions clearly emphasized that she was not to be harmed in any way. Then, they were to call Rashid on his cellphone to let him know that they had accomplished the deed. The next week was quite a busy one at the Nishimoto Trade and Shipping Co., especially for Carol Nishimoto and her finance department. With the company's auditors going over the books and Carol talking with the bankers, it was a constant on-the-go status throughout each day. With her husband off to a trade show on this hectic week, Carol also helped out where she could to cover some of her husband's regular duties in seeing that the entire operation was working smoothly. Carol wished that she had been able to accompany her husband on this trip to Seattle, as she normally would, but the business demanded her attention at the moment. Since marrying John, Carol just hated being left home alone, missing her loving husband terribly if he had to go on the road and leaving her behind. Living in a nice luxurious home in an area of comparable dwellings, there was a sense of security as private security patrolled the area and there had been no crimes in the neighborhood. Though enjoying the life of a luxurious lifestyle, Carol wished that her husband had not gotten her a brand new Mercedes. She would much rather be driving something a bit less auspicious, feeling a bit uncomfortable in such a luxury car. True, she knew that they had more than enough for such luxuries, especially living in such a mansion the mansion that they owned. Still, with her conservative upbringing, Carol wanted to tone down the purchases of such extravagant items that her husband loved having. Having gotten a call from her husband at work an hour ago, she was pleased to hear that his presentation had gone well and that new business was coming in from it. John had indicated that he'd be taking a few prospective clients out for dinner and advised that he would not be calling that evening. Carol then wished him well as she tidied up her desk before calling it a day. On this particular day, Carol was dressed in a nice conservative gray outfit over a long-sleeve white blouse, with a large bow at the top front of her blouse. Her outfit was completed with nylons and 3" black heels to give her a conservative yet very professional look. Having worked late, it was already dark as she drove up her driveway and opened the garage door with her remote. Closing the garage door behind her, Carol then made her way to the door connecting to the kitchen. Wanting to change into something more comfortable, Carol then stepped into the darkened living room that was dimly lit from the background light coming from the kitchen. Just as she stepped through the door, several arms and hands grabbed her, with one hand clamped over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. Seconds later, Carol found herself sitting upon the living room carpet with her hands bound securely behind her back, listening to the threatening voice behind her advising "Be quite and you won't be hurt!" Blinking her eyes to get them adjusted to the dimness of the room, Carol found that she was surrounded by five Asian teens standing about her. 'Oh, God ????.they're here to rob the house!' she shuddered. 'Oh, God ?????just take what you want and leave!' Carol prayed silently as she shook with fear. Frightened beyond believe, shaking with fright, she was rendered speechless. Then Carol feared the worst as the young men just stood there, continuing to look down at her. "Man ?????she's real pretty! Ya sure I can't have her?" one of the intruders uttered, causing Carol to tremble with fear. "No! You know the orders the bossman gave us! No one touches her!" she heard the leader say to her relief. The gang leader then got out a cellphone and began making a call. "Bossman? Yeah, job's done! Okay, pull up at the front entrance and we'll open the door for you! Got it ????.five minutes!" he advised into the phone. "Bossman's gonna get here within five minutes! Seng, you get the door for the Bossman!" he advised the gang members. 'Bossman? Who's the boss of these low-life thugs who can't make a living on their own?' Carol wondered. Seeing that the gang members were merely awaiting the arrival of the 'Bossman', Carol sensed that this was not an ordinary burglary nor robbery and wondered just what it was all about. 'Oh, God ?????they're going to kidnap me for ransom! That's it!' she worried. For Carol it was the longest five minutes of her life. Then she saw the headlights of a car coming up the driveway and pulling up in front of the house. A moment later, the front door was being opened and Carol could hear footsteps approaching. Then the lights suddenly came on and Carol gasped as the sight of this large muscular black man smirking at her. Viewing that the gang members were of Asian descent, Carol had all along been anticipating seeing an Asian as the 'Bossman'. "Do you know who I am, Mrs. Nishimoto?" Rashid inquired. Seeing the frightened beauty shake her head 'no', Rashid smiled and chuckled, then advised "That husband of yours sure is a stubborn man! You know ?????..I've made him several offers to buy the business but he won't give me the time of day! You're the head of finance ???.you know your husband needs to get a lot of capital soon to upgrade the operation! I would really appreciate you helping me convince that stubborn husband of yours that it would be better to sell the company to me rather than refinancing!" It was then that Carol realized just who was the 'Bossman' standing in front of her, the man whom her husband cussed at regularly as 'that black ass'! "You ?????.you're the owner of Mideastern Trading! You ?????you're Rashid Akbar!" she stammered out. "You're crazy! I'll never help you! I'll never do anything against my husband!" she responded. "Now ???.now ???? reasonable, Mrs. Nishimoto!" Rashid advised. "Perhaps I can convince you that it would be beneficial to both you and me that you help convince your husband to sell the business!" he advised. "Never ???never ???.I'll never help you!" came the expected response from the loving and faithful wife of the man he hated. Then, with a snap of his fingers, two of the gang members moved into action as they set up a tripod and focused a camcorder to take in the stunned beauty as she sat upon the carpet. Afraid for her life at this point, not knowing the intent of this evil man, Carol stammered out "You hurt me and John will kill you! You'll go to jail for the rest of your life!" But her husband's evil competitor just smiled back at her, then responded "No one's going to hurt you, sweetie! No one's going to lay a finger on you! I would never stand for anyone hurting a pretty little thing like you!" Then, after a snap of his fingers, Carol saw the gang members respond as they edged in closer towards her. Digging her heels into the carpet, Carol scooted back on the carpet in an attempt to get away from them. But after just a foot or so, her back was flush against the living room wall, preventing her from moving back any further. Shuddering in fear at the sound of a zipper being undone to her left, Carol turned towards that ominous sound. Then her head whipped to the right as another zipper was being undone. Seconds later, all five members of the Asian gang had unzipped themselves and were reaching into the openings to fish out their filthy members. Carol cringed with fear as the five horrid teens began to handle themselves in front of her, each standing no more than a foot away from her. 'Oh, God ??????.they're animals ?????..nothing but filthy animals!' she shuddered. 'What are they doing ???????.what are they going to do?' Carol wondered as she watched the teens pumping at the now growing cocks. Captive, sitting horrified on the carpet of her living room, Carol shuddered as comments among the gang members told her exactly what was in store for her. Among the excited teens, they commented "I want to be the first one to cum on the pretty lady!" "Five bucks say I'm the first one to cum on her pretty face!" "Man, I'm aiming at her pretty little lips!" "Please ?????please ??????Mr. Akbar, please ?????..please stop these animals! Please ??????please ????.don't let them do this to me!" Carol sobbed in despair. Then she quickly turned her head away as one of the demented teens unleashed a stream of cum directed at her face. She shuddered at the hot slimy fluid struck her just under her right ear and the gooey substance began to flow down her neck and soak into her blouse. Turning to the left had allowed her to escape being hit directly in the face by that first teen. However, the teen on her left now cut loose his vile cum, striking her at the top of her forehead and into her hair. Turning back to the right to escape the teen's second spurt, she was suddenly bombarded by the three primed and ready cocks of the other gang members. There was now no escape as she was being sprayed from all angles. 'Oh, God ??????..these filthy animals!' Carol shuddered, shutting her eyes and turning away in an attempt to keep the filth from striking her directly in the face. Still, she could not avoid all of the hot spraying, feeling it strike her on the side of her face and neck. She shivered as she felt the wet fluid seep through her silky hair onto her scalp. Carol choked back sobs, humiliated and ashamed at being defiled in such a disgusting manner. Finally the cum shower came to an end, allowing Carol to open her eye once again. She sobbed in shame upon seeing the splotches of filth soiling her clothing and legs. Then one of the gang members pulled her too the side and stood behind her, grasping the back of her head and keeping still as another gang member took over the camcorder to get a close-up view of their dirty work upon her face and clothing. Then Carol heard chuckling and laughter coming from the background, that from the evil man who had planned this horrible ordeal. An opening formed as the gang members stepped aside a bit to allow their 'Bossman' to come forward. "Well, Mrs. Nishimoto ???????.still think there's nothing of benefit to you in helping convince that asshole husband of yers to sell the business to me?" Rashid chuckled. "I think your husband would love seeing his beautiful wife staring in this little flick! Say, does your parents own a video recorder, sweetie? I bet they'd just love seeing their pretty little girl covered with smelly spunk!" he laughed. "Looks like the boys here missed a few spots! We can't have that ???.not a partial facial! Don't ya worry, honey ????????I got a full pint load here fer ya, right in my pants!" Rashid laughed as he unzipped his pants and stepped forward even closer. Pulling out the thick piece of meat hiding under his jockeys, he began jerking at it, not more that three inches away from her cringing face. 'Oh, God ?????..oh, God ??????how can anyone by so depraved! My God ??????if I don't help him ??????..John ??????my parents ???.will see me covered in this filth!' Carol shuddered, her eyes glued to the growing black length before her. Growing right before her eyes, Carol observed the pulsing and swelling of the shaft, growing to nearly a foot in length. Never in her life had Carol seen anything so grotesque as it seemed to have a life of its own, like a live snake trying to get out of the fist's grip. She shuddered with disgust, realizing that the bloated monstrosity indeed must contain a full pint of its vicious scum. Then saw the swollen cockhead expanded even further, mesmerizing her. Suddenly, it spurted out at her, striking her right between the eyes. Unable to turn away due to the hands holding her head steady, she quickly closed her eyes as she was given a full hot creamy facial. "Ahhhhh, baby ??????.ahhhhhhhhhhh ??????.yeahhhhhhhh!" Rashid moaned as he emptied his load on the beauty's face. "Oh, sweetie ????.you look so beautiful! By tomorrow, I should have a hundred copies of the tape ready to go out! Why don't you think about my proposition tonight? If you want to discuss it, you know where I am! I'm on the top floor ??????..say noontime?" he chuckled. Moments later, Carol was all alone in her home, sobbing as her body shook with revulsion of what had just taken place. The intruders had disappeared and the rope cut to free her wrists. She could only sit there on the carpet and sob, shivering at the feel of the slimy fluid slowly flow down her face to drip onto her clothing. Reaching up with her freed right hand, she touched her face and began crying at the feel of the thick slimy filth that covered her face. Wiping her face with her fingers, Carol looked at the messy goo webbing her fingers together and shook her hand in disgust. Sobbing, Carol struggled to get up off the carpet and staggered down the hallway to her bedroom. Making her way to the master bath, she turned on the light and gasped at her reflection in the mirror. 'Oh, God ?????..I can't let anyone see me like this! Not my parents! Not John! Not anyone!' she sobbed. Grabbing a towel, she wiped the spunk from her face, then tossed the soiled towel onto the floor. Then Carol began shedding her soiled clothing, throwing them atop the towel on the floor. She kicked off her black heels, then pulled down her soiled pantyhose. Bra and panties also joined the heap of clothing. Carol intended of getting rid of any potential reminder of what she had been wearing on this horrid night. Turning on a hot shower, she stepped in to let the beading water wash the smelly slime from her face and hair. With the shower stall of a pinkish/maroon color, Carol shivered in disgust as white threads of the sticky fluid drifted along the bottom tiles of the shower stall and into the drain. 'Oh, God ??????..I'll never be clean again!' she wept. Shampooing her hair and scrubbing her body twice, Carol still felt soiled and unclean as she dried herself. Falling onto the king-sized bed, she cried herself to sleep, wondering what she should do. The next morning, Carol awoke and shook her head, thinking what a horrible nightmare she had during the night. 'God ????? seemed so real ????? awful!' she shuddered. Slipping out of bed, she went to the bathroom to brush up and get ready to go to work. Then she froze at the doorway, staring down at the floor, looking at the heap of clothing that were stained with white splotches. "Oh, God ?????noooo ????nooooooo!" she sobbed out loudly. At his office Rashid pulled up the Nishimoto Trade & Shipping Co.'s website, he laughed "Ahhh, this is just to fuck'n easy!" Scrolling through the website that he checked periodically to monitor his competitor's products and pricing, Rashid found what he was looking for - the email link to Carol Nishimoto of Finance. Typing a short message, then clicking on various attachments to the email, he hit the 'send' button. Across town, a nervous Carol Nishimoto sat in her office, not wanting to speak to anyone as she tried to think things out. The horrible details kept replaying in her mind, the fact that everything had been filmed, the threats of copies being released to her husband and parents. With her loving parents now retired and aging, she thought 'God ?????.it would kill them if they see me like that!' Trying to busy herself and not think of the 'noon' deadline that had been given to her, Carol decided to read her email messages. Seeing a number of email messages that had come in, her body then went cold as she shivered upon seeing a message that indicated the sender to be 'Mideastern Trading Co.' Panting for breath, Carol hesitated as she moved the mouse to open up the message. "Oh, my Goddddddddd!" Carol shuddered as the email popped up. It read "See you at noon, sweetie!" Then there were the three attachments, indicating that photos were attached to the email. Clicking on the first attachment, tears began to flow down her cheeks. The second attachment caused her to begin sobbing. The third caused her to shove the monitor, causing it to crash to the floor and break. At noon, in the main office of Mideastern Trading Co., the receptionist looked up at her with a friendly smile and greeting "Oh, you must be Mrs. Nishimoto! Mr. Akbar is expecting you! Go right on in!" Nervously, Carol walked toward the office in the direction where the receptionist had pointed. She knew that she would have to get the tape, no matter what it took. "Ahhhh ??????.Mrs. Nishimoto! Come in! Come in! I must say, you look as beautiful as ever!" Rashid greeted her with his sinister smile. Entering the large and plush office, she saw Rashid move past her to close the door to his office. Then she was advised "Have a seat! Tell me, have you thought about my proposition?" Blinking back the tears, Carol stammered "Please ????..please ?????I can't have anyone seeing those photos! They ??????.they would kill my parents! I ?????I'll talk to my husband for you ?????.see if he'll sell the company! But ?????.but I don't think he wants to sell the company! We ?????we've in the process of getting financing to modernize the equipment we have!" Rashid chuckled at the beauty's plight, then lifted up the remote on his desk and pointed it up to the television monitor built into the wall. As it turned on, Rashid then hit the play button for the video recorder. "Photos? How about your parents getting a full copy of this video tape? I think they'll really enjoy it! Watch for yourself!" he advised. Then the video began playing with the monitor showing her sitting on her living room carpet with hands bound behind her back. Carol could only sit there in horror as the degrading event unfolded before her once again, this time on the television. As she watched her degradation, Carol had only one thought in mind - that no one could view this horrid tape of her. She would have to comply with this evil man's demands, encourage the sale of the business, even if it was not in her husband's best interest When the television was turned off, Carol softly advised "I'll do what you want! I'll try to convince my husband to sell the company to you! But ????.but please ????.I must have that tape ?????the original ????..and any copies! I needed to destroy them! I ????.I can't have anyone seeing that horrible tape! Not John! Not my parents!" "Now, now ?????.don't ya fret any, sweetie! No one's gonna see the tape ???..if you convince yer hubby to sell the business to me! I can promise ya that much!" Rashid advised. Seeing the distraught young wife nod her head, then stand and turn to leave his office, Rashid advised "But, sweetie ????.I need to know fer sure that ya ain't gonna change yer mind when ya leave here!" Turning to face the evil man, Carol trembled as she wondered what else she could say to convince him that she would do as she said. She could not believe what she was hearing when Rashid told her "You looked so beautiful on yer knees last night! Why don't ya come on over here next to me so I can see ya like ya were last night!" Carol wanted to run from the office and get out of there as fast as she could. But the thought of her parents seeing that horrible tape had her slowly moving towards her husband's evil competitor. 'Oh, God ??????he wants to humiliate me again ?????just like he did last night!' she groaned. Then Carol shuddered as she neared the desk and heard a zipper being undone. Closing her eyes as she slowly sank down to her knees, Carol realized that she was in store for even a worst fate as Rashid advised "Don't ya worry, sweetie! I know ya gotta get back to yer office! I won't mess up that pretty dress of yers! That is ???provided ya don't let any of my jizz escape from those purty lips of yers!" 'Oh, my God! He ???he actually expects me to put ???..his thing in my mouth!' she realized. Opening her eyes in horror, seeing the evil man handling himself once again, Carol pleaded "Pleaseeeeee ?????.please ?????..I ?????.I can't do such an awful thing! I ????.I've never ??????never done such a filthy thing! Please ?????please ?????.you can't expect me to ??? put ????.to put it in my mouth!" "Ain't ever had a cock in yer purty mouth, have ya? John sure been missing out on the good stuff!" Rashid laughed aloud. "You'll either put my fuck'n cock in yer sweet mouth or tomorrow yer parents will be watching the tape of their precious little daughter getting spunked on by six guys! Make up yer mind, bitch! Now, come and suck my cock or get the hell outta here so I can get some tapes out in the mail!" Rashid growled. 'Oh, God ?????what do I do? Not only does he want to put it in my mouth ???????he plans on doing it in my mouth!' she shuddered as her stomach churned in revulsion at the dreaded thought of performing such a filthy act. Carol shivered in disgust as she saw the familiar snake like animal growing rapidly once again as it was being fisted. Forced to comply or face the consequences of her parents receiving a tape, Carol bit the bottom of her lip as she slowly moved forward on her knees towards the devious man. Nauseated, Carol reached forward with her right hand, fingers trembling as she was about to touch the fleshy monstrosity. Carol shuddered with total disgust as her fingers came into contact with the stick black flesh, feeling it jump in her hand at her initial touch. 'Oh, God ??????.its so thickkkkkkk!' she realized as her fingers were unable to full encircle the shaft. Instinctively, Carol's hand began slowly pumping up and down the throbbing shaft, feeling it grow even larger upon her handling of it. "Ohhhhh, yeah ??????.that's the way, sweetie ??????..pump it ???..ahhhhhh, yeah! Yeah, baby ??????..ahhhhhhh, that feels so good! Come and get it, baby! Give it a kiss! Wrap those beautiful pink lips around my cock!" Rashid moaned as he reached forward to grasp the young wife by the back of the head and pulled her forward into his crotch. Carol cringed and turned her face a bit as she was pulled towards the bloated cockhead, causing it to bounce off her cheek and the sticky underside slid up along the side of her face. After getting her next breath of air, her body quivered in disgust 'Oh, God ?? smells so awful! God ?????..I'm going to be sick! I don't think I can go through with this ????sickening act!' Eyes shut, Carol could merely remain kneeling before this horrid man who was now rubbing his filthy cock about her cringing face. Then the fleshy bulb of the bloated cockhead was pushing at her lips, demanding entrance into her mouth. With the pressure pulling on her hair and the insistent push between her lips, Carol reluctantly parted her lips, allowing the bloated cockhead to push between her teeth. Reaching up with her left hand, Carol clamped over above her right hand that was at the base of the cock, determined to prevent her evil blackmailer from shoving the entire monstrosity down her throat. Needing to breathe again, Carol shivered as she inhaled the stench emanating from the man's crotch, making her even more nauseated. Her stomach churned at the despicable act she was being forced to perform. Mouth plugged by the blunt cockhead, Carol tried to toss her head, wanting desperately to spit out the filthy shaft. She used her tongue in an attempt to push it out of her mouth, but that only seemed to stimulate him further as the thick cockhead expanded even larger in her mouth . Pushing with her tongue, she felt the pisshole part against the pressure of her pointed tongue, then shuddered as a glob of sticky pre-cum oozed out onto her tongue. "Yeah, baby ???????.oh, yeah ??????..ohhhh ????oh, yeah ??..tongue me, baby ???tongue me! Ahhhhhhh, yeah ??????.that's it ????..that's it, sweetie! Tongue me, baby ?????????.ohhhhh, fuck ?????.yeahhhhh ????..ahhhhhhhh ???.ahhhhhhhh!" Rashid moaned, pushing another inch of his throbbing cock into her hot wet mouth. Grasping her long silky black hair tightly, Rashid pushed forward to feed the lovely young wife several more inches of his thick manhood. Stomach churning in revulsion, Rashid's thick black cock fucking in and out of her mouth, Carol had never felt so degraded in her life. Then she felt the cock expand even further within her mouth, throbbing rapidly, signaling that the end was near. 'No ?????..oh, God ?????no ?????.I'll die if he does it in my mouth! He's sick ????????absolutely sick in wanting to do such a filthy thing!' she thought, gripping her hands tightly around the base of his cock to prevent more from being pushed down her throat. The brushing of the innocent beauty's hot wet tongue had Rashid shivering with pleasure as he was ready to 'pop' his nuts. ?Oh, baby?????..oh, Mrs. Nishimoto ????? got such soft pretty lips ????..ahhhhhhhhhh ?????..?yeaahhh, that?s it ??????.tongue me ?????tongue me, baby! Yeah ????.?oh, yeah ?????yeah ?????.cummingggggggg ????..I'm cummingggggg! Oh, baby ???? eat my hot jizz ????...suck it all outta me ????ahhhhhhhhh, yeahhh ?????yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!? he groaned. Holding the frightened young beauty firmly by the hair, Rashid saw her look up at him pleadingly, trying to twist and turn to dislodge him from her mouth. It was evident that she was now fighting to keep from swallowing the mouthful of slimy spunk that now filled her mouth. Rashid saw the innocent young wife begin to gag, the whites of her eyes showing, causing him to laugh aloud at her plight as she was having a hard time breathing. With his cock plugging her throat, Rashid pulled his still lengthy cock out a bit so that she could swallow. "Swallow it, bitch! Eat all of the hot lunch I got fer ya! Tasty ain't it? That's all the nourishment ya'll need for the day! Better swallow it all or yer purty dress will get all messy!" he ordered. Rashid laughed as the beauty clutched at her stomach and gagged, body shuddering as she began to swallow this thick and salty jizz. Delirious and so repulsed at the degrading act that she had just performed, Carol felt her stomach about to rebel. Swallowing once and shuddering in disgust, Carol quickly got up off her knees and to rush out of the office. Before she got out of the office, she heard the evil blackmailer say "That terrific blowjob bought ya a week's time, sweetie!" Rushing out of the front door, Carol made a beeline to the restroom. Entering the restroom, passing the receptionist who was combing her hair, Carol locked herself in a stall and leaned over the open toilet. Feeling sick, Carol clutched her stomach, body quivering at the feel of the thick gooey cum forming a lake in her belly. Throat clogged with the sticky goo, she began coughing and gagging, then began throwing up. Sitting back in his armchair, Rashid smiled at the thought of having just taught his competitor's beautiful young wife how to suck cock. 'Damn, that was so fuck'n good!' he muttered. Then the receptionist returned from her lunch break, a pretty but dumb blonde who just loved to fuck and suck. She came into his office and asked "Boss, what did you do to that pretty little thing? Did you make her suck that big boner of yours? I told you that your jizz is way too salty! That pretty thing is in the ladies room, sick to her stomach and puking her fuck'n guts out!" That night, after suffering through an agonizing afternoon, Carol picked up the telephone which rang at the time John indicated that he'd be calling. As her husband told her how well things went at the trade show, Carol merely listened but could not comprehend much of what was being said. Her mind was obviously preoccupied with other thoughts, those of how she had been soiled and disgraced, afraid of her loving husband seeing those horrible photos or video. With her husband scheduled to return home the next day, Carol tried to think out a plan to convince John to sell the business and take the offer that Rashid had last offered to him. She thought that one aspect might be to convince John that, with the sale of the business, they could relax for a bit and then look to setting up a new and exciting venture together. Carol would then ply him with the thought of them spending more time together, that of romance and travel. Although she had been in close contact with the various bankers and there really was no problem in getting the loan needed to modernize, she would take the negative approach that it would take them years just to make up the cost to upgrade. Nearing a week later, Carol nervously sat at her desk, wondering just how she could get more time from the evil Rashid to convince her husband. She had tried various ways to talk to John on selling the business, the benefits to them along with the negative aspects of trying to modernize. But had not been very receptive, insisting that he had worked too long and hard in building the business up to where it was. John had then assured her that he would make it up to her someday, then they would spend a lot of time for travel and romance. Locking the door to her office for privacy, Carol looked up the number for Mideastern Trading Co. Picking up the phone, she dialed the number. "Mr. Akbar, please! This is Carol Nishimoto calling!" she advised the receptionist. Then her call was transferred and she was greeted with "Hi, sweetie! I hope ya've got some good news fer me?" "Please ?????please, Mr. Akbar ??????.I ??????I need more time to convince my husband to sell the business!" Checking out for the afternoon, leaving word that she was meeting with various bankers, Carol nervously pulled into the parking lot of the luxury hotel in the middle of town. She desperately needed more time to convince her husband to sell the business or face the consequences of having that awful video being sent to her elderly parents. But to do so, to get additional time, it could only be obtained by meeting her blackmailer once again to negotiate the time extension. Not wanting to attract any attention by pulling up to the front entrance for a valet, Carol parked in the general parking lot and nervously looked about as she made her way to the hotel lobby. Then she made her way to the bar where Rashid waited for her. He had told her to meet him at the bar for a drink so they could discuss the extension that she had requested. Carol prayed that she would not have to get on her knees once again to beg for the extension. Forced to sit in the booth next to the awful man, Carol prayed that no one she knew would see her in the company of her husband's main competitor. More so, she prayed none of John's friends happened by to see her in such company. Trying to plead with her blackmailer, Carol knew she would again have to negotiate the extension as she had done a week ago. She shuddered when he mentioned "You look so nervous, my dear! Afraid one of your husband's high society friends will stumble upon us?" Biting her lip, she nodded a 'yes' in response to his question. Carol steeled her body as she felt his large hand upon her knee, stroking and caressing her thigh. Then she heard him advise "Well, we can't have you feeling uncomfortable here, can we? Let's go up to the negotiating room that I got for us!" With mixed emotion, happy to get out of the public bar with this awful man, she was now to accompany him up to the hotel room that he had rented. Once in the room, Carol pleaded "Please ????..please ????..please don't make me do such a humiliating thing again!" She froze as Rashid stepped up behind her, placing his hands on her trim waist. His hands were so large that he could nearly touch his fingers together, encircling her tiny waist in his grasp. Then she shivered as he kissed and nuzzled at the back of her neck, then moved up to nibble at her earlobe. 'Oh, God ??????oh, God!' she shivered as the zipper to her black dress was being undone. Then the dress was being drawn over her shoulders and allowed to fall to her floor to puddle around her black heels. All Carol could do was to close her eyes and bite back the sobs that now racked her body. Then her lacy black bra was undone and peeled down her arms to fall upon her rumpled dress. A moment later, after being led to the bed, Carol found herself being pushed up onto it. "I just love having a pretty lady like you on your knees!" she heard Rashid comment. On all fours upon the bed, she felt fingers grasping the elastic waistband of her matching black panties, drawing them over her trim hips, down her thighs to be pulled off her legs and heels. Hearing the rustling of clothing from behind, Carol correctly surmised that her blackmailer was stripping off his clothing. She knew that this time, negotiations would involve more the use of her hands and mouth. Then she was filled with fright at the recollection of just how well endowed this man was, twice as thick and as long in comparison to the only one she had ever experienced. Bed sagging behind her, hands grasping her hips tightly, Carol shook with fear as she tried to save herself from being plundered. She tried to crawl forward and scoot away, realizing that she couldn't go through with this, no matter what the consequences. "Stop ?????stop ???? ?????..I won't do it! I don't care if you send it to my husband ????.to my parents ?????they'll know it was all forced upon me!" she sobbed. Rashid just chuckled as he literally had the young wife already in his clutches. He knew the rooms were soundproof, but he taunted her "Are ya going to scream rape, Mrs. Nishimoto? Ya want security to break in here to save ya? Ya want them to call the cops fer ya? Ya gonna tell them that ya met me in the bar fer a drink? That ya came up to my room on yer own free will? And now ya screaming rape!" Realizing that what he had said was totally true, Carol pleaded "Please ????please ?????I can't ??????I can't do this to my husband! Please ?????.I ??????I've never been with anyone by John!" Feeling the bloated cockhead brush up under her in search for its goal, Carol shivered in fright "Please ???.please ????.you ????.you're too big ????'ll never fit!" Shifting from side to side, being the true cocksman that he was, Rashid had gotten himself into perfect position. 'Ah, baby ?????..ya gonna scream yer bloody head off when shove my babymaker up yer tight little twat!' he chuckled. Making sure he had a tight grip on her trim hips, Rashid then lunged forward with all of his might. It was music to his ears at the high pitched "Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Stop ??????..stoppppppppppppppppp!" ?Oh, noooooo ????please ???please ?????.pleaseeeeeeee ????stop! Please ????you ??????.you're too biggggggggggg! You're tearing me ????..I can't take it ?????..its too bigggggggg!? Carol sobbed with agonizing pain. "Oh, ???.please ???? noooooo ????stop ???.pleaseeeeeeeee! Aieeeeeeeeeeee ????????.ahhhhhhhhhhh ???????God, stopppppp! Stop ???? hurts ???? hurtssssssssss ?????? hurtssssssssss ????so baddddddddddd!" she cried. Carol sobbed in agony as Rashid's thick monster thrust deeper and deeper into her. She tossed her head from side to side, her silky black hair in total disarray as she sobbed in pain, her hands tightly clutching at the thick bedspread. So deep, much deeper that her husband had ever penetrated her, the invading cock continued on its destructive path. "Oh, God ?????oh, God ???.stop ?????it hurts!" she cried. "Ahhhh, Mrs. Nishimoto ???????sweetie ????.so good ??????so fuck'n gooddddd! Better than I ever dreamt of! Oh, baby ??????ahhhhh, yeah sweetie ??????.squeeze that tight little cunt around my cock ??????.oh, yeahhhhhhhhhh! Ya go ahead and tell that punk husband of yers how I 'ruined' his purty and precious wife!" Rashid gloated with pleasure. Slicing through her resisting and clenching cunt muscles, Rashid wondered if he'd be able to last very long from this fantastic fuck. His body quivered as he was tempted on spurting his hot seed deep in her belly. Again and again, stab after stab as her husband's competitor made his conquest of her body, Carol tried desperately to will her body not to respond in any way. But moments later, with the thick cock buried deep in her fertile womb, Carol involuntarily squeezed her cunt muscles around the shaft that was now causing her to shiver with unwanted pleasure. Body shuddering uncontrollably, Carol's fingernails dug into the thick bedspread as she fought desperately from responding. As her cunt muscles involuntarily squeezed upon the invading cock, Carol moaned ?Oh ?????..oh, my God ????.oh ???.?oh ?.???oh ???.?oh, my Godddddddddddd ???.no ????? ??????nooooooooo!? she screamed as her body shuddered with unwanted pleasure. "No ?????.no ???? ???????don't let me feel anything!" she sobbed as she pumped back onto the spearing cock, now letting it stab deeply into her. Rashid slammed his hips into the sexy young wife, wishing that her damned husband could see her now as he buried the entire length of his cock deep in her fertile womb. He could not hold back any longer, thrusting forward and moaning ?Oh, baby ?????..oh, sweetie ??????here it cums ??????.yeah ????.gonna cum ???????gonna cum ??????here it is ???ahhhhh ?????ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Rashid's body shook in uncontrollable spasms, cockhead expanding and exploding deep into the sexy beauty. ?Ohhhhhh ?????..ohhhhhhhhhhh ????....ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ?.????ohhhhhhhhhh ???????..God ??????oh, God ????.oh, my God ???????..I ??????.I'm cummingggggggggg!" Carol screamed, fingers grasping tightly at the bedspread as she pushed back to skewer herself all the way onto the thick black spear. The unexpected pleasure had her shuddering in a mind-shattering orgasm, her petite body quivering uncontrollably as she soared to heights never before experienced. An hour later, Carol awoke in the hotel room to find herself alone, her blackmailer now gone. Body aching, especially the stretched thigh and cunt muscles. Feeling the mess between her thighs, panic set in as Carol worried 'Oh, God ?????.oh, God ????he didn't use a condom! He came in me! Oh, God ??????..what if I get pregnant!' Reaching down to explore the damage, her fingers came into contact with a piece of paper glued to her messy snatch. Peeling it off, Carol look at the paper and sobbed as she read it "You've earned another week, sweetie!" Taking a hot shower in the hotel, Carol made a beeline home. Although she had cleansed the outside of her body, what remained to be cleansed was far more important at the moment. The potential consequences of such a mating was too unbearable to contemplate. Driving home, Carol wondered just how she could somehow convince her husband to sell the business to his competitor. With all that had occurred over the past week and a half, she had paid dearly and could not let it go for naught. She just prayed that she would succeed soon and not require obtaining another extension of time. End of Story (Sequel to come later). 14753 1.54/512345
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